
Defines functions select_calibration_curve get_individual_pandora_data import_pandora_data

Documented in get_individual_pandora_data import_pandora_data select_calibration_curve

#' Collect poseidon janno data from pandora
#' @param credentials character. Path to a credentials file containing four lines listing the database host,
#' the port of the database server, user and password, respectively.
#' Passed to \link[sidora.core:get_pandora_connection]{get_pandora_connection}
#' @param trust_uncalibrated_dates logical. Should any uncalibrated dates in pandora be trusted?
#' If set to TRUE, then \link[poseidonR:quickcalibrate]{quickcalibrate()} is used to calibrate these dates on the fly.
#' @param sample_ids character. A vector of the Poseidon_IDs to pull from pandora.
#' @return A tibble containing the poseidon janno fields of
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"

import_pandora_data <- function(sample_ids, credentials, trust_uncalibrated_dates) {
  write("Querying Pandora for individual data.", file = stderr())
  pandora_table <- get_individual_pandora_data(sample_ids, credentials)
  pandora_table <- pandora_table %>%
    ## Only keep individual and site information
        c("site.", "individual.")
    ) %>%
    ## Remove duplicate lines due to multiple Extracts/Libs/Sequencings per individual
    dplyr::distinct() %>%
      Pandora_ID = .data$individual.Full_Individual_Id,
      Collection_ID = .data$individual.Archaeological_ID,
      Site = .data$site.Name,
      Country = .data$site.Country,
      Location = dplyr::if_else(.data$site.Locality == "", NA_character_, .data$site.Locality),
      Longitude = .data$site.Longitude,
      Latitude = .data$site.Latitude,
      Date_C14_Labnr = dplyr::na_if(.data$individual.C14_Id, ""),
      Date_BC_AD_Start_pandora = dplyr::case_when(
        ## If no C14 ID is given in pandora, don't trust the Calibrated date field, else take it as is.
        .data$Date_C14_Labnr %in% c("", NA) ~ NA_integer_,
        TRUE ~ .data$individual.C14_Calibrated_From
      Date_BC_AD_Stop_pandora = dplyr::case_when(
        ## If no C14 ID is given in pandora, don't trust the Calibrated date field, else take it as is.
        .data$Date_C14_Labnr %in% c("", NA) ~ NA_integer_,
        TRUE ~ .data$individual.C14_Calibrated_To
      Date_Type_pandora = dplyr::case_when(
        ## If a C14 Lab number is provided, set date type to C14.
        .data$Date_C14_Labnr %in% c("", NA) ~ NA_character_,
        TRUE ~ "C14"
      Date_Note_pandora = dplyr::case_when(
        ## If a C14 Lab number is provided, propagate the date info field.
        .data$Date_C14_Labnr %in% c("", NA) ~ NA_character_,
        TRUE ~ .data$individual.C14_Info
      ## Initialise These as empty for calibration to potentially fill in.
      ##    Need to exist for dplyr::coalesce() to not complain about columns not existing.
      Date_BC_AD_Start_1Sigma = NA_integer_,
      Date_BC_AD_Stop_1Sigma = NA_integer_,
      Date_BC_AD_Start_2Sigma = NA_integer_,
      Date_BC_AD_Stop_2Sigma = NA_integer_,
      Date_BC_AD_Median = NA_integer_,
      Date_C14_Uncal_BP = NA_integer_,
      Date_C14_Uncal_BP_Err = NA_integer_,
      Date_Type_quickcal = NA_character_,
      Date_Note_quickcal = NA_character_
    ) %>%
    ## Replace double quotes with single quotes in text entries from Pandora, to avoid janno validation errors.
      .cols = c(.data$Collection_ID, .data$Site, .data$Country, .data$Location),
      .fns = ~ stringr::str_replace_all(., '"', "'")

