
Defines functions nri_field_names

Documented in nri_field_names

#' Read NRI text files into a gdb
#' @description Ingestion script to convert NRI text file format to database format
#' @param dsn Vector of file paths to the folders where files are held. The last folder in the directory will be used to set the DBKey.
#' @param out String. Filepath to the output database
#' @param dsn_type Type of database. Defaults to geodatabase
#' @param data Dateframe. NRI data table
#' @param table_name Name of the NRI data table (e.g., \code{POINTCOORDINATES})
#' @return List of tables and if specified a populated database

#' @export nri_field_names
#' @rdname ingest_nri

# Add new nri_field_names to terradactyl package
nri_field_names <- function(dsn) {

  # Get a list of all data dump field name files
  data_dump_files <- lapply(X = dsn, FUN = function(X) {
    file.names <- list.files(X, full.names = TRUE) %>%
      subset(grepl(x = ., pattern = ".csv"))
  }) %>% unlist()

  # Read each file name in and append into a master list, retaining the DBKey along the way
  field_names <- lapply(X = as.list(data_dump_files), FUN = function(X) {
    field_names <- read.csv(X, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    field_names$DBKey <- basename(dirname(X))
  }) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
    dplyr::select_if(!names(.) %in% ("X"))

  # We store field names as all upper case
  names(field_names) <- toupper(names(field_names))

  # Change the field types as assigned by the NRI database to R readable format
  field_names$DATA.TYPE <- stringr::str_replace_all(
      "NUMBER" = "numeric",
      "VARCHAR2" = "character",
      "CHAR" = "character"

  # Reformat DBKEY to DBKey
  field_names <- field_names %>%
    dplyr::mutate(DBKey = DBKEY) %>%

  # Merge the original nri.data.column.explanations table saved in the package
  nri.data.column.explanations <-
    ) %>%

  # Look for instances where field of the same name may have different data types assigned
  disjointed_data_types <- nri.data.column.explanations %>%
    dplyr::group_by(FIELD.NAME) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n_distinct(DATA.TYPE))

  if (any(disjointed_data_types$n > 1)) {
    stop("There are mismatched data types identified between input files and the
         original field name explanations.
         Please check in the input file for consistencies.")

  # Save the new file
    overwrite = TRUE,
    internal = TRUE
    overwrite = TRUE

  # Reload package

#' @export read_nri_text
#' @rdname ingest_nri

read_nri_text <- function(table_name, dsn, DBKey = "auto", schema) {

  # read text file to table
  data <- lapply(X = dsn, function(X) {
    # set the DBKey, if "auto" we'll populate from the folder. Otherwise, we'll use the text specified.
    file.DBKey <- basename(X)

    # specify file
    file <- paste(X, tolower(table_name), ".txt", sep = "")

    # Check that the file exists
    if (!file.exists(file)) {
      # if the dsn doesn't exist
      warning(paste("Table", tolower(table_name)), " does not exist in ", X)
    } else {

      # Read the table from the dsn
      # Set the colClasses, which is the in nri.column.explanations
      colClasses <- schema %>%
        subset(`Table name` == toupper(table_name),
          select = `Data type`
        ) %>%
        unlist() %>%

      # Add NA for an extra field that may be added because of an extra separator column
      field.count <- max(readr::count_fields(
        file = file,
        tokenizer = readr::tokenizer_delim("|")
      base_length <- length(colClasses)

      # There may be more or fewer columns than expected by the explanations
      # Adjust accordingly by adding NA columns if there are more fields in the
      # file than expected or subsetting if fewer
      if (field.count < base_length) {
          "Table ", X,
          " cannot be read in because it does not have the expected number of fields"
      } else {
        colClasses <- c(
          rep(times = max(field.count - base_length, 0), NA)

        # Read the text file
        data <- read.delim(
          file = file,
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
          strip.white = TRUE,
          header = FALSE,
          # colClasses = colClasses,
          sep = "|",
          flush = TRUE,
          na.strings = c("", "."), quote = ""
        ) # Na strings may be blank or periods

        # Add field names
        # Get the field names for the appropriate table as a vector
        colnames <- schema %>%
          subset(`Table name` == toupper(table_name) & `Field name` != "TABLE",# & DBKey == file.DBKey,
            select = `Field name`
          ) %>%
          unlist() %>%
        # Subset the colnames to the length of the field names for the data
        colnames <- colnames[1:ncol(data)] %>% na.omit()
        # Assign field names
        names(data) <- colnames

        # If there is an NA field at the end, because there is an extra "|" at
        # the end of the file, let's remove it
        data <- data[, !is.na(colnames(data))]

        # If there is a STATE field, make sure it is 2 digits by adding leading 0
        if ("STATE" %in% colnames) {
          data <- data %>%
            dplyr::mutate(STATE = stringr::str_pad(
              string = STATE,
              width = 2,
              side = "left",
              pad = "0"

        # If there is a COUNTY field, make sure it is 3 digits by adding leading 0
        if ("COUNTY" %in% colnames) {
          data <- data %>%
            dplyr::mutate(COUNTY = stringr::str_pad(
              string = COUNTY,
              width = 3,
              side = "left",
              pad = "0"

