Matchmaker-class | R Documentation |
The Matchmaker object with the slot information listed as follow:
Expression data. A d x M matrix with d rows of interaction genes and M columns of data points (cells).
Data frame of cell type annotatiuons.
first column, stores the cell type identities for each cell in the data.
..., additional slots for future use.
Ligand-receptor interaction pairs. A dataframe with at least two columns for ligand-receptor pair gene names.
Matrix of relative strengths of interactions.
row names, interacting cell types seperated by "|".
column names, interacting partner pairs seperated by "_".
Matrix of p values of interaction strengths. Row and column naming are the same as the strength matrix.
A list of selected and filtered interactions:
stregth, Matrix of relative strengths of interactions.
pvalue, Matrix of p values of interaction strengths., merged interaction pair data and strength data.
Name of the project.
List of miscellaneous:
raw_data, raw expression data.
stats_null, null interaction stength without earth mover's distance adjustment if emd=TRUE option is used.
emd, earth mover's distance similarity.
permute_result, list of permutation results if saved.
sketch_id, geometric sketching ID.
graph, graph visualization.
single_interaction, single gene-gene interaction table in the format of single interactions if Complexing function is called.
single_strength, single gene-gene interaction strengths if Complexing function is called.
single_pvalue, single gene-gene interaction p-values of interactions strengths if Complexing function is called.
unmerged_strength, unmerged interaction strenghts if Merging function is called.
unmerged_pvalue, unmerged interaction p-values if Merging function is called.
..., additional slots for future use.
Nested list of commands and scMatchmaker version used.
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