
Defines functions design_sail standardize Q_theta check_col_0 nonzero error.bars fix.lam l2norm SoftThreshold

Documented in check_col_0 design_sail l2norm nonzero Q_theta SoftThreshold standardize

#' Internal sail functions
#' @description Internal sail helper functions
#' @details These functions are not intended for use by users.
#' @name sail-internal

#' @rdname sail-internal
#' @param x numeric value of a coefficient
#' @param lambda tuning parameter value
SoftThreshold <- function(x, lambda) {
  # note: this works also if lam is a matrix of the same size as x.
  sign(x) * (abs(x) - lambda) * (abs(x) > lambda)

"%ni%" <- Negate("%in%")

#' @rdname sail-internal
l2norm <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))

`%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`

#' @description \code{cbbPalette} gives a Color Blind Palette
#' @rdname sail-internal
cbbPalette <- c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")

fix.lam <- function(lam){

error.bars <- function(x, upper, lower, width = 0.02, ...) {
  xlim <- range(x)
  barw <- diff(xlim) * width
  segments(x, upper, x, lower, ...)
  segments(x - barw, upper, x + barw, upper, ...)
  segments(x - barw, lower, x + barw, lower, ...)
  range(upper, lower)

#' @description \code{nonzero} is to determine which coefficients are non-zero
#' @param beta vector or 1 column matrix of regression coefficients
#' @param bystep \code{bystep = FALSE} means which variables were ever nonzero.
#'   \code{bystep = TRUE} means which variables are nonzero for each step
#' @rdname sail-internal
nonzero <- function(beta, bystep = FALSE) {
  ### bystep = FALSE means which variables were ever nonzero
  ### bystep = TRUE means which variables are nonzero for each step
  beta <- as.matrix(beta)
  nr <- nrow(beta)
  if (nr == 1) {
    if (bystep) {
      apply(beta, 2, function(x) if (abs(x) > 0) {
        } else {
    } else {
      if (any(abs(beta) > 0)) {
      } else {
  else {
    beta <- abs(beta) > 0
    which <- seq(nr)
    ones <- rep(1, ncol(beta))
    nz <- as.vector((beta %*% ones) > 0)
    which <- which[nz]
    if (bystep) {
      if (length(which) > 0) {
        beta <- as.matrix(beta[which, , drop = FALSE])
        nzel <- function(x, which) if (any(x)) {
          } else {
        which <- apply(beta, 2, nzel, which)
        if (!is.list(which)) {
          which <- data.frame(which)
      else {
        dn <- dimnames(beta)[[2]]
        which <- vector("list", length(dn))
        names(which) <- dn
    else {

#' @description \code{check_col_0} is to check how many columns are 0 and is
#'   used in the fitting functions \code{lspath}
#' @param M is a matrix
#' @rdname sail-internal
check_col_0 <- function(M) {
  M[, colSums(abs(M)) != 0, drop = F]

#' Objective function
#' @description calculates likelihood function. Used to assess convergence of
#'   fitting algorithm. This corresponds to the Q(theta) function in the paper
#' @param R residual
#' @param nobs number of observations
#' @inheritParams sail
#' @param we penalty factor for exposure variable
#' @param wj penalty factor for main effects
#' @param wje penalty factor for interactions
#' @param betaE estimate of exposure effect
#' @param theta_list estimates of main effects
#' @param gamma estimates of gamma parameter
#' @return value of the objective function
Q_theta <- function(R, nobs, lambda, alpha,
                    we, wj, wje,
                    betaE, theta_list, gamma) {

  # browser()
  (1 / (2 * nobs)) * crossprod(R) +
    lambda * (1 - alpha) * (
      we * abs(betaE) +
        sum(sapply(seq_along(theta_list), function(i) l2norm(theta_list[[i]]) * wj[i]))
    ) +
    lambda * alpha * sum(wje * abs(gamma))

