#' Helper function that returns the name of each intercell resource in OmniPath
#' @return A list of strings for each intercell resource in OmniPath
#' @export
get_lr_resources <- function(){
# only the ones different from the current defaults:
op_ic_quality_param <- list( # used for nodes
resource = 'OmniPath', # this is just necessary in all the calls
loc_consensus_percentile = 51,
consensus_percentile = NULL
# used for interactions
op_ia_quality_param <- list(
transmitter_topology = c('secreted',
receiver_topology = c('plasma_membrane_transmembrane',
min_curation_effort = 1,
ligrecextra = FALSE
#' Function to get unfiltered intercell resources
#' For each resource and OmniPath variant compiles tables of ligands,
#' receptors and interactions
#' @details calls on omnipath_intercell, intercell_connections, get_partners,
#' and intercell_connections
#' @param lr_pipeline bool whether to format for lr_pipeline and remove
#' duplicate LRs (mainly from composite OmniDB due to category (adhesion vs lr))
#' @return A list of OmniPath resources formatted according to the method pipes
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom purrr pluck map
#' @importFrom rlang !!! exec
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
compile_ligrec <- function(lr_pipeline = TRUE){
ligrec <-
get_lr_resources() %>%
list(transmitters = get_ligands(resource),
receivers = get_receptors(resource),
interactions = intercell_connections(resource))
}) %>%
setNames(get_lr_resources()) %>%
OmniPath = list(
transmitters = exec(get_ligands, !!!op_ic_quality_param),
receivers = exec(get_receptors, !!!op_ic_quality_param),
interactions = exec(
# Format OmniPath ----
ligrec$OmniPath$interactions %<>%
filter(!(entity_type_intercell_source == "complex" |
entity_type_intercell_target == "complex")) %>%
# filter any mediators
filter(!(str_detect(category_intercell_source, "cofactor")) &
!(str_detect(category_intercell_target, "cofactor")) &
!(str_detect(category_intercell_source, "ligand_regulator")))%>%
# remove ambiguous/non-membrane associated receptor-receptor interactions
# as well as others which seem to be misannotated (manually)
filter(!(source %in% c("O75462", "Q13261", "P00533", "O00220",
"P06213", "P08254", "Q99835",
"Q9ULT6", "P06213", "Q13467", "P09619")
)) %>%
# Filter KEA if it's the only curation
filter(!(str_detect(sources, "KEA") & curation_effort==1)) %>%
# filter any ion_channel/adp-associated interactions
filter(parent_intercell_target != "ion_channel") %>%
# interactions need to be reversed
mutate(target_genesymbol_new = ifelse(target_genesymbol %in% c("FGF2", "FGF23", "ALOX5",
"CLEC2A", "CLEC2B", "CLEC2D"),
source_genesymbol_new = ifelse(target_genesymbol %in% c("FGF2", "FGF23", "ALOX5",
"CLEC2A", "CLEC2B", "CLEC2D"),
source_genesymbol)) %>%
mutate(target_new = ifelse(target_genesymbol %in% c("FGF2", "FGF23", "ALOX5",
"CLEC2A", "CLEC2B", "CLEC2D"),
source_new = ifelse(target_genesymbol %in% c("FGF2", "FGF23", "ALOX5",
"CLEC2A", "CLEC2B", "CLEC2D"),
source)) %>%
mutate(target = target_new,
target_genesymbol = target_genesymbol_new,
source = source_new,
source_genesymbol = source_genesymbol_new) %>%
dplyr::select(-ends_with("new")) %>%
distinct() %>%
select(-starts_with("plasma_membrane")) %>%
select(source_genesymbol, target_genesymbol,
source, target, everything())
# Format CPDB ----
ligrec$CellPhoneDB$interactions %<>%
# check if any ambigous interactions (wrongly annotated ligands/receptors) exist
rowwise() %>%
unite(source, target, col = "interaction", remove = FALSE) %>%
