#' @include zzz.R
#' @include generics.R
#' @importFrom rlang enquo is_quosure quo_get_env quo_get_expr
# Generics
# Functions
#' Sketch Data
#' This function uses sketching methods to downsample high-dimensional single-cell RNA expression data,
#' which can help with scalability for large datasets.
#' @param object A Seurat object.
#' @param assay Assay name. Default is NULL, in which case the default assay of the object is used.
#' @param ncells A positive integer or a named vector/list specifying the
#' number of cells to sample per layer. If a single integer is provided, the
#' same number of cells will be sampled from each layer. Default is 5000.
#' @param sketched.assay Sketched assay name. A sketch assay is created or overwrite with the sketch data. Default is 'sketch'.
#' @param method Sketching method to use. Can be 'LeverageScore' or 'Uniform'.
#' Default is 'LeverageScore'.
#' @param var.name A metadata column name to store the leverage scores. Default is 'leverage.score'.
#' @param over.write whether to overwrite existing column in the metadata. Default is FALSE.
#' @param seed A positive integer for the seed of the random number generator. Default is 123.
#' @param cast The type to cast the resulting assay to. Default is 'dgCMatrix'.
#' @param verbose Print progress and diagnostic messages
#' @param features A character vector of feature names to include in the
#' sketched assay.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @return A Seurat object with the sketched data added as a new assay.
#' @importFrom SeuratObject CastAssay Key Key<- Layers
#' @export
#' @concept sketching
SketchData <- function(
assay = NULL,
ncells = 5000L,
sketched.assay = 'sketch',
method = c('LeverageScore', 'Uniform'),
var.name = "leverage.score",
over.write = FALSE,
seed = 123L,
cast = 'dgCMatrix',
verbose = TRUE,
features = NULL,
) {
assay <- assay[1L] %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
assay <- match.arg(arg = assay, choices = Assays(object = object))
method <- match.arg(arg = method)
if (sketched.assay == assay) {
abort(message = "Cannot overwrite existing assays")
if (sketched.assay %in% Assays(object = object)) {
if (sketched.assay == DefaultAssay(object = object)) {
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- assay
object[[sketched.assay]] <- NULL
if (!over.write) {
var.name <- CheckMetaVarName(object = object, var.name = var.name)
if (method == 'LeverageScore') {
if (verbose) {
message("Calcuating Leverage Score")
object <- LeverageScore(
object = object,
assay = assay,
var.name = var.name,
over.write = over.write,
seed = seed,
verbose = FALSE,
features = features,
} else if (method == 'Uniform') {
if (verbose) {
message("Uniformly sampling")
object[[var.name]] <- 1
leverage.score <- object[[var.name]]
layer.names <- Layers(object = object[[assay]], search = 'data')
if (length(ncells) == 1) {
ncells <- rep(ncells, length(layer.names))
if (is.null(names(ncells))) {
names(ncells) <- layer.names
# align index of `ncells` with `layer.names`
ncells <- ncells[layer.names]
cells <- mapply(
) {
if (!is.null(seed)) {
cells.layer <- Cells(object[[assay]], layer = layer.name)
if (length(cells.layer) < ncells.layer) {
cells.to.keep <- cells.layer
} else {
cells.to.keep <- sample(
x = cells.layer,
size = ncells.layer,
prob = leverage.score[cells.layer,]
return (cells.to.keep)
sketched <- suppressWarnings(expr = subset(
x = object[[assay]],
cells = unlist(cells),
layers = Layers(object = object[[assay]], search = c('counts', 'data'))
for (layer.name in layer.names) {
expr = VariableFeatures(object = sketched, method = "sketch", layer = layer.name) <-
VariableFeatures(object = object[[assay]], layer = layer.name),
silent = TRUE
if (!is.null(x = cast) && inherits(x = sketched, what = 'Assay5')) {
sketched <- CastAssay(object = sketched, to = cast, ...)
Key(object = sketched) <- Key(object = sketched.assay, quiet = TRUE)
object[[sketched.assay]] <- sketched
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- sketched.assay
#' Project full data to the sketch assay
#' This function allows projection of high-dimensional single-cell RNA expression data from a full dataset
#' onto the lower-dimensional embedding of the sketch of the dataset.
#' @param object A Seurat object.
#' @param assay Assay name for the full data. Default is 'RNA'.
#' @param sketched.assay Sketched assay name to project onto. Default is 'sketch'.
