
Defines functions progressBarHook recalibrate.linear recalibrate.mean recalibrate.identity recalibrate.loess recalibrate recalibrate.addMS1data filterMultiplicity filterPeaksMultiplicity reanalyzeFailpeak reanalyzeFailpeaks filterPeakSatellites recalibrateSingleSpec recalibrateSpectra plotRecalibration.direct plotRecalibration makeRecalibration processProblematicPeaks problematicPeaks .cleanElnoise.df aggregateSpectra filterLowaccResults analyzeMsMs.intensity analyzeMsMs.formula analyzeMsMs msmsWorkflow archiveResults

Documented in aggregateSpectra analyzeMsMs analyzeMsMs.formula analyzeMsMs.intensity archiveResults filterLowaccResults filterMultiplicity filterPeakSatellites filterPeaksMultiplicity makeRecalibration msmsWorkflow plotRecalibration plotRecalibration.direct problematicPeaks processProblematicPeaks progressBarHook reanalyzeFailpeak reanalyzeFailpeaks recalibrate recalibrate.addMS1data recalibrate.identity recalibrate.linear recalibrate.loess recalibrate.mean recalibrateSingleSpec recalibrateSpectra


#' Backup \code{msmsWorkflow} results
#' Writes the results from different \code{msmsWorkflow} steps to a file.
#' @aliases archiveResults
#' @usage archiveResults(w, fileName, settings = getOption("RMassBank"))
#' @param w The \code{msmsWorkspace} to be saved.
#' @param fileName The filename to store the results under.
#' @param settings The settings to be stored into the msmsWorkspace image.
#' @examples 
#' 		# This doesn't really make a lot of sense,
#' 		# it stores an empty workspace.
#' 		RmbDefaultSettings()
#' 		w <- newMsmsWorkspace()
#' 		archiveResults(w, "narcotics.RData")
#' @export
archiveResults <- function(w, fileName, settings = getOption("RMassBank"))
  # save the settings into the settings slot
  w@settings <- settings
    # save
  save(w, file=fileName)


#' RMassBank mass spectrometry pipeline
#' Extracts and processes spectra from a specified file list, according to 
#' loaded options and given parameters.
#' The filenames of the raw LC-MS runs are read from the array \code{files} 
#' in the global enviroment.
#' See the vignette \code{vignette("RMassBank")} for further details about the
#' workflow.
#' @param w A \code{msmsWorkspace} to work with.
#' @param mode \code{"pH", "pNa", "pM", "mH", "mM", "mFA", "pNH4"} for different ions 
#' 			([M+H]+, [M+Na]+, [M]+, [M-H]-, [M]-, [M+FA]-, [M+NH4]+).
#' @param steps Which steps of the workflow to process. See the vignette 
#' 			\code{vignette("RMassBank")} for details.
#' @param confirmMode Defaults to false (use most intense precursor). Value 1 uses
#' 			the 2nd-most intense precursor for a chosen ion (and its data-dependent scans)
#' 			, etc.
#' @param newRecalibration Whether to generate a new recalibration curve (\code{TRUE}, default) or
#' 			to reuse the currently stored curve (\code{FALSE}, useful e.g. for adduct-processing runs.) 
#' @param useRtLimit Whether to enforce the given retention time window.
#' @param archivename The prefix under which to store the analyzed result files.
#' @param readMethod Several methods are available to get peak lists from the files.
#'        Currently supported are "mzR", "xcms", "MassBank" and "peaklist".
#'        The first two read MS/MS raw data, and differ in the strategy 
#'        used to extract peaks. MassBank will read existing records, 
#'        so that e.g. a recalibration can be performed, and "peaklist" 
#'        just requires a CSV with two columns and the column header "mz", "int".
#' @param findPeaksArgs A list of arguments that will be handed to the xcms-method findPeaks via do.call
#' @param plots A parameter that determines whether the spectra should be plotted or not (This parameter is only used for the xcms-method)
#' @param precursorscan.cf Whether to fill precursor scans. To be used with files which for
#' 		some reasons do not contain precursor scan IDs in the mzML, e.g. AB Sciex converted
#' 		files.
#' @param settings Options to be used for processing. Defaults to the options loaded via
#' 			\code{\link{loadRmbSettings}} et al. Refer to there for specific settings.
#' @param analyzeMethod The "method" parameter to pass to \code{\link{analyzeMsMs}}.
#' @param progressbar The progress bar callback to use. Only needed for specialized applications.
#' 			Cf. the documentation of \code{\link{progressBarHook}} for usage.
#' @param MSe A boolean value that determines whether the spectra were recorded using MSe or not
#' @return The processed \code{msmsWorkspace}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{msmsWorkspace-class}}
#' @author Michael Stravs, Eawag <michael.stravs@@eawag.ch>
#' @export
msmsWorkflow <- function(w, mode="pH", steps=c(1:8), confirmMode = FALSE, newRecalibration = TRUE, 
		useRtLimit = TRUE, archivename=NA, readMethod = "mzR", findPeaksArgs = NULL, plots = FALSE,
		precursorscan.cf = FALSE,
		settings = getOption("RMassBank"), analyzeMethod = "formula",
		progressbar = "progressBarHook", MSe = FALSE)
    if(!any(mode %in% knownAdducts())) stop(paste("The ionization mode", mode, "is unknown."))

	  w@archivename <- archivename
  # Make a progress bar:
  nProg <- 0
  nLen <- length(w@files)
    allUnknown <- FALSE
    # If all compounds are unknown some specific conditions apply
  allUnknown <- FALSE
    if(all(.listEnvEnv$listEnv$compoundList$Level == "5")){
        allUnknown <- TRUE
        message("All compounds are unknown, the workflow will be adjusted accordingly")
    if(readMethod == "minimal"){
	##Edit options
	opt <- getOption("RMassBank")
	opt$recalibrator$MS1 <- "recalibrate.identity"
	opt$recalibrator$MS2 <- "recalibrate.identity"
        opt$add_annotation <- FALSE
        opt$multiplicityFilter <- 1
        settings <- getOption("RMassBank")
	##Edit analyzemethod
	analyzeMethod <- "intensity"

  # clean rerun functionality:
  # if any step after 3 has been run, rerunning steps 4 or below needs moving back to the parent workspace.
  # However, the recalibration must be preserved, because:
  # if someone runs       
  # w <- msmsWorkflow(w, steps=c(1:4)),
  # then substitutes the recalibration
  # w@rc <- myrecal
  # then runs step 4 again
  # w <- msmsWorkflow(w, steps=c(4), newRecalibration=FALSE)
  # the rc and rc.ms1 must be preserved and not taken from the parent workspace
  if(!all(steps > 4) & !is.null(w@parent))
    rc <- w@rc
    rc.ms1 <- w@rc.ms1
    w <- w@parent
    w@rc <- rc
    w@rc.ms1 <- rc.ms1
  # Step 1: acquire all MSMS spectra from files
  if(1 %in% steps)
    message("msmsWorkflow: Step 1. Acquire all MSMS spectra from files")
	w <- msmsRead(w = w, files = w@files, readMethod=readMethod, mode=mode, confirmMode = confirmMode, useRtLimit = useRtLimit, 
                        Args = findPeaksArgs, settings = settings, progressbar = progressbar, MSe = MSe)
  # Step 2: first run analysis before recalibration
  if(2 %in% steps)
	  nProg <- 0
	  message("msmsWorkflow: Step 2. First analysis pre recalibration")
            analyzeMethod <- "intensity"
	  pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object=NULL, value=0, min=0, max=nLen))
	  w@spectra <- as(lapply(w@spectra, function(spec) {
                        # if(findLevel(spec@id,TRUE) == "unknown"){
                            # analyzeMethod <- "intensity"
                        # } else {
                            # analyzeMethod <- "formula"
                        # }
                        s <- analyzeMsMs(msmsPeaks = spec, mode=mode, detail=TRUE, run="preliminary",
						  filterSettings = settings$filterSettings,
						  spectraList = settings$spectraList, method = analyzeMethod)
				  # Progress:
				  nProg <<- nProg + 1
				  pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object=pb, value= nProg))

			  }), "SimpleList")
	## for(f in w@files)
	## w@spectra[[basename(as.character(f))]]@name <- basename(as.character(f))
	  suppressWarnings(do.call(progressbar, list(object=pb, close=TRUE)))
  # Step 3: aggregate all spectra
  if(3 %in% steps)
	message("msmsWorkflow: Step 3. Aggregate all spectra")
        w@aggregated <- aggregateSpectra(spec = w@spectra, addIncomplete=TRUE)
          numberOfPeaksThere <- sum(unlist(lapply(X = w@spectra, FUN = function(spec){ sum(unlist(lapply(X = spec@children, FUN = function(child){ child@peaksCount }))) })))
          if(nrow(w@aggregated) < numberOfPeaksThere)
            cat(paste("### Warning ### The aggregation of spectra lead to the removal of ", (numberOfPeaksThere-nrow(w@aggregated)), " / ", numberOfPeaksThere, " peaks\n", sep = ""))
        w@aggregated$noise <- FALSE
        w@aggregated$noise <- FALSE
        w@aggregated$reanalyzed.formula <- NA
        w@aggregated$reanalyzed.mzCalc <- NA
        w@aggregated$reanalyzed.dppm <- NA
        w@aggregated$reanalyzed.formulaCount <- NA
        w@aggregated$reanalyzed.dbe <- NA
        w@aggregated$matchedReanalysis <- NA
        w@aggregated$filterOK <- TRUE
        w@aggregated$problematicPeak <- FALSE
        w@aggregated$formulaMultiplicity <- unlist(sapply(table(w@aggregated$cpdID),function(x) rep(x,x)))
  # Step 4: recalibrate all m/z values in raw spectra
  if(4 %in% steps)
	message("msmsWorkflow: Step 4. Recalibrate m/z values in raw spectra")
		# note: makeRecalibration takes w as argument now, because it needs to get the MS1 spectra from @spectra
		recal <- makeRecalibration(w, mode,
				recalibrateBy = settings$recalibrateBy,
				recalibrateMS1 = settings$recalibrateMS1,
				recalibrator = settings$recalibrator,
				recalibrateMS1Window = settings$recalibrateMS1Window)
		w@rc <- recal$rc
		w@rc.ms1 <- recal$rc.ms1
	w@parent <- w
	w@aggregated <- data.frame()
    spectra <- recalibrateSpectra(mode, w@spectra, w = w,
			recalibrateBy = settings$recalibrateBy,
			recalibrateMS1 = settings$recalibrateMS1)
	w@spectra <- spectra
  # Step 5: re-analysis on recalibrated spectra
  if(5 %in% steps)
	nProg <- 0
	message("msmsWorkflow: Step 5. Reanalyze recalibrated spectra")
	pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object=NULL, value=0, min=0, max=nLen))
	w@spectra <- as(lapply(w@spectra, function(spec) {
                            if(findLevel(spec@id,TRUE) == "unknown"){
                                analyzeMethod <- "intensity"
                            } else {
                                analyzeMethod <- "formula"
                            s <- analyzeMsMs(msmsPeaks = spec, mode=mode, detail=TRUE, run="recalibrated",
								filterSettings = settings$filterSettings,
								spectraList = settings$spectraList, method = analyzeMethod)
						# Progress:
						nProg <<- nProg + 1
						pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object=pb, value= nProg))
					}), "SimpleList")
	## for(f in w@files)
	## w@spectra[[basename(as.character(f))]]@name <- basename(as.character(f))
	suppressWarnings(do.call(progressbar, list(object=pb, close=TRUE)))
  do.call(progressbar, list(object=pb, close=TRUE))
  # Step 6: aggregate recalibrated results
  if(6 %in% steps)
    message("msmsWorkflow: Step 6. Aggregate recalibrated results")
        w@aggregated <- aggregateSpectra(spec = w@spectra, addIncomplete=TRUE)
          numberOfPeaksThere <- sum(unlist(lapply(X = w@spectra, FUN = function(spec){ sum(unlist(lapply(X = spec@children, FUN = function(child){ child@peaksCount }))) })))
          if(nrow(w@aggregated) < numberOfPeaksThere)
            cat(paste("### Warning ### The aggregation of spectra lead to the removal of ", (numberOfPeaksThere-nrow(w@aggregated)), " / ", numberOfPeaksThere, " peaks\n", sep = ""))
      archiveResults(w, paste(archivename, ".RData", sep=''), settings)
  spectra <- lapply(w@spectra, cleanElnoise, noise=settings$electronicNoise, width=settings$electronicNoiseWidth)
  w@spectra <- as(spectra, "SimpleList")
          if(sum(w@aggregated$noise) > 0)
            cat(paste("### Warning ### ", sum(w@aggregated$noise), " / ", nrow(w@aggregated), " peaks have been identified as electronic noise\n", sep = ""))
  # Step 7: reanalyze failpeaks for (mono)oxidation and N2 adduct peaks
  if(7 %in% steps)
	message("msmsWorkflow: Step 7. Reanalyze fail peaks for N2 + O")
    w <- reanalyzeFailpeaks(
			w, custom_additions="N2O", mode=mode,
      archiveResults(w, paste(archivename, "_RA.RData", sep=''), settings)
          isNoFormula <- is.na(w@aggregated$formula) & is.na(w@aggregated$reanalyzed.formula)
          noFormulaCount <- sum(isNoFormula)
          numberOfPeaksThere <- sum(unlist(lapply(X = w@spectra, FUN = function(spec){ sum(unlist(lapply(X = spec@children, FUN = function(child){ child@peaksCount }))) })))
          if(noFormulaCount > 0){
            cat(paste("### Warning ### ", noFormulaCount, " / ", numberOfPeaksThere, " peaks have no molecular formula:\n", sep = ""))
            print(w@aggregated[isNoFormula, c("mzFound","intensity","cpdID")])
  # Step 8: heuristic filtering based on peak multiplicity;
  #         creation of failpeak list
  if(8 %in% steps)
	message("msmsWorkflow: Step 8. Peak multiplicity filtering")
    if (is.null(settings$multiplicityFilter)) {
      message("msmsWorkflow: Step 8. Peak multiplicity filtering skipped because multiplicityFilter parameter is not set.")
          w@aggregated <- addProperty(w@aggregated, "formulaMultiplicity", "integer", 1)
          w@aggregated <- addProperty(w@aggregated, "filterOK",            "logical", FALSE)
          w@aggregated$filterOK <- !((is.na(w@aggregated$formulaCount) | w@aggregated$formulaCount==0) & (is.na(w@aggregated$reanalyzed.formulaCount) | w@aggregated$reanalyzed.formulaCount==0))
          w@aggregated <- addProperty(w@aggregated, "problematicPeak",     "logical", FALSE)
    } else {
      # apply heuristic filter      
      w <- filterMultiplicity(
                w, archivename, mode, multiplicityFilter = settings$multiplicityFilter)
              peakDfs <- split(x = w@aggregated, f = list("mzFound"=w@aggregated$mzFound, "cpdID"=w@aggregated$cpdID))
              numberOfPeaks <- length(peakDfs)
              multiplicityNotOkCount <- numberOfPeaks - sum(unlist(lapply(X = peakDfs, FUN = function(x){any(x$filterOK)})))
              if(multiplicityNotOkCount > 0)
                cat(paste("### Warning ### ", multiplicityNotOkCount, " / ", numberOfPeaks, " peaks do not fulfill the multiplicity criterion\n", sep = ""))
              problematicPeakCount <- sum(w@aggregated$problematicPeak)
              if(problematicPeakCount > 0)
                cat(paste("### Warning ### ", problematicPeakCount, " / ", nrow(w@aggregated), " peaks are problematic\n", sep = ""))
        archiveResults(w, paste(archivename, "_RF.RData", sep=''), settings)   
  message("msmsWorkflow: Done.")

