
Defines functions matchedRtimes summarizeLamaMatch matchLamasChromPeaks .check_gam_library .rt_model .adjust_rt_model .match_reference_anchors adjustRtimeSubset .match_trim_vectors .match_trim_vector_index .get_closest_index .getPeakGroupsRtMatrix .applyRtAdjToChromPeaks .applyRtAdjustment .adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix .define_peak_groups do_adjustRtime_peakGroups

Documented in do_adjustRtime_peakGroups matchedRtimes matchLamasChromPeaks summarizeLamaMatch

## Retention time correction methods.
#' @include DataClasses.R functions-MsFeatureData.R

#' @title Align spectrum retention times across samples using peak groups
#' found in most samples
#' @description
#' The function performs retention time correction by assessing
#' the retention time deviation across all samples using peak groups
#' (features) containg chromatographic peaks present in most/all samples.
#' The retention time deviation for these features in each sample is
#' described by fitting either a polynomial (\code{smooth = "loess"}) or
#' a linear (\code{smooth = "linear"}) model to the data points. The
#' models are subsequently used to adjust the retention time for each
#' spectrum in each sample.
#' @note The method ensures that returned adjusted retention times are
#'     increasingly ordered, just as the raw retention times.
#' @details
#' The alignment bases on the presence of compounds that can be found
#' in all/most samples of an experiment. The retention times of individual
#' spectra are then adjusted based on the alignment of the features
#' corresponding to these \emph{house keeping compounds}. The paraneters
#' \code{minFraction} and \code{extraPeaks} can be used to fine tune which
#' features should be used for the alignment (i.e. which features
#' most likely correspond to the above mentioned house keeping compounds).
#' Parameter \code{subset} allows to define a subset of samples within the
#' experiment that should be aligned. All samples not being part of the subset
#' will be aligned based on the adjustment of the closest sample within the
#' subset. This allows to e.g. exclude blank samples from the alignment process
#' with their retention times being still adjusted based on the alignment
#' results of the \emph{real} samples.
#' @inheritParams adjustRtime
#' @param peaks a \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} with the identified
#'     chromatographic peaks in the samples.
#' @param peakIndex a \code{list} of indices that provides the grouping
#'     information of the chromatographic peaks (across and within samples).
#' @param rtime a \code{list} of \code{numeric} vectors with the retention
#'     times per file/sample.
#' @param peakGroupsMatrix optional \code{matrix} of (raw) retention times for
#'     peak groups on which the alignment should be performed. Each column
#'     represents a sample, each row a feature/peak group. If not provided,
#'     this matrix will be determined depending on parameters
#'     \code{minFraction} and \code{extraPeaks}. If provided,
#'     \code{minFraction} and \code{extraPeaks} will be ignored.
#' @return A \code{list} with \code{numeric} vectors with the adjusted
#'     retention times grouped by sample.
#' @family core retention time correction algorithms
#' @author Colin Smith, Johannes Rainer
#' @references
#' Colin A. Smith, Elizabeth J. Want, Grace O'Maille, Ruben Abagyan and
#' Gary Siuzdak. "XCMS: Processing Mass Spectrometry Data for Metabolite
#' Profiling Using Nonlinear Peak Alignment, Matching, and Identification"
#' \emph{Anal. Chem.} 2006, 78:779-787.
do_adjustRtime_peakGroups <-
    function(peaks, peakIndex, rtime = list(), minFraction = 0.9,
             extraPeaks = 1,
             smooth = c("loess", "linear"), span = 0.2,
             family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"),
             peakGroupsMatrix = matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0),
             subset = integer(), subsetAdjust = c("average", "previous")) {
        subsetAdjust <- match.arg(subsetAdjust)
        smooth <- match.arg(smooth)
        family <- match.arg(family)
        if (!nrow(peakGroupsMatrix))
            peakGroupsMatrix <- .define_peak_groups(
                peaks = peaks, peakIndex = peakIndex, subset = subset,
                minFraction = minFraction, extraPeaks = extraPeaks,
                total_samples = length(rtime))
            rtime, peakGroupsMatrix, smooth = smooth, span = span,
            family = family, subset = subset, subsetAdjust = subsetAdjust)

