
Defines functions average.spec

Documented in average.spec

##' Function to average replicate spectra within a directory of spectra files
##' @name average.spec
##' @title average replicate spectra within a directory of spectra files
##' @param file.dir Directory of spectra files to process
##' @param out.dir Output directory for processed spectra files
##' @param spec.type Option to set what type of spectra to average. 
##' Options: Reflectance, Transmittance.  Can be set with abbreviations: e.g. "Refl" or "Tran"
##' Default is "Reflectance"
##' @param start.wave Starting wavelength of spectra files. 
##' Not needed if specified in XML settings file.
##' @param end.wave Ending wavelength of spectra files. Not needed if 
##' specified in XML settings file. 
##' @param step.size Resolution of spectra files. E.g. 1 for 1nm, 5 for 5nm. 
##' Not needed if specified in XML settings file.
##' @param bias.threshold Reflectance/transmittance cutoff to remove spectra with anartificial 
##' bias (shift) due to improper spectral collection
##' @param outlier.cutoff [Optional] Set upper/lower standard deviation cutoff to identify statistical Refl/Trans outliers within
##' individual sample sets.  Set as outlier.cutoff*Sample Sdev, e.g. 2.0*Sdev.  Default 2.0
##' @param suffix.length Length of auto numbering attached to ASD file names.  This number of 
##' characters will be removed from the filename when averaged.
##' @param output.file.ext Optional setting to set file extension of output files. Defaults to .csv
##' @param spec.dataframe Option to return a data frame with the converted spectra files 
##' @param metadata.file Option to select custom metadata file for use in processing. If not set
##' then the information is either read from default metadata file, the settings file or at the function call. 
##' Need to set this as the full qualified path to the spectral metadata file is using a custom file/location
##' @param image Logical. Whether to produce .png images of each spectrum (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
##' Default is FALSE.  Useful for diagnosing spectral observations during processing.
##' @param settings.file Settings file used for spectral processing options (OPTIONAL).  
##' Contains information related to the spectra collection instrument, output directories, 
##' and processing options such as applying a jump correction to the spectra files.  Options in the settings
##' file take precedent over options selected in the function call.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' average.spec()
##' average.spec(file.dir,out.dir, start.wave=350,end.wave=2500,step.size=1,bias.threshold=0.06,
##' suffix.length=5,output.file.ext=".csv",spec.dataframe = TRUE,)
##' }
##' @export
##' @author Shawn P. Serbin
average.spec <- function(file.dir=NULL,out.dir=NULL,spec.type="Reflectance",start.wave=NULL,end.wave=NULL,
  ## TODO:
  # using if(any()) here to remove bad spec with threshold cutoffs
  # use directory rather than file as input to speed up output
  ### Set platform specific file path delimiter.  Probably will always be "/"
  dlm <- .Platform$file.sep # <--- What is the platform specific delimiter?
  #--------------------- Setup function -----------------------#

  ### Check for proper input directory
  if (is.null(settings.file) && is.null(file.dir)){
    stop("ERROR: No input file directory given in settings file or function call.")
  } else if (!is.null(file.dir)){
    file.dir <- file.dir
  } else if (is.null(file.dir) && !is.null(settings.file$output.dir)){
    file.dir <- file.path(settings.file$output.dir,"jc_files")
  ### create output directory if it doesn't already exist
  if (!is.null(out.dir)) {
    out.dir <- out.dir
  } else if (!is.null(settings.file$output.dir)) {
    out.dir <- file.path(settings.file$output.dir,"averaged_files")
  } else {
    out.dir <- file.path(dirname(file.dir),"averaged_files")
  if (!file.exists(out.dir)) dir.create(out.dir,recursive=TRUE)
  ### Create bad spectra folder. Spectra not corrected
  badspec.dir <- file.path(out.dir,"Bad_Spectra")
  if (! file.exists(badspec.dir)) dir.create(badspec.dir,recursive=TRUE)
  ### Remove any previous output in out.dir
  ### Select optional spectra type for processing and plotting
  if (!is.null(spec.type)) {
    s.type <- c("Reflectance","Transmittance","Canopy")
    #index <- agrep(pattern=spec.type,c("reflectance","transmittance"),ignore.case = TRUE,max.distance=0.3)
    index <- pmatch(tolower(spec.type),c("reflectance","transmittance","canopy"))
    spec.type <- s.type[index]
  } else {
    spec.type <- "Reflectance"
  print(paste0("Spectra Type: ",spec.type))
  print(" ")