#' Analyze MSMS spectra
#' Analyzes MSMS spectra of a compound by fitting formulas to each subpeak.
#' The analysis function uses Rcdk. Note
#' that in this step, \emph{satellite peaks} are removed by a simple heuristic
#' rule (refer to the documentation of \code{\link{filterPeakSatellites}} for details.)
## # @usage analyzeMsMs(msmsPeaks, mode="pH", detail=FALSE, run="preliminary",
## # 			filterSettings = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings,
## # 			spectraList = getOption("RMassBank")$spectraList, method="formula")
## # 
## # 		analyzeMsMs.formula(msmsPeaks, mode="pH", detail=FALSE, run="preliminary",
## # 			filterSettings = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings,
## # 			spectraList = getOption("RMassBank")$spectraList)
## # 
## # 		analyzeMsMs.intensity(msmsPeaks, mode="pH", detail=FALSE, run="preliminary",
## # 			filterSettings = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings,
## # 			spectraList = getOption("RMassBank")$spectraList)
#' @param msmsPeaks A \code{RmbSpectraSet} object.
#' 	Corresponds to a parent spectrum and children MSMS spectra of one compound (plus some metadata).
#'  The objects are typically generated with \code{\link{findMsMsHR}}, and populate the \code{@@spectrum} slot
#'  in a \code{msmsWorkspace} (refer to the corresponding
#' documentation for the precise format specifications).
#' @param mode Specifies the processing mode, i.e. which molecule species the
#' spectra contain. \code{\var{pH}} (positive H) specifies [M+H]+,
#' \code{\var{pNa}} specifies [M+Na]+, \code{\var{pM}} specifies [M]+,
#' \code{\var{mH}} and \code{\var{mNa}} specify [M-H]- and [M-Na]-,
#' respectively. (I apologize for the naming of \code{\var{pH}} which has
#' absolutely nothing to do with chemical \emph{pH} values.)
#' @param detail Whether detailed return information should be provided
#' (defaults to \code{FALSE}). See below.
#' @param run \code{"preliminary"} or \code{"recalibrated"}. In the
#' \code{preliminary} run, mass tolerance is set to 10 ppm (above m/z 120) and
#' 15 ppm (below m/z 120), the default intensity cutoff is $10^4$ for positive
#' mode (no default cutoff in negative mode), and the column \code{"mz"} from
#' the spectra is used as data source.  In the \code{recalibrated} run, the
#' mass tolerance is set to 5 ppm over the whole mass range, the default cutoff
#' is 0 and the column \code{"mzRecal"} is used as source for the m/z values.
#' Defaults to \code{"preliminary"}.
#' @param filterSettings
#' 		Settings for the filter parameters, by default loaded from the RMassBank settings
#' 		set with e.g. \code{\link{loadRmbSettings}}. Must contain:
#' 		\itemize{
#' 			\item \code{ppmHighMass}, allowed ppm deviation before recalibration
#' 				for high mass range
#' 			\item \code{ppmLowMass}, allowed ppm deviation before recalibration
#' 				for low mass range
#' 			\item \code{massRangeDivision}, division point between high and low mass
#' 				range (before recalibration)
#' 			\item \code{ppmFine}, allowed ppm deviation overall after recalibration
#' 			\item \code{prelimCut}, intensity cutoff for peaks in preliminary run
#' 			\item \code{prelimCutRatio}, relative intensity cutoff for peaks in 
#' 				preliminary run, e.g. 0.01 = 1%
#' 			\item \code{fineCut}, intensity cutoff for peaks in second run
#' 			\item \code{fineCutRatio}, relative intensity cutoff for peaks in 
#' 				second run
#' 			\item \code{specOkLimit}, minimum intensity of base peak for spectrum
#' 				to be accepted for processing
#' 			\item \code{dbeMinLimit}, minimum double bond equivalent for accepted
#' 				molecular subformula.
#' 			\item \code{satelliteMzLimit}, for satellite peak filtering 
#' 				(\code{\link{filterPeakSatellites}}: mass window to use for satellite
#' 				removal
#' 			\item \code{satelliteIntLimit}, the relative intensity below which to 
#' 				discard "satellites". (refer to  \code{\link{filterPeakSatellites}}).
#' 	}
#' @param spectraList The list of MS/MS spectra present in each data block. As also
#' 		defined in the settings file.  
#' @param method Selects which function to actually use for data evaluation. The default
#' 		"formula" runs a full analysis via formula assignment to fragment peaks. The
#' 		alternative setting "intensity" calls a "mock" implementation which circumvents
#' 		formula assignment and filters peaks purely based on intensity cutoffs and the
#' 		satellite filtering. (In this case, the ppm and dbe related settings in filterSettings
#' 		are ignored.)
#' @return The processed \code{RmbSpectraSet} object.
#' Added (or filled, respectively, since the slots are present before) data include
#' \item{list("complete")}{whether all spectra have useful value}
#' \item{list("empty")}{whether there are no useful spectra}
#' \item{list("children")}{
#' 		The processed \code{RmbSpectrum2} objects (in a \code{RmbSpectrum2List}).
#' 		\itemize{
#' 			\item \code{ok} if the spectrum was successfully processed with at least one resulting peak
#' 			\item \code{mz}, \code{intensity}: note that mz/int pairs can be duplicated when multiple matches
#' 				are found for one mz value, therefore the two slots are not necessarily unchanged from before
#'			\item \code{rawOK} (logical) whether the m/z peak passes satellite/low removal
#' 			\item \code{low}, \code{satellite} if \code{TRUE}, the peak failed cutoff (\code{low}) or was removed as \code{satellite}
#' 			\item \code{formula}, \code{mzCalc}, \code{dppm}, \code{dbe} Formula, calculated mass, ppm deviation and dbe assigned to a peak
#' 			\item \code{formulaCount}, \code{dppmBest} Number of formulae matched for this m/z value and ppm deviation of the best match
#' 			\item \code{info} Spectrum identifying information (collision energy, resolution, collision mode) from
#' 				the \code{spectraList} 
#' 			\item All other entries are retained from the original \code{RmbSpectrum2}.
#' 			}
#' }
#' @aliases analyzeMsMs analyzeMsMs.formula analyzeMsMs.intensity
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{msmsWorkflow}}, \code{\link{filterLowaccResults}},
#' \code{\link{filterPeakSatellites}}, \code{\link{reanalyzeFailpeaks}}
#' @examples
#' 	\dontrun{analyzed <- analyzeMsMs(spec, "pH", TRUE)}
#' @export
analyzeMsMs <- function(msmsPeaks, mode="pH", detail=FALSE, run="preliminary",
		filterSettings = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings,
		spectraList = getOption("RMassBank")$spectraList, method="formula")
	## .RmbSpectraSet <- setClass("RmbSpectraSet",
	##         representation = representation(
	##                 parent = "Spectrum1",
	##                 children = "RmbSpectrum2List",
	##                 # These are done as slots and not as S4 functions, because they are set during the workflow
	##                 # in "checking" steps. It's easier.
	##                 found = "logical",
	##                 complete = "logical",
	##                 empty = "logical",
	##                 formula = "character",
	##                 id = "integer",
	##                 mz = "numeric",
	##                 name = "character",
	##                 annotations = "list"
	##         ),
	##         prototype = prototype(
	##                 parent = new("Spectrum1"),
	##                 children = new("RmbSpectrum2List"),
	##                 found = FALSE,
	##                 complete = NA,
	##                 empty = NA,
	##                 formula = character(),
	##                 id = integer(),
	##                 mz = numeric(),
	##                 name = character(),
	##                 annotations = list()
	##         )
	## );
	if(msmsPeaks@found == FALSE)
	# Check whether the spectra can be fitted to the spectra list correctly!
	if(length(msmsPeaks@children) != length(spectraList))
						"The spectra count of the substance ", msmsPeaks@id, " (", length(msmsPeaks@children), " spectra) doesn't match the provided spectra list (", length(spectraList), " spectra)."
		msmsPeaks@found <- FALSE
		r <- analyzeMsMs.formula(msmsPeaks, mode, detail, run, filterSettings)
	else if(method == "intensity")
		r <- analyzeMsMs.intensity(msmsPeaks, mode, detail, run, filterSettings)
	# Add the spectrum labels to the spectra here.
	# If there is any better place to do this, please tell me. I hate it.
	# However, the info should be added in msmsWorkflow not in mbWorkflow, because two msmsWorkspaces with different spectraLists can be
	# merged together with all the combine / pack stuff.
	children <- mapply(function(spec, info)
				spec@info <- info
			}, r@children, spectraList, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	r@children <- as(children, "SimpleList")
	#nspectra <- length(spectraList)
	ok <- unlist(lapply(r@children, function(c) c@ok))
	r@complete <- FALSE
	r@empty <- FALSE
		r@complete <- TRUE
		r@empty <- TRUE

#' @describeIn analyzeMsMs Analyze the peaks using formula annotation
#' @export
analyzeMsMs.formula <- function(msmsPeaks, mode="pH", detail=FALSE, run="preliminary",
			filterSettings = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings)
  cut <- 0
  cut_ratio <- 0
    filterMode <- "coarse"
	  cut <- filterSettings$prelimCut
      adductProperties <- getAdductProperties(mode, msmsPeaks@formula)
      if(adductProperties$charge > 0) cut <- 1e4
      if(adductProperties$charge < 0) cut <- 0
	cut_ratio <- filterSettings$prelimCutRatio
  } else {
    filterMode <- "fine"
	cut <- filterSettings$fineCut
	cut_ratio <- filterSettings$fineCutRatio
    if(is.na(cut)) cut <- 0

