#' @include generics.R
#' @importFrom SeuratObject PackageCheck
# Functions
#' Add Azimuth Results
#' Add mapping and prediction scores, UMAP embeddings, and imputed assay (if
#' available)
#' from Azimuth to an existing or new \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @param object A \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @param filename Path to Azimuth mapping scores file
#' @return \code{object} with Azimuth results added
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' object <- AddAzimuthResults(object, filename = "azimuth_results.Rds")
#' }
AddAzimuthResults <- function(object = NULL, filename) {
if (is.null(x = filename)) {
stop("No Azimuth results provided.")
azimuth_results <- readRDS(file = filename)
if (!is.list(x = azimuth_results) || any(!(c('umap', 'pred.df') %in% names(x = azimuth_results)))) {
stop("Expected following format for azimuth_results:
`list(umap = <DimReduc>, pred.df = <data.frame>[, impADT = <Assay>])`")
if (is.null(x = object)) {
message("No existing Seurat object provided. Creating new one.")
object <- CreateSeuratObject(
counts = matrix(
nrow = 1,
ncol = nrow(x = azimuth_results$umap),
dimnames = list(
row.names = 'Dummy.feature',
col.names = rownames(x = azimuth_results$umap))
assay = 'Dummy'
} else {
overlap.cells <- intersect(
x = Cells(x = object),
y = rownames(x = azimuth_results$umap)
if (!(all(overlap.cells %in% Cells(x = object)))) {
stop("Cells in object do not match cells in download")
} else if (length(x = overlap.cells) < length(x = Cells(x = object))) {
warning(paste0("Subsetting out ", length(x = Cells(x = object)) - length(x = overlap.cells),
" cells that are absent in downloaded results (perhaps filtered by Azimuth)"))
object <- subset(x = object, cells = overlap.cells)
azimuth_results$pred.df$cell <- NULL
object <- AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = azimuth_results$pred.df)
object[['umap.proj']] <- azimuth_results$umap
if ('impADT' %in% names(x = azimuth_results)) {
object[['impADT']] <- azimuth_results$impADT
if ('Dummy' %in% Assays(object = object)) {
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- 'impADT'
object[['Dummy']] <- NULL
#' Add Azimuth Scores
#' Add mapping and prediction scores from Azimuth to a
#' \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @param object A \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Seurat}} object
#' @param filename Path to Azimuth mapping scores file
#' @return \code{object} with the mapping scores added
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' object <- AddAzimuthScores(object, filename = "azimuth_pred.tsv")
#' }
AddAzimuthScores <- function(object, filename) {
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
stop("Cannot find Azimuth scores file ", filename, call. = FALSE)
object <- AddMetaData(
object = object,
metadata = read.delim(file = filename, row.names = 1)
#' Calculate module scores for feature expression programs in single cells
#' Calculate the average expression levels of each program (cluster) on single
#' cell level, subtracted by the aggregated expression of control feature sets.
#' All analyzed features are binned based on averaged expression, and the
#' control features are randomly selected from each bin.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param features A list of vectors of features for expression programs; each
#' entry should be a vector of feature names
#' @param pool List of features to check expression levels against, defaults to
#' \code{rownames(x = object)}
#' @param nbin Number of bins of aggregate expression levels for all
#' analyzed features
#' @param ctrl Number of control features selected from the same bin per
#' analyzed feature
#' @param k Use feature clusters returned from DoKMeans
#' @param assay Name of assay to use
#' @param name Name for the expression programs; will append a number to the
#' end for each entry in \code{features} (eg. if \code{features} has three
#' programs, the results will be stored as \code{name1}, \code{name2},
#' \code{name3}, respectively)
#' @param seed Set a random seed. If NULL, seed is not set.
#' @param search Search for symbol synonyms for features in \code{features} that
#' don't match features in \code{object}? Searches the HGNC's gene names
#' database; see \code{\link{UpdateSymbolList}} for more details
#' @param slot Slot to calculate score values off of. Defaults to data slot (i.e log-normalized counts)
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link{UpdateSymbolList}}
#' @return Returns a Seurat object with module scores added to object meta data;
#' each module is stored as \code{name#} for each module program present in
#' \code{features}
#' @importFrom ggplot2 cut_number
#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans colMeans
#' @references Tirosh et al, Science (2016)
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' cd_features <- list(c(
#' 'CD79B',
#' 'CD79A',
#' 'CD19',
#' 'CD180',
#' 'CD200',
#' 'CD3D',
#' 'CD2',
#' 'CD3E',
#' 'CD7',
#' 'CD8A',
#' 'CD14',
#' 'CD1C',
#' 'CD68',
#' 'CD9',
#' 'CD247'
#' ))
#' pbmc_small <- AddModuleScore(
#' object = pbmc_small,
#' features = cd_features,
#' ctrl = 5,
#' name = 'CD_Features'
#' )
#' head(x = pbmc_small[])
#' }
AddModuleScore <- function(
pool = NULL,
nbin = 24,
ctrl = 100,
k = FALSE,
assay = NULL,
name = 'Cluster',
seed = 1,
search = FALSE,
slot = 'data',
) {
if (!is.null(x = seed)) {
set.seed(seed = seed)
assay.old <- DefaultAssay(object = object)
assay <- assay %||% assay.old
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- assay
assay.data <- GetAssayData(object = object, assay = assay, slot = slot)
features.old <- features
if (k) {
.NotYetUsed(arg = 'k')
features <- list()
for (i in as.numeric(x = names(x = table(object@kmeans.obj[[1]]$cluster)))) {
features[[i]] <- names(x = which(x = object@kmeans.obj[[1]]$cluster == i))
cluster.length <- length(x = features)
} else {
if (is.null(x = features)) {
stop("Missing input feature list")
features <- lapply(
X = features,
FUN = function(x) {
missing.features <- setdiff(x = x, y = rownames(x = object))
if (length(x = missing.features) > 0) {
"The following features are not present in the object: ",
paste(missing.features, collapse = ", "),
test = search,
yes = ", attempting to find updated synonyms",
no = ", not searching for symbol synonyms"
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
if (search) {
expr = {
updated.features <- UpdateSymbolList(symbols = missing.features, ...)
names(x = updated.features) <- missing.features
for (miss in names(x = updated.features)) {
index <- which(x == miss)
x[index] <- updated.features[miss]
error = function(...) {
"Could not reach HGNC's gene names database",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
missing.features <- setdiff(x = x, y = rownames(x = object))
if (length(x = missing.features) > 0) {
"The following features are still not present in the object: ",
paste(missing.features, collapse = ", "),
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
return(intersect(x = x, y = rownames(x = object)))
cluster.length <- length(x = features)
if (!all(LengthCheck(values = features))) {
'Could not find enough features in the object from the following feature lists:',
paste(names(x = which(x = !LengthCheck(values = features)))),
'Attempting to match case...'
features <- lapply(
X = features.old,
FUN = CaseMatch,
match = rownames(x = object)
if (!all(LengthCheck(values = features))) {
'The following feature lists do not have enough features present in the object:',
paste(names(x = which(x = !LengthCheck(values = features)))),
pool <- pool %||% rownames(x = object)
data.avg <- Matrix::rowMeans(x = assay.data[pool, ])
data.avg <- data.avg[order(data.avg)]
data.cut <- cut_number(x = data.avg + rnorm(n = length(data.avg))/1e30, n = nbin, labels = FALSE, right = FALSE)
#data.cut <- as.numeric(x = Hmisc::cut2(x = data.avg, m = round(x = length(x = data.avg) / (nbin + 1))))
names(x = data.cut) <- names(x = data.avg)
ctrl.use <- vector(mode = "list", length = cluster.length)
for (i in 1:cluster.length) {
features.use <- features[[i]]
for (j in 1:length(x = features.use)) {
ctrl.use[[i]] <- c(
names(x = sample(
x = data.cut[which(x = data.cut == data.cut[features.use[j]])],
size = ctrl,
replace = FALSE
ctrl.use <- lapply(X = ctrl.use, FUN = unique)
ctrl.scores <- matrix(
data = numeric(length = 1L),
nrow = length(x = ctrl.use),
ncol = ncol(x = object)
for (i in 1:length(ctrl.use)) {
features.use <- ctrl.use[[i]]
ctrl.scores[i, ] <- Matrix::colMeans(x = assay.data[features.use, ])
features.scores <- matrix(
data = numeric(length = 1L),
nrow = cluster.length,
ncol = ncol(x = object)
for (i in 1:cluster.length) {
features.use <- features[[i]]
data.use <- assay.data[features.use, , drop = FALSE]
features.scores[i, ] <- Matrix::colMeans(x = data.use)
features.scores.use <- features.scores - ctrl.scores
rownames(x = features.scores.use) <- paste0(name, 1:cluster.length)
features.scores.use <- as.data.frame(x = t(x = features.scores.use))
rownames(x = features.scores.use) <- colnames(x = object)
object[[colnames(x = features.scores.use)]] <- features.scores.use
DefaultAssay(object = object) <- assay.old
#' Aggregated feature expression by identity class
#' Returns summed counts ("pseudobulk") for each identity class.
#' If \code{return.seurat = TRUE}, aggregated values are placed in the 'counts'
#' layer of the returned object. The data is then normalized by running \code{\link{NormalizeData}}
#' on the aggregated counts. \code{\link{ScaleData}} is then run on the default assay
#' before returning the object.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param assays Which assays to use. Default is all assays
#' @param features Features to analyze. Default is all features in the assay
#' @param return.seurat Whether to return the data as a Seurat object. Default is FALSE
#' @param group.by Category (or vector of categories) for grouping (e.g, ident, replicate, celltype); 'ident' by default
#' To use multiple categories, specify a vector, such as c('ident', 'replicate', 'celltype')
#' @param add.ident (Deprecated). Place an additional label on each cell prior to pseudobulking
#' @param normalization.method Method for normalization, see \code{\link{NormalizeData}}
#' @param scale.factor Scale factor for normalization, see \code{\link{NormalizeData}}
#' @param margin Margin to perform CLR normalization, see \code{\link{NormalizeData}}
#' @param verbose Print messages and show progress bar
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods such as \code{\link{CreateSeuratObject}}
#' @return Returns a matrix with genes as rows, identity classes as columns.
