#' Gantt chart
#' Creates a \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gantt_chart}{Gantt chart} with
#' horizontal or vertical lines
#' This function relies on \href{http://ggplot2.org/}{ggplot2} package to
#' create a Gantt chart with vertical or horizontal lines. The function supports
#' panel plot layout. Points can be added at the start and end of the lines
#' and the point shape specification is supported through \code{status} and
#' \code{point_shape_map} arguments together. Refer to the description of the
#' two arguments for more details
#' @param data Data frame: default dataset to use for plot
#' @param var Character: name of a \code{data} column mapped to events/projects
#' @param var_levels Character vector: levels of \code{var}, i.e. unique names
#' of all the events/projects
#' @param time Character: name of a \code{data} column mapped to the start and
#' end dates of an event/project. For each event/project, both start and end
#' dates should be present in order to draw a line segment, representing the
#' duration of the event/project
#' @param status Character: name of a \code{data} column mapped to the status
#' of the date in the same row. This argument, together with
#' \code{point_shape_map}, is used to add points and specify the shape of the
#' points at the start and end dates of each event/project. The column of
#' \code{status} contains at most three status of an event/project: start,
#' end, and ongoing. Custom phrasing of these three status are permitted as
#' long as \code{\link[base]{names}} of \code{point_shape_map}, if not
#' \code{NULL}, match those status phrases.
#' @param group Character: name of a \code{data} column mapped to the color of
#' the lines
#' @param group_levels Vector/List: a named vector/list that specifies the
#' levels and labels of \code{group}
#' @param facet_r Character: name of a \code{data} column mapped to the facet
#' row in panel plot layout. Check \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_grid}} for more
#' details
#' @param facet_c Character: name of a \code{data} column mapped to the facet
#' column in panel plot layout. Check \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_grid}} for
#' more details
#' @param facet_r_levels Vector/List: a named vector/list that specifies the
#' levels and labels of \code{facet_r}
#' @param facet_c_levels Vector/List: a named vector/list that specifies the
#' levels and labels of \code{facet_c}
#' @param facet_scale Character: Are scales shared across all facets. Refer to
#' the `scale` argument in \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_grid}}. Default `free`
#' means that scales are not shared
#' @param facet_space Character: Refer to the `space` argument in
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_grid}}. Default `free` means both height and
#' width will vary
#' @param x_lab Character: x-axis label
#' @param y_lab Character: y-axis label
#' @param group_lab Character: group variable label
#' @param title Character: barplot title
#' @param label_align Character: alignment of the event/project labels. If
#' `left` (default), labels will be left-aligned; if `center`, labels will be
#' center-aligned; if `right`, labels will be right-aligned
#' @param bar_label_angle Numeric: the orientation angle (in [0, 360]) of the
#' bar labels on the axis. By default, the label will be perpendicular to the
#' axis
#' @param label_angle Character: the orientation angle (in [0, 360]) of the
#' event/project labels on the axis. By default, the label will be
#' perpendicular to the axis
#' @param grids Character: control the grids. If `on` (default), grids will be
#' drawn; if `x`, only grids on x-axis will be drawn; if `y`, only grids on
#' y-axis will be drawn; if `off`, no grids will be drawn
#' @param bw_theme Logical: If \code{TRUE} (default), black-and-white theme
#' will be used. Refer to \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme_bw}} for more details
#' @param horizontal Logical: If \code{TRUE} (default), horizontal gantt chart
#' is drawn; if `FALSE`, vertical version is drawn instead
#' @param point_shape_map List/Character vector/Numeric vector: specify points
#' shape mapping to \code{status} column. If unnamed, levels of \code{status}
#' are used as the names. Names of the list/vector must match the unique
#' values of \code{status} column. Values of the list/vector must be valid
#' shape representation. Refer to
#' \href{http://sape.inf.usi.ch/quick-reference/ggplot2/shape}{ggplot2 Quick Reference: shape}
#' for more details
#' @param point_size Numeric: size of the points. Must be positive value
#' @param point_legend Logical: If \code{TRUE} (default), legend of point shape
#' is included; otherwise, omitted
#' @return An object of class ggplot. Can be directly sent to plot with
#' \code{\link{print}}
#' @examples
#' test_df <- data.frame(
#' project = rep(paste('Project', 1:10), each = 2),
#' time = c(rbind(sample(1:5, 10, replace = TRUE),
#' sample(6:8, 10, replace = TRUE))),
#' status = factor(c(rbind(rep('start', 10),