#' @param sketched.reduction Dimensional reduction results of the sketched assay to project onto.
#' @param full.reduction Dimensional reduction name for the projected full dataset.
#' @param dims Dimensions to include in the projection.
#' @param normalization.method Normalization method to use. Can be 'LogNormalize' or 'SCT'.
#' Default is 'LogNormalize'.
#' @param refdata An optional list for label transfer from sketch to full data. Default is NULL.
#' Similar to refdata in `MapQuery`
#' @param k.weight Number of neighbors to consider when weighting labels for transfer. Default is 50.
#' @param umap.model An optional pre-computed UMAP model. Default is NULL.
#' @param recompute.neighbors Whether to recompute the neighbors for label transfer. Default is FALSE.
#' @param recompute.weights Whether to recompute the weights for label transfer. Default is FALSE.
#' @param verbose Print progress and diagnostic messages.
#' @return A Seurat object with the full data projected onto the sketched dimensional reduction results.
#' The projected data are stored in the specified full reduction.
#' @export
#' @concept sketching
ProjectData <- function(
assay = 'RNA',
sketched.assay = 'sketch',
normalization.method = c("LogNormalize", "SCT"),
refdata = NULL,
k.weight = 50,
umap.model = NULL,
recompute.neighbors = FALSE,
recompute.weights = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
) {
if (!full.reduction %in% Reductions(object)) {
if (verbose) {
message(full.reduction, ' is not in the object.'
,' Data from all cells will be projected to ', sketched.reduction)
proj.emb <- ProjectCellEmbeddings(
query = object,
reference = object,
query.assay = assay,
dims = dims,
normalization.method = normalization.method,
reference.assay = sketched.assay,
reduction = sketched.reduction,
verbose = verbose)
object[[full.reduction]] <- CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings = proj.emb,
assay = assay,
key = Key(object = full.reduction, quiet = TRUE)
object <- TransferSketchLabels(
object = object,
sketched.assay = sketched.assay,
reduction = full.reduction,
dims = dims,
k = k.weight,
refdata = refdata,
reduction.model = umap.model,
recompute.neighbors = recompute.neighbors,
recompute.weights = recompute.weights,
verbose = verbose)
#' Transfer data from sketch data to full data
#' This function transfers cell type labels from a sketched dataset to a full dataset
#' based on the similarities in the lower dimensional space.
#' @param object A Seurat object.
#' @param sketched.assay Sketched assay name. Default is 'sketch'.
#' @param reduction Dimensional reduction name to use for label transfer.
#' @param dims An integer vector indicating which dimensions to use for label transfer.
#' @param refdata A list of character strings indicating the metadata columns containing labels to transfer. Default is NULL.
#' Similar to refdata in `MapQuery`
#' @param k Number of neighbors to use for label transfer. Default is 50.
#' @param reduction.model Dimensional reduction model to use for label transfer. Default is NULL.
#' @param neighbors An object storing the neighbors found during the sketching process. Default is NULL.
#' @param recompute.neighbors Whether to recompute the neighbors for label transfer. Default is FALSE.
#' @param recompute.weights Whether to recompute the weights for label transfer. Default is FALSE.