unite(target, source, col = "interaction2", remove = FALSE) %>%
# identify duplicates
mutate(dups = if_else(interaction %in% interaction2 |
interaction2 %in% interaction,
FALSE)) %>%
# ligands which are targets in OmniPath
mutate(wrong_transitters = (source %in% ligrec$OmniPath$interactions$target)) %>%
# receptors which are ligands in OmniPath
mutate(wrong_receivers = (target %in% ligrec$OmniPath$interactions$source)) %>%
# filter duplicates which are wrongly annotated
filter(!(wrong_transitters & dups)) %>%
filter(!(wrong_receivers & dups)) %>%
# mismatched transmitters
filter(!(target %in% c("P09917"))) %>%
select(-starts_with("interaction"), -starts_with("wrong"), -dups)
# CellChatDB Fix (append missing) ----
ligrec$CellChatDB$interactions %<>%
# append missing OG CellChatDB interactions
bind_rows(get_cellchat_missing()) %>%
mutate(across(where(is_double), ~replace_na(.x, 1))) %>%
mutate(across(where(is_integer), ~replace_na(.x, 1))) %>%
mutate(across(where(is_character), ~replace_na(.x, "placeholder")))
# Obtain CellCall from source
ligrec$CellCall$interactions <- get_cellcall()
# Format to pipeline or not
ligrec %<>% { if(lr_pipeline) reform_omni(.) else ligrec %>%
## NOTE!!!
# Obtain Transmitters and Receivers from the interactions
ligrec_interactions %<>%
# Generate also Mouse Consensus
ligrec$MouseConsensus <- ligrec$Consensus %>%
liana::generate_orthologs(target_organism = 10090)
#' Helper Function to Reformat ligrec for LR Pipeline
#' @param ligrec OmniPath list returned by compile_ligrec
#' @return A list of OmniPath resources, including OmniPath composite DB,
#' A reshuffled OmniPath, and a Default with NULL ( tool pipelines run
#' using their default resource)
#' @importFrom purrr pluck map
#' @importFrom dplyr distinct_at
#' @noRd
reform_omni <- function(ligrec){
map(ligrec, function(x) x %>%
pluck("interactions") %>%
distinct_at(.vars = c("source_genesymbol", # remove duplicate LRs
.keep_all = TRUE)) %>%
append(list("Default" = NULL,
"Consensus" = get_curated_omni()),
#' Retrieves intercellular interactions from OmniPath
#' @inheritParams omnipath_partners
#' @inheritDotParams OmnipathR::filter_intercell_network
#' @return A tibble with Intercell interactions from OmniPath
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @noRd
omnipath_intercell <- function(...){
OmnipathR::import_intercell_network() %>%
#' Retrieves the interactions from one ligand-receptor resource
#' @inheritDotParams OmnipathR::import_post_translational_interactions
#' @inheritParams get_partners
#' @import tibble
#' @noRd
intercell_connections <- function(resource, ...){
if(resource == 'OmniPath'){
resource = resource,
) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(category_intercell_source = "ligand",
category_intercell_target = "receptor")
#' Retrieves ligands from one ligand receptor resource
#' @inheritDotParams intercell_connections
#' @inheritParams get_partners
#' @noRd
get_ligands <- function(resource, ...){
get_partners(side = 'ligand', resource = resource, ...)
#' Retrieves receptors from one ligand-receptor resource
#' @inheritDotParams intercell_connections
#' @noRd
get_receptors <- function(resource, ...){
get_partners(side = 'receptor', resource = resource, ...)
#' Retrieves intercellular communication partners (ligands or receptors) from
#' one ligand-receptor resource.
#' @inheritParams omnipath_partners
#' @param resource Name of current resource (taken from get_lr_resources)
#' @param ... Inherit dot params from \link{OmnipathR::omnipath_intercell}
#' @importFrom rlang sym !!!
