
Defines functions .pIndexElw .ellw .pw .pIndexElc .ellc .pc2 .pc .boxCox .pIndexEfron .pIndexPic .picsf .pdfcdf pIndexThreshold pIndexLocal .pIndexBoot .pIndexFit1 pIndexFit plot.pIndex print.pIndex pIndexControl pIndex.default pIndex

Documented in pIndex pIndexControl pIndex.default pIndexFit pIndexLocal pIndexThreshold plot.pIndex print.pIndex

pIndex = function(x, ...) UseMethod("pIndex") 

pIndex.default = function(x, y, control, ...) {
  #cat("pIndex: Porbability Index method for survival data\n")
  if(is.null(control$cut)) control$cut = as.vector(quantile(y[, 1], seq(0.2, 1.0, 0.2)))

  x = as.matrix(x)
  x.ncol = ncol(x)
  xm = as.factor(x[, 1])
  x.n = as.numeric(xm) - 1
  if (max(x.n) > 2) {
    cat("\nNote: x1 is converted to a binary variable using", control$pct*100, 
        '% percenttile\n', sep = "")
    x.n = ifelse(x.n > quantile(x.n, control$pct), 1, 0)
  x[, 1] = x.n

  # use cutpoint
  if(x.ncol==2) {
    xm = as.factor(x[, 2])
    x.n = as.numeric(xm) - 1
    if (max(x.n) > 2) {
      cat("\nNote: x2 is converted to a binary variable using ", 
	  control$pct*100, '% percentile\n', sep = "")
      x.n = ifelse(x.n > quantile(x.n, control$pct), 1, 0)
    x[, 2] = x.n 
  fit = pIndexFit(x, y, control)

  fit$call = match.call()
  if(ncol(x) == 2) fit$interaction = TRUE 
  else fit$interaction = FALSE

pIndexControl = function(method = c("Efron", "Elc", "Elw", "Pic"), 
			 model = c("default", "local", "threshold"), 
			 ci = c("Bootstrap", "Jackknife"), 
          weights=NULL, kernel = NULL, h=0.1, w=seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.05), 
	  alpha = 0.05, B = 0, pct = 0.5, tau = NULL) {
  method = match.arg(method)
  model  = match.arg(model)
  ci = match.arg(ci)
  if (!is.numeric(alpha) || alpha <= 0 || alpha >= 1) 
    stop("number of replication 'alpha' must be between 0 and 1")
  if (!is.numeric(B) || B < 0) 
    stop("value of 'B' must be >= 0")

  if (!is.null(weights) && !is.numeric(weights)) 
    stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
  if (!is.null(weights) && any(weights < 0)) 
    stop("negative weights not allowed")

  if(!is.null(kernel) && B>0) stop("Bootstrap for local estimate coming soon")
  return(list(method = method, model = model, ci=ci, weights=weights, kernel=kernel, h=h, w=w, alpha = alpha, B = B, pct = pct, tau = tau))

pIndex.formula = function (formula, data = list(...), control = list(...), ...) {
  mf = model.frame(formula = formula, data = data)
  x = model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)
  x = x[, -1]
  y = model.response(mf)
  x = as.matrix(x)
  trt = x[, 1]
  if(length(unique(trt)) > 2)
    stop("Either the formula is not in correct order of 'y~trt+biomarker' or the treatment variable has too many groups.")

  x.ncol = ncol(x)
  if(x.ncol>2) stop("x shall be a vector or a matrix with 1 or 2 columns.")

  control = do.call("pIndexControl", control)
  model = control$model

  if(model == "default") fit = pIndex.default(x, y, control)
  else if(model == "local") fit = pIndexLocal(x, y, control)
  else if(model == "threshold") fit = pIndexThreshold(x, y, control)

  fit$call = match.call()
  fit$x = x
  fit$control = control
  class(fit) = "pIndex"

print.pIndex = function(x, ...) {
  control = x$control
  theta = x$theta
  theta.b = x$theta.b
  model = control$model
  alpha = control$alpha
  z.a = qnorm(1-alpha/2)


  #print probability index for regular fit
  if(model == "default") {
    if(x$interaction) {
      cat("\nThe probability index for interaction: Pr(T1a<T2a) - Pr(T1b<T2b) \n\n")
    } else {
      cat("\nThe probability index for two groups: Pr(T1<T2) \n\n")
    cat("    theta = ", theta, '\n')

