#' Run Adaptively-thresholded Low Rank Approximation (ALRA)
#' Runs ALRA, a method for imputation of dropped out values in scRNA-seq data.
#' Computes the k-rank approximation to A_norm and adjusts it according to the
#' error distribution learned from the negative values. Described in
#' Linderman, G. C., Zhao, J., Kluger, Y. (2018). "Zero-preserving imputation
#' of scRNA-seq data using low rank approximation." (bioRxiv:138677)
#' @param object An object
#' @param k The rank of the rank-k approximation. Set to NULL for automated choice of k.
#' @param q The number of additional power iterations in randomized SVD when
#' computing rank k approximation. By default, q=10.
#' @param quantile.prob The quantile probability to use when calculating threshold.
#' By default, quantile.prob = 0.001.
#' @param use.mkl Use the Intel MKL based implementation of SVD. Needs to be
#' installed from https://github.com/KlugerLab/rpca-mkl.
#' @param mkl.seed Only relevant if use.mkl=T. Set the seed for the random
#' generator for the Intel MKL implementation of SVD. Any number <0 will
#' use the current timestamp. If use.mkl=F, set the seed using
#' set.seed() function as usual.
#' @param assay Assay to use
#' @param slot slot to use
#' @param setDefaultAssay If TRUE, will set imputed results as default Assay
#' @param genes.use genes to impute
#' @param K Number of singular values to compute when choosing k. Must be less
#' than the smallest dimension of the matrix. Default 100 or smallest dimension.
#' @param p.val.th The threshold for ''significance'' when choosing k. Default 1e-10.
#' @param noise.start Index for which all smaller singular values are considered noise.
#' Default K - 20.
#' @param q.k Number of additional power iterations when choosing k. Default 2.
#' @param k.only If TRUE, only computes optimal k WITHOUT performing ALRA
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @importFrom rsvd rsvd
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @importFrom stats pnorm sd setNames quantile
#' @importFrom Seurat DefaultAssay Tool GetAssayData Tool<- CreateAssayObject
#' DefaultAssay<-
#' @rdname RunALRA
#' @export RunALRA
#' @author Jun Zhao, George Linderman
#' @references Linderman, G. C., Zhao, J., Kluger, Y. (2018). "Zero-preserving imputation
#' of scRNA-seq data using low rank approximation." (bioRxiv:138677)
#' @seealso \code{\link{ALRAChooseKPlot}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pbmc_small
#' # Example 1: Simple usage, with automatic choice of k.
#' pbmc_small_alra <- RunALRA(object = pbmc_small)
#' # Example 2: Visualize choice of k, then run ALRA
#' # First, choose K
#' pbmc_small_alra <- RunALRA(pbmc_small, k.only=TRUE)
#' # Plot the spectrum, spacings, and p-values which are used to choose k
#' ggouts <- ALRAChooseKPlot(pbmc_small_alra)
#' do.call(gridExtra::grid.arrange, c(ggouts, nrow=1))
#' # Run ALRA with the chosen k
#' pbmc_small_alra <- RunALRA(pbmc_small_alra)
#' }
RunALRA <- function(object, ...) {
UseMethod(generic = 'RunALRA', object = object)
#' @rdname RunALRA
#' @export
RunALRA.default <- function(
k = NULL,
q = 10,
quantile.prob = 0.001,
use.mkl = FALSE,
mkl.seed = -1,
) {
A.norm <- t(x = as.matrix(x = object))
message("Identifying non-zero values")
originally.nonzero <- A.norm > 0
message("Computing Randomized SVD")
if (use.mkl) {
CheckPackage(package = 'KlugerLab/rpca-mkl/fastRPCA', repository = 'github')
fastDecomp.noc <- setNames(
object = vector(mode = "list", length = 3),
nm = c("u", "d", "v")
fastPCAOut <- fastRPCA::fastPCA(
inputMatrix = A.norm,
k = k,
its = q,
l = (k + 10),
seed = mkl.seed
fastDecomp.noc$u <- fastPCAOut$U
fastDecomp.noc$v <- fastPCAOut$V
fastDecomp.noc$d <- diag(x = fastPCAOut$S)
} else {
fastDecomp.noc <- rsvd(A = A.norm, k = k, q = q)
A.norm.rank.k <- fastDecomp.noc$u[, 1:k] %*%
diag(x = fastDecomp.noc$d[1:k]) %*%
t(x = fastDecomp.noc$v[,1:k])
