#----------------- log functions --------------------
#' @title Logging in the `COTAN` package
#' @description Logging is currently supported for all `COTAN` functions. It is
#' possible to see the output on the terminal and/or on a log file. The level
#' of output on terminal is controlled by the `COTAN.LogLevel` option while
#' the logging on file is always at its maximum verbosity
#' @name LoggingFunctions
#' @details `setLoggingLevel()` sets the `COTAN` logging level. It set the
#' `COTAN.LogLevel` options to one of the following values:
#' * 0 - Always on log messages
#' * 1 - Major log messages
#' * 2 - Minor log messages
#' * 3 - All log messages
#' @param newLevel the new default logging level. It defaults to 1
#' @returns `setLoggingLevel()` returns the old logging level or default level
#' if not set yet.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' setLoggingLevel(3) # for debugging purposes only
#' @rdname LoggingFunctions
setLoggingLevel <- function(newLevel = 1L) {
message("Setting new log level to ", newLevel)
oldLevel <- options(COTAN.LogLevel = newLevel)
if (is.null(oldLevel)) {
oldLevel <- 1L
#' @details `setLoggingFile()` sets the log file for all `COTAN` output logs. By
#' default no logging happens on a file (only on the console). Using this
#' function `COTAN` will use the indicated file to dump the logs produced by
#' all [logThis()] commands, independently from the log level. It stores the
#' `connection` created by the call to [bzfile()] in the option:
#' `COTAN.LogFile`
#' @param logFileName the log file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' logFile <- file.path(".", "COTAN_Test1.log")
#' setLoggingFile(logFile)
#' logThis("Some log message")
#' setLoggingFile("") # closes the log file
#' file.remove(logFile)
#' @rdname LoggingFunctions
setLoggingFile <- function(logFileName) {
currentFile <- getOption("COTAN.LogFile")
if (!is.null(currentFile)) {
message("Closing previous log file - ", appendLF = FALSE)
}, error = function(e) {
message("Connection to previous log file broken, will be discarded")
options(COTAN.LogFile = NULL)
message("Setting log file to be: ", logFileName)
if (isEmptyName(logFileName)) {
options(COTAN.LogFile = NULL)
} else {
options(COTAN.LogFile = file(logFileName, open = "at"))
#' @details `logThis()` prints the given message string if the current log level
#' is greater or equal to the given log level (it always prints its message on
#' file if active). It uses [message()] to actually print the messages on the
#' [stderr()] connection, so it is subject to [suppressMessages()]
#' @param msg the message to print
#' @param logLevel the logging level of the current message. It defaults to 2
#' @param appendLF whether to add a new-line character at the end of the message
#' @returns `logThis()` returns TRUE if the message has been printed on the
#' terminal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' logThis("LogLevel 0 messages will always show, ",
#' logLevel = 0, appendLF = FALSE)
#' suppressMessages(logThis("unless all messages are suppressed",
#' logLevel = 0))
#' @rdname LoggingFunctions
logThis <- function(msg, logLevel = 2L, appendLF = TRUE) {
# write to log file if any
currentFile <- getOption("COTAN.LogFile")
if (!is.null(currentFile)) {
tsMsg <- paste0(format(Sys.time(), "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] "), msg)
if (isTRUE(appendLF)) { sep <- "\n" } else { sep <- "" }
writeLines(tsMsg, currentFile, sep = sep)
}, error = function(e) {
# set the logging level global variable
if (is.null(getOption("COTAN.LogLevel"))) {
setLoggingLevel() # to default
currentLevel <- getOption("COTAN.LogLevel")
showMessage <- currentLevel >= logLevel
if (showMessage) {
message(msg, appendLF = appendLF)
#----------------- multi-threading --------------------
#' @title Handling Multi-Core Enviroments
#' @description Check whether session supports multi-core evaluation and
#' provides an effective upper bound to the number of cores.
#' @details It uses [supportsMulticore()] and [availableCores()] from the
#' package `parallelly` to actually check whether the session supports
#' multi-core evaluation.