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
get_partners <- function(side, resource, ...){
if(resource == 'OmniPath'){
return(omnipath_partners(side = side, ...))
id_cols <- `if`(
side == 'ligand',
syms(c('source', 'source_genesymbol')),
syms(c('target', 'target_genesymbol'))
up_col <- `if`(
side == 'ligand',
gs_col <- `if`(
side == 'ligand',
intercell_connections(resource, ...) %>%
select(!!!id_cols) %>%
distinct() %>%
rename(uniprot = !!up_col, genesymbol = !!gs_col)
#' Retrieves intercellular communication partners (transmitters or receivers)
#' from OmniPath
#' @param side 'ligand' (trans), 'receptor' (rec) or 'both' (both short or
#' long notation can be used)
#' @inheritDotParams OmnipathR::import_omnipath_intercell
#' @importFrom OmnipathR import_omnipath_intercell
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @keywords internal
omnipath_partners <- function(side, ...){
causality <- list(ligand = 'trans', receptor = 'rec')
causality = causality[[side]],
scope = 'generic',
source = 'composite',
#' Function to Generate OmniPath versions
#' @param remove_complexes whether to remove complexes
#' @param simplify whether to simplify according to the mandatory columns needed by different methods in `liana`
#' @inheritDotParams OmnipathR::filter_intercell_network
#' @export
#' @return An OmniPath resource
#' @noRd
generate_omni <- function(remove_complexes=TRUE,
simplify = TRUE,
OmnipathR::import_intercell_network() %>%
filter(., !(entity_type_intercell_source == "complex" |
entity_type_intercell_target == "complex"))
else .
} %>%
simplify = FALSE,
) %>%
distinct_at(.vars = c("source_genesymbol", # remove duplicate LRs
.keep_all = TRUE) %>%
"source", "target", "source_genesymbol", "target_genesymbol",
"is_directed", "is_stimulation", "is_inhibition",
"consensus_direction","consensus_stimulation", "consensus_inhibition",
"sources","references", "curation_effort",
"n_references", "n_resources",
"category_intercell_source", "category_intercell_target")
else .
#' Function to Obtain the CellCall database
#' @keywords internal
#' @returns cellcall db converted to LIANA/OP format
get_cellcall <- function(){
# Get UniProt Query DB
cellcall <- read.delim(url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ShellyCoder/cellcall/master/inst/extdata/new_ligand_receptor_TFs.txt"), header = TRUE) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~as.character(.x))) %>%
# we can also get extended interactions
# bind_rows(read.delim(url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ShellyCoder/cellcall/master/inst/extdata/new_ligand_receptor_TFs_extended.txt"), header = TRUE) %>%
# mutate(across(everything(), ~as.character(.x)))) %>%
Receptor_ID) %>%
filter(Ligand_ID != Receptor_ID) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~gsub("\\,", "\\_", .x))) %>%
up <- UniProt.ws::UniProt.ws(taxId=9606)
# Get Dict
up_dict <- get_up_dict(cellcall, up)
# convert to lists for recode
up_dict_uniprot <- up_dict %>%
dplyr::select(GENEID, uniprot) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~gsub("\\s", "", .x))) %>%
deframe() %>%
up_dict_symbol <- up_dict %>%
dplyr::select(GENEID, genesymbol) %>%
mutate(genesymbol = gsub("*\\s..*" ,"" , genesymbol)) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~gsub("\\s", "", .x))) %>%
deframe() %>%
# translate to Uniprot and format
cellcall %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(source = geneid_to_uniprot(Ligand_ID, up_dict_uniprot)) %>%
mutate(target = geneid_to_uniprot(Receptor_ID, up_dict_uniprot)) %>%
mutate(source_genesymbol = geneid_to_uniprot(Ligand_ID, up_dict_symbol)) %>%
mutate(target_genesymbol = geneid_to_uniprot(Receptor_ID, up_dict_symbol)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(-c(Ligand_ID, Receptor_ID)) %>%
mutate(is_directed = 1,
is_stimulation = 1,
is_inhibition = 1,
consensus_direction = 1,
consensus_stimulation = 1,
consensus_inhibition = 1,
dip_url = "placeholder",
sources = "placeholder",
references = "placeholder",
curation_effort = "placeholder",
n_references = 1,
n_resources = 1,
category_intercell_source = "placeholder",
category_intercell_target = "placeholder"
) %>%
mutate(across(c("source", "target",
#' Helper Function to translate to UniProt
#' @param st any genesymbol string - to be separate by `_`
#' @keywords internal