  ### Define wavelengths.  If set in settings or function call.  Otherwise read from file header
  if (!is.null(start.wave)){
    start.wave <- start.wave
  } else if (!is.null(settings.file$instrument$start.wave)){
    start.wave <- as.numeric(settings.file$instrument$start.wave)
  if (!is.null(end.wave)){
    end.wave <- end.wave
  } else if (!is.null(settings.file$instrument$end.wave)){
    end.wave <- as.numeric(settings.file$instrument$end.wave)
  if (!is.null(step.size)){
    step.size <- step.size
  } else if (!is.null(settings.file$instrument$step.size)){
    step.size <- as.numeric(settings.file$instrument$step.size)

  ### Look for a custom output extension, otherwise use default
  if (is.null(settings.file$options$output.file.ext) && is.null(output.file.ext)){
    output.file.ext <- ".csv"  # <-- Default
  } else if (!is.null(output.file.ext)){
    output.file.ext <- output.file.ext
  } else if (!is.null(settings.file$options$output.file.ext)){
    output.file.ext <- settings.file$options$output.file.ext
  ### Define suffix length.  Needed to properly subset spectra by groups for averaging replicates
  if (is.null(settings.file$options$suffix.length) && is.null(suffix.length)){
    stop("ERROR: File suffix length not defined.  Please set in settings file or at function call before continuing")
  } else if (!is.null(suffix.length)){
    suffix.length <- suffix.length
  } else if (!is.null(settings.file$options$suffix.length)){
    suffix.length <- as.numeric(settings.file$options$suffix.length)
  ### Define bias threshold
  if (is.null(settings.file$options$bias.threshold) && is.null(bias.threshold)){
    warning("Bias threshold not set.  Defaulting to 0.06")
    bias.threshold <- 0.06
  } else if (!is.null(bias.threshold)){
    bias.threshold <- bias.threshold
  } else if (!is.null(settings.file$options$bias.threshold)){
    bias.threshold <- as.numeric(settings.file$options$bias.threshold)
  ### Remove diagnostic info from file list to be processed
  jc.files <- list.files(path=file.dir,pattern=output.file.ext,
  jc.files <- jc.files[-grep(pattern="Diagnostic",jc.files)]
  num.files <- length(jc.files)

