
Defines functions pca_score

Documented in pca_score

#' Functions for plotting pca results in score plot

#' @param pca_data the PCA model output of prcomp()
#' @param PCs numeric; vector of Principal Components to consider
#' @param colour string; name of column to be used as the colour aesthetic
#' @param shape string; name of column to be used as the shape aesthetic
#' @param size string; name of column to be used as the size aesthetic
#' @param label string; name of column to be used as the point labels
#' @param pt.size numeric; default 3; size of points
#' @param title string; title of pca plot
#' @param legend.ori string. \code{c('vertical','horizontal')}.
#'     Default \code{'vertical'}
#' @param outline logic. Default \code{TRUE}. outline points
#' @param CIgroup draws an ellipse based on covariance matrix at the
#'     95% confidence level around the specified group
#'     (one of the metadata columns)
#'     specifies the groupings around which ellipses should be drawn
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return list of: \code{p} ggplot object with generated plot
#'                  \code{collected_data} all the data used to plot pca data
#'                      using ggplot2. can use collected_data for
#'                      further customization using ggplot
#' @export

pca_score = function(pca_data, PCs=1:2,
                     colour=NULL, shape=NULL, size=NULL, label=NULL, title=NULL,
                     legend.ori='vertical', pt.size=3, outline=FALSE,
                     CIgroup = NULL)
  #Input testing---------------------------------------------------------------------

  #Testing if the pca_data is indeed the result of a prcomp function
  if (class(pca_data) != 'prcomp')
    stop('Input "pca_data" to pca_score must be the output of prcomp() function')

  #Testing if PCs are numeric
  if (!is.numeric(PCs))
    stop('Input "PCs" to pca_score must be a vector of numeric values corresponding to target principal components')

  #Testing to make sure that PCs are in the input data
  if (any(PCs > ncol(pca_data$x)))
    stop('Input "PCs" to pca_score must not be outside of the pca_data principal component range')

  #Extract scores--------------------------------------------------------------------
  score.data = as.data.frame(pca_data$x)

  #Copying out the standard deviation info from pca_data as a dataframe
  variance = as.data.frame(pca_data$sdev)

  #Converting standard deviations to variance
  variance = variance**2
  variance = variance/sum(variance)*100
  variance = round(variance, digits=1)
  #Initializing a new vector to store collected_data
  collected_data = c()

  #Iterating through the PCs, two at a time.
  for (i in seq(PCs[1], PCs[length(PCs)], by=2))
    view.data = score.data[score.data$x.PC==i,]
    view.data$view_var = paste('PC', i, '(', variance[i,], '%) ','vs.',
                               'PC', i+1,'(', variance[i+1,], '%)')

    #Adding to collected_data
    collected_data = rbind(collected_data, view.data)

  #Converting View to factor, preserving ordering
  collected_data$view_var = factor(collected_data$view_var,

  #Iterating through the PCs, two at a time, to draw ellipse for 95% confidence
  ellipse_custom <- function(d, x='x.value', y='y.value', axes='view')

    df <- d[d$view == unique(d[,axes]),]

    xvar <- var(df[,x])
    yvar <- var(df[,y])
    cvar <- cov(df[,x], df[,y])

    cen <- c(mean(df[,x]), mean(df[,y]))

    cov.m <- matrix(c(xvar, cvar, cvar, yvar), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
    e <- ellipse(cov.m, centre=cen)

  elp.data <- c()
  if (!is.null(CIgroup))
    for(i in seq(PCs[1], PCs[length(PCs)], by=2))
      elp <- plyr::ddply(collected_data[collected_data$x.PC==i,],
                   CIgroup, ellipse_custom)

      #putting each elp interation into one dataframe
      elp.data <- rbind(elp.data, elp)

  # #Calculating plot limits
  # xlimit = max(abs(collected_data$x.value))*1.15
  # ylimit = max(abs(collected_data$y.value))*1.15

  #Generating plot-------------------------------------------------------------------

  p = ggplot(collected_data)

  #If size descriptor has been specified, use it as an aesthetic,
   if(!is.null(size)) {
    p = p + geom_point(aes_string(x='x.value', y='y.value',
                           colour=colour, shape=shape, size=size), alpha=0.8)
  { #otherwise, default to point size 3 and make points with black outline
      p = p + geom_point(aes_string(x='x.value', y='y.value', shape=shape),
                         colour='black', size=(pt.size+0.5), alpha=0.8)

      #     #Alternative script for making points with black outline
      #     #though there is internal bug with legend
      #     p = p + geom_point(aes_string(x='x.value', y='y.value',
      #                                   fill=colour, shape=shape),
      #                        colour='black', size=pt.size, alpha=0.8)
      #     p = p + scale_shape_manual(values=21:25)

    p = p + geom_point(aes_string(x='x.value', y='y.value',
                                  colour=colour, shape=shape),
                       size=pt.size, alpha=0.8)


  #Cusomizing colours of points
  #if colour is discrete give customized colours
  if(!is.numeric(collected_data[,colour]) &
          length(unique(collected_data[,colour])) >= 8 &
          length(unique(collected_data[,colour])) < 12 ) {
    p = p + scale_colour_brewer(palette='Dark2')


  #if colour is continuous give colour gradient
  else if(is.numeric(collected_data[,colour])) {
    p = p + scale_colour_gradient(low='red')

  #Adding text only if the "label" descriptor has been provided
  if (!is.null(label))
   p = p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes_string(x='x.value', y='y.value', label=label),
                     hjust=-0.5, vjust=0.3,
                     size=2.5, fontface='plain', lineheight=0.8)

  #Drawing an ellipse for 95% confidence interval
  if (!is.null(CIgroup)) {
    p = p + geom_path(data=elp.data, aes_string(x='x', y='y',


  #Adding title only if "title" descriptor has been provided
  if (!is.null(title)) p = p + ggtitle(label=title)

  #Drawing origin
  p = p + geom_vline(xintercept=0, alpha=0.3)
  p = p + geom_hline(yintercept=0, alpha=0.3)

  p = p + xlab('PC score') +
    ylab('PC score') +
    theme_bw(12) +
    theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size=14, face='bold'),
          axis.title.y = element_text(size=14, face='bold'),
          axis.text = element_text(size=12, colour='black'),
          legend.title = element_text(size=14),
          legend.text = element_text(size=14),
          legend.key = element_rect(colour='white'),
          legend.spacing = unit(0, "cm"),
          legend.position = 'bottom',
          panel.border=element_rect(size=2, colour='black'),
          panel.spacing=unit(.05, 'npc'))

  #Legend orientation
  if (legend.ori == 'horizontal') {
    p = p + theme(legend.direction='horizontal',

  #Setting limits
  # p = p + xlim(-xlimit,xlimit)
  # p = p + ylim(-ylimit,ylimit)

  # facet by pairs of PC
  p = p + facet_wrap(~ view_var, ncol=min(floor(length(PCs)/2), 3)) +
  theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size=12, face='bold'))

  return(list('collected_data'=collected_data, 'p'=p))
schyen/somefxns documentation built on Aug. 6, 2019, 2:26 p.m.