
Defines functions gap_cover

Documented in gap_cover

#' Calculate the number, length, and percent of gaps
#' @description Calculate the number, length, and percent of gaps by plot or line.
#' @param gap_tall Raw tables as imported from TerrADat use gather_gap .
#' @param tall Logical. If \code{TRUE} then the returned data frame will be tall
#' rather than wide and will not have observations for non-existent values e.g.,
#' if no data fell into a group on a plot, there will be no row for that group
#' on that plot. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param by_line Logical. If \code{TRUR} then results will be reported further
#' grouped by line using the \code{LineKey} field from the data forms.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param breaks Vector of all break values. Defaults to \code{20,25, 51, 100, 200}
#' @param type String. Specifies the type of gap calculation
#' \code{"canopy", "basal", "perennial canopy"}
#' @export

# Percent Gap
#' @export gap_cover
#' @rdname gap_cover
gap_cover <- function(gap_tall,
                      tall = FALSE,
                      breaks = c(20, 25, 51, 101, 201),
                      type = "canopy",
                      by_line = FALSE) {

  # For how deep to group. Always by plot, sometimes by line
  if (by_line) {
    level <- rlang::quos(PrimaryKey, LineKey)
  } else {
    level <- rlang::quos(PrimaryKey)

  ## Convert breaks to desired column names
  breaks <- c(breaks, Inf)
  cols <- c()
  for (i in 1:(length(breaks)-1)){
    cols <- c(cols, paste0(breaks[i], "-", breaks[i+1] - 1))

  ## Convert the line lengths to the same units as the gaps
  # if metric (gap$Measure==1) then multiply by 100 to convert to centimeters
  gap_tall$LineLengthAmount[gap_tall$Measure == 1] <-
    100 * gap_tall$LineLengthAmount[gap_tall$Measure == 1]

  # if English (gap$Measure==2) then multiply by 12 to put the line length in inches,
  if (unique(gap_tall$Measure) %in% 2) {

    # Convert LineLengthAmount from inches to centimeters
    gap_tall$LineLengthAmount[gap_tall$Measure == 2] <-
      gap_tall$LineLengthAmount[gap_tall$Measure == 2] * 2.54 * 12

    # Convert Gap from inches to centimeters
    gap_tall$Gap[gap_tall$Measure == 2] <-
      gap_tall$Gap[gap_tall$Measure == 2] * 2.54

    # Convert GapMin from inches to centimeters
    gap_tall$GapMin[gap_tall$Measure == 2] <-
      gap_tall$MinGap[gap_tall$Measure == 2] * 2.54

  ## Note if this is Basal or Canopy Gap by removing gaps from the opposite type.
  # "NA"s in RecType occur when there are no gaps
  if (type == "canopy") {
    gap_tall <- subset(gap_tall, RecType %in% "C")
  if (type == "basal") {
    gap_tall <- subset(gap_tall, RecType %in% "B")
  if (type == "perennial canopy") {
    gap_tall <- subset(gap_tall, RecType %in% "P")

  # Summarize total line length for the plot
  gap_tall <- gap_tall %>%
    # get the distinct PrimaryKey-LineKey combinations
    dplyr::distinct(PrimaryKey, LineKey, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(!!!level) %>%
    unique() %>%
    dplyr::summarize(total_line_length = sum(LineLengthAmount)) %>%

    # Merge back with original gap data
    dplyr::left_join(gap_tall, .)

  # Find primary keys with no gaps, they will be removed by a filter later and
  # must be added back on at the end
  if(type == "canopy"){
    nogap <- sapply(gap_tall$PrimaryKey, function(p){
      gap <- dplyr::filter(gap_tall, PrimaryKey == p)
      t <- all(all(gap$NoCanopyGaps) & !is.na(gap$NoCanopyGaps)) & all(is.na(gap$Gap) | gap$Gap == 0)
      l <- unique(gap$total_line_length)
      out <- data.frame(PrimaryKey = p,
                        total_line_length = l,
                        allnogap = t)
    }) %>% as.data.frame() %>% t() %>% unique() %>% as.data.frame()

    nogap <- subset(nogap, unlist(nogap$allnogap)) %>% dplyr::select(-allnogap)
    nogap$PrimaryKey <- unlist(nogap$PrimaryKey)
    nogap$total_line_length <- unlist(nogap$total_line_length)

    # If there are no gap lines, they will need 0's filled in
    if (nrow(nogap) > 0){
      # Create columns matching the rest of the data
      emptydf <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(nogap), ncol = length(breaks) - 1))
      colnames(emptydf) <- cols
      nogap <- cbind(nogap, emptydf[,colnames(emptydf)[!(colnames(emptydf) %in% colnames(nogap))]])