#' If return.seurat is TRUE, returns an object of class \code{\link{Seurat}}.
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' head(AggregateExpression(object = pbmc_small)$RNA)
#' head(AggregateExpression(object = pbmc_small, group.by = c('ident', 'groups'))$RNA)
#' }
AggregateExpression <- function(
assays = NULL,
features = NULL,
return.seurat = FALSE,
group.by = 'ident',
add.ident = NULL,
normalization.method = "LogNormalize",
scale.factor = 10000,
margin = 1,
verbose = TRUE,
) {
object = object,
assays = assays,
features = features,
return.seurat = return.seurat,
group.by = group.by,
add.ident = add.ident,
layer = 'counts',
method = 'aggregate',
normalization.method = normalization.method,
scale.factor = scale.factor,
margin = margin,
verbose = verbose,
#' Averaged feature expression by identity class
#' Returns averaged expression values for each identity class.
#' If layer is set to 'data', this function assumes that the data has been log
#' normalized and therefore feature values are exponentiated prior to averaging
#' so that averaging is done in non-log space. Otherwise, if layer is set to
#' either 'counts' or 'scale.data', no exponentiation is performed prior to averaging.
#' If \code{return.seurat = TRUE} and layer is not 'scale.data', averaged values
#' are placed in the 'counts' layer of the returned object and 'log1p'
#' is run on the averaged counts and placed in the 'data' layer \code{\link{ScaleData}}
#' is then run on the default assay before returning the object.
#' If \code{return.seurat = TRUE} and layer is 'scale.data', the 'counts' layer contains
#' average counts and 'scale.data' is set to the averaged values of 'scale.data'.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param assays Which assays to use. Default is all assays
#' @param features Features to analyze. Default is all features in the assay
#' @param return.seurat Whether to return the data as a Seurat object. Default is FALSE
#' @param group.by Category (or vector of categories) for grouping (e.g, ident, replicate, celltype); 'ident' by default
#' To use multiple categories, specify a vector, such as c('ident', 'replicate', 'celltype')
#' @param add.ident (Deprecated). Place an additional label on each cell prior to pseudobulking
#' @param layer Layer(s) to use; if multiple layers are given, assumed to follow
#' the order of 'assays' (if specified) or object's assays
#' @param slot (Deprecated). Slots(s) to use
#' @param verbose Print messages and show progress bar
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods such as \code{\link{CreateSeuratObject}}
#' @return Returns a matrix with genes as rows, identity classes as columns.
#' If return.seurat is TRUE, returns an object of class \code{\link{Seurat}}.
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @importFrom SeuratObject .FilterObjects
#' @examples
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' head(AverageExpression(object = pbmc_small)$RNA)
#' head(AverageExpression(object = pbmc_small, group.by = c('ident', 'groups'))$RNA)
AverageExpression <- function(
assays = NULL,
features = NULL,
return.seurat = FALSE,
group.by = 'ident',
add.ident = NULL,
layer = 'data',
slot = deprecated(),
verbose = TRUE,
) {
object = object,
assays = assays,
features = features,
return.seurat = return.seurat,
group.by = group.by,
add.ident = add.ident,
layer = layer,
slot = slot,
method = 'average',
verbose = verbose,
#' Match the case of character vectors
#' @param search A vector of search terms
#' @param match A vector of characters whose case should be matched
#' @return Values from search present in match with the case of match
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' cd_genes <- c('Cd79b', 'Cd19', 'Cd200')
#' CaseMatch(search = cd_genes, match = rownames(x = pbmc_small))
CaseMatch <- function(search, match) {
search.match <- sapply(
X = search,
FUN = function(s) {
pattern = paste0('^', s, '$'),
x = match,
ignore.case = TRUE,
perl = TRUE,
value = TRUE
return(unlist(x = search.match))
#' Score cell cycle phases
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param s.features A vector of features associated with S phase
#' @param g2m.features A vector of features associated with G2M phase
#' @param ctrl Number of control features selected from the same bin per
#' analyzed feature supplied to \code{\link{AddModuleScore}}.
#' Defaults to value equivalent to minimum number of features
#' present in 's.features' and 'g2m.features'.
#' @param set.ident If true, sets identity to phase assignments
#' Stashes old identities in 'old.ident'
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to \code{\link{AddModuleScore}}
#' @return A Seurat object with the following columns added to object meta data: S.Score, G2M.Score, and Phase
#' @seealso \code{AddModuleScore}
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' # pbmc_small doesn't have any cell-cycle genes
#' # To run CellCycleScoring, please use a dataset with cell-cycle genes
#' # An example is available at http://satijalab.org/seurat/cell_cycle_vignette.html
#' pbmc_small <- CellCycleScoring(
#' object = pbmc_small,
#' g2m.features = cc.genes$g2m.genes,
#' s.features = cc.genes$s.genes
#' )
#' head(x = pbmc_small@meta.data)
#' }
CellCycleScoring <- function(
ctrl = NULL,
set.ident = FALSE,
) {
name <- 'Cell.Cycle'
features <- list('S.Score' = s.features, 'G2M.Score' = g2m.features)
if (is.null(x = ctrl)) {
ctrl <- min(vapply(X = features, FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = 1)))
object.cc <- AddModuleScore(
object = object,
features = features,
name = name,
ctrl = ctrl,
cc.columns <- grep(pattern = name, x = colnames(x = object.cc[[]]), value = TRUE)
cc.scores <- object.cc[[cc.columns]]
assignments <- apply(
X = cc.scores,
FUN = function(scores, first = 'S', second = 'G2M', null = 'G1') {
if (all(scores < 0)) {
} else {
if (length(which(x = scores == max(scores))) > 1) {
} else {
return(c(first, second)[which(x = scores == max(scores))])
cc.scores <- merge(x = cc.scores, y = data.frame(assignments), by = 0)
colnames(x = cc.scores) <- c('rownames', 'S.Score', 'G2M.Score', 'Phase')
rownames(x = cc.scores) <- cc.scores$rownames
cc.scores <- cc.scores[, c('S.Score', 'G2M.Score', 'Phase')]
object[[colnames(x = cc.scores)]] <- cc.scores
if (set.ident) {
object[['old.ident']] <- Idents(object = object)
Idents(object = object) <- 'Phase'
#' Slim down a multi-species expression matrix, when only one species is primarily of interenst.
#' Valuable for CITE-seq analyses, where we typically spike in rare populations of 'negative control' cells from a different species.
#' @param object A UMI count matrix. Should contain rownames that start with
#' the ensuing arguments prefix.1 or prefix.2
#' @param prefix The prefix denoting rownames for the species of interest.
#' Default is "HUMAN_". These rownames will have this prefix removed in the returned matrix.
#' @param controls The prefix denoting rownames for the species of 'negative
#' control' cells. Default is "MOUSE_".
#' @param ncontrols How many of the most highly expressed (average) negative
#' control features (by default, 100 mouse genes), should be kept? All other
#' rownames starting with prefix.2 are discarded.
#' @return A UMI count matrix. Rownames that started with \code{prefix} have this
#' prefix discarded. For rownames starting with \code{controls}, only the
#' \code{ncontrols} most highly expressed features are kept, and the
#' prefix is kept. All other rows are retained.
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cbmc.rna.collapsed <- CollapseSpeciesExpressionMatrix(cbmc.rna)
#' }
CollapseSpeciesExpressionMatrix <- function(
prefix = "HUMAN_",
controls = "MOUSE_",
ncontrols = 100
) {
features <- grep(pattern = prefix, x = rownames(x = object), value = TRUE)
controls <- grep(pattern = controls, x = rownames(x = object), value = TRUE)
others <- setdiff(x = rownames(x = object), y = c(features, controls))
controls <- rowSums(x = object[controls, ])
controls <- names(x = head(
x = sort(x = controls, decreasing = TRUE),
n = ncontrols
object <- object[c(features, controls, others), ]
rownames(x = object) <- gsub(
pattern = prefix,
replacement = '',
x = rownames(x = object)
# Create an Annoy index
# @note Function exists because it's not exported from \pkg{uwot}
# @param name Distance metric name
# @param ndim Number of dimensions
# @return An nn index object
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom RcppAnnoy AnnoyAngular AnnoyManhattan AnnoyEuclidean AnnoyHamming
CreateAnn <- function(name, ndim) {
EXPR = name,
cosine = new(Class = AnnoyAngular, ndim),
manhattan = new(Class = AnnoyManhattan, ndim),
euclidean = new(Class = AnnoyEuclidean, ndim),
hamming = new(Class = AnnoyHamming, ndim),
stop("BUG: unknown Annoy metric '", name, "'")
#' Run a custom distance function on an input data matrix
#' @author Jean Fan
#' @param my.mat A matrix to calculate distance on
#' @param my.function A function to calculate distance
#' @param ... Extra parameters to my.function
#' @return A distance matrix
#' @importFrom stats as.dist
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' # Define custom distance matrix
#' manhattan.distance <- function(x, y) return(sum(abs(x-y)))
#' input.data <- GetAssayData(pbmc_small, assay.type = "RNA", slot = "scale.data")
#' cell.manhattan.dist <- CustomDistance(input.data, manhattan.distance)
CustomDistance <- function(my.mat, my.function, ...) {
CheckDots(..., fxns = my.function)
n <- ncol(x = my.mat)
mat <- matrix(data = 0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
colnames(x = mat) <- rownames(x = mat) <- colnames(x = my.mat)
for (i in 1:nrow(x = mat)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(x = mat)) {
mat[i,j] <- my.function(my.mat[, i], my.mat[, j], ...)
return(as.dist(m = mat))
#' Calculate the mean of logged values
#' Calculate mean of logged values in non-log space (return answer in log-space)
#' @param x A vector of values
#' @param ... Other arguments (not used)
#' @return Returns the mean in log-space
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' ExpMean(x = c(1, 2, 3))
ExpMean <- function(x, ...) {
if (inherits(x = x, what = 'AnyMatrix')) {
return(apply(X = x, FUN = function(i) {log(x = mean(x = exp(x = i) - 1) + 1)}, MARGIN = 1))
} else {
return(log(x = mean(x = exp(x = x) - 1) + 1))
#' Calculate the standard deviation of logged values
#' Calculate SD of logged values in non-log space (return answer in log-space)
#' @param x A vector of values
#' @return Returns the standard deviation in log-space
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' ExpSD(x = c(1, 2, 3))
ExpSD <- function(x) {
return(log1p(x = sd(x = expm1(x = x))))
#' Calculate the variance of logged values
#' Calculate variance of logged values in non-log space (return answer in
#' log-space)
#' @param x A vector of values
#' @return Returns the variance in log-space
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' ExpVar(x = c(1, 2, 3))
ExpVar <- function(x) {
return(log1p(x = var(x = expm1(x = x))))
#' Scale and/or center matrix rowwise
#' Performs row scaling and/or centering. Equivalent to using t(scale(t(mat)))
#' in R except in the case of NA values.