#' @seealso the help page of [supportsMulticore()] about the flags influencing
#' the multi-core support; e.g. the usage of `R` option
#' `parallelly.fork.enable`.
#' @param cores the number of cores asked for
#' @returns the maximum sensible number of cores to use
#' @importFrom parallelly availableCores
#' @importFrom parallelly supportsMulticore
#' @noRd
handleMultiCore <- function(cores) {
cores <- max(1L, cores)
if (!supportsMulticore() && cores != 1L) {
if (is.null(getOption("COTAN.MultiCoreWarning"))) {
warning("On this system multi-core is not currently supported;",
" this can happen on some systems like 'windows'")
warning("In case you might try 'options(parallelly.fork.enable = TRUE)'",
" to enable multi-core support")
options(COTAN.MultiCoreWarning = "Published")
warning("The number of cores used will be set 1!")
cores <- 1L
cores <- min(cores, availableCores(omit = 1L))
logThis(paste("Effective number of cores used:", cores), logLevel = 3L)
#' @title Internal function to handle the [torch] library
#' @description Returns whether the torch library is ready to be used:
#' it obeys the opt-out flag set via the `COTAN.UseTorch` option
#' @param optimizeForSpeed A Boolean to indicate whether to try to use the
#' faster torch library
#' @param deviceStr The name of the device to be used by torch
#' @returns A list with 2 elements:
#' * `"useTorch"`: a Boolean indicating whether the torch library can be used
#' * `"deviceStr"`: the updated name of the device to be used: if no `cuda` GPU
#' is available it will fallback to CPU calculations
#' @noRd
canUseTorch <- function(optimizeForSpeed, deviceStr) {
warnedAboutTorch <- !is.null(getOption("COTAN.TorchWarning"))
useTorch <- isTRUE(optimizeForSpeed) &&
requireNamespace("torch", quietly = TRUE)
if (useTorch) {
# if torch is not explicitly opted-in, we avoid using it as
# there is no clean way to check if it is usable
useTorchOpt <- getOption("COTAN.UseTorch")
if (is.null(useTorchOpt)) {
# default case: explicit opt-out only!
useTorchOpt <- TRUE
if (is.character(useTorchOpt)) {
useTorchOpt <- toupper(useTorchOpt)
useTorchOpt <- !(useTorchOpt %in% c("FALSE", "F"))
useTorch <- isTRUE(useTorchOpt)
if (!useTorch && !warnedAboutTorch) {
warning("The `torch` library is installed,",
" but has not been opted in yet")
warning("In case you might try 'options(COTAN.UseTorch = TRUE)'",
" to enable it")
warnedAboutTorch <- TRUE
if (useTorch) {
if (!torch::torch_is_installed()) {
stop("The `torch` library is installed but the required",
" additional libraries are not avalable yet")
library("torch", character.only = TRUE)
# Call a simple torch function to check if it's working
if (is.null(torch::torch_tensor(1L))) {
stop("The `torch` library is installed but not working correctly")
error = function(err) {
logThis(paste("While trying to load the `torch` library", err),
logLevel = 0L)
if (!warnedAboutTorch) {
warning("The `torch` library is installed,",
" but might require further initialization")
warning("Please look at the `torch` package installation guide",
" to complete the installation")
useTorch <<- FALSE
warnedAboutTorch <- !useTorch
if (useTorch) {
# Device configuration - fall-back to cpu if no cuda device is available
if (startsWith(deviceStr, "cuda") && !torch::cuda_is_available()) {
if (!warnedAboutTorch) {
warning("The `torch` library could not find any `CUDA` device")
warning("Falling back to CPU calculations")
warnedAboutTorch <- TRUE
deviceStr <- "cpu"
} else {
if (optimizeForSpeed) {
if (!warnedAboutTorch) {
warning("The `torch` library is not installed.")
warnedAboutTorch <- TRUE
warning("Falling back to legacy [non-torch] code.")
deviceStr <- ""
if (warnedAboutTorch) {
options(COTAN.TorchWarning = "Published")
return(list("useTorch" = useTorch, "deviceStr" = deviceStr))
#----------------- miscellanea --------------------
#' @title Internal function to handle names subset...