  } else if(type == "basal"){
    nogap <- sapply(gap_tall$PrimaryKey, function(p){
      gap <- dplyr::filter(gap_tall, PrimaryKey == p)
      t <- all(all(gap$NoBasalGaps) & !is.na(gap$NoBasalGaps)) & all(is.na(gap$Gap) | gap$Gap == 0)
      l <- unique(gap$total_line_length)
      out <- data.frame(PrimaryKey = p,
                        total_line_length = l,
                        allnogap = t)
    }) %>% as.data.frame() %>% t() %>% unique() %>% as.data.frame()

    nogap <- subset(nogap, unlist(nogap$allnogap)) %>% dplyr::select(-allnogap)
    nogap$PrimaryKey <- unlist(nogap$PrimaryKey)
    nogap$total_line_length <- unlist(nogap$total_line_length)

    # If there are no gap lines, they will need 0's filled in
    if (nrow(nogap) > 0){
      # Create columns matching the rest of the data
      emptydf <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(nogap), ncol = length(breaks) - 1))
      colnames(emptydf) <- cols
      nogap <- cbind(nogap, emptydf[,colnames(emptydf)[!(colnames(emptydf) %in% colnames(nogap))]])

  } else {
    nogap <- data.frame(PrimaryKey = NA,
                        total_line_length = NA)
    emptydf <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(nogap), ncol = length(breaks) - 1))
    colnames(emptydf) <- cols
    nogap <- cbind(nogap, emptydf[,colnames(emptydf)[!(colnames(emptydf) %in% colnames(nogap))]])

  # Find the interval class for each gap
  gap_tall$interval <- cut(gap_tall$Gap, breaks = breaks, right = FALSE)
  # gap_tall$interval <- gap_tall$interval %>%
  #   as.character() %>%
  #   replace(., is.na(.), "NoGap")
  gap_tall <- gap_tall %>%

  # Clean up the interval labels. They currently are formatted like "[25,51)" but we'd like them as "25-51"
  gap_tall$interval <- gsub(x = gap_tall$interval,
                            pattern = "^\\[",
                            replacement = "")
  gap_tall$interval <- gsub(x = gap_tall$interval,
                            pattern = ",",
                            replacement = "-")
  gap_tall$interval <- gsub(x = gap_tall$interval,
                            pattern = "\\)$",
                            replacement = "")

  # Subtract 1 from the right hand break point label, indicating which direction is inclusive/exclusive
  m <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(gap_tall$interval, "-"))), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  m[,2] <- m[,2] - 1
  gap_tall$interval <- paste(m[,1], m[,2], sep = "-")

  # Summarize gaps by interval class
  gap_summary <- gap_tall %>%
    dplyr::group_by(!!!level, total_line_length, interval) %>%
    # calculate number of gaps,total length of gaps, and percent of gaps
    # in each indicator category
      n = length(Gap),
      length = sum(Gap)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(., percent = 100 * (length / total_line_length)) %>%

  # Subset the fields we need to output
  if (by_line) {
    gap_summary <- gap_summary %>%
      dplyr::select(PrimaryKey, LineKey, total_line_length, interval, n, length, percent)
  } else {
    gap_summary <- gap_summary %>%
      dplyr::select(PrimaryKey, total_line_length, interval, n, length, percent)

  # Convert to wide format
  percent <- gap_summary %>%
    dplyr::select(., -n, -length) %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = interval, value = percent, fill = 0)
  n <- gap_summary %>%
    dplyr::select(., -percent, -length) %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = interval, value = n, fill = 0)
  length <- gap_summary %>%
    dplyr::select(., -n, -percent) %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = interval, value = length, fill = 0)

  # add absent columns (ie, the gap class is missing from the data)
  for (c in cols){
    if(!c %in% gap_summary$interval){
      percent[[c]] <- 0
      n[[c]] <- 0
      length[[c]] <- 0

  ## Add in 0's for the NoCanopyGap and NoBasalGap lines
  if(nrow(nogap) > 0 & !is.null(nogap)){
    percent <- dplyr::bind_rows(percent, nogap)
    n <- dplyr::bind_rows(n, nogap)
    length <- dplyr::bind_rows(length, nogap)

  ## If tall=FALSE, then convert to wide format
  if (!tall) {
    gap_summary <- list("percent" = percent, "n" = n, "length" = length)
  } else { # Convert back to tall, this adds zeros in needed columns
      gap_summary <- percent %>% tidyr::gather(
        key = gap_class,
        value = percent,
      gap_summary <- n %>%
          key = gap_class,
          value = n,
        ) %>%
        merge(gap_summary, allow.cartesian = TRUE)
      gap_summary <- length %>%
          key = gap_class,
          value = length,
        ) %>%
        merge(gap_summary, allow.cartesian = TRUE)
    } else {
      gap_summary <- percent %>% tidyr::gather(
        key = gap_class,
        value = percent,
      gap_summary <- n %>%
          key = gap_class,
          value = n,
        ) %>%
        merge(gap_summary, allow.cartesian = TRUE)
      gap_summary <- length %>%
          key = gap_class,
          value = length,
        ) %>%
        merge(gap_summary, allow.cartesian = TRUE)

smccord/terradactyl documentation built on Dec. 1, 2023, 7:37 p.m.