  # find whole spectrum of parent peak, so we have reasonable data to feed into
  # MolgenMsMs
  parentSpectrum <- msmsPeaks@parent

  # On each spectrum the following function analyzeTandemShot will be applied.
  # It takes the raw peaks matrix as argument (mz, int) and processes the spectrum by
  # filtering out low-intensity (<1e4) and shoulder peaks (deltam/z < 0.5, intensity
  # < 5%) and subsequently matching the peaks to formulas using Rcdk, discarding peaks
  # with insufficient match accuracy or no match.
  analyzeTandemShot <- function(child, childIdx = 0)

  	shot <- getData(child)
  	shot$row <- which(!is.na(shot$mz))
    # Filter out low intensity peaks:
    child@low <- (shot$intensity < cut) | (shot$intensity < max(shot$intensity)*cut_ratio)
    shot <- shot[!child@low,,drop=FALSE]
    shot_full <- shot
    # Is there still anything left?
  		child@ok <- FALSE
        cat(paste("\n### Warning ### The spectrum '#", childIdx, "' for ID '", msmsPeaks@id, "' contains only low-intensity peaks\n", sep = ""))
    # Filter out satellite peaks:
    shot <- filterPeakSatellites(shot, filterSettings)
  	child@satellite <- rep(TRUE, child@peaksCount)
  	child@satellite[which(child@low == TRUE)] <- NA
  	child@satellite[shot$row] <- FALSE
    # Is there still anything left?
  		child@ok <- FALSE
  		  cat(paste("\n### Warning ### The spectrum '#", childIdx, "' for ID '", msmsPeaks@id, "' contains no peaks after satellite filtering\n", sep = ""))
    if(max(shot$intensity) < as.numeric(filterSettings$specOkLimit))
  		child@ok <- FALSE
  		  cat(paste("\n### Warning ### The spectrum '#", childIdx, "' for ID '", msmsPeaks@id, "' is discarded due to parameter 'specOkLimit'\n", sep = ""))
    # Crop to 4 digits (necessary because of the recalibrated values)
  	# this was done for the MOLGEN MSMS type analysis, is not necessary anymore now (23.1.15 MST)
    # shot[,mzColname] <- round(shot[,mzColname], 5)
  	# here follows the Rcdk analysis
  	parentPeaks <- data.frame(mzFound=msmsPeaks@mz, 
  	# get the adduct additions
  	adductProperties <- getAdductProperties(mode, msmsPeaks@formula)
  	allowed_additions <- adductProperties$addition
  	mode.charge <- adductProperties$charge
  	# the ppm range is two-sided here.
  	# The range is slightly expanded because dppm calculation of
  	# generate.formula starts from empirical mass, but dppm cal-
  	# culation of the evaluation starts from theoretical mass.
  	# So we don't miss the points on 'the border'.
  		ppmlimit <- 2 * max(filterSettings$ppmLowMass, filterSettings$ppmHighMass)
  		ppmlimit <- 2.25 * filterSettings$ppmFine
  	parent_formula <- add.formula(msmsPeaks@formula, allowed_additions)
  	dbe_parent <- dbe(parent_formula)
  	# check whether the formula is valid, i.e. has no negative or zero element numbers.
  		child@ok <- FALSE
  		  cat(paste("\n### Warning ### The precursor ion formula of spectrum '#", childIdx, "' for ID '", msmsPeaks@id, "' is invalid\n", sep = ""))
  	limits <- to.limits.rcdk(parent_formula)
	maximal.mass <- get.formula(parent_formula)@mass
  	peakmatrix <- lapply(split(shot,shot$row), function(shot.row)  {
  				# Circumvent bug in rcdk: correct the mass for the charge first, then calculate uncharged formulae
  				# finally back-correct calculated masses for the charge
  				mass <- shot.row[["mz"]]
  				mass.calc <- mass + mode.charge * .emass
				tolerance <- ppm(mass.calc, ppmlimit, p=TRUE)
				if (mass.calc > maximal.mass + tolerance)
  					return(t(c(row=shot.row[["row"]], intensity = shot.row[["intensity"]], mz=mass, formula=NA, mzCalc=NA)))
				peakformula <- tryCatch(
				  suppressWarnings(generate.formula(mass.calc, tolerance,
				                                    limits, charge=0)),
				  error = function(e) list())
				# was a formula found? If not, return empty result
  				# ppm(mass, ppmlimit, p=TRUE),
  				# limits, charge=1),
  				#error= function(e) list())
  				return(t(c(row=shot.row[["row"]], intensity = shot.row[["intensity"]], mz=mass,
  										formula=NA, mzCalc=NA)))
  				return(t(sapply(peakformula, function(f)
  											mzCalc <- f@mass - mode.charge * .emass
  											c(row=shot.row[["row"]], intensity = shot.row[["intensity"]], mz=mass,
  	childPeaks <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, peakmatrix))
  	presentElements <- unique(unlist(lapply(X = lapply(X = childPeaks$formula, FUN = formulastring.to.list), FUN = names)))
  	## function dbe from FormulaCalculator.R
  	atomDBEs <- sapply(X = presentElements, FUN = dbe)
  	unknownElements <- names(atomDBEs)[sapply(X = atomDBEs, FUN = function(atomDBE){length(atomDBE)==0})]
  	if(length(unknownElements) > 0) stop(paste("Element(s)", paste(unknownElements, collapse = "; "), "cannot be assigned a DBE"))
  	# Reformat the deformatted output correctly (why doesn't R have a better way to do this, e.g. avoid deformatting?)
  	childPeaks$row <- as.numeric(as.character(childPeaks$row))
  	childPeaks$intensity <- as.numeric(as.character(childPeaks$intensity))
  	childPeaks$mz <- as.numeric(as.character(childPeaks$mz))
  	childPeaks$formula <- as.character(childPeaks$formula)
  	childPeaks$mzCalc <- as.numeric(as.character(childPeaks$mzCalc))
  	childPeaks$dppm <- (childPeaks$mz / childPeaks$mzCalc - 1) * 1e6
  	childPeaks$dbe <- unlist(lapply(childPeaks$formula, dbe))
  	# childPeaks now contains all the good and unmatched peaks
  	# but not the ones which were cut as satellites or below threshold.
  	## child@mzFound <- rep(NA, child@peaksCount)
  	## child@mzFound[childPeaks$row] <- as.numeric(as.character(childPeaks$mzFound))
  	## child@formula <- rep(NA, child@peaksCount)
  	## child@formula[childPeaks$row] <- as.character(childPeaks$formula)
  	## child@mzCalc <- rep(NA, child@peaksCount)
  	## child@mzCalc[childPeaks$row] <- as.numeric(as.character(childPeaks$mzCalc))
  	## child@dppm<- rep(NA, child@peaksCount)
  	## child@dppm[childPeaks$row] <- (childPeaks$mzFound / childPeaks$mzCalc - 1) * 1e6
  	# delete the NA data out again, because MolgenMsMs doesn't have them
  	# here and they will be re-added later
  	# (this is just left like this for "historical" reasons)
  	#childPeaks <- childPeaks[!is.na(childPeaks$formula),]
  	# check if a peak was recognized (here for the first time,
  	# otherwise the next command would fail)
  		child@ok <- FALSE
  		chdata <- getData(child)
  		chdata$formulaSource <- character(nrow(chdata))
  		child <- setData(child, chdata)
  		  cat(paste("\n### Warning ### The spectrum '#", childIdx, "' for ID '", msmsPeaks@id, "' is empty\n", sep = ""))
  	  child@ok <- FALSE
  	  child@good <- rep(FALSE, length(childPeaks$formula))
  	  chdata <- getData(child)
  	  chdata$formulaSource <- character(nrow(chdata))
  	  child <- setData(child, chdata)
  	    cat(paste("\n### Warning ### The spectrum '#", childIdx, "' for ID '", msmsPeaks@id, "' comprises no peaks which could be assiged to a molecular formula\n", sep = ""))
  	# now apply the rule-based filters to get rid of total junk:
  	# dbe >= -0.5, dbe excess over mother cpd < 3
  	# dbe() has been adapted to return NA for NA input
  	#iff_rcdk_pM_eln$maxvalence <- unlist(lapply(diff_rcdk_pM_eln$formula.rcdk, maxvalence))
  	temp.child.ok <- (childPeaks$dbe >= filterSettings$dbeMinLimit) 
  	# & dbe < dbe_parent + 3)
  	# check if a peak was recognized
  	if(length(which(temp.child.ok)) == 0)
  		child@ok <- FALSE
  		child@good <- rep(FALSE, length(temp.child.ok))
  		chdata <- getData(child)
  		chdata$formulaSource <- character(nrow(chdata))
  		child <- setData(child, chdata)
  		  cat(paste("\n### Warning ### The spectrum '#", childIdx, "' for ID '", msmsPeaks@id, "' comprises no peaks which fulfil the dbeMinLimit criterion\n", sep = ""))
  	# find the best ppm value
    bestPpm <- aggregate(
      x   = as.data.frame(childPeaks[!is.na(childPeaks$dppm),"dppm"]),
  		by  = list(childPeaks[!is.na(childPeaks$dppm),"row"]),
      FUN = function(dppm) dppm[[which.min(abs(dppm))]]
    colnames(bestPpm) <- c("row", "dppmBest")
    childPeaks <- merge(childPeaks, bestPpm, by="row", all.x=TRUE)
  	# Deactivated the following lines because we never actually want to look at the "old" formula count.
  	# To be verified (cf Refiltering, failpeak list and comparable things) 
  	## # count formulas found per mass
  	## countFormulasTab <- xtabs( ~formula + mz, data=childPeaks)
  	## countFormulas <- colSums(countFormulasTab)
  	## childPeaks$formulaCount <- countFormulas[as.character(childPeaks$row)]
    # filter results
    childPeaksFilt <- filterLowaccResults(childPeaks, filterMode, filterSettings)
    childPeaksGood <- childPeaksFilt[["TRUE"]]
    childPeaksBad <- childPeaksFilt[["FALSE"]]
  		childPeaksGood <- childPeaks[c(),,drop=FALSE]
      childPeaksGood$good <- logical(0)
  		childPeaksBad <- childPeaks[c(),,drop=FALSE]
  	childPeaksUnassigned <- childPeaks[is.na(childPeaks$dppm),,drop=FALSE]
  	childPeaksUnassigned$good <- rep(FALSE, nrow(childPeaksUnassigned))
  	# count formulas within new limits
    # (the results of the "old" count stay in childPeaksInt and are returned
    # in $childPeaks)
  	countFormulasTab <- xtabs( ~formula + mz, data=childPeaksGood)
  	countFormulas <- colSums(countFormulasTab)
  	childPeaksGood$formulaCount <- countFormulas[as.character(childPeaksGood$mz)]
  	childPeaksUnassigned$formulaCount <- rep(NA, nrow(childPeaksUnassigned))
  	childPeaksBad$formulaCount <- rep(NA, nrow(childPeaksBad))
  	childPeaksBad$good <- rep(FALSE, nrow(childPeaksBad))
  	# Now: childPeaksGood (containing the new, recounted peaks with good = TRUE), and childPeaksBad (containing the 
  	# peaks with good=FALSE, i.e. outside filter criteria, with the old formula count even though it is worthless)
  	# are bound together.
  	childPeaksBad <- childPeaksBad[,colnames(childPeaksGood),drop=FALSE]
  	childPeaksUnassigned <- childPeaksUnassigned[,colnames(childPeaksGood),drop=FALSE]
  	childPeaks <- rbind(childPeaksGood, childPeaksBad, childPeaksUnassigned)
  	# Now let's cross fingers. Add a good=NA column to the unmatched peaks and reorder the columns
  	# to match order in childPeaks. After that, setData to the child slot.
  	childPeaksOmitted <- getData(child)
  	childPeaksOmitted <- childPeaksOmitted[child@low | child@satellite,,drop=FALSE]
  	childPeaksOmitted$rawOK <- rep(FALSE, nrow(childPeaksOmitted))
  	childPeaksOmitted$good <- rep(FALSE, nrow(childPeaksOmitted))
  	childPeaksOmitted$dppm <- rep(NA, nrow(childPeaksOmitted))
  	childPeaksOmitted$formula <- rep(NA, nrow(childPeaksOmitted))
  	childPeaksOmitted$mzCalc <- rep(NA, nrow(childPeaksOmitted))
  	childPeaksOmitted$dbe <- rep(NA, nrow(childPeaksOmitted))
    childPeaksOmitted$dppmBest <- rep(NA, nrow(childPeaksOmitted))
    childPeaksOmitted$formulaCount <- rep(0, nrow(childPeaksOmitted))
  	childPeaks$satellite <- rep(FALSE, nrow(childPeaks))
  	childPeaks$low <- rep(FALSE, nrow(childPeaks))
  	childPeaks$rawOK <- rep(TRUE, nrow(childPeaks))
	for(col in colnames(child@properties)) {
	  childPeaks[,col] <- child@properties[childPeaks$row, col]
  	childPeaks <- childPeaks[,colnames(childPeaksOmitted), drop=FALSE]
  	childPeaksTotal <- rbind(childPeaks, childPeaksOmitted)
	# add the formulaSource column
	childPeaksTotal$formulaSource <- character(nrow(childPeaksTotal))
	childPeaksTotal$formulaSource[!is.na(childPeaksTotal$formula)] <- "analyze"
  	child <- setData(child, childPeaksTotal)
  	child@ok <- TRUE
  # I believe these lines were fixed to remove a warning but in the refactored workflow "mzranges" doesn't exist anymore.
  # Leave here for now 
  ## mzranges <- t(sapply(shots, function(p) {
  ##     if(!is.null(p$childRaw)){
  ##       return(range(p$childRaw[,mzColname]))
  ##     } else {
  ##       return(c(NA,NA))
  ##     }
  ## }))
  ## mzmin <- min(mzranges[,1], na.rm=TRUE)
  ## mzmax <- max(mzranges[,2], na.rm=TRUE)
  children <- lapply(seq_along(msmsPeaks@children),
                     function(i) analyzeTandemShot(msmsPeaks@children[[i]], 
                                                   childIdx = i))
  ## correct fields in case of invalid data
  children <- lapply(children, function(child){
    if(child@ok)  return(child)
    child@rawOK        <- rep(x = TRUE,  times = child@peaksCount)
    child@good         <- rep(x = FALSE, times = child@peaksCount)
    child@mzCalc       <- as.numeric(  rep(x = NA, times = child@peaksCount))
    child@formula      <- as.character(rep(x = NA, times = child@peaksCount))
    child@dbe          <- as.numeric(  rep(x = NA, times = child@peaksCount))
    child@formulaCount <- as.integer(  rep(x = NA, times = child@peaksCount))
    child@dppm         <- as.numeric(  rep(x = NA, times = child@peaksCount))
    child@dppmBest     <- as.numeric(  rep(x = NA, times = child@peaksCount))
## shots <- mapply(function(shot, scan, info)
  ##         {
  ##             shot$scan <- scan
  ##             shot$info <- info
  ##             shot$header <- msmsPeaks$childHeaders[as.character(scan),]
  ##             return(shot)
  ##         }, shots, msmsPeaks$childScans, spectraList, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  msmsPeaks@children <- as(children, "SimpleList")