#' Performs all input parameter checks and then gets the peak group matrix
#' @noRd
.define_peak_groups <- function(peaks, peakIndex, subset = integer(),
                                minFraction = 0.9, extraPeaks = 1,
                                total_samples = integer()) {
    ## Check input.
    if (missing(peaks) | missing(peakIndex))
        stop("Arguments 'peaks' and 'peakIndex' are required if ",
             "'peakGroupsMatrix' is not provided!")
    ## minFraction
    if (any(minFraction > 1) | any(minFraction < 0))
        stop("'minFraction' has to be between 0 and 1!")
    ## Check peaks:
    OK <- .validChromPeaksMatrix(peaks)
    if (is.character(OK))
    ## Check peakIndex:
    if (any(!(unique(unlist(peakIndex)) %in% seq_len(nrow(peaks)))))
        stop("Some indices listed in 'peakIndex' are outside of ",
    if (length(subset)) {
        if (!is.numeric(subset))
            stop("If provided, 'subset' is expected to be an integer")
        if (!all(subset %in% seq_len(total_samples)))
            stop("One or more indices in 'subset' are out of range.")
        if (length(subset) < 2)
            stop("Length of 'subset' too small: minimum required samples for ",
                 "alignment is 2.")
    } else subset <- seq_len(total_samples)
    ## Translate minFraction to number of allowed missing samples.
    nSamples <- length(subset)
    missingSample <- nSamples - (nSamples * minFraction)
    ## Remove peaks not present in "subset" from the peakIndex
    peaks_in_subset <- which(peaks[, "sample"] %in% subset)
    peakIndex <- lapply(peakIndex, function(z) z[z %in% peaks_in_subset])
    .getPeakGroupsRtMatrix(peaks, peakIndex, subset,
                           missingSample, extraPeaks)

#' @param peakGroupsMatrix needs to be a matrix with retention times with
#'     number of columns being equal to the length of `subset` or number of
#'     samples (if `subset` is not defined).
#' @noRd
.adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix <-
    function(rtime, peakGroupsMatrix = matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0),
             smooth = c("loess", "linear"), span = 0.2,
             family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"),
             subset = integer(), subsetAdjust = c("average", "previous")) {
        if (!nrow(peakGroupsMatrix))
            stop("Parameter 'peakGroupsMatrix' is empty")
        if (missing(rtime))
            stop("Parameter 'rtime' is empty")
        ## Check rtime:
        if (!is.list(rtime))
            stop("'rtime' should be a list of numeric vectors with the ",
                 "retention times of the spectra per sample!")
        if (!all(unlist(lapply(rtime, is.numeric), use.names = FALSE)))
            stop("'rtime' should be a list of numeric vectors with the ",
                 "retention times of the spectra per sample!")
        total_samples <- length(rtime)
        if (length(subset)) {
            if (!is.numeric(subset))
                stop("If provided, 'subset' is expected to be an integer")
            if (!all(subset %in% seq_len(total_samples)))
                stop("One or more indices in 'subset' are out of range.")
            if (length(subset) < 2)
                stop("Length of 'subset' too small: minimum required ",
                     "samples for alignment is 2.")
        } else subset <- seq_len(total_samples)
        nSamples <- length(subset)
        ## Check if we've got a valid peakGroupsMatrix
        ## o Same number of samples.
        ## o range of rt values is within the rtime.
        if (ncol(peakGroupsMatrix) != nSamples)
            stop("Number of columns of 'peakGroupsMatrix' is ",
                 ncol(peakGroupsMatrix), " while ", nSamples,
                 " columns are expected")
        pg_range <- range(peakGroupsMatrix, na.rm = TRUE)
        rt_range <- range(rtime)
        if (!(pg_range[1] >= rt_range[1] & pg_range[2] <= rt_range[2]))
            stop("The retention times in 'peakGroupsMatrix' have to be within",
                 " the retention time range of the experiment!")
        rt <- peakGroupsMatrix
        message("Performing retention time correction using ", nrow(rt),
                " peak groups.")

        ## Calculate the deviation of each peak group in each sample from its
        ## median
        rtdev <- rt - apply(rt, 1, median, na.rm = TRUE)

        if (smooth == "loess") {
            mingroups <- min(colSums(!is.na(rt)))
            if (mingroups < 4) {
                smooth <- "linear"
                warning("Too few peak groups for 'loess', reverting to linear",
                        " method")
            } else if (mingroups * span < 4) {
                span <- 4 / mingroups
                warning("Span too small for 'loess' and the available number ",
                        "of peak groups, resetting to ", round(span, 2))

        rtdevsmo <- vector("list", nSamples)

        ## Code for checking to see if retention time correction is
        ## overcorrecting
        rtdevrange <- range(rtdev, na.rm = TRUE)
        warn.overcorrect <- FALSE
        warn.tweak.rt <- FALSE

        pb <- progress_bar$new(format = paste0("[:bar] :current/:",
                                               "total (:percent) in ",
                               total = length(subset),
                               clear = FALSE)
        rtime_adj <- rtime
        ## Adjust samples in subset.
        for (i in seq_along(subset)) {
            i_all <- subset[i]              # Index of sample in whole dataset.
            pts <- na.omit(data.frame(rt = rt[, i], rtdev = rtdev[, i]))

