
Defines functions gendat.surv .singleInfo .singleGradient2 .singleGradient .reluInfo plot.brm plot.residuals.brm residuals.brm print.summary.brm summary.brm print.brm .reluGradFit .reluProFit .reluGradient .reluLglik .singleLik .evalLP .singleFit brm.formula brm

Documented in brm brm.formula gendat.surv plot.brm plot.residuals.brm print.brm print.summary.brm residuals.brm summary.brm

#library(ggplot2) # used for the hazard ratio plot

###  generic function for Biomarker Rectifier Models(brm) using the
###  Rectifier Linear Unit (ReLU).
brm = function(x, ...) {
### the follow function take input like
###       brm(Surv(time, status) ~ w + trt + z1 + z2 + z3)  # need this
###          biomarker is the first, trt is the second, the interaction is the last
### and will fit a Cox PH model with
###       lambda_0(t) exp(b1*trt + b2*z1 + b3*z2 + b4*z3 +
###                        b5*max(w-c, 0) + b6*trt*max(w-c, 0))
brm.formula = function(formula, data=list(...), interaction = TRUE,  
                       method = c("gradient", "profile", "single"), q = 1, epsilon = NULL, ...) {
  method = match.arg(method)
  mf = model.frame(formula = formula, data = data)
  x = model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)
  y = model.response(mf)
  var_names = colnames(x)

  if (is(y, "Surv")) {
    family = "surv"
    st = sort(y[, 1], decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)
    idx = st$ix
    y = y[idx, ]
    x = x[idx, ]
  n.col = ncol(x)
  w = x[, 2]

  # Check for possible wrong order of formula
  if (length(unique(w)) < 4)
    stop("Either the formula is not in correct order of 'y~biomarker + trt' or the biomarker is not a continuous variable.")

  #Fit a prognostic model with biomarker term only
  if(n.col == 2) interaction = FALSE
  if (q>1) {
    cat("Since q>1, a signle indelx model will be fitted.\n")
    method = 'single'
  # covariate name for interaction term, sort out proper variable names
  if(interaction) {
    int_names = paste(colnames(x)[2], ":", colnames(x)[3], sep="")
    var_names =  c(var_names, int_names)
    x = cbind(x, x[, 2]*x[, 3])
    colnames(x) = var_names
  if(family=='surv') var_names=var_names[-1]
  #print(x[1:5, ])

  ### Use 20 points for first pass searc: seq_c for search grid points
  if(is.null(epsilon)) epsilon = (max(w) - min(w))/20;
  seq_c=seq(min(w), max(w), epsilon)

  control = list(family = family, interaction = interaction, method = method, q = q, seq_c = seq_c)
  p = length(var_names)
  if (method == 'single') {
    fit = .singleFit(x, y, control)
    for(i in 2:q) var_names[i-1] = paste('eta.', var_names[i], sep='')
    var_names[q] = 'index'
    if(interaction) var_names[p] = paste('index:', var_names[q+1], sep='')
  } else fit = brm.default(x, y, control)

  fit$call = match.call()
  fit$formula = formula
  fit$method = method
  fit$var_names = c(var_names, paste(var_names[q], '.cut', sep=""))

brm.default = function (x, y, control, ...) {
  x = as.matrix(x)
  method = control$method
  seq_c = control$seq_c
  p = ncol(x)

  if(control$family=="surv") x=x[, -1]
  if(p == 2) x = as.matrix(x, ncol = 1)

  ### first pass search for initial value
  fit0 = .reluProFit(x, y, control)
  control$theta0 = c(fit0$coefficients, fit0$c.max)
  if (method == "gradient") 
    fit = .reluGradFit(x, y, control)
  else {
    lgc = as.matrix(fit0$log_c)
    ### second pass: refined search around possible MLE
    c2 = lgc[lgc[, 2] > (fit0$loglik - 3.84), 1]
    epsilon = seq_c[2]-seq_c[1]
    epsilon2 = (max(c2) - min(c2) + epsilon)/60
    control$seq_c = seq(min(c2)- 0.5*epsilon, max(c2) + 0.5*epsilon, epsilon2)
    fit = .reluProFit(x, y, control)
    tmp = rbind(lgc, fit$log_c)
    fit$log_c = tmp[order(tmp[, 1]), ]
  ### Find s.e
  #numerical method in specified
  I_numerical = .reluInfo(fit$theta, x, y)
  I_numerical_inv = ginv(I_numerical, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