#' @describeIn analyzeMsMs Analyze the peaks going only by intensity values
#' @export
analyzeMsMs.intensity <- function(msmsPeaks, mode="pH", detail=FALSE, run="preliminary",
		filterSettings = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings)
	cut <- 0
	cut_ratio <- 0
		filterMode <- "coarse"
		cut <- filterSettings$prelimCut
		  adductProperties <- getAdductProperties(mode, msmsPeaks@formula)
		  if(adductProperties$charge > 0) cut <- 1e4
		  if(adductProperties$charge < 0) cut <- 0
		cut_ratio <- filterSettings$prelimCutRatio
		filterMode <- "fine"
		cut <- filterSettings$fineCut
		cut_ratio <- filterSettings$fineCutRatio
		if(is.na(cut)) cut <- 0
	# find whole spectrum of parent peak, so we have reasonable data to feed into
	# On each spectrum the following function analyzeTandemShot will be applied.
	# It takes the raw peaks matrix as argument (mz, int) and processes the spectrum by
	# filtering out low-intensity (<1e4) and shoulder peaks (deltam/z < 0.5, intensity
	# < 5%) and subsequently matching the peaks to formulas using Rcdk, discarding peaks
	# with insufficient match accuracy or no match.
	analyzeTandemShot <- function(child)
		shot <- getData(child)
		shot$row <- which(!is.na(shot$mz))
		# Filter out low intensity peaks:
		child@low <- (shot$intensity < cut) | (shot$intensity < max(shot$intensity)*cut_ratio)
		shot_full <- shot
        shot <- shot[!child@low,,drop=FALSE]
		# Is there still anything left?
			child@ok <- FALSE
		# Filter out satellite peaks:
		shot <- filterPeakSatellites(shot, filterSettings)
		child@satellite <- rep(TRUE, child@peaksCount)
		child@satellite[which(child@low == TRUE)] <- NA
		child@satellite[shot$row] <- FALSE
		# Is there still anything left?
			child@ok <- FALSE
		if(max(shot$intensity) < as.numeric(filterSettings$specOkLimit))
			child@ok <- FALSE

		# here follows the fake analysis
		childPeaks <- addProperty(shot_full, "rawOK", "logical", FALSE)
        childPeaks[!(child@low | child@satellite),"rawOK"] <- TRUE
        childPeaks <- addProperty(childPeaks, "good", "logical", FALSE)
		childPeaks[childPeaks$rawOK,"good"] <- TRUE

		childPeaks <- addProperty(childPeaks, "mzCalc", "numeric")
		childPeaks[childPeaks$rawOK,"mzCalc"] <- childPeaks[childPeaks$rawOK,"mz"]
		childPeaks <- addProperty(childPeaks, "formula", "character")
		childPeaks[childPeaks$rawOK,"formula"] <- ""
		childPeaks <- addProperty(childPeaks, "dbe", "numeric")
		childPeaks[childPeaks$rawOK,"dbe"] <- 0
		childPeaks <- addProperty(childPeaks, "formulaCount", "integer")
		childPeaks[childPeaks$rawOK,"formulaCount"] <- 1
		childPeaks <- addProperty(childPeaks, "dppm", "numeric")
		childPeaks[childPeaks$rawOK,"dppm"] <- 0
		childPeaks <- addProperty(childPeaks, "dppmBest", "numeric")
		childPeaks[childPeaks$rawOK,"dppmBest"] <- 0
		child <- setData(child, childPeaks)
		child@ok <- TRUE
	children <- lapply(msmsPeaks@children, analyzeTandemShot)
	msmsPeaks@children <- as(children, "SimpleList")


	# Omit all the stuff below for now, I don't believe it is needed. One thing is that spectraList info will have to be added somewhere else.
	## shots <- mapply(function(shot, scan, info)
	##         {
	##             shot$scan <- scan
	##             shot$info <- info
	##             shot$header <- msmsPeaks$childHeaders[as.character(scan),]
	##             return(shot)
	##         }, shots, msmsPeaks$childScans, spectraList, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	## mzranges <- t(sapply(shots, function(p) {return(range(p$childRaw[,mzColname]))}))
	## mzmin <- min(mzranges[,1], na.rm=TRUE)
	## mzmax <- max(mzranges[,2], na.rm=TRUE)
	## return(list(
	##                 msmsdata=shots,
	##                 mzrange=c(mzmin, mzmax),
	##                 id=msmsPeaks$id,
	##                 mode=mode,
	##                 parentHeader = msmsPeaks$parentHeader,
	##                 parentMs = msmsPeaks$parentPeak,
	##                 formula = msmsPeaks$formula,
	##                 foundOK = TRUE))

#' Filter peaks with low accuracy
#' Filters a peak table (with annotated formulas) for accuracy. Low-accuracy
#' peaks are removed.
#' In the \code{coarse} mode, mass tolerance is set to 10 ppm (above m/z 120)
#' and 15 ppm (below m/z 120). This is useful for formula assignment before
#' recalibration, where a wide window is desirable to accomodate the high mass
#' deviations at low m/z values, so we get a nice recalibration curve.
#' In the \code{fine} run, the mass tolerance is set to 5 ppm over the whole
#' mass range. This should be applied after recalibration.
#' @usage filterLowaccResults(peaks, mode="fine", filterSettings  = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings)
#' @param peaks A data frame with at least the columns \code{mzFound} and
#' \code{dppm}.
#' @param mode \code{coarse} or \code{fine}, see below.
#' @param filterSettings Settings for filtering. For details, see documentation of
#' 		\code{\link{analyzeMsMs}}
#' @return A \code{list(TRUE = goodPeakDataframe, FALSE = badPeakDataframe)} is
#' returned: A data frame with all peaks which are "good" is in
#' \code{return[["TRUE"]]}.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{analyzeMsMs}}, \code{\link{filterPeakSatellites}}
#' @examples
#' # from analyzeMsMs:
#' \dontrun{childPeaksFilt <- filterLowaccResults(childPeaksInt, filterMode)}
filterLowaccResults <- function(peaks, mode="fine", filterSettings  = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings)
  # Check if filter settings are properly set, otherwise use defaults 
	  filterSettings <- list(
			ppmHighMass = 10,
	  		ppmLowMass = 15,
	  		massRangeDivision = 120,
	  		ppmFine = 5)
  peaks$good = NA
  peaks[!is.na(peaks$dppm), "good"] <- TRUE
  # coarse mode: to use for determinating the recalibration function
    if(nrow(peaks[which(abs(peaks$dppm) > filterSettings$ppmHighMass),])>0)
    	peaks[which(abs(peaks$dppm) > filterSettings$ppmHighMass), "good"] <- FALSE
	if(nrow(peaks[which(peaks$mz > filterSettings$massRangeDivision & abs(peaks$dppm) > filterSettings$ppmLowMass),])>0)
    	peaks[which(peaks$mz > filterSettings$massRangeDivision & abs(peaks$dppm) > filterSettings$ppmLowMass), "good"] <- FALSE
  # fine mode: for use after recalibration
	if(nrow(peaks[which(abs(peaks$dppm) > filterSettings$ppmFine),]) > 0)
    	peaks[which(abs(peaks$dppm) > filterSettings$ppmFine), "good"] <- FALSE
  return(split(peaks, peaks$good))

#' Aggregate analyzed spectra
#' Groups an array of analyzed spectra and creates aggregated peak tables
#' \code{\var{addIncomplete}} is relevant for recalibration. For recalibration,
#' we want to use only high-confidence peaks, therefore we set
#' \code{\var{addIncomplete}} to \code{FALSE}. When we want to generate a peak
#' list for actually generating MassBank records, we want to include all peaks
#' into the peak tables.
#' @usage aggregateSpectra(spec,  addIncomplete=FALSE)
#' @param spec The \code{RmbSpectraSetList} of spectra sets (\code{RmbSpectraSet} objects) to aggregate
#' @param addIncomplete Whether or not the peaks from incomplete files (files
#' for which less than the maximal number of spectra are present)
#' @return 
#' A summary \code{data.frame} with all peaks (possibly multiple rows for one m/z value from a spectrum, see below) with columns:
#' \item{mzFound, intensity}{Mass and intensity of the peak}
#' \item{good}{if the peak passes filter criteria}
#' \item{mzCalc, formula, dbe, dppm}{calculated mass, formula, dbe and ppm deviation of the assigned formula}
#' \item{formulaCount, dppmBest}{Number of matched formulae for this m/z value, and ppm deviation of the best match}
#' \item{scan, cpdID, parentScan}{Scan number of the child and parent spectrum in the raw file, also the compound ID to which the peak belongs}
#' \item{dppmRc}{ppm deviation recalculated from the aggregation function}
#' \item{index}{Aggregate-table peak index, so the table can be subsetted, edited and results reinserted back into this table easily}
#' Further columns are later added by workflow steps 6 (electronic noise culler), 7 and 8.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{msmsWorkflow}}, \code{\link{analyzeMsMs}}
#' @examples
#' ## As used in the workflow:
#' \dontrun{%
#' 	w@@spectra <- lapply(w@@spectra, function(spec)
#' 		analyzeMsMs(spec, mode="pH", detail=TRUE, run="recalibrated", cut=0, cut_ratio=0 ) )
#' 	w@@aggregate <- aggregateSpectra(w@@spectra)
#' }
#' @export
aggregateSpectra <- function(spec,  addIncomplete=FALSE)
		aggSpectra <- selectSpectra(spec, "found", "object")
		aggSpectra <- selectSpectra(spec, "complete", "object")
	compoundTables <- lapply(aggSpectra, function(s)
				tables.c <- lapply(s@children, function(c)
							table.c <- getData(c)
							table.c <- table.c[table.c$rawOK,,drop=FALSE]
							# remove superfluous columns, since only rawOK peaks are selected anyway
							table.c$rawOK <- NULL
							table.c$low <- NULL
							table.c$satellite <- NULL
							# add scan no
							table.c$scan <- rep(c@acquisitionNum, nrow(table.c))
				table.cpd <- do.call(rbind, tables.c)
				## complete missing columns if necessary
				## mz intensity  good                                                                   scan cpdID parentScan
				## mz intensity  good    mzCalc    formula    dbe    formulaCount    dppm    dppmBest   scan cpdID parentScan
				columnNames <- c(       "mzCalc", "formula", "dbe", "formulaCount", "dppm", "dppmBest")
				if(all(!(columnNames %in% colnames(table.cpd))))
				  for(columnName in columnNames)
				    table.cpd[, columnName] <- as.numeric(rep(x = NA, times = nrow(table.cpd)))
				table.cpd$cpdID <- rep(s@id, nrow(table.cpd))
				table.cpd$name <- rep(s@name, nrow(table.cpd))
				table.cpd$parentScan <- rep(s@parent@acquisitionNum, nrow(table.cpd))
	aggTable <- do.call(rbind, compoundTables)
	if(is.null(aggTable)) aggTable <- data.frame("mz"=numeric(), "intensity"=numeric(), "good"=logical(), "mzCalc"=numeric(), "formula"=character(), "dbe"=numeric(), "formulaCount"=integer(), "dppm"=numeric(), "dppmBest"=numeric(), "scan"=integer(), "cpdID"=integer(), "parentScan"=integer(), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	colnames(aggTable)[1] <- "mzFound"

	aggTable <- addProperty(aggTable, "dppmRc", "numeric")
	aggTable <- addProperty(aggTable, "index", "integer")
	if(nrow(aggTable) > 0)
		aggTable$index <- 1:nrow(aggTable)
	aggTable[aggTable$good, "dppmRc"] <- (aggTable[aggTable$good, "mzFound"]/aggTable[aggTable$good, "mzCalc"] - 1)*1e6

