
Defines functions estimateBLP get.gmm.obj get.integration.input get.jacob get.gmm.gr .dstdxit .dstdtheta get.Elasticities

Documented in estimateBLP

#' @useDynLib BLPestimatoR
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp

#' Performs a BLP demand estimation.
#' @param Xlin character vector specifying the set of linear variables (variable names
#' must be included in \code{productData})
#' @param Xexo character vector specifying the set of exogenous variables (subset of \code{Xlin})
#' @param Xrandom character vector specifying the set of random coefficients (variable names
#' must be included in \code{productData})
#' @param instruments character vector specifying the set of instrumental variables (variable names
#' must be included in \code{productData})
#' @param shares character vector specifying observed market shares (variable name
#' must be included in \code{productData})
#' @param cdid character vector specifying the market identifier (variable name
#' must be included in \code{productData})
#' @param prodid columnname in \code{productData} that identifies product
#' currently only used to name elasticity matrix. If ommited (=NULL) use default
#' names for elasticity matrix
#' @param productData dataframe with product characteristics
#' @param demographics optional: character vector specifying the set of demographic variables (must be included as list entries in \code{demographicData})
#' @param demographicData optional: list with demographic data for each market (see details)
#' @param starting.guesses.theta2 matrix with starting values for the optimization routine
#' (NA entries indicate the exclusion from estimation, i.e. the coefficient is assumed to be zero)
#' @param starting.guesses.delta optional: numeric vector with starting guesses for the mean utility
#' @param solver.method specifies the solver method in \code{optim} or \code{ucminf}
#' @param solver.control list of additional arguments for the optimization routines:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{solver.reltol}}{tolerance for the optimization routine }
#' \item{\code{solver.maxit}}{maximum iterations for the optimization routine}
#' \item{\code{...}}{further arguments passed to \code{optim} or \code{ucminf}}}
#' @param blp.control list of additional argruments for the BLP algorithm:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{inner.tol}}{tolerance for the contraction mapping}
#' \item{\code{inner.maxit}}{maximum iterations for the contraction mapping}}
#' @param integration.control list of parameters for the BLP integration problem:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{method}}{integration method}
#' \item{\code{amountNodes}}{integration accuracy for Monte Carlo based integration}
#' \item{\code{accuracyQuad}}{integration accuracy for integration by quadrature rules}
#' \item{\code{seed}}{seed for the draws of Monte Carlo based integration}
#' \item{\code{nodes}}{set of manually provided integration nodes}
#' \item{\code{weights}}{set of manually provided integration weights}
#' \item{\code{output}}{if \code{TRUE}, integration nodes and individual shares (sij) are available as output} }
#' @param postEstimation.control list of parameters specifying post estimation results:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{standardError}}{chose \code{robust} (default) or \code{nonRobust} }
#' \item{\code{extremumCheck}}{if \code{TRUE} (default), second derivatives are checked for the existence of minimum at the point estimate}
#' \item{\code{elasticities}}{character vector specifying the set of variables elasticities are calculated for} }
#' @param printLevel level of output information ranges from 1 (no GMM results) to 4 (every norm in the contraction mapping)
#' @return Returns an object of class 'blp'. This object contains, among others,
#' all estimates for preference parameters and standard errors. Necessary information
#' for further post estimation analysis can be included as well.
#' @details The optimization routines are included in the packages \code{optim} and  \code{ucminf}. Only gradient based methods are supported.
#' The \code{ucminf} clones \code{MATLAB}s' standard trust region optimization routine, which turns out to be effective in
#' avoiding overflow problems in the BLP model. Valid arguments are \code{BFGS} , \code{BFGS_matlab}, \code{L-BFGS-B} or \code{CG}.
#' For solver options, the use of \code{solver.maxit} and \code{solver.rel} is recommended.
#' For conflicts of  \code{solver.maxit} and  \code{solver.reltol} and arguments of the respective solvers,
#' priority is given to the latter. Make sure that additionally provided solver control arguments are valid.
#' For demographics variables, list entries of \code{demographicData} must be named according to \code{demographics}.
#' Each list entry contains a dataframe with the draws for different markets and a variable
#' (according to the \code{cdid} argument) that allows to match the draws with the markets.
#' The logit model is used for elasticity calculation, if the variable of interest is not included in \code{Xrandom}.
#' Columns of the elasticity matrix contain the variables that are changed by 1\%, and rows contain effects on other products in the choice set.
#' @importFrom ucminf ucminf
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom mvQuad createNIGrid
#' @importFrom mvQuad rescale
#' @importFrom mvQuad getWeights
#' @importFrom mvQuad getNodes
#' @importFrom numDeriv hessian
#' @importFrom randtoolbox halton
#' @export
#' @examples
#'# Parameters
#' i<-1
#' K<-2
#' Xlin_example <-  c("price", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5")
#' Xexo_example <- c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5")
#' Xrandom_example <- paste0("x",1:K)
#' instruments_example <- paste0("iv",1:10)
#' # Data generation
#' BLP_data <- get.BLP.dataset(nmkt = 25, nbrn = 20,
#'                             Xlin = Xlin_example,
#'                             Xexo = Xexo_example,
#'                             Xrandom = Xrandom_example,
#'                             instruments = instruments_example,
#'                             true.parameters = list(Xlin.true.except.price = rep(0.2,5),
#'                                                    Xlin.true.price = -0.2, Xrandom.true = rep(2,K),
#'                                                    instrument.effects = rep(2,10),
#'                                                    instrument.Xexo.effects = rep(1,5)),
#'                             price.endogeneity = list( mean.xi = -2,
#'                                                       mean.eita = 0,
#'                                                       cov = cbind( c(1,0.7), c(0.7,1))),
#'                             printlevel = 0, seed = 5326 )
#' # Estimation
#' BLP_est<- estimateBLP(Xlin = Xlin_example,
#'                       Xrandom = Xrandom_example,
#'                       Xexo =  Xexo_example,
#'                       instruments = instruments_example,
#'                       shares = "shares",
#'                       cdid = "cdid",
#'                       productData = BLP_data,
#'                       starting.guesses.theta2 = rep(1,K),
#'                       solver.control = list(maxeval = 5000),
#'                       solver.method = "BFGS_matlab",
#'                       starting.guesses.delta =  rep(1, length(BLP_data$cdid)),
#'                       blp.control = list(inner.tol = 1e-6,
#'                                          inner.maxit = 5000),
#'                       integration.control= list(  method="MLHS",
#'                                                   amountNodes= 100,
#'                                                   seed= 3   ),
#'                       postEstimation.control= list(standardError = "robust",
#'                                                    extremumCheck = TRUE,
#'                                                    elasticities = "price"),
#'                       printLevel = 2)
#' # Show results
#' summary(BLP_est)

estimateBLP <- function(Xlin, Xexo, Xrandom, instruments, demographics,
  shares, cdid,prodid=NULL,
  productData, demographicData,
  solver.control = list(),
  blp.control = list(), # inner.tol inner.maxit
  integration.control=list(), #amountNodes accuracyQuad seed method output
  postEstimation.control= list(), #standardError extremumCheck elasticities
  printLevel = 0) {
  #### Input Check + First Data Preparations----
  # Existence check of necessary arguments
  # collecting all arguments as a list,
  # implicitly requires the arguments to be non-empty:
  toBeTested<- list("Xlin" = Xlin,
    "Xexo" = Xexo,
    "Xrandom"= Xrandom,
    # "instruments" = instruments, # Update 04/06/17 : iv are not necessary to specify anymore
    "shares" = shares,
    "cdid" = cdid,
    "productData" = productData,
    "starting.guesses.theta2" = starting.guesses.theta2)
  if( missing(solver.control) ) solver.control<- list()
  if( missing(blp.control) ) blp.control<- list()
  if( missing(integration.control) ) integration.control<- list()
  if( missing(postEstimation.control) ) postEstimation.control<- list()
  if( missing(instruments) ) {
    cat("No IV's are in use...")