        # If this isn't a supporting table, build a PrimaryKey and
        # DBKey for each record, and add FIPSPSUPNT for use by CEAP-GL
        if ("SURVEY" %in% colnames) {
          data <- data %>% dplyr::mutate(
            PrimaryKey = paste(SURVEY, STATE, COUNTY, PSU, POINT, sep = ""),
            DBKey = file.DBKey,
            FIPSPSUPNT = paste(STATE, COUNTY, PSU, POINT, sep = "")

        # if the table contains Longitude field, add - sign to indicate western
        # hemisphere
        if (all(c("FIELD_LONGITUDE", "TARGET_LONGITUDE") %in% colnames)) {
          data <- data %>%
              FIELD_LONGITUDE = stringr::str_c("-", FIELD_LONGITUDE,
                sep = ""
              TARGET_LONGITUDE = stringr::str_c("-", TARGET_LONGITUDE)


  # Merge all data from different files into a single data frame
  df <- dplyr::bind_rows(data) %>% dplyr::distinct()


#' @export ingest_nri
#' @rdname ingest_nri
ingest_nri <- function(dsn,
                       dsn_type = "gdb",
                       rda = TRUE,
                       uid = "",
                       pwd = "",
                       connection = "") {
  # Get the list of unique table names
  table_names <- terradactyl::nri.data.column.explanations$TABLE.NAME %>%
    unique() %>%

  # Read  tables into the database
  all_tables <- lapply(X = table_names, function(X) {
    # read all files for the table and merge
    data <- terradactyl::read_nri_text(dsn = dsn, table_name = X)


  # Set names for tables
  names(all_tables) <- table_names

  # If rda is true, then save an Rda file as well
  if (rda) {
    # Save .Rda file
      file = paste(gsub(
        pattern = basename(out),
        replacement = "",
        x = out
      sep = ""
    ) # saved to the gdb file location

  # if dsn_type=="gdb" write files to geodatabase
  ### There may be an error here--check#####
  if (dsn_type == "gdb") {
    # write to geodatabase
      X = names(all_tables[table_names]), FUN =
        function(X) {
            path = paste(out, X, sep = ""),
            data = as.data.frame(all_tables[X]),
            overwrite = TRUE

      path = paste(out, toupper(X), sep = ""),
      data = data,
      overwrite = TRUE
  if (dsn_type == "SQL") {
    # Open connection to SQL database

    con <- odbc::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
      Driver = "SQL Server",
      Server = "jornada-sqlsrv2.jrn.nmsu.edu",
      Database = "lcd",
      UID = "JRN\\samccord",
      PWD = rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database password"),
      Port = 1433

  if (dsn_type %in% c("mdb", "accdb")) {
    # Set the access connection based on the 32 bit or 64 bit R
      "x86_64" = {
        channel <- RODBC::odbcConnectAccess2007(out)
      "i386" = {
        channel <- RODBC::odbcConnectAccess(out)
    # Write PINTERCEPT separately

    write.csv(as.data.frame(all_tables[["PINTERCEPT"]]), "PINTERCEPT.csv")
    write.csv(as.data.frame(all_tables[["ECOSITE"]]), "ECOSITE.csv")
    write.csv(as.data.frame(all_tables[["PLANTHEIGHT"]]), "PLANTHEIGHT.csv")
    write.csv(as.data.frame(all_tables[["PRODUCTION"]]), "PRODUCTION.csv")

    # Write all tables to Access
      X = names(all_tables[table_names])[!names(all_tables[table_names]) %in% c(
      function(X) {
        dat <- as.data.frame(all_tables[[X]])
          channel = channel,
          dat = dat,
          tablename = X,
          verbose = TRUE,
          rownames = FALSE
    # Close the database channel when complete


# Subset database
#' @export nri_subset
#' @rdname ingest_nri

nri_subset <- function(data, PK_subset, out) {
  subset_data <- all_tables[which(sapply(all_tables, `[[`, "PrimaryKey") %in% PK_subset)]

  test <- rlist::list.filter(all_tables[3:4], PrimaryKey %in% PK_subset)

  # subset data
  subset_data <- lapply(
    X = all_tables[1:13],
    function(X) {

      # Check for data in tables
      if (length(X[[1]]) == 0) {

        # Return blank table if no data
      } else {
        # If PrimaryKey is in the names of the table, then subset
        if ("PrimaryKey" %in% names(X[[1]])) {
            subset(X[[1]], PrimaryKey %in% PK_subset)
        } else {

  names(subset_data) <- names(all_tables)

  # write to geodatabase
  if (grepl(out, ".gdb")) {
      X = names(subset_data),
      function(X) {
          path = paste(out, X, sep = "/"),
          data = subset_data[[X]],
          overwrite = TRUE


# Assign the correct column names
#' @export name_variables_nri
#' @noRd

name_variables_nri <- function(data, table_name) {
  # Add meaningful variable names from lookup table
  variable_names <- terradactyl::nri.data.column.explanations %>%
    subset(TABLE.NAME == table_name)

  # Create a vector of variable names
  variable_names <- variable_names$FIELD.NAME

  # make sure the data have the same number of variables as the lookup table
  data <- data[1:length(variable_names)]

  # Reset variable names
  names(data) <- variable_names

  # Return data
smccord/terradactyl documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 2:17 p.m.