# Auxiliary functions :
#' @keywords internal
# Calculates the probabilities of observing each state at each point in time given
# the observations of all dependent variables, used for the forward probabilities
# Based on Zuchini 2016.
all1 <- function(x, emiss, n_dep, data_distr){
inp <- rep(list(NULL), n_dep)
if(data_distr == "categorical"){
for(q in 1:n_dep){
inp[[q]] <- t(emiss[[q]][,x[,q]])
} else if (data_distr == "continuous"){
for(q in 1:n_dep){
inp[[q]] <- outer(x[,q], Y = emiss[[q]][,1], FUN = dnorm, sd = rep(sqrt(emiss[[q]][,2]), each = dim(x)[1]))
} else if (data_distr == "poisson") {
for(q in 1:n_dep){
inp[[q]] <- outer(x[,q], emiss[[q]][,1], FUN = dpois)
allprobs <- Reduce("*", inp)
#' @keywords internal
# Could maybe made external
# Calculates the forward probabilities, used for sampling the state sequence
# Based on Zuchini 2016.
cat_mult_fw_r_to_cpp <- function(x, m, emiss, n_dep, gamma, delta = NULL){
if(is.null(delta)) {
delta <- solve(t(diag(m) - gamma + 1), rep(1, m))
n <- dim(x)[1]
allprobs <- all1(x = x, emiss = emiss, n_dep = n_dep, data_distr = "categorical")
out <- cat_mult_fw_cpp(allprobs = allprobs, gamma = gamma, m = m, n = n, delta = delta)
#' @keywords internal
# Could maybe made external
# Calculates the forward probabilities, used for sampling the state sequence
# Based on Zuchini 2016.
cont_mult_fw_r_to_cpp <- function(x, m, emiss, n_dep, gamma, delta = NULL){
if(is.null(delta)) {
delta <- solve(t(diag(m) - gamma + 1), rep(1, m))
n <- dim(x)[1]
allprobs <- all1(x = x, emiss = emiss, n_dep = n_dep, data_distr = "continuous")
out <- cat_mult_fw_cpp(allprobs = allprobs, gamma = gamma, m = m, n = n, delta = delta)
#' @keywords internal
# Could maybe made external
# Calculates the forward probabilities, used for sampling the state sequence
# Based on Zuchini 2016.
pois_mult_fw_r_to_cpp <- function(x, m, emiss, n_dep, gamma, delta = NULL){
if(is.null(delta)) {
delta <- solve(t(diag(m) - gamma + 1), rep(1, m))
n <- dim(x)[1]
allprobs <- all1(x = x, emiss = emiss, n_dep = n_dep, data_distr = "poisson")
out <- cat_mult_fw_cpp(allprobs = allprobs, gamma = gamma, m = m, n = n, delta = delta)
#' @keywords internal
# Obtain fractional log likelihood for multinomial intercept only model, bassed on P. Rossi 2004
llmnl_int_frac <- function(beta, Obs, n_cat, pooled_likel, w, wgt){
return((1 - w) * llmnl_int(beta = beta, Obs = Obs, n_cat = n_cat) + w * wgt * pooled_likel)
#' @keywords internal
# Obtain mnl -Expected[Hessian] for intercept only model, bassed on P.Rossi 2004
mnlHess_int <- function(int, Obs, n_cat){
n_Obs <- length(Obs)
betas <- matrix(c(0, int), byrow = T, ncol = n_cat)
prob <- exp(betas) / sum(exp(betas))
Hess <- (diag(x = prob[-1], nrow = n_cat-1) - outer(prob[-1],prob[-1])) * n_Obs
#' @keywords internal
# one run of the random walk metropolis sampler for an intercept only multinomial distribution
# this means no covariates at the lower/time level
mnl_RW_once <- function(int1, Obs, n_cat, mu_int_bar1, V_int1, scalar, candcov1) {
# obtain likelihood and transition prob with the parameters sampled in the previous iteration and current sampled state sequence
oldloglike <- llmnl_int(beta = int1, Obs = Obs, n_cat = n_cat)
oldpostlike <- oldloglike + dmvnorm(int1, mu_int_bar1, V_int1, log = TRUE)
probold <- int_to_prob(int1)
# obtain new parameters for gamma from proposal distribution plus new likelihood
int_new <- int1 + rmvnorm(1, rep(0, (n_cat - 1)), scalar^2 * candcov1, method = "svd")
newloglike <- llmnl_int(beta = int_new, Obs = Obs, n_cat = n_cat)
newpostlike <- newloglike + dmvnorm(int_new, mu_int_bar1, V_int1, log = TRUE)
probnew <- int_to_prob(int_new)
# determine to use the updated or current (previous iteration) gamma values of the parameters
acc <- min(log(1), (newpostlike - oldpostlike))
if(acc < log(1)) {
unif <- log(runif(1))
} else {
unif <- log(1)
if (unif <= acc) {
draw_int <- int_new
accept <- 1
prob <- probnew
} else {
draw_int <- int1
accept <- 0
prob <- probold
return(list(draw_int = draw_int, accept = accept, prob = prob))
# Changed auxiliary functions :
#' @keywords internal
# simple functions used in mHMM
dif_matrix <- function(rows, cols){
return(matrix(, ncol = cols, nrow = rows))
#' @keywords internal
nested_list <- function(n_dep, m){
return(rep(list(vector("list", n_dep)),m))
#' @keywords internal
dif_vector <- function(x){
#' @keywords internal
is.whole <- function(x) {
return(is.numeric(x) && floor(x) == x)
#' @keywords internal
is.mHMM <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "mHMM")
#' @keywords internal
is.mHMM_gamma <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "mHMM_gamma")
#' @keywords internal
hms <- function(t){
paste(formatC(t %/% (60*60) %% 24, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0"),
formatC(t %/% 60 %% 60, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0"),
formatC(t %% 60, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0"),
sep = ":")
#' @keywords internal
# computes probabilities from intercepts
#' @export
int_to_prob <- function(int1) {
prob1 <- matrix(nrow = nrow(int1), ncol = ncol(int1) + 1)
for(r in 1:nrow(int1)){
exp_int1 <- matrix(exp(c(0, int1[r,])), nrow = 1)
prob1[r,] <- exp_int1 / as.vector(exp_int1 %*% c(rep(1, (dim(exp_int1)[2]))))
} else {
exp_int1 <- matrix(exp(c(0, int1)), nrow = 1)
prob1 <- exp_int1 / as.vector(exp_int1 %*% c(rep(1, (dim(exp_int1)[2]))))
#' @keywords internal
# computes intercepts from probabilities, per row of input matrix
# first catagory is reference catagory
#' @export
prob_to_int <- function(prob1){
prob1 <- prob1 + 0.00001
b0 <- matrix(NA, nrow(prob1), ncol(prob1)-1)
sum_exp <- numeric(nrow(prob1))
for(r in 1:nrow(prob1)){
sum_exp[r] <- (1/prob1[r,1]) - 1
for(cr in 2:ncol(prob1)){
#for every b0 except the first collumn (e.g. b012 <- log(y12/y11-y12))
b0[r,(cr-1)] <- log(prob1[r,cr]*(1+sum_exp[r]))
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