    names_productData_before<- names( productData )
    instruments<- "NoIVs"
    productData<- cbind(productData, 10000) # assign some numeric value to pass all the input tests
    colnames(productData)<- c(names_productData_before, instruments)
  # data format productData
  productData <- try( as.data.frame( productData ))
  if( class(productData) ==  "try-error" )
    stop( "Provide data in a valid format (e.g. data.frame or matrix)." )
  # product variable checks
  character_indicator <- c ( is.character( Xlin ) ,
    is.character( Xexo ) ,
    is.character( Xrandom ) ,
    is.character( shares ),
    is.character( instruments ) )
  #  cannot be checked in one step, because a vector does coerce the object to a vector of strings (making a subsequent check pointless)
  if( ! all ( character_indicator ) )
    stop( "At least one specified variable is not provided as a string.
                      Data must be provided with the *productData* argument." )
  # all variable strings need to be in productData:
  input_data_strings_withoutCDID <- c(Xlin, Xexo, Xrandom, shares, instruments)  #from now on, it is sure that only characters are used
  if( ! all( c( input_data_strings_withoutCDID , cdid) %in%
      names(productData) ) ) {
    missing = setdiff(c(input_data_strings_withoutCDID, cdid),names(productData))
    stop(paste0("The following specified variables are not available in the data: ", paste0(missing, collapse=", ")))
  # subset checks:
  if (!all(Xexo %in% Xlin))
    stop("Exogenous variable(s) must be a subset of linear variables.")
  if (!all(Xrandom %in% Xlin))
    message("Random coefficient(s) are not a subset of linear variables.")
  ##SK: Transform factor variables to dummies in productData
  ## Note that I changed the order of tests
  ## Test for numeric variables will be done further below
  is.factor = sapply(productData[unique(c(Xlin,Xrandom,instruments))], function(vals) is.factor(vals) | is.character(vals))
  if (any(is.factor)) {
    res = BLP.factor.to.dummies(productData, Xlin,Xrandom,Xexo,instruments, starting.guesses.theta2)
    productData = res$dat;
    Xlin=res$Xlin; Xrandom=res$Xrandom; Xexo=res$Xexo
    instruments = res$instruments
    starting.guesses.theta2 = res$starting.guess.theta2
    input_data_strings_withoutCDID <- c(Xlin, Xexo, Xrandom, shares, instruments)
  # all variables need same length:
  nobsTmp <- unique(c(vapply( c( input_data_strings_withoutCDID,
    function(x) length(get(x,productData)),
  if ( length( nobsTmp ) > 1 )
    stop("All variables need to have the same length.")
  # check starting.guesses.delta
  # check if argument is missing:
  if (missing(starting.guesses.delta)) {
    starting.guesses.delta <- rep(0,nrow(productData))
    message('*starting.guesses.delta* is initialized with a value of 0...')
    # check length of vector:
    if( length( starting.guesses.delta ) != nobsTmp )
      stop("Dimension of *starting.guesses.delta* does not match with number of observations.")
    # check for valid values:
    if( any ( !is.finite(starting.guesses.delta) ) )
      stop("Starting values for *starting.guesses.delta* must be numeric and finite.")
  # handling of unexpected product data
  # check for shares out of [0,1]:
  min_shares <- min ( get(shares, productData) ,na.rm = TRUE)
  max_shares <- max ( get(shares, productData) ,na.rm = TRUE)
  if( (min_shares < 0) |
      (max_shares > 1) )
    stop("Shares contain values out of [0,1].")
  # Check *relevant* data for NA's or infinite values and delete them:
  data_withoutCDID<- vapply( input_data_strings_withoutCDID,
    function(x) get(x, productData), numeric(nrow(productData) ))
  data_CDID <- get( cdid , productData )
  # except for cdid, everything needs to be finite and numeric:
  if( any ( !is.finite( data_withoutCDID ) &
      !is.na( data_withoutCDID ) )) # NA's are handled separately
    stop("At least one value in *productData* (except cdid) is not finite.")
  # check data_withoutCDID and data_CDID for NA's
  NAindicator_row <- which( is.na( cbind( data_withoutCDID,
    data_CDID ) ), arr.ind = T )[,1]
  NAcounter_prodData<- length( unique(NAindicator_row) ) # multiple NA'S per obs. are unified
  if(NAcounter_prodData>0) {
    warning(paste(NAcounter_prodData, 'missing value(s) were removed.') )
    productData<- productData[ - NAindicator_row, ]
    starting.guesses.delta <- starting.guesses.delta[ - NAindicator_row ]
    # demographics without a cdid info are reordered later
  # Demographic and starting.guesses.theta2 checks
  # existence check:
  if ( ! missing(demographics) & missing(demographicData))
    stop("Specfied demographic variables without data.")
  # initialize demogr. specific variables:
  if (missing(demographics)) {
    total.demogr <- 0
    relevantDemogr.data <- matrix(NA)
    starting.guesses.theta2 <- matrix(starting.guesses.theta2, ncol=1)
    # dimension check of provided starting guesses:
    if( length(Xrandom) != length(starting.guesses.theta2) )
      ##SK: Added (starting.guesses.theta2) to help inexperienced user
      stop("Amount of random coefficients does not match with starting values (starting.guesses.theta2).")
  } else {
    # check if dem. data is a list:
    if( !is.list( demographicData ) )
      stop("Demographic data must be provided as a list,
                       where each list entry equals a different demographic variable.")
    # check if all variables are in the dataset:
    if( ! all(demographics %in% names(demographicData)) )
      stop("Specified demographic variable(s) must be included in *demographicData* with the same name.")
    #length of the character vector:
    total.demogr <- length(demographics)
    # overwrite provided demographicData with *relevant* demographicData according demographics argument:
    demographicData <- demographicData[ demographics ]
    # check if at least one dem. has no cdid argument:
    cdidInDemogr.indicator <- unlist(
      lapply( demographicData,
          indicator <- cdid %in% colnames(i)
        }) )
    if( !all( cdidInDemogr.indicator )){
      stop("Cannot match demographic data to markets, because at least one demographic variable
                        has no *cdid* information.")
