
## BioCro/R/c4photo.R by Fernando Ezequiel Miguez Copyright (C) 2007-2008
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License (at your option).
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
## more details.
## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
## http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
##' Coupled photosynthesis-stomatal conductance simulation
##' The mathematical model is based on Collatz et al (1992) (see References).
##' Stomatal conductance is based on code provided by Joe Berry.
##' @param Qp quantum flux (direct light), (\eqn{\mu}{micro} mol
##' \eqn{m^{-2}}{m-2} \eqn{s^{-1}}{s-1}).
##' @param Tl temperature of the leaf (Celsius).
##' @param RH relative humidity (as a fraction, i.e. 0-1).
##' @param vmax maximum carboxylation of Rubisco according to the Collatz
##' model.
##' @param alpha alpha parameter according to the Collatz model. Initial slope
##' of the response to Irradiance.
##' @param kparm k parameter according to the Collatz model. Initial slope of
##' the response to CO2.
##' @param theta theta parameter according to the Collatz model. Curvature for
##' light response.
##' @param beta beta parameter according to the Collatz model. Curvature for
##' response to CO2.
##' @param Rd Rd parameter according to the Collatz model. Dark respiration.
##' @param Catm Atmospheric CO2 in ppm (or \eqn{\mu}{micro}mol/mol).
##' @param b0 intercept for the Ball-Berry stomatal conductance model.
##' @param b1 slope for the Ball-Berry stomatal conductance model.
##' @param StomWS coefficient which controls the effect of water stress on
##' stomatal conductance and assimilation.
##' @param ws option to control whether the water stress factor is applied to
##' stomatal conductance ('gs') or to Vmax ('vmax').
##' @export
##' @return a \code{\link{list}} structure with components
##' @returnItem Gs stomatal conductance (mmol \eqn{m^-2}{m-2} \eqn{s^-
##' }{s-1}\eqn{ 1}{s-1}).
##' @returnItem Assim Net Assimilation (\eqn{\mu}{micro}mol \eqn{m^-2}{m-2}
##' \eqn{s^-1}{s-1}).
##' @returnItem Ci Intercellular CO2 (\eqn{\mu}{micro}mol \eqn{mol^-1}{mol-1}).
##' @seealso \code{\link{eC4photo}}
##' @references G. Collatz, M. Ribas-Carbo, J. Berry. (1992).  Coupled
##' photosynthesis-stomatal conductance model for leaves of C4 plants.
##' \emph{Australian Journal of Plant Physiology} 519--538.
##' @keywords models
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'      ## First example: looking at the effect of changing alpha
##'       Qps <- seq(0,2000,10)
##'       Tls <- seq(0,55,5)
##'       rhs <- c(0.7)
##'       dat1 <- data.frame(expand.grid(Qp=Qps,Tl=Tls,RH=rhs))
##'       res1 <- c4photo(dat1$Qp,dat1$Tl,dat1$RH) ## default alpha = 0.04
##'       res2 <- c4photo(dat1$Qp,dat1$Tl,dat1$RH,alpha=0.06)
##'      ## Plot comparing alpha 0.04 vs. 0.06 for a range of conditions
##'      xyplot(res1$Assim + res2$Assim ~ Qp | factor(Tl) , data = dat1,
##'             type='l',col=c('blue','green'),lwd=2,
##'             ylab=expression(paste('Assimilation (',
##'                  mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'              xlab=expression(paste('Quantum flux (',
##'                  mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'             key=list(text=list(c('alpha 0.04','alpha 0.06')),
##'               lines=TRUE,col=c('blue','green'),lwd=2))
##'      ## Second example: looking at the effect of changing vmax
##'      ## Plot comparing Vmax 39 vs. 50 for a range of conditions
##'       res1 <- c4photo(dat1$Qp,dat1$Tl,dat1$RH) ## default Vmax = 39
##'       res2 <- c4photo(dat1$Qp,dat1$Tl,dat1$RH,vmax=50)
##'      xyplot(res1$Assim + res2$Assim ~ Qp | factor(Tl) , data = dat1,
##'             type='l',col=c('blue','green'),lwd=2,
##'             ylab=expression(paste('Assimilation (',
##'                  mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'              xlab=expression(paste('Quantum flux (',