  #print list of probability index for local smooth fit
  if(model=="local") {
    cat('\nSmooth probability index for Pr(T1<T2|W = w): \n\n')
    out = cbind(w=x$w0, theta = x$theta)
    out = round(out*10000)/10000
    colnames(out) = c(colnames(x$x)[2], 'theta')
    print(out[ceiling(length(x$w0)*seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)), ])

  if((model=="default") & (control$B > 0)) {
    sd = x$sd
    #ci = quantile(theta.b, c(alpha/2, 1-alpha/2))
    ci = c(theta - z.a*sd, theta + z.a*sd)

    cat("       sd = ", sd, '\n\n', control$ci, '')
    cat((1-control$alpha)*100, "% confidence interval based on B = ", control$B, " resampling\n", sep = "")
  if(model == "threshold") {
    out = cbind(w = x$w, theta = x$theta, sd = x$sd, z = x$theta/x$sd)

plot.pIndex = function(x, ...) {
  control = x$control
  model = control$model
  B     = control$B

  z = qnorm(1-control$alpha/2)
  if((model=="threshold")|(model == "local")) {
    w = x$w
    theta = x$theta
    ylim = c(min(theta), max(theta))
    out = cbind(w = x$w, theta = x$theta, sd = x$sd, z = x$theta/x$sd)
    if(B == 0) plot(w, theta, ylim = ylim, type = 'l')
    if(B > 0) {
      sd    = x$sd
      ci1 = theta - z*sd
      ci2 = theta + z*sd
      ylim = c(min(ci1), max(ci2))
      plot(w, theta, ylim = ylim, type = 'l')
      lines(w, ci1, lty = 2)
      lines(w, ci2, lty = 2)
    abline(h = 0)

pIndexFit = function(x, y, control) {
  x.ncol = ncol(x)
  B = control$B
  if(is.null(control$weights)) control$weights = rep(1, nrow(x))
  weights = control$weights
  theta.sd = NA
  if(x.ncol == 1) {
    theta = .pIndexFit1(x, y, control)
    if(B > 0) theta.sd = .pIndexBoot(x, y, control)$sd
  if(x.ncol == 2) {
    x2 = x[, 2]
    y0 = y[x2==0, ]
    y1 = y[x2==1, ]

    x0 = x[x2==0, 1]
    x1 = x[x2==1, 1]

    w0 = weights[x2==0]
    w1 = weights[x2==1]

    ctl0 = control
    ctl1 = control
    ctl0$weights = w0
    ctl1$weights = w1
    theta = .pIndexFit1(x1, y1, ctl1) - .pIndexFit1(x0, y0, ctl0)
    if(B>0) {
      sd0 = .pIndexBoot(x0, y0, ctl0)$sd
      sd1 = .pIndexBoot(x1, y1, ctl1)$sd
      theta.sd = sqrt(sd0^2 + sd1^2)
  return(list(theta=theta, sd = theta.sd))

.pIndexFit1 = function(x, y, control) {
  x = as.matrix(x)
  x.ncol = ncol(x)
    stop("pIndexFit1: x shall be a vector or a matrix with one columns.")

  weights = control$weights
  method = control$method
  if (method == "Pic")   theta = .pIndexPic(x, y, control)
  if (method == "Efron") theta = .pIndexEfron(x, y, weights)
  if (method == "Elc")   theta = .pIndexElc(x, y, weights)
  if (method == "Elw")   theta = .pIndexElw(x, y, weights)

### Bootstraping, this only works for vector x
.pIndexBoot=function(x, y, control) {
  x = as.matrix(x)
  n = length(y[, 1])
  B = control$B
  ci = control$ci
  fit = NULL

  if(ci == "Jackknife") {
    theta.b = rep(0, n)
    cat("\n\nJackknife resampling...\n")
    if(n > 100){
      cat("|=>                                             Done!\n|")
    ct = control
    for(i in 1:n) {
      x.b = x[-i, ]
      y.b = y[-i, ]
      ct$weights = control$weights[-i]
      theta.b[i] = .pIndexFit1(x.b, y.b, ct)
      if(n > 100 & i %% floor(n/40) == 0) cat("=")
      control$B = n
    fit$theta.b = theta.b
    theta.bar = mean(theta.b)

    fit$sd = sqrt((n-1)/n*sum((theta.b-theta.bar)^2))
  if(ci == "Bootstrap" & B > 0) {
    theta.b = rep(0, B)
    cat("\nBootstrap resampling...\n")
    if(B > 100){
        cat("|=>                                              Done!\n|")
    for(i in 1:B) {
      idx = sample(1:n, n, replace = TRUE)
      x.b = x[idx, ]
      y.b = y[idx, ]
      theta.b[i] = .pIndexFit1(x.b, y.b, control)
      if(B > 100 & i %% floor(B/40) == 0) cat("=")
    fit$theta.b = theta.b
    fit$sd = sd(theta.b)