#' Remove electronic noise
#' Removes known electronic noise peaks from a peak table
#' @usage cleanElnoise(peaks, noise=getOption("RMassBank")$electronicNoise,
#' 		width = getOption("RMassBank")$electronicNoiseWidth)
#' @param peaks An aggregated peak frame as described in \code{\link{aggregateSpectra}}. Columns
#' \code{mzFound}, \code{dppm} and \code{dppmBest} are needed.
#' @param noise A numeric vector of known m/z of electronic noise peaks from the instrument
#' 		Defaults to the	entries in the RMassBank settings.
#' @param width The window for the noise peak in m/z units. Defaults to the entries in 
#' 		the RMassBank settings.
#' @return Extends the aggregate data frame by column \code{noise} (logical), which is \code{TRUE} if the peak is marked as noise.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{msmsWorkflow}}
#' @examples
#' # As used in the workflow:
#' \dontrun{
#' 	    w@@aggregated <- 
#' 		cleanElnoise(w@@aggregated)	
#' }
#' @export
		signature=c("peaks", "noise", "width"),
				noise = getOption("RMassBank")$electronicNoise,
				width = getOption("RMassBank")$electronicNoiseWidth

.cleanElnoise.df <- function(peaks, noise=getOption("RMassBank")$electronicNoise,
		width = getOption("RMassBank")$electronicNoiseWidth)
	peaks <- addProperty(peaks, "noise", "logical", FALSE)
	# I don't think this makes sense if using one big table...
	## # use only best peaks
	## p_best <- peaks[is.na(peaks$dppmBest) | (peaks$dppm == peaks$dppmBest),]
  # remove known electronic noise
  p_eln <- peaks
  for(noisePeak in noise)
		noiseMatches <- which(!((p_eln$mzFound > noisePeak + width)	| (p_eln$mzFound < noisePeak - width)))
		if(length(noiseMatches) > 0)
			p_eln[noiseMatches, "noise"] <- TRUE

#' @export
setMethod("cleanElnoise", signature(peaks="data.frame", noise="numeric", width="numeric"),
		function(peaks, noise, width) .cleanElnoise.df(peaks, noise, width))

#' @export
setMethod("cleanElnoise", signature(peaks="RmbSpectrum2", noise="numeric", width="numeric"),
		function(peaks, noise, width) 
		 se <- peaks
		 data <- getData(se)
		 data$mzFound <- data$mz # this is a bit of a temporary workaround
		 se <- addProperty(se, "noise", "logical", FALSE)
		 data <- cleanElnoise(data, noise, width)
		 se <- setData(se, data)

#' @export
#' @describeIn selectPeaks A method to filter spectra to the specified peaks
setMethod("cleanElnoise", c("RmbSpectrum2List",noise="numeric", width="numeric"), function(peaks, noise, width)
			s <- lapply(peaks, function(s) cleanElnoise(s, noise, width))
			for(n in seq_len(length(peaks)))
				peaks[[n]] <- s[[n]]

setMethod("cleanElnoise", c("RmbSpectraSet", noise="numeric", width="numeric"), function(peaks, noise, width)
      if(length(peaks@children) == 0)
			children <- lapply(peaks@children, cleanElnoise, noise=noise, width=width)
			peaks@children <- as(children, "SimpleList")
#' Identify intense peaks (in a list of unmatched peaks)
#' Finds a list of peaks in spectra with a high relative intensity (>10% and
#' 1e4, or >1% and 1e5) to write a list of peaks which must be manually
#' checked.  Peaks orbiting around the parent peak mass (calculated from the
#' compound ID), which are very likely co-isolated substances, are ignored.
#' @usage problematicPeaks(peaks_unmatched, peaks_matched, mode = "pH")
#' @param peaks_unmatched Table of unmatched peaks, with at least \code{cpdID,
#' scan, mzFound, int}.
#' @param peaks_matched Table of matched peaks (used for base peak reference),
#' with at least \code{cpdID, scan, int}.
#' @param mode Processing mode (\code{"pH", "pNa"} etc.)
#' @return A filtered table with the potentially problematic peaks, including
#' the precursor mass and MSMS base peak intensity (\code{aMax}) for reference.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{msmsWorkflow}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # As used in the workflow: 
#' fp <- problematicPeaks(specs[!specs$filterOK & !specs$noise & 
#' 						((specs$dppm == specs$dppmBest) | (is.na(specs$dppmBest)))
#' 				,,drop=FALSE], peaksMatched(w), mode)
#' }
#' @export
problematicPeaks <- function(sp)
  sp <- addProperty(sp, "problematicPeak", "logical", FALSE)
  sp <- addProperty(sp, "aMax", "numeric", 0)
  sp <- addProperty(sp, "mzCenter", "numeric", sp@precursorMz)
  peaks <- getData(sp)
  peaks$`_index` <- seq_len(nrow(peaks))
  peaks$aMax <- max(peaksMatched(peaks)$intensity)
  peaks_unmatched <- peaks[!peaks$good,,drop=FALSE]
  #peaks_unmatched$aMax <- aMax
  p_control <- peaks_unmatched[
    ( (peaks_unmatched$intensity > 1e5) &
        (peaks_unmatched$intensity > 0.01*peaks_unmatched$aMax)) 
    | ( (peaks_unmatched$intensity > 1e4) &
          (peaks_unmatched$intensity > 0.1* peaks_unmatched$aMax)) ,]
  # use parent m/z to exclude co-isolated peaks
  #p_control$mzCenter <- numeric(nrow(p_control))
  p_control_noMH <- p_control[
		  (p_control$mzFound < p_control$mzCenter - 1) |
		  (p_control$mzFound > p_control$mzCenter + 1),,drop=FALSE]
  if(nrow(p_control_noMH) > 0)
    peaks[peaks$`_index` %in% p_control_noMH$`_index`]$problematicPeak <- TRUE
  sp <- setData(sp, peaks)

#' Generate list of problematic peaks
#' Generates a list of intense unmatched peaks for further review (the "failpeak list") and exports it if the archive name is given.
#' @param w \code{msmsWorkspace} to analyze. 
#' @param mode Processing mode (pH etc)
#' @param archivename Base name of the archive to write to (for "abc" the exported failpeaks list will be "abc_Failpeaks.csv").
#' if the compoundlist is complete, "tentative", if at least a formula is present or "unknown"
#' if the only know thing is the m/z
#' @return  Returns the aggregate data.frame with added column "\code{problematic}" (logical) which marks peaks which match the problematic criteria 
#' @author stravsmi
#' @export
processProblematicPeaks <- function(w, archivename = NA)
	w@spectra <- as(lapply(w@spectra, function(cpd) {
	  if(length(cpd@children) == 0)
	  cpd@children <- as(
	    lapply(cpd@children, problematicPeaks),
	}), "SimpleList")
	w@aggregated <- aggregateSpectra(w, addIncomplete = TRUE)
	fp <- w@aggregated[w@aggregated$problematicPeak,,drop=FALSE]
	fp$OK <- rep(FALSE, nrow(fp))
	# Select the columns for output into the failpeaks file
	fp <- fp[,c("OK", "name", "cpdID", "scan", "mzFound", "formula", 
	            "mzCalc", "dppm", "dbe", "intensity",
	            "formulaCount", "parentScan", "aMax", "mzCenter")]		
	  write.csv(fp, file=
	              paste(archivename,"_Failpeaks.csv", sep=''), row.names=FALSE)
	# TODO: Handle combineMultiplicities
	# Select the correct precursor scans. This serves to filter the list
	# for the cases where multiple workspaces were combined after step 7
	# with combineMultiplicities.
	# Note that this has drawbacks. Leaving the "duplicates" in would make it more easy
	# to identify legitimate unformulaed peaks. We might experiment by marking them up
	# somehow. 
	precursors <- unlist(lapply(selectSpectra(w, "found", "object"), function(s) s@parent@acquisitionNum))
	fp <- fp[
			fp$parentScan %in% precursors

#' Recalibrate MS/MS spectra
#' Recalibrates MS/MS spectra by building a recalibration curve of the
#' assigned putative fragments of all spectra in \code{aggregatedSpecs}
#' (measured mass vs. mass of putative associated fragment) and additionally
#' the parent ion peaks. 
#' Note that the actually used recalibration functions are governed by the
#' general MassBank settings (see \code{\link{recalibrate}}).
#' If a set of acquired LC-MS runs contains spectra for two different ion types
#' (e.g. [M+H]+ and [M+Na]+) which should both be processed by RMassBank, it is
#' necessary to do this in two separate runs. Since it is likely that one ion type
#' will be the vast majority of spectra (e.g. most in [M+H]+ mode), and only few
#' spectra will be present for other specific adducts (e.g. only few [M+Na]+ spectra),
#' it is possible that too few spectra are present to build a good recalibration curve
#' using only e.g. the [M+Na]+ ions. Therefore we recommend, for one set of LC/MS runs,
#' to build the recalibration curve for one ion type 
#' (\code{msmsWorkflow(mode="pH", steps=c(1:8), newRecalibration=TRUE)})
#' and reuse the same curve for processing different ion types 
#' (\code{msmsWorkflow(mode="pNa", steps=c(1:8), newRecalibration=FALSE)}).
#' This also ensures a consistent recalibration across all spectra of the same batch. 
#' @usage makeRecalibration(w, mode, 
#'  	recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy,
#' 		recalibrateMS1 = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateMS1,
#' 		recalibrator = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrator,
#' 		recalibrateMS1Window = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateMS1Window 
#' 		)
#'  recalibrateSpectra(mode, rawspec = NULL, rc = NULL, rc.ms1=NULL, w = NULL,
#' 		recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy,
#' 		recalibrateMS1 = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateMS1)
#'  recalibrateSingleSpec(spectrum, rc, 
#' 		recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy)
#' @aliases makeRecalibration recalibrateSpectra recalibrateSingleSpec
#' @param w For \code{makeRecalibration}: to perform the recalibration with. For \code{recalibrateSpectra}: 
#' 			the \code{msmsWorkspace} which contains the recalibration curves (alternatively to specifying \code{rc, rc.ms1}). 
#' @param spectrum For \code{recalibrateSingleSpec}:
#' 			a \code{MSnbase} \code{Spectrum}-derived object, commonly a \code{RmbSpectrum2} for MS2 or \code{Spectrum1} for MS1.
#' @param mode \code{"pH", "pNa", "pM", "mH", "mM", "mFA"} for different ions 
#' 			([M+H]+, [M+Na]+, [M]+, [M-H]-, [M]-, [M+FA]-).
#' @param rawspec For \code{recalibrateSpectra}:an \code{RmbSpectraSetList} of \code{RmbSpectraSet} objects
#' 			, as the \code{w@@spectra} slot from \code{msmsWorkspace} or any object returned by \code{\link{findMsMsHR}}.
#' 			If empty, no spectra are recalibrated, but the recalibration curve is
#' 			returned.  
#' @param rc,rc.ms1 The recalibration curves to be used in the recalibration.
#' @param recalibrateBy Whether recalibration should be done by ppm ("ppm") or by m/z ("mz").
#' @param recalibrateMS1 Whether MS1 spectra should be recalibrated separately ("separate"),
#' 		together with MS2 ("common") or not at all ("none"). Usually taken from settings.
#' @param recalibrator The recalibrator functions to be used.
#' 		 Refer to \code{\link{recalibrate}} for details. Usually taken from settings.
#' @param recalibrateMS1Window Window width to look for MS1 peaks to recalibrate (in ppm).
#' @return \code{makeRecalibration}: a \code{list(rc, rc.ms1)} with recalibration curves
#' 			for the MS2 and MS1 spectra.
#' 			\code{recalibrateSpectra}: if \code{rawspec} is not \code{NULL}, returns the recalibrated
#' 			spectra as \code{RmbSpectraSetList}. All spectra have their mass recalibrated and evaluation data deleted.
#' 			\code{recalibrateSingleSpec}: the recalibrated \code{Spectrum} (same object, recalibrated masses,
#' 				 evaluation data like assigned formulae etc. deleted). 
#' @examples \dontrun{ 
#' 			rcCurve <- recalibrateSpectra(w, "pH")
#' 			w@@spectra <- recalibrateSpectra(mode="pH", rawspec=w@@spectra, w=myWorkspace)
#' 			w@@spectra <- recalibrateSpectra(mode="pH", rawspec=w@@spectra,	rcCurve$rc, rcCurve$rc.ms1)
#' 			}
#' @author Michael Stravs, Eawag <michael.stravs@@eawag.ch>
#' @export 
makeRecalibration <- function(w, mode, 
		recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy,
		recalibrateMS1 = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateMS1,
		recalibrator = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrator,
		recalibrateMS1Window = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateMS1Window
		#cropSingleFormula = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateCropSingleFormula
		stop("No spectra present to generate recalibration curve.")