  ## If user trusts uncalibrated dates (and C14 IDs are set up correctly) for their samples,
  ##    then use that data to quickcalibrate (calibrated dates are retained if existing)
  if (trust_uncalibrated_dates) {
    pandora_table <- pandora_table %>%
        ## If no Lab Nr is given in pandora, the C14 data is not considered a valid entry.
        Date_C14_Uncal_BP = dplyr::if_else(.data$Date_C14_Labnr %in% c("", NA), NA_integer_, .data$individual.C14_Uncalibrated),
        Date_C14_Uncal_BP_Err = dplyr::if_else(.data$Date_C14_Labnr %in% c("", NA), NA_integer_, .data$individual.C14_Uncalibrated_Variation),
        ## Only use calibration values if calibrated values are not in pandora
          allowOutside = T
        Date_Type_quickcal = dplyr::if_else(.data$Date_C14_Labnr %in% c("", NA), NA_character_, "C14"),
        Date_Note_quickcal = dplyr::if_else(.data$Date_C14_Labnr %in% c("", NA), NA_character_, "quickcalibration from Date_C14_Uncal_BP and Date_C14_Uncal_BP_Err")
  pandora_table <- pandora_table %>%
      ## Prioritise pandora's calibrated dates when available.
      Date_BC_AD_Start = dplyr::coalesce(.data$Date_BC_AD_Start_pandora, .data$Date_BC_AD_Start_2Sigma),
      Date_BC_AD_Stop = dplyr::coalesce(.data$Date_BC_AD_Stop_pandora, .data$Date_BC_AD_Stop_2Sigma),
      Date_Type = dplyr::coalesce(.data$Date_Type_pandora, .data$Date_Type_quickcal),
      Date_Note = dplyr::coalesce(.data$Date_Note_pandora, .data$Date_Note_quickcal)
    ) %>%

  write("Parsing of Pandora table completed.", file = stderr())


#' Pull pandora information for specific individual IDs
#' Query pandora for information across tabs Site and Sequencing, for a provided set of individual IDs.
#' @inheritParams import_pandora_data
#' @param sample_ids character. A vector of individual IDs to pull pandora data for.
#' @return A tibble containing the pandora information for individuals present in the janno file, from Site to Sequencing.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
get_individual_pandora_data <- function(sample_ids, credentials) {

  ## Pull pandora data
  con <- sidora.core::get_pandora_connection(credentials)

  ## Get complete pandora table, then filter for samples of interest
  pandora_table <- sidora.core::join_pandora_tables(
        c("TAB_Site", "TAB_Sequencing")
      con = con
  ) %>% sidora.core::convert_all_ids_to_values(con = con)
  pandora_table <- pandora_table %>% dplyr::filter(.data$individual.Full_Individual_Id %in% sample_ids$Pandora_ID)

  if ( nrow(pandora_table) == 0 ) {
    stop("No matches found in Pandora's individual.Full_Individual_Id column for the provided list of sample IDs.")

  write("Information successfully pulled from Pandora.", file = stderr())


#' Infer the correct calibration curve for quickcalibrate, based on the Pandora Latitude
#' Pick a calibration curve for
#' @param Latitude numeric. Latitude in decimal degrees.
#' @return A string with the preferred calibration curve (intcal20 for northern hemisphere and shcal20 for the southern hemisphere).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' select_calibration_curve(-50) ## Northern hemisphere
#' select_calibration_curve(50) ## Southern Hemisphere
#' select_calibration_curve(0) ## 0 defaults to Northern hemisphere
#' \dontrun{
#' select_calibration_curve("banana")
#' }
select_calibration_curve <- function(Latitude) {
  ## Bchron (the backend for quickcalibrate) does not recognise NAs in the calibration curves.
  ##   Therefor, if a site has no latitude set, or it is wrongly set, stop and complain.
  if (!is.numeric(Latitude) || is.na(Latitude)) {
    stop("Latitude value should be of class 'numeric', and NOT NA.")
    Latitude >= 0 ~ "intcal20",
    Latitude < 0 ~ "shcal20",
    TRUE ~ "none"
sidora-tools/eager2poseidon documentation built on May 12, 2023, 11:58 p.m.