    # dimension check of provided starting guesses:
    if( !is.matrix(starting.guesses.theta2) |
        !all(dim(starting.guesses.theta2) == c(length(Xrandom) , 1+length(demographics))) ){
      stop("Starting guesses must be provided as a matrix with
                       dimensions: [#random coef. X (1+ #demographics)]  ")}
    ### further checks are conducted below...
  # solver
  if( ! ( solver.method %in% c( "BFGS" , "BFGS_matlab", "L-BFGS-B" , "CG"  )) )
    stop("Provide a valid opitmizer (*BFGS* , *BFGS_matlab*, *L-BFGS-B* or *CG* ).")
  # solver.control
  if ("solver.maxit" %in% names(solver.control) ) {
    solver.maxit <- solver.control$solver.maxit
  } else {
    solver.maxit <- 10000 }
  if ("solver.reltol" %in% names(solver.control) ) {
    solver.reltol <- solver.control$solver.reltol
  } else {
    solver.reltol <- 1e-6 }
  # multiple arguments unique to different solvers are not allowed:
  if ( ("maxeval" %in% names(solver.control) &
      "maxit" %in% names(solver.control))     |
      ("grtol" %in% names(solver.control) &
          "reltol" %in% names(solver.control))   )
    stop( "Multiple arguments unique to different solvers are not allowed.")
  # prepare final solver.control list:
  if(solver.method == "BFGS_matlab"){ # ucminf optimizer has other names for control arguments than optim
    # For conflicts of solver.maxit and arguments of the respective solvers, give priority to arguments of the latter
    if( "maxeval" %in% names(solver.control) ){
      solver.maxit <- solver.control$maxeval
      solver.control$maxeval <- NULL # prevents list entries with same names
    if( "grtol" %in% names(solver.control) ){
      solver.reltol <- solver.control$grtol
      solver.control$grtol <- NULL # prevents list entries with same names
    # prevent name conflicts, because other names than known by the solver are not allowed:
    solver.control$maxit<- NULL
    solver.control$reltol<- NULL
    solver.control$solver.maxit<- NULL
    solver.control$solver.reltol<- NULL
    solver.control <- c(solver.control,
      "maxeval" = solver.maxit,
      "grtol" = solver.reltol)
  } else {
    if( "maxit" %in% names(solver.control) ){
      solver.maxit <- solver.control$maxit
      solver.control$maxit <- NULL # prevents list entries with same names
    if( "reltol" %in% names(solver.control) ){
      solver.reltol <- solver.control$reltol
      solver.control$reltol <- NULL # prevents list entries with same names
    # prevent name conflicts, because other names than known by the solver are not allowed:
    solver.control$maxeval<- NULL
    solver.control$grtol<- NULL
    solver.control$solver.maxit<- NULL
    solver.control$solver.reltol<- NULL
    solver.control <- c(solver.control,
      "maxit" = solver.maxit,
      "reltol" = solver.reltol)
  gradientIndicator <- TRUE # gradients are used for optimzation; was specified as an argument of estimateBLP in earlier versions
    gradient <- get.gmm.gr  # function 'gradient' is used in optim
  }else{ gradient <- NULL }
  # blp.control
  # unknown list elements are not allowed:
  if( any( ! (names(blp.control) %in%
      c("inner.tol","inner.maxit" )) ) )
    stop("Unknown *blp.control* list elements are not allowed.")
  # defaults:
  blp.inner.tol <-   if(is.null( blp.control$inner.tol   ) ) 1e-16 else blp.control$inner.tol
  blp.inner.maxit <- if(is.null( blp.control$inner.maxit ) ) 1000  else blp.control$inner.maxit
  # integration.control
  # unknown list elements are not allowed:
  if( any( ! (names(integration.control) %in%
      c("method", "amountNodes", "accuracyQuad", "seed", "nodes", "weights" , "output") ) ) )
    stop("Unknown *integration.control* list elements are not allowed.")
  # defaults:
  amountNodes  <-       if(is.null( integration.control$amountNodes  ) ) NA else integration.control$amountNodes
  accuracyQuad <-       if(is.null( integration.control$accuracyQuad ) ) NA else integration.control$accuracyQuad
  seedIntegration <-    if(is.null( integration.control$seed         ) ) NA else integration.control$seed
  methodIntegration <-  if(is.null( integration.control$method       ) ) NA else integration.control$method
  outputIntegration <-  if(is.null( integration.control$output       ) ) FALSE else integration.control$output
  # check if only one optional element of nodes and weights is provided
  if ( ('nodes' %in% names(integration.control) & !('weights' %in% names(integration.control)) ) |
      ( !('nodes' %in% names(integration.control)) & ('weights' %in% names(integration.control) ) ) ){
    stop("If nodes and weights are provided manually, both arguments must be available.")
    ### Further Checks for manually provided nodes and weights are conducted below
  # checks for NOT manually provided nodes and weights:
  if ( ! all( c( 'nodes' , 'weights' ) %in%
      names(integration.control)    )) {
    if( is.na( methodIntegration ) )
      stop("Specify the method you want to use for numerical integration.")
    # Check for valid numerical integration method in *get.integration.input*
    if( is.na( amountNodes ) &
        is.na( accuracyQuad ) ) stop("Specify integration accuracy.")
    if( ! ( is.finite( amountNodes ) |
        is.finite( accuracyQuad ) )) stop("Provide numerical value for integration accuracy.")
    if( is.finite( amountNodes ) &
        is.finite( accuracyQuad ) ) stop("Provide only one integration accuracy argument.")
    if( ( !is.na( seedIntegration) & !is.finite(seedIntegration) ) |
        length(seedIntegration) == 0  ) stop("Provide valid seed.")
  # outputIntegration must be true or false:
  if( !(outputIntegration==TRUE | outputIntegration==FALSE) )
    stop('Provide valid parameter for *integration.control$output* ( TRUE or FALSE )' )
  # postEstimation.control
  # unknown list elements are not allowed:
  if( any( ! (names( postEstimation.control ) %in%
      c("standardError", "extremumCheck" , "elasticities") ) ) )
    stop("Unknown *postEstimation.control* list elements are not allowed.")
  if( is.null( postEstimation.control$standardError )){
    standardError <-  "robust"
    message('Standard errors are calculated as *robust*...')
