
Defines functions crop

Documented in crop

#' Create images of a NiFTI object
#' modified from oro.nifti:::image.nifti
#' @param x the Nifti object to display images of
#' @param BGimg background image to use.
#' @param limits A lower (and optionally upper length 2 vector) limits to apply to the image, defaults to 0
#' @param nrow number of rows to display the slices as. NULL is default and it's a square shape determined by length of `index` argument.
#' @param index Any selected image planes. defaults to NULL
#' @param crop crop white space from image. Default is TRUE.
#' @param col a vector of colors to use for scaled intensities defaults to a grey scale.
#' @param colpos a vector of colors to use for positive values.
#' @param colneg a vector of colors to use for negative values.
#' @param plane the plane to display, can be axial, coronal or sagittal.
#' @param title Title for figure drawn in outer margin with `mtext`.
#' @param axes display axes, defaults to false
#' @param lo Call layout to arrange images? Default is TRUE.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to par
#' @importFrom grDevices gray
#' @importFrom graphics par layout
#' @importFrom RNifti readNifti pixdim
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(RNifti)
#' library(pain21)
#' pain = pain21()
#' templ = readNifti(pain$template)
#' # image(templ)
#' # image(templ, plane='coronal')
image.niftiImage = function (x, BGimg = NULL, limits = 0, nrow=NULL, index = NULL, crop=TRUE, col = gray(0:64/64),
                             colpos = pbj:::redyellow(64), colneg = pbj:::bluecyan(64), plane = c("axial",
                                                                                                  "coronal", "sagittal"),
                             title="", axes = FALSE, lo=TRUE, ...)
  eps = 10^-6
  limits = limits + eps
  object <- x
  stat = if (is.character(object))
  else object
  if (is.character(BGimg)) {
  else if (is.null(BGimg)) {
    # this sets foreground image to be the background too
    x = stat
    # if only one argument was passed, display as the background img (foreground is blank)
    # this sets the limitsold high enough so that no overlay is shown (if it wasn't set already)
  else x=BGimg
  pixdim = pixdim(x)
  switch(plane[1], axial = {
    aspect <- pixdim[3]/pixdim[2]
  }, coronal = {
    x <- aperm(x, c(1, 3, 2))
    #mask <- aperm(mask, c(1, 3, 2))
    stat <- aperm(stat, c(1, 3, 2))
    aspect <- pixdim[4]/pixdim[2]
  }, sagittal = {
    x <- aperm(x, c(2, 3, 1))
    #mask <- aperm(mask, c(2, 3, 1))
    stat <- aperm(stat, c(2, 3, 1))
    aspect <- pixdim[4]/pixdim[3]
  }, stop(paste("Orthogonal plane", plane[1], "is not valid.")))
    cr = crop(x, stat)
    x = cr$mask
    stat = cr$img
    if(!is.null(index)) index = index - cr$offset[3]
  statneg = stat
  statneg[statneg > -limits[1]] = 0
  statneg = abs(statneg)
  stat[stat < limits[1]] = 0
  imgdim = dim(x)
  zlim = range(x, na.rm = TRUE)

  maxstat = max(replace(c(stat[stat > 0], limits), !is.finite(c(stat[stat >
                                                                       0], limits)), NA), na.rm = TRUE)
  maxstatneg = max(replace(c(statneg[statneg > 0], limits),
                           !is.finite(c(statneg[statneg > 0], limits)), NA), na.rm = TRUE)

