
Defines functions calculate.mhl calculate.entropy calculate.entropy.line calculate.epipolymorphism calculate.epipoly.line calculate.pdr calculate.qfdrp calculate.fdrp calculate.fdrp.score calculate.pdr.by.chromosome calculate.fdrp.by.chromosome calculate.pdr.site calculate.fdrp.site compute.discordant restrict classify.read toCpGs convert

Documented in calculate.entropy calculate.epipolymorphism calculate.fdrp calculate.fdrp.by.chromosome calculate.fdrp.score calculate.fdrp.site calculate.mhl calculate.pdr calculate.pdr.by.chromosome calculate.pdr.site calculate.qfdrp

## calculate_scores.R
## created: 2017-03-06
## creator: Michael Scherer
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Main script of the package. Includes all relevant functions for computing the scores.

#' convert
#' This function converts a sequence representation as a string into a binary (TRUE/FALSE)
#' representation according to the methylation state of the CpG dinucleotide at the given position.
#' @param y position of the CpG nucleotide in the string
#' @param string sequence of the read as a string
#' @return TRUE, if the CpG dinucleotide was methylated at the given position and FALSE otherwise
#' @author Michael Scherer
#' @noRd
convert <- function(y,string){
  if(nchar(string) >= y+2){
    s <- substr(string,y+1,y+2)
    ret <- ifelse(s == 'CG',TRUE,FALSE)

#' toCpGs
#' This function converts the sequence representation as the result of a sequencing technology to a
#' binary representation with TRUE values for the methylated CpGs and FALSE values for the remaining
#' CpGs
#' @param index index of the read that should be converted to the custom representation
#' @param match_read_cpg list containing the mapping from the reads to the CpG sites covered by
#'							the read
#' @param starts_cpgs vector of positions for the CpG sites
#' @param starts_reads starting positions of the reads
#' @param seqs_reads raw sequence of the read
#' @return representation of the read as a logical vector for each CpG site in the read
#'						where TRUE represents a methylated CpG and FALSE a non-methylated (or a sequence
#'						variation)
#'@details This function calls the function convert for each CpG site covered by the read.
#'						Sequence variations and unmethylated CpG sites are treated in the same way.
#' @author Michael Scherer
#' @noRd
toCpGs <- function(index,match_read_cpg,starts_cpgs,starts_reads,seqs_reads){
  covered_cpgs <- match_read_cpg[[index]]
  start_cpgs <- starts_cpgs[covered_cpgs]
  names(start_cpgs) <- start_cpgs
  start_of_read <- starts_reads[index]
  start_cpgs <- start_cpgs-start_of_read
  sequence <- seqs_reads[index]
  representation <- lapply(start_cpgs,convert,sequence)
  representation <- unlist(representation)

#' classify.read
#' This functions classifies a read into either discordant (TRUE) or concordant (FALSE).
#' @param index index of the read that should be converted to the custom representation
#' @param match_read_cpg list containing the mapping from the reads to the CpG sites covered by
#'							the read
#' @param starts_cpgs vector of positions for the CpG sites
#' @param starts_reads starting positions of the reads
#' @param seqs_reads raw sequence of the read
#' @return representation of the read as a logical value, where TRUE represents a discordant
#'                 and FALSE a concordant read
#'@details A read is classified as discordant, if the methylation levels found at all CpGs in the
#'                 read are heterogeneous. That means if there is at least one methylated and one
#'                 umethylated CpG, the read is discordant, otherwise concordant.
#' @noRd
#' @author Michael Scherer
classify.read <- function(index,match_read_cpg,starts_cpgs,starts_reads,seqs_reads){
  covered_cpgs <- match_read_cpg[[index]]
  # This is one of the criteria implemented in the PDR, each read has to contain at least 4 CpGs to
  # be used for the classification into discordant/concordant
  start_cpgs <- starts_cpgs[covered_cpgs]
  names(start_cpgs) <- start_cpgs
  start_of_read <- starts_reads[index]
  start_cpgs <- start_cpgs-start_of_read
  sequence <- seqs_reads[index]
  representation <- lapply(start_cpgs,convert,sequence)
  representation <- unlist(representation)
  #' A read is only concordant if all of the CpGs show the same methylation status
  concordant <- (all(representation) || all(!representation))