#' @param mat A matrix
#' @param center a logical value indicating whether to center the rows
#' @param scale a logical value indicating whether to scale the rows
#' @param scale_max clip all values greater than scale_max to scale_max. Don't
#' clip if Inf.
#' @return Returns the center/scaled matrix
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMeans2 rowSds rowSums2
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
FastRowScale <- function(
center = TRUE,
scale = TRUE,
scale_max = 10
) {
# inspired by https://www.r-bloggers.com/a-faster-scale-function/
if (center) {
rm <- rowMeans2(x = mat, na.rm = TRUE)
if (scale) {
if (center) {
rsd <- rowSds(mat, center = rm)
} else {
rsd <- sqrt(x = rowSums2(x = mat^2)/(ncol(x = mat) - 1))
if (center) {
mat <- mat - rm
if (scale) {
mat <- mat / rsd
if (scale_max != Inf) {
mat[mat > scale_max] <- scale_max
#' Get updated synonyms for gene symbols
#' Find current gene symbols based on old or alias symbols using the gene
#' names database from the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC)
#' @details For each symbol passed, we query the HGNC gene names database for
#' current symbols that have the provided symbol as either an alias
#' (\code{alias_symbol}) or old (\code{prev_symbol}) symbol. All other queries
#' are \strong{not} supported.
#' @note This function requires internet access
#' @param symbols A vector of gene symbols
#' @param timeout Time to wait before canceling query in seconds
#' @param several.ok Allow several current gene symbols for each
#' provided symbol
#' @param search.types Type of query to perform:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\dQuote{\code{alias_symbol}}}{Find alternate symbols for the genes
#' described by \code{symbols}}
#' \item{\dQuote{\code{prev_symbol}}}{Find new new symbols for the genes
#' described by \code{symbols}}
#' }
#' This parameter accepts multiple options and short-hand options
#' (eg. \dQuote{\code{prev}} for \dQuote{\code{prev_symbol}})
#' @param verbose Show a progress bar depicting search progress
#' @param ... Extra parameters passed to \code{\link[httr]{GET}}
#' @return \code{GeneSymbolThesarus}:, if \code{several.ok}, a named list
#' where each entry is the current symbol found for each symbol provided and
#' the names are the provided symbols. Otherwise, a named vector with the
#' same information.
#' @source \url{https://www.genenames.org/} \url{https://www.genenames.org/help/rest/}
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom httr GET accept_json timeout status_code content
#' @rdname UpdateSymbolList
#' @name UpdateSymbolList
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @seealso \code{\link[httr]{GET}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' GeneSybmolThesarus(symbols = c("FAM64A"))
#' }
GeneSymbolThesarus <- function(
timeout = 10,
several.ok = FALSE,
search.types = c('alias_symbol', 'prev_symbol'),
verbose = TRUE,
) {
db.url <- 'http://rest.genenames.org/fetch'
# search.types <- c('alias_symbol', 'prev_symbol')
search.types <- match.arg(arg = search.types, several.ok = TRUE)
synonyms <- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(x = symbols))
not.found <- vector(mode = 'logical', length = length(x = symbols))
multiple.found <- vector(mode = 'logical', length = length(x = symbols))
names(x = multiple.found) <- names(x = not.found) <- names(x = synonyms) <- symbols
if (verbose) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(max = length(x = symbols), style = 3, file = stderr())
for (symbol in symbols) {
sym.syn <- character()
for (type in search.types) {
response <- GET(
url = paste(db.url, type, symbol, sep = '/'),
config = c(accept_json(), timeout(seconds = timeout)),
if (!identical(x = status_code(x = response), y = 200L)) {
response <- content(x = response)
if (response$response$numFound != 1) {
if (response$response$numFound > 1) {
"Multiple hits found for ",
" as ",
", skipping",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
sym.syn <- c(sym.syn, response$response$docs[[1]]$symbol)
not.found[symbol] <- length(x = sym.syn) < 1
multiple.found[symbol] <- length(x = sym.syn) > 1
if (length(x = sym.syn) == 1 || (length(x = sym.syn) > 1 && several.ok)) {
synonyms[[symbol]] <- sym.syn
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = pb$getVal() + 1)
if (verbose) {
close(con = pb)
if (sum(not.found) > 0) {
"The following symbols had no synonyms: ",
paste(names(x = which(x = not.found)), collapse = ', '),
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
if (sum(multiple.found) > 0) {
msg <- paste(
"The following symbols had multiple synonyms:",
paste(names(x = which(x = multiple.found)), sep = ', ')
if (several.ok) {
message("Including anyways")
} else {
warning(msg, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
synonyms <- Filter(f = Negate(f = is.null), x = synonyms)
if (!several.ok) {
synonyms <- unlist(x = synonyms)
#' Compute the correlation of features broken down by groups with another
#' covariate
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param assay Assay to pull the data from
#' @param slot Slot in the assay to pull feature expression data from (counts,
#' data, or scale.data)
#' @param var Variable with which to correlate the features
#' @param group.assay Compute the gene groups based off the data in this assay.
#' @param min.cells Only compute for genes in at least this many cells
#' @param ngroups Number of groups to split into
#' @param do.plot Display the group correlation boxplot (via
#' \code{GroupCorrelationPlot})
#' @return A Seurat object with the correlation stored in metafeatures
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
GroupCorrelation <- function(
assay = NULL,
slot = "scale.data",
var = NULL,
group.assay = NULL,
min.cells = 5,
ngroups = 6,
do.plot = TRUE
) {
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
group.assay <- group.assay %||% assay
var <- var %||% paste0("nCount_", group.assay)
gene.grp <- GetFeatureGroups(
object = object,
assay = group.assay,
min.cells = min.cells,
ngroups = ngroups
data <- as.matrix(x = GetAssayData(object = object[[assay]], slot = slot))
data <- data[rowMeans(x = data) != 0, ]
grp.cors <- apply(
X = data,
FUN = function(x) {
cor(x = x, y = object[[var]])
grp.cors <- grp.cors[names(x = gene.grp)]
grp.cors <- as.data.frame(x = grp.cors[which(x = !is.na(x = grp.cors))])
grp.cors$gene_grp <- gene.grp[rownames(x = grp.cors)]
colnames(x = grp.cors) <- c(paste0(var, "_cor"), "feature.grp")
object[[assay]] <- AddMetaData(object[[assay]], grp.cors)
if (isTRUE(x = do.plot)) {
object = object,
assay = assay,
feature.group = "feature.grp",
cor = paste0(var, "_cor")
#' Load the Annoy index file
#' @param object Neighbor object
#' @param file Path to file with annoy index
#' @return Returns the Neighbor object with the index stored
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
LoadAnnoyIndex <- function(object, file){
metric <- slot(object = object, name = "alg.info")$metric
ndim <- slot(object = object, name = "alg.info")$ndim
if (is.null(x = metric)) {
stop("Provided Neighbor object wasn't generated with annoy")
annoy.idx <- CreateAnn(name = metric, ndim = ndim)
annoy.idx$load(path.expand(path = file))
Index(object = object) <- annoy.idx
#' Calculate the variance to mean ratio of logged values
#' Calculate the variance to mean ratio (VMR) in non-logspace (return answer in
#' log-space)
#' @param x A vector of values
#' @param ... Other arguments (not used)
#' @return Returns the VMR in log-space
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' LogVMR(x = c(1, 2, 3))
LogVMR <- function(x, ...) {
if (inherits(x = x, what = 'AnyMatrix')) {
return(apply(X = x, FUN = function(i) {log(x = var(x = exp(x = i) - 1) / mean(x = exp(x = i) - 1))}, MARGIN = 1))
} else {
return(log(x = var(x = exp(x = x) - 1) / mean(x = exp(x = x) - 1)))
#' Aggregate expression of multiple features into a single feature
#' Calculates relative contribution of each feature to each cell
#' for given set of features.