  breaks <- c(zlim[1], seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], length = length(col) -
                             1), zlim[2])
    breakspos <- c(limits[1], seq(limits[1], maxstat, length = length(colpos) -
                                    1), maxstat)
    breaksneg <- c(limits[1], seq(limits[1], maxstatneg, length = length(colneg) -
                                    1), maxstatneg)
  } else {
    breakspos <- c(limits[1], seq(limits[1], limits[2], length = length(colpos) -
                                    1), maxstat)
    breaksneg <- c(limits[1], seq(limits[1], limits[2], length = length(colneg) -
                                    1), maxstatneg)
  # graphical settings
  # These represent all the default plotting options
  # this is a hack to avoid par call when using image.statMap which creates a new device each time for some reason
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  if(oldpar$fg == 'black' & oldpar$bg=='white'){
    par(fg='white', bg='black', mar=c(0,0,0,0), oma=c(0,0,0,0))
    if (is.null(index)) {
      index = 1:imgdim[3]
      nCol = ceiling(sqrt(length(index)))
      nrow = ceiling(length(index)/nCol)
    } else {
      nCol = ceiling(length(index)/nrow)
    # layout
    lo = matrix(c(1:length(index), rep(NA, nrow * nCol - length(index) )), nrow=nrow, ncol=nCol, byrow=TRUE)
    # if(colorbar){
    #   lo = cbind(lo, max(lo, na.rm=TRUE)+1)
    #   lo[is.na(lo)] = max(lo, na.rm=TRUE)+1
    #   layout(lo, widths=c(rep(1, nrow), 0.125))
    # } else {
    lo[is.na(lo)] = max(lo, na.rm=TRUE)+1
    # }
  for(z in index){
    graphics::image(1:imgdim[1], 1:imgdim[2], x[, , z], col = col,
                    breaks = breaks, asp = aspect, axes = axes, ...)
    if (limits[1] != maxstat)
      graphics::image(1:imgdim[1], 1:imgdim[2], stat[,
                                                     , z], col = colpos, breaks = breakspos, asp = aspect,
                      axes = axes, add = TRUE, ...)
    if (limits[1] != maxstatneg)
      graphics::image(1:imgdim[1], 1:imgdim[2], statneg[,
                                                        , z], col = colneg, breaks = breaksneg, asp = aspect,
                      axes = axes, add = TRUE, ...)
  # test = plot_grid(plotlist=res, nrow=nrow, ncol=nCol)
  # cb = function(){
  #   par(oma=c(0,0,0,0), mar=c(8, 4, 8, 0.5), mgp=c(3,0.6,0), fg=fg, col.axis=fg, col.lab=fg, col.main = fg, col.sub=fg, bg=bg)
  #   colorBar(pbj:::redyellow(64), min=limits, max=maxstat, nticks=4, ylab = barLab)
  # }
  # plot_grid(test, cb, ncol = 2, rel_widths = c(6,1))
  # browser()
  # # height of plot device
  # wh = dev.size('in')
  # # height of one brain image
  # barHeight = wh[2]/nrow
  # marginHeight = (wh[2]-barHeight)/2
  # # relative width of column for colorBar
  # cbWidth = wh[1] * 0.125/(nrow+0.125)
  # #par(oma=c(0,0,0,0), mai=c(marginHeight, cbWidth*0.1, marginHeight, cbWidth*0.02), mgp=c(3,0.6,0), fg=fg, col.axis=fg, col.lab=fg, col.main = fg, col.sub=fg)
  # colorBar(pbj:::redyellow(64), min=limits, max=maxstat, nticks=4, ylab = barLab)
  # invisible()

#' Crop niftiImages
#' @param mask a mask image to crop with
#' @param img another image to crop
#' @importFrom grDevices gray
#' @importFrom graphics par layout
#' @importFrom RNifti readNifti
#' @return A list with the cropped mask and img, and the offsets to adjust image indexing
crop = function(mask, img){
  xinds = apply(mask != 0, 1, any)
  yinds = apply(mask != 0, 2, any)
  zinds = apply(mask != 0, 3, any)
  mask = mask[xinds, , ]
  mask = mask[, yinds, ]
  mask = mask[, , zinds]
  img = img[xinds, , ]
  img = img[, yinds, ]
  img = img[, , zinds]
  offsets  = c(max(0, which(diff(!xinds)<0)), max(0, which(diff(!yinds)<0)), max(0, which(diff(!zinds)<0)) )
  return(list(mask=mask, img=img, offset=offsets))
simonvandekar/pbj documentation built on Nov. 3, 2023, 9:33 a.m.