#' compute.discordant
#' This function restricts a read to those CpG sites that are at most WINDOW.SIZE away from one
#' another.
#' @param positions positions of the CpG sites in the read of interest
#' @param cpg position of the CpG site of interest
#' @return positions of the CpG sites that are at most WINDOW.SIZE away from one
#'						another
#' @noRd
#' @author Michael Scherer
restrict <- function(positions,cpg){
  # We only restrict something, if the read is longer than 50 bp
  if(!any(positions == cpg)) return(NA)
  distances <- abs(as.numeric(positions)-as.numeric(cpg))
  positions <- positions[distances<=get.option('window.size')]
    distances <- distances[distances<=get.option('window.size')]
    end <- length(distances)
    remove <- rep(FALSE,end)
    pos <- match(cpg,positions)
    i.left <- pos-1
    i.right <- pos+1
    finished.left <- FALSE
    finished.right <- FALSE
    while((!finished.left) || (!finished.right)){
      left <- distances[i.left]
      right <- distances[i.right]
        i.right <- i.right + 1
        if(i.right > end){
          finished.right <- TRUE
          i.right <- end
        right <- distances[i.right]
        if(get.option('window.size') < (left + right)){
          remove[i.right:end] <- TRUE
          finished.right <- TRUE
          i.right <- max(which(!remove))
      }else if (finished.right){
        i.left <- i.left - 1
        if(i.left < 1){
          finished.left <- TRUE
          i.left <- 1
        left <- distances[i.left]
        if(get.option('window.size') < (left + right)){
          remove[1:i.left] <- TRUE
          finished.left <- TRUE
          i.left <- min(which(!remove))
        if((left < right) || all(remove[i.right:end])){
          i.left <- i.left - 1
          if(i.left < 1){
            finished.left <- TRUE
            i.left <- 1
          left <- distances[i.left]
          if(get.option('window.size') < (left + right)){
            remove[1:i.left] <- TRUE
            finished.left <- TRUE
            i.left <- min(which(!remove))
          i.right <- i.right + 1
          if(i.right > end){
            finished.right <- TRUE
            i.right <- end
          right <- distances[i.right]
          if(get.option('window.size') < (left + right)){
            remove[i.right:end] <- TRUE
            finished.right <- TRUE
            i.right <- max(which(!remove))
    positions <- positions[!remove]

#' compute.discordant
#' This function decides for a given read pair if it is discordant or not.
#' @param index index of the read pair
#' @param read1 vector of indeces for the query reads for the read pairs
#' @param read2 vector of indeces for the subject reads for the read pairs
#' @param values GRanges object containing the reads from which the read pairs
#'					were calculated
#' @param site position of the CpG site of interest
#' @return classification of the read pair as discordant or concordant
#' @details The given read pair is only concordant, if all CpG sites that overlap between the
#' 				reads reflect the same methylation status. Otherwise the read pair is classified
#' 				as discordant.
#' @noRd
#' @author Michael Scherer
compute.discordant <- function(index,read1,read2,values,site){
  # this is the first read
  q <- read1[index]
  # this is the second
  s <- read2[index]
  # the values are stored in the corresponding part of the GRanges object
  v1 <- values[q]
  # we check if we have any information about the mehtylation state available
    v1 <- v1[[1]]
  v2 <- values[s]
    v2 <- v2[[1]]
  # now we match the corresponding positions to each other
  names1 <- names(v1)
  names2 <- names(v2)
  both <- intersect(names1,names2)
  both <- restrict(both,site)
  intersection1 <- v2[both]
  intersection1 <- intersection1[!is.na(intersection1)]
  intersection2 <- v1[both]
  intersection2 <- intersection2[!is.na(intersection2)]
  # two reads are only concordant to each other if they reflect the same methylation
  # state at each position covered by the reads
  # we do a case distinction for either FDRP or qFDRP: while FDRP only classifies each read pair to either
  # discordant or concordant, the qFDRP computes the discordance fraction between the two reads
    discordant <- any(intersection1 != intersection2)
    discordant <- (sum(intersection1 != intersection2))/length(intersection1)