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param features List of features to aggregate
#' @param meta.name Name of column in metadata to store metafeature
#' @param cells List of cells to use (default all cells)
#' @param assay Which assay to use
#' @param slot Which slot to take data from (default data)
#' @return Returns a \code{Seurat} object with metafeature stored in objct metadata
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums colMeans
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' pbmc_small <- MetaFeature(
#' object = pbmc_small,
#' features = c("LTB", "EAF2"),
#' meta.name = 'var.aggregate'
#' )
#' head(pbmc_small[[]])
MetaFeature <- function(
meta.name = 'metafeature',
cells = NULL,
assay = NULL,
slot = 'data'
) {
cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
newmat <- GetAssayData(object = object, assay = assay, slot = slot)
newmat <- newmat[features, cells]
if (slot == 'scale.data') {
newdata <- Matrix::colMeans(newmat)
} else {
rowtotals <- Matrix::rowSums(newmat)
newmat <- newmat / rowtotals
newdata <- Matrix::colMeans(newmat)
object[[meta.name]] <- newdata
#' Apply a ceiling and floor to all values in a matrix
#' @param data Matrix or data frame
#' @param min all values below this min value will be replaced with min
#' @param max all values above this max value will be replaced with max
#' @return Returns matrix after performing these floor and ceil operations
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' mat <- matrix(data = rbinom(n = 25, size = 20, prob = 0.2 ), nrow = 5)
#' mat
#' MinMax(data = mat, min = 4, max = 5)
MinMax <- function(data, min, max) {
data2 <- data
data2[data2 > max] <- max
data2[data2 < min] <- min
#' Calculate the percentage of a vector above some threshold
#' @param x Vector of values
#' @param threshold Threshold to use when calculating percentage
#' @return Returns the percentage of \code{x} values above the given threshold
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' set.seed(42)
#' PercentAbove(sample(1:100, 10), 75)
PercentAbove <- function(x, threshold) {
return (sum(x > threshold, na.rm = T) / length(x))
#' Calculate the percentage of all counts that belong to a given set of features
#' This function enables you to easily calculate the percentage of all the counts belonging to a
#' subset of the possible features for each cell. This is useful when trying to compute the percentage
#' of transcripts that map to mitochondrial genes for example. The calculation here is simply the
#' column sum of the matrix present in the counts slot for features belonging to the set divided by
#' the column sum for all features times 100.
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param pattern A regex pattern to match features against
#' @param features A defined feature set. If features provided, will ignore the pattern matching
#' @param col.name Name in meta.data column to assign. If this is not null, returns a Seurat object
#' with the proportion of the feature set stored in metadata.
#' @param assay Assay to use
#' @return Returns a vector with the proportion of the feature set or if md.name is set, returns a
#' Seurat object with the proportion of the feature set stored in metadata.
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' # Calculate the proportion of transcripts mapping to mitochondrial genes
#' # NOTE: The pattern provided works for human gene names. You may need to adjust depending on your
#' # system of interest
#' pbmc_small[["percent.mt"]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(object = pbmc_small, pattern = "^MT-")
PercentageFeatureSet <- function(
pattern = NULL,
features = NULL,
col.name = NULL,
assay = NULL
) {
assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(object = object)
if (!is.null(x = features) && !is.null(x = pattern)) {
warn(message = "Both pattern and features provided. Pattern is being ignored.")
percent.featureset <- list()
layers <- Layers(object = object, search = "counts")
for (i in seq_along(along.with = layers)) {
layer <- layers[i]
features.layer <- features %||% grep(
pattern = pattern,
x = rownames(x = object[[assay]][layer]),
value = TRUE)
layer.data <- LayerData(object = object,
assay = assay,
layer = layer)
layer.sums <- colSums(x = layer.data[features.layer, , drop = FALSE])
layer.perc <- layer.sums / object[[]][colnames(layer.data), paste0("nCount_", assay)] * 100
percent.featureset[[i]] <- layer.perc
percent.featureset <- unlist(percent.featureset)
if (!is.null(x = col.name)) {
object <- AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = percent.featureset, col.name = col.name)
#' Pseudobulk feature expression by identity class
#' Returns a representative expression value for each identity class
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param method Whether to 'average' (default) or 'aggregate' expression levels
#' @param assay The name of the passed assay - used primarily for warning/error messages
#' @param category.matrix A matrix defining groupings for pseudobulk expression
#' calculations; each column represents an identity class, and each row a sample
#' @param features Features to analyze. Default is all features in the assay
#' @param layer Layer(s) to user; if multiple are given, assumed to follow
#' the order of 'assays' (if specified) or object's assays
#' @param slot (Deprecated) See \code{layer}
#' @param verbose Print messages and show progress bar
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods such as \code{\link{CreateSeuratObject}}
#' @return Returns a matrix with genes as rows, identity classes as columns.
#' If return.seurat is TRUE, returns an object of class \code{\link{Seurat}}.
#' @method PseudobulkExpression Assay
#' @rdname PseudobulkExpression
#' @importFrom SeuratObject .IsFutureSeurat
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
PseudobulkExpression.Assay <- function(
features = NULL,
layer = 'data',
slot = deprecated(),
verbose = TRUE,
) {
if (is_present(arg = slot)) {
when = '5.0.0',
what = 'GetAssayData(slot = )',
with = 'GetAssayData(layer = )'
layer <- slot
data.use <- GetAssayData(
object = object,
layer = layer
features.to.avg <- features %||% rownames(x = data.use)
if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = data.use)) {
"The ", layer, " layer for the ", assay,
" assay is empty. Skipping assay.", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
bad.features <- setdiff(x = features.to.avg, y = rownames(x = data.use))
if (length(x = bad.features) > 0) {
"The following ", length(x = bad.features),
" features were not found in the ", assay, " assay: ",
paste(bad.features, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
features.assay <- intersect(x = features.to.avg, y = rownames(x = data.use))
if (length(x = features.assay) > 0) {
data.use <- data.use[features.assay, ]
} else {
warning("None of the features specified were found in the ", assay,
" assay.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
if (layer == 'data') {
data.use <- expm1(x = data.use)
if (any(data.use == Inf)) {
warning("Exponentiation yielded infinite values. `data` may not be log-normed.")
data.return <- data.use %*% category.matrix
#' @method PseudobulkExpression StdAssay
#' @rdname PseudobulkExpression
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
PseudobulkExpression.StdAssay <- function(
features = NULL,
layer = 'data',
slot = deprecated(),
verbose = TRUE,
) {
if (is_present(arg = slot)) {
when = '5.0.0',
what = 'GetAssayData(slot = )',
with = 'GetAssayData(layer = )'
layer <- slot
layers.set <- Layers(object = object, search = layer)
features.to.avg <- features %||% rownames(x = object)
bad.features <- setdiff(x = features.to.avg, y = rownames(x = object))
if (length(x = bad.features) > 0) {
"The following ", length(x = bad.features),
" features were not found in the ", assay, " assay: ",
paste(bad.features, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
features.assay <- Reduce(
f = intersect,
x = c(list(features.to.avg),
lapply(X = layers.set, FUN = function(l) rownames(object[l]))
if (length(x = features.assay) == 0) {
warning("None of the features specified were found in the ", assay,
" assay.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
data.return <- as.sparse(
x = matrix(
data = 0,
nrow = length(x = features.assay),
ncol = ncol(x = category.matrix)
for (i in seq_along(layers.set)) {
data.i <- LayerData(object = object,
layer = layers.set[i],
features = features.assay
if (layers.set[i] == "data") {
data.use.i <- expm1(x = data.i)
if (any(data.use.i == Inf)) {
warning("Exponentiation yielded infinite values. `data` may not be log-normed.")
} else {
data.use.i <- data.i
category.matrix.i <- category.matrix[colnames(x = data.i),]
if (inherits(x = data.i, what = 'DelayedArray')) {
stop("PseudobulkExpression does not support DelayedArray objects")
} else {
data.return.i <- as.sparse(x = data.use.i %*% category.matrix.i)
data.return <- data.return + data.return.i
#' @param assays Which assays to use. Default is all assays
#' @param return.seurat Whether to return the data as a Seurat object. Default is FALSE
#' @param group.by Categories for grouping (e.g, "ident", "replicate",
#' "celltype"); "ident" by default
#' @param add.ident (Deprecated) See group.by
#' @param method The method used for calculating pseudobulk expression; one of:
#' "average" or "aggregate"
#' @param normalization.method Method for normalization, see \code{\link{NormalizeData}}
#' @param scale.factor Scale factor for normalization, see \code{\link{NormalizeData}}
#' @param margin Margin to perform CLR normalization, see \code{\link{NormalizeData}}
#' @method PseudobulkExpression Seurat
#' @rdname PseudobulkExpression
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
PseudobulkExpression.Seurat <- function(
assays = NULL,
features = NULL,
return.seurat = FALSE,
group.by = 'ident',
add.ident = NULL,
layer = 'data',
slot = deprecated(),
method = 'average',
normalization.method = "LogNormalize",
scale.factor = 10000,
margin = 1,
verbose = TRUE,
) {
CheckDots(..., fxns = 'CreateSeuratObject')
if (!is.null(x = add.ident)) {
.Deprecated(msg = "'add.ident' is a deprecated argument. Please see documentation to see how to pass a vector to the 'group.by' argument to specify multiple grouping variables")
group.by <- c('ident', add.ident)
if (!(method %in% c('average', 'aggregate'))) {
stop("'method' must be either 'average' or 'aggregate'")
if (is_present(arg = slot)) {
when = '5.0.0',
what = 'AverageExpression(slot = )',
with = 'AverageExpression(layer = )'
layer <- slot
if (method == "average") {
message = "As of Seurat v5, we recommend using AggregateExpression to perform pseudo-bulk analysis.",
.frequency = "once",
.frequency_id = "AverageExpression"
object.assays <- .FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = c('Assay', 'Assay5'))
assays <- assays %||% object.assays
# `features` is expected to be a 2D array - one vector per assay
# in the case the `features` a vector, duplicate it for each assay
if (!inherits(features, what = "list")) {
features <- rep(list(features), times = length(assays))
if (!all(assays %in% object.assays)) {
assays <- assays[assays %in% object.assays]
if (length(x = assays) == 0) {
stop("None of the requested assays are present in the object")
} else {
warning("Requested assays that do not exist in object. Proceeding with existing assays only.")