##'                  mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'             key=list(text=list(c('Vmax 39','Vmax 50')),
##'               lines=TRUE,col=c('blue','green'),lwd=2))
##'      ## Small effect of low RH on  Assim
##'       Qps <- seq(0,2000,10)
##'       Tls <- seq(0,55,5)
##'       rhs <- c(0.2,0.9)
##'       dat1 <- data.frame(expand.grid(Qp=Qps,Tl=Tls,RH=rhs))
##'       res1 <- c4photo(dat1$Qp,dat1$Tl,dat1$RH)
##'      # plot for Assimilation and two RH
##'       xyplot(res1$Assim ~ Qp | factor(Tl) , data = dat1,
##'              groups=RH, type='l',
##'              col=c('blue','green'),lwd=2,
##'              ylab=expression(paste('Assimilation (',
##'                  mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'              xlab=expression(paste('Quantum flux (',
##'                  mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'              key=list(text=list(c('RH 20%','RH 90%')),
##'                         lines=TRUE,col=c('blue','green'),
##'                         lwd=2))
##'     ## Effect of the previous runs on Stomatal conductance
##'     x11() # opens a new plotting device
##'     xyplot(res1$Gs ~ Qp | factor(Tl) , data = dat1,
##'            type='l', groups=RH,
##'            col=c('blue','green'),lwd=2,
##'            ylab=expression(paste('Stomatal Conductance (',
##'                            mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'            xlab=expression(paste('Quantum flux (',
##'                            mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'            key=list(text=list(c('RH 20%','RH 90%')),
##'                      lines=TRUE,col=c('blue','green'),
##'                      lwd=2))
##' ## A Ci curve for the Collatz model
##' ## Assuming constant values of Qp, Temp, and RH
##' ## Notice the effect of the different kparm
##' ## The loop is needed because the length of Ca
##' ## should be the same as Qp
##' Ca <- seq(15,400,5)
##' res1 <- numeric(length(Ca))
##' res2 <- numeric(length(Ca))
##' for(i in 1:length(Ca)){
##'   res1[i] <- c4photo(1500,25,0.7,Catm=Ca[i])$Assim
##'   res2[i] <- c4photo(1500,25,0.7,Catm=Ca[i],kparm=0.8)$Assim
##' }
##' xyplot(res1 + res2 ~ Ca ,type='l',lwd=2,
##'        col=c('blue','green'),
##'      xlab=expression(paste(CO[2],' (ppm)')),
##'      ylab=expression(paste('Assimilation (',
##'          mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'      key=list(text=list(c('kparm 0.7','kparm 0.8')),
##'                         lines=TRUE,col=c('blue','green'),
##'                         lwd=2))
##' ## Effect of Reduction in Assimilation due to
##' ## water stress
##' Qps <- seq(0,2000,10)
##' Tls <- seq(0,55,5)
##' rhs <- c(0.7)
##' dat1 <- data.frame(expand.grid(Qp=Qps,Tl=Tls,RH=rhs))
##' res1 <- c4photo(dat1$Qp,dat1$Tl,dat1$RH) ## default StomWS = 1 No stress
##' res2 <- c4photo(dat1$Qp,dat1$Tl,dat1$RH,StomWS=0.5)
##' ## Plot comparing StomWS = 1 vs. 0.5 for a range of conditions
##' xyplot(res1$Assim + res2$Assim ~ Qp | factor(Tl) , data = dat1,
##'        type='l',col=c('blue','green'),lwd=2,
##'        ylab=expression(paste('Assimilation (',
##'            mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'        xlab=expression(paste('Quantum flux (',
##'             mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'        key=list(text=list(c('StomWS 1','StomWS 0.5')),
##'            lines=TRUE,col=c('blue','green'),lwd=2))
##' ## Effect on Stomatal Conductance
##' ## Plot comparing StomWS = 1 vs. 0.5 for a range of conditions
##' xyplot(res1$Gs + res2$Gs ~ Qp | factor(Tl) , data = dat1,
##'         type='l',col=c('blue','green'),lwd=2,
##'         ylab=expression(paste('Stomatal Conductance (mmol ',
##'           m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'         xlab=expression(paste('Quantum flux (',
##'           mu,mol,' ',m^-2,' ',s^-1,')')),
##'         key=list(text=list(c('StomWS 1','StomWS 0.5')),
##'            lines=TRUE,col=c('blue','green'),lwd=2))
##' }
c4photo <- function(Qp, Tl, RH, vmax = 39, alpha = 0.04, kparm = 0.7, theta = 0.83, 