#' calculate.fdrp.site
#' This function compute the FDRP score for a given cpg site.
#' @param pos index of the cpg site
#' @param cpg list containing the mapping from each cpg site to the reads that
#'					contain this site
#' @param reads GRanges object containing the reads needed for the calculation
#'					of the FDRP, already converted into the custom representation
#' @param site position of the CpG site of interest as an integer number
#' @return FDRP score for the given CpG site
#' @details This function is called by calculate.fdrps.chromosome each CpG present on
#' 				the chormosome and calls compute.discordant for each pair of reads.
#' @export
#' @author Michael Scherer
calculate.fdrp.site <- function(pos,cpg,reads,site){
  cpg <- cpg[[pos]]
  site <- site[[pos]]
  # we only consider the calculation if there are more than 2 reads for this CpG site
  # the maximum number of reads to be calculated is 40, which already are
  # (1/2)*39*40 = 780 read pairs for a single site. Otherwise 40 reads are
  # are sampled from the all reads.
    cpg <- sample(cpg,get.option('max.reads'))
  selected <- reads[cpg]

  # here we calculate all pairs of the reads that the corresponding CpG site covers
  # we require the overlap to be at least 35 bp long
  overlap <- findOverlaps(selected,selected,minoverlap=get.option('min.overlap'),ignore.strand=TRUE)
  query <- queryHits(overlap)
  subject <- subjectHits(overlap)
  # we only consider each of the pairs once and the findOverlaps function calculates
  # all pairs in both directions
  smaller <- query<subject
  query <- query[smaller]
  subject <- subject[smaller]

  # now we start with the calculation of the FDRP for the sample
  values <- values(selected)[,"CpG"]
  # query is as long as all read pairs we want to consider at this specific position
  ret <- as.list(1:length(query))
  ret <- lapply(ret,compute.discordant,query,subject,values,site)
  ret <- unlist(ret)
  #' we actually calculate the FDRP as frac{#discordant read pairs}{#all read pairs}
  fdrp <- sum(ret,na.rm=TRUE)/length(ret)

#' calculate.pdr.site
#' This function computes the PDR score for a given cpg site.
#' @param cpg index of the cpg site
#' @param reads GRanges object containing the reads needed for the calculation
#'					of the PDR, already converted into the custom representation
#' @return PDR score for the given CpG site
#' @export
#' @author Michael Scherer
calculate.pdr.site <- function(cpg,reads){
  # we only consider the calculation if the cpg site is covered by more than 10 reads
  # Another requirement stated in the PDR paper

  selected <- reads[cpg]

  # We select the reads that contain the given CpG site
  values <- values(selected)[,"isDiscordant"]
  # we calculate the PDR as frac{#discordant reads}{#all reads} that contain the given CpG
  values <- unlist(values)
  pdr <- mean(values,na.rm=TRUE)

#' calculate.fdrp.by.chromosome
#' This function calculates the FDRP scores for the reads given in the bam files
#' for the CpGs present in the annotation.
#' @param bam bam file with the reads from a bisulfite sequencing technique
#'				already aligned to a reference genome
#' @param anno annotation as a GRanges object with the CpG sites to be analyzed
#' @return vector of fdrp scores for the given CpG sites in anno
#' @details This function is called by calculate.fdrps for each chromosome
#'				separately and calls toCpG as well as calculate.fdrp.site.
#' @author Michael Scherer
#' @export
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @import rtracklayer
calculate.fdrp.by.chromosome <- function(bam, anno){
  chromosome <- as.character(seqnames(anno))[1]
  logger.start(paste('Calculation of',chromosome))
  start <- start(ranges(anno)[1])
  end <- end(ranges(anno)[length(anno)])
  if(!(chromosome %in% names(scanBamHeader(bam)[[1]]))){
    chromosome <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(chromosome,"[^0-9]+")))))
  which <- paste0(chromosome,":",start,"-",end)
  which <- GRanges(which)
  param <- ScanBamParam(which=which,what="seq",mapqFilter=get.option('mapq.filter'),flag=scanBamFlag(isNotPassingQualityControls=FALSE,isDuplicate=FALSE))
  reads <- readGAlignments(bam,param=param)