  grdInfo = .reluGradient(fit$theta, x, y, info = TRUE)
  pi_theta = grdInfo$pi_theta
  #score in specified model
  sV = ginv(pi_theta) 
  #robust var by second derivative in misspecified
  second = grdInfo$second
  robust_second = solve(second)%*%pi_theta%*%solve(second)

  names(fit$coefficients) = colnames(x)
  fit$var = sV
  fit$linear.predictors = grdInfo$lp
  fit$first = grdInfo$U
  fit$sd.numerical = sqrt(diag(I_numerical_inv))
  fit$sd.score = sqrt(diag(sV))         
  fit$sd.robust = sqrt(diag(robust_second))     
  fit$call = match.call()
  class(fit) = "brm"

########### Single index model #######################
.singleFit = function(x, y, control) {
  x = as.matrix(x)
  p = ncol(x)
  # fix the first index coef = 1 for model identifibility
  q = control$q-1 
  if(p<q+1) stop("Columns of x shall greater than q+1")

  w = x[, 2:(q+2)]
  w = apply(w, 2, function(x) {(x-mean(x))/sd(x)})
  # the first column of z (intercept) will be replaced by the single index
  z = x[, c(1, (q+3):p)]
  theta = rep(0, p)
  #J = .singleLik(theta, w, z, y, q)
  jmax = nlminb(theta, .singleLik, .singleGradient, w = w, z = z, y = y, q = q)
  theta = jmax$par
  beta = theta[1:(p-1)] 
  c.max = theta[p]

  a = c(1, theta[1:q])
  z[, 1] = w%*%a
  theta.s = theta[-(1:q)]
  ev = .evalLP(theta.s, z)

  #s1 = .singleGradient(theta, w, z, y, q) # check if the score function is correct.
  #s2 = .singleGradient2(theta, w, z, y, q)
  #print(rbind(s1, s2))
  info = .singleInfo(theta, w, z, y, q)
  var = ginv(info)
  sd.score = sqrt(diag(var))

  fit = list(coefficients = beta, var=var, sd.score=sd.score, theta = theta, 
	     iter = jmax$iterations, c.max = c.max, loglik = -jmax$objective, 
	     linear.predictors = ev$lp, y = y, index = z[, 1])
  class(fit) = 'brm'

########### help functions ###########################
.evalLP = function(theta, x) {
  ###  Surv(time, status) ~ biomarker + trt + x2 + x3 + ...  # need this
  ### input 'x' is a nxp matrix with 2 or more columns:
  p = length(theta)
  pb= (p-1)
  w = x[, 1]    # biomarker
  cx = theta[p]
  ### beta = theta1, ... theta[p-1], cut point = theta[p]
  beta = theta[1:pb]
  phi = ifelse(w >= cx, w-cx, 0)
  x[, 1] = phi
  eta = ifelse(w >= cx, -beta[1], 0)
  if (length(grep(":", colnames(x)[pb])) == 1) {
    trt = x[, 2]   # trt
    x[, pb] = trt*phi
    eta = ifelse(w >= cx, -(beta[1]+beta[pb]*trt), 0)
  # print(head(X))
  ### output X is a n x (bp) matrix: [phi, trt,... x_{pb-1}, phi*trt]
  lp = (x%*%beta)[, 1]
  return(list(X = x, lp = lp, eta = eta, w = w, cx = cx, phi = phi))

.singleLik=function(theta, w, z, y, q) {
  a = c(1, theta[1:q])
  z[, 1] = w%*%a
  theta.s = theta[-(1:q)]
  J = .reluLglik(theta.s, z, y)

.reluLglik=function(theta, x, y){
  ev = .evalLP(theta, x)
  lp  = ev$lp
  elp = exp(lp)
  status = y[, 2]
  ### find cost as negative of log likelihood function
  J = -sum(status*(lp-log(cumsum(elp))))

