#' @include generics.R
cluster.ape <- paste(
"Cluster tree functionality requires 'ape'",
"please install with 'install.packages('ape')'"
# Functions
#' Phylogenetic Analysis of Identity Classes
#' Constructs a phylogenetic tree relating the 'aggregate' cell from each
#' identity class. Tree is estimated based on a distance matrix constructed in
#' either gene expression space or PCA space.
#' Note that the tree is calculated for an 'aggregate' cell, so gene expression
#' or PC scores are summed across all cells in an identity class before the
#' tree is constructed.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param assay Assay to use for the analysis.
#' @param features Genes to use for the analysis. Default is the set of
#' variable genes (\code{VariableFeatures(object = object)})
#' @param dims If set, tree is calculated in dimension reduction space;
#' overrides \code{features}
#' @param reduction Name of dimension reduction to use. Only used if \code{dims}
#' is not NULL.
#' @param slot slot/layer to use.
#' @param graph If graph is passed, build tree based on graph connectivity between
#' clusters; overrides \code{dims} and \code{features}
#' @param reorder Re-order identity classes (factor ordering), according to
#' position on the tree. This groups similar classes together which can be
#' helpful, for example, when drawing violin plots.
#' @param reorder.numeric Re-order identity classes according to position on
#' the tree, assigning a numeric value ('1' is the leftmost node)
#' @param verbose Show progress updates
#' @return A Seurat object where the cluster tree can be accessed with \code{\link{Tool}}
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @importFrom stats dist hclust na.omit
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @concept tree
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (requireNamespace("ape", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' pbmc_small
#' pbmc_small <- BuildClusterTree(object = pbmc_small)
#' Tool(object = pbmc_small, slot = 'BuildClusterTree')
#' }
#' }
BuildClusterTree <- function(
assay = NULL,
features = NULL,
dims = NULL,
reduction = "pca",
graph = NULL,
slot = 'data',
reorder = FALSE,
reorder.numeric = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
) {
if (!requireNamespace('ape', quietly = TRUE)) {
stop(cluster.ape, call. = FALSE)
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
if (!is.null(x = graph)) {
idents <- levels(x = object)
nclusters <- length(x = idents)
data.dist <- matrix(
data = numeric(length = 1L),
nrow = nclusters,
ncol = nclusters,
dimnames = list(idents, idents)
graph <- object[[graph]]
cxi <- CellsByIdentities(object = object)
cpairs <- na.omit(object = unique(x = t(x = apply(
X = expand.grid(1:nclusters, 1:nclusters)[, c(2, 1)],
FUN = function(x) {
if (length(x = x) == length(x = unique(x = x))) {
return(sort(x = x))
return(c(NA, NA))
if (verbose) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3, file = stderr())
for (i in 1:nrow(x = cpairs)) {
i1 <- cpairs[i, ][1]
i2 <- cpairs[i, ][2]
graph.sub <- graph[cxi[[idents[i1]]], cxi[[idents[i2]]]]
d <- mean(x = graph.sub)
if (is.na(x = d)) {
d <- 0
data.dist[i1, i2] <- d
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = i / nrow(x = cpairs))
if (verbose) {
close(con = pb)
diag(x = data.dist) <- 1
data.dist <- dist(x = data.dist)
} else if (!is.null(x = dims)) {
my.lapply <- ifelse(test = verbose, yes = pblapply, no = lapply)
embeddings <- Embeddings(object = object, reduction = reduction)[, dims]
data.dims <- my.lapply(
X = levels(x = object),
FUN = function(x) {
cells <- WhichCells(object = object, idents = x)
if (length(x = cells) == 1) {
cells <- c(cells, cells)
temp <- colMeans(x = embeddings[cells, ])
data.dims <- do.call(what = 'cbind', args = data.dims)
colnames(x = data.dims) <- levels(x = object)
data.dist <- dist(x = t(x = data.dims))
} else {
features <- features %||% VariableFeatures(object = object)
features <- intersect(x = features, y = rownames(x = object))
# if `slot` is set to "counts" sum the expression of the
# ident groups, otherwise average them
if(slot == "counts") {
# AggregateExpression only operates on a "counts" matrix so `layer`
# cannot be specified
data.pseudobulk <- AggregateExpression(
assays = assay,
features = features,
verbose = verbose
} else {
data.pseudobulk <- suppressMessages(
assays = assay,
features = features,
# explicitly pass in the value of `slot` in as `layer`
layer = slot,
verbose = verbose
data.dist <- dist(x = t(x = data.pseudobulk[features, ]))
data.tree <- ape::as.phylo(x = hclust(d = data.dist))
Tool(object = object) <- data.tree
if (reorder) {
if (verbose) {
message("Reordering identity classes and rebuilding tree")
old.ident.order <- levels(x = object)
data.tree <- Tool(object = object, slot = 'BuildClusterTree')
all.desc <- GetDescendants(tree = data.tree, node = (data.tree$Nnode + 2))
all.desc <- old.ident.order[all.desc[all.desc <= (data.tree$Nnode + 1)]]
Idents(object = object) <- factor(x = Idents(object = object), levels = all.desc, ordered = TRUE)
if (reorder.numeric) {
new.levels <- sort(x = unique(x = as.integer(x = Idents(object = object))))
Idents(object = object) <- factor(x = as.integer(x = Idents(object = object)), levels = new.levels)
object[['tree.ident']] <- as.integer(x = Idents(object = object))