  } else {
    standardError <-  postEstimation.control$standardError
    # Check for correct specified argument:
    if(  standardError != "robust" &
        standardError != "nonRobust"  )
      stop('Provide valid parameter for *standardError* ( robust or nonRobust )' )
  if( is.null( postEstimation.control$extremumCheck )){
    extremumCheck <- TRUE
  } else {
    extremumCheck <-  postEstimation.control$extremumCheck
    # extremumCheck must be true or false:
    if( !(extremumCheck==TRUE | extremumCheck==FALSE) )
      stop('Provide valid parameter for *extremumCheck* ( TRUE or FALSE )' )
  if( is.null( postEstimation.control$elasticities )){
    elasticities <- NULL
  } else {
    elasticities <-  postEstimation.control$elasticities
    # elasticities must be a valid variable:
    if( ! all(elasticities %in% names(productData) ) )
      stop('Provide valid parameter for *elasticities* .' )
  # print level
  if( !is.finite(printLevel) )
    stop("Provide a valid printLevel.")
  if( printLevel < 0 )
    printLevel<- 0
  if( printLevel > 4 )
    printLevel<- 4
  ### Input Storage----
  #Sort data by cdid and renew index:
  cdidOld <- get(cdid, productData) # cdidOld is the "input" cdid
  productData <- productData[ order(cdidOld) , ] # sorts data by market
  cdidOrdered <- get(cdid, productData)
  index.objects <- .indexing.markets( cdidOrdered )
  # Prepare data:
  nobs <- length( cdidOrdered )
  cdindex <- index.objects$cdindex
  cdidOrderedNames <- cdidOrdered
  cdidOrdered <- index.objects$cdid # generates a continously increasing numeric id
  nmkt <-   index.objects$nmkt
  K <- length(Xrandom)  # number of random coefficients; length of the string vector
  Xlin.data <- vapply(Xlin, function(x) get(x, productData), numeric(nobs))
  Xexo.data <- vapply(Xexo, function(x) get(x, productData), numeric(nobs))
  Xrandom.data <- vapply(Xrandom, function(x) get(x, productData), numeric(nobs))
  share.data <- get(shares, productData)
  iv.data <- vapply(instruments, function(x) get(x, productData), numeric(nobs))
  if( colnames(iv.data)[1]=="NoIVs" ){
    iv.data<- c()
  Z <- cbind(Xexo.data, iv.data)  #all Instruments (labeled IV in Nevos' Code)
  W <-  try( solve((t(Z) %*% Z)) )
  if (class(W) == "try-error")
    stop("Problems with singular matrizes. This might be caused by (nearly) linear dependent regressors or weak instruments.")
  xzwz <- t(Xlin.data) %*% Z %*% W %*% t(Z)
  xzwzx <- xzwz %*% Xlin.data
  invxzwzx <- try( solve(xzwzx) )
  if (class(invxzwzx) == "try-error")
    stop("Problems with singular matrizes. This might be caused by (nearly) linear dependent regressors or weak instruments.")
  # for data preparation + storage of demographics see the integration part
  ### Integration----
  # provide nodes & weights manually:
  if ( all( c( 'nodes' , 'weights' ) %in% names(integration.control) ) ){
    if( !( ncol(integration.control$nodes) == K |
        ncol(integration.control$nodes) == ( K*length(integration.control$weights) ))
    ) {
      stop("Provided set of nodes needs dimensions [AmountNodes X Dim]
                 or [nmkt X (Dim*AmountNodes)].  ")
    }else if( ncol(integration.control$nodes) == K  ){
      if( nrow( integration.control$nodes )!=
          length(integration.control$weights) )
        stop("Length of *weights* does not match amount of nodes implied by *nodes*.")
      message("Provided set of nodes is of dimension [AmountNodes X Dim] and is used for all markets.")
      nodesRcMktShape <- matrix( c( integration.control$nodes ), nrow=1)[rep(1,nmkt),]
    } else if( ncol(integration.control$nodes) ==
        (K*length(integration.control$weights)  ) ){
      if( nmkt != nrow(integration.control$nodes)  )
        stop("Number of markets does not match with dimensions of provided nodes.
                   Provided set of nodes needs dimensions [AmountNodes X Dim]
                   or [nmkt X (Dim*AmountNodes)]")
      message("Provided set of nodes differs between markets.
                Each row of nodes matrix is assigned to markets ordered by an increasing *cdid* index. ")
      nodesRcMktShape <-  integration.control$nodes
    weights <- integration.control$weights
    methodIntegration <- "provided_by_user"
    # or generate nodes & weights by a specified accuracy and method:
    tmp<- get.integration.input(dim =  K,
      method = methodIntegration,
      amount_nodes = amountNodes,
      accuracy = accuracyQuad,
      nmkt = nmkt,
      seed = seedIntegration)
    nodesRcMktShape <- tmp$nodesMktShape
    weights <- tmp$weights
  amountNodes<- length(weights)
  ### Demographics----
  # Data preparation + storage for demographics :
  if (total.demogr > 0) {
    drawsInDemogr<- unlist(
      lapply( demographicData,
          draws <- ncol(i) -1 # minus 1 because of cdid col.
    if( any( drawsInDemogr < amountNodes ) )
      stop("Number of draws for at least one demographic is
               smaller as the provided integration accuracy.
               Include more draws for demographics.")
    #future version might include automatic resampling for this case
    tmp<- lapply( demographics,
        tmpDemogr.data <- as.data.frame( demographicData[[ i ]] )
        tmpDemogr_cdid <- get(cdid,tmpDemogr.data)
        if( any( table(tmpDemogr_cdid) >1) )
          stop("Demographic data is not unique for at least one market.")
        # becomes relevant, if data were reordered by cdid:
        relevantObs <- match(unique(cdidOrderedNames), # unique keeps the order and uses
          # names of original CDID argument (and not the renamed one)
        if( any( is.na( relevantObs ) ) )
          stop("No demographic data available for at least one market.")
        tmpDemogr.data[[cdid]] <- NULL
        tmpDemogr.data <- as.matrix( tmpDemogr.data[ relevantObs, 1:amountNodes ]) # now, tmpDemogr.data has order as product.data
        if( ! all( is.finite( tmpDemogr.data ) ) )
          stop("Demographic data contains non-numeric values.")
      } )
    # Demographic data is arranged in a matrix, with the draws of
    # different variables next to each other :
    relevantDemogr.data <- do.call(cbind,tmp)
    relevantDemogr.data <- matrix(NA)
  ### Initialising and optimisation----
  indices <- which( !is.na( starting.guesses.theta2 ),
    arr.ind = TRUE ) # NA's are excluded from the estimation algorithm
  starting.guesses.theta2.optim <- na.omit( c( starting.guesses.theta2) )
  if( any (!is.finite( starting.guesses.theta2.optim ) ))
    stop( "Provide finite starting guesses for *starting.guesses.theta2* .")
  total.par <- length(starting.guesses.theta2.optim)
  # Check for overflow problems at start solution in expmu and expdelta
  # (these parts are calculated by getDelta)
  if( any ( is.infinite (exp ( starting.guesses.delta ) ))){
    warning("Too large starting values for *starting.guesses.delta* ... values are resetted to 0.")
    starting.guesses.delta <- rep(0,nrow(productData))
  theta2Mat_precheck<- .get.theta2.reshape(theta2.in       = starting.guesses.theta2.optim,
    totalRC         = K,
    total.demogr.in = total.demogr,
    indices.in      = indices,
    fill            = 0 )
  InfCheckMatrix <- getExpMu( theta2Matrix = theta2Mat_precheck,
    qv = nodesRcMktShape,
    Xrandom = Xrandom.data,
    cdid = cdidOrdered,
    demographics = relevantDemogr.data )
  if( any( is.infinite( InfCheckMatrix )))
    stop("Overflow for starting values of *starting.guesses.theta2* . Provide other starting values or rescale your data.")