#' @description Returns the given subset or the full list of names if none were
#' specified
#' @param names The full list of the genes
#' @param subset The names' subset. When empty all names are returned instead!
#' @returns The updated list of names' subset, reordered according to the given
#' names' list
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @noRd
handleNamesSubsets <- function(names, subset = vector(mode = "character")) {
if (is_empty(subset)) {
subset <- names
} else {
assert_that(all(subset %in% names),
msg = "Passed names are not a subset of the full list")
subset <- names[names %in% subset]
#' @title Internal function to check if a name is empty...
#' @description Returns whether the passed name is not null and has non-zero
#' characters
#' @param name the name to check
#' @returns whether the passed name is not equivalent to an empty string
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @noRd
isEmptyName <- function(name) {
return(!(length(name) && any(nzchar(name))))
#' @title Internal function to convert a named factor to a character vector
#' @description Returns the factor cast to a vector along its names
#' @param a `factor` object
#' @returns a character vector that is preserving the names of the input
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @noRd
factorToVector <- function(v) {
assert_that(inherits(v, "factor"), msg = "Passed object is not a factor")
return(set_names(levels(v)[v], names(v)))
#' @title Internal function to have nicer factor labels that have all the same
#' number of characters
#' @description Returns the factor with the new labels
#' @param an `array` or `factor` object
#' @returns a character vector that is preserving the names of the input
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @noRd
niceFactorLevels <- function(v) {
names <- names(v)
if (inherits(v, "factor")) {
v <- factorToVector(v)
nv <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(v))
if (!anyNA(nv) && all(as.integer(nv) == nv)) {
numDigits <- floor(log10(max(nv))) + 1L
v <- formatC(nv, width = numDigits, flag = "0")
} else if (is.character(v)) {
numChars <- max(nchar(v))
v <- str_pad(v, width = numChars, side = "left", pad = "_")
names(v) <- names
#' @details `getColumnFromDF()` is a function to extract a column from a
#' `data.frame`, while keeping the `rowNames` as `vector` names
#' @param df the `data.frame`
#' @param colName the name of the new or existing column in the `data.frame`
#' @returns `getColumnFromDF()` returns the column in the `data.frame` as named
#' `array`, `NULL` if the wanted column is not available
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @rdname HandleMetaData
getColumnFromDF <- function(df, colName) {
if (is_empty(df)) {
} else {
retArray <- df[[colName]]
if (!is_empty(retArray)) {
names(retArray) <- rownames(df)
#' @details `setColumnInDF()` is a function to append, if missing, or resets, if
#' present, a column into a `data.frame`, whether the `data.frame` is empty or
#' not. The given `rowNames` are used only in the case the `data.frame` has
#' only the default row numbers, so this function cannot be used to override
#' row names
#' @param df the `data.frame`
#' @param colToSet the column to add
#' @param colName the name of the new or existing column in the `data.frame`
#' @param rowNames when not empty, if the input `data.frame` has no real row
#' names, the new row names of the resulting `data.frame`
#' @returns `setColumnInDF()` returns the updated, or the newly created,
#' `data.frame`
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @rdname HandleMetaData
setColumnInDF <- function(df, colToSet, colName,
rowNames = vector(mode = "character")) {
if (is_empty(df)) {
df <- set_names(data.frame(colToSet), colName)
} else {
if (colName %in% colnames(df)) {
df[[colName]] <- colToSet
} else {
df <- cbind(df, set_names(data.frame(colToSet), colName))