message(sprintf("Find the %f quantile of each gene", quantile.prob))
# A.norm.rank.k.mins <- abs(x = apply(X = A.norm.rank.k, MARGIN = 2, FUN = min))
A.norm.rank.k.mins <- abs(x = apply(
X = A.norm.rank.k,
FUN = function(x) {
return(quantile(x = x, probs = quantile.prob))
message("Thresholding by the most negative value of each gene")
A.norm.rank.k.cor <- replace(
x = A.norm.rank.k,
list = A.norm.rank.k <= A.norm.rank.k.mins[col(A.norm.rank.k)],
values = 0
sd.nonzero <- function(x) {
return(sd(x = x[!x == 0]))
sigma.1 <- apply(X = A.norm.rank.k.cor, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sd.nonzero)
sigma.2 <- apply(X = A.norm, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sd.nonzero)
mu.1 <- colSums(x = A.norm.rank.k.cor) / colSums(x = !!A.norm.rank.k.cor)
mu.2 <- colSums(x = A.norm) / colSums(x = !!A.norm)
toscale <- !is.na(sigma.1) & !is.na(sigma.2) & !(sigma.1 == 0 & sigma.2 == 0) & !(sigma.1 == 0)
message(sprintf(fmt = "Scaling all except for %d columns", sum(!toscale)))
sigma.1.2 <- sigma.2 / sigma.1
toadd <- -1 * mu.1 * sigma.2 / sigma.1 + mu.2
A.norm.rank.k.temp <- A.norm.rank.k.cor[, toscale]
A.norm.rank.k.temp <- sweep(
x = A.norm.rank.k.temp,
STATS = sigma.1.2[toscale],
FUN = "*"
A.norm.rank.k.temp <- sweep(
x = A.norm.rank.k.temp,
STATS = toadd[toscale],
FUN = "+"
A.norm.rank.k.cor.sc <- A.norm.rank.k.cor
A.norm.rank.k.cor.sc[, toscale] <- A.norm.rank.k.temp
A.norm.rank.k.cor.sc[A.norm.rank.k.cor == 0] <- 0
lt0 <- A.norm.rank.k.cor.sc < 0
A.norm.rank.k.cor.sc[lt0] <- 0
fmt = "%.2f%% of the values became negative in the scaling process and were set to zero",
100 * sum(lt0) / prod(dim(x = A.norm))
A.norm.rank.k.cor.sc[originally.nonzero & A.norm.rank.k.cor.sc == 0] <-
A.norm[originally.nonzero & A.norm.rank.k.cor.sc == 0]
colnames(x = A.norm.rank.k) <- colnames(x = A.norm.rank.k.cor.sc) <-
colnames(x = A.norm.rank.k.cor) <- colnames(x = A.norm)
original.nz <- sum(A.norm > 0) / prod(dim(x = A.norm))
completed.nz <- sum(A.norm.rank.k.cor.sc > 0) / prod(dim(x = A.norm))
fmt = "The matrix went from %.2f%% nonzero to %.2f%% nonzero",
100 * original.nz,
100 * completed.nz
#' @rdname RunALRA
#' @export
#' @method RunALRA Seurat
RunALRA.Seurat <- function(
k = NULL,
q = 10,
quantile.prob = 0.001,
use.mkl = FALSE,
assay = NULL,
slot = "data",
setDefaultAssay = TRUE,
genes.use = NULL,
noise.start = NULL,
q.k = 2,
k.only = FALSE,
) {
if (!is.null(x = k) && k.only) {
warning("Stop: k is already given, set k.only = FALSE or k = NULL")
genes.use <- genes.use %||% rownames(x = object)
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
alra.previous <- Tool(object = object, slot = 'RunALRA')
alra.info <- list()
# Check if k is already stored
if (is.null(x = k) & !is.null(alra.previous[["k"]])) {
k <- alra.previous[["k"]]
message("Using previously computed value of k")
data.used <- GetAssayData(object = object, assay = assay, slot = slot)[genes.use,]
# Choose k with heuristics if k is not given
if (is.null(x = k)) {
# set K based on data dimension
if (is.null(x = K)) {
K <- 100
if (K > min(dim(x = data.used))) {
K <- min(dim(x = data.used))
warning("For best performance, we recommend using ALRA on expression matrices larger than 100 by 100")
if (K > min(dim(x = data.used))) {
stop("For an m by n data, K must be smaller than the min(m,n)")
# set noise.start based on K
if (is.null(x = noise.start)) {
noise.start <- K - 20
if (noise.start <= 0) {
noise.start <- max(K - 5, 1)
if (noise.start > K - 5) {
stop("There need to be at least 5 singular values considered noise")
noise.svals <- noise.start:K
if (use.mkl) {
CheckPackage(package = 'KlugerLab/rpca-mkl/fastRPCA', repository = 'github')
L <- min(K + 10, min(dim(x = data.used)))
rsvd.out <- setNames(
object = vector(mode = "list", length = 3),
nm = c("u", "d", "v")
fastPCAOut <- fastRPCA::fastPCA(
inputMatrix = as.matrix(x = data.used),
k = K,
its = q.k,
l = L,
seed = mkl.seed
