
Defines functions getListNodeFromKGML getListReactionFromKGML getListEdgeFromGeneKGML getKGMLRootNode toStringPathFile getCommonNames

Documented in getListEdgeFromGeneKGML getListNodeFromKGML getListReactionFromKGML

#' This function extract from KGML a list of metabolites (id and name) that
#' makes the nodes of the graph ** some metablite can from more than 1 node,
#' which is why the id of the nodes is not the name of the metabolite.
#' data.frame (id, keggId)
#' @param pathway id
#' @keywords  kegg
#' @examples getListNodeFromKGML("hsa01100")

getListNodeFromKGML <- function(pathwayId) {

    xmltop <- getKGMLRootNode(pathwayId);

    nodeListId <- XML::xpathSApply(xmltop, "//entry[@type = 'compound']",
                                   function(x) (XML::xmlAttrs(x))['id']);
    nodeListCpd <- XML::xpathSApply(xmltop, "//entry[@type = 'compound']",
                                   function(x) (XML::xmlAttrs(x))['name']);
    nodeDF <- data.frame("kgmlId" = as.vector(nodeListId),
                                "keggId" = as.vector(nodeListCpd));

    nodeDF <- correctKeggIdString(nodeDF);

    return <- nodeDF;


#' A KEGGREST function
#' This function creates a data.frame containing the first part of our edge list
#' the "gene" reactions
#' data.frame(kgmlIdSubstratre, kgmlIdProduct, substrateName, productName,
#' kgmlIdReaction, reactionName, reactionType)
#' @param pathway id
#' @keywords  keggrest, kgml
#' @examples getListReactionFromKGML("hsa01100")

getListReactionFromKGML <- function(pathwayId) {

    #gives content of root
    xmltop <- getKGMLRootNode(pathwayId);

    reactionIdNodes <- XML::getNodeSet(xmltop, "//reaction");

    reactionId <- lapply(reactionIdNodes,
                           function(x) XML::xmlAttrs(x)['id']);
    reactionName <- lapply(reactionIdNodes,
                           function(x) XML::xmlAttrs(x)['name']);
    reactionType <- lapply(reactionIdNodes,
                           function(x) XML::xmlAttrs(x)['type']);
    substrateId <- lapply(reactionIdNodes, XML::xpathApply,path = './substrate',
                           function(x) XML::xmlAttrs(x)['id']);
    substrateName <- lapply(reactionIdNodes, XML::xpathApply,
                            path = './substrate',
                           function(x) XML::xmlAttrs(x)['name']);
    productId <- lapply(reactionIdNodes, XML::xpathApply,
                            path = './product',
                           function(x) XML::xmlAttrs(x)['id']);
    productName <- lapply(reactionIdNodes, XML::xpathApply,
                            path = './product',
                           function(x) XML::xmlAttrs(x)['name']);
    reactionList <- do.call(rbind.data.frame,
                                   "substrateId" = substrateId,
                                   "productId" = productId,
                                   "substrateName" = substrateName,
                                   "productName" = productName,
                                   "reactionId" = reactionId,
                                   "reactionType" = reactionType,
                                   "reactionName" = reactionName));

        return <- reactionList;


#' A KEGG Function
#' This function extract from KGML a list of reaction of entry-type "gene"
#' Returns a dataFrame object : id, entryId, reaction, ko
#' @param pathway id
#' @keywords  kegg, Gene, Reaction
#' @examples getListEdgeFromGeneKGML("hsa01100")

getListEdgeFromGeneKGML <- function(pathwayId) {

    #get the root of the KGML document
    xmltop <- getKGMLRootNode(pathwayId);

    # Get value of atributes (id, name(ko) and reaction) of entry of type
    # ortholog, some don't have reaction argument thus won't have an edge in
    # our final graph they will have NA in data.frame.
    edgeListId <- XML::xpathSApply(xmltop, "//entry[@type = 'gene']",
                                   function(x) (XML::xmlAttrs(x))['id']);
    edgeListKo <- XML::xpathSApply(xmltop, "//entry[@type = 'gene']",
                                   function(x) (XML::xmlAttrs(x))['name']);
    edgeListReaction <- XML::xpathSApply(xmltop, "//entry[@type = 'gene']",
                                   function(x) (XML::xmlAttrs(x))['reaction']);

    edgeDF <- data.frame("reactionId" = as.vector(as.character(edgeListId)),
                     "reactions" = as.vector(as.character(edgeListReaction)),
                     "type" = as.vector("gene"),
                     "ko" = as.vector(as.character(edgeListKo)));
    return <- edgeDF;


getKGMLRootNode <- function(pathwayId){
    #get the root of the KGML document
    pathFile <- toStringPathFile(pathwayId);

     if(is.na(file.info(pathFile)$size)== FALSE){
     xmlfile <- XML::xmlParse(pathFile);
     xmltop <- XML::xmlRoot(xmlfile); #gives content of root
         xmltop = NULL;

     return <- xmltop;


toStringPathFile <- function(pathwayId){

    #concatenation of pathwayId to set swdir for the xml
    s1 <- "~/";
    s2 <-  toString(pathwayId);
    s3 <- ".xml"
    s4 <- paste(s1,s2, sep= "");
    pathFile <- paste(s4, s3, sep="");

    return <- pathFile;

getCommonNames <- function(vectorOfKEGGIds, type = c("gene","metabolite")){

    ### VĂ©rifiez la connection internet
    if(length(vectorOfKEGGIds) > 10 ){
        count <- 0;
        names <- character();
        while(count <= length(vectorOfKEGGIds)){
            oldcount <- count + 1;
            count <- count + 10;
            query <- KEGGREST::keggGet(vectorOfKEGGIds[oldcount:count])
            lenghtOfQuery <- length(query[])

            names1 <- lapply(query[], function(x){
                # return the first name of list of genes or metabolites
                if(type == "gene"){
                    tempName <- unlist(strsplit(x$NAME[1], "[,]"))[1];
                   # print(vectorOfKEGGIds[oldcount:count])
                }else if(type == "metabolite"){
                    tempName <- unlist(strsplit(x$NAME[1], "[;]"))[1];
                   # print(tempName)


            return <- tempName;

          } )
          names <- append(names,names1)
      names <- do.call(rbind, names);
            query <- KEGGREST::keggGet(vectorOfKEGGIds)
            lenghtOfQuery <- length(query[])
            names <- lapply(query[], function(x){
                 # return the first name of list of genes

                if(type == "gene"){
                    tempName <- unlist(strsplit(x$NAME[1], "[,]"))[1];
                   # print(tempName)
                   # print(vectorOfKEGGIds[oldcount:count])

                }else if(type == "metabolite"){
                    tempName <- unlist(strsplit(x$NAME[1], "[;]"))[1];
                   # print(tempName)
                   # print(vectorOfKEGGIds[oldcount:count])
                return <- tempName;
            } )
            names <- do.call(rbind, names);

    return <- names;
sandraTL/PADIGM documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:45 p.m.