# default assigned rownames are numbers...
if (!is_empty(rowNames) && is.integer(attr(df, "row.names"))) {
rownames(df) <- rowNames
#------------------- clusters utilities ----------
#' @title *Clusters* utilities
#' @description Handle *clusterization* <-> *clusters* `list` conversions,
#' *clusters* grouping and merge
#' @name ClustersList
#' @examples
#' ## create a clusterization
#' clusters <- paste0("",sample(7, 100, replace = TRUE))
#' names(clusters) <- paste0("E_",formatC(1:100, width = 3, flag = "0"))
#' ## create a clusters list from a clusterization
#' clustersList <- toClustersList(clusters)
#' head(clustersList, 1)
#' ## recreate the clusterization from the cluster list
#' clusters2 <- fromClustersList(clustersList, names(clusters))
#' all.equal(factor(clusters), clusters2)
#' cl1Size <- length(clustersList[["1"]])
#' ## establish the permutation that groups clusters together
#' perm <- groupByClusters(clusters)
#' !is.unsorted(head(names(clusters)[perm],cl1Size))
#' head(clusters[perm], cl1Size)
#' ## it is possible to have the list of the element names different
#' ## from the names in the clusters list
#' selectedNames <- paste0("E_",formatC(11:110, width = 3, flag = "0"))
#' perm2 <- groupByClustersList(selectedNames, toClustersList(clusters))
#' all.equal(perm2[91:100], c(91:100))
#' ## is is possible to merge a few clusters together
#' clustersMerged <- mergeClusters(clusters, names = c("7", "2"),
#' mergedName = "7__2")
#' sum(table(clusters)[c(2, 7)]) == table(clustersMerged)[["7__2"]]
#' ## it is also possible to do multiple merges at once!
#' ## Note the default new clusters' names
#' clustersMerged2 <-
#' multiMergeClusters(clusters2, namesList = list(c("2", "7"),
#' c("1", "3", "5")))
#' table(clustersMerged2)
#' @details `toClustersList()` given a *clusterization*, creates a `list` of
#' *clusters* (i.e. for each *cluster*, which elements compose the *cluster*)
#' @param clusters A named `vector` or `factor` that defines the *clusters*
#' @returns `toClustersList()` returns a `list` of clusters
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname ClustersList
toClustersList <- function(clusters) {
msg = "passed clusterization has no names")
clustersNames <- levels(factor(clusters))
getCl <- function(cl, clusters) {
names(clusters)[clusters %in% cl]
clustersList <- set_names(lapply(clustersNames, getCl, clusters),
#' @details `fromClustersList()` given a `list` of *clusters* returns a
#' *clusterization* (i.e. a named `vector` that for each element indicates to
#' which cluster it belongs)
#' @param clustersList A named `list` whose elements define the various clusters
#' @param elemNames A `list` of names to which associate a cluster
#' @param throwOnOverlappingClusters When `TRUE`, in case of overlapping
#' clusters, the function `fromClustersList` and `groupByClustersList` will
#' throw. This is the default. When FALSE, instead, in case of overlapping
#' clusters, `fromClustersList` will return the last cluster to which each
#' element belongs, while `groupByClustersList` will return a vector of
#' positions that is longer than the given `elemNames`
#' @returns `fromClustersList()` returns a clusterization. If the given
#' `elemNames` contain values not present in the `clustersList`, those will be
#' marked as `"-1"`
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname ClustersList
fromClustersList <- function(clustersList,
elemNames = vector(mode = "character"),
throwOnOverlappingClusters = TRUE) {
clustersNames <- names(clustersList)
msg = "Passed clusterization has no names")
if (is_empty(elemNames)) {
elemNames <- unlist(clustersList, use.names = FALSE)
clusters <- set_names(rep.int("-1", length(elemNames)), elemNames)
for (clName in clustersNames) {
cluster <- clustersList[[clName]]
cluster <- cluster[cluster %in% elemNames]
assert_that((!throwOnOverlappingClusters ||
all(clusters[cluster] == "-1")),
msg = "Found overlapping clusters")
clusters[cluster] <- clName
#' @details `groupByClusters()` given a *clusterization* returns a permutation,
#' such that using the permutation on the input the *clusters* are grouped
#' together
#' @param elemNames A `list` of names to which associate a cluster
#' @param clustersList A named `list` whose elements define the various clusters
#' @param throwOnOverlappingClusters When `TRUE`, in case of overlapping
#' clusters, the function `fromClustersList` and `groupByClustersList` will
#' throw. This is the default. When FALSE, instead, in case of overlapping
#' clusters, `fromClustersList` will return the last cluster to which each
#' element belongs, while `groupByClustersList` will return a vector of
#' positions that is longer than the given `elemNames`
#' @returns `groupByClusters()` and `groupByClustersList()` return a permutation
#' that groups the clusters together. For each cluster the positions are
#' guaranteed to be in increasing order. In case, all elements not
#' corresponding to any cluster are grouped together as the last group
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @rdname ClustersList
groupByClustersList <- function(elemNames, clustersList,
throwOnOverlappingClusters = TRUE) {
assert_that(!is_empty(elemNames), msg = "passed no elemNames")
assert_that(!is_empty(clustersList), msg = "passed no clustersList")
positions <- vector(mode = "integer")
for (cluster in clustersList) {
clPos <- which(elemNames %in% cluster)
# clPos should be already sorted
assert_that(!throwOnOverlappingClusters || !any(clPos %in% positions),
msg = "Found overlapping clusters")
positions <- append(positions, clPos)