            ## order the data.frame such that rt and rtdev are increasingly
            ## ordered.
            pk_idx <- order(pts$rt, pts$rtdev)
            pts <- pts[pk_idx, ]
            if (smooth == "loess") {
                lo <- suppressWarnings(loess(rtdev ~ rt, pts, span = span,
                                             degree = 1, family = family))

                rtdevsmo[[i]] <- na.flatfill(
                    predict(lo, data.frame(rt = rtime[[i_all]])))
                ## Remove singularities from the loess function
                rtdevsmo[[i]][abs(rtdevsmo[[i]]) >
                              quantile(abs(rtdevsmo[[i]]), 0.9,
                                       na.rm = TRUE) * 2] <- NA
                if (length(naidx <- which(is.na(rtdevsmo[[i]]))))
                    rtdevsmo[[i]][naidx] <- suppressWarnings(
                               xout = rtime[[i_all]][naidx], rule = 2)$y

                ## Check if there are adjusted retention times that are not
                ## ordered increasingly. If there are, search for each first
                ## unordered rt the next rt that is larger and linearly
                ## interpolate the values in between (see issue #146 for an
                ## illustration).
                while (length(decidx <- which(diff(rtime[[i_all]] - rtdevsmo[[i]]) < 0))) {
                    warn.tweak.rt <- TRUE  ## Warn that we had to tweak the rts
                    rtadj <- rtime[[i_all]] - rtdevsmo[[i]]
                    rtadj_start <- rtadj[decidx[1]] ## start interpolating from here
                    next_larger <- which(rtadj > rtadj[decidx[1]])
                    if (length(next_larger) == 0) {
                        ## Fix if there is no larger adjusted rt up to the end.
                        next_larger <- length(rtadj) + 1
                        rtadj_end <- rtadj_start
                    } else {
                        next_larger <- min(next_larger)
                        rtadj_end <- rtadj[next_larger]
                    ## linearly interpolate the values in between.
                    adj_idxs <- (decidx[1] + 1):(next_larger - 1)
                    incr <- (rtadj_end - rtadj_start) / length(adj_idxs)
                    rtdevsmo[[i]][adj_idxs] <- rtime[[i_all]][adj_idxs] -
                        (rtadj_start + (1:length(adj_idxs)) * incr)

                rtdevsmorange <- range(rtdevsmo[[i]])
                if (any(rtdevsmorange / rtdevrange > 2))
                    warn.overcorrect <- TRUE
            } else {
                if (nrow(pts) < 2) {
                    stop("Not enough peak groups even for linear smoothing ",
                ## Use lm instead?
                fit <- lsfit(pts$rt, pts$rtdev)
                rtdevsmo[[i]] <- rtime[[i_all]] * fit$coef[2] + fit$coef[1]
                ptsrange <- range(pts$rt)
                minidx <- rtime[[i_all]] < ptsrange[1]
                maxidx <- rtime[[i_all]] > ptsrange[2]
                rtdevsmo[[i]][minidx] <- rtdevsmo[[i]][head(which(!minidx), n = 1)]
                rtdevsmo[[i]][maxidx] <- rtdevsmo[[i]][tail(which(!maxidx), n = 1)]
            ## Finally applying the correction
            rtime_adj[[i_all]] <- rtime[[i_all]] - rtdevsmo[[i]]
        ## Adjust the remaining samples.
        rtime_adj <- adjustRtimeSubset(rtime, rtime_adj, subset = subset,
                                       method = subsetAdjust)
        if (warn.overcorrect) {
            warning("Fitted retention time deviation curves exceed points ",
                    "by more than 2x. This is dangerous and the algorithm ",
                    "is probably overcorrecting your data. Consider ",
                    "increasing the span parameter or switching to the ",
                    "linear smoothing method.")

        if (warn.tweak.rt) {
            warning(call. = FALSE, "Adjusted retention times had to be ",
                    "re-adjusted for some files to ensure them being in ",
                    "the same order than the raw retention times. A call to ",
                    "'dropAdjustedRtime' might thus fail to restore retention ",
                    "times of chromatographic peaks to their original values. ",
                    "Eventually consider to increase the value of the 'span' ",