  range_reads <- GRanges(reads)
  newStyle <- mapSeqlevels(seqlevels(range_reads),'UCSC')
  newStyle <- newStyle[!is.na(newStyle)]
  range_reads <- renameSeqlevels(range_reads,newStyle)

  # we only analyze those CpGs that are covered (on average) by enough reads in the complete dataset
  overlap <- findOverlaps(range_reads,anno,ignore.strand=TRUE)
  query <- queryHits(overlap)
  query <- unique(query)
  range_reads <- range_reads[query]

  ####### REPRESENTATION ############
  # This part converts the raw sequencing reads from the alignment into
  # an representation, where only CpG positions are considered and from whom we
  # can infer discordance or concordance of reads
  range_cpgs <- ranges(anno)
  starts_cpgs <- start(range_cpgs)
  seqs_reads <- as.character(values(range_reads)$seq)
  starts_reads <- start(ranges(range_reads))
  overlap <- findOverlaps(range_reads,anno,ignore.strand=TRUE)
  match_read_cpg <- as(overlap,"list")
  overlap <- findOverlaps(anno,range_reads,ignore.strand=TRUE)
  fdrps <- as.list(rep(NA,length(anno)))
  # for each read we convert the covered CpG sites into a custom representation
  read_representation <- as.list(1:length(range_reads))
  read_representation <- lapply(read_representation,toCpGs,match_read_cpg,starts_cpgs,starts_reads,seqs_reads)
  values(range_reads) <- DataFrame(cbind(CpG=read_representation))

  ######### FDRP CALCULATION ###########
  # we only calculate the FDRP for the CpGs that are acutally covered by any read in the
  # corresponding sample
  match_cpg_reads <- as(overlap,"list")
  null <- lapply(match_cpg_reads,function(x){length(x)>0})
  null <- unlist(null)
  match_cpg_reads <- match_cpg_reads[null]
  starts_cpgs <- starts_cpgs[null]
  toApply <- 1:length(starts_cpgs)
  fdrps_actual <- lapply(toApply,calculate.fdrp.site,match_cpg_reads,range_reads,starts_cpgs)
  # when we do not have a read that covers this site, we set the FDRP for this site to NA
  fdrps[null] <- fdrps_actual
  fdrps <- unlist(fdrps)
  # here we set the name for the corresponding position in the genome

#' calculate.pdr.by.chromosome
#' This function calculates the PDR scores for the reads given in the bam files
#' for the CpGs present in the annotation.
#' @param bam bam file with the reads from a bisulfite sequencing technique
#'				already aligned to a reference genome
#' @param anno annotation as a GRanges object with the CpG sites to be analyzed
#' @return vector of pdr scores for the given CpG sites in anno
#' @author Michael Scherer
#' @export
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @import rtracklayer
calculate.pdr.by.chromosome <- function(bam, anno){
  chromosome <- as.character(seqnames(anno))[1]
  logger.start(paste('Calculation of',chromosome))
  start <- start(ranges(anno)[1])
  end <- end(ranges(anno)[length(anno)])
  if(!(chromosome %in% names(scanBamHeader(bam)[[1]]))){
    chromosome <- unique(na.omit(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(chromosome,"[^0-9]+")))))
  which <- paste0(chromosome,":",start,"-",end)
  which <- GRanges(which)
  param <- ScanBamParam(which=which,what="seq",mapqFilter=get.option('mapq.filter'),flag=scanBamFlag(isNotPassingQualityControls=FALSE,isDuplicate=FALSE))
  reads <- readGAlignments(bam,param=param)

  range_reads <- GRanges(reads)
  newStyle <- mapSeqlevels(seqlevels(range_reads),'UCSC')
  newStyle <- newStyle[!is.na(newStyle)]
  range_reads <- renameSeqlevels(range_reads,newStyle)