############ To be Validated for V ########################
.reluGradient = function(theta, x, y, info = FALSE){
  ev = .evalLP(theta, x)
  lp = ev$lp
  elp = exp(lp)
  status = y[, 2]
  Xa = cbind(ev$X, c.max = ev$eta)
  s0 = cumsum(elp)
  s1 = apply(Xa*elp, 2, cumsum)
  U = Xa - s1/s0  ### U is a n*p matrix, each row ui
  grd = -colSums(status * U)
  n = nrow(Xa)
  p = ncol(Xa)
  if (p>2) interaction = (length(grep(":", colnames(x)[p-1])) == 1)
  else interaction = FALSE
  # trt = X[, 2] and z2 = [1, trt]
  if (interaction) z2 = cbind(rep(1, n), ev$X[, 2]) else z2=as.matrix(rep(1, n), nrow = n)
  I = ifelse(ev$w >= ev$cx, 1, 0)
  z2_I = z2*I

  if(info) {
    mtm = function(m) {return(m%*%t(m))}
    ### code for information matrix here
    UU = apply(U, 1, mtm) ### p*p*n each with u_i*t(u_i)
    U2 = aperm(array(UU, c(p, p, n)), c(3, 1, 2))  ### now n*p*p
    pi_theta = colSums(status * U2, dims = 1)
    ### Find 2nd order derivative,
    ## Sm is a lower triangular matrix of 1 because time is sorted by decending
    Sm = matrix(1, n, n)
    Sm[upper.tri(Sm)] = 0
    XX = array(apply(Xa, 1, mtm), c(p, p, n))
    # multiply each XX(p, p, i) with elp[i], by change elp to a p*p*n array
    # with each of i th pxp matrix = elp[i]
    X2 = XX * array(rep(elp, each = p*p), c(p, p, n))
    ### calculate s2, a n*p*p array, X2%*%Sm like cumsum over riskset
    s2 = apply(X2, c(1, 2), function(x, y){return(y%*%x)}, Sm)
    ### calculate s1_i*t(s1_i)
    # aperm changes a p1*p2*p3 array to a p3*p1*p2 array with c(3, 1, 2)
    s1_2 = aperm(array(apply(s1, 1, mtm), c(p, p, n)),c(3, 1, 2))
    I_theta = -colSums(status*(s2/c(s0)-s1_2/c(s0)^2), dims = 1)
    #for v_2rc
    s1rc = apply(-z2_I*elp, 2, cumsum)
    V_2rc = status%*%(-z2_I - s1rc/(s0))
    #for v_2cc
    f.w.c = 0.5*(den$y[pt1]+den$y[pt1-1])

    ### beta[1] + beta[p-1]*trt 
    if(interaction) z2b = z2%*%theta[c(1, (p-1))] else z2b = z2*theta[1]
    s1cc = apply(z2b*elp, 2, cumsum)
    V_2cc = f.w.c*(status%*%(z2b-s1cc/(s0)))
    #file V.2
    V.2[p, p]= V_2cc
    V.2[p, 1] = V_2rc[1]
    if(interaction) V.2[p,p-1] = V_2rc[2]
    V.2[1, p] = V_2rc[1]
    if(interaction) V.2[p-1,p] = V_2rc[2]
    second = I_theta + V.2
    upi = list(U = grd, pi_theta = pi_theta, I_theta = I_theta, second = second, lp = lp)
  } else {

########## main fit functions ###########
.reluProFit = function(x, y, control) {
  p = length(x[1, ])
  ### p main effect, 1 interaction, 1 threshold
  theta0 = rep(0, p+1)
  c1 = control$seq_c
  nc = length(c1)
  log_c = matrix(NaN, nc, 2)
  log_c[, 1] = c1
  logLik = -1e10
  for (j in 1:nc) {
    theta0[p+1] = c1[j]
    X = .evalLP(theta0, x)$X
    ### Make sure matrix X is not singular with too many no effective biomarker
    if(mean(X[, 1]>0) < 0.05) next
    fit = coxph(y~X)
    log_c[j, 2]= fit$loglik[2]
    if (log_c[j, 2] > logLik) {
      beta = fit$coefficients
      logLik = log_c[j, 2]
      c.max = c1[j]
  theta = c(beta, c.max)
  log_c = as.matrix(log_c[!is.nan(log_c[, 2]), ])
  if (ncol(log_c) == 1)
  else log_c = log_c
  x = x
  y = y
  time = y[, 1]
  status = y[, 2]
  return(list(coefficients = beta, c.max = c.max, theta = theta, loglik = logLik,
           x = x, y = y, time = time, status = status, log_c = log_c))