# add all non-clustered elements as tail group!
positions <- append(positions, setdiff(seq_along(elemNames), positions))
#' @details `groupByClustersList()` given the elements' names and a `list` of
#' *clusters* returns a permutation, such that using the permutation on the
#' given names the *clusters* are grouped together.
#' @param clusters A named `vector` or `factor` that defines the *clusters*.
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @rdname ClustersList
groupByClusters <- function(clusters) {
return(groupByClustersList(names(clusters), toClustersList(clusters)))
#' @details `mergeClusters()` given a *clusterization*, creates a new one where
#' the given *clusters* are merged.
#' @param clusters A named `vector` or `factor` that defines the *clusters*
#' @param names A list of *clusters* names to be merged
#' @param mergedName The name of the new merged clusters
#' @returns `mergeClusters()` returns a new *clusterization* with the wanted
#' *clusters* being merged. If less than 2 *cluster* names were passed the
#' function will emit a warning and return the initial *clusterization*
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @rdname ClustersList
mergeClusters <- function(clusters, names, mergedName = "") {
if (!inherits(clusters, "factor")) {
clusters <- factor(clusters)
effNames <- names[names %in% levels(clusters)]
if (is_empty(effNames) || length(effNames) < 2L) {
warning("Passed a list of clusters to merge with less than 2 elements",
" actually present in the clusterization")
# nothing to do...
if (isEmptyName(mergedName)) {
effNames <- sort(effNames)
mergedName <- paste0(paste(effNames, collapse = "_"), "-merge")
# new level must be last!
levels(clusters) <- c(levels(clusters), mergedName)
clusters[clusters %in% effNames] <- mergedName
clusters <- droplevels(clusters)
#' @details `multiMergeClusters()` given a *clusterization*, creates a new one
#' where the given sets of *clusters* are merged.
#' @param clusters A named `vector` or `factor` that defines the *clusters*
#' @param namesList A `list` of `list`s of *clusters* names to be respectively
#' merged
#' @param mergedNames The names of the new merged *clusters*
#' @returns `multiMergeClusters()` returns a new *clusterization* with the
#' wanted *clusters* being merged by consecutive iterations of
#' [mergeClusters()] on the given `namesList`
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @rdname ClustersList
multiMergeClusters <- function(clusters, namesList, mergedNames = NULL) {
if (is_empty(namesList)) {
warning("Passed no clusters lists to merge")
if (is_empty(mergedNames)) {
mergedNames <- rep_len("", length(namesList))
assert_that(length(mergedNames) == length(namesList),
msg = paste("When given 'mergedNames' must have",
"the same length as 'namesList'"))
for (i in seq_along(namesList)) {
clusters <- mergeClusters(clusters,
names = namesList[[i]],
mergedName = mergedNames[[i]])
#----------------- plot utilities --------------------
#' @details `plotTheme()` returns the appropriate theme for the selected plot
#' kind. Supported kinds are: `"common"`, `"pca"`, `"genes"`, `"UDE"`,
#' `"heatmap"`, `"GDI"`, `"UMAP"`, `"size-plot"`
#' @seealso [ggplot2::theme()] and [ggplot2::ggplot()]
#' @param plotKind a string indicating the plot kind
#' @param textSize axes and strip text size (default=14)
#' @returns `plotTheme()` returns a `ggplot2::theme` object
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_text
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_blank
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_rect
#' @importFrom ggplot2 unit
#' @importFrom ggthemes theme_tufte
#' @export
#' @examples
#' theme <- plotTheme("pca")
#' @rdname HeatmapPlots
plotTheme <- function(plotKind = "common", textSize = 14L) {
myDarkBlue <- "#3C5488FF"
ts <- textSize
basicTheme <- theme(
axis.text.x = element_text(size = ts, angle = 0L, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5,