if (length(x = layer) == 1) {
layer <- rep_len(x = layer, length.out = length(x = assays))
} else if (length(x = layer) != length(x = assays)) {
stop("Number of layers provided does not match number of assays")
data <- FetchData(object = object, vars = rev(x = group.by))
#only keep meta-data columns that are in object
group.by <- intersect(group.by, colnames(data))
data <- data[which(rowSums(x = is.na(x = data)) == 0), , drop = F]
if (nrow(x = data) < ncol(x = object)) {
inform("Removing cells with NA for 1 or more grouping variables")
object <- subset(x = object, cells = rownames(x = data))
for (i in 1:ncol(x = data)) {
data[, i] <- as.factor(x = data[, i])
num.levels <- sapply(
X = 1:ncol(x = data),
FUN = function(i) {
length(x = levels(x = data[, i]))
if (any(num.levels == 1)) {
"The following grouping variables have 1 value and will be ignored: ",
paste0(colnames(x = data)[which(num.levels <= 1)], collapse = ", ")
group.by <- colnames(x = data)[which(num.levels > 1)]
data <- data[, which(num.levels > 1), drop = F]
category.matrix <- CreateCategoryMatrix(labels = data, method = method)
#check if column names are numeric
col.names <- colnames(category.matrix)
if (any(!(grepl("^[a-zA-Z]|^\\.[^0-9]", col.names)))) {
col.names <- ifelse(
!(grepl("^[a-zA-Z]|^\\.[^0-9]", col.names)),
paste0("g", col.names),
colnames(category.matrix) <- col.names
message = paste0("First group.by variable `", group.by[1],
"` starts with a number, appending `g` to ensure valid variable names"),
.frequency = "regularly",
.frequency_id = "PseudobulkExpression"
data.return <- list()
for (i in 1:length(x = assays)) {
data.return[[assays[i]]] <- PseudobulkExpression(
object = object[[assays[i]]],
assay = assays[i],
category.matrix = category.matrix,
features = features[[i]],
layer = layer[i],
verbose = verbose,
if (return.seurat) {
op <- options(Seurat.object.assay.version = "v5", Seurat.object.assay.calcn = FALSE)
on.exit(expr = options(op), add = TRUE)
if (layer[1] == 'scale.data') {
na.matrix <- as.matrix(x = data.return[[1]])
na.matrix[1:length(x = na.matrix)] <- NA
#sum up counts to make seurat object
summed.counts <- PseudobulkExpression(
object = object[[assays[1]]],
assay = assays[1],
category.matrix = category.matrix,
features = features[[1]],
layer = "counts"
toRet <- CreateSeuratObject(
counts = summed.counts,
project = if (method == "average") "Average" else "Aggregate",
assay = names(x = data.return)[1],
object = toRet,
layer = "scale.data",
assay = names(x = data.return)[i]
) <- data.return[[1]]
} else {
toRet <- CreateSeuratObject(
counts = data.return[[1]],
project = if (method == "average") "Average" else "Aggregate",
assay = names(x = data.return)[1],
if (method == "aggregate") {
object = toRet,
layer = "data",
assay = names(x = data.return)[1]
) <- NormalizeData(
as.matrix(x = data.return[[1]]),
normalization.method = normalization.method,
verbose = verbose
else {
LayerData(object = toRet,
layer = "data",
assay = names(x = data.return)[1]
) <- log1p(x = as.matrix(x = data.return[[1]]))
#for multimodal data
if (length(x = data.return) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(x = data.return)) {
if (layer[i] == 'scale.data') {
summed.counts <- PseudobulkExpression(
object = object[[assays[i]]],
assay = assays[i],
category.matrix = category.matrix,
features = features[[i]],
layer = "counts"
toRet[[names(x = data.return)[i]]] <- CreateAssayObject(counts = summed.counts)
object = toRet,
layer = "scale.data",
assay = names(x = data.return)[i]
) <- data.return[[i]]
} else {
toRet[[names(x = data.return)[i]]] <- CreateAssayObject(
counts = data.return[[i]],
check.matrix = FALSE
if (method == "aggregate") {
object = toRet,
layer = "data",
assay = names(x = data.return)[i]
) <- NormalizeData(
as.matrix(x = data.return[[i]]),
normalization.method = normalization.method,
scale.factor = scale.factor,
margin = margin,
verbose = verbose
else {
object = toRet,
layer = "data",
assay = names(x = data.return)[i]
) <- log1p(x = as.matrix(x = data.return[[i]]))
if (DefaultAssay(object = object) %in% names(x = data.return)) {
DefaultAssay(object = toRet) <- DefaultAssay(object = object)
if (layer[which(DefaultAssay(object = object) %in% names(x = data.return))[1]] != 'scale.data') {
toRet <- ScaleData(object = toRet, verbose = verbose)
#add meta-data based on group.by variables
cells <- Cells(toRet)
for (i in 1:length(group.by)) {
if (group.by[i] != "ident") {
v <- sapply(
strsplit(cells, "_"),
function(x) {return(x[i])}
names(v) <- cells
toRet <- AddMetaData(toRet,
metadata = v,
col.name = group.by[i]
#set idents to pseudobulk variables
Idents(toRet) <- cells
#make orig.ident variable
#orig.ident = ident if group.by includes `ident`
#if not, orig.ident is equal to pseudobulk cell names
if(any(group.by == "ident")) {
i = which(group.by == "ident")
v <- sapply(
strsplit(cells, "_"),
function(x) {return(x[i])}
names(v) <- cells
toRet <- AddMetaData(toRet,
metadata = v,
col.name = "orig.ident"
} else {
toRet$orig.ident <- cells
} else {
#' Regroup idents based on meta.data info
#' For cells in each ident, set a new identity based on the most common value
#' of a specified metadata column.
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param metadata Name of metadata column
#' @return A Seurat object with the active idents regrouped
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' data("pbmc_small")
#' pbmc_small <- RegroupIdents(pbmc_small, metadata = "groups")
RegroupIdents <- function(object, metadata) {
for (ii in levels(x = object)) {
ident.cells <- WhichCells(object = object, idents = ii)
if (length(x = ident.cells) == 0) {
new.ident <- names(x = which.max(x = table(object[[metadata]][ident.cells, ])))
if (is.null(x = new.ident)) {
stop("Cluster ", ii, " contains only cells with NA values in the '", metadata, "' metadata column.")
Idents(object = object, cells = ident.cells) <- new.ident
#' Save the Annoy index
#' @param object A Neighbor object with the annoy index stored
#' @param file Path to file to write index to
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
SaveAnnoyIndex <- function(
) {
index <- Index(object = object)
if (is.null(x = index)) {
stop("Index for provided Neighbor object is NULL")
index$save(path.expand(path = file))
#' Find the Quantile of Data
#' Converts a quantile in character form to a number regarding some data.
#' String form for a quantile is represented as a number prefixed with
#' \dQuote{q}; for example, 10th quantile is \dQuote{q10} while 2nd quantile is
#' \dQuote{q2}. Will only take a quantile of non-zero data values
#' @param cutoff The cutoff to turn into a quantile
#' @param data The data to turn find the quantile of
#' @return The numerical representation of the quantile
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' set.seed(42)
#' SetQuantile('q10', sample(1:100, 10))
SetQuantile <- function(cutoff, data) {
if (grepl(pattern = '^q[0-9]{1,2}$', x = as.character(x = cutoff), perl = TRUE)) {
this.quantile <- as.numeric(x = sub(
pattern = 'q',
replacement = '',
x = as.character(x = cutoff)
)) / 100
data <- unlist(x = data)
data <- data[data > 0]
cutoff <- quantile(x = data, probs = this.quantile)
return(as.numeric(x = cutoff))
#' @rdname UpdateSymbolList
#' @return \code{UpdateSymbolList}: \code{symbols} with updated symbols from
#' HGNC's gene names database
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' UpdateSymbolList(symbols = cc.genes$s.genes)
#' }
UpdateSymbolList <- function(
timeout = 10,
several.ok = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
) {
new.symbols <- suppressWarnings(expr = GeneSymbolThesarus(
symbols = symbols,
timeout = timeout,
several.ok = several.ok,
search.types = 'prev_symbol',
verbose = verbose,
if (length(x = new.symbols) < 1) {
warning("No updated symbols found", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
} else {
if (verbose) {
message("Found updated symbols for ", length(x = new.symbols), " symbols")
x <- sapply(X = new.symbols, FUN = paste, collapse = ', ')
message(paste(names(x = x), x, sep = ' -> ', collapse = '\n'))
for (sym in names(x = new.symbols)) {
index <- which(x = symbols == sym)
symbols <- append(
x = symbols[-index],
values = new.symbols[[sym]],
after = index - 1
# Methods for Seurat-defined generics
# Methods for R-defined generics
#' @inheritParams base::as.data.frame
#' @return \code{as.data.frame.Matrix}: A data frame representation of the S4 Matrix
#' @importFrom Matrix as.matrix
#' @rdname as.sparse
#' @concept utilities
#' @export
#' @method as.data.frame Matrix
as.data.frame.Matrix <- function(
row.names = NULL,
optional = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = getOption(x = "stringsAsFactors", default = FALSE)
) {
x = as.matrix(x = x),
row.names = row.names,
optional = optional,
stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors,
# Internal
#' Create Abbreviations
#' @param x A character vector
#' @param digits Include digits in the abbreviation
#' @return Abbreviated versions of \code{x}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' .Abbrv(c('HelloWorld, 'LetsGo3', 'tomato'))
#' .Abbrv(c('HelloWorld, 'LetsGo3', 'tomato'), digits = FALSE)
#' .Abbrv('Wow3', digits = FALSE)
#' @noRd
.Abbrv <- function(x, digits = TRUE) {
pattern <- ifelse(test = isTRUE(x = digits), yes = '[A-Z0-9]+', no = '[A-Z]+')
y <- vapply(
X = regmatches(x = x, m = gregexec(pattern = pattern, text = x)),
FUN = paste,
FUN.VALUE = character(length = 1L),
collapse = ''
na <- nchar(x = y) <= 1L
y[na] <- x[na]
return(tolower(x = y))
.AsList <- function(x) {
x <- as.list(x = x)
X = unique(x = names(x = x)),
FUN = function(i) {
x = x[which(x = names(x = x) == i)],
recursive = FALSE,
use.names = FALSE
simplify = FALSE,
#' @importFrom ggplot2 cut_number
.Cut <- function(min, max, n) {
breaks <- levels(x = cut_number(x = c(min, max), n = n))
breaks <- gsub(pattern = '.*,', replacement = '', x = breaks)
breaks <- gsub(pattern = ']$', replacement = '', x = breaks)
as.numeric(x = breaks)
.FindE <- function(x) {
x <- as.character(x = x)
if (grepl(pattern = 'e', x = x)) {
return(as.integer(x = gsub(pattern = '.*e', replacement = '', x = x)))
} else if (grepl(pattern = '^0\\.', x = x)) {
x <- unlist(x = strsplit(
x = gsub(pattern = '.*\\.', replacement = '', x = x),
split = ''
idx <- which(x = x != '0')
stop("Invalid format")
#' @importFrom SeuratObject Boundaries
.BoundariesByImage <- function(object, fov, boundaries) {
if (!is.list(x = boundaries)) {
if (is.null(x = names(x = boundaries))) {
boundaries <- rep_len(x = list(boundaries), length.out = length(x = fov))
names(x = boundaries) <- fov
} else {
boundaries <- .AsList(x = boundaries)
if (any(!nchar(x = names(x = boundaries)))) {
missing <- setdiff(x = fov, y = names(x = boundaries))
idx <- which(x = !nchar(x = names(x = boundaries)))
boundaries <- c(
boundaries[intersect(x = names(x = boundaries), y = fov)],
rep_len(x = boundaries[idx], length.out = length(x = missing))
names(x = boundaries)[!nchar(x = names(x = boundaries))] <- missing
if (any(!fov %in% names(x = boundaries))) {
for (i in setdiff(x = fov, y = names(x = boundaries))) {
boundaries[[i]] <- Boundaries(object = object[[i]])[1L]
fov <- union(x = fov, y = names(x = boundaries))
if (length(x = boundaries) != length(x = fov)) {
fov <- intersect(x = fov, y = names(x = boundaries))
boundaries <- boundaries[fov]
for (i in fov) {
boundaries[[i]] <- Filter(
f = function(x) {
return(x %in% Boundaries(object = object[[i]]) || is_na(x = x))
x = boundaries[[i]]
boundaries <- Filter(f = length, x = boundaries)
# Generate chunk points
# @param dsize How big is the data being chunked
# @param csize How big should each chunk be
# @return A matrix where each column is a chunk, row 1 is start points, row 2 is end points
ChunkPoints <- function(dsize, csize) {
X = 1L:ceiling(x = dsize / csize),
FUN = function(i) {
start = (csize * (i - 1L)) + 1L,
end = min(csize * i, dsize)
FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = 2L)
# L2 normalize the columns (or rows) of a given matrix
# @param mat Matrix to cosine normalize
# @param MARGIN Perform normalization over rows (1) or columns (2)
# @return returns l2-normalized matrix
L2Norm <- function(mat, MARGIN = 1){
normalized <- Sweep(
x = mat,
STATS = apply(
X = mat,
FUN = function(x){
sqrt(x = sum(x ^ 2))
FUN = "/"