    beta = 0.93, Rd = 0.8, Catm = 380, b0 = 0.08, b1 = 3, StomWS = 1, ws = c("gs", 
        "vmax")) {
    if ((max(RH) > 1) || (min(RH) < 0)) 
        stop("RH should be between 0 and 1")
    if (any(Catm < 150)) 
        warning("Stomatal conductance is not reliable for values of Catm lower than 150\n")
    if (any(Catm < 15)) 
        stop("Assimilation is not reliable for low (<15) Catm values")
    ws <- match.arg(ws)
    if (ws == "gs") 
        ws <- 1 else ws <- 0
    if (length(Catm) == 1) {
        Catm <- rep(Catm, length(Qp))
    } else {
        if (length(Catm) != length(Qp)) 
            stop("length of Catm should be either 1 or equal to length of Qp")
    res <- .Call(c4photo_sym, as.double(Qp), as.double(Tl), as.double(RH), as.double(vmax), 
        as.double(alpha), as.double(kparm), as.double(theta), as.double(beta), as.double(Rd), 
        as.double(Catm), as.double(b0), as.double(b1), as.double(StomWS), as.integer(ws))
##' Markov chain Monte Carlo for C4 photosynthesis parameters
##' This function implement Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for the C4
##' photosynthesis model of Collatz et al.  The chain is constructed using a
##' Gaussian random walk. This is definitely a beta version of this function
##' and more testing and improvements are needed. The value of this function is
##' in the possibility of examining the empirical posterior distribution (i.e.
##' vectors) of the vmax and alpha parameters.  Notice that you will get
##' different results each time you run it.
##' @aliases MCMCc4photo print.MCMCc4photo
##' @param data observed assimilation data, which should be a data frame or
##' matrix.  The first column should be observed net assimilation rate
##' (\eqn{\mu mol \; m^{-2} \; }{micro mol per meter squared per second}\eqn{
##' s^{-1}}{micro mol per meter squared per second}).  The second column should
##' be the observed quantum flux (\eqn{\mu mol \; m^{-2} \; }{micro mol per
##' meter squared per second}\eqn{ s^{-1}}{micro mol per meter squared per
##' second}).  The third column should be observed temperature of the leaf
##' (Celsius).  The fourth column should be the observed relative humidity in
##' proportion (e.g. 0.7).
##' @param niter number of iterations to run the chain for (default = 20000).
##' @param ivmax initial value for Vcmax (default = 39).
##' @param ialpha initial value for alpha (default = 0.04).
##' @param ikparm initial value for kparm (default = 0.7). Not optimized at the
##' moment.
##' @param itheta initial value for theta (default = 0.83). Not optimized at
##' the moment.
##' @param ibeta initial value for beta (default = 0.93). Not optimized at the
##' moment.
##' @param iRd initial value for dark respiration (default = 0.8).
##' @param Catm see \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param b0 see \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param b1 see \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param StomWS see \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param ws see \code{\link{c4photo}} function.
##' @param scale This scale parameter controls the size of the standard
##' deviations which generate the moves in the chain.
##' @param sds Finer control for the standard deviations of the prior normals.
##' The first element is for vmax and the second for alpha.
##' @param prior Vector of length 4 with first element prior mean for vmax,
##' second element prior standard deviation for vmax, third element prior mean
##' for alpha and fourth element prior standard deviation for alpha.
##' @export
##' @return
##' an object of class \code{MCMCc4photo} with components
##' @returnItem accept number of accepted moves in the chain.
##' @returnItem resuMC matrix of dimensions \code{niter} by 3 containing the
##' values for Vmax and alpha and the RSS in each iteration of the chain.
##' @references Brooks, Stephen. (1998). Markov chain Monte Carlo and its
##' application. The Statistician. 47, Part 1, pp. 69-100.