#' This function adjusts retentin times in the vector/matrix `x` given the
#' provided `numeric` vectors `rtraw` and `rtadj`.
#' @note
#' Values in `x` that are outside of the range of `rtraw` are linearly shifted
#' by the difference of the first/last adjusted value.
#' @details
#' The function uses `stepfun` to adjust `x` given adjustment from `rtraw`
#' to `rtadj`. It is possible to perform or to revert retention time
#' correction in `x` depending on whether raw or adjusted retention times are
#' provided with `rtraw` or `rtadj`, respectively.
#' See examples for details.
#' @param x A `numeric` or `matrix` with retention time values that should be
#'     adjusted.
#' @param rtraw `numeric` with raw retention times.
#' @param rtadj `numeric` with adjusted retention times.
#' @noRd
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @examples
#' ## Perform retention time correction:
#' ## feats is supposed to be the peaks matrix FOR A SINGLE SAMPLE, rtr and
#' ## rtc the raw and adjusted retention times of the spectras from the same
#' ## samples:
#' ## adjFts <- feats
#' ## adjFts[, c("rt", "rtmin", "rtmax")] <- .applyRtAdjustment(feats[, c("rt", "rtmin", "rtmax")], rtr, rtc)
#' ## To revert the adjustment: just switch the order of rtr and rtc
.applyRtAdjustment <- function(x, rtraw, rtadj) {
    ## re-order everything if rtraw is not sorted; issue #146
    if (is.unsorted(rtraw)) {
        idx <- order(rtraw)
        rtraw <- rtraw[idx]
        rtadj <- rtadj[idx]
    adjFun <- stepfun(rtraw[-1] - diff(rtraw) / 2, rtadj)
    res <- adjFun(x)
    ## Fix margins.
    idx_low <- which(x < rtraw[1])
    if (length(idx_low)) {
        first_adj <- idx_low[length(idx_low)] + 1
        res[idx_low] <- x[idx_low] + res[first_adj] - x[first_adj]
    idx_high <- which(x > rtraw[length(rtraw)])
    if (length(idx_high)) {
        last_adj <- idx_high[1] - 1
        res[idx_high] <- x[idx_high] + res[last_adj] - x[last_adj]
    if (is.null(dim(res)))
        names(res) <- names(x)

#' Helper function to apply retention time adjustment to already identified
#' peaks in the peaks matrix of an XCMSnExp (or peaks matrix of an
#' xcmsSet).
#' @noRd
.applyRtAdjToChromPeaks <- function(x, rtraw, rtadj) {
    if (!is.list(rtraw) | !is.list(rtadj))
        stop("'rtraw' and 'rtadj' are supposed to be lists!")
    if (length(rtraw) != length(rtadj))
        stop("'rtraw' and 'rtadj' have to have the same length!")
    ## Going to adjust the columns rt, rtmin and rtmax in x.
    ## Using a for loop here.
    for (i in seq_along(rtraw)) {
        whichSample <- which(x[, "sample"] == i)
        if (length(whichSample) && any(rtraw[[i]] != rtadj[[i]])) {
            x[whichSample, c("rt", "rtmin", "rtmax")] <-
                .applyRtAdjustment(x[whichSample, c("rt", "rtmin", "rtmax")],
                                   rtraw = rtraw[[i]], rtadj = rtadj[[i]])

#' Simple helper function to create a matrix with retention times for well
#' aligned peak groups, each row containing the rt of a peak group,
#' columns being samples.
#' @details This function is called internally by the
#'     do_adjustRtime_peakGroups function and the retcor.peakgroups method.
#' Update for version 4.1.4: correctly consider the `sampleIndex` and
#'     `missingSample` to select only peaks present in samples of an eventual
#'     sample subset (for subset-based alignment): fixes issue #702
#' @noRd
.getPeakGroupsRtMatrix <- function(peaks, peakIndex, sampleIndex,
                                   missingSample, extraPeaks) {
    ## For each feature:
    ## o extract the retention time of the peak with the highest intensity.
    ## o skip peak groups if they are not assigned a peak in at least a
    ##   minimum number of samples OR if have too many peaks from the same
    ##   sample assigned to it.
    req_samples <- length(sampleIndex) - missingSample
    rt <- lapply(peakIndex, function(z) {
        cur_fts <- peaks[z, c("rt", "into", "sample"), drop = FALSE]
        ## Return NULL if we've got less samples that required or the total
        ## number of peaks is larger than a certain threshold.
        smps <- cur_fts[, 3L]
        smps <- smps[smps %in% sampleIndex]
        nsamp <- length(unique(smps))
        if ((nsamp < req_samples) | (length(smps) > (nsamp + extraPeaks)))
        cur_fts[] <- cur_fts[order(cur_fts[, 2L], decreasing = TRUE), ,
                             drop = FALSE]
        cur_fts[match(sampleIndex, cur_fts[, 3L]), 1L]
    rt <- do.call(rbind, rt)
    ## Order them by median retention time. NOTE: this is different from the
    ## original code, in which the peak groups are ordered by the median
    ## retention time that is calculated over ALL peaks within the peak
    ## group, not only to one peak selected for each sample (for multi
    ## peak per sample assignments).
    ## Fix for issue #175
    if (is(rt, "matrix")) {
        rt <- rt[order(rowMedians(rt, na.rm = TRUE)), , drop = FALSE]

#' For a given index `x` return one from `idx` that is the *closest*, can be
#' either simply the `"next"`, or the `"closet"` (smallest difference to `x`).
#' For `"next"`: if there is no *next* index, it takes the previous.
#' @noRd
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' .get_closest_index(3, c(2, 4, 6, 8))
.get_closest_index <- function(x, idx, method = c("next", "previous",
                                                  "closest")) {
    method <- match.arg(method)
           `next` = {
               nxt <- idx > x
               if (any(nxt))
               else idx[!nxt][sum(!nxt)]
           `previous` = {
               prv <- idx < x
               if (any(prv))
               else idx[!prv][1]
           closest = {
               dst <- abs(idx - x)