genesymbol_to_uniprot <- function(st){
st.split <- as.vector(str_split(st, pattern = "_"))[[1]]
keytype = "SYMBOL",
columns = c("SYMBOL", "UNIPROT", "EVIDENCE")) %>%
arrange(desc(UNIPROT)) %>%
distinct_at(c("SYMBOL"), .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
pluck("UNIPROT") %>%
glue::glue_collapse(sep = "_")
#' Helper function to get UniProt dictionary
#' @param ligrec_res ligand_receptor resource to translate
#' @param up uniprot db to be queried
#' @param key_column1 name of the ligand column
#' @param key_column2 name of the receptor column
#' @keywords internal
get_up_dict <- function(ligrec_res,
key_column1 = "Ligand_ID",
key_column2 = "Receptor_ID"){
keys <- unlist(union(str_split(ligrec_res[[key_column1]], pattern = "_"),
str_split(ligrec_res[[key_column2]], pattern = "_")))
up_dict <- UniProt.ws::select(up, keytype = c("GENEID"),
columns = c("UNIPROTKB", "GENES","REVIEWED"),
keys = keys) %>%
filter(REVIEWED == "reviewed") %>%
uniprot = UNIPROTKB,
genesymbol = GENES) %>%
# Keep only first gene symbol (i.e. official one)
tibble() %>%
mutate(GENEID = gsub("\\s", "", GENEID))
#' Helper Function to translate to UniProt
#' @param st any genesymbol string - to be separate by `_`
#' @param dict dictionary with genesymbols and uniprot IDs
#' @noRd
geneid_to_uniprot <- function(st,
st.split <- str_split(st, pattern = "_")[[1]]
map(st.split, function(spl){
recode(as.character(gsub("\\s", "", spl)), !!!dict)
}) %>%
glue::glue_collapse(sep = "_")
error = function(cond){
message(str_glue("{st} had no match!"))
#' Helper Function to get Missing Interactions from OG CellChatDB
#' @keywords internal
get_cellchat_missing <- function(){
CellChat::CellChatDB.human %>%
pluck("interaction") %>%
select(source_genesymbol = ligand,
target_genesymbol = receptor) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~stringr::str_to_upper(.x))) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~gsub("*\\s..*" ,"" , .x))) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~gsub("\\:" ,"_" , .x))) %>%
# Obtain only ITGA1_ITGB1-interactions (they are missing from CellChatDB in Omni)
filter(str_detect(target_genesymbol, "ITGA1_ITGB1")) %>%
# translate to Uniprot
rowwise() %>%
mutate(target = genesymbol_to_uniprot(target_genesymbol)) %>%
mutate(source = genesymbol_to_uniprot(source_genesymbol)) %>%
#' Helper function to obtain distinct transmitter and receiver lists
#' used in the resource comparison
#' @param ligrec_list e.g. ligrec$OmniPath
#' @keywords internal
assign_ligrecs <- function(ligrec_list){
ligrec_list[["transmitters"]] <- ligrec_list$interactions %>%
select(genesymbol = source_genesymbol,
uniprot = source) %>%
ligrec_list[["receivers"]] <- ligrec_list$interactions %>%
select(genesymbol = target_genesymbol,
uniprot = target) %>%
#' Helper Function to check if there are dissociated entities which also exist as
#' complexes.
#' @details We count the times that a ligand (check_entity) exists in a combination
#' with the same receptor (anchor_entity)
#' @param complex_omni an OmniPath resource with complexes
#' @param check_entity the entity to be check for duplicates
#' @param anchor_entity the anchor entity with which we check for duplicates
#' @keywords internal
check_if_dissociated <- function(complex_omni, check_entity, anchor_entity){
check.complex <- str_glue("{check_entity}_complex")
anchor.complex <- str_glue("{anchor_entity}_complex")
complex_omni %>%
liana::decomplexify() %>%
select(-anchor_entity) %>%
distinct() %>%
group_by(.data[[check_entity]], .data[[anchor.complex]]) %>%
# count the number that the entity exists with the same target
mutate(counter = n()) %>%
check.complex, anchor.complex, counter) %>%
arrange(desc(counter)) %>%
# if exists more than once and is not a complex, then this
# check_entity and anchor_entity is duplicated
# hence we can remove any non-complex check_entity (since it already exists)
filter(counter > 1) %>%
filter(!str_detect(.data[[check.complex]], "_")) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# recomplexify
select(-check_entity) %>%
dplyr::rename({{check_entity}} := check.complex,
{{anchor_entity}} := anchor.complex)
#' Function to Generate the Curated (Default) LIANA resource
#' @param curated_resources the curated resources from which we wish to obtain interactions.