##' @keywords optimize
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Using Beale, Bint and Long (1996)
##' data(obsBea)
##' ## Different starting values
##' resB1 <- MCMCc4photo(obsBea, 100000, scale=1.5)
##' resB2 <- MCMCc4photo(obsBea, 100000, ivmax=25, ialpha=0.1, scale=1.5)
##' resB3 <- MCMCc4photo(obsBea, 100000, ivmax=45, ialpha=0.02, scale=1.5)
##' ## Use the plot function to examine results
##' plot(resB1,resB2,resB3)
##' plot(resB1,resB2,resB3,plot.kind='density',burnin=1e4)
##' }
MCMCc4photo <- function(data, niter = 20000, ivmax = 39, ialpha = 0.04, ikparm = 0.7, 
    itheta = 0.83, ibeta = 0.93, iRd = 0.8, Catm = 380, b0 = 0.08, b1 = 3, StomWS = 1, 
    ws = c("gs", "vmax"), scale = 1, sds = c(1, 0.005), prior = c(39, 10, 0.04, 0.02)) {
    if (ncol(data) != 4) 
        stop("ncol data should be 4")
    if (length(prior) != 4) 
        stop("length of prior should be 4")
    if (niter < 2) 
        stop("niter should be at least 2")
    assim <- data[, 1]
    qp <- data[, 2]
    temp <- data[, 3]
    rh <- data[, 4]
    ws <- match.arg(ws)
    if (ws == "gs") 
        ws <- 1 else ws <- 0
    res <- .Call(McMCc4photo, as.double(assim), as.double(qp), as.double(temp), as.double(rh), 
        as.integer(niter), as.double(ivmax), as.double(ialpha), as.double(ikparm), 
        as.double(itheta), as.double(ibeta), as.double(iRd), as.double(Catm), as.double(b0), 
        as.double(b1), as.double(StomWS), as.double(scale), as.double(sds[1]), as.double(sds[2]), 
        as.integer(ws), as.double(prior))
    res$resuMC <- t(res$resuMC)
    res$niter <- niter
    colnames(res$resuMC) <- c("Vcmax", "Alpha", "RSS")
    res$prior <- prior
    structure(res, class = "MCMCc4photo")
## Function for printing the MCMCc4photo objects
##' @export
##' @S3method print MCMCc4photo
print.MCMCc4photo <- function(x, burnin = 1, level = 0.95, digits = 1, ...) {
    ul <- 1 - (1 - level)/2
    ll <- (1 - level)/2
    xMat <- x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 1:2]
    colnames(xMat) <- c("Vmax", "alpha")
    cat("\n Markov chain Monte Carlo for the Collatz C4 photosynthesis model")
    cat("\n Summary of the chain")
    cat("\n Moves:", x$accept, "Prop:", x$accept/x$niter, "\n")
    cat("\n Summaries for vmax and alpha:\n")
    sum1 <- summary(x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 1])
    sum2 <- summary(x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 2])
    nm <- names(sum1)
    mat <- matrix(rbind(sum1, sum2), nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
    colnames(mat) <- nm
    rownames(mat) <- c("vmax", "alpha")
    print(mat, ...)
    cat("\n", level * 100, "% Quantile Intervals for vmax and alpha:\n")
    qua1 <- quantile(x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 1], c(ll, ul))
    qua2 <- quantile(x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 2], c(ll, ul))
    mat2 <- rbind(qua1, qua2)
    rownames(mat2) <- c("vmax", "alpha")
    colnames(mat2) <- c(ll, ul)
    print(mat2, ...)
    cat("\n correlation matrix:\n")
    print(cor(xMat), ...)
    cat("\n RSS range:", range(x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 3]), "\n")
##' Plotting function for MCMCc4photo objects
##' By default it prints the trace of the four parameters being estimated by
##' the \code{\link{MCMCc4photo}} function. As an option the density can be
##' plotted.
##' This function uses internally \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}},
##' \code{\link[lattice]{densityplot}} and
##' \code{\link[lattice]{panel.mathdensity}} both in the 'lattice' package.
##' @param x \code{\link{MCMCc4photo}} object.
##' @param x2 optional additional \code{\link{MCMCc4photo}} object.
##' @param x3 optional additional \code{\link{MCMCc4photo}} object.
##' @param plot.kind 'trace' plots the iteration history and 'density' plots
##' the kernel density.
##' @param type only the options for line and point are offered.