  # we only analyze those CpGs that are covered (on average) by enough reads in the complete dataset
  overlap <- findOverlaps(range_reads,anno,ignore.strand=TRUE)
  query <- queryHits(overlap)
  query <- unique(query)
  range_reads <- range_reads[query]

  ####### REPRESENTATION ############
  #This part clasifies all reads into either discordant or concordant
  range_cpgs <- ranges(anno)
  starts_cpgs <- start(range_cpgs)
  seqs_reads <- as.character(values(range_reads)$seq)
  starts_reads <- start(ranges(range_reads))
  overlap <- findOverlaps(range_reads,anno,ignore.strand=TRUE)
  match_read_cpg <- as(overlap,"list")
  overlap <- findOverlaps(anno,range_reads,ignore.strand=TRUE)
  pdrs <- as.list(rep(NA,length(anno)))
  # we classify each read into either discordant or concordant
  classified_reads <- as.list(1:length(range_reads))
  classified_reads <- lapply(classified_reads,classify.read,match_read_cpg,starts_cpgs,starts_reads,seqs_reads)
  values(range_reads) <- DataFrame(cbind('isDiscordant'=classified_reads))

  ######### PDR CALCULATION ###########
  # Starting from the classification of the reads, we now calculate the actual PDR
  # values for the CpG sites of interest
  match_cpg_reads <- as(overlap,"list")
  null <- lapply(match_cpg_reads,function(x){length(x)>0})
  null <- unlist(null)
  match_cpg_reads <- match_cpg_reads[null]
  pdrs_actual <- lapply(match_cpg_reads,calculate.pdr.site,range_reads)
  # when we do not have a read that covers this site, we set the FDRP for this site to NA
  pdrs[null] <- pdrs_actual
  pdrs <- unlist(pdrs)

#' calculate.fdrp.score
#' This function calculates the FDRPs/qFDRPs (depending on how the options are set) for all CpG sites in
#' the annotation from the reads provided by the bam file.
#' @param bam.file bath to the bam file to be analyzed
#'				already aligned to a reference genome
#' @param anno CpG sites to be analyzed as a GRanges object
#' @param log.path location of the log file
#' @param cores number of cores available for the analysis
#' @param window.size window size used to restrict the concordance/discordance classification of each read pair
#' 						DEFAULT: 50 as the maximum distance
#' @param use.sex.chromosomes Flag indicating if scores are also to be computed for the sex chromosomes						
#' @return FDRP scores for the given annotation.
#' @author Michael Scherer
#' @import RnBeads
#' @import doParallel
#' @import parallel
#' @export
calculate.fdrp.score <- function(bam.file,
  output.frame <- data.frame(chromosome=seqnames(anno),start=start(anno),end=end(anno))
  bam <- BamFile(bam.file)
  cl <- makeCluster(cores,outfile=file.path(log.path,'log','log_FDRP.log'))
  anno <- prepare.annotation(anno,use.sex.chromosomes=use.sex.chromosomes)
    logger.start("FDRP calculation")
    fdrps <- foreach(chromosome=anno,.combine='c',.packages=c('RnBeads','GenomicAlignments','Rsamtools','rtracklayer'),.export=c('calculate.fdrp.by.chromosome','calculate.fdrp.site','compute.discordant','toCpGs','convert','restrict','set.option','get.option','IHS.OPTIONS')) %dopar%{
    logger.start("qFDRP calculation")
    fdrps <- foreach(chromosome=anno,.combine='c',.packages=c('RnBeads','GenomicAlignments','Rsamtools','rtracklayer'),.export=c('calculate.fdrp.by.chromosome','calculate.fdrp.site','compute.discordant','toCpGs','convert','restrict','set.option','get.option','IHS.OPTIONS')) %dopar%{
  fdrps <- unlist(fdrps)
  output.frame$FDRP <- fdrps

