#' Removes data (collapses) with duplicated names
#' @description Will collapse a cds based on duplicated labels that have the greatest variance
#' @param cds Input cell_data_set object.
#' @param fdata_col the non-unique labels (i.e. Gene Symbol)
#' @param id the unique labels (i.e ENSEMBL)
#' @return cds collapsed to only include the duplicated fdata_col label with the highest varience compated
#' to all other identical fdata_col labels
#' @importFrom monocle3 normalized_counts
#' @export
remove_duplicated_rows<-function(cds, fdata_col="gene_short_name", unique_labels="id"){
if (length(make.unique(rn)) != length(unique(rn))) {
unique_rn<-rownames(exprMat)[!rn %in% rn[duplicated(rn)]]
duplicated_rn<-rownames(exprMat)[rn %in% rn[duplicated(rn)]]
duplicated_lab<-rn[rn %in% rn[duplicated(rn)]]
warning("Non unique gene_labels found in data; these have been collapsed keeping the label that has the greatest variance of normalized data")
duplicated<-exprMat[rn %in% rn[duplicated(rn)],]
ts = data.table(rowV = rowVars(as.matrix(duplicated)), rn_D=duplicated_lab, rn_U=duplicated_rn)
tokeep<-c(ts[ , .SD[which.max(rowV)], by = rn_D]$rn_U, unique_rn)
rn<-rn[rownames(exprMat) %in% tokeep]
cds[rownames(exprMat) %in% tokeep,]
#' Pseudobulk
#' @description This function creates pseudocells comprosed of a composite of data from n cells using
#' an additive method.
#' @param cds Input cell_data_set object.
#' @param by column colData from which to group pseudobulking efforts
#' @param n number of cells to bulk
#' @return cds object
#' @importFrom monocle3 new_cell_data_set
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @export
pseudobulk<-function(cds, by, n=10){
matlist<-lapply(levels(pData(cds)[[by]]), function(Cluster){
cds_ss<-cds[,pData(cds)[[by]] %in% Cluster]
rand<-sample(1:length(colnames(cds_ss)), length(colnames(cds_ss)), replace=F)
n <- ceiling(length(colnames(cds_ss))/n)
pseudocelllist<-split(rand, 1:n)
datlist[[2]]<-lapply(pseudocelllist, function(pseudocell){
names(datlist)<-c("indices", "pseudocells")
do.call(cbind, matlist[[1]]$pseudocells)
#make new cds
clusterlist<-lapply(matlist, function(alist) Matrix(do.call(cbind, alist$pseudocells), sparse=T))
smat<-do.call(cbind, clusterlist)
colnames(smat)<-unlist(sapply(1:length(matlist), function(num){
first_name<-paste(names(matlist)[num], pseudocellnum, sep="-")
second_name<-sapply(matlist[[num]]$indices, paste, collapse=",")
return(paste(first_name, second_name, sep="_"))
combined_metadata_df<-data.frame(Pseudocell=sapply(strsplit(sapply(strsplit(colnames(smat), "-"), "[[",2), "_"), "[[", 1), row.names = colnames(smat))
combined_metadata_df[[by]]=sapply(strsplit(colnames(smat), "-"), "[[",1)
pd = DataFrame(combined_metadata_df)
cell_metadata = pd, gene_metadata = fData(cds)))
#' ssGSEA
#' @description This function runs ssGSEA as implemented here: https://gist.github.com/gaoce/39e0907146c752c127728ad74e123b33
#' @param X matrix. Rows are genes. Columns are samples. Row names are symbols.
#' @param gene_sets list. Each element is a string vector with gene symbols.
#' @param alpha numeric. Parameter for ssGSEA, the default is 0.25
#' @param scale logical. If True, normalize the scores by number of genes in the gene sets.
#' @param norm logical. If True, normalize the scores by the absolute difference between max and min values.
#' @param single logical. If True, use ssGSEA algorithm, otherwise use GSEA.
#' @return matrix containing enrichment scroes. Rows are gene sets, columns are samples.
#' @importFrom matrixStats colRanks
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a fake matrix
#' m = 100
#' n = 100
#' set.seed(1)
#' X = matrix(rnorm(m*n), m, n)
#' # Assign 'gene symbols' to row names
#' rownames(X) = 1:m
#' # Create 3 gene sets
#' gene_sets = list(a = sample(m, 5), b = sample(m, 5), c = sample(m, 5))
#' system.time(assign('a', GSVA::gsva(X, gene_sets, method = 'ssgsea')))
#' system.time(assign('b', ssgsea(X, gene_sets, scale = F, norm = T)))
#' identical(a, b)
ssgsea = function(X, gene_sets, alpha = 0.25, scale = T, norm = F, single = T) {
row_names = rownames(X)
num_genes = nrow(X)
gene_sets = lapply(gene_sets, function(genes) {which(row_names %in% genes)})
# Ranks for genes
R = colRanks(X, preserveShape = T, ties.method = 'average')
# Calculate enrichment score (es) for each sample (column)
es = apply(R, 2, function(R_col) {
gene_ranks = order(R_col, decreasing = TRUE)
# Calc es for each gene set
es_sample = sapply(gene_sets, function(gene_set_idx) {
# pos: match (within the gene set)
# neg: non-match (outside the gene set)
indicator_pos = gene_ranks %in% gene_set_idx
indicator_neg = !indicator_pos
rank_alpha = (R_col[gene_ranks] * indicator_pos) ^ alpha
step_cdf_pos = cumsum(rank_alpha) / sum(rank_alpha)
step_cdf_neg = cumsum(indicator_neg) / sum(indicator_neg)
step_cdf_diff = step_cdf_pos - step_cdf_neg
# Normalize by gene number
if (scale) step_cdf_diff = step_cdf_diff / num_genes
# Use ssGSEA or not
if (single) {
} else {
if (length(gene_sets) == 1) es = matrix(es, nrow = 1)
# Normalize by absolute diff between max and min
if (norm) es = es / diff(range(es))
# Prepare output
rownames(es) = names(gene_sets)
colnames(es) = colnames(X)
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