object <- BuildClusterTree(
object = object,
assay = assay,
features = features,
dims = dims,
reduction = reduction,
graph = graph,
slot = slot,
reorder = FALSE,
verbose = verbose
# Methods for Seurat-defined generics
# Methods for R-defined generics
# Internal
# Depth first traversal path of a given tree
# @param tree Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node Internal node in the tree
# @param path Path through the tree (for recursion)
# @param include.children Include children in the output path
# @param only.children Only include children in the output path
# @return Returns a vector representing the depth first traversal path
DFT <- function(
path = NULL,
include.children = FALSE,
only.children = FALSE
) {
if (only.children) {
include.children = TRUE
children <- which(x = tree$edge[, 1] == node)
child1 <- tree$edge[children[1], 2]
child2 <- tree$edge[children[2], 2]
if (child1 %in% tree$edge[, 1]) {
if (!only.children) {
path <- c(path, child1)
path <- DFT(
tree = tree,
node = child1,
path = path,
include.children = include.children,
only.children = only.children
} else {
if (include.children) {
path <- c(path, child1)
if (child2 %in% tree$edge[, 1]) {
if (!only.children) {
path <- c(path, child2)
path <- DFT(
tree = tree,
node = child2,
path = path,
include.children = include.children,
only.children = only.children
} else {
if (include.children) {
path <- c(path, child2)
# Function to return all internal (non-terminal) nodes in a given tree
# @param tree Tree object (from ape package)
# @return Returns a vector of all internal nodes for the given tree
GetAllInternalNodes <- function(tree) {
return(c(tree$edge[1, 1], DFT(tree = tree, node = tree$edge[1, 1])))
# Function to get all the descendants on a tree of a given node
# @param tree Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node Internal node in the tree
# @return Returns all descendants of the given node
GetDescendants <- function(tree, node, curr = NULL) {
if (is.null(x = curr)) {
curr <- vector()
daughters <- tree$edge[which(x = tree$edge[, 1] == node), 2]
curr <- c(curr, daughters)
w <- which(x = daughters >= length(x = tree$tip))
if (length(x = w) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(x = w)) {
curr <- GetDescendants(tree = tree, node = daughters[w[i]], curr = curr)
# Function to get all the descendants on a tree left of a given node
# @param tree Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node Internal node in the tree
# @return Returns all descendants left of the given node
GetLeftDescendants <- function(tree, node) {
daughters <- tree$edge[which(tree$edge[, 1] == node), 2]
if (daughters[1] <= (tree$Nnode + 1)) {
daughter.use <- GetDescendants(tree, daughters[1])
daughter.use <- daughter.use[daughter.use <= (tree$Nnode + 1)]
# Function to get all the descendants on a tree right of a given node
# @param tree Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node Internal node in the tree
# @return Returns all descendants right of the given node
GetRightDescendants <- function(tree, node) {
daughters <- tree$edge[which(x = tree$edge[, 1] == node), 2]
if (daughters[2] <= (tree$Nnode + 1)) {
daughter.use <- GetDescendants(tree = tree, node = daughters[2])
daughter.use <- daughter.use[daughter.use <= (tree$Nnode + 1)]
# Merge childen of a node
# Merge the childen of a node into a single identity class
# @param object Seurat object
# @param node.use Merge children of this node
# @param rebuild.tree Rebuild cluster tree after the merge?
# @param ... Extra parameters to BuildClusterTree, used only if rebuild.tree = TRUE
# @seealso \code{BuildClusterTree}
# @examples
# data("pbmc_small")
# PlotClusterTree(object = pbmc_small)
# pbmc_small <- MergeNode(object = pbmc_small, node.use = 7, rebuild.tree = TRUE)
# PlotClusterTree(object = pbmc_small)
MergeNode <- function(object, node.use, rebuild.tree = FALSE, ...) {
CheckDots(..., fxns = 'BuldClusterTree')
object.tree <- object@cluster.tree[[1]]
node.children <- DFT(
tree = object.tree,
node = node.use,
include.children = TRUE
node.children <- intersect(x = node.children, y = levels(x = object@ident))
children.cells <- WhichCells(object = object, ident = node.children)
if (length(x = children.cells > 0)) {
object <- SetIdent(
object = object,
cells.use = children.cells,
ident.use = min(node.children)
if (rebuild.tree) {
object <- BuildClusterTree(object = object, ...)
# Function to check whether a given node in a tree has a child (leaf node)
# @param tree Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node Internal node in the tree
# @return Returns a Boolean of whether the given node is connected to a terminal leaf node
NodeHasChild <- function(tree, node) {
children <- tree$edge[which(x = tree$edge[, 1] == node), ][, 2]
return(any(children %in% tree$edge[, 2] && !children %in% tree$edge[, 1]))
# Function to check whether a given node in a tree has only children(leaf nodes)
# @param tree Tree object (from ape package)
# @param node Internal node in the tree
# @return Returns a Boolean of whether the given node is connected to only terminal leaf nodes
NodeHasOnlyChildren <- function(tree, node) {
children <- tree$edge[which(x = tree$edge[, 1] == node), ][, 2]
return(!any(children %in% tree$edge[, 1]))
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