##' @param burnin this will remove part of the chain that can be considered
##' burn-in period.  The plots will no include this part.
##' @param cols Argument to pass colors to the line or points being plotted.
##' @param prior Whether to plot the prior density. It only works when x2 =
##' NULL and x3 = NULL. Default is FALSE.
##' @param pcol Color used for plotting the prior density.
##' @param \dots Optional arguments.
##' @seealso \code{\link{MCMCc4photo}}
##' @keywords hplot
##' @export
##' @S3method plot MCMCc4photo
plot.MCMCc4photo <- function(x, x2 = NULL, x3 = NULL, plot.kind = c("trace", "density"), 
    type = c("l", "p"), burnin = 1, cols = c("blue", "green", "purple"), prior = FALSE, 
    pcol = "black", ...) {
    plot.kind <- match.arg(plot.kind)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    ## This first code is to plot the first object only Ploting the trace
    if (missing(x2) && missing(x3)) {
        if (plot.kind == "trace") {
            plot1 <- xyplot(x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 1] ~ burnin:x$niter, xlab = "Iterations", 
                type = type, col = cols[1], ylab = expression(paste("Vmax (", mu, 
                  mol, " ", m^-2, " ", s^-1, ")")), ...)
            plot2 <- xyplot(x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 2] ~ burnin:x$niter, xlab = "Iterations", 
                type = type, col = cols[1], ylab = expression(paste("alpha (", mol, 
                  " ", m^-1, ")")), ...)
            print(plot1, position = c(0, 0, 0.5, 1), more = TRUE)
            print(plot2, position = c(0.5, 0, 1, 1))
        } else if (plot.kind == "density") {
            if (prior == FALSE) {
                plot1 <- densityplot(~x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 1], xlab = "Vmax", 
                  col = cols[1], plot.points = FALSE, ...)
                plot2 <- densityplot(~x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 2], xlab = "alpha", 
                  col = cols[1], plot.points = FALSE, ...)
            } else {
                plot1 <- densityplot(~x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 1], xlab = "Vmax", 
                  col = cols[1], plot.points = FALSE, panel = function(xi, ...) {
                    panel.densityplot(xi, ...)
                    panel.mathdensity(dmath = dnorm, args = list(mean = x$prior[1], 
                      sd = x$prior[2]), col = pcol)
                  }, ...)
                plot2 <- densityplot(~x$resuMC[burnin:x$niter, 2], xlab = "alpha", 
                  col = cols[1], plot.points = FALSE, panel = function(xi, ...) {
                    panel.densityplot(xi, ...)
                    panel.mathdensity(dmath = dnorm, args = list(mean = x$prior[3], 
                      sd = x$prior[4]), col = pcol)
                  }, ...)
            print(plot1, position = c(0, 0, 0.5, 1), more = TRUE)
            print(plot2, position = c(0.5, 0, 1, 1))
    } else if (missing(x3)) {
        ## This part of the code is to plot objects x and x2 Ploting the trace
        n1 <- x$niter
        n2 <- x2$niter
        maxchainLength <- max(n1, n2)
        tmpvec11 <- x$resuMC[burnin:n1, 1]
        tmpvec12 <- x2$resuMC[burnin:n2, 1]
        tmpvec21 <- x$resuMC[burnin:n1, 2]
        tmpvec22 <- x2$resuMC[burnin:n2, 2]
        ymin1 <- min(c(tmpvec11, tmpvec12)) * 0.95
        ymax1 <- max(c(tmpvec11, tmpvec12)) * 1.05
        ymin2 <- min(c(tmpvec21, tmpvec22)) * 0.95
        ymax2 <- max(c(tmpvec21, tmpvec22)) * 1.05
        if (plot.kind == "trace") {
            plot1 <- xyplot(tmpvec11 ~ burnin:n1, xlim = c(I(burnin - 0.05 * maxchainLength), 
                I(maxchainLength * 1.05)), ylim = c(ymin1, ymax1), xlab = "Iterations", 
                type = "l", ylab = expression(paste("Vmax (", mu, mol, " ", m^-2, 
                  " ", s^-1, ")")), panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                  panel.xyplot(x, y, col = cols[1], ...)
                  panel.xyplot(burnin:n2, tmpvec12, col = cols[2], ...)