#' *align* two vectors with each other. If they have a different length they
#' will be trimmed to have the same length starting from the end with the
#' smaller average difference (between 5 datapoints).
#' @param x `list` of two `numeric` vectors with potentially different length.
#' @return `list` of two `numeric` vectors with equal length.
#' @noRd
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @examples
#' x <- list(a = 1:10, b = 3:10)
#' .match_trim_vectors(x)
#' x <- list(a = 1:10, b = 2:15)
#' .match_trim_vectors(x)
#' x <- list(a = 1:20, b = 1:5)
#' .match_trim_vectors(x)
.match_trim_vector_index <- function(x, n = 5) {
    lens <- lengths(x)
    min_len <- min(lens)
    if (length(unique(lens)) == 1)
        replicate(n = length(lens), seq_len(min_len))
    hd <- vapply(x, function(z) mean(head(z, n = n)), numeric(1))
    tl <- vapply(x, function(z) mean(tail(z, n = n)), numeric(1))
    if (diff(range(hd)) <= diff(range(tl)))
        replicate(n = length(x), 1:min_len, FALSE)
        lapply(lens, function(z) (z - min_len + 1):z)

.match_trim_vectors <- function(x, n = 5, idxs) {
    if (missing(idxs))
        idxs <- .match_trim_vector_index(x, n = n)
    mapply(x, idxs, FUN = function(z, idx) z[idx], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

#' @title Adjust retention times based on alignment result from subset
#' @description
#' This function adjusts retention times based on the alignment results on a
#' subset of samples from an experiment. Specifically, the samples **not** part
#' of `subset` are adjusted based on the adjusted retention times of the
#' *closest* `subset` samples:
#' How the retention times will be adjusted depends on `method`:
#' - `"previous"`: adjusted retention times will match the adjusted retention
#'   times of the closest previous subset-sample.
#' - `"average"`: adjusted retention times for a non-subset sample is calculated
#'   based on the average retention times of the closest previous and following
#'   subset-sample. The average is calculated based on an weighted average
#'   with weights representing the distance of the non-subset sample to the
#'   closest subset samples.
#' @param rtraw `list` of raw retention times, one element/vector per sample.
#' @param rtadj `list` of adjusted retention times, one element/vector per
#'     sample. Has to have the same length than `rtraw`.
#' @param subset `integer` with the indices of the `subset` on which the
#'     alignment has been performed.
#' @param method `character` specifying the method with which the non-subset
#'     samples are adjusted: either `"previous"` or `"average"`. See details.
#' @return `list` of adjusted retention times.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
#' @md
adjustRtimeSubset <- function(rtraw, rtadj, subset,
                              method = c("average", "previous")) {
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if (length(rtraw) != length(rtadj))
        stop("Lengths of 'rtraw' and 'rtadj' have to match.")
    if (missing(subset))
        subset <- seq_along(rtraw)
    if (!all(subset %in% seq_along(rtraw)))
        stop("'subset' is out of bounds.")
    ## if (length(subset) == length(rtraw)) {
    ##     cat("return rtadj\n")
    ##     return(rtadj)
    ## }
    no_subset <- seq_len(length(rtraw))[-subset]
    for (i in no_subset) {
        message("Aligning sample number ", i, " against subset ... ",
                appendLF = FALSE)
        if (method == "previous") {
            i_adj <- .get_closest_index(i, subset, method = "previous")
            rtadj[[i]] <- .applyRtAdjustment(rtraw[[i]], rtraw[[i_adj]],
        if (method == "average") {
            i_ref <- c(.get_closest_index(i, subset, method = "previous"),
                       .get_closest_index(i, subset, method = "next"))
            trim_idx <- .match_trim_vector_index(rtraw[i_ref])
            rt_raw_ref <- do.call(
                cbind, .match_trim_vectors(rtraw[i_ref], idxs = trim_idx))
            rt_adj_ref <- do.call(
                cbind, .match_trim_vectors(rtadj[i_ref], idxs = trim_idx))
            wghts <- 1 / abs(i_ref - i) # weights depending on distance to i
            rt_raw_ref <- apply(rt_raw_ref, 1, weighted.mean, w = wghts)
            rt_adj_ref <- apply(rt_adj_ref, 1, weighted.mean, w = wghts)
            rtadj[[i]] <- .applyRtAdjustment(rtraw[[i]], rt_raw_ref,