normalized[!is.finite(x = normalized)] <- 0
# Check the use of ...
# @param ... Arguments passed to a function that fall under ...
# @param fxns A list/vector of functions or function names
# @return ...
# @importFrom utils argsAnywhere getAnywhere
#' @importFrom utils isS3stdGeneric methods argsAnywhere isS3method
# @examples
CheckDots <- function(..., fxns = NULL) {
args.names <- names(x = list(...))
if (length(x = list(...)) == 0) {
return(invisible(x = NULL))
if (is.null(x = args.names)) {
stop("No named arguments passed")
if (length(x = fxns) == 1) {
fxns <- list(fxns)
for (f in fxns) {
if (!(is.character(x = f) || is.function(x = f))) {
stop("CheckDots only works on characters or functions, not ", class(x = f))
fxn.args <- suppressWarnings(expr = sapply(
X = fxns,
FUN = function(x) {
x <- tryCatch(
expr = if (isS3stdGeneric(f = x)) {
as.character(x = methods(generic.function = x))
} else {
error = function(...) {
x <- if (is.character(x = x)) {
sapply(X = x, FUN = argsAnywhere, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
} else if (length(x = x) <= 1) {
X = x,
FUN = function(f) {
return(names(x = formals(fun = f)))
simplify = FALSE,
simplify = FALSE,
fxn.args <- unlist(x = fxn.args, recursive = FALSE)
fxn.null <- vapply(X = fxn.args, FUN = is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(length = 1L))
if (all(fxn.null) && !is.null(x = fxns)) {
stop("None of the functions passed could be found")
} else if (any(fxn.null)) {
"The following functions passed could not be found: ",
paste(names(x = which(x = fxn.null)), collapse = ', '),
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
fxn.args <- Filter(f = Negate(f = is.null), x = fxn.args)
dfxns <- vector(mode = 'logical', length = length(x = fxn.args))
names(x = dfxns) <- names(x = fxn.args)
for (i in 1:length(x = fxn.args)) {
dfxns[i] <- any(grepl(pattern = '...', x = fxn.args[[i]], fixed = TRUE))
if (any(dfxns)) {
dfxns <- names(x = which(x = dfxns))
if (any(nchar(x = dfxns) > 0)) {
fx <- vapply(
X = Filter(f = nchar, x = dfxns),
FUN = function(x) {
if (isS3method(method = x)) {
x <- unlist(x = strsplit(x = x, split = '\\.'))
x <- x[length(x = x) - 1L]
FUN.VALUE = character(length = 1L)
"The following functions and any applicable methods accept the dots: ",
paste(unique(x = fx), collapse = ', ')
if (any(nchar(x = dfxns) < 1)) {
"In addition, there is/are ",
length(x = Filter(f = Negate(f = nchar), x = dfxns)),
" other function(s) that accept(s) the dots"
} else {
message("There is/are ", length(x = dfxns), 'function(s) that accept(s) the dots')
} else {
unused <- Filter(
f = function(x) {
return(!x %in% unlist(x = fxn.args))
x = args.names
if (length(x = unused) > 0) {
msg <- paste0(
"The following arguments are not used: ",
paste(unused, collapse = ', ')
EXPR = getOption(x = "Seurat.checkdots"),
"warn" = warning(msg, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE),
"stop" = stop(msg),
"silent" = NULL,
stop("Invalid Seurat.checkdots option. Please choose one of warn, stop, silent")
unused.hints <- sapply(X = unused, FUN = OldParamHints)
names(x = unused.hints) <- unused
unused.hints <- na.omit(object = unused.hints)
if (length(x = unused.hints) > 0) {
"Suggested parameter: ",
paste(unused.hints, "instead of", names(x = unused.hints), collapse = '; '),
# Call gc() to perform garbage collection
CheckGC <- function() {
if (getOption(x = "Seurat.memsafe")) {
gc(verbose = FALSE)
# Check a list of objects for duplicate cell names
# @param object.list List of Seurat objects
# @param verbose Print message about renaming
# @param stop Error out if any duplicate names exist
# @return Returns list of objects with duplicate cells renamed to be unique
# @keywords internal
# @noRd
CheckDuplicateCellNames <- function(object.list, verbose = TRUE, stop = FALSE) {
cell.names <- unlist(x = lapply(X = object.list, FUN = colnames))
if (any(duplicated(x = cell.names))) {
if (stop) {
stop("Duplicate cell names present across objects provided.")
if (verbose) {
warning("Some cell names are duplicated across objects provided. Renaming to enforce unique cell names.")
object.list <- lapply(
X = 1:length(x = object.list),
FUN = function(x) {
object = object.list[[x]],
new.names = paste0(Cells(x = object.list[[x]]), "_", x)
# Create an empty dummy assay to replace existing assay
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
CreateDummyAssay <- function(assay) {
cm <- sparseMatrix(
i = {},
j = {},
dims = c(nrow(x = assay), ncol(x = assay))
cm <- as.sparse(x = cm)
rownames(x = cm) <- rownames(x = assay)
colnames(x = cm) <- colnames(x = assay)
counts = cm,
check.matrix = FALSE
# Extract delimiter information from a string.
# Parses a string (usually a cell name) and extracts fields based on a delimiter
# @param string String to parse.
# @param field Integer(s) indicating which field(s) to extract. Can be a vector multiple numbers.
# @param delim Delimiter to use, set to underscore by default.
# @return A new string, that parses out the requested fields, and (if multiple), rejoins them with the same delimiter
# @export
# @examples
# ExtractField(string = 'Hello World', field = 1, delim = '_')
ExtractField <- function(string, field = 1, delim = "_") {
fields <- as.numeric(x = unlist(x = strsplit(x = as.character(x = field), split = ",")))
if (length(x = fields) == 1) {
return(strsplit(x = string, split = delim)[[1]][field])
return(paste(strsplit(x = string, split = delim)[[1]][fields], collapse = delim))
# Resize GenomicRanges upstream and or downstream
# from https://support.bioconductor.org/p/78652/
Extend <- function(x, upstream = 0, downstream = 0) {
if (any(GenomicRanges::strand(x = x) == "*")) {
warning("'*' ranges were treated as '+'")
on_plus <- GenomicRanges::strand(x = x) == "+" | GenomicRanges::strand(x = x) == "*"
new_start <- GenomicRanges::start(x = x) - ifelse(test = on_plus, yes = upstream, no = downstream)
new_end <- GenomicRanges::end(x = x) + ifelse(test = on_plus, yes = downstream, no = upstream)
IRanges::ranges(x = x) <- IRanges::IRanges(start = new_start, end = new_end)
x <- GenomicRanges::trim(x = x)
# Interleave vectors together
# @param ... Vectors to be interleaved
# @return A vector with the values from each vector in ... interleaved
Interleave <- function(...) {
return(as.vector(x = t(x = as.data.frame(x = list(...)))))