#' @param verbose Print progress and diagnostic messages
#' @return A Seurat object with transferred labels stored in the metadata. If a UMAP model is provided,
#' the full data are also projected onto the UMAP space, with the results stored in a new reduction, full.`reduction.model`
#' @export
#' @concept sketching
TransferSketchLabels <- function(
sketched.assay = 'sketch',
refdata = NULL,
k = 50,
reduction.model = NULL,
neighbors = NULL,
recompute.neighbors = FALSE,
recompute.weights = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
full_sketch.nn <- neighbors %||% Tool(
object = object,
slot = 'TransferSketchLabels'
full_sketch.weight <- Tool(
object = object,
slot = 'TransferSketchLabels'
compute.neighbors <- is.null(x = full_sketch.nn) ||
!all(Cells(full_sketch.nn) == Cells(object[[reduction]])) ||
max(Indices(full_sketch.nn)) > ncol(object[[sketched.assay]]) ||
!identical(x = full_sketch.nn@alg.info$dims, y = dims) ||
!identical(x = full_sketch.nn@alg.info$reduction, y = reduction) ||
compute.weights <- is.null(x = full_sketch.weight) ||
!all(colnames(full_sketch.weight) == Cells(object[[reduction]])) ||
!all(rownames(full_sketch.weight) == colnames(object[[sketched.assay]])) ||
recompute.weights ||
if (compute.neighbors) {
if (verbose) {
message("Finding sketch neighbors")
full_sketch.nn <- NNHelper(
query = Embeddings(object[[reduction]])[, dims],
data = Embeddings(object[[reduction]])[colnames(object[[sketched.assay]]), dims],
k = k,
method = "annoy"
slot(object = full_sketch.nn, name = 'alg.info')$dims <- dims
slot(object = full_sketch.nn, name = 'alg.info')$reduction <- reduction
if (compute.weights) {
if (verbose) {
message("Finding sketch weight matrix")
full_sketch.weight <- FindWeightsNN(
nn.obj = full_sketch.nn,
query.cells = Cells(object[[reduction]]),
reference.cells = colnames(object[[sketched.assay]]),
verbose = verbose)
rownames(full_sketch.weight) <- colnames(object[[sketched.assay]])
colnames(full_sketch.weight) <- Cells(object[[reduction]])
object = object, name = 'tools'
)$TransferSketchLabels$full_sketch.nn <- full_sketch.nn
object = object, name = 'tools'
)$TransferSketchLabels$full_sketch.weight <- full_sketch.weight
if (!is.null(refdata)) {
if (length(refdata) == 1 & is.character(refdata)) {
refdata <- list(refdata)
names(refdata) <- unlist(refdata)
if (verbose) {
message("Transfering refdata from sketch")
for (rd in 1:length(x = refdata)) {
if (isFALSE(x = refdata[[rd]])) {
transfer.results[[rd]] <- NULL
rd.name <- names(x = refdata)[rd]
label.rd <- refdata[[rd]]
## FetchData not work
if (!label.rd %in% colnames( object[[]])) {
stop(label.rd, ' is not in the meta.data')
reference.labels <- object[[]][colnames(object[[sketched.assay]]), label.rd]
predicted.labels.list <- TransferLablesNN(
reference.labels = reference.labels,
weight.matrix = full_sketch.weight)
object[[paste0(rd.name)]] <- predicted.labels.list$labels
object[[paste0(rd.name, '.score')]] <- predicted.labels.list$scores
if (!is.null(reduction.model)) {
umap.model <- Misc(object = object[[reduction.model]], slot = 'model')
if (is.null(umap.model)) {
warning(reduction.model, ' does not have a stored umap model')
if (verbose) {
message("Projection to sketch umap")
if (ncol(full_sketch.nn) > umap.model$n_neighbors) {
full_sketch.nn@nn.idx <- full_sketch.nn@nn.idx[, 1:umap.model$n_neighbors]
full_sketch.nn@nn.dist <- full_sketch.nn@nn.dist[, 1:umap.model$n_neighbors]
proj.umap <- RunUMAP(
object = full_sketch.nn,
reduction.model = object[[reduction.model]],
verbose = verbose,
assay = slot(object = object[[reduction]], name = 'assay.used')
full.umap.reduction <- rev(
x = make.unique(
names = c(
Reductions(object = object),
Key(object = proj.umap) <- Key(object = full.umap.reduction)
object[[full.umap.reduction ]] <- proj.umap
# Methods for Seurat-defined generics
#' @param nsketch A positive integer. The number of sketches to be used in the approximation.
#' Default is 5000.
#' @param ndims A positive integer or NULL. The number of dimensions to use. If NULL, the number
#' of dimensions will default to the number of columns in the object.
#' @param method The sketching method to use, defaults to CountSketch.
#' @param eps A numeric. The error tolerance for the approximation in Johnson–Lindenstrauss embeddings,
#' defaults to 0.5.
#' @param seed A positive integer. The seed for the random number generator, defaults to 123.