#' By default, it includes interactions curated in the context of CCC from CellPhoneDB,
#' CellChat, ICELLNET, connectomeDB, CellTalkDB, and SignaLink.
#' @details Here, we define the curated resources as those that are defined as manually
#' or expert curated in the context of cell-cell communication.
#' Albeit, "Guide2Pharma", "HPMR", and "Kirouac2010" are also such resources the remainder
#' of the resources used to generate Omnipath, use those as sources.
#' Hence, we assume that the second round of manual curation done in subsequent, more recently published
#' resources would already contain the high quality interactions of the aforementioned 3.
#' We also omit Cellinker, as it results in a large mount of ambigous interactions, but
#' one could consider adding it to the list of curated resources.
#' @return a curated OmniPath resource formatted for LIANA
#' @export
get_curated_omni <- function(curated_resources = c("CellPhoneDB",
# import the OmniPathR intercell network component
ligrec <- OmnipathR::import_intercell_network(resources = curated_resources)
# 1. Distinct and remove odd ligands
complex_omni <- ligrec %>%
filter(!category_intercell_source %in% c("activating_cofactor",
"ligand_antagonist")) %>%
# we keep only the distinct LRs
# (technically any combination of subunits can exist at this stage)
distinct_at(c("source_genesymbol", "target_genesymbol"), .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
# we then decomplexify (or split all complexes into subunits)
liana::decomplexify(columns = c("source_genesymbol", "target_genesymbol"))
# 2. Identify resulting duplicates from decomplexify
# (keep the false/duplicate interactions alone)
duplicated_lrs_only <- complex_omni %>%
group_by(source_genesymbol, target_genesymbol) %>%
# Iterative counter/ticker
mutate(number = 1) %>%
mutate(ticker = cumsum(number)) %>%
filter(ticker > 1) %>%
# which ones are complexes (they are unique)
mutate(complex_flag = str_detect(source, pattern = "COMPLEX") |
str_detect(target, pattern = "COMPLEX")) %>%
# remove any that are duplicated and not complexes
# We anti join the false interactions
complex_omni %<>%
# 3. Remove duplicated complexes (introduced by expanding them via liana_decomplexify)
complex_omni %<>%
distinct_at(c("source_genesymbol_complex", "target_genesymbol_complex"), .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
select(-c("source_genesymbol", "target_genesymbol")) %>%
dplyr::rename(source_genesymbol = source_genesymbol_complex,
target_genesymbol = target_genesymbol_complex)
# 4. Filter by localisation
complex_omni_temp <- complex_omni %>%
OmnipathR::filter_intercell_network(loc_consensus_percentile = 33,
consensus_percentile = NULL,
transmitter_topology = c('secreted',
receiver_topology = c('plasma_membrane_transmembrane',
min_curation_effort = 0,
min_resources = 1,
min_references = 0,
min_provenances = 0,
simplify = TRUE) %>%
# since complexes are *penalized in terms of loc_consensus due to the fact
# that they have multiple subunits the localisation annotations, hence
# we don't filter them based on locallisation alone
complex_omni_diff <- anti_join(complex_omni, complex_omni_temp) %>%
select(colnames(complex_omni_temp)) %>%
filter(!str_detect(source_genesymbol, "_") & !str_detect(target_genesymbol, "_"))
