
test_that("getPeakGroupsRtMatrix works", {
    skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")

    param <- PeakGroupsParam()
    nSamples <- length(fileNames(xod_xg))
    pkGrp <- .getPeakGroupsRtMatrix(
        peaks = chromPeaks(xod_xg),
        peakIndex = .peakIndex(xod_xg),
        sampleIndex = seq_len(nSamples),
        missingSample = nSamples - (nSamples * minFraction(param)),
        extraPeaks = extraPeaks(param)
    ## expect_equal(colnames(pkGrp), colnames(chromPeaks(xod_xg)))
    fts <- featureDefinitions(xod_xg)[rownames(pkGrp), ]
    expect_true(all(pkGrp[, 1] >= fts$rtmin & pkGrp[, 1] <= fts$rtmax))
    expect_true(all(pkGrp[, 2] >= fts$rtmin & pkGrp[, 2] <= fts$rtmax))
    expect_true(all(pkGrp[, 3] >= fts$rtmin & pkGrp[, 3] <= fts$rtmax))

test_that("do_adjustRtime_peakGroups works", {
    skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")

    xsa <- xod_xgr
    xsg <- xod_xg
    misSamp <- 1
    minFr <- (length(fileNames(xsa)) - misSamp) / length(fileNames(xsa))
        peaks = chromPeaks(xsg), peakIndex = featureDefinitions(xsg)$peakidx,
        rtime = rtime(xsg, bySample = TRUE), minFraction = minFr, subset = "4"),
        "expected to be an integer")
        peaks = chromPeaks(xsg), peakIndex = featureDefinitions(xsg)$peakidx,
        rtime = rtime(xsg, bySample = TRUE), minFraction = minFr,
        subset = 4L), "out of range")
        peaks = chromPeaks(xsg), peakIndex = featureDefinitions(xsg)$peakidx,
        rtime = rtime(xsg, bySample = TRUE), minFraction = minFr,
        subset = c(1, 2, 5, 14)), "out of range")

    ## Use only a subset.
    res_sub <- do_adjustRtime_peakGroups(
        peaks = chromPeaks(xsg), peakIndex = featureDefinitions(xsg)$peakidx,
        rtime = rtime(xsg, bySample = TRUE), minFraction = minFr,
        subset = c(1, 3))

test_that("applyRtAdjustment works", {
    skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")

    xs <- faahko
    ## group em.
    ## xsg <- group(xs)
    ## ## align em.
    ## xsa <- retcor(xsg, method = "peakgroups")
    pksAdj <- .applyRtAdjToChromPeaks(chromPeaks(xod_xg),
                                      rtraw = rtime(xod_xg, bySample = TRUE),
                                      rtadj = rtime(xod_xgr, bySample = TRUE))
    expect_equal(pksAdj, chromPeaks(xod_xgr))
    ## Reset em.
    pksRaw <- .applyRtAdjToChromPeaks(pksAdj,
                                      rtraw = rtime(xod_xgr, bySample = TRUE),
                                      rtadj = rtime(xod_xg, bySample = TRUE))
    expect_equal(pksRaw, chromPeaks(xod_xg))

    rt_raw <- rtime(xod_xgr, adjusted = FALSE, bySample = TRUE)[[1]]
    rt_adj <- rtime(xod_xgr, bySample = TRUE)[[1]]

    rt_new <- .applyRtAdjustment(rt_raw, rt_raw, rt_adj)
    expect_equal(unname(rt_new), unname(rt_adj))

    rt_new2 <- .applyRtAdjustment(rt_raw, rt_raw[200:1000], rt_adj[200:1000])

    ## Artificial examples.
    a_raw <- c(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16)
    a_adj <- a_raw + 2 # shift by 2
    b <- .applyRtAdjustment(a_raw, a_raw, a_adj)
    expect_equal(a_adj, b)
    b_2 <- .applyRtAdjustment(a_raw, a_raw[4:8], a_adj[4:8])
    expect_equal(b, b_2)

    a_adj <- a_raw - 2
    b <- .applyRtAdjustment(a_raw, a_raw, a_adj)
    expect_equal(a_adj, b)
    b_2 <- .applyRtAdjustment(a_raw, a_raw[4:8], a_adj[4:8])
    expect_equal(b, b_2)

test_that(".get_closest_index works", {
    skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")