  if (printLevel > 0) {
    cat("Starting a BLP demand estimation with ", nobs, " observations in ", nmkt, " markets...\n")
    cat("[integration::method", methodIntegration, " integration::nodes", amountNodes, "]\n")
    cat("[blp::inner.tol", blp.inner.tol, " blp::inner.maxit", blp.inner.maxit, "]\n")
    cat("[solver::method", solver.method, " solver::maxit", solver.maxit, "]\n")
  # making use of global variables (environments),
  # because optim allows just a scalar as output of get.gmm.obj:
  blp.results <- new.env( parent = emptyenv())
  blp.results$deltaOld <- starting.guesses.delta
  blp.results$innerItAll <- c()
  blp.results$negShares<- FALSE
  blp.results$gradient <- rep(NA_real_,
    length( starting.guesses.theta2.optim ) )
  blp.integration<- list('nodesRcMktShape' = nodesRcMktShape,
    'weights' = weights,
    'method' = methodIntegration ,
    'amountNodes' = amountNodes)
  blp.parameters <- list( 'inner.tol' = blp.inner.tol,
    'inner.maxit'= blp.inner.maxit,
    'gradientIndicator' = gradientIndicator,
    'nobs' = nobs,
    'cdindex' = cdindex,
    'cdid' = cdidOrdered,
    'nmkt' = nmkt,
    'K' = K,
    'total.demogr'= total.demogr,
    'indices' = indices,
    'total.par' = total.par
  blp.data <- list('Xlin' = Xlin.data,
    'Xexo' = Xexo.data,
    'Xrandom' = Xrandom.data,
    'obsshare' = share.data,
    'Z' = Z,
    'W' = W,
    'xzwz' = xzwz,
    'invxzwzx' = invxzwzx,
    'demographics' = relevantDemogr.data)
  start.time <- Sys.time()
  if( solver.method== "BFGS_matlab"){ # In case the Matlab Solver should be used
    res <- ucminf(par = starting.guesses.theta2.optim,
      fn = get.gmm.obj, gr = gradient,
      control = solver.control,
      blp.integration = blp.integration,
      blp.parameters =  blp.parameters,
      blp.data = blp.data,
      blp.results = blp.results,
      printLevel = printLevel)
    solverMessage<- if( res$convergence>=0 ) "Successful convergence" else paste("See error code (ucminf package)", res$convergence )
    outer.it.out <-  res$info["neval"]
  }else{ # Standard R optimizers
    res <- optim(par = starting.guesses.theta2.optim,
      fn = get.gmm.obj, gr = gradient,
      method = solver.method,
      control = solver.control,
      blp.integration = blp.integration,
      blp.parameters =  blp.parameters,
      blp.data = blp.data,
      blp.results = blp.results,
      printLevel = printLevel)
    solverMessage<- if( res$convergence==0 ) "Successful convergence" else paste("See error code (optim package)", res$convergence )
    outer.it.out <-  res$counts[1]
  end.time <- Sys.time()
  time <- end.time - start.time
  ### Post estimation----
  innerItAll.out <- blp.results$innerItAll
  cat("------------------------------------------ \n")
  cat(paste("Solver message:", solverMessage ,"\n") )
  if( !( solverMessage=="Successful convergence" ) ) stop( "Cannot compute post estimation results due to failed minimization routine." )
  cat("------------------------------------------ \n")
  cat("Final GMM evaluation at optimal parameters: \n")
  # the next call ensures that values that are written to environments
  # and are used for post estimation analysis are based on the optimal
  # set of parameters and not just the last step of the solver:
  finalTmp <- get.gmm.obj(theta2 = res$par,
  delta.out<- blp.results$deltaOld
  sij.out <- blp.results$sij
  theta.lin.out <- blp.results$bet
  names(theta.lin.out) <- Xlin
  theta.rc.out <- res$par
  names(theta.rc.out)[1:K] <- Xrandom # full naming is done in summary
  gradient.out <- blp.results$gradient
  jacob.out <- blp.results$jacobian
  xi.out <- blp.results$xi
  ### se (robust and non robust)
  a <- t(cbind(Xlin.data, jacob.out)) %*% Z
  IVres <- Z * xi.out[ , rep(1, dim(Z)[2])]
  b <- t(IVres) %*% IVres
  tmpSE <- try( solve(a %*% W %*% t(a)) )
  if (class(tmpSE) == "try-error"){
    stop("Standard errors cannot be computed due to singular matrizes.")
  } else{
    if( standardError == "robust") { # default
      cat("Using robust standard errors... \n")
      COV <- tmpSE %*% a %*% W %*% b %*% W %*% t(a) %*% tmpSE
    } else {
      cat("Using non robust standard errors... \n")
      COV <- c( (t(xi.out) %*% xi.out)/nobs ) * tmpSE
    seLinear.out <- sqrt(diag(COV))[1:length(Xlin)]
    seRc.out <- sqrt(diag(COV))[-(1:length(Xlin))]
  ### Waldstatistic
  WaldStatistic<- t(matrix( theta.rc.out )) %*%
    solve(COV[-(1:length(Xlin)), -(1:length(Xlin)) ]) %*%
    matrix( theta.rc.out )
  ### extremum Check
  if( extremumCheck ) {
    #from now on, dont use blp.results environment anymore:
    blp.parameters$gradientIndicator <- FALSE # Hessian does not need gradient
    hessian <- invisible(hessian(func = get.gmm.obj, x = res$par,
      blp.integration = blp.integration,
      blp.parameters =  blp.parameters,
      blp.data = blp.data,
      blp.results = blp.results,
      printLevel = 0))
    hessianEig <- eigen(hessian)$values
    isMin.out <- sum(hessianEig > 0) == (K)
    isMin.out <- if(isMin.out){'positive'}else{'negative'}
    cat( paste( "Extremum Check:" , isMin.out))
  } else {
    isMin.out <- NA }
  ### priceElasticities
  if( ! is.null(elasticities ) ) {
    elasticitiy_results <- lapply( elasticities,
        res_tmp <- list()
        # use orginal names for the outputlist
        for( j in unique( cdidOrderedNames )){
          res_tmp[[j]] <- get.Elasticities( changingVariable_name = i, #parameters...
            market = j,
            productData = productData ,           # data...
            Xrandom_name = Xrandom,
            delta = delta.out,
            cdid_name = cdid,
            prodid_name = prodid,
            share_name = shares ,
            all_randomCoef = theta.rc.out,
            all_linearCoef = theta.lin.out,
            nodesRCMktShape = nodesRcMktShape,
            nodesDemMktShape = relevantDemogr.data ,
            Integration_Weights = weights,
            totalDemographics = total.demogr,
            indices_InParameters = indices,
            sij = sij.out )
        names(res_tmp) <- unique( cdidOrderedNames )
      }        )
    names( elasticitiy_results ) <- elasticities
  } else {
    elasticitiy_results <- NA
  # Delete integration information (can be very large objects), if specified
  if( !outputIntegration ) {
    nodesRcMktShape <- "suppressed_by_default"
    relevantDemogr.data <- "suppressed_by_default"
    weights <- "suppressed_by_default"
    sij.out <- "suppressed_by_default"
  ### Output list ----
  output<- list("theta.rc" = theta.rc.out, # solver results...