  ### Check whether files exist. STOP if files missing and display an error
  if (num.files<1){
    stop(paste("******* ERROR: No ASCII files found in directory with extension: ",output.file.ext," *******",sep=""))
  ### Create file info list for output
  info <- data.frame(Spectra=rep(NA,num.files),Threshold_Check = rep(NA,num.files),
                    Threshold_Value=rep(NA,num.files),Failed_Sdev_Check= rep(NA,num.files))
  names(info) <- c("Spectra","Threshold Check","Bias Threshold Value",
                "Failed Outlier Test (Yes/No)?")
  #-------------------------- Start average loop --------------------------# 
  ### Spectra metadata.
  if (is.null(metadata.file)) {
    metadata.dir <- gsub(pattern="jc_files","",file.dir)
    metadata.file <- list.files(path=metadata.dir,pattern="metadata",full.names=FALSE)
    print(paste("------- Using metadata file: ",metadata.file,sep=""))
    metadata <- read.csv(file = file.path(settings.file$output.dir,metadata.file))
  } else {
    metadata <- read.csv(metadata.file,header=T)
  ### Setup wavelengths
  if (is.null(start.wave) | is.null(end.wave) | is.null(step.size)) {
    # Using metadata info.  Read from first observations. Assumes all files are the same.
    # Need to update function to make this work across varying wavelength ranges
    start.wave <- metadata[1,]$Calibrated_Starting_Wavelength
    step.size <- metadata[1,]$Calibrated_Wavelength_Step
    channels <- metadata[1,]$Detector_Channels
    end.wave <- start.wave+((channels-1)/step.size)
    lambda <- seq(start.wave,end.wave,step.size)
    waves <- paste("Wave_",lambda,sep="")
  } else {
    # Using settings file or function argument
    lambda <- seq(start.wave,end.wave,step.size)
    waves <- paste("Wave_",lambda,sep="")
  ### Display info to console
  print(paste("----- Processing directory: ",file.dir) )
  flush.console() #<--- show output in real-time
  j <- 1 # <--- Numeric counter for progress bar
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, char="*",width=70,style = 3)
  ### Read in jc files for averaging
  in.spec <- array(0,dim=c(num.files,
                           (end.wave-start.wave)+1)) # build empty array to populate with spectra files
  spec.names <- unlist(strsplit(jc.files,paste("\\",output.file.ext,sep="")))
  spec.names.orig <- spec.names
  spec.names <- substr(spec.names,1,nchar(spec.names)-suffix.length)
  for (i in 1:num.files){
    spec.file <- read.csv(paste(file.dir,dlm,jc.files[i],sep=""))   
    in.spec[i,] <- t(spec.file[,2])
  ### Setup spectra for averaging.
  in.spec2 <- as.data.frame(in.spec)
  in.spec3 <- data.frame(Orig.Spec.Name=spec.names.orig,Spectra=spec.names,in.spec2)
  names(in.spec3) <- c("Orig.Spec.Name","Spectra",waves)
  print(paste("----- Total number of spectra files: ",
  print(paste("----- Total number of spectra samples: ",
              length(unique.spec <- unique(in.spec3$Spectra)),sep=""))
  print(paste0("----- Outlier Threshold: ",outlier.cutoff))
  setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)                      # show progress bar
  flush.console()                                #<--- show output in real-time
  ### Do initial checks on spectra
  # spec bias threshold
  bias <- bias.threshold
  # 450nm
  bad.spec <- droplevels(in.spec3[which(in.spec3$Wave_450>bias),])
  # Create good.spec data
  good.spec <- droplevels(in.spec3[which(in.spec3$Wave_450<=bias),])
  dims <- dim(good.spec)
  ### Update diagnostic info
  for (i in seq_along(1:dim(in.spec3)[1])) {
    info[i,1] <- as.character(in.spec3[i,1])
    if (as.character(in.spec3[i,1]) %in% as.character(bad.spec[,1])) {
      info[i,2] <- "Failed"
      info[i,3] <- as.numeric(round(in.spec3[i,"Wave_450"],4))
      info[i,4] <- "No"
    } else {
      info[i,2] <- "Passed"
      info[i,3] <- as.numeric(round(in.spec3[i,"Wave_450"],4))
  setTxtProgressBar(pb, 30)                      # show progress bar
  flush.console()                                #<--- show output in real-time
  ##### Initial average
  #ind <- factor(as.numeric(good.spec$Spectra))
  ind <- factor(good.spec$Spectra)
  mat.data <- as.matrix(good.spec[,3:dim(good.spec)[2]])
  if (dim(mat.data)[1]==0){
    stop("******** ERROR: Bias threshold too strict, no remaining spectra to average. Please correct ********")
  ### Get spectra averages
  spec.avg <- Hmisc::mApply(mat.data,ind,colMeans,simplify=TRUE)
  ### Reformat data for further processing
  if (is.null(dim(spec.avg)[1])) {
    spec.avg <- data.frame(Spectra=unique(good.spec$Spectra), t(as.vector(spec.avg)))
  } else {
    spec.avg <- data.frame(Spectra=unique(good.spec$Spectra), as.data.frame(spec.avg))
  names(spec.avg) <- c("Spectra",waves)
  ### Get spectra sdev
  spec.sdev <- aggregate(.~Spectra,data=good.spec[,2:dim(good.spec)[2]],sd,simplify=TRUE)
  spec.sdev[is.na(spec.sdev)] <- 0
  spec.avg.names <- spec.avg$Spectra
  # Debug
  ### Setup spectral checks
  dims <- dim(spec.avg)
  #n <- rle(as.numeric(good.spec$Spectra))$lengths
  n <- rle(good.spec$Spectra)$lengths
  spec.upper <- spec.avg[,2:dim(spec.avg)[2]] + (spec.sdev[,2:dim(spec.avg)[2]]*outlier.cutoff) # 2*SD outlier check
  spec.upper <- data.frame(Spectra=spec.avg.names,spec.upper)
  spec.lower <- spec.avg[,2:dim(spec.avg)[2]] - (spec.sdev[,2:dim(spec.avg)[2]]*outlier.cutoff)
  spec.lower <- data.frame(Spectra=spec.avg.names,spec.lower)
  ### For debugging
  #dims <- dim(spec.avg)
  #dims <- dim(good.spec)
  setTxtProgressBar(pb, 50)                      # show progress bar
  flush.console()                                #<--- show output in real-time
  # Do second sdev check of spectra
  #ind <- as.numeric(good.spec$Spectra)
  ind <- good.spec$Spectra
  good.spec2 <- as.matrix(good.spec[,-c(1,2)])
  spec.upper <- as.matrix(spec.upper[,-1])
  spec.lower <- as.matrix(spec.lower[,-1])
  for (i in seq_along(1:length(ind))) {
    ind.avg <- ind[i]
    orig.spec.name <- good.spec[i,1]
    # run check of individual spectra against the group mean
    # need to make sure indices are alligned
    # window <- 151:2051 # 500 - 2400
    # window <- 151:1851 # 500 - 2200
    # window <- 151:1751 # 500 - 2100
    if (spec.type=="Reflectance") {
      window <- 151:1851 # 500 - 2200
    } else if (spec.type=="Transmittance") {
      window <- 151:1351 # 500 - 1700
    } else if (spec.type=="Canopy") {
      #window <- c(151:1441) # 500 - 1790
      window <- c(151:1000, 1080:1441, 1671:1901)
    if (any(good.spec2[i,window]>spec.upper[ind.avg,window]) || 
      any(good.spec2[i,window] < spec.lower[ind.avg,window])) {
      bad.spec <- rbind(bad.spec,good.spec[i,])
      good.spec[i,] <- NA
      # update diagnostic info
      loc <- which(orig.spec.name==info$Spectra,arr.ind=TRUE)
      info[loc,4] <- "Yes"
    } else {
      # update diagnostic info
      loc <- which(orig.spec.name==info$Spectra,arr.ind=TRUE)
      info[loc,4] <- "No"
  # Keep only remaining spectra
  good.spec <- droplevels(good.spec[!is.na(good.spec[,3]),])
  good.spec <- droplevels(good.spec[,-1])
  ### Create final spectral averages
  #spec.avg <- aggregate(.~Spectra,data=good.spec,mean,simplify=TRUE)
  #ind <- factor(as.numeric(good.spec$Spectra))
  ind <- factor(good.spec$Spectra)
  mat.data <- as.matrix(good.spec[,2:dim(good.spec)[2]])
  spec.avg <- Hmisc::mApply(mat.data,ind,colMeans,simplify=TRUE)
  ### Reformat spectral data for output
  if (is.null(dim(spec.avg)[1])){
    spec.avg <- data.frame(Spectra=unique(good.spec$Spectra), t(as.vector(spec.avg)))
  } else {
    spec.avg <- data.frame(Spectra=unique(good.spec$Spectra), as.data.frame(spec.avg))
  names(spec.avg) <- c("Spectra",waves)

  setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)                      # show progress bar
  flush.console()                                #<--- show output in real-time
  ### Output bad spectra files and figs
  if (dim(bad.spec)[1]>0){
    for (i in seq_along(1:dim(bad.spec)[1])) {
      spec.name <- as.character(bad.spec[i,1])
      out.spec <- t(bad.spec[i,3:dim(bad.spec)[2]])
      out.spec <- data.frame(Wavelength=seq(start.wave,end.wave,step.size),
      names(out.spec) <- c("Wavelength",paste(spec.name))
      out.filename <- paste(as.character(bad.spec[i,1]),output.file.ext,sep="")
      write.csv(x = out.spec,file = file.path(badspec.dir,out.filename),row.names=FALSE)
      # Output plot of bad spectra for quick reference
      if(image=="TRUE" | settings.file$options$diagnostic.images=="TRUE") {
        rng <- range(out.spec[,2])
        if (rng[1]<0) rng[1] <- 0
        if (rng[2]>1) rng[2] <- 1
        ylimit <- c(rng[1],rng[2])
        plot(out.spec[,1], out.spec[,2],cex=0.01,xlim=c(350,2500),ylim=ylimit,xlab="Wavelength (nm)",
           ylab="Reflectance (%)", main=out.filename,cex.axis=1.3,cex.lab=1.3)
        lines(out.spec[,1], out.spec[,2],lwd=2)
        abline(h=bias,lty=2,col="dark grey")
  } # End of output of bad spectra