    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(2, c(1, 3, 5, 7)), 3)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(2, c(1, 3, 5, 7), method = "previous"), 1)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(2, c(1, 3, 5, 7), method = "closest"), 1)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(6, c(1, 3, 5)), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(6, c(1, 3, 5), method = "previous"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(6, c(1, 3, 5), method = "closest"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(10, c(1, 3, 5)), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(10, c(1, 3, 5), method = "previous"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(10, c(1, 3, 5), method = "closest"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(2, c(5, 7, 9)), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(2, c(5, 7, 9), method = "previous"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(2, c(5, 7, 9), method = "closest"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(2, c(1, 5, 9)), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(2, c(1, 5, 9), method = "previous"), 1)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(2, c(1, 5, 9), method = "closest"), 1)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(3, c(1, 5, 9)), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(3, c(1, 5, 9), method = "previous"), 1)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(3, c(1, 5, 9), method = "closest"), 1)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(4, c(1, 5, 9)), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(4, c(1, 5, 9), method = "previous"), 1)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(4, c(1, 5, 9), method = "closest"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(6, c(1, 5, 9)), 9)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(6, c(1, 5, 9), method = "previous"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(6, c(1, 5, 9), method = "closest"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(7, c(1, 5, 9)), 9)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(7, c(1, 5, 9), method = "previous"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(7, c(1, 5, 9), method = "closest"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(8, c(1, 5, 9)), 9)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(8, c(1, 5, 9), method = "previous"), 5)
    expect_equal(.get_closest_index(8, c(1, 5, 9), method = "closest"), 9)

test_that(".match_trim_vectors and index works", {
    skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")

    res <- .match_trim_vectors(list(1:10, 3:10))
    expect_equal(res, list(3:10, 3:10))
    res <- .match_trim_vectors(list(3:10, 4:15))
    expect_equal(res, list(3:10, 4:11))
    res <- .match_trim_vectors(list(1:5, 1:20))
    expect_equal(res, list(1:5, 1:5))
    res <- .match_trim_vector_index(list(1:10, 3:10))
    expect_equal(res, list(3:10, 1:8))
    res <- .match_trim_vector_index(list(2:10, 2:8))
    expect_equal(res, list(1:7, 1:7))

test_that("adjustRtimeSubset works", {
    skip_on_os(os = "windows", arch = "i386")

    rt_raw <- rtime(xod_xgr, adjusted = FALSE, bySample = TRUE)
    rt_adj <- rtime(xod_xgr, adjusted = TRUE, bySample = TRUE)

    res <- adjustRtimeSubset(rt_raw, rt_adj, subset = c(1, 3),
                             method = "previous")
    expect_equal(res[[1]], rt_adj[[1]])
    expect_equal(res[[3]], rt_adj[[3]])
    expect_true(all(res[[2]] != rt_adj[[2]]))
    expect_equal(names(res[[2]]), names(rt_adj[[2]]))
    expect_equal(unname(res[[2]]), unname(rt_adj[[1]]))

    a <- res[[1]] - rt_raw[[1]]
    b <- res[[2]] - rt_raw[[2]]
    c <- res[[3]] - rt_raw[[3]]
    plot(res[[1]], a, type = "l", col = "#ff000040", lty = 2,
         ylim = range(a, b, c))
    points(res[[2]], b, type = "l", col = "#00ff0060", lty = 1)
    points(res[[3]], c, type = "l", col = "#0000ff40", lty = 2)

    res <- adjustRtimeSubset(rt_raw, rt_adj, subset = c(1, 3),
                             method = "average")
    expect_equal(res[[1]], rt_adj[[1]])
    expect_equal(res[[3]], rt_adj[[3]])
    expect_true(all(res[[2]] != rt_adj[[2]]))
    expect_true(all(res[[2]] != rt_adj[[1]]))
    expect_true(all(res[[2]] != rt_adj[[3]]))

    a <- res[[1]] - rt_raw[[1]]
    b <- res[[2]] - rt_raw[[2]]
    c <- res[[3]] - rt_raw[[3]]
    plot(res[[1]], a, type = "l", col = "#ff000040", lty = 2,
         ylim = range(a, b, c))
    points(res[[2]], b, type = "l", col = "#00ff0060", lty = 1)
    points(res[[3]], c, type = "l", col = "#0000ff40", lty = 2)

test_that(".adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix works", {
    ## Expect the same results by running just this function with a pre-defined
    ## peakGroupsMatrix.
    ph <- processHistory(xod_xgr)
    pgm <- peakGroupsMatrix(ph[[length(ph)]]@param)
    rts <- split(rtime(xod_xg), fromFile(xod_xg))

