Man pages for stevexniu/scMatchmaker
Single Cell Matchmaker

aggregateNameAggregate Interaction Data
asSparseConvert Matrix to Sparse Matrix
calcDensityCalculate the Density of Feature
calcEMDCalculate the Earth Mover's Distance Similarity for...
calcStrengthCalculate the Strength for Multiple Interacting Pair.
calcStrength.singleCalculate the Strength for Each Interacting Pair.
cellphonedbCellPhoneDB Database
checkIdentsCheck Cell Identity in Data
ComplexingCalculate Complex Interaction
convertDataConvert Interaction Matrix
ConvertingConvert Interaction Data
deciduaDecidua Single Cell RNA-seq Dataset
decidua.annotationDecidua Single Cell RNA-seq Annotation Metadata
DifferingDifferential Interactions
filterInteractionsFilter Interaction Data
filterMatrixFilter Matrix
findInteractionsCalculate the Interaction Strength
findInteractions.singleCalculate the Interaction Strength for Single Interaction
geomSketchRun Geometric Sketching
heatmapPlotGenerate Heatmap
histogramPlotGenerate Interaction Histograms
LoadCellPhoneDBLoad CellPhoneDB Datasets
logCommandLog Command
logTPMLog-transformed Transcripts Per Million (logTPM)
Matchmaker-classThe Matchmaker S4 Class
MatchmakingRun Matchmaker
matchNamesMatch the Names of Inteactions Pairs in Expression Data.
mergeListsMerge Two List
MergingMerge Interactions
networkPlotGenerate Network Plot
NormalizationData Normalization
orderMatrixOrder Matrix
PlotHeatmapInteraction Heatmap
PlotHistogramInteraction Histograms
PlotNetworkInteraction Network Plot
PlotScatterInteraction Scatter Plot
PlotSpotInteraction Spot Plot
randomIdentsGenerate Randomized Cell Identities
ResettingReset Interactions
rowScaleScale Data by Row
SavingSave Interaction Data
ScalingData Scaling
scatterPlotGenerate Scatter Plot
scMatchmaker-package'scMatchmaker' package
ScreeningScreen for Interactions and Initialize Matchmaker Object
SelectingFilter and Select Interaction Data
SketchingDownsampling and Geometric Sketching
spotPlotGenerate Spot Plot
statsCellsCalculate the Statistics for each Cell.
SubsettingSubset Interactions
zeroOneConvert to Zero and One Range
stevexniu/scMatchmaker documentation built on June 2, 2022, 12:35 p.m.