#' calculate.fdrp
#' This function calculates the FDRP scores for the reads given in the bam files
#' for the CpGs present in the annotation.
#' @param bam.file bath to the bam file to be analyzed
#'				already aligned to a reference genome
#' @param anno annotation as a GRanges object with the CpG sites to be analyzed
#' @param log.path location of the log file
#' @param cores number of cores available for the analysis
#' @param window.size window size used to restrict the concordance/discordance classification of each read pair
#' 						DEFAULT: 50 as the maximum distance
#' @param use.sex.chromosomes Flag indicating if scores are also to be computed for the sex chromosomes						
#' @return FDRP scores for the given annotation.
#' @author Michael Scherer
#' @export
calculate.fdrp <- function(bam.file,
    anno <- remove.sex.chromosomes(anno)
  qfdrp <- calculate.fdrp.score(bam.file,anno,log.path,cores,use.sex.chromosomes = use.sex.chromosomes)

#' calculate.qfdrp
#' This function calculates the qFDRP scores for the reads given in the bam files
#' for the CpGs present in the annotation.
#' @param bam.file bath to the bam file to be analyzed
#'				already aligned to a reference genome
#' @param anno annotation as a GRanges object with the CpG sites to be analyzed
#' @param log.path location of the log file
#' @param cores number of cores available for the analysis
#' @param window.size window size used to restrict the concordance/discordance classification of each read pair
#' 						DEFAULT: 50 as the maximum distance
#' @param use.sex.chromosomes Flag indicating if scores are also to be computed for the sex chromosomes						
#' @return qFDRP scores for the given annotation.
#' @author Michael Scherer
#' @export
calculate.qfdrp <- function(bam.file,
    anno <- remove.sex.chromosomes(anno)
  qfdrp <- calculate.fdrp.score(bam.file,anno,log.path,cores,use.sex.chromosomes=use.sex.chromosomes)
  colnames(qfdrp)[ncol(qfdrp)] <- "qFDRP"

#' calculate.pdr
#'  This function calculates the PDRs for all analyzed CpG sites in
#' the bam file of the corresponding sample
#' @param bam.file bath to the bam file to be analyzed
#'				already aligned to a reference genome
#' @param anno	annotation as a GRanges object with the CpG sites to be analyzed
#' @param log.path location of the log file
#' @param cores number of cores available for the analysis
#' @param use.sex.chromosomes Flag indicating if scores are also to be computed for the sex chromosomes						
#' @return PDR scores for the given annotation.
#' @author Michael Scherer
#' @import RnBeads
#' @import doParallel
#' @import parallel
#' @export
calculate.pdr <- function(bam.file,
  logger.start("PDR calculation")
    anno <- remove.sex.chromosomes(anno)
  output.frame <- data.frame(chromosome=seqnames(anno),start=start(anno),end=end(anno))
  bam <- BamFile(bam.file)
  cl <- makeCluster(cores,outfile=file.path(log.path,'log','log_PDR.log'))
  anno <- prepare.annotation(anno,use.sex.chromosomes=use.sex.chromosomes)
  pdrs <- foreach(chromosome=anno,.combine='c',.packages=c('RnBeads','GenomicAlignments','Rsamtools','rtracklayer'),.export=c('calculate.pdr.by.chromosome','calculate.pdr.site','classify.read','convert','IHS.OPTIONS')) %dopar%{
  pdrs <- unlist(pdrs)
  output.frame$PDR <- pdrs

#' calculate.epipoly.line
#' This functions computes epipolymorphim for a single line of methclone's output.
#' @param line single line in methclone's output
#' @return epipolymorphism for this region
#' @author Michael Scherer
#' @noRd
calculate.epipoly.line <- function(line){
  percentages <- as.numeric(line[15:30])
  epipoly <- 1-(sum((percentages/100)^2))
  epipoly <- round(epipoly,4)