#' Standardize Data
#' @description Function that standardizes the data before running the fitting
#'   algorithm. This is used in the \code{\link{sail}} function
#' @param x data to be standardized
#' @param center Should \code{x} be centered. Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param normalize Should \code{x} be scaled to have unit variance. Default is
#'   \code{FALSE}
#' @return list of length 3: \describe{ \item{x}{centered and possibly
#'   normalized \code{x} matrix} \item{bx}{numeric vector of column means of
#'   \code{x} matrix} \item{sx}{standard deviations (using a divisor of
#'   \code{n} observations) of columns of \code{x} matrix} }
standardize <- function(x, center = TRUE, normalize = FALSE) {
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  # y <- as.numeric(y)
  n <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)

  if (center) {
    bx <- colMeans(x)
    # by <- mean(y)
    x <- scale(x, bx, FALSE)
    # y <- y - mean(y)
  } else {
    bx <- rep(0, p)
    by <- 0
  if (normalize) {
    sx <- sqrt(colSums(x^2) / n)
    x <- scale(x, FALSE, sx)
  } else {
    sx <- rep(1, p)

    x = x,
    # y = y, by = by,
    bx = bx, sx = sx

#' @title Sail design matrix
#' @description Create design matrix used in \code{\link{sail}} function
#' @inheritParams sail
#' @param nvars number of variables
#' @param vnames variable names
design_sail <- function(x, e, expand, group, basis, nvars, vnames, center.x, center.e) {
  if (center.e) {
    e <- drop(standardize(e, center = TRUE, normalize = FALSE)$x)

  if (!expand) {
    # Dont Expand X's if expand=FALSE. use user supplied design matrix
    if (center.x) {
      Phi_j_list <- lapply(split(seq(group), group), function(j) standardize(x[, j, drop = FALSE],
          center = TRUE
    } else {
      Phi_j_list <- lapply(split(seq(group), group), function(j) x[, j, drop = FALSE])

    Phi_j <- do.call(cbind, Phi_j_list)
    main_effect_names <- vnames
    dimnames(Phi_j)[[2]] <- main_effect_names

    # X_E x Phi_j
    XE_Phi_j_list <- lapply(Phi_j_list, function(i) e * i)
    XE_Phi_j <- do.call(cbind, XE_Phi_j_list)
    interaction_names <- paste(main_effect_names, "E", sep = ":")
    dimnames(XE_Phi_j)[[2]] <- interaction_names
  } else {

    # Expand X's
    if (center.x) {
      Phi_j_list <- lapply(
        function(j) standardize(basis(x[, j, drop = FALSE]),
            center = TRUE
    } else {
      Phi_j_list <- lapply(
        function(j) basis(x[, j, drop = FALSE])

    ncols <- ncol(Phi_j_list[[1]]) # this is to get the number of columns for each expansion
    Phi_j <- do.call(cbind, Phi_j_list)
    main_effect_names <- paste(rep(vnames, each = ncols), rep(seq_len(ncols), times = nvars), sep = "_")
    dimnames(Phi_j)[[2]] <- main_effect_names

    # E x Phi_j
    XE_Phi_j_list <- lapply(Phi_j_list, function(i) e * i)
    XE_Phi_j <- do.call(cbind, XE_Phi_j_list)
    interaction_names <- paste(main_effect_names, "E", sep = ":")
    dimnames(XE_Phi_j)[[2]] <- interaction_names

  # this is used for the predict function
  design <- cbind(Phi_j, "E" = e, XE_Phi_j)

    Phi_j_list = Phi_j_list, Phi_j = Phi_j,
    XE_Phi_j_list = XE_Phi_j_list, XE_Phi_j = XE_Phi_j,
    main_effect_names = main_effect_names, interaction_names = interaction_names,
    design = design, ncols = if (expand) ncols else sapply(Phi_j_list, ncol)
sahirbhatnagar/sail documentation built on July 17, 2021, 5:10 a.m.