

# source("")
# biocLite("")


# ITFP ------------------------------------------------------------------------

dat <- read.delim(
  "data-raw/ITFP/regulated_genes.tsv.gz", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#   TF_name TF_target     score          target_type
# 1    AAAS     ACSF3 0.0431869          normal gene
# 2    AAAS      APRT 0.0458595          normal gene
# 3    AAAS  C12orf52 0.0437940          normal gene
# 4    AAAS    FBXL19 0.0442063 transcription factor
# 5    AAAS     G6PC3 0.0466908          normal gene
# 6    AAMP      NLE1 0.0431282 transcription factor

# Make a list of vectors.
ITFP <- list()
for (tf in unique(dat$TF_name)) {
  targets <- sort(unique(dat[dat$TF_name == tf, "TF_target"]))
  ITFP[[tf]] <- as.character(targets)

d <- data.frame(Length = sapply(ITFP, length))
ggplot() +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    binwidth = 0.05
  ) +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    color = "grey30"
  ) +
  scale_x_log10(labels = comma) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = round) +
  theme_cowplot(font_size = 20) +
    x = "Target Genes",
    y = "Transcription Factors",
    title = "Number of target genes per transcription factor"
  filename = "figures/ITFP_histogram.png",
  width = 12,
  height = 6,
  units = "in",
  dpi = 72


# TRED ------------------------------------------------------------------------

dat <- read.delim("data-raw/TRED/targets.tsv.gz", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
gid <- read.delim("data-raw/TRED/gid_entrez.tsv.gz", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#  Factor    Gene             Species Map_Location Best_Promoter Best_Promoter_Quality Best_Binding_Quality   gid
# 1   ESR2  GRIN2D human, Homo sapiens  19q13.1-ter         21058 3.1: refseq,predicted                known 14701
# 2   ESR2  XPMC2H human, Homo sapiens       9q34.3         42252              2: known               likely 29252
# 3   ESR2      C3 human, Homo sapiens 19p13.3-13.2         22660              2: known                known 15701
# 4   ESR2 SMARCA1 human, Homo sapiens         Xq25         44093 3.1: refseq,predicted               likely 30486
# 5   ESR2   MKNK2 human, Homo sapiens      19p13.3         22816 3.1: refseq,predicted                known 15811
# 6   ESR2     OXT human, Homo sapiens        20p13         26006              2: known               likely 18040

# Discard non-human.
# table(dat$Species)
dat <- dat[dat$Species == "human, Homo sapiens", ]
dat <- merge(dat, gid, by = "gid")

sum($entrez)) # 202

dat[$entrez), c("Factor", "Gene", "Map_Location", "gid", "entrez")]

# Manually enter missing Entrez Gene IDs.
# dat[$entrez), c("Factor", "Gene", "gid", "entrez")]
dat[dat$Gene == "PCNA p120", ]$entrez <- 5111
dat[dat$Gene == "DHFR", ]$entrez <- 1719
dat[dat$Gene == "INSIG1", ]$entrez <- 3638
dat[dat$Gene == "SSX8", ]$entrez <- 280659
dat[dat$Gene == "CYP11B2", ]$entrez <- 1585
dat[dat$Gene == "ERVWE1", ]$entrez <- 30816
dat[dat$Gene == "ACDC", ]$entrez <- 9370
dat[dat$Gene == "TRPM2", ]$entrez <- 7226
dat[dat$Gene == "PIGB", ]$entrez <- 9488
dat[dat$Gene == "TU12B1-TY", ]$entrez <- 51559
dat[dat$Gene == "IKBKG", ]$entrez <- 8517
dat[dat$Gene == "SPRR1A", ]$entrez <- 6698

# Fix erroneous Entrez Gene IDs.
# dat[dat$Factor == "c-Myc", ]$entrez <- 4609

# Discard records without an Entrez Gene ID.
dat <- dat[!$entrez), ]

TRED <- list()
for (tf in unique(dat$Factor)) {
  targets <- sort(unique(dat[dat$Factor == tf, "entrez"]))
  TRED[[tf]] <- as.character(targets)

TRED_entrezids <- mapIds(
  x =,
  keys = names(TRED),
  column = "ENTREZID",
  keytype = "ALIAS"

d <- data.frame(Length = sapply(TRED, length))
ggplot() +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    binwidth = 0.05
  ) +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    color = "grey30"
  ) +
  scale_x_log10(labels = comma) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = round) +
  theme_cowplot(font_size = 20) +
    x = "Target Genes",
    y = "Transcription Factors",
    title = "Number of target genes per transcription factor"
  filename = "figures/TRED_histogram.png",
  width = 12,
  height = 6,
  units = "in",
  dpi = 72


# ENCODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------

genes <- read.delim("data-raw/UCSC/knownGene.txt.gz", header = FALSE)
entrez_ids <- read.delim("data-raw/UCSC/knownToLocusLink.txt.gz", header = FALSE)
genes <- merge(genes, entrez_ids, by = "V1")

genes <- GRanges(
  seqnames = Rle(genes$V2.x),
  ranges = IRanges(
    start = genes$V4,
    end = genes$V5
  strand = Rle(genes$V3),
  mcols = data.frame(
    ucsc_id = genes$V1,
    entrez_id = genes$V2.y
# Add 2000 bases upstream of each gene.
genes <- resize(genes, width(genes) + 2000L, fix = "end")
# Add 200 bases downstream of each gene.
genes <- resize(genes, width(genes) + 200L, fix = "start")

peaks <- read.delim(
  header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  colClasses = c("character", "numeric", "numeric", "character", "integer",
                 "integer", "character", "character")
colnames(peaks) <- c(
  "chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "expCount", "expNums", "expScores")
peaks <- GRanges(
  seqnames = Rle(peaks$chrom),
  ranges = IRanges(
    start = peaks$start,
    end = peaks$end
  mcols = data.frame(
    TF = peaks$name,
    Score = peaks$score,
    expCount = peaks$expCount

fibroblast_dnase <- read.delim(
  header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  colClasses = c("character", "numeric", "numeric", "character", "integer",
                 "character", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric")
colnames(fibroblast_dnase) <- c(
  "chrom", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand",
  "signalValue", "pValue", "qValue", "peak")
f_peaks <- GRanges(
  seqnames = Rle(fibroblast_dnase$chrom),
  ranges = IRanges(
    start = fibroblast_dnase$start,
    end = fibroblast_dnase$end
  mcols = data.frame(
    Score = fibroblast_dnase$score,
    pValue = fibroblast_dnase$pValue

# Overlap fibroblast Dnase-seq peaks with ChIP-seq peaks.
# Filters:
#   - Require a p-value < 1e-8.
peaks_subset <- subsetByOverlaps(
  f_peaks[f_peaks$mcols.pValue > 8, ]

# Scores are scaled such that 1000 is the mean score + 1 standard deviation.
# Also, scores are capped at 1000.
# Filters:
#   - Require a score of 1000. This is probably too strict: you can change it.
#   - Require that the peak is found in at least 5 experiments.
hits <- findOverlaps(
    peaks_subset$mcols.expCount > 10 & peaks_subset$mcols.Score >= 1000, ]
dat <- data.frame(
  Gene = genes[queryHits(hits)]$mcols.entrez_id,
  TF = peaks[subjectHits(hits)]$mcols.TF

ENCODE <- list()
for (tf in unique(dat$TF)) {
  targets <- sort(unique(dat[dat$TF == tf, "Gene"]))
  ENCODE[[tf]] <- as.character(targets)

ENCODE_entrezids <- mapIds(
  x =,
  keys = names(ENCODE),
  column = "ENTREZID",
  keytype = "ALIAS"

d <- data.frame(Length = sapply(ENCODE, length))
ggplot() +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    binwidth = 0.05
  ) +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    color = "grey30"
  ) +
  scale_x_log10(labels = comma) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = round) +
  theme_cowplot(font_size = 20) +
    x = "Target Genes",
    y = "Transcription Factors",
    title = "Number of target genes per transcription factor\nCell type: fibroblast"
  filename = "figures/ENCODE_histogram.png",
  width = 12,
  height = 6,
  units = "in",
  dpi = 72


# Neph2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------
celltypes <- basename(list.dirs("data-raw/Neph2012/human_2013-09-16/"))
celltypes <- celltypes[2:length(celltypes)]

# Convert gene symbols to Entrez Gene IDs.
# (I used to do the conversion. See "mygene" at Bioconductor.)
dat <- read.delim(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
gene2entrez <- dat$entrezgene
names(gene2entrez) <- dat$query

Neph2012 <- list()
# allgenes <- c()
for (celltype in celltypes) {
  dat <- read.delim(file.path(
    "data-raw/Neph2012/human_2013-09-16", celltype, "genes.regulate.genes.bz2"
  ), header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  
  for (g1 in unique(dat$V1)) {
    targets <- sort(unique(dat[dat$V1 == g1, "V2"]))
    targets <- targets[targets %in% names(gene2entrez)]
    targets <- sort(unique(unname(gene2entrez[targets])))
    Neph2012[[celltype]][[g1]] <- as.character(targets)
#   allgenes <- sort(unique(c(allgenes, dat$V1, dat$V2)))

d <- data.frame(Length = sapply(Neph2012[[1]], length))
ggplot() +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    binwidth = 0.05
  ) +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    color = "grey30"
  ) +
  scale_x_log10(labels = comma) +
  theme_cowplot(font_size = 20) +
    x = "Target Genes",
    y = "Transcription Factors",
    title = sprintf(
      "Number of target genes per transcription factor\nCell type: %s",
  filename = "figures/Neph2012_1_histogram.png",
  width = 12,
  height = 6,
  units = "in",
  dpi = 72