###### LamaParama

#' @title Landmark-based alignment: aligning a dataset against an external
#' reference
#' @aliases LamaParama-class
#' @description
#' Alignment is achieved using the ['adjustRtime()'] method with a `param` of
#' class `LamaParama`. This method corrects retention time by aligning
#' chromatographic data with an external reference dataset.
#' Chromatographic peaks in the experimental data are first matched to
#' predefined (external) landmark features based on their mass-to-charge ratio
#' and retention time and subsequently the data is aligned by minimizing the
#' differences in retention times between the matched chromatographic peaks and
#' lamas. This adjustment is performed file by file.
#' Adjustable parameters such as `ppm`, `tolerance`, and `toleranceRt` define
#' acceptable deviations during the matching process. It's crucial to note that
#' only lamas and chromatographic peaks exhibiting a one-to-one mapping are
#' considered when estimating retention time shifts. If a file has no peaks
#' matching with lamas, no adjustment will be performed, and the the retention
#' times will be returned as-is. Users can evaluate this matching, for example,
#' by checking the number of matches and ranges of the matching peaks, by first
#' running `[matchLamasChromPeaks()]`.
#' Different warping methods are available; users can choose to fit a *loess*
#' (`method = "loess"`, the default) or a *gam* (`method = "gam"`) between the
#' reference data points and observed matching ChromPeaks. Additional
#' parameters such as `span`, `weight`, `outlierTolerance`, `zeroWeight`,
#' and `bs` are specific to these models. These parameters offer flexibility
#' in fine-tuning how the matching chromatographic peaks are fitted to the
#' lamas, thereby generating a model to align the overall retention time for
#' a single file.
#' Other functions related to this method:
#'  - `LamaParama()`: return the respective parameter object for alignment
#'    using `adjustRtime()` function. It is also the input for the functions
#'    listed below.
#'  - `matchLamasChromPeaks()`: quickly matches each file's ChromPeaks
#'    to Lamas, allowing the user to evaluate the matches for each file.
#'  - `summarizeLamaMatch()`: generates a summary of the `LamaParama` method.
#'    See below for the details of the return object.
#'  - `matchedRtimes()`: Access the list of `data.frame` saved in the
#'    `LamaParama` object, generated by the `matchLamasChromPeaks()` function.
#'  - `plot()`:plot the chromatographic peaks versus the reference lamas as
#'     well as the fitting line for the chosen model type. The user can decide
#'     what file to inspect by specifying the assay number with the parameter
#'     `assay`
#' @param BPPARAM For `matchLamasChromPeaks()`: parallel processing setup.
#' Defaults to `BPPARAM = bpparam()`. See [bpparam()] for more information.
#' @param bs For `LamaParama()`: `character(1)` defining the GAM smoothing method.
#'     (defaults to thin plate, `bs = "tp"`)
#' @param colPoints For `plot()`: color for the plotting of the datapoint.
#' @param colFit For `plot()`: color of the fitting line.
#' @param index For `plot()`: `numeric(1)` index of the file that should be
#'  plotted.
#' @param lamas For `LamaParama`: `matrix` or `data.frame` with the m/z and
#'     retention times values of features (as first and second column) from the
#'     external dataset on which the alignment will be based on.
#' @param method For `LamaParama`:`character(1)` with the type of warping.
#'     Either `method = "gam"` or `method = "loess"` (default).
#' @param object An object of class `XcmsExperiment` with defined ChromPeaks.
#' @param outlierTolerance For `LamaParama`: `numeric(1)` defining the settings
#'     for outlier removal during the fitting. By default
#'     (with `outlierTolerance = 3`), all data points with absolute residuals
#'     larger than 3 times the mean absolute residual of all data points from
#'     the first, initial fit, are removed from the final model fit.
#' @param param An object of class `LamaParama` that will later be used for
#' adjustment using the `[adjustRtime()]` function.
#' @param ppm For `LamaParama`: `numeric(1)` defining the m/z-relative maximal
#'     allowed difference in m/z between `lamas` and chromatographic peaks. Used
#'     for the mapping of identified chromatographic peaks and lamas.
#' @param span For `LamaParama`: `numeric(1)` defining
#'     the degree of smoothing (`method = "loess"`). This parameter is passed
#'     to the internal call to [loess()].
#' @param tolerance For `LamaParama`: `numeric(1)` defining the absolute
#'     acceptable difference in m/z between lamas and chromatographic peaks.
#'     Used for the mapping of identified chromatographic peaks and `lamas`.
#' @param toleranceRt For `LamaParama`: `numeric(1)` defining the absolute
#'     acceptable difference in retention time between lamas and
#'     chromatographic peaks. Used for the mapping of identified chromatographic
#'     peaks and `lamas`.
#' @param x For `plot()`: object of class `LamaParama` to be plotted.
#' @param xlab,ylab  For `plot()`: x- and y-axis labels.
#' @param zeroWeight For `LamaParama`: `numeric(1)`: defines the weight of the
#'     first data point (i.e. retention times of the first lama-chromatographic
#'     peak pair). Values larger than 1 reduce warping problems in the early RT
#'     range.
#' @param ... For `plot()`: extra parameters to be passed to the function.
#' @return
#' For `matchLamasChromPeaks()`: A `LamaParama` object with new slot `rtMap`
#' composed of a list of matrices representing the 1:1 matches between Lamas
#' (ref) and ChromPeaks (obs). To access this, `matchedRtimes()` can be used.
#' For `matchedRtimes()`: A list of `data.frame` representing matches
#' between chromPeaks and `lamas` for each files.
#' For `summarizeLamaMatch()`:A `data.frame` with:
#' - "Total_peaks": total number of chromatographic peaks in the file.
#' - "Matched_peak": The number of matched peaks to Lamas.
#' - "Total_Lamas": Total number of Lamas.
#' - "Model_summary": `summary.loess` or `summary.gam` object for each file.
#' @examples
#' ## load test and reference datasets
#' ref <- loadXcmsData("xmse")
#' tst <- loadXcmsData("faahko_sub2")
#' ## create lamas input from the reference dataset
#' library(MsExperiment)
#' f <- sampleData(ref)$sample_type
#' f[f == "QC"] <- NA
#' ref <- filterFeatures(ref, PercentMissingFilter(threshold = 0, f = f))
#' ref_mz_rt <- featureDefinitions(ref)[, c("mzmed","rtmed")]
#' ## Set up the LamaParama object
#' param <- LamaParama(lamas = ref_mz_rt, method = "loess", span = 0.5,
#'                      outlierTolerance = 3, zeroWeight = 10, ppm = 20,
#'                      tolerance = 0, toleranceRt = 20, bs = "tp")
#' ## input into `adjustRtime()`
#' tst_adjusted <- adjustRtime(tst, param = param)
#' ## run diagnostic functions to pre-evaluate alignment
#' param <- matchLamasChromPeaks(tst, param = param)
#' mtch <- matchedRtimes(param)
#' ## Access summary of matches and model information
#' summary <- summarizeLamaMatch(param)
#' ##coverage for each file
#' summary$Matched_peaks / summary$Total_peaks * 100
#' ## Access the information on the model of for the first file
#' summary$model_summary[[1]]
#' @note
#' If there are no matches when using `matchLamasChromPeaks()`, the file
#' retention will not be adjusted when calling [adjustRtime()] with the same
#' `LamaParama` and `XcmsExperiment` object.
#' To see examples on how to utilize this methods and its functionality,
#' see the vignette.
#' @author Carl Brunius, Philippine Louail
#' @name LamaParama