	rcdata <- peaksMatched(w)
	  rcdata <- rcdata[!is.na(rcdata$formulaCount) & rcdata$formulaCount == 1, ,drop=FALSE]
	#  rcdata <- rcdata[!is.na(rcdata$formulaCount), ,drop=FALSE]
	rcdata <- rcdata[,c("mzFound", "dppm", "mzCalc")]
	if(nrow(rcdata) == 0)
		stop("No peaks matched to generate recalibration curve.")
	ms1data <- recalibrate.addMS1data(w@spectra, mode, recalibrateMS1Window)
	ms1data <- ms1data[,c("mzFound", "dppm", "mzCalc")]
	if (recalibrateMS1 != "none") {
          ## Add m/z values from MS1 to calibration datapoints
          rcdata <- rbind(rcdata, ms1data)
	rcdata$dmz <- rcdata$mzFound - rcdata$mzCalc
	ms1data$dmz <- ms1data$mzFound - ms1data$mzCalc
	if(recalibrateBy == "dppm")
		rcdata$recalfield <- rcdata$dppm
		ms1data$recalfield <- ms1data$dppm
		rcdata$recalfield <- rcdata$dmz
		ms1data$recalfield <- ms1data$dmz
	# generate recalibration model
	rc <- do.call(recalibrator$MS2, list(rcdata)) 
	if(recalibrateMS1 == "separate")
		rc.ms1 <- do.call(recalibrator$MS1, list(ms1data)) 
		rc.ms1 <- rc
	# plot the model
		plotRecalibration.direct(rcdata = rcdata, rc = rc, rc.ms1 = rc.ms1, title = "MS2", 
				mzrange = range(rcdata$mzFound),
				recalibrateBy = recalibrateBy)
		plotRecalibration.direct(ms1data, rc, rc.ms1, "MS1",
	# Return the computed recalibration curves
	return(list(rc=rc, rc.ms1=rc.ms1))

#' Plot the recalibration graph.
#' @aliases plotRecalibration plotRecalibration.direct
#' @usage plotRecalibration(w, recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy)
#' 		plotRecalibration.direct(rcdata, rc, rc.ms1, title, mzrange,
#' 		recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy)
#' @param w The workspace to plot the calibration graph from
#' @param rcdata A data frame with columns \code{recalfield} and \code{mzFound}.
#' @param rc Predictor for MS2 data
#' @param rc.ms1 Predictor for MS1 data
#' @param title Prefix for the graph titles
#' @param mzrange m/z value range for the graph
#' @param recalibrateBy Whether recalibration was done by ppm ("ppm") or by m/z ("mz").
#' 		Important only for graph labeling here.
#' @author Michele Stravs, Eawag <michael.stravs@@eawag.ch>
#' @export
plotRecalibration <- function(w, recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy)
	spec <- w@aggregated
		spec <- w@parent@aggregated

	rcdata <- data.frame(mzFound = w@rc$x, recalfield = w@rc$y)
	ms1data <- data.frame(mzFound = w@rc.ms1$x, recalfield = w@rc.ms1$y)
		plotRecalibration.direct(rcdata, w@rc, w@rc.ms1, "MS2", 
		plotRecalibration.direct(ms1data, w@rc, w@rc.ms1, "MS1",

#' @export 
plotRecalibration.direct <- function(rcdata, rc, rc.ms1, title, mzrange,
		recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy
	if(recalibrateBy == "dppm")
		ylab.plot <- expression(paste(delta, "ppm"))
		ylab.plot <- expression(paste(delta, "m/z"))	
	plot(recalfield ~ mzFound, data=rcdata,
			xlab = "m/z", ylab = ylab.plot, main=paste(title, "scatterplot"))
	RcModelMz <- seq(mzrange[[1]], mzrange[[2]], by=0.2)
	RcModelRecal <- predict(rc, newdata= data.frame(mzFound =RcModelMz))
	RcModelRecalMs1 <- predict(rc.ms1, newdata= data.frame(mzFound =RcModelMz))
	lines(RcModelMz, RcModelRecal, col="blue")
	lines(RcModelMz, RcModelRecalMs1, col="yellow")
	if((length(unique(rcdata$mzFound))>1) & 
			gplots::hist2d(rcdata$mzFound, rcdata$recalfield, 
					col=c("white", heat.colors(12)), xlab="m/z", 
					ylab = ylab.plot, main=paste(title, "density"))
			lines(RcModelMz, RcModelRecal, col="blue")
			lines(RcModelMz, RcModelRecalMs1, col="yellow")
			message("Package gplots not installed. The recalibration density plot will not be displayed.")
			message("To install gplots: install.packages('gplots')")

#' @export
recalibrateSpectra <- function(mode, rawspec = NULL, rc = NULL, rc.ms1=NULL, w = NULL,
		recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy,
		recalibrateMS1 = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateMS1)
	# Load the recal curves from the workspace if one is specified.
	  rc <- w@rc
	  rc.ms1 <- w@rc.ms1
  if(is.null(rc) || is.null(rc.ms1))
	  stop("Please specify the recalibration curves either via workspace (w) or via parameters rc, rc.ms1.")

  # Do the recalibration
	  # go through all raw spectra and recalculate m/z values
	  recalibratedSpecs <- lapply(rawspec, function(s)
					  # recalculate tandem spectrum peaks
					  recalSpectra <- lapply(s@children, function(p)
								  recalibrateSingleSpec(p, rc, recalibrateBy)
					  s@children <- as(recalSpectra, "SimpleList")
					  # recalculate MS1 spectrum if required
					  if(recalibrateMS1 != "none")
						  s@parent <- recalibrateSingleSpec(s@parent, rc.ms1, recalibrateBy)
				  s@empty <- NA
				  s@complete <- NA
			  } )
	  return(as(recalibratedSpecs, "SimpleList"))
  else # no rawspec passed

#' @export
recalibrateSingleSpec <- function(spectrum, rc, 
		recalibrateBy = getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateBy)
	spectrum.df <- as.data.frame(as(spectrum, "Spectrum"))
	spectrum.df <- spectrum.df[!duplicated(spectrum.df$mz),,drop=FALSE]
	spectrum.df <- spectrum.df[order(spectrum.df$mz),,drop=FALSE]
	mzVals <- spectrum.df
	if(nrow(mzVals) > 0)
		# Fix the column names so our
		# prediction functions choose the right
		# rows. 
		colnames(mzVals) <- c("mzFound", "int")
		drecal <- predict(rc, newdata=mzVals)
		if(recalibrateBy == "dppm")
			mzRecal <- mzVals$mzFound / (1 + drecal/1e6)
			mzRecal <- mzVals$mzFound - drecal
		# And rename them back so our "mz" column is
		# called "mz" again
	spectrum.df$mzRaw <- spectrum.df$mz
	spectrum.df$mz <- mzRecal
	# now comes the part that I don't like too much; this could be improved by using as.data.frame instead of getData and correspondingly
	# also not use setData. For now I leave it like this.
	# The problem is that I am not sure whether the default behaviour of as.RmbSpectrum2 should be clean=TRUE or FALSE,
	# and vice versa, I am not sure if as.data.frame should return only mz/int or the whole table.
	if(is(spectrum, "RmbSpectrum2"))
		# this removes all evaluated data that were added in step 2 except for @ok I think
		colnames(spectrum.df) <- c("mz", "intensity", "mzRaw")
		spectrum <- addProperty(spectrum, "mzRaw", "numeric", NA)
		spectrum <- setData(spectrum, spectrum.df, clean=TRUE)
		# It also avoids making a new object when we don't know what class it should be 
		# for Spectrum1 or all others that we don't know
		spectrum@mz <- spectrum.df$mz
		spectrum@intensity <- spectrum.df$i

#' Filter satellite peaks
#' Filters satellite peaks in FT spectra which arise from FT artifacts and from
#' conversion to stick mode. A very simple rule is used which holds mostly true
#' for MSMS spectra (and shouldn't be applied to MS1 spectra which contain
#' isotope structures...)
#' The function cuts off all peaks within 0.5 m/z from every peak, in
#' decreasing intensity order, which are below 5% of the referring peak's
#' intensity.  E.g. for peaks m/z=100, int=100; m/z=100.2, int=2, m/z=100.3,
#' int=6, m/z 150, int=10: The most intense peak (m/z=100) is selected, all
#' neighborhood peaks below 5% are removed (in this case, only the m/z=100.2
#' peak) and the next less intense peak is selected. Here this is the m/z=150
#' peak. All low-intensity neighborhood peaks are removed (nothing). The next
#' less intense peak is selected (m/z=100.3) and again neighborhood peaks are
#' cut away (nothing to cut here. Note that the m/z = 100.2 peak was alredy
#' removed.)
#' @usage filterPeakSatellites(peaks, filterSettings = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings)
#' @param peaks A peak dataframe with at least the columns \code{mz, int}. Note
#' that \code{mz} is used even for the recalibrated spectra, i.e. the
#' desatellited spectrum is identical for both the unrecalibrated and the
#' recalibrated spectra.
#' @param filterSettings The settings used for filtering. Refer to \code{\link{analyzeMsMs}}
#' 		documentation for filter settings.
#' @return Returns the peak table with satellite peaks removed.
#' @note This is a very crude rule, but works remarkably well for our spectra.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{analyzeMsMs}}, \code{\link{filterLowaccResults}}
#' @examples
#' # From the workflow:
#' \dontrun{
#'     # Filter out satellite peaks:
#'     shot <- filterPeakSatellites(shot)
#'     shot_satellite_n <- setdiff(row.names(shot_full), row.names(shot))
#'     shot_satellite <- shot_full[shot_satellite_n,]
#'     # shot_satellite contains the peaks which were eliminated as satellites.
#' }
#' @export
filterPeakSatellites <- function(peaks, filterSettings = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings)
	mergePeaks(peaks, 0, filterSettings$satelliteMzLimit, filterSettings$satelliteIntLimit)