  # Output good spec
  if (dim(spec.avg)[1]>0){
    for (i in seq_along(1:dim(spec.avg)[1])) {
      spec.name <- as.character(spec.avg[i,1])
      out.spec <- t(spec.avg[i,2:dim(spec.avg)[2]])
      out.spec <- data.frame(Wavelength=seq(start.wave,end.wave,step.size),
      out.filename <- paste(spec.name,output.file.ext,sep="")
      write.csv(x = out.spec,file = file.path(out.dir,out.filename),row.names=FALSE)
      ### Output plot of average spectra for quick reference
      if(image=="TRUE" | settings.file$options$diagnostic.images=="TRUE"){
        rng <- range(out.spec[,2])
        if (rng[1]<0) rng[1] <- 0
        if (rng[2]>1) rng[2] <- 1
        ylimit <- c(rng[1],rng[2])
        plot(out.spec[,1], out.spec[,2],cex=0.01,xlim=c(350,2500),ylim=ylimit,xlab="Wavelength (nm)",
            ylab="Reflectance (%)", main=out.filename,cex.axis=1.3,cex.lab=1.3)
        lines(out.spec[,1], out.spec[,2],lwd=2)
        abline(h=bias,lty=2,col="dark grey")

  ### Write out concatenated averaged spectra
  write.csv(x = spec.avg,file = file.path(out.dir,paste0("Averaged_Spectra",output.file.ext)),row.names=FALSE)
  ### Output diagnostic info
  write.csv(x = info,file = file.path(out.dir,paste0("Spectra_Diagnostic_Information",".txt")),row.names=FALSE)
  ### Output plot of averaged spectra for quick reference
  if(image=="TRUE" | settings.file$options$diagnostic.images=="TRUE"){
    if (dim(spec.avg)[1]>0){
      plot.data <- as.matrix(spec.avg[,2:dim(spec.avg)[2]])
      matplot(seq(start.wave,end.wave,step.size), t(plot.data),cex=0.01,xlim=c(350,2500),ylim=c(0,1),
              xlab="Wavelength (nm)",ylab="Reflectance (%)", main="Averaged Spectra",
              cex.axis=1.3,cex.lab=1.3, type="l",lwd=1.5)
      abline(h=bias,lty=2,col="dark grey")
  setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)  # show progress bar
  flush.console()             #<--- show output in real-time
  ### Return dataframe of spectra if requested
} ### End of function

### EOF.  End of R script file.              
serbinsh/R-FieldSpectra documentation built on March 31, 2022, 10:08 p.m.