#' @description
#' Match anchor (reference) peaks to chrompeaks based on rt and m/z. Peaks with
#' multiple matches are excluded.
#' @param obs_peaks `matrix` of 2 columns with the m/z and retention times of
#'     chrompeaks of one data file.
#' @param ref_anchors `matrix` of (external) reference anchor peaks with
#'     columns representing the anchor peaks' m/z and retention times (in that
#'     order!). Possibly generated by the `.getAnchorePeaks()` function.
#' @param ppm maximal acceptable (m/z relative) difference in m/z values for
#'     peaks to be considered matching.
#' @param tolerance maximal absolute difference in m/z values for peaks to be
#'     considered matching.
#' @param toleranceRt maximl absolute difference in retention times for peaks
#'     to be considered matching.
#' @return a `data.frame` with columns `"ref"` and `"obs"` with the retention
#'     times of the pairs of matched peaks. This `data.frame` can be used
#'     in `.adjust_rt_model`'s parameter `rt_raw`. The column `chromPeaksId`
#'     contains the rownames of the `obs_peaks` matrix. This can be used to
#'     identify the peaks that were matched.
#' @author Johannes Rainer, Philippine Louail
#' @importFrom MetaboCoreUtils mclosest
#' @noRd
.match_reference_anchors <- function(obs_peaks, ref_anchors, ppm = 20,
                                     tolerance = 0, toleranceRt = 5) {
    idx <- mclosest(obs_peaks, ref_anchors,
                    ppm = c(ppm, 0), tolerance = c(tolerance, toleranceRt))
    nna <- !is.na(idx)
    idx <- cbind(obs = which(nna), ref = idx[nna])
    dups <- idx[duplicated(idx[, 2L]), 2L]
    idx <- idx[!idx[, 2L] %in% dups, , drop = FALSE]
    data.frame(ref = ref_anchors[idx[, 2L], 2L],
               obs = obs_peaks[idx[, 1L], 2L],
               chromPeaksId = rownames(obs_peaks[idx[, 1L], ,drop = FALSE]))