    "theta.lin" = theta.lin.out,
    "se.rc" = seRc.out,
    "se.linear" = seLinear.out,
    "local.minimum" = res$value,
    "gradient" = gradient.out,
    "time" = time,
    "outer.it" = outer.it.out,
    "inner.it" = innerItAll.out,
    "delta" = delta.out,
    "xi" = xi.out,
    "demographicNames" = if( total.demogr > 0 ) demographics , # Names and amounts...
    "RcNames" = Xrandom,
    "#demogrCoef"= total.demogr ,
    "#nmkt" = nmkt,
    "#nobs" = nobs,
    "#exoCoef" = length(Xexo),
    "indices" = indices,
    "nodesRcMktShape" = nodesRcMktShape, # optional integration information (can be large!)...
    "nodesDemMktShape" = relevantDemogr.data,
    "weights" = weights,
    "sij" = sij.out,
    "WaldStatistic" =   WaldStatistic, # Postestimation...
    "IslocalMin" = isMin.out,
    "elasticities" = elasticitiy_results,
    "solver" = solver.method, # Parameters important for other functions
    "outerCrit" = solver.reltol,
    "innerCrit" =   blp.inner.tol,
    "intMethod" = methodIntegration ,
    "intNodes" = amountNodes,
    "startingGuesses" =  starting.guesses.theta2,
    "standardErrorMethod" = standardError)
  class(output) <- 'blp'
  return( output )

get.gmm.obj <- function(theta2 ,
  theta2Mat<- .get.theta2.reshape(theta2.in       = theta2,
    totalRC         = blp.parameters$K,
    total.demogr.in = blp.parameters$total.demogr,
    indices.in      = blp.parameters$indices,
    fill            = 0 ) # NA are replaced by zeros to simplify x * par in getExpMu
  deltaOld <- blp.results$deltaOld # delta vector from previous run (without the blp.results environment)
  #Call C++ function:
  tmp <- getDelta(  theta2    = theta2Mat,
    cdid      = blp.parameters$cdid,
    cdindex   = blp.parameters$cdindex,
    innerCrit = blp.parameters$inner.tol,
    indices   = blp.parameters$indices,
    innerMaxit= blp.parameters$inner.maxit,
    Xrandom          = blp.data$Xrandom,
    obsshare         = blp.data$obsshare,
    deltaOld         = deltaOld,
    nodesDemMktShape = blp.data$demographics ,
    nodesRcMktShape  = blp.integration$nodesRcMktShape,
    weights          = blp.integration$weights,
    printLevel = printLevel)
  delta <- tmp$delta
  counter <- tmp$counter
  bet <- NA
  xi <- NA
  sij<- NA
  jacobian <- NA
  gradient <- NA
  if (any(is.nan(delta))) {
    gradient <- rep(Inf, blp.parameters$total.par)
    f <- Inf
  } else {
    #save delta as start solution for the next run,
    #only if contraction mapping converged in the previous step:
    blp.results$deltaOld <- delta
    ## Objective
    bet <- blp.data$invxzwzx %*% (blp.data$xzwz %*% delta)
    xi <- delta - blp.data$Xlin %*% bet
    tmp2 <- t(xi) %*% blp.data$Z
    f <- c(tmp2 %*% blp.data$W %*% t(tmp2))
    ## Gradient
    if ( blp.parameters$gradientIndicator ) {
      sij <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = blp.parameters$nobs , ncol = blp.integration$amountNodes )
      # init tmp3 ?
      sij[ , ] <- tmp$sij
      jacobian <- get.jacob(sij = sij,
        blp.data = blp.data,
        blp.parameters = blp.parameters,
        blp.integration = blp.integration,
      if (any(is.na(jacobian))) {
        if (printLevel > 0) { cat("\t gradient contains Na's --> objective value and gradient replaced by Inf \n")}
        gradient <- rep(Inf, blp.parameters$total.par)
        f <- Inf
        gradient <- 2 * t(jacobian) %*% blp.data$Z %*% blp.data$W %*%
          t(blp.data$Z) %*% xi
      } #is.na(jacobian)
    } #end gradient
  } #end is.nan(delta)
  if (printLevel >= 1) {
    cat("gmm objective:", round(f, 4))
    if ( any(is.nan(delta)))  cat(" [delta contains NaN's] ")
  if (printLevel >= 2) {
    cat("\t theta (RC): ")
    cat( round(theta2Mat[ ,1] , 2), "\n")
    if( blp.parameters$total.par>0 ){
      cat("\t theta (demogr.): ")
      cat( round(c(theta2Mat[ ,-1]) , 2), "\n")
    cat("\t inner iterations: ")
    cat( counter, "\n")
    cat("\t gradient: " )
    cat( round(gradient,4), "\n")
  # save to environment (not provided as return object, because optim only accepts a single number as output)
  blp.results$bet <- bet
  blp.results$gradient <- gradient
  blp.results$jacobian <- jacobian
  blp.results$xi <- xi
  blp.results$innerItAll <- c(blp.results$innerItAll, tmp$counter)
  blp.results$sij <- sij
  if(tmp$negShares==TRUE) blp.results$negShares <- TRUE

get.integration.input <- function(dim, method, amount_nodes,
  accuracy, nmkt, seed) {
  if (!is.na(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  if (!(method %in% c("MLHS","Halton","randHalton","MC","sgGH","sgNH"))){
    stop("Integration method not available! Choose *MLHS*, *Halton*, *randHalton*, *MC*, *sgGH*, *sgNH*.")