.reluGradFit = function(x, y, control) {
  theta0 = control$theta0
  lmax = nlminb(theta0, .reluLglik, .reluGradient, x = x, y = y,
                lower = c(rep(-10, 4)), upper = c(rep(10, 4)))
  theta = lmax$par
  p = length(theta)
  beta = theta[1:(p-1)]
  c.max = theta[p]
  logLik = -lmax$objective
  #status = y[, 2]
  ev = .evalLP(theta, x)
  return(list(coefficients = beta, c.max = c.max, theta = theta, loglik = logLik,
           y = y, index = x[, 1], iter = lmax$iterations))

print.brm = function(x, digits = 4, ...) {
  cat("brm: Cox PH model with ReLU\n")
  cat('Coefficients and threshold parameter\n')
  bc = cbind(unname(t(x$coefficients)), x$c.max)
  colnames(bc) = t(x$var_names) 
  print(bc, digits=digits)

summary.brm = function(object, alpha = 0.05,...){
  zscore = qnorm(1-alpha/2)
  sd = object$sd.score
  theta = t(cbind(unname(t(object$coefficients)), object$c.max))
  qtl = cbind(theta-zscore*sd, theta+zscore*sd)
  TAB1 = cbind(theta, sd, theta/sd, qtl[,1], qtl[,2], 2*pnorm(-abs(theta/sd)))
  colnames(TAB1) = c("Estimate", "Std.Err", "Z value", "95% CI(Low)", "95% CI(Up)", "Pr(>z)")
  rownames(TAB1) = object$var_names
  lp = -(object$linear.predictors)
  cidx = concordance(object$y~lp) 
  results = list(call=object$call,TAB1=TAB1, cidx = cidx)
  class(results) = "summary.brm"

print.summary.brm = function(x,...){
  cat('Summary table of coefficients and threshold parameter\n')
  printCoefmat(x$TAB1, digits=4)

residuals.brm = function(object, type=c("Martingale", "Cox"), ...) {
  type = match.arg(type)
  ### code for martingle residuals
  x = object
  #p = length(x$x[1, ])
  #p1 = p-1
  #x1 = x$x[, 1]
  #z = x$x[, 1:p1]
  w = x$index
  status = x$y[, 2]
  elp = exp(x$linear.predictors)
  s0 = cumsum(elp)
  H0 = rev(cumsum(rev(x$status/s0))) # cumulative baseline hazard
  H = H0*elp                         # cumulative hazard
  r = status-H                       # martingale residuals
  if (type=="Cox"){
    sv = survfit(Surv(H, x$status)~1)
    surv = ifelse(sv$surv==0, 0.05, sv$surv) # in case of 0
    H_e = -log(surv)
    results = list(t=t, H_e=H_e)
    class(results) = "residuals.brm"
  if (type == "Martingale"){
    results = list(r=r, w=w)
    class(results) = "residuals.brm"

plot.residuals.brm = function(x, type="Martingale", ...) {
  if (type=="Cox") {
    plot(x$t, x$H_e, xlab="Cox-snell residuals", ylab="Estimated cumulative hazards", 
         ylim=c(0, max(x$H_e)), xlim=c(0, max(x$t)))
    comb = cbind(x$t,x$H_e)
    comb[!is.finite(comb)] = NA
    comb = comb[complete.cases(comb),]    
    lw = lowess(comb[,2] ~ comb[,1])
    lines(lw, lwd=3, col="red")
  if (type == "Martingale"){
    plot(x$w, x$r, xlab="Biomarker", ylab="Martingale residuals")
    lw = lowess(x$r ~ x$w)
    lines(lw, lwd=3, col="red")