#' @param verbose Print progress and diagnostic messages
#' @importFrom Matrix qrR t
#' @importFrom irlba irlba
#' @rdname LeverageScore
#' @method LeverageScore default
#' @export
#' @concept sketching
LeverageScore.default <- function(
nsketch = 5000L,
ndims = NULL,
method = CountSketch,
eps = 0.5,
seed = 123L,
verbose = TRUE,
) {
# Check the dimensions of the object, nsketch, and ndims
ncells <- ncol(x = object)
if (ncells < nsketch * 1.5) {
nv <- ifelse(nrow(x = object) < 50, nrow(x = object) - 1, 50)
Z <- irlba(A = object, nv = 50, nu = 0, verbose = FALSE)$v
return(rowSums(x = Z ^ 2))
if (nrow(x = object) > 5000L) {
abort(message = "too slow")
} else if (nrow(x = object) > (ncells / 1.1)) {
abort(message = "too square")
ndims <- ndims %||% ncells
if (nsketch < (1.1 * nrow(x = object))) {
nsketch <- 1.1 * nrow(x = object)
"'nsketch' is too close to the number of features, setting to ",
round(x = nsketch, digits = 2L),
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
nsketch <- min(nsketch, ndims)
# Check the method
if (is_quosure(x = method)) {
method <- eval(
expr = quo_get_expr(quo = method),
envir = quo_get_env(quo = method)
if (is.character(x = method)) {
method <- match.fun(FUN = method)
stopifnot(is.function(x = method))
# Run the sketching
if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
message("sampling ", nsketch, " cells for random sketching")
S <- method(nsketch = nsketch, ncells = ncells, seed = seed, ...)
object <- t(x = object)
if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
message("Performing QR decomposition")
if (inherits(x = object, what = 'IterableMatrix')) {
temp <- tempdir()
object.gene_index <- BPCells::transpose_storage_order(matrix = object, tmpdir = temp)
sa <- as(object = S %*% object.gene_index, Class = 'dgCMatrix')
unlink(list.files(path = temp, full.names = TRUE))
} else {
sa <- S %*% object
if (!inherits(x = sa, what = 'dgCMatrix')) {
sa <- as(object = sa, Class = 'dgCMatrix')
qr.sa <- base::qr(x = sa)
R <- if (inherits(x = qr.sa, what = 'sparseQR')) {
qrR(qr = qr.sa)
} else {
base::qr.R(qr = qr.sa)
R.inv <- as.sparse(x = backsolve(r = R, x = diag(x = ncol(x = R))))
if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
message("Performing random projection")
JL <- as.sparse(x = JLEmbed(
nrow = ncol(x = R.inv),
ncol = ndims,
eps = eps,
seed = seed
Z <- object %*% (R.inv %*% JL)
if (inherits(x = Z, what = 'IterableMatrix')) {
Z.score <- BPCells::matrix_stats(matrix = Z ^ 2, row_stats = 'mean'
)$row_stats['mean',]*ncol(x = Z)
} else {
Z.score <- rowSums(x = Z ^ 2)
#' @param nsketch A positive integer. The number of sketches to be used in the approximation.
#' Default is 5000.
#' @param ndims A positive integer or NULL. The number of dimensions to use. If NULL, the number
#' of dimensions will default to the number of columns in the object.
#' @param method The sketching method to use, defaults to CountSketch.
#' @param vf.method VariableFeatures method
#' @param layer layer to use
#' @param eps A numeric. The error tolerance for the approximation in Johnson–Lindenstrauss embeddings,
#' defaults to 0.5.
#' @param seed A positive integer. The seed for the random number generator, defaults to 123.
#' @param verbose Print progress and diagnostic messages
#' @param features A vector of feature names to use for calculating leverage score.
#' @importFrom SeuratObject EmptyDF
#' @rdname LeverageScore
#' @method LeverageScore StdAssay
#' @export
#' @concept sketching
LeverageScore.StdAssay <- function(
nsketch = 5000L,
ndims = NULL,
method = CountSketch,
vf.method = NULL,
layer = 'data',
eps = 0.5,
seed = 123L,
verbose = TRUE,
features = NULL,
) {
layer <- unique(x = layer) %||% DefaultLayer(object = object)
layer <- Layers(object = object, search = layer)
if (!is_quosure(x = method)) {
method <- enquo(arg = method)
scores <- EmptyDF(n = ncol(x = object))
row.names(x = scores) <- colnames(x = object)
scores[, 1] <- NA_real_
for (i in seq_along(along.with = layer)) {
l <- layer[i]
if (isTRUE(x = verbose)) {
message("Running LeverageScore for layer ", l)
features.use <- features %||% tryCatch({
object = object,
method = vf.method,
layer = l
}, error = function(e) {
stop("Unable to get variable features from layer `", l, "`. Try providing `features` argument instead.")
scores[Cells(x = object, layer = l), 1] <- LeverageScore(
object = LayerData(
object = object,
layer = l,
features = features.use,
fast = TRUE
nsketch = nsketch,
ndims = ndims %||% ncol(x = object),
method = method,
eps = eps,
seed = seed,
verbose = verbose,
#' @rdname LeverageScore
#' @method LeverageScore Assay
#' @export
LeverageScore.Assay <- LeverageScore.StdAssay
#' @param assay assay to use
#' @param nsketch A positive integer. The number of sketches to be used in the approximation.