  ## Calc. Nodes and Weights ----
  output <- list()
  attributes(output) <- list(method = method, amountNodes = NA)
  # MLHS
  if (method == "MLHS") {
    if (is.na(amount_nodes)){
      stop("For method 'MLHS' the argument 'amountNodes' in the 'integration.control' needs to be specified")
    nodes <- replicate(nmkt, .MLHS(dim, amount_nodes))
    nodes_allMkt <- qnorm(t(sapply(1:nmkt,function(x){ c(nodes[,,x]) } )))
    weights <- rep(1/amount_nodes, amount_nodes)
  # Halton
  if (method == "Halton") {
    if (is.na(amount_nodes)){
      stop("For method 'Halton' the argument 'amountNodes' in the 'integration.control' needs to be specified")
    nodes <- replicate(nmkt, .Halton(dim, amount_nodes, randomized = FALSE))
    nodes_allMkt <- qnorm(t(sapply(1:nmkt,function(x){ c(nodes[,,x]) } )))
    weights <- rep(1/amount_nodes, amount_nodes)
  # randomized Halton
  if (method == "randHalton") {
    if (is.na(amount_nodes)){
      stop("For method 'Halton' the argument 'amountNodes' in the 'integration.control' needs to be specified")
    nodes <- replicate(nmkt, .Halton(dim, amount_nodes, randomized = TRUE))
    nodes_allMkt <- qnorm(t(sapply(1:nmkt,function(x){ c(nodes[,,x]) } )))
    weights <- rep(1/amount_nodes, amount_nodes)
  # MC
  if (method == "MC") {
    if (is.na(amount_nodes)){
      stop("For method 'MC' the argument 'amountNodes' in the 'integration.control' needs to be specified")
    nodes_allMkt <- matrix(rnorm(nmkt * amount_nodes * dim), nrow=nmkt)
    weights <- rep(1/amount_nodes, amount_nodes)
  # Gauss Hermite
  if (method == "sgGH") {
    if (is.na(accuracy)){
      stop("For method 'sgGH' the argument 'accuracyQuad' in the 'integration.control' needs to be specified")
    grid <- createNIGrid(dim, type = "GHN", level = accuracy, ndConstruction = "sparse")
    nodes <- c(getNodes(grid))
    nodes_allMkt <- t(replicate(nmkt, nodes))
  # Gauss Hermite nested
  if (method == "sgNH") {
    if (is.na(accuracy)){
      stop("For method 'sgNH' the argument 'accuracyQuad' in the 'integration.control' needs to be specified")
    grid <- createNIGrid(dim, "nHN", accuracy, ndConstruction = "sparse")
    nodes <- c(getNodes(grid))
    nodes_allMkt <- t(replicate(nmkt, nodes))
  # Sparse Grids Trapezoidal
  if (method == "sgTr1") {
    if (is.na(accuracy)){
      stop("For method 'sgTr1' the argument 'accuracyQuad' in the 'integration.control' needs to be specified")
    grid <- createNIGrid(dim, 'cNC1', level = accuracy, ndConstruction = "sparse", level.trans = TRUE)
    nodes <- getNodes(grid)
    nodes_allMkt <- t(replicate(nmkt, c(nodes)))
    weights <- getWeights(grid)
    tmp <- apply(nodes, MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = function(x){
    weights <- weights * tmp
  if (method == "sgTr") {
    if (is.na(accuracy)){
      stop("For method 'sgTr' the argument 'accuracyQuad' in the 'integration.control' needs to be specified")
    grid <- createNIGrid(dim, 'Trapez', level = accuracy, ndConstruction = "sparse", level.trans = TRUE)
    nodes <- getNodes(grid)
    nodes_allMkt <- t(replicate(nmkt, c(nodes)))
    weights <- getWeights(grid)
    tmp <- apply(nodes, MARGIN = 1,
      FUN = function(x){
    weights <- weights * tmp
  output$nodesMktShape <- nodes_allMkt
  output$weights <- weights
  attributes(output)$amountNodes <- length(weights)

get.jacob <- function(sij,
  printLevel ) {
  nodesRcMktShape <- blp.integration$nodesRcMktShape
  qvt <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = blp.integration$amountNodes * blp.parameters$K, nrow = 1)
  dt <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = blp.integration$amountNodes * blp.parameters$total.dem, nrow = 1)
  # jacobian
  jacob.out <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = blp.parameters$nobs, ncol = blp.parameters$total.par)
  for (i in 1:blp.parameters$nmkt) {
    market.identifier <- (blp.parameters$cdindex[i] + 1): blp.parameters$cdindex[i + 1]
    nprodt <- length(market.identifier)
    x2t <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nprodt, ncol = blp.parameters$K)
    sijt <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nprodt, ncol = blp.integration$amountNodes)
    dsdxi <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nprodt, ncol = nprodt)
    dsdtheta <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nprodt, ncol = blp.parameters$total.par)
    #tmp <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nprodt, ncol = total.par)
    qvt[ , ] <- nodesRcMktShape[i, ]
    if (blp.parameters$total.demogr > 0) {
      dt[ , ] <- blp.data$demographics[i, ]}
    x2t[ , ] <- blp.data$Xrandom[market.identifier, , drop = FALSE]  # w?hle die werte x2
    sijt[ , ] <- sij[market.identifier, ]
    dsdxi[ , ] <- .dstdxit(sijt,
    dsdtheta[ , ] <- .dstdtheta(sijt = sijt,
      xt = x2t,
      qvt = qvt,
      dt = dt,
      weights = blp.integration$weights,
      blp.parameters = blp.parameters)
    tmp <- try(-solve(dsdxi) %*% dsdtheta, silent = T) # ;% tmp darf nicht initialisiert werden, da der Klassenbefehl mit try error nicht mehr geht
    if (class(tmp) == "try-error") {
      if (printLevel >= 2) {
        warning(paste("Error in jacobian (market ", i,
          ") : Singular matrix occured")) }
    } else {
      jacob.out[market.identifier, ] <- tmp
  }  # end market loop

get.gmm.gr <- function(theta2 ,
  printLevel) {
  if( blp.parameters$gradientIndicator == TRUE ) {
    return(blp.results$gradient) }else{
      return( NULL ) }

.dstdxit <- function(sijt, weights) {
  numProdt <- dim(sijt)[1]
  weightsMat <- matrix( weights, ncol=1)
  dsdxi <- matrix( NA_real_, nrow = numProdt, ncol = numProdt)
  dsdxi[ , ] <- -(t(weightsMat)[rep(1, numProdt), ]* sijt) %*%  t(sijt)
  diag(dsdxi) <- c( ( sijt * (1 - sijt) ) %*% weightsMat)

.dstdtheta <- function(sijt, xt, qvt, dt, weights, blp.parameters ) {
  numProdt <- dim(xt)[1]
  K <- dim(xt)[2]
  total.demogr <- blp.parameters$total.demogr
  total.parameters <- blp.parameters$total.par
  amountNodes <- dim(qvt)[2]/K
  weightsMat <- matrix( weights, ncol=1)
  # allocating matrices
  dsdtheta.out <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = numProdt, ncol = total.parameters)
  sumterm <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = amountNodes)
  bracket <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = numProdt, ncol = amountNodes)
  scalar <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = numProdt, ncol = amountNodes)
  for (i in 1:K) {  # i iterates over Random Coefficients describing unobs. het.
    coef_for_i <- blp.parameters$indices[ ,1] == i # coefficients that belong to i (RC and demographics) are in line k of the parameter indices matrix
    with_unobs_het_i <- 1 %in% blp.parameters$indices[ coef_for_i, 2 ] # check if RC for unobs. het. is not NA (if so, there is no 1 as a col index)
    # the following 2 lines are needed anyway (even if RC for unobs. het = NA)
    sumterm[ ] <- t(xt[, i, drop = F]) %*% sijt  # sum over x_mt^k * s_mti (m=product)  for every person i (in cols)
    bracket[ , ] <- xt[, i] - matrix(sumterm, nrow = 1)[rep(1, numProdt), ]  # for a given k: substract that sum from a product characteristic (for every person i)
    if( with_unobs_het_i ){
      scalar[ , ] <- qvt[rep(1, numProdt), ((i - 1) * amountNodes +
          1):(i * amountNodes)] * sijt # calc draw_i*s_jti  for every person i (in cols)
      RCRow <- which( coef_for_i )[1] # first element decribes unobserved heterogeneity
      dsdtheta.out[, RCRow ] <- (scalar * bracket) %*% weightsMat
    # Demographics (all interactions with Random Coefficient k)
    if( total.demogr > 0 ){
      if( with_unobs_het_i ){ # check if RC for unobs. het. is not NA (if so, there is no 1 as a col index)
        demographicsRow <- which( coef_for_i )[-1] # first one is for unobs. het.