face = "plain", colour = myDarkBlue),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = ts, angle = 0L, hjust = 0.0, vjust = 0.5,
face = "plain", colour = myDarkBlue),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = ts, angle = 0L, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.0,
face = "plain", colour = myDarkBlue),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = ts, angle =90L, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5,
face = "plain", colour = myDarkBlue))
if (plotKind == "common") {
if (plotKind == "pca") {
return(basicTheme +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.text = element_text(size = 12L, face = "italic",
color = myDarkBlue),
legend.position = "bottom"))
if (plotKind == "genes") {
return(basicTheme +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20L, hjust = 0.02,
vjust = -10.0, face = "italic",
color = myDarkBlue),
plot.subtitle = element_text(vjust = -15.0, hjust = 0.01,
color = "darkred")))
if (plotKind == "UDE") {
return(basicTheme +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20L, color = myDarkBlue),
legend.title = element_text(size = 14L, color = myDarkBlue,
face = "italic"),
legend.text = element_text(size = 11L, color = myDarkBlue),
legend.key.width = unit(2.0, "mm"),
legend.position = "right"))
if (plotKind == "heatmap") {
return(basicTheme +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
panel.spacing = unit(0.0, "lines"),
strip.background = element_rect(fill = "#8491B44C"),
strip.text.y = element_text(size = ts, colour = myDarkBlue),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = ts, angle = 90L,
colour = myDarkBlue),
legend.text = element_text(color = myDarkBlue,
face = "italic"),
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.title = element_blank(),
legend.key.height = unit(2.0, "mm")))
if (plotKind == "GDI") {
return(basicTheme +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_text(size = ts + 2L,
face = "bold.italic",
color = myDarkBlue),
legend.text = element_text(color = myDarkBlue,
face = "italic"),
legend.position = "bottom"))
if (plotKind == "UMAP") {
return(basicTheme +
theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_text(size = ts + 2L,
face = "bold.italic",
color = myDarkBlue),
legend.text = element_text(color = myDarkBlue,
face = "italic"),
legend.position = "right"))
if (plotKind == "size-plot") {
return(ggthemes::theme_tufte() +
theme(legend.position = "none"))
# axis.text.x = element_blank(),
# axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) )
warning("plotTheme: no match found in listed themes for: ", plotKind)
#' @title getColorsVector
#' @description This function returns a list of colors based on the
#' [brewer.pal()] function
#' @details The colors are taken from the [brewer.pal.info()] sets with
#' `Set1`, `Set2`, `Set3` placed first.
#' @param numNeededColors The number of returned colors. If omitted it returns
#' all available colors
#' @returns an array of `RGB` colors of the wanted size
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal.info
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
#' @examples
#' colorsVector <- getColorsVector(17)
#' @rdname getColorsVector
getColorsVector <- function(numNeededColors = 0L) {
qualColPalets <- brewer.pal.info[brewer.pal.info[["category"]] == "qual", ]
numColPalets <- nrow(qualColPalets)
qualColPalets <- rbind(qualColPalets[(numColPalets - 2L):numColPalets, ],
qualColPalets[1L:(numColPalets - 3L), ])
colVector <- unlist(Map(brewer.pal, qualColPalets[["maxcolors"]],
rm(qualColPalets, numColPalets)
if (numNeededColors == 0L) {
} else if (numNeededColors <= length(colVector)) {
return(head(colVector, numNeededColors))
} else {
warning("Needed more colors than the number ",
"of possible different colors:", length(colVector))
return(head(rep(colVector, ceiling(numNeededColors / length(colVector))),
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