rsvd.out$u <- fastPCAOut$U
rsvd.out$v <- fastPCAOut$V
rsvd.out$d <- diag(x = fastPCAOut$S)
} else {
rsvd.out <- rsvd(A = t(x = as.matrix(x = data.used)), k = K, q = q.k)
diffs <- rsvd.out$d[1:(length(x = rsvd.out$d) - 1)] - rsvd.out$d[2:length(x = rsvd.out$d)]
mu <- mean(x = diffs[noise.svals - 1])
sigma <- sd(x = diffs[noise.svals - 1])
num_of_sds <- (diffs - mu) / sigma
k <- max(which(x = num_of_sds > thresh))
alra.info[["d"]] <- rsvd.out$d
alra.info[["k"]] <- k
alra.info[["diffs"]] <- diffs
Tool(object = object) <- alra.info
if (k.only) {
message("Chose rank k = ", k, ", WITHOUT performing ALRA")
message("Rank k = ", k)
# Perform ALRA on data.used
output.alra <- RunALRA(
object = data.used,
k = k,
q = q,
quantile.prob = quantile.prob,
use.mkl = use.mkl,
mkl.seed = mkl.seed
# Save ALRA data in object@assay
data.alra <- Matrix(data = t(x = output.alra), sparse = TRUE)
rownames(x = data.alra) <- genes.use
colnames(x = data.alra) <- colnames(x = object)
assay.alra <- CreateAssayObject(data = data.alra)
object[["alra"]] <- assay.alra
if (setDefaultAssay) {
message("Setting default assay as alra")
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- "alra"
#' ALRA Approximate Rank Selection Plot
#' Plots the results of the approximate rank selection process for ALRA.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param start Index to start plotting singular value spacings from.
#' The transition from "signal" to "noise" in the is hard to see because the
#' first singular value spacings are so large. Nicer visualizations result from
#' skipping the first few. If set to 0 (default) starts from k/2.
#' @param combine Combine plots into a single gg object; note that if TRUE,
#' themeing will not work when plotting multiple features
#' @return A list of 3 ggplot objects splotting the singular values, the
#' spacings of the singular values, and the p-values of the singular values.
#' @author Jun Zhao, George Linderman
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunALRA}}
#' @importFrom Seurat CombinePlots
#' @importFrom cowplot theme_cowplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_string geom_point geom_line
#' geom_vline scale_x_continuous labs
#' @export
ALRAChooseKPlot <- function(object, start = 0, combine = TRUE) {
alra.data <- Tool(object = object, slot = 'RunALRA')
if (is.null(x = alra.data)) {
stop('RunALRA should be run prior to using this function.')
d <- alra.data[["d"]]
diffs <- alra.data[["diffs"]]
pvals <- alra.data[["pvals"]]
k <- alra.data[["k"]]
if (start == 0) {
start <- floor(x = k / 2)
if (start > k) {
stop("Plots should include k (i.e. starting.from should be less than k)")
breaks <- seq(from = 10, to = length(x = d), by = 10)
ggdata <- data.frame(x = 1:length(x = d), y = d)
gg1 <- ggplot(data = ggdata, mapping = aes_string(x = 'x', y = 'y')) +
geom_point(size = 1) +
geom_line(size = 0.5) +
geom_vline(xintercept = k) +
theme_cowplot() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = breaks) +
labs(x = NULL, y = 's_i', title = 'Singular values')
ggdata <- data.frame(x = 2:length(x = d), y = diffs)[-(1:(start - 1)), ]
gg2 <- ggplot(data = ggdata, mapping = aes_string(x = 'x', y = 'y')) +
geom_point(size = 1) +
geom_line(size = 0.5) +
geom_vline(xintercept = k + 1) +
theme_cowplot() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = breaks) +
labs(x = NULL, y = 's_{i} - s_{i-1}', title = 'Singular value spacings')
ggdata <- data.frame(x = 2:length(x = d), y = pvals)
gg3 <- ggplot(data = ggdata, mapping = aes_string(x = 'x', y = 'y')) +
geom_point(size = 1) +
geom_vline(xintercept = k + 1) +
theme_cowplot() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = breaks) +
labs(x = NULL, y = 'p.val', title = 'Singular value spacing p-values')
plots <- list(spectrum = gg1, spacings = gg2, pvals = gg3)
if (combine) {
plots <- CombinePlots(plots = plots)
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