#' @description
#' Compute a model representing the relationship between observed and reference
#' retention times (`rt_map`) and adjust the raw retention times (`rt_raw`)
#' based on this.
#' @param rt_map `data.frame` with *reference* retention times of LaMas and
#'     *observed* retention times of matching peaks in the same sample from
#'     which the retention times in `rt_raw` are.
#' @author Carl Brunius, Philippine Louail
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils force_sorted
#' @noRd
.adjust_rt_model <- function(rt_raw,
                             method = c("loess", "gam"),
                             span = 0.5,
                             resid_ratio = 3,
                             zero_weight = 10,
                             bs = "tp") {
    model <- .rt_model(method = method,
                       rt_map, span = span,
                       resid_ratio = resid_ratio,
                       zero_weight = zero_weight,
                       bs = bs)
    adj <- predict(model, newdata = data.frame(obs = rt_raw))
    if (is.unsorted(adj, na.rm = TRUE)){
        warning("Adjusted retention times are not sorted, linear ",
        "interpolation will be performed for the unsorted data points")
        adj <- force_sorted(adj)
    idx <- which(rt_raw < min(rt_map$obs))
    lidx <- length(idx)
    if (lidx)
        adj[idx] <- rt_raw[idx] - (rt_raw[lidx + 1L] - adj[lidx + 1L])
    idx <- which(rt_raw > max(rt_map$obs))
    if (length(idx))
        adj[idx] <- rt_raw[idx] - (rt_raw[idx[1L] - 1L] - adj[idx[1L] - 1L])

#' @description
#' Get a model representing the differences between observed and reference
#' retention times (parameter `rt_map`). After an initial fit, the model is
#' re-fitted excluding potential outliers.
#' @param rt_map `data.frame` with the observed (column `"obs"`) and reference
#'     (column `"ref"`) retention time pairs.
#' @importFrom stats loess resid
#' @author Carl Brunius, Philippine Louail
#' @noRd
.rt_model <- function(method = c("loess", "gam"),
                      rt_map, span = 0.5,
                      resid_ratio = 3,
                      zero_weight = 10,
                      bs = "tp"){
    rt_map <- rt_map[order(rt_map$obs), ]
    # add first row of c(0,0) to set a fix timepoint.
    rt_map <- rbind(c(0,0), rt_map)
    weights <- rep(1, nrow(rt_map))
    weights[1L] <- zero_weight

    if (method == "gam") {
        model <- mgcv::gam(ref ~ s(obs, bs = bs), weights = weights,
                           data = rt_map)
    } else
        model <- loess(ref ~ obs, data = rt_map, span = span,
                       weights = weights)
    ## compute outliers
    SSq <- resid(model)^2
    meanSSq <- mean(SSq)
    not_outlier <- (SSq / meanSSq) < resid_ratio

    ## re-run only if there is outliers and keep the zero.
    if (any(!not_outlier)){
        not_outlier[1] <- TRUE
        rt_map <- rt_map[not_outlier, , drop = FALSE]
        weights <- weights[not_outlier]
        if (method == "gam") {
            model <- mgcv::gam(ref ~ s(obs, bs = "tp"), weights = weights,
                               data = rt_map)
        } else {
            model <- loess(ref ~ obs, data = rt_map, span = span,
                           weights = weights)

#' Simple helper to ensure gam package is installed - if needed.
#' @noRd
.check_gam_library <- function() {
    if (!requireNamespace("mgcv", quietly = TRUE))
        stop("'method = \"gam\"' requires the package 'mgcv'. Please ",
             "install with 'BiocInstaller::install(\"mgcv\")'")

#' @export
#' @rdname LamaParama
matchLamasChromPeaks <- function(object, param, BPPARAM = bpparam()){
    if (!hasChromPeaks(object))
        stop("'object' needs to have detected ChromPeaks. ",
             "Run 'findChromPeaks()' first.")
    f <- factor(chromPeaks(object)[, "sample"], levels = seq_along(object))
    cp_raw <- split.data.frame(chromPeaks(object)[, c("mz", "rt")], f)
    param@nChromPeaks <- vapply(cp_raw, nrow, numeric(1))
    param@rtMap <- bplapply(cp_raw, FUN = function(x) {
        .match_reference_anchors(obs_peaks = x, ref_anchors = param@lamas,
                                 ppm = param@ppm, tolerance = param@tolerance,
                                 toleranceRt = param@toleranceRt)},

#' @export
#' @rdname LamaParama
summarizeLamaMatch <- function(param){
    if (!inherits(param, "LamaParama"))
        stop("The input needs to be of class 'LamaParama'")
    if (length(param@nChromPeaks) == 0 || length(param@rtMap) == 0)
        stop("Summary inputs are missing. Please run `matchLamasChromPeaks` ",
    res <- data.frame(Total_peaks = param@nChromPeaks,
                      Matched_peaks = vapply(param@rtMap, nrow, numeric(1)),
                      Total_lamas = nrow(param@lamas))
    res_model <- lapply(param@rtMap, function(x){
         s <- summary(.rt_model(method = param@method,
                      rt_map= x, span = param@span,
                      resid_ratio = param@outlierTolerance,
                      zero_weight = param@zeroWeight,
                      bs = param@bs))
    res$Model_summary <- res_model

#' @export
#' @rdname LamaParama
matchedRtimes  <- function(param){
    if(!inherits(param, "LamaParama"))
        stop("The inputs need to be of class 'LamaParama'")
    rtMap  <- param@rtMap
sneumann/xcms documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 12:42 a.m.