# StringDB --------------------------------------------------------------------

# library(biomaRt)
# mart <- useMart(biomart = "ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
# results <- getBM(
#   attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id", "ensembl_peptide_id"),
# #   filters = "ensembl_gene_id",
# #   values = "ENSG00000136997",
#   filters = "ensembl_peptide_id",
#   values = "ENSP00000364895",
#   mart = mart
# )
# results

ensembl <- read_tsv(
  file = "data-raw/string-db/ensembl_gene_protein_transcript.txt.gz")
colnames(ensembl) <- c("gene", "protein", "transcript")
ensembl <- ensembl[ensembl$protein != "",]
# gene_to_protein <- with(ensembl, split(protein, gene))
# hist(sapply(gene_to_protein, length))
# table(sapply(gene_to_protein, length))
protein_to_gene <- with(ensembl, split(gene, protein))
protein_to_gene <- protein_to_gene[sapply(protein_to_gene, length) == 1]
protein_to_gene <- unlist(protein_to_gene)
# x <- one_to_one(ensembl, "protein", "gene", exclude = TRUE)

links <- read_delim(
  file = "data-raw/string-db/9606.protein.links.v10.txt.gz", delim = " ")
links <- subset(links, combined_score > 500)

links$protein1 <- substr(links$protein1, 6, 100)
links$protein2 <- substr(links$protein2, 6, 100)

links <- links[links$protein1 %in% names(protein_to_gene),]
links <- links[links$protein2 %in% names(protein_to_gene),]

links$gene1 <- protein_to_gene[links$protein1]
links$gene2 <- protein_to_gene[links$protein2]

stringdb <- split(links$gene1, links$gene2)
stringdb <- lapply(stringdb, function(x) sort(x))

# stringdb2 <- split(links$gene2, links$gene1)
# stringdb2 <- lapply(stringdb2, function(x) sort(x))
# all.equal(stringdb, stringdb2) # TRUE

# length(stringdb) # 2649

# hist(sapply(stringdb, length))


# TRRUST ----------------------------------------------------------------------

tr_file <- "data-raw/TRRUST/trrust_rawdata.txt.gz"
tr <- read_tsv(tr_file, col_names = c("tf", "target", "type", "pubmed"))
TRRUST <- split(tr$target, tr$tf)
TRRUST_TYPE <- split(tr$type, tr$tf)
TRRUST_PUBMED <- split(tr$pubmed, tr$tf)

d <- data.frame(Length = sapply(TRRUST, length))
ggplot() +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    binwidth = 0.05
  ) +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    color = "grey30"
  ) +
  scale_x_log10(labels = comma) +
  theme_cowplot(font_size = 20) +
    x = "Target Genes",
    y = "Transcription Factors",
    title = "Number of target genes per transcription factor"
  filename = "figures/TRRUST_histogram.png",
  width = 12,
  height = 6,
  units = "in",
  dpi = 72


# Marbach2016 -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Tissue-specific regulatory circuits reveal variable modular perturbations
# across complex diseases. (PDF, SI)
# Marbach D, Lamparter D, Quon G, Kellis M, Kutalik Z, and Bergmann S. 
# Nature Methods, 13, 366-370, 2016.

regc_file <- "data-raw/Marbach2016/FANTOM5_individual_networks/394_individual_networks/synoviocyte.txt.bz2"
regc <- read_tsv(regc_file, col_names = c("tf", "target", "weight"))

Marbach2016 <- split(regc$target, regc$tf)
Marbach2016_weight <- split(regc$weight, regc$tf)

d <- data.frame(Length = sapply(Marbach2016, length))
ggplot() +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    binwidth = 0.05
  ) +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Length),
    color = "grey30"
  ) +
  scale_x_log10(labels = comma) +
  theme_cowplot(font_size = 20) +
    x = "Target Genes",
    y = "Transcription Factors",
    title = "Number of target genes per transcription factor"
  filename = "figures/Marbach2016_histogram.png",
  width = 12,
  height = 6,
  units = "in",
  dpi = 72

d <- data.frame(Weight = regc$weight)
ggplot() +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x = Weight),
    binwidth = 0.05
  ) +
  scale_x_log10(labels = comma) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) +
  theme_cowplot(font_size = 20) +
    x = "Target Gene Weight",
    y = "Genes",
    title = "Distribution of all target gene weights"
  filename = "figures/Marbach2016_weights_histogram.png",
  width = 12,
  height = 6,
  units = "in",
  dpi = 72

d <- data.frame(
  x = sapply(Marbach2016, length),
  y = sapply(Marbach2016_weight, mean)
ggplot() +
    data = d,
    mapping = aes(x, y)
  ) +
  scale_x_log10(breaks = log_breaks(n = 6, base = 10), labels = comma) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = pretty_breaks(n = 6)) +
  theme_cowplot(font_size = 20) +
    x = "Number of Target Genes",
    y = "Mean Target Gene Weight",
    title = "Number of Target Genes vs. Mean Weight of Target Genes"
  filename = "figures/Marbach2016_targets_vs_weight.png",
  width = 12,
  height = 6,
  units = "in",
  dpi = 72


# Save the workspace ----------------------------------------------------------
  list = c(
  compress = "bzip2",
  file = "data/tftargets.rda"
slowkow/tftargets documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:06 a.m.