        demographicsRow <- which( coef_for_i )
      relevantDemographicsForI <- blp.parameters$indices[ demographicsRow, 2] - 1 # Dem starts in sec. col (always)
      if( length( relevantDemographicsForI ) >= 1 ){
        for ( j in 1: length( relevantDemographicsForI ) ) {
          # sumterm and bracket can be used from former loop
          relevantDemographic <- relevantDemographicsForI[j]
          scalar[, ] <- dt[rep(1, numProdt), ((relevantDemographic - 1) * amountNodes + 1):
              (relevantDemographic * amountNodes)] * sijt  # calc draw_i*s_jti  for every person i (in cols)
          dsdtheta.out[, demographicsRow[j] ] <- (scalar * bracket) %*% weightsMat

get.Elasticities <- function( changingVariable_name, #parameters...
  productData,           # data...
  nodesRCMktShape ,
  nodesDemMktShape ,
  totalDemographics ,
  sij) {
  ## input checks
  cdid_all <- productData[ , cdid_name ]
  if ( !( changingVariable_name %in% names( productData ) ) )
    stop( paste( "Provided variable", changingVariable_name , "is not in the set of variables.") )
  if ( !( market %in% cdid_all ) )
    stop( paste( "Provided market", market , "is not included in cdid.") )
  ## cross elasticities calculation
  # VariableExtraction
  relevant_Obs_Mkt <- which( market ==  cdid_all )  # cdidOld contains the input from BLPestimator
  relevant_Mkt <- which( market ==  unique(cdid_all) )  # determines a relevant numeric market id
  nobs <- nrow( productData )
  nprod_Mkt <- length( relevant_Obs_Mkt )
  obsShare_Mkt <- productData[ relevant_Obs_Mkt , share_name ]
  betabar <- all_linearCoef[ changingVariable_name ]
  if( is.na( betabar ) ){
    # in case that the variable does not enter linerarly
    betabar <- 0
  changingVariable_Mkt <- unlist( productData[ relevant_Obs_Mkt , changingVariable_name,
    drop = F ] )
  # if changingVariable is not modelled as a random coefficient, ie use logit:
  if ( !( changingVariable_name %in%
      Xrandom_name) ) {
    # Use Logit elasticities, because '" , changingVariable_name , "' is not modelled as random coefficient...
    # Cols contain the variables that are changed by 1%, and rows contain effects on other products in the choice set.
    EtaMkt <- - matrix( changingVariable_Mkt * betabar * obsShare_Mkt ,
      nrow = nprod_Mkt,
      ncol = nprod_Mkt, byrow = TRUE)
    diag(EtaMkt) <- betabar * changingVariable_Mkt * (1 - obsShare_Mkt)
  } else {
    # if changingVariable is modelled as a random coefficient:
    amountNodes <- ncol( sij )
    K <- ncol( nodesRCMktShape ) / amountNodes
    XrandomData_Mkt <- as.matrix( productData[ relevant_Obs_Mkt ,
      Xrandom_name ,
      drop = F ] )
    nodesRCMktShape_Mkt <- nodesRCMktShape[ relevant_Mkt , ,
      drop = FALSE] # only one line, bec. nodes are used for every product in one market
    nodesRC_tableform_Mkt <- matrix(nodesRCMktShape_Mkt,
      nrow = amountNodes,
      ncol = K )
    colnames(nodesRC_tableform_Mkt) <- Xrandom_name
    if ( totalDemographics > 0 ) {
      nodesDemMktShape_Mkt <- nodesDemMktShape[ relevant_Mkt, ,
        drop = FALSE]
      demographicReshape_Mkt <- matrix( nodesDemMktShape_Mkt ,
        ncol = totalDemographics,
        nrow = amountNodes )
    } else {
      nodesDemMktShape_Mkt <- matrix( NA )
      demographicReshape_Mkt <- matrix( NA )
    cdid_Mkt <- rep(1, nprod_Mkt)
    sij_Mkt <- sij[ relevant_Obs_Mkt , ]
    weights <- matrix( Integration_Weights )
    expdelta_Mkt<- exp( delta[ relevant_Obs_Mkt ] )
    theta2Mat <- .get.theta2.reshape(theta2.in = c( all_randomCoef ),
      totalRC = K,
      total.demogr.in = totalDemographics,
      indices.in = indices_InParameters,
      fill = 0)  # NA are replaced by zeros to simplify x * par in getExpMu
    rownames(theta2Mat) <- Xrandom_name
    expmu_Mkt <- getExpMu(theta2Mat,
    sigma <- all_randomCoef[ changingVariable_name ]
    # unobsevered_part contains all individual specific effect parts due to unobs. herterog.
    unobseved_part <- betabar +
      sigma * nodesRC_tableform_Mkt[ , changingVariable_name ]  # get individual price effects
    if ( totalDemographics > 0 ) {
      # extract relevant demographic effects ( ie pick a line of theta2Mat)
      demographic_effects <- matrix( theta2Mat[ changingVariable_name, -1],
        ncol = totalDemographics,
        nrow = amountNodes,
        byrow = TRUE )
      # multiply every demographic coefficient with all demogr. draws:
      observed_part <- rowSums( demographic_effects *
    } else {
      observed_part <- 0
    beta_i <- observed_part + unobseved_part
    Omega <- matrix( NA_real_ ,
      nrow = nprod_Mkt,
      ncol = nprod_Mkt)
    scalar <- - matrix( 1/obsShare_Mkt ) %*% matrix( changingVariable_Mkt , nrow = 1)
    diag( scalar ) <- - diag( scalar )
    Omega[, ] <- ( t( beta_i )[ rep(1, nprod_Mkt) , ] *
        t( weights )[ rep( 1 , nprod_Mkt), ] * sij_Mkt ) %*% t( sij_Mkt )
    diag( Omega ) <- c(
      ( t( beta_i )[rep( 1, nprod_Mkt ), ] * sij_Mkt * (1 - sij_Mkt) )
      %*% weights
    EtaMkt <- Omega * scalar
  # after if/esle:
  ##SK: If prodid_name is provided use it for rownames and colnames
  ## of elasticity matrix
  if (is.null(prodid_name)) {
    names = paste0("product", 1:nprod_Mkt)
  } else {
    names =  as.vector(productData[relevant_Obs_Mkt,prodid_name])
  rownames( EtaMkt ) <- colnames( EtaMkt ) <- names
  return( EtaMkt )
skranz/BLPestimatoR documentation built on May 5, 2019, 1:32 a.m.