    ## Errors
    expect_error(.adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix(rts), "peakGroupsMatrix")
    expect_error(.adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix(peakGroupsMatrix = pgm), "rtime")
    expect_error(.adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix(rts[[1L]], pgm), "list of")
    expect_error(.adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix(list(1:3, "a"), pgm), "numeric")
    expect_error(.adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix(rts, pgm, subset = "a"),
    expect_error(.adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix(rts, pgm, subset = 1), "is 2")
    expect_error(.adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix(rts, pgm, subset = c(1, 10)),
                 "out of range")
    expect_error(.adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix(rts[1:2], pgm), "columns of")

    ## Results are identical
    res <- .adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix(rts, pgm, span = 0.4, smooth = "loess")
    expect_equal(res, split(rtime(xod_xgr), fromFile(xod_xgr)))

    ## Works with subset.
    tmp <- adjustRtime(xod_xg, PeakGroupsParam(subset = c(1, 3), span = 0.4))
    ph <- processHistory(tmp)
    pgm <- peakGroupsMatrix(ph[[length(ph)]]@param)

    res <- .adjustRtime_peakGroupsMatrix(rts, pgm, span = 0.4,
                                         smooth = "loess", subset = c(1, 3))
    expect_equal(res, split(rtime(tmp), fromFile(tmp)))


test_that(".define_peak_groups works", {
    expect_error(.define_peak_groups(), "peaks")
        chromPeaks(xod_xgrg)[1:10, ], featureDefinitions(xod_xgrg)$peakidx),
        chromPeaks(xod_xgrg), featureDefinitions(xod_xgrg)$peakidx,
        subset = "a"), "integer")
        chromPeaks(xod_xgrg), featureDefinitions(xod_xgrg)$peakidx,
        subset = c(1, 10), total_samples = 3), "out of range")
        chromPeaks(xod_xgrg), featureDefinitions(xod_xgrg)$peakidx,
        subset = c(1), total_samples = 3), "is 2")
    res <- .define_peak_groups(chromPeaks(
        xod_xg), featureDefinitions(xod_xg)$peakidx, subset = integer(),
        total_samples = 3)
    expect_true(ncol(res) == 3)

    ## Compare with results from full run.
    ph <- processHistory(xod_xgr)
    pgm <- peakGroupsMatrix(ph[[length(ph)]]@param)
    expect_equal(unname(res), unname(pgm))

    ## Run with subset.
    res <- .define_peak_groups(chromPeaks(
        xod_xg), featureDefinitions(xod_xg)$peakidx, subset = c(1, 3),
        total_samples = 3, minFraction = 0.9, extraPeaks = 1)
    expect_true(ncol(res) == 2)

    pgm <- adjustRtimePeakGroups(
        xod_xg, param = PeakGroupsParam(span = 0.4, subset = c(1, 3),
                                        minFraction = 0.9, extraPeaks = 1))
    expect_equal(unname(res), unname(pgm))

    res <- xcms:::.define_peak_groups(chromPeaks(
        xod_xg), featureDefinitions(xod_xg)$peakidx, subset = c(1, 3),
        total_samples = 3, minFraction = 0.5, extraPeaks = 1)
    expect_true(ncol(res) == 2)

test_that(".getPeakGroupsRtMatrix works with subsets", {
    res <- .getPeakGroupsRtMatrix(chromPeaks(xod_xg),
                                  sampleIndex = c(1, 3),
                                  missingSample = 0,
                                  extraPeaks = 1L)

test_that(".rt_model works", {
    obs <- ref_mz_rt
    rt_m <- data.frame(ref = obs[, "rtmed"],
                       obs = obs[, "rtmed"] + 2 + rnorm(nrow(obs), 0, 0.03))
    res <- .rt_model(rt_map = rt_m, method = "loess")
    expect_true(is(res, "loess"))
    expect_true(length(res$residuals) < nrow(obs))
    ## skip outlier removal
    res <- .rt_model(rt_map = rt_m, method = "loess", resid_ratio = 100)
    expect_true(is(res, "loess"))
    expect_equal(length(res$residuals), nrow(obs) + 1) # for the c(0,0) extra row