# Check if a matrix is empty
# Takes a matrix and asks if it's empty (either 0x0 or 1x1 with a value of NA)
# @param x A matrix
# @return Whether or not \code{x} is empty
IsMatrixEmpty <- function(x) {
matrix.dims <- dim(x = x)
matrix.na <- all(matrix.dims == 1) && all(is.na(x = x))
return(all(matrix.dims == 0) || matrix.na)
# Check if externalptr is null
# From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26666614/how-do-i-check-if-an-externalptr-is-null-from-within-r
is.null.externalptr <- function(pointer) {
stopifnot(is(pointer, "externalptr"))
.Call("isnull", pointer)
# Check whether an assay has been processed by sctransform
# @param assay assay to check
# @return Boolean
IsSCT <- function(assay) {
if (is.list(x = assay)) {
sct.check <- lapply(X = assay, FUN = function(x) {
return(!is.null(x = Misc(object = x, slot = 'vst.out')) | !is.null(x = Misc(object = x, slot = 'vst.set')) | inherits(x = x, what = "SCTAssay"))
return(unlist(x = sct.check))
return(!is.null(x = Misc(object = assay, slot = 'vst.out')) | !is.null(x = Misc(object = assay, slot = 'vst.set')) | inherits(x = assay, what = "SCTAssay"))
# Check whether a vst.out is from sctransform
# @param vst.out a sct model from sctransform
# @return Boolean
IsVSTout <- function(vst.out) {
vst.element <- c("model_str", "model_pars_fit", "cell_attr" )
vst.check <- setdiff(x = vst.element, y = names(x = vst.out))
if (length(x = setdiff(x = vst.element, y = names(x = vst.out))) == 0) {
vst.check <- TRUE
} else {
vst.check <- FALSE
# Calculate euclidean distance the x and y,
# and subtract the nearest neighbors of x distance to keep local connectivity
# It is used in FindModalityWeights to calculate the with and cross modality distance
impute_dist <- function(x, y, nearest.dist) {
dist <- sqrt(x = rowSums(x = (x - y)**2)) - nearest.dist
dist <- ReLu(x = dist)
# Check the length of components of a list
# @param values A list whose components should be checked
# @param cutoff A minimum value to check for
# @return a vector of logicals
LengthCheck <- function(values, cutoff = 0) {
X = values,
FUN = function(x) {
return(length(x = x) > cutoff)
FUN.VALUE = logical(1)
# Function to map values in a vector `v` as defined in `from`` to the values
# defined in `to`.
# @param v vector of values to map
# @param from vector of original values
# @param to vector of values to map original values to (should be of equal
# length as from)
# @return returns vector of mapped values
MapVals <- function(v, from, to) {
if (length(x = from) != length(x = to)) {
stop("from and to vectors are not the equal length.")
vals.to.match <- match(x = v, table = from)
vals.to.match.idx <- !is.na(x = vals.to.match)
v[vals.to.match.idx] <- to[vals.to.match[vals.to.match.idx]]
# Independently shuffle values within each row of a matrix
# Creates a matrix where correlation structure has been removed, but overall values are the same
# @param x Matrix to shuffle
# @return Returns a scrambled matrix, where each row is shuffled independently
#' @importFrom stats runif
# @export
# @examples
# mat <- matrix(data = rbinom(n = 25, size = 20, prob = 0.2 ), nrow = 5)
# mat
# MatrixRowShuffle(x = mat)
MatrixRowShuffle <- function(x) {
x2 <- x
x2 <- t(x = x)
ind <- order(c(col(x = x2)), runif(n = length(x = x2)))
x2 <- matrix(
data = x2[ind],
nrow = nrow(x = x),
ncol = ncol(x = x),
byrow = TRUE
# Reverse the vector x and return the value at the Nth index. If N is larger
# than the length of the vector, return the last value in the reversed vector.
# @param x vector of interest
# @param N index in reversed vector
# @return returns element at given index
MaxN <- function(x, N = 2){
len <- length(x)
if (N > len) {
warning('N greater than length(x). Setting N=length(x)')
N <- length(x)
sort(x, partial = len - N + 1)[len - N + 1]
# Given a range from cut, compute the mean
# @x range from cut as a string (e.g. (10, 20] )
# @return returns a numeric with the mean of the range
MeanRange <- function(x) {
left <- gsub(pattern = "\\]", replacement = "", x = sub(pattern = "\\([[:digit:]\\.e+]*,", x = x, replacement = ""))
right <- gsub(pattern = "\\(", replacement = "", x = sub(pattern = ",[[:digit:]\\.e+]*]", x = x, replacement = ""))
return(mean(c(as.numeric(x = left), as.numeric(x = right))))
# Melt a data frame
# @param x A data frame
# @return A molten data frame
Melt <- function(x) {
if (!is.data.frame(x = x)) {
x <- as.data.frame(x = x)
rows = rep.int(x = rownames(x = x), times = ncol(x = x)),
cols = unlist(x = lapply(X = colnames(x = x), FUN = rep.int, times = nrow(x = x))),
vals = unlist(x = x, use.names = FALSE)
# Modify parameters in calling environment
# Used exclusively for helper parameter validation functions
# @param param name of parameter to change
# @param value new value for parameter
ModifyParam <- function(param, value) {
# modify in original function environment
env1 <- sys.frame(which = length(x = sys.frames()) - 2)
env1[[param]] <- value
# also modify in validation function environment
env2 <- sys.frame(which = length(x = sys.frames()) - 1)
env2[[param]] <- value
# Give hints for old parameters and their newer counterparts
# This is a non-exhaustive list. If your function isn't working properly based
# on the parameters you give it, please read the documentation for your function
# @param param A vector of parameters to get hints for
# @return Parameter hints for the specified parameters
OldParamHints <- function(param) {
param.conversion <- c(
'raw.data' = 'counts',
'min.genes' = 'min.features',
'features.plot' = 'features',
'pc.genes' = 'features',
'do.print' = 'verbose',
'genes.print' = 'nfeatures.print',
'pcs.print' = 'ndims.print',
'pcs.use' = 'dims',
'reduction.use' = 'reduction',
'cells.use' = 'cells',
'do.balanced' = 'balanced',
'display.progress' = 'verbose',
'print.output' = 'verbose',
'dims.use' = 'dims',
'reduction.type' = 'reduction',
'y.log' = 'log',
'cols.use' = 'cols',
'assay.use' = 'assay'
# Check if a web resource is available
# @param url A URL
# @param strict Perform a strict web availability test
# @param seconds Timeout in seconds
# @return \code{TRUE} if \url{is available} otherwise \code{FALSE}
#' @importFrom httr GET status_code timeout
# @keywords internal
Online <- function(url, strict = FALSE, seconds = 5L) {
if (isTRUE(x = strict)) {
code <- 200L
comp <- identical
} else {
code <- 404L
comp <- Negate(f = identical)
request <- tryCatch(
expr = GET(url = url, timeout(seconds = seconds)),
error = function(err) {
code <- if (grepl(pattern = '^Timeout was reached', x = err$message)) {
} else {
return(comp(x = status_code(x = request), y = code))
# Parenting parameters from one environment to the next
# This function allows one to modify a parameter in a parent environment
# The primary use of this is to ensure logging functions store correct parameters
# if they've been modified by a child function or method
# @param parent.find Regex pattern of name of parent function call to modify.
# For example, this can be the class name for a method that was dispatched previously
# @param ... Parameter names and values to parent; both name and value must be supplied
# in the standard \code{name = value} format; any number of name/value pairs can be specified
# @return No return, modifies parent environment directly
# @examples
# Parenting(parent.find = 'Seurat', features = features[features > 7])
Parenting <- function(parent.find = 'Seurat', ...) {
calls <- as.character(x = sys.calls())
calls <- lapply(
X = strsplit(x = calls, split = '(', fixed = TRUE),
FUN = '[',
parent.index <- grep(pattern = parent.find, x = calls)
if (length(x = parent.index) != 1) {
"Cannot find a parent environment called ",
immediate. = TRUE,
call. = FALSE
} else {
to.parent <- list(...)
if (length(x = to.parent) == 0) {
warning("Nothing to parent", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
} else if (is.null(x = names(x = to.parent))) {
stop("All input must be in a key = value pair")
} else if (length(x = Filter(f = nchar, x = names(x = to.parent))) != length(x = to.parent)) {
stop("All inputs must be named")
} else {
parent.environ <- sys.frame(which = parent.index)
for (i in 1:length(x = to.parent)) {
parent.environ[[names(x = to.parent)[i]]] <- to.parent[[i]]
# Generate a random name
# Make a name from randomly sampled lowercase letters,
# pasted together with no spaces or other characters
# @param length How long should the name be
# @param ... Extra parameters passed to sample
# @return A character with nchar == length of randomly sampled letters
# @seealso \code{\link{sample}}
RandomName <- function(length = 5L, ...) {
CheckDots(..., fxns = 'sample')
return(paste(sample(x = letters, size = length, ...), collapse = ''))
# Rectified linear units function. Calculate positive part of its argument
# The input can be a vector and a matrix
ReLu <- function(x) {
x[x < 0] <- 0
# Remove the last field from a string
# Parses a string (usually a cell name) and removes the last field based on a delimter
# @param string String to parse
# @param delim Delimiter to use, set to underscore by default.
# @return A new string sans the last field
RemoveLastField <- function(string, delim = "_") {
ss <- strsplit(x = string, split = delim)[[1]]
if (length(x = ss) == 1) {
} else {
return(paste(ss[1:(length(x = ss)-1)], collapse = delim))
# Calculate row mean of a sparse matrix
# @param mat sparse matrix
# @return A vector of row mean
RowMeanSparse <- function(mat) {
mat <- RowSparseCheck(mat = mat)
output <- row_mean_dgcmatrix(
x = slot(object = mat, name = "x"),
i = slot(object = mat, name = "i"),
rows = nrow(x = mat),
cols = ncol(x = mat)
names(x = output) <- rownames(x = mat)
# Calculate row sum of a sparse matrix
# @param mat sparse matrix
# @return A vector of row sum
RowSumSparse <- function(mat) {
mat <- RowSparseCheck(mat = mat)
output <- row_sum_dgcmatrix(
x = slot(object = mat, name = "x"),
i = slot(object = mat, name = "i"),
rows = nrow(x = mat),
cols = ncol(x = mat)
names(x = output) <- rownames(x = mat)
# Calculate row variance of a sparse matrix
# @param mat sparse matrix
# @return A vector of row variance
RowVarSparse <- function(mat) {
mat <- RowSparseCheck(mat = mat)
output <- row_var_dgcmatrix(
x = slot(object = mat, name = "x"),
i = slot(object = mat, name = "i"),
rows = nrow(x = mat),
cols = ncol(x = mat)
names(x = output) <- rownames(x = mat)
# Check if the input matrix is dgCMatrix
# @param mat sparse matrix
# @return A dgCMatrix
RowSparseCheck <- function(mat) {
if (!inherits(x = mat, what = "sparseMatrix")) {
stop("Input should be sparse matrix")
} else if (!is(object = mat, class2 = "dgCMatrix")) {
warning("Input matrix is converted to dgCMatrix.")