#' Reanalyze unmatched peaks
#' Reanalysis of peaks with no matching molecular formula by allowing
#' additional elements (e.g. "N2O").
#' \code{reanalyzeFailpeaks} examines the \code{unmatchedPeaksC} table in
#' \code{specs} and sends every peak through \code{reanalyzeFailpeak}.
#' @aliases reanalyzeFailpeaks reanalyzeFailpeak
#' @usage reanalyzeFailpeaks(aggregated, custom_additions, mode, filterSettings =
#' 				getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings, progressbar = "progressBarHook")
#' reanalyzeFailpeak(custom_additions, mass, cpdID, counter, pb = NULL, mode,
#' 				filterSettings = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings)
#' @param aggregated A peake aggregate table (\code{w@@aggregate}) (after processing electronic noise removal!)
#' @param custom_additions The allowed additions, e.g. "N2O".
#' @param mode Processing mode (\code{"pH", "pNa", "mH"} etc.)
#' @param mass (Usually recalibrated) m/z value of the peak.
#' @param cpdID Compound ID of this spectrum.
#' @param counter Current peak index (used exclusively for the progress
#' indicator)
#' @param pb A progressbar object to display progress on, as passed by
#'  \code{reanalyzeFailpeaks} to \code{reanalyzeFailpeak}. No progress 
#' is displayed if NULL.
#' @param progressbar The progress bar callback to use. Only needed for specialized
#'  applications.	Cf. the documentation of \code{\link{progressBarHook}} for usage.
#' @param filterSettings Settings for filtering data. Refer to\code{\link{analyzeMsMs}} for settings.
#' @return The aggregate data frame extended by the columns:
#' #' \item{reanalyzed.???}{If reanalysis (step 7) has already been processed: matching values from the reanalyzed peaks}
#' \item{matchedReanalysis}{Whether reanalysis has matched (\code{TRUE}), not matched(\code{FALSE}) or has not been conducted for the peak(\code{NA}).}
#' It would be good to merge the analysis functions of \code{analyzeMsMs} with
#' the one used here, to simplify code changes.
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso \code{\link{analyzeMsMs}}, \code{\link{msmsWorkflow}}
#' @examples
#' ## As used in the workflow:
#' \dontrun{    
#' 	reanalyzedRcSpecs <- reanalyzeFailpeaks(w@@aggregated, custom_additions="N2O", mode="pH")
#' # A single peak:
#' reanalyzeFailpeak("N2O", 105.0447, 1234, 1, 1, "pH")
#' }
#' @export
reanalyzeFailpeaks <- function(w, custom_additions, mode, filterSettings =
				getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings, progressbar = "progressBarHook")
	nProg <- 0
	nLen <- length(w@spectra)
	pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object = NULL, value = 0, 
					min = 0, max = nLen))
	spectra <- lapply(w@spectra, function(sp) {
				if(length(sp@children) == 0)
				children <- lapply(sp@children, function(ch) {
							peaks <- getData(ch)
							# get the peaks that have no matching formula, but are considered not noise etc.
							mzGood <- peaks$mz[peaks$good]
							peaksReanalyze <- !(peaks$mz %in% mzGood)
							peaksReanalyze <- peaksReanalyze & peaks$rawOK
							peaks.sp <- split(peaks, !peaksReanalyze)
							if (!is.null(peaks.sp[["FALSE"]])) {
								fp <- peaks.sp[["FALSE"]]
								fp <- fp[!duplicated(fp$mz),,drop=FALSE]
								peaks.rean <- lapply(fp$mz, reanalyzeFailpeak, 
										custom_additions = custom_additions, cpdID = sp@id, 
										mode = mode, filterSettings = filterSettings)
								matched <- (unlist(lapply(peaks.rean, nrow))) > 
								df.rean <- do.call(rbind, peaks.rean[matched])
								fp[matched, colnames(df.rean)] <- df.rean
								fp[matched, "formulaSource"] <- rep("reanalysis", 
								peaks.sp[["FALSE"]] <- fp
								peaks <- do.call(rbind, peaks.sp)
								ch <- setData(ch, peaks)
				sp@children <- as(children, "SimpleList")
				nProg <<- nProg + 1
				pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object = pb, value = nProg))
	w@spectra <- as(spectra, "SimpleList")
	do.call(progressbar, list(object = pb, close = TRUE))

#' @export
reanalyzeFailpeak <- function(mass, custom_additions, cpdID, mode,
		filterSettings = getOption("RMassBank")$filterSettings)
	# here follows the Rcdk analysis
	# the ppm range is two-sided here.
	# The range is slightly expanded because dppm calculation of
	# generate.formula starts from empirical mass, but dppm cal-
	# culation of the evaluation starts from theoretical mass.
	# So we don't miss the points on 'the border'.
	db_formula <- findFormula(cpdID, retrieval=findLevel(cpdID,TRUE))
	# get the adduct additions
	adductProperties <- getAdductProperties(mode, db_formula)
	allowed_additions <- adductProperties$addition
	mode.charge <- adductProperties$charge
	ppmlimit <- 2.25 * filterSettings$ppmFine
	parent_formula <- add.formula(db_formula, allowed_additions)
	parent_formula <- add.formula(parent_formula, custom_additions)
	dbe_parent <- dbe(parent_formula)
	# check whether the formula is valid, i.e. has no negative or zero element numbers.
	limits <- to.limits.rcdk(parent_formula)        
	peakformula <- tryCatch(
	  suppressWarnings(generate.formula(mass.calc, ppm(mass.calc, ppmlimit, p=TRUE),
	                                    limits, charge=0)),
	  error = function(e) list())
	else # if is.list(peakformula)
	# formula found? then return the one with lowest dppm
		# calculate dppm for all formulas
		peakformula <- sapply(peakformula, function(f)
					l <- list(mz=as.numeric(as.character(mass)),
		# filter out bad dbe stuff
		peakformula <- as.data.frame(t(peakformula))
		# for some reason completely oblivious to me, the columns in peakformula
		# are still factors, even though i de-factored them by hand.
		# Therefore, convert them again...
		peakformula$mz <- as.numeric(as.character(peakformula$mz))
		peakformula$formula <- as.character(peakformula$formula)
		peakformula$mzCalc <- as.numeric(as.character(peakformula$mzCalc))
		peakformula$dppm <- (peakformula$mz / peakformula$mzCalc - 1) * 1e6
		# filter out bad dbe and high ppm stuff          
		peakformula$dbe <- unlist(lapply(peakformula$formula, dbe))
		peakformula <- peakformula[(peakformula$dbe >= filterSettings$dbeMinLimit) 
						& (abs(peakformula$dppm) < filterSettings$ppmFine),]
		# is there still something left?
		if(nrow(peakformula) == 0)
			#update formula count to the remaining formulas
			peakformula$good = TRUE
	} # endif is.list(peakformula)


#' Multiplicity filtering: Removes peaks which occur only once in a n-spectra set.
#' For every compound, every peak (with annotated formula) is compared 
#' across all spectra. Peaks whose formula occurs only once for all collision energies
#' / spectra types, are discarded. This eliminates "stochastic formula hits" of pure
#' electronic noise peaks efficiently from the spectra. Note that in the author's 
#' experimental setup two spectra were recorded at every collision energy,
#' and therefore every peak-formula should appear
#' at least twice if it is real, even if it is by chance a fragment which appears
#' on only one collision energy setting. The function was not tested in a different
#' setup. Therefore, use with a bit of caution.
#' @usage filterPeaksMultiplicity(peaks, formulacol, recalcBest = TRUE)
#' @param peaks An aggregate peak data.frame containing all peaks to be analyzed; with at least
#' 			the columns \code{cpdID, scan, mzFound} and one column for the formula
#' 			specified with the \code{formulacol} parameter. 
#' @param formulacol Which column the assigned formula is stored in. (Needed to separately process \code{"formula"} and
#' 			\code{"reanalyzed.formula"} multiplicites.)
#' @param recalcBest Whether the best formula for each peak should be re-determined.
#' 			This is necessary for results from the ordinary \code{\link{analyzeMsMs}}
#' 			analysis which allows multiple potential formulas per peak - the old best match
#' 			could potentially have been dropped because of multiplicity filtering. For results
#' 			from \code{\link{reanalyzeFailpeak}} this is not necessary, since only one potential
#' 			formula is assigned in this case.
#' @return The peak table is returned, enriched with columns:
#' 			\itemize{
#' 				\item{\code{formulaMultiplicity}}{The # of occurrences of this formula
#' 					in the spectra of its compounds.}
#' 			}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' 		peaksFiltered <- filterPeaksMultiplicity(peaksMatched(w), 
#' 			"formula", TRUE)
#' 		peaksOK <- subset(peaksFiltered, formulaMultiplicity > 1)
#' }
#' @author Michael Stravs, EAWAG <michael.stravs@@eawag.ch>
#' @export
filterPeaksMultiplicity <- function(w, recalcBest = TRUE)
	spectra <- lapply(w@spectra, function(sp)
				allPeaks <- lapply(sp@children, getData)
				childrenOK <- unlist(lapply(sp@children, function(c) c@ok))
				allPeaks <- allPeaks[childrenOK]
				allPeaks.df <- do.call(rbind, allPeaks)
				# sum the count per formula
				formulaMultiplicity <- table(allPeaks.df$formula[allPeaks.df$good %in% TRUE])
				allPeaks <- lapply(allPeaks, function(peaks)
							peaks$formulaMultiplicity <- formulaMultiplicity[peaks$formula]
							#peaks$fM_factor <- as.factor(peaks$formulaMultiplicity)
							if(recalcBest == FALSE)
							# prioritize duplicate peaks
							# get unique peaks with their maximum-multiplicity formula attached
							peaksMult <- peaks[(peaks$good %in% TRUE),,drop=FALSE]
							if(nrow(peaksMult) == 0)
							  best_mult <- data.frame(mz = numeric(), bestMultiplicity = integer())
							else {
							  best_mult <- aggregate(as.integer(peaksMult$formulaMultiplicity), 
							                         function(x) max(c(0,x), na.rm=TRUE))
							  colnames(best_mult) <- c("mz", "bestMultiplicity")
							peaks$bestMultiplicity <- NULL
							peaks <- merge(peaks, best_mult, by="mz", all.x = TRUE)
							#peaks <- peaks[peaks$formulaMultiplicity==peaks$bestMultiplicity,]
							# now we also have to recalculate dppmBest since the "old best" may have been
							# dropped.
							peaks$dppmBest <- NULL
							peaksBestMult <- peaks[peaks$formulaMultiplicity==peaks$bestMultiplicity & (peaks$good %in% TRUE),, drop=FALSE]
							if(nrow(peaksBestMult) == 0)
							  bestPpm <- data.frame(mz = numeric(), dppmBest = integer())
							else {
							  bestPpm <- aggregate(peaksBestMult$dppm, 
							                       function(dppm) dppm[which.min(abs(dppm))])
							  colnames(bestPpm) <- c("mz", "dppmBest")  
							peaks$dppmBest <- NULL
							peaks <- merge(peaks, bestPpm, all.x = TRUE)
							# return the multiplicity-culled (not yet filtered) peak table, which has
							# the new additional columns formulaMultiplicity and bestMultiplicity
				# if recalcBest is activated, we need to recalculate the multiplicity too, since peaks could have been dropped in
				# by the dppmBest recalculation
				# (note: this is to make the output consistent, so if you count the multiplicities of the peaks by hand you get
				# the same result as is written in the data. Otherwise a peak might show 2 multiplicity but in reality one of the
				# two was dropped. It is debatable if this is really necessary, since we might kick out one or two peaks too much
				# because of this step)
					allPeaks.df <- do.call(rbind, allPeaks)
					# sum the count per formula
					#formulaMultiplicity <- table(allPeaks.df$formula[allPeaks.df$good %in% TRUE])
					formulaMultiplicity <- table(allPeaks.df$formula[(allPeaks.df$good %in% TRUE) & (allPeaks.df$dppm == allPeaks.df$dppmBest)])
					allPeaks <- lapply(allPeaks, function(peaks)
								peaks$formulaMultiplicity <- formulaMultiplicity[peaks$formula]
				# Write the data back to the spectra
				rewritePos <- which(childrenOK)
				for(i_ in seq_along(rewritePos))
				  i <- rewritePos[[i_]]
					sp@children[[i]] <- addProperty(sp@children[[i]], "formulaMultiplicity", "integer", NA)
					sp@children[[i]] <- addProperty(sp@children[[i]], "bestMultiplicity", "integer", NA)
					sp@children[[i]] <- setData(sp@children[[i]], allPeaks[[i_]])
	w@spectra <- as(spectra, "SimpleList")