### Kernal fit for local biomarker variable
pIndexLocal=function(x, y, control) {
  xc = x
  xc[, 2] = x.cdf(x[, 2])
  h = control$h
    w = sort(x[, 2])
  else w = control$w
  w0 = quantile(x[, 2], w, type = 3)

  x1 = x[, 1]
  x2 = x[, 2]
  theta = w
  control_w = control
  for(i in 1:length(w)) {
    wg = .K_func(x2, w[i], control$h, control$kernel)
    control_w$weights = wg
    theta[i] = .pIndexFit1(x1, y, control_w)
  return(list(theta = theta, w = w, w0 = w0))

pIndexThreshold = function(x, y, control) {
    w = sort(x[, 2])
  else w = control$w

  xc = x
  x2 = x[, 2]
  theta = w
  sd    = w
  control_w = control
  for(i in 1:length(w)) {
    xc[, 2] = ifelse(x2 > w[i], 1, 0)
    fit = pIndexFit(xc, y, control_w)
    theta[i] = fit$theta
    sd[i]    = fit$sd
  fit = list(w = w, theta = theta, sd = sd)

### Efron method
.pdfcdf = function(y, group, weights) {
  fit = survfit(y~1, weights=weights, subset=(weights>0))
  cdf = 1-fit$surv
  pdf = diff(c(0, cdf))
  z  = rep(group, length(cdf))
  tm = fit$time
  sf = cbind(tm, pdf, z, cdf)
  sf = sf[pdf>0, ]

#piecewise constant hazard
.picsf=function(y, group, cut) {
  rownames(y) = c(1:length(y[, 1]))
  dat = data.frame(y)
  spt = survSplit(y~1, data = dat, cut = cut, start = 't0', 
		 end = 't1', episode = 'group')
  spt$group = as.factor(spt$group)

  #total person year
  spt$py = spt$y[, 2] - spt$y[, 1]
  spt$event = spt$y[, 3]
  tab = aggregate(spt[c("event", "py")], by = list(group = spt$group), sum)
  tab$rate = tab$event/tab$py

#mix distribution, to be added.

#pictail=function(y, group, cut) {
#  weights = 1
#  sf = .pdfcdf(y, group, weights)

# pIndex for piecewise
.pIndexPic=function(x, y, control){
  cut = control$cut
  #if (is.null(cut)) cut = c(1.5, 2.3, 3, max(y[, 1]))
  sf1 = .picsf(y[x==1, ], 1, cut) 
  sf2 = .picsf(y[x==0, ], 0, cut)
  r1 = sf1$rate
  r2 = sf2$rate
  event = sf1$event + sf2$event
  event = event/(sum(event))

  K = length(cut)
  # theta = sum(r2/(r1+r2)*(1 - exp(-(r1+r2)*(b-a)))*s1(a)*s2(a)))
  rt = r1 + r2
  rx = r2/rt

  #cut = c(cut, cut[K]*10)

  tau = c(0, cut)
  dtau = diff(tau)
  dtau1 = c(0, dtau)
  dtau1= dtau1[1:K]

  s0 = exp(-cumsum(rt*dtau1))
  wk = (1 - exp(-rt*dtau))*s0
  wk = event

  theta = sum(rx*wk)

.pIndexEfron = function(x, y, weights){
  cf1 = .pdfcdf(y[x==1, ], 1, weights[x==1])
  cf2 = .pdfcdf(y[x==0, ], 0, weights[x==0])
  t1 = cf1[, 1]
  t0 = cf2[, 1]
  p1 = cf1[, 2]
  p0 = cf2[, 2]
  F0 = cf2[, 4]

  m1 = length(t1)
  m0 = length(t0)
  theta = 0
  #checking using althernative method theta1
  #theta1 = 0
  #for (i in 1:m0) {
  #  for (j in 1:m1) {
  #    dij = ifelse(t0[i]<=t1[j], 1, 0)
  #    theta = theta + p0[i]*p1[j]*dij
  #  }
  for(i in 1:m1) {
    idx = sum(ifelse(t0 < t1[i], 1, 0))
    if(idx>0) theta = theta + F0[idx]*p1[i]
  #cat('theta = ', theta, theta1, '\n')