# Filter out interactions (between non-proteins) whose localisation is
# not appropriately assigned and/or are not referenced to a specific resource
complex_omni %<>%
select(colnames(complex_omni_temp)) %>%
# 5. Get *curated interactions alone
# Here we collected the curated interactions from all resources which contained any.
# We defined curated interactions as those which contain a corresponding PubMed ID
# Note that we check for PubMed ID interactions solely as another level of certainty
ligrec_curated <- OmnipathR::curated_ligand_receptor_interactions(
curated_resources = curated_resources,
cellphonedb = TRUE,
cellinker = TRUE,
talklr = FALSE,
signalink = TRUE) %>%
liana:::decomplexify(columns = c("source_genesymbol", "target_genesymbol"))
# Check which curated interactions are missing from OmniPath
curated_not_in_omni <- ligrec_curated %>%
anti_join(complex_omni %>%
liana:::decomplexify(columns = c("source_genesymbol",
by=c("source_genesymbol", "target_genesymbol")) %>%
distinct_at(c("source_genesymbol", "target_genesymbol"), .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
# Filter any ligands that are receptors in the localisation-filtered OmniPath
filter(!(source_genesymbol %in% complex_omni$target_genesymbol)) %>%
# and vice versa
filter(!(target_genesymbol %in% complex_omni$source_genesymbol)) %>%
# re-complexify
select(-c("source_genesymbol", "target_genesymbol")) %>%
dplyr::rename(source_genesymbol = source_genesymbol_complex,
target_genesymbol = target_genesymbol_complex) %>%
# remove unneeded columns
select(source, target, source_genesymbol, target_genesymbol, sources, references)
# Bind the missing curated (Pubmed supported) and localisation-corrected interactions
complex_omni %<>%
# Remove left-over Redundant Subunits from Complex Ligands
# (mostly the case when both the ligand and receptor are complexes)
complex_omni %<>%
# remove redundant ligands
check_entity = "source_genesymbol",
anchor_entity = "target_genesymbol"),
by = c("source_genesymbol", "target_genesymbol")) %>%
# remove redundant receptors
check_entity = "target_genesymbol",
anchor_entity = "source_genesymbol"),
by = c("source_genesymbol", "target_genesymbol")) %>%
mutate(across(everything(), ~replace_na(.x, "")))
# 6. Check for duplicated/ambigous interactions
# These include examples such as L1_R1 and R1_L1 ->
# in general, we want to remove these,
# unless they are in the context of cell-cell adhesion.
duplicated_omni <- complex_omni %>%
# check if any ambiguous/duplicated interactions exist
rowwise() %>%
unite(source, target, col = "interaction", remove = FALSE) %>%
unite(target, source, col = "interaction2", remove = FALSE) %>%
# identify duplicated interactions
mutate(dups = if_else(interaction %in% interaction2 |
interaction2 %in% interaction,
FALSE)) %>%
# ligands which are targets in OmniPath
mutate(ambigous_transmitters = (source %in% target)) %>%
# filter to ambiguously annotated transmitters from duplicates
# interactions alone
filter((ambigous_transmitters & dups))
wrong_transmitters <- c("ADGRE5", "CD160",
"CD226", "EGFR",
"TNFRSF18", "CTLA4",
"KLRB1", "KLRF1", "KLRF2",
"TYK2", "SYK",
# # Identify wrongly annotated interactions
duplicated_omni %<>%
filter(source_genesymbol %in% wrong_transmitters)
# Blocklist certain receivers
block_receivers <- c("IFNG_IFNGR1", # include a ligand in the complex
# Remove those from our curated omnipath
complex_omni %<>%
anti_join(duplicated_omni, by=c("source_genesymbol",
"target_genesymbol")) %>%
filter(!target_genesymbol %in% block_receivers) %>%
filter(!source_genesymbol %in% wrong_transmitters) %>%
# # Recomplexify CD8 complex?
# mutate(target_genesymbol = if_else(target_genesymbol=="CD8A" |
# target_genesymbol=="CD8B",
# "CD8A_CD8B",
# target_genesymbol)) %>%
distinct_at(.vars=c("source_genesymbol", "target_genesymbol"),
## Recode odd aliases
complex_omni %<>%
mutate(source_genesymbol =
# Return the final Curated OmniPath Resource
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.