
Defines functions ensembleRf perf.ensembleRf

Documented in ensembleRf perf.ensembleRf

#' Build ensemble random forest classification panel
#' @param X.trainList list of training datasets (nxpi); i number of elements
#' @param y.train n-vector of class labels (must be a factor)
#' @param panelLength number of variables to select based on the Importance score
#' @param X.testList list of test datasets (nxpi); i number of elements
#' @param y.test n-vector of class labels (must be a factor)
#' @param filter pre-filtering of initial datasets - "none" or "p.value"
#' @param topranked Number of topranked features based on differential expression to use to build classifer
#' @param keepVarList which variables to keep and not omit (set to NULL if no variables are forced to be kept)
#' @return model
#' @return testPerf
#' @return X.trainList
#' @return y.train
#' @return alphaList
#' @return lambdaList
#' @return family
#' @return X.testList
#' @return y.test
#' @return filter
#' @return topranked
#' @return keepVarList
#' @export
ensembleRf = function(X.trainList, y.train, panelLength=15, X.testList=NULL, y.test=NULL,
  filter="none", topranked=50, keepVarList=NULL){
  if (class(y.train) == "character")
    stop("y.train is not a factor")
  if (filter == "none") {
    X1.trainList <- X.trainList
  if (filter == "p.value") {
    X1.trainList <- lapply(X.trainList, function(i) {
      design <- model.matrix(~y.train)
      fit <- eBayes(lmFit(t(i), design))
      top <- topTable(fit, coef = 2, adjust.method = "BH",
        n = nrow(fit))
      i[, rownames(top)[1:topranked]]
  if (is.null(keepVarList)) {
    X2.trainList <- X1.trainList
  } else {
    X2.trainList <- mapply(function(x, x1, y) {
      X1 <- x1[, setdiff(colnames(x1), y)]
      X2 <- as.matrix(cbind(X1, x[, y]))
      colnames(X2) <- c(colnames(X1), y)
    }, x = X.trainList, x1 = X1.trainList, y = keepVarList)

  ## fit random forest classifer
  model <- lapply(X2.trainList, function(i){
    X.train0 <- i
    #colnames(X.train0) <- paste("Feature", 1:ncol(X.train0), sep=".")
    rf = randomForest(y.train ~ ., data=X.train0, importance=TRUE, proximity=TRUE)

    ## Select important variables
    rf.panel = c(rownames(rf$importance)[order(rf$importance[,4],decreasing=TRUE)][1:panelLength])
    refine.rf = randomForest(y.train ~ ., data = X.train0[, rf.panel, drop=FALSE], importance=TRUE, proximity=TRUE)
    return(list(rf.panel=rf.panel, refine.rf=refine.rf))

  if (!is.null(X.testList)){
    if (!all(sapply(1:length(X.trainList), function(i) any(colnames(X.trainList[[i]]) ==
      stop("features of the train and test datasets are not in the same order")
    if (!any(levels(y.train) == levels(y.test)))
      stop("levels of y.train and y.test are not in the same order")

    testPerf <- mapply(function(mod, test) {
      predictResponse <- unlist(predict(mod$refine.rf, test[, mod$rf.panel], type = "response"))
      probs <- predict(mod$refine.rf, test[, mod$rf.panel], type = "vote")[, levels(y.train)[2]]
      names(probs) <- rownames(predictResponse)
      predictResponse <- as.character(predictResponse)
      names(predictResponse) <- names(probs)
      mat <- table(pred = factor(as.character(predictResponse), levels = levels(y.train)), truth = y.test)
      mat2 <- mat
      diag(mat2) <- 0
      classError <- colSums(mat2)/colSums(mat)
      er <- sum(mat2)/sum(mat)
      ber <- mean(classError)
      error <- c(classError, er, ber) %>% matrix
      rownames(error) <- c(names(classError), "Overall", "Balanced")
      colnames(error) <- "Error_0.5"
      if (length(y.test) > 1) {
        if (nlevels(y.train) == 2) {
          y.test <- factor(as.character(y.test), levels(y.train))
          perfTest <- amritr::tperformance(weights = as.numeric(as.matrix(probs)),
            trueLabels = y.test) %>% as.matrix
          colnames(perfTest) <- paste(levels(y.train),
            collapse = "_vs_")
        } else {
          perfTest <- NA
      } else {
        perfTest <- NA
      return(list(probs = probs, predictResponse = predictResponse,
        error = error, perfTest = perfTest))
    }, mod = model, test = X.testList, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  } else {
    testPerf <- NA
  return(list(model = model, testPerf = testPerf, X.trainList = X.trainList,
    y.train = y.train, panelLength=panelLength, X.testList = X.testList, y.test = y.test,
    filter = filter, topranked = topranked, keepVarList = keepVarList))