#' c(rep('end', 5), rep('ongoing', 5)))),
#' levels = c('start', 'ongoing', 'end'))
#' )
#' gg_gantt_chart(test_df, var = 'project', time = 'time',
#' status = 'status', y_lab = '', grids = 'y')
#' gg_gantt_chart(test_df, var = 'project', time = 'time',
#' status = 'status', point_legend = TRUE)
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @author Feiyang Niu (Feiyang.Niu@gilead.com)
gg_gantt_chart <- function(data, var, var_levels = NULL, time, status = NULL,
group = NULL, group_levels = NULL,
facet_r = NULL, facet_c = NULL,
facet_r_levels = NULL, facet_c_levels = NULL,
facet_scale = 'free', facet_space = 'free',
x_lab = NULL, y_lab = NULL, group_lab = group,
title = NULL, label_align = 'left', label_angle = NULL,
grids = 'on', bw_theme = TRUE, horizontal = TRUE,
point_shape_map = if(horizontal) {
list('start' = 15, 'end' = 16, 'ongoing' = 45)
} else {
list('start' = 15, 'end' = 16, 'ongoing' = 45)
point_size = 3, point_legend = FALSE) {
# argument match
check_var_class(data, is.data.frame)
column_in_dataframe(data, var)
column_in_dataframe(data, time)
if(!is_blank(status)) column_in_dataframe(data, status)
if(!is_blank(group)) column_in_dataframe(data, group)
if(!is_blank(facet_r)) column_in_dataframe(data, facet_r)
if(!is_blank(facet_c)) column_in_dataframe(data, facet_c)
arg_in_choices(facet_scale, c('free', 'free_x', 'free_y', 'fixed'))
arg_in_choices(facet_space, c('free', 'free_x', 'free_y', 'fixed'))
arg_in_choices(label_align, c('right', 'center', 'left'))
arg_in_choices(grids, c('on', 'x', 'y', 'off'))
bw_theme <- isTRUE(bw_theme)
horizontal <- isTRUE(horizontal)
point_legend <- isTRUE(point_legend)
if(!is.null(label_angle)) check_var_class(label_angle, is.numeric)
if(!is_blank(status)) {
if(!is.factor(data[[status]])) data[[status]] <- factor(data[[status]])
status_levels <- levels(data[[status]])
if(length(point_shape_map) < length(status_levels)) {
all_shapes <- (0:25)[seq_along(status_levels)]
names(point_shape_map) <- status_levels
else if(!all(status_levels %in% names(point_shape_map))) {
stop(paste('Names of `point_shape_map` must match the unique',
'values in `status` column'))
shape_values <- unname(unlist(point_shape_map[status_levels]))
# data manipulation
# sort the data
group_by_vars <- c()
if(!is_blank(facet_r)) group_by_vars <- c(group_by_vars, facet_r)
if(!is_blank(facet_c)) group_by_vars <- c(group_by_vars, facet_c)
if(!is_blank(group)) group_by_vars <- c(group_by_vars, group)
group_by_vars <- c(group_by_vars, var)
group_dots <- lapply(group_by_vars, as.symbol)
data <- group_by_(data, .dots = group_dots)
# make `var` a factor
var_levels <- unlist(var_levels)
if(is.null(var_levels)) var_levels <- sort(unique(data[[var]]))
if(horizontal) var_levels <- rev(var_levels)
data[[var]] <- factor(data[[var]], levels = var_levels)
data <- data[!is.na(data[[var]]), , drop = F]
if(!is.null(names(var_levels))) levels(data[[var]]) <- names(var_levels)
if(is.null(x_lab)) x_lab <- ifelse(horizontal, 'Duration', var)
if(is.null(y_lab)) y_lab <- ifelse(horizontal, var, 'Duration')
if(is.null(title)) title <- ''
x_ <- paste0('`', ifelse(horizontal, time, var), '`')
y_ <- paste0('`', ifelse(horizontal, var, time), '`')
if(!is_blank(facet_r)) {
facet_r_levels <- unlist(facet_r_levels)
facet_r_levels <- sort(unique(data[[facet_r]]))
data[[facet_r]] <- factor(data[[facet_r]], levels = facet_r_levels)
data <- data[!is.na(data[[facet_r]]), , drop = F]
if(!is.null(names(facet_r_levels))) {
levels(data[[facet_r]]) <- names(facet_r_levels)
if(!is_blank(facet_c)) {
facet_c_levels <- unlist(facet_c_levels)
facet_c_levels <- sort(unique(data[[facet_c]]))
data[[facet_c]] <- factor(data[[facet_c]], levels = facet_c_levels)
data <- data[!is.na(data[[facet_c]]), , drop = F]
if(!is.null(names(facet_c_levels))) {
levels(data[[facet_c]]) <- names(facet_c_levels)
if(!is_blank(group)) {
group_levels <- unlist(group_levels)
if(is.null(group_levels)) group_levels <- sort(unique(data[[group]]))
data[[group]] <- factor(data[[group]], levels = group_levels)
data <- data[!is.na(data[[group]]), , drop = F]
if(!is.null(names(group_levels))) {
levels(data[[group]]) <- names(group_levels)
# make the plot
plot_ <- gg_wrapper(
data = data, aes_string(x = x_, y = y_),
facet_r = facet_r, facet_c = facet_c,
facet_scale = facet_scale, facet_space = facet_space,
x_lab = x_lab, y_lab = y_lab, title = title,
color_var = group, color_lab = group_lab,
bw_theme = bw_theme, grids = grids
plot_ <- plot_ + geom_line(aes_string(group = var))
if(!is_blank(status)) {
plot_ <- plot_ +
geom_point(aes_string(shape = status), size = point_size,
show.legend = point_legend) +
scale_shape_manual(name = '', values = shape_values)
if(!is.null(label_angle)) angle <- label_angle
else angle <- ifelse(horizontal, 0, 90)
adjust <- list('right' = 1, 'center' = 0.5, 'left' = 0)[[label_align]]
if(horizontal) {
plot_ <- plot_ +
theme(axis.text.y = element_text(angle = angle, hjust = adjust))
} else {
plot_ <- plot_ +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = angle,
hjust = adjust,
vjust = 0.5))
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