    ## gam
    res <- .rt_model(rt_map = rt_m, method = "gam")
    expect_true(is(res, "gam"))
    expect_true(length(res$residuals) < nrow(obs))
    ## skip outlier removal
    res <- .rt_model(rt_map = rt_m, method = "gam", resid_ratio = 100)
    expect_true(is(res, "gam"))
    expect_equal(length(res$residuals), nrow(obs) + 1)

test_that(".match_reference_anchors works", {
    a <- cbind(mz = c(200.1, 200.1, 200.1, 232.1, 233.1, 233.2),
               rt = c(100, 150.1, 190, 190, 190, 192))
    b <- cbind(mz = c(200.2, 232, 233.1, 234),
               rt = c(150, 190.4, 193, 240))
    rownames(a) <- rep("a", nrow(a))
    rownames(b) <- rep("b", nrow(b))

    res <- .match_reference_anchors(a, b)
    expect_equal(colnames(res), c("ref", "obs", "chromPeaksId"))
    expect_true(nrow(res) == 1L)
    expect_equal(res$ref, 193.0)
    expect_equal(res$obs, 190.0)
    expect_equal(res$chromPeaksId, "a")

    ## no matches:
    res <- .match_reference_anchors(a, b, tolerance = 0, toleranceRt = 0)
    expect_equal(colnames(res), c("ref", "obs"))
    expect_true(nrow(res) == 0L)

    ## skip multiple matches: rows 1 and 2 from `a` match row 1 from `b` and
    ## rows 5 and 6 from `a` match row 3 from `b`
    res <- .match_reference_anchors(a, b, tolerance = 0.1, toleranceRt = 52)
    expect_equal(colnames(res),c("ref", "obs", "chromPeaksId"))
    expect_equal(res$ref, 190.4)
    expect_equal(res$obs, 190.0)

    ## little relaxed matching: should match row 2 in `a` with row 1 in `b` and
    ## row 4 in `a` with row 2 in `b`. rows 5 and 6 in `a` match both row 3 in
    ## `b` and should thus not be reported.
    res <- .match_reference_anchors(a, b, tolerance = 0.1, toleranceRt = 5)
    expect_equal(colnames(res), c("ref", "obs", "chromPeaksId"))
    expect_equal(res$ref, c(150, 190.4))
    expect_equal(res$obs, c(150.1, 190.0))

    ## Same but reducing toleranceRt to have also a match between row 6 in `a`
    ## with row 3 in `b`.
    res <- .match_reference_anchors(a, b, tolerance = 0.1, toleranceRt = 2)
    expect_equal(colnames(res), c("ref", "obs", "chromPeaksId"))
    expect_equal(res$ref, c(150, 190.4, 193.0))
    expect_equal(res$obs, c(150.1, 190.0, 192.0))

test_that(".adjust_rt_model works", {
    ref_anchors <- ref_mz_rt
    ## Filter the test data to the same rt range than the reference data
    tst <- filterRt(tst, rt = c(2550, 4250))
    obs <- chromPeaks(tst[2])

    rt_map <- .match_reference_anchors(obs[, c("mz", "rt")], ref_anchors,
                                       tolerance = 0.01,
                                       toleranceRt = 5)

    rt_raw <- rtime(tst[2])
    rt_adj <- .adjust_rt_model(rt_raw, method = "loess", rt_map = rt_map)
    expect_equal(length(rt_raw), length(rt_adj))
    ## Adjusted retention times should be closer to the ones in the preprocessed
    ## data set
    rt_ref <- rtime(ref[2, keepAdjustedRtime = TRUE])
    expect_true(mean(abs(rt_adj - rt_ref)) < mean(abs(rt_raw - rt_ref)))

test_that("matchLamasChromPeaks works", {
    param <- LamaParama(lamas = ref_mz_rt)
    expect_equal(param@rtMap, list())
    param <- matchLamasChromPeaks(tst, param)
    expect_true(inherits(param, "LamaParama"))
    expect_equal(length(param@rtMap), length(tst))
    expect_equal(length(param@nChromPeaks), length(tst))

test_that("summarizeLamaMatch works", {
    param <- LamaParama(lamas = ref_mz_rt, toleranceRt = 10)
    expect_error(summarizeLamaMatch(param), "missing")
    param <- matchLamasChromPeaks(tst, param)
    res <- summarizeLamaMatch(param)
    expect_equal(nrow(res), length(tst))
    expect_equal(ncol(res), 4)
    expect_true(inherits(res$Model_summary[[1]], "summary.loess"))

test_that("Accessing rtMap from LamaParama object works", {
    param <- LamaParama(lamas = ref_mz_rt, toleranceRt = 10)
    param <- matchLamasChromPeaks(tst, param)
    expect_error(matchedRtimes(ObiwarpParam()), "class")
    mtch <- matchedRtimes(param)
    expect_equal(length(mtch), length(param@rtMap))
sneumann/xcms documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 12:42 a.m.