mat <- as.sparse(x = mat)
# Sweep out array summaries
# Reimplmentation of \code{\link[base]{sweep}} to maintain compatability with
# both R 3.X and 4.X
# @inheritParams base::sweep
# @param x an array.
# @seealso \code{\link[base]{sweep}}
Sweep <- function(x, MARGIN, STATS, FUN = '-', check.margin = TRUE, ...) {
if (any(grepl(pattern = 'X', x = names(x = formals(fun = sweep))))) {
X = x,
check.margin = check.margin,
} else {
x = x,
check.margin = check.margin,
# Get program paths in a system-agnostic way
# @param progs A vector of program names
# @param error Throw an error if any programs are not found
# @param add.exe Add '.exe' extension to program names that don't have it
# @return A named vector of program paths; missing programs are returned as
# \code{NA} if \code{error = FALSE}
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
SysExec <- function(
error = ifelse(test = length(x = progs) == 1, yes = TRUE, no = FALSE),
add.exe = .Platform$OS.type == 'windows'
) {
cmd <- ifelse(
test = .Platform$OS.type == 'windows',
yes = 'where.exe',
no = 'which'
if (add.exe) {
missing.exe <- file_ext(x = progs) != 'exe'
progs[missing.exe] <- paste0(progs[missing.exe], '.exe')
paths <- sapply(
X = progs,
FUN = function(x) {
expr = system2(command = cmd, args = x, stdout = TRUE)[1],
warning = function(...) {
if (error && any(is.na(x = paths))) {
"Could not find the following programs: ",
paste(names(x = paths[is.na(x = paths)]), collapse = ', '),
call. = FALSE
# Try to convert x to numeric, if NA's introduced return x as is
ToNumeric <- function(x){
# check for x:y range
if (is.numeric(x = x)) {
if (length(x = unlist(x = strsplit(x = x, split = ":"))) == 2) {
num <- unlist(x = strsplit(x = x, split = ":"))
num <- suppressWarnings(expr = as.numeric(x = x))
if (!is.na(x = num)) {
# Merge a list of sparse matrixes
#' @importFrom Matrix summary sparseMatrix
MergeSparseMatrices <- function(...) {
colname.new <- character()
rowname.new <- character()
x <- vector()
i <- numeric()
j <- numeric()
for (mat in list(...)) {
colname.old <- colnames(x = mat)
rowname.old <- rownames(x = mat)
# does not check if there are overlapping cells
colname.new <- union(x = colname.new, y = colname.old)
rowname.new <- union(x = rowname.new, y = rowname.old)
colindex.new <- match(x = colname.old, table = colname.new)
rowindex.new <- match(x = rowname.old, table = rowname.new)
ind <- summary(object = mat)
# Expand the list of indices and x
i <- c(i, rowindex.new[ind[,1]])
j <- c(j, colindex.new[ind[,2]])
x <- c(x, ind[,3])
merged.mat <- sparseMatrix(i=i,
dims=c(length(rowname.new), length(colname.new)),
dimnames=list(rowname.new, colname.new))
return (merged.mat)
# cross product from delayed array
crossprod_DelayedAssay <- function(x, y, block.size = 1e8) {
# perform t(x) %*% y in blocks for y
if (!inherits(x = y, 'DelayedMatrix')) {
stop('y should a DelayedMatrix')
if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) {
stop('row of x and y should be the same')
sparse <- DelayedArray::is_sparse(x = y)
suppressMessages(expr = DelayedArray::setAutoBlockSize(size = block.size))
cells.grid <- DelayedArray::colAutoGrid(x = y)
product.list <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length.out = length(x = cells.grid))) {
vp <- cells.grid[[i]]
block <- DelayedArray::read_block(x = y, viewport = vp, as.sparse = sparse)
if (sparse) {
block <- as(object = block, Class = 'dgCMatrix')
} else {
block <- as(object = block, Class = 'Matrix')
product.list[[i]] <- as.matrix(t(x) %*% block)
product.mat <- matrix(data = unlist(product.list), nrow = ncol(x) , ncol = ncol(y))
colnames(product.mat) <- colnames(y)
rownames(product.mat) <- colnames(x)
# cross product from BPCells
crossprod_BPCells <- function(x, y) {
# perform t(x) %*% y, y is from BPCells
product.mat <- t(x) %*% y
colnames(product.mat) <- colnames(y)
rownames(product.mat) <- colnames(x)
# nonzero element version of sweep
SweepNonzero <- function(
FUN = "/"
) {
if (!inherits(x = x, what = 'dgCMatrix')) {
stop('input should be dgCMatrix. eg: x <- as(x, "CsparseMatrix")')
if (dim(x = x)[MARGIN] != length(STATS)){
warning("Length of STATS is not equal to dim(x)[MARGIN]")
fun <- match.fun(FUN)
if (MARGIN == 1) {
idx <- x@i + 1
x@x <- fun(x@x, STATS[idx])
} else if (MARGIN == 2) {
x <- as(x, "RsparseMatrix")
idx <- x@j + 1
x@x <- fun(x@x, STATS[idx])
x <- as(x, "CsparseMatrix")
#' Create one hot matrix for a given label
#' @param labels A vector of labels
#' @param method Method to aggregate cells with the same label. Either 'aggregate' or 'average'
#' @param cells.name A vector of cell names
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums sparse.model.matrix
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @export
#' @concept utilities
CreateCategoryMatrix <- function(
method = c('aggregate', 'average'),
cells.name = NULL
) {
method <- match.arg(arg = method)
if (is.null(dim(labels))) {
if (length(x = unique(x = labels)) == 1) {
data <- matrix(nrow = length(x = labels), ncol = 0)
} else {
data <- cbind(labels = labels)
} else {
data <- labels
cells.name <- cells.name %||% rownames(data)
if (!is.null(cells.name) & length(cells.name) != nrow(data)) {
stop('length of cells name should be equal to the length of input labels')
if (ncol(x = data) == 0) {
message("All grouping variables have 1 value only. Computing across all cells.")
category.matrix <- matrix(
data = 1,
nrow = nrow(x = data),
dimnames = list(cells.name, 'all')
if (method == 'average') {
category.matrix <- category.matrix / sum(category.matrix)
group.by <- colnames(x = data)
category.matrix <- sparse.model.matrix(object = as.formula(
object = paste0(
1:length(x = group.by),
collapse = ":"
colsums <- colSums(x = category.matrix)
category.matrix <- category.matrix[, colsums > 0]
colsums <- colsums[colsums > 0]
if (method =='average') {
category.matrix <- SweepNonzero(
x = category.matrix,
STATS = colsums,
FUN = "/")
if (any(grepl(pattern = "_", x = colnames(x = category.matrix) ))) {
message = "Names of identity class contain underscores ('_'), replacing with dashes ('-')",
.frequency = "regularly",
.frequency_id = "CreateCategoryMatrix"
colnames(x = category.matrix) <- gsub(pattern = '_',
replacement = '-',
x = colnames(x = category.matrix)
colnames(x = category.matrix) <- unname(sapply(
X = colnames(x = category.matrix),
FUN = function(name) {
name <- gsub(pattern = "data\\[, [1-9]*\\]", replacement = "", x = name)
return(paste0(rev(x = unlist(x = strsplit(x = name, split = ":"))), collapse = "_"))
rownames(category.matrix) <- cells.name
#' Construct an assay for spatial niche analysis
#' This function will construct a new assay where each feature is a
#' cell label The values represents the sum of a particular cell label
#' neighboring a given cell.
#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @param fov FOV object to gather cell positions from
#' @param group.by Cell classifications to count in spatial neighborhood
#' @param assay Name for spatial neighborhoods assay
#' @param cluster.name Name of output clusters
#' @param neighbors.k Number of neighbors to consider for each cell
#' @param niches.k Number of clusters to return based on the niche assay
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @return Seurat object containing a new assay
#' @concept clustering
#' @export
BuildNicheAssay <- function(
assay = "niche",
cluster.name = "niches",
neighbors.k = 20,
niches.k = 4
) {
# initialize an empty cells x groups binary matrix
cells <- Cells(object[[fov]])
group.labels <- unlist(object[[group.by]][cells, ])
groups <- sort(unique(group.labels))
cell.type.mtx <- matrix(
data = 0,
nrow = length(cells),
ncol = length(groups)
rownames(cell.type.mtx) <- cells
colnames(cell.type.mtx) <- groups
# populate the binary matrix
cells.idx <- seq_along(cells)
group.idx <- match(group.labels, groups)
cell.type.mtx[cbind(cells.idx, group.idx)] <- 1
# find neighbors based on tissue position
coords <- GetTissueCoordinates(object[[fov]], which = "centroids")
rownames(coords) <- coords[["cell"]]
coords <- as.matrix(coords[ , c("x", "y")])
neighbors <- FindNeighbors(coords, k.param = neighbors.k, compute.SNN = FALSE)
# create niche assay
sum.mtx <- as.matrix(neighbors[["nn"]] %*% cell.type.mtx)
niche.assay <- CreateAssayObject(counts = t(sum.mtx))
object[[assay]] <- niche.assay
DefaultAssay(object) <- assay
# cluster niche assay
object <- ScaleData(object)
results <- kmeans(
x = t(object[[assay]]@scale.data),
centers = niches.k,
nstart = 30
object[[cluster.name]] <- results[["cluster"]]
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