#### Conditional empirical likelihood method ##############
.boxCox = function(x, r){
	  if(r == 0) tx = log(x)
  else tx = (x^r - 1)/r

.pc = function(beta, r, m1, m2, W) {
  p = 1/(m1+m2*exp(beta[1]+beta[2]*.boxCox(W, r)))

.pc2 = function(beta, r, m1, m2, W) {
  p = exp(beta[1]+beta[2]*.boxCox(W, r))

.ellc = function(beta, r, m1, m2, W) {
  m = m1+m2
  p = .pc(beta, r, m1, m2, W)

  W2 = W[(m1+1):m]
  ell = sum(log(p)) + sum(beta[1]+beta[2]*.boxCox(W2, r))

.pIndexElc = function(x, y, weights) {
  cf1 = .pdfcdf(y[x==1, ], 1, weights[x==1])
  cf2 = .pdfcdf(y[x==0, ], 0, weights[x==0])
  t1 = cf1[, 1]
  t2 = cf2[, 1]
  W = c(t1, t2)
  m1 = length(t1)
  m2 = length(t2)
  m = m1 + m2
  rx = seq(-2, 3, 0.1)
  lx = rx
  r.max = rx[1]
  beta.max = c(0, 0)
  elm = 1e10
  for (i in 1:length(rx)){
    fitb = try(optim(beta.max, .ellc, method = "BFGS", r = rx[i], m1 = m1, m2 = m2, W = W), 
               silent = TRUE)
    if(is(fitb, "try-error")) next
    ell = fitb$value
    if (ell < elm) {
      elm = ell
      r.max = rx[i]
      beta.max = fitb$par
    lx[i] = ell

  p = .pc(beta.max, r.max, m1, m2, W)
  p2 = p*.pc2(beta.max, r.max, m1, m2, W)
  theta = 0
  for (i in 1:m) {
    for (j in 1:m){
      dij =  ifelse(W[i]<= W[j], 0, 1)
      theta = theta+p[i]*p2[j]*dij

##### weighted empirical likelihood methdo ##############
.pw = function(beta, r, m1, m2, W) {
  m = m1 + m2
  U = c(rep(m1/m, m1), rep(m2/m, m2))
  u1 = sum(U[1:m1])
  u2 = sum(U[(m1+1):m])
  p = (u1+u2*exp(beta[1]+beta[2]*.boxCox(W, r)))

.ellw = function(beta, r, m1, m2, W) {
  m = m1+m2
  p = .pw(beta, r, m1, m2, W)
  U = c(rep(m1/m, m1), rep(m2/m, m2))
  W2 = W[(m1+1):m]
  U2 = U[(m1+1):m]
  ell = m*sum(U*log(p)) + m*sum(U2*(beta[1]+beta[2]*.boxCox(W2, r)))

.pIndexElw = function(x, y, weights) {
  cf1 = .pdfcdf(y[x==1, ], 1, weights[x==1])
  cf2 = .pdfcdf(y[x==0, ], 0, weights[x==0])
  t1 = cf1[, 1]
  t2 = cf2[, 1]
  W = c(t1, t2)
  m1 = length(t1)
  m2 = length(t2)
  m = m1 + m2
  rx = seq(-2, 3, 0.1)
  lx = rx
  r.max = rx[1]
  beta.max = c(0, 0)
  elm = 1e10
  for (i in 1:length(rx)){
    fitb = try(optim(beta.max, .ellw, method = "BFGS", r = rx[i], m1 = m1, m2 = m2, W = W), 
               silent = TRUE)
    if(is(fitb, 'try-error')) next
    ell = fitb$value
    if (ell < elm) {
      elm = ell
      r.max = rx[i]
      beta.max = fitb$par
    lx[i] = ell
  p = .pw(beta.max, r.max, m1, m2, W)
  p2 = p*.pc2(beta.max, r.max, m1, m2, W)
  theta = 0
  for (i in 1:m) {
    for (j in 1:m){
      dij =  ifelse(W[i]<= W[j], 0, 1)
      theta = theta+p[i]*p2[j]*dij
statapps/bhm documentation built on April 5, 2024, 3:31 a.m.