#' Default is 5000.
#' @param ndims A positive integer or NULL. The number of dimensions to use. If NULL, the number
#' of dimensions will default to the number of columns in the object.
#' @param method The sketching method to use, defaults to CountSketch.
#' @param var.name name of slot to store leverage scores
#' @param over.write whether to overwrite slot that currently stores leverage scores. Defaults
#' to FALSE, in which case the 'var.name' is modified if it already exists in the object
#' @rdname LeverageScore
#' @method LeverageScore Seurat
#' @export
#' @concept sketching
LeverageScore.Seurat <- function(
assay = NULL,
nsketch = 5000L,
ndims = NULL,
var.name = 'leverage.score',
over.write = FALSE,
method = CountSketch,
vf.method = NULL,
layer = 'data',
eps = 0.5,
seed = 123L,
verbose = TRUE,
features = NULL,
) {
if (!over.write) {
var.name <- CheckMetaVarName(object = object, var.name = var.name)
assay <- assay[1L] %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
assay <- match.arg(arg = assay, choices = Assays(object = object))
method <- enquo(arg = method)
scores <- LeverageScore(
object = object[[assay]],
nsketch = nsketch,
ndims = ndims,
method = method,
vf.method = vf.method,
layer = 'data',
eps = eps,
seed = seed,
verbose = verbose,
features = features,
names(x = scores) <- var.name
object[[]] <- scores
# Methods for R-defined generics
# Internal
#' Generate CountSketch random matrix
#' @inheritParams base::set.seed
#' @param nsketch Number of sketching random cells
#' @param ncells Number of cells in the original data
#' @param ... Ignored
#' @return ...
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @export
#' @concept sketching
#' @keywords internal
#' @references Clarkson, KL. & Woodruff, DP.
#' Low-rank approximation and regression in input sparsity time.
#' Journal of the ACM (JACM). 2017 Jan 30;63(6):1-45.
#' \url{https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3019134};
CountSketch <- function(nsketch, ncells, seed = NA_integer_, ...) {
if (!is.na(x = seed)) {
set.seed(seed = seed)
iv <- xv <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = ncells)
jv <- seq_len(length.out = ncells)
for (i in jv) {
iv[i] <- sample(x = seq_len(length.out = nsketch), size = 1L)
xv[i] <- sample(x = c(-1L, 1L), size = 1L)
i = iv,
j = jv,
x = xv,
dims = c(nsketch, ncells)
#' Gaussian sketching
#' @inheritParams CountSketch
#' @return ...
#' @export
#' @concept sketching
#' @keywords internal
GaussianSketch <- function(nsketch, ncells, seed = NA_integer_, ...) {
if (!is.na(x = seed)) {
set.seed(seed = seed)
data = rnorm(n = nsketch * ncells, mean = 0L, sd = 1 / (ncells ^ 2)),
nrow = nsketch,
ncol = ncells
#' Generate JL random projection embeddings
#' @keywords internal
#' @references Aghila G and Siddharth R (2020).
#' RandPro: Random Projection with Classification. R package version 0.2.2.
#' \url{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=RandPro}
#' @noRd
JLEmbed <- function(nrow, ncol, eps = 0.1, seed = NA_integer_, method = "li") {
if (!is.na(x = seed)) {
set.seed(seed = seed)
method <- method[1L]
method <- match.arg(arg = method)
if (!is.null(x = eps)) {
if (eps > 1 || eps <= 0) {
stop("'eps' must be 0 < eps <= 1")
ncol <- floor(x = 4 * log(x = ncol) / ((eps ^ 2) / 2 - (eps ^ 3 / 3)))
m <- switch(
EXPR = method,
"li" = {
s <- ceiling(x = sqrt(x = ncol))
prob <- c(
1 / (2 * s),
1 - (1 / s),
1 / (2 * s)
data = sample(
x = seq.int(from = -1L, to = 1L),
size = nrow * ncol,
replace = TRUE,
prob = prob
nrow = nrow
# S4 Methods
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