                }, ...)
            plot2 <- xyplot(tmpvec21 ~ burnin:n2, xlim = c(I(burnin - 0.05 * maxchainLength), 
                I(maxchainLength * 1.05)), ylim = c(ymin2, ymax2), xlab = "Iterations", 
                type = "l", ylab = expression(paste("alpha (", mol, " ", m^-1, ")")), 
                panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                  panel.xyplot(x, y, col = cols[1], ...)
                  panel.xyplot(burnin:n2, tmpvec22, col = cols[2], ...)
                }, ...)
            print(plot1, position = c(0, 0, 0.5, 1), more = TRUE)
            print(plot2, position = c(0.5, 0, 1, 1))
        } else if (plot.kind == "density") {
            ## ploting the density
            plot1 <- densityplot(~tmpvec11 + tmpvec12, xlab = "Vmax", plot.points = FALSE, 
                col = cols[1:2], ...)
            plot2 <- densityplot(~tmpvec21 + tmpvec22, xlab = "alpha", plot.points = FALSE, 
                col = cols[1:2], ...)
            print(plot1, position = c(0, 0, 0.5, 1), more = TRUE)
            print(plot2, position = c(0.5, 0, 1, 1))
    } else {
        n1 <- x$niter
        n2 <- x2$niter
        n3 <- x3$niter
        maxchainLength <- max(n1, n2, n3)
        tmpvec11 <- x$resuMC[burnin:n1, 1]
        tmpvec12 <- x2$resuMC[burnin:n2, 1]
        tmpvec13 <- x3$resuMC[burnin:n3, 1]
        tmpvec21 <- x$resuMC[burnin:n1, 2]
        tmpvec22 <- x2$resuMC[burnin:n2, 2]
        tmpvec23 <- x3$resuMC[burnin:n3, 2]
        ymin1 <- min(c(tmpvec11, tmpvec12, tmpvec13)) * 0.95
        ymax1 <- max(c(tmpvec11, tmpvec12, tmpvec13)) * 1.05
        ymin2 <- min(c(tmpvec21, tmpvec22, tmpvec23)) * 0.95
        ymax2 <- max(c(tmpvec21, tmpvec22, tmpvec23)) * 1.05
        if (plot.kind == "trace") {
            plot1 <- xyplot(tmpvec11 ~ burnin:n1, xlim = c(I(burnin - 0.05 * maxchainLength), 
                I(maxchainLength * 1.05)), ylim = c(ymin1, ymax1), xlab = "Iterations", 
                type = "l", ylab = expression(paste("Vmax (", mu, mol, " ", m^-2, 
                  " ", s^-1, ")")), panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                  panel.xyplot(x, y, col = cols[1], ...)
                  panel.xyplot(burnin:n2, tmpvec12, col = cols[2], ...)
                  panel.xyplot(burnin:n3, tmpvec13, col = cols[3], ...)
                }, ...)
            plot2 <- xyplot(tmpvec21 ~ burnin:n1, xlim = c(I(burnin - 0.05 * maxchainLength), 
                I(maxchainLength * 1.05)), ylim = c(ymin2, ymax2), xlab = "Iterations", 
                type = "l", ylab = expression(paste("alpha (", mol, " ", m^-1, ")")), 
                panel = function(x, y, ...) {
                  panel.xyplot(x, y, col = cols[1], ...)
                  panel.xyplot(burnin:n2, tmpvec22, col = cols[2], ...)
                  panel.xyplot(burnin:n3, tmpvec23, col = cols[3], ...)
                }, ...)
            print(plot1, position = c(0, 0, 0.5, 1), more = TRUE)
            print(plot2, position = c(0.5, 0, 1, 1))
        } else if (plot.kind == "density") {
            plot1 <- densityplot(~tmpvec11 + tmpvec12 + tmpvec13, xlab = "Vmax", 
                plot.points = FALSE, col = cols, ...)
            plot2 <- densityplot(~tmpvec21 + tmpvec22 + tmpvec23, xlab = "alpha", 
                plot.points = FALSE, col = cols, ...)
            print(plot1, position = c(0, 0, 0.5, 1), more = TRUE)
            print(plot2, position = c(0.5, 0, 1, 1))
serbinsh/biocro documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:57 p.m.