#' calculate.epipolymorphism
#' This function calculates Epipolymorphism by calling the methclone software to compute epiallele frequencies and
#' then uses the definition of epipolymorphism for the calculation.
#' @param bam.file path to bam file containing the reads of the data set
#' @param out.folder folder to store the temporary file produced by methclone
#' @param out.name name of temporary file
#' @return a data frame containing the position in the reference genome and the Epipolymorphism scores
#' @import RnBeads
#' @export
calculate.epipolymorphism <- function(bam.file,out.folder=getwd(),out.name="methclone"){
  logger.start("Epipolymorphism calculation")
  methclone.file <- file.path(out.folder,paste0(out.name,"_tmp.txt.gz"))
  methclone.data <- read.csv(methclone.file,sep='\t')
  output.frame <- data.frame(chromosome=methclone.data$chr,start=methclone.data$start,end=methclone.data$end,strand=methclone.data$strand)
  values <- apply(methclone.data,1,calculate.epipoly.line)
  output.frame <- data.frame(output.frame,Epipolymorphism=values)

#' calculate.entropy.line
#' This functions computes methylation entropy for a single line of methclone's output.
#' @param line single line in methclone's output
#' @return entropy for this region
#' @author Michael Scherer
#' @noRd
calculate.entropy.line <- function(line){
  percentages <- as.numeric(line[15:30])
  percentages <- percentages[percentages!=0]
  entropy <- -0.25*(sum((percentages/100)*log2(percentages/100)))
  entropy <- round(entropy,4)

#' calculate.entropy
#' This function calculates Methylation entropy by calling the methclone software to compute epiallele frequencies and
#' then uses the definition of entropy for the calculation.
#' @param bam.file path to bam file containing the reads of the data set
#' @param out.folder folder to store the temporary file produced by methclone
#' @param out.name name of temporary file
#' @return a data frame containing the position in the reference genome and the Entropy scores
#' @import RnBeads
#' @export
calculate.entropy <- function(bam.file,out.folder=getwd(),out.name="methclone"){
  logger.start("Entropy calculation")
  methclone.file <- file.path(out.folder,paste0(out.name,"_tmp.txt.gz"))
  methclone.data <- read.csv(methclone.file,sep='\t')
  output.frame <- data.frame(chromosome=methclone.data$chr,start=methclone.data$start,end=methclone.data$end,strand=methclone.data$strand)
  values <- apply(methclone.data,1,calculate.entropy.line)
  output.frame <- data.frame(output.frame,Entropy=values)

#' calculate.mhl
#' This function computed the Methylation Haplotype Load (MHL) for all sites in a given annotation by employing the scripts
#' downloaded from the paper's website
#' @param roi Region of interest for which haplotype information should be computed
#' @param bam.file path to bam file containing the reads
#' @param out.folder folder to write the output
#' @param out.name name of the output file
#' @param bam.type alignment tools used to create the bam file
#' @return a data frame containing the position in the reference genome and the MHL scores
#' @export
calculate.mhl <- function(roi,bam.file,out.folder=getwd(),out.name="mhl.txt",bam.type="bismark"){
  logger.start("MHL calculation")
  hapinfo.file <- run.haplotype.calculation(roi,bam.file,out.folder,bam.type)
  mhl.file <- run.mhl.calculation(hapinfo.file,out.folder,out.name)
  mhl.data <- read.table(mhl.file,sep='\t',skip=1)
  anno.mhl <- as.character(mhl.data[,1])
  anno.mhl <- strsplit(anno.mhl,'[[:punct:]]')
  anno.mhl <- as.data.frame(anno.mhl)
  anno.mhl <- t(anno.mhl)
  mhl.scores <- as.numeric(mhl.data[,2])
  out.frame <- data.frame(chromosome=anno.mhl[,1],start=anno.mhl[,2],end=anno.mhl[,3],MHL=mhl.scores)
  row.names(out.frame) <- 1:nrow(out.frame)
schmic05/ISH_package documentation built on March 18, 2021, 5:42 p.m.