#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @title HR_plot
#' @description This function gives plot of the odds ratio.
#' @param x summary table from the fitted model.
#' @return plot odds ratio with CIs.
plot.brm = function(x, type=c("HR"), ...){
  # x: TAB1=cbind(theta, sd, theta/sd, qtl[,1], qtl[,2], 2*pnorm(-abs(theta/sd))) from summary.brm
  # the red point is the hazard ratio
  # the length of blue line is the ci
  # the number under the lower right of each line indicates which estimator
  object = summary(x)
  x = object$TAB1
  theta = x[,1]
  beta = theta[-length(theta)]
  beta_length = length(beta)
  y = exp(beta)
  lower = exp(x[,4][-length(theta)])
  upper = exp(x[,5][-length(theta)])
  df = data.frame(x=seq(1:(beta_length)), y=y, lower=lower, upper=upper)
  p = ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y=y)) + labs(x = "order of estimators", y = "odds ratio") + geom_point(colour="red")
  p= p + theme_bw()
  p = p + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"))
  p = p + geom_hline(yintercept=1, colour = "green", lty = 3)
  p = p + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper),colour="blue")
  p = p + geom_text(aes(label = x), hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5, nudge_x = -0.1, nudge_y = 0.1)
  p = p + coord_flip()

### Numerical method for information matrix
.reluInfo = function(theta, x, y){
  p = length(theta)
  h = 0.0001
  Info = matrix(0, p, p)
  for(i in 1:p) {
    theta1 = theta
    theta2 = theta
    theta1[i] = theta[i] - h
    theta2[i] = theta[i] + h
    Info[i, ] = .5*(.reluGradient(theta2, x, y) - .reluGradient(theta1, x, y))/h

.singleGradient = function(theta, w, z, y, q){
  a = c(1, theta[1:q])
  z[, 1] = w%*%a
  theta.s = theta[-(1:q)]
  ev = .evalLP(theta.s, z)
  lp = ev$lp
  elp = exp(lp)
  status = y[, 2]

  eta = ev$eta
  w1 = w[, -1]
  Xa = cbind(w = -w1*eta, ev$X, c.max = eta)
  s0 = cumsum(elp)
  s1 = apply(Xa*elp, 2, cumsum)
  U = Xa - s1/s0  ### U is a n*p matrix, each row ui
  grd = -colSums(status * U)

.singleGradient2 = function(theta, w, z, y, q) {
  p = length(theta) 
  h = 0.00001
  U = rep(0, p)
  for(i in 1:p) {
    theta1 = theta
    theta2 = theta
    theta1[i] = theta[i] - h
    theta2[i] = theta[i] + h
    U[i] = 0.5*(.singleLik(theta2, w, z, y, q) - .singleLik(theta1, w, z, y, q))/h

.singleInfo = function(theta, w, z, y, q){
  p = length(theta)
  h = 0.0001

  Info = matrix(0, p, p)
  for(i in 1:p) {
    theta1 = theta
    theta2 = theta
    theta1[i] = theta[i] - h
    theta2[i] = theta[i] + h
    Info[i, ] = (.singleGradient(theta2, w, z, y, q) - .singleGradient(theta1, w, z, y, q))/h 
  Info = (Info+t(Info))*0.25


###### Generate survival data ################
gendat.surv =  function(n, c0, beta, type = c("brm", "bhm")){
  type = match.arg(type)
  ### biomarkers
  x = rnorm(n, 0.2, 2)
  ### code below to generate data with ReLU
  if(type == "bhm") x1 = ifelse(x>c0, 1, 0)
  else x1 = ifelse(x >= c0, x-c0, 0)
  z = rbinom(n,1,0.5)  ####used binomial to determine 0 or 1####
  zx = z*x1
  X = cbind(x1, z, zx)
  h0 = .5
  h = h0*exp(X%*%beta)
  stime = rexp(n, h)               #Failure time.
  endstudy = runif(n, 0, 5)
  cstatus = ifelse(stime>endstudy, 0, 1) ##Censored at end of study time.
  #cat('\nCensoring: ', 1-mean(cstatus), '\n')
  stime = ifelse(stime>endstudy, endstudy, stime)
  dat = cbind(time=stime, status=cstatus, z=z, x=x)
  dat = data.frame(dat)
statapps/bhm documentation built on April 5, 2024, 3:31 a.m.