#' Estimate classification performance using repeated cross-validation using an random forest classifier
#' @param object ensembleRf object
#' @param validation = "Mfold" or "loo"
#' @param M # of folds
#' @param iter Number of iterations of cross-validation
#' @param threads # of cores, running each iteration on a separate node
#' @param progressBar = TRUE (show progress bar or not)
#' @export
perf.ensembleRf = function(object, validation = "Mfold", M = 5, iter = 5, threads = 5, progressBar = TRUE){
  X.trainList = object$X.trainList
  y.train = object$y.train
  panelLength = object$panelLength
  filter = object$filter
  topranked = object$topranked
  keepVarList = object$keepVarList
  if (validation == "Mfold") {
    folds <- lapply(1:iter, function(i) createFolds(y.train, k = M))
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(mc <- getOption("cl.cores",
    parallel::clusterExport(cl, varlist = c("ensembleRfCV",
      "ensembleRf", "X.trainList", "y.train", "panelLength",
      "filter", "topranked", "keepVarList",
      "M", "folds", "progressBar"), envir = environment())
    cv <- parallel::parLapply(cl, folds, function(foldsi,
      X.trainList, y.train, panelLength,
      filter, topranked, keepVarList, M, progressBar) {
      ensembleRfCV(X.trainList = X.trainList, y.train = y.train,
        panelLength = panelLength, filter = filter, topranked = topranked,
        keepVarList = keepVarList, M = M, folds = foldsi,
        progressBar = progressBar)
    }, X.trainList, y.train, panelLength, filter, topranked,
      keepVarList, M, progressBar) %>%
    error <- do.call(rbind, cv$error) %>% as.data.frame %>%
      mutate(ErrName = factor(rownames(.), unique(rownames(.)))) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(ErrName) %>% dplyr::summarise(Mean = mean(Error_0.5),
        SD = sd(Error_0.5))
    perfTest <- do.call(rbind, cv$perfTest) %>% as.data.frame %>%
      mutate(ErrName = factor(rownames(.), unique(rownames(.)))) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(ErrName) %>% dplyr::summarise(Mean = mean(perf),
        SD = sd(perf))
  } else {
    n <- length(y.train)
    folds = split(1:n, rep(1:n, length = n))
    M = n
    cv <- ensembleRfCV(X.trainList, y.train, panelLength, filter, topranked, keepVarList,
      M, folds, progressBar)
    error <- cv$error
    perfTest <- cv$perfTest
  result = list()
  result$error = error
  result$perfTest = perfTest
  method = "RfEnsemble.mthd"
  result$meth = "RfEnsemble.mthd"
  class(result) = c("perf", method)

#' Estimate classification performance using cross-validation using an random forest classifier
#' @param X.trainList list of training datasets (nxpi); i number of elements
#' @param y.train n-vector of class labels (must be a factor)
#' @param alphaList list of alpha values
#' @param lambdaList list of lambda values
#' @param family can be "binomial" or "multinomial"
#' @param filter pre-filtering of initial datasets - "none" or "p.value"
#' @param topranked Number of topranked features based on differential expression to use to build classifer
#' @param keepVarList which variables to keep and not omit (set to NULL if no variables are forced to be kept)
#' @param M # of folds
#' @param folds list of length M, where each element contains the indices for samples for a given fold
#' @param progressBar (TRUE/FALSE) - show progress bar or not
#' @return error computes error rate (each group, overall and balanced error rate)
#' @return perfTest classification performance measures
#' @export
ensembleRfCV = function(X.trainList, y.train, panelLength = 15, filter = "none",
  topranked = 50, keepVarList = NULL, M = 5, folds = 5, progressBar = FALSE){
  J <- length(X.trainList)
  assign("X.training", NULL, pos = 1)
  assign("y.training", NULL, pos = 1)
  X.training = lapply(folds, function(x) {
    lapply(1:J, function(y) {
      X.trainList[[y]][-x, , drop = FALSE]
  y.training = lapply(folds, function(x) {
  X.test = lapply(folds, function(x) {
    lapply(1:J, function(y) {
      X.trainList[[y]][x, , drop = FALSE]
  y.test = lapply(folds, function(x) {
  avgProbList <- list()
  if (progressBar == TRUE)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
  for (i in 1:M) {
    if (progressBar == TRUE)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/M)
    result <- ensembleRf(X.trainList = X.training[[i]],
      y.train = y.training[[i]], panelLength=panelLength,
      X.testList = X.test[[i]], y.test = y.test[[i]],
      filter=filter, topranked=topranked, keepVarList=keepVarList)
    avgProbList[[i]] <- do.call(cbind, lapply(result$testPerf,
      function(i) {
      })) %>% rowMeans
  probs <- unlist(avgProbList)
  predictResponse <- rep(levels(y.train)[1], length(probs))
  predictResponse[probs >= 0.5] <- levels(y.train)[2]
  truth <- sapply(strsplit(names(unlist(y.test)), "\\\\."), function(i) i[2])
  if (!all(names(probs) == truth))
    stop("predicted probability is not in the same order as the test labels")
  mat <- table(pred = factor(as.character(predictResponse),
    levels = levels(y.train)), truth = unlist(y.test))
  mat2 <- mat
  diag(mat2) <- 0
  classError <- colSums(mat2)/colSums(mat)
  er <- sum(mat2)/sum(mat)
  ber <- mean(classError)
  error <- c(classError, er, ber) %>% matrix
  rownames(error) <- c(names(classError), "Overall", "Balanced")
  colnames(error) <- "Error_0.5"
  if (nlevels(y.train) == 2) {
    perfTest <- amritr::tperformance(weights = probs, trueLabels = unlist(y.test)) %>%
    colnames(perfTest) <- "perf"
  else {
    perfTest <- NA
  return(list(error = error, perfTest = perfTest))
singha53/amritr documentation built on July 21, 2019, 3:46 p.m.