#' filterMultiplicity
#' Multiplicity filtering: Removes peaks which occur only once in a n-spectra
#' set.
#' This function executes multiplicity filtering for a set of spectra using the
#' workhorse function \code{\link{filterPeaksMultiplicity}} (see details there)
#' and retrieves problematic filtered peaks (peaks which are of high intensity
#' but were discarded, because either no formula was assigned or it was not
#' present at least 2x), using the workhorse function
#' \code{\link{problematicPeaks}}. The results are returned in a format ready
#' for further processing with \code{\link{mbWorkflow}}.
#' @usage filterMultiplicity(w, archivename=NA, mode="pH", recalcBest = TRUE,
#' 		multiplicityFilter = getOption("RMassBank")$multiplicityFilter)
#' @param w Workspace containing the data to be processed (aggregate table and \code{RmbSpectraSet} objects)
#' @param archivename The archive name, used for generation of
#' archivename_Failpeaks.csv
#' @param mode Mode of ion analysis
#' @param recalcBest Boolean, whether to recalculate the formula multiplicity 
#' 		after the first multiplicity filtering step. Sometimes, setting this
#' 		to FALSE can be a solution if you have many compounds with e.g. fluorine
#' 		atoms, which often have multiple assigned formulas per peak and might occasionally
#' 		lose peaks because of that. 
#' @param multiplicityFilter Threshold for the multiplicity filter. If set to 1,
#' 		no filtering will apply (minimum 1 occurrence of peak). 2 equals minimum
#' 		2 occurrences etc. 
#' @return A list object with values: 
#' \item{peaksOK}{ Peaks with >1-fold formula multiplicity from the
#' 		"normal" peak analysis.  } 
#' \item{peaksReanOK}{ Peaks with >1-fold formula multiplicity from
#' 		peak reanalysis.  }
#' \item{peaksFiltered}{ All peaks with annotated formula multiplicity from
#' 		first analysis.  } 
#' \item{peaksFilteredReanalysis}{ All peaks with annotated
#' 		formula multiplicity from peak reanalysis.  } 
#' \item{peaksProblematic}{ Peaks with high intensity which do not match 
#' 		inclusion criteria -> possible false negatives. The list will be
#' 		exported into archivename_failpeaks.csv.
#' }
#' @author Michael Stravs
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{filterPeaksMultiplicity}},\code{\link{problematicPeaks}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'     refilteredRcSpecs <- filterMultiplicity(
#' 			w, "myarchive", "pH")
#' }
#' @export
filterMultiplicity <- function(w, archivename=NA, mode="pH", recalcBest = TRUE,
		multiplicityFilter = getOption("RMassBank")$multiplicityFilter)
  # Read multiplicity filter setting
  # For backwards compatibility: If the option is not set, define as 2
  # (which was the behaviour before we introduced the option)
    multiplicityFilter <- 2
	# perform the counting:
    w <- filterPeaksMultiplicity(w, recalcBest)

	# now add the filter criterion to the spectra:
	spectra <- lapply(w@spectra, function(sp)
				mz <- sp@mz
				if(length(sp@children) == 0)
				children <- lapply(sp@children, function(ch)
				      if(ch@ok == FALSE)
							# filterOK TRUE if multiplicity is sufficient
							ch <- addProperty(ch, "filterOK", "logical", NA)
							property(ch, "filterOK") <- (property(ch, "formulaMultiplicity") > (multiplicityFilter - 1)) &
							  (ch@good == TRUE) 
							# filterOK FALSE if the peak is a reanalyzed peak and is a M+H+ satellite
							peaks <- getData(ch)
							reanSat <- which(
									(peaks$formulaSource == "reanalysis") &
									(abs(peaks$mz - mz) < 1) &
							peaks[reanSat, "filterOK"] <- rep(FALSE, length(reanSat))
							ch <- setData(ch, peaks)
				sp@children <- as(children, "SimpleList")
	w@spectra <- as(spectra, "SimpleList")

#' Return MS1 peaks to be used for recalibration
#' Returns the precursor peaks for all MS1 spectra in the \code{spec} dataset
#' with annotated formula to be used in recalibration.
#' For all spectra in \code{spec$specFound}, the precursor ion is extracted from
#' the MS1 precursor spectrum. All found ions are returned in a data frame with a
#' format matching \code{spec$peaksMatched} and therefore suitable for \code{rbind}ing
#' to the \code{spec$peaksMatched} table. However, only minimal information needed for
#' recalibration is returned. 
#' @usage  recalibrate.addMS1data(spec,mode="pH", recalibrateMS1Window = 
#' 				getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrateMS1Window)
#' @param spec A \code{msmsWorkspace} or \code{RmbSpectraSetList} containing spectra for which MS1 "peaks" should be "constructed". 
#' @param mode \code{"pH", "pNa", "pM", "pNH4",  "mH", "mM", "mFA"} for different ions 
#' 			([M+H]+, [M+Na]+, [M]+,  [M+NH4]+, [M-H]-, [M]-, [M+FA]-).
#' @param recalibrateMS1Window Window width to look for MS1 peaks to recalibrate (in ppm).
#' @return A dataframe with columns \code{mzFound, formula, mzCalc, dppm, dbe, int,
#' 		dppmBest, formulaCount, good, cpdID, scan, parentScan, dppmRc}. However,
#' 		columns \code{dbe, int, formulaCount, good, scan, parentScan} do not contain
#' 		real information and are provided only as fillers.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # More or less as used in recalibrateSpectra:
#' 		rcdata <- peaksMatched(w)
#' 		rcdata <- rcdata[rcdata$formulaCount == 1, ,drop=FALSE]
#' 		ms1data <- recalibrate.addMS1data(w, "pH", 15)
#' 		rcdata <- rbind(rcdata, ms1data)
#'  # ... continue constructing recalibration curve with rcdata
#' }
#' @author Michael Stravs, EAWAG <michael.stravs@@eawag.ch>
#' @export
recalibrate.addMS1data <- function(spec,mode="pH", recalibrateMS1Window = 
	## which_OK <- lapply(validPrecursors, function(pscan)
	##         {
	##             pplist <- as.data.frame(
	##                     mzR::peaks(msRaw, which(headerData$acquisitionNum == pscan)))
	##             colnames(pplist) <- c("mz","int")
	##             pplist <- subset(pplist, mz >= mzLimits$mzMin & mz <= mzLimits$mzMax)
	##             if(nrow(pplist) > 0)
	##                 return(TRUE)
	##             return(FALSE)
	##         })
	specFound <- selectSpectra(spec, "found", "object")
	ms1peaks <- lapply(specFound, function(cpd){
	    if(cpd@formula == "")
			mzL <- findMz.formula(cpd@formula,mode,recalibrateMS1Window,0)
			mzCalc <- mzL$mzCenter
			ms1 <- mz(cpd@parent)
			mzFound <- ms1[which.min(abs(ms1 - mzL$mzCenter))]
					mzFound = NA,
					mzCalc = mzCalc,
					dppm = NA
			} else {
				dppmRc <- (mzFound/mzCalc - 1)*1e6
					mzFound = mzFound,
					mzCalc = mzCalc,
					dppm = dppmRc,
	ms1peaks <- ms1peaks[which(!unlist(lapply(ms1peaks, is.null)))]
	ms1peaks <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, ms1peaks), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	# convert numbers to numeric
	tonum <- c("mzFound", "dppm", "mzCalc")
	ms1peaks[,tonum] <- as.numeric(unlist(ms1peaks[,tonum]))
	# throw out NA stuff
	ms1peaks <- ms1peaks[!is.na(ms1peaks$mzFound),]

# Custom recalibration function: You can overwrite the recal function by
# making any function which takes rcdata$recalfield ~ rcdata$mzFound.
# The settings define which recal function is used
# getOption("RMassBank")$recalibrator = list(
#	MS1 = "recalibrate.loess",
#	MS2 = "recalibrate.loess")

#' Predefined recalibration functions.
#' Predefined fits to use for recalibration: Loess fit and GAM fit.
#' \code{recalibrate.loess()} provides a Loess fit (\code{recalibrate.loess}) 
#' to a given recalibration parameter.  
#' If MS and MS/MS data should be fit together, recalibrate.loess 
#' provides good default settings for Orbitrap instruments.
#' \code{recalibrate.identity()} returns a non-recalibration, i.e. a predictor
#' which predicts 0 for all input values. This can be used if the user wants to
#' skip recalibration in the RMassBank workflow.
#' #' \code{recalibrate.mean()} and \code{recalibrate.linear()} are simple recalibrations
#' which return a constant shift or a linear recalibration. They will be only useful
#' in particular cases.
#' \code{recalibrate()} itself is only a dummy function and does not do anything.
#' Alternatively other functions can be defined. Which functions are used for recalibration
#' is specified by the RMassBank options file. (Note: if \code{recalibrateMS1: common}, the
#' \code{recalibrator: MS1} value is irrelevant, since for a common curve generated with
#' the function specified in \code{recalibrator: MS2} will be used.)
#' @aliases recalibrate.loess recalibrate recalibrate.identity recalibrate.mean recalibrate.linear
#' @usage recalibrate.loess(rcdata)
#' 		recalibrate.identity(rcdata)
#' 		recalibrate.mean(rcdata)
#' 		recalibrate.linear(rcdata)
#' @param rcdata A data frame with at least the columns \code{recalfield} and
#' 			\code{mzFound}. \code{recalfield} will usually contain delta(ppm) or
#' 			delta(mz) values and is the target parameter for the recalibration.
#' @return Returns a model for recalibration to be used with \code{predict} and the like.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' rcdata <- subset(spec$peaksMatched, formulaCount==1)
#' ms1data <- recalibrate.addMS1data(spec, mode, 15)
#' rcdata <- rbind(rcdata, ms1data)
#' rcdata$recalfield <- rcdata$dppm
#' rcCurve <- recalibrate.loess(rcdata)
#' # define a spectrum and recalibrate it
#' s <- matrix(c(100,150,200,88.8887,95.0005,222.2223), ncol=2)
#' colnames(s) <- c("mz", "int")
#' recalS <- recalibrateSingleSpec(s, rcCurve)
#' Alternative: define an custom recalibrator function with different parameters
#' recalibrate.MyOwnLoess <- function(rcdata)
#' {
#' 	return(loess(recalfield ~ mzFound, data=rcdata, family=c("symmetric"),
#' 					degree = 2, span=0.4))
#' }
#' # This can then be specified in the RMassBank settings file:
#' # recalibrateMS1: common
#' # recalibrator:
#' #    MS1: recalibrate.loess
#' #    MS2: recalibrate.MyOwnLoess")
#' # [...]
#' }
#' @author Michael Stravs, EAWAG <michael.stravs@@eawag.ch>
#' @export
recalibrate <- function()

#' @export
recalibrate.loess <- function(rcdata)
  span <- 0.25
  # ex XCMS (permission by Steffen): heuristically decide on loess vs linear
  mingroups <- nrow(rcdata[!is.na(rcdata$mzFound),])
  if(mingroups < 4)
    warning("recalibrate.loess: Not enough data points, omitting recalibration")
  } else if (mingroups*span < 4) {
    span <- 4/mingroups
    warning("recalibrate.loess: Span too small, resetting to ", round(span, 2))
	return(loess(recalfield ~ mzFound, data=rcdata, family=c("symmetric"),
					degree = 1, span=0.25, surface="direct" ))

#' @export 
recalibrate.identity <- function(rcdata)
	return(lm(recalfield ~ 0, data=rcdata))

#' @export 
recalibrate.mean <- function(rcdata)
  return(lm(recalfield ~ 1, data=rcdata))

#' @export 
recalibrate.linear <- function(rcdata)
  return(lm(recalfield ~ mzFound, data=rcdata))

#' Standard progress bar hook.
#' This function provides a standard implementation for the progress bar in RMassBank.
#' RMassBank calls the progress bar function in the following three ways:
#' \code{pb <- progressBarHook(object=NULL, value=0, min=0, max=LEN)}
#' to create a new progress bar.
#' \code{pb <- progressBarHook(object=pb, value= VAL)}
#' to set the progress bar to a new value (between the set \code{min} and \code{max})
#' \code{progressBarHook(object=pb, close=TRUE)}
#' to close the progress bar. (The actual calls are performed with \code{do.call}, 
#' e.g. 
#' \code{progressbar <- "progressBarHook"
#' pb <- do.call(progressbar, list(object=pb, value= nProg))
#' }. See the source code for details.)
#' To substitute the standard progress bar for an alternative implementation (e.g. for
#' use in a GUI), the developer can write his own function which behaves in the same way
#' as \code{progressBarHook}, i.e. takes the same parameters and can be called in the 
#' same way. 
#' @param object An identifier representing an instance of a progress bar. 
#' @param value The new value to assign to the progress indicator
#' @param min The minimal value of the progress indicator
#' @param max The maximal value of the progress indicator
#' @param close If \code{TRUE}, the progress bar is closed.
#' @return Returns a progress bar instance identifier (i.e. an identifier
#' 		which can be used as \code{object} in subsequent calls.) 
#' @author Michele Stravs, Eawag <stravsmi@@eawag.ch>
#' @export
progressBarHook <- function(object = NULL, value = 0, min = 0, max = 100, close = FALSE)
		object <- txtProgressBar(min, max, value, style=3, file=stderr())
		setTxtProgressBar(object, value)
sneumann/RMassBank documentation built on Oct. 20, 2020, 3:19 p.m.