
Defines functions ldecomp.plotResiduals ldecomp.getLimitsCoordinates ldecomp.getT2Limits ldecomp.getQLimits ldecomp.getLimParams ddrobust.param ddmoments.param dd.crit chisq.prob chisq.crit hotelling.prob hotelling.crit jm.prob jm.crit ldecomp.getDistances ldecomp.getVariances summary.ldecomp as.matrix.ldecomp print.ldecomp plotResiduals.ldecomp plotScores.ldecomp plotVariance.ldecomp plotCumVariance.ldecomp ldecomp

Documented in as.matrix.ldecomp chisq.crit chisq.prob dd.crit ddmoments.param ddrobust.param hotelling.crit hotelling.prob jm.crit jm.prob ldecomp ldecomp.getDistances ldecomp.getLimitsCoordinates ldecomp.getLimParams ldecomp.getQLimits ldecomp.getT2Limits ldecomp.getVariances ldecomp.plotResiduals plotCumVariance.ldecomp plotResiduals.ldecomp plotScores.ldecomp plotVariance.ldecomp print.ldecomp summary.ldecomp

#' Class for storing and visualising linear decomposition of dataset (X = TP' + E)
#' @description
#' Creates an object of ldecomp class.
#' @param scores
#' matrix with score values (I x A).
#' @param loadings
#' matrix with loading values (J x A).
#' @param residuals
#' matrix with data residuals (I x J)
#' @param eigenvals
#' vector with eigenvalues for the loadings
#' @param ncomp.selected
#' number of selected components
#' @return
#' Returns an object (list) of \code{ldecomp} class with following fields:
#' \item{scores }{matrix with score values (I x A).}
#' \item{residuals }{matrix with data residuals (I x J).}
#' \item{T2 }{matrix with score distances (I x A).}
#' \item{Q }{matrix with orthogonal distances (I x A).}
#' \item{ncomp.selected }{selected number of components.}
#' \item{expvar }{explained variance for each component.}
#' \item{cumexpvar }{cumulative explained variance.}
#' @details
#' \code{ldecomp} is a general class for storing results of decomposition of dataset in
#' form X = TP' + E. Here, X is a data matrix, T - matrix with scores, P - matrix with
#' loadings and E - matrix with residuals. It is used, for example, for PCA results
#' (\code{\link{pcares}}), in PLS and other methods. The class also includes methods for
#' calculation of residual distances and explained variance.
#' There is no need to use the \code{ldecomp} manually. For example, when build PCA model
#' with \code{\link{pca}} or apply it to a new data, the results will automatically inherit
#' all methods of \code{ldecomp}.
#' @importFrom methods show
#' @importFrom stats convolve cor lm na.exclude predict pt qf qnorm qt sd var
#' @export
ldecomp <- function(scores, loadings, residuals, eigenvals, ncomp.selected = ncol(scores)) {

   ncomp <- ncol(scores)

   obj <- list(
      scores = scores,
      residuals = residuals,
      ncomp = ncomp,
      ncomp.selected = ncomp.selected,
      categories = NULL

   # get distances and add them to the object
   dist <- ldecomp.getDistances(scores, loadings, residuals, eigenvals)
   obj <- c(obj, dist)

   # get variance and add it to the object
   var <- ldecomp.getVariances(scores, loadings, residuals, dist$Q)
   obj <- c(obj, var)

   obj$call <- match.call()
   class(obj) <- "ldecomp"


#' Cumulative explained variance plot
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with cumulative explained variance vs. number of components.
#' @param obj
#' object of \code{ldecomp} class.
#' @param type
#' type of the plot
#' @param labels
#' what to show as labels for plot objects
#' @param show.plot
#' logical, shall plot be created or just plot series object is needed
#' @param ...
#' most of graphical parameters from \code{\link{mdaplot}} function can be used.
#' @export
plotCumVariance.ldecomp <- function(obj, type = "b", labels = "values", show.plot = TRUE, ...) {

      plotVariance(obj, variance = "cumexpvar", type = type, labels = labels,
         show.plot = show.plot, ...)

#' Explained variance plot
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with explained variance vs. number of components.
#' @param obj
#' object of \code{ldecomp} class.
#' @param type
#' type of the plot
#' @param variance
#' string, which variance to make the plot for ("expvar", "cumexpvar")
#' @param labels
#' what to show as labels for plot objects.
#' @param xticks
#' vector with ticks for x-axis
#' @param show.plot
#' logical, shall plot be created or just plot series object is needed
#' @param ylab
#' label for y-axis
#' @param ...
#' most of graphical parameters from \code{\link{mdaplot}} function can be used.
#' @export
plotVariance.ldecomp <- function(obj, type = "b", variance = "expvar", labels = "values",
   xticks = seq_len(obj$ncomp), show.plot = TRUE, ylab = "Explained variance, %", ...) {

   if (!show.plot) return(obj[[variance]])

      mdaplot(obj[[variance]], xticks = xticks, labels = labels, type = type, ylab = ylab, ...)

#' Scores plot
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with scores values for data objects.
#' @param obj
#' object of \code{ldecomp} class.
#' @param comp
#' which components to show the plot for (can be one value or vector with two values).
#' @param type
#' type of the plot
#' @param show.axes
#' logical, show or not a axes lines crossing origin (0,0)
#' @param show.plot
#' logical, shall plot be created or just plot series object is needed
#' @param ...
#' most of graphical parameters from \code{\link{mdaplot}} function can be used.
#' @export
plotScores.ldecomp <- function(obj, comp = if (obj$ncomp > 1) c(1, 2) else 1, type = "p", show.axes = TRUE,
   show.plot = TRUE, ...) {

   if (min(comp) < 1 || max(comp) > ncol(obj$scores)) {
      stop("Wrong values for 'comp' parameter.")

   # get scores for given components and generate column names with explained variance
   plot_data <- mda.subset(obj$scores, select = comp)
   colnames(plot_data) <- paste0("Comp ", comp, " (", round(obj$expvar[comp], 2), "%)")
   attr(plot_data, "name") <- "Scores"

   # if no plot required - return plot series object
   if (!show.plot) {

   # set up values for showing axes lines
   show.lines <- FALSE
   if (show.axes) {
      show.lines <- if (length(comp) == 2 && type == "p") c(0, 0) else c(NA, 0)

   # scatter plot
   if (type == "p") {
      p <- mdaplot(plot_data, type = type, show.lines = show.lines, ...)

   # line or bar plot
   plot_data <- mda.t(plot_data)
   attr(plot_data, "yaxis.name") <- "Score"
   return(mdaplotg(plot_data, type = type, show.lines = show.lines, ...))

#' Residual distance plot
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with orthogonal (Q, q) vs. score (T2, h) distances for data objects.
#' @param obj
#' object of \code{ldecomp} class.
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components to show the plot for (if NULL, selected by model value will be used).
#' @param norm
#' logical, normalize distance values or not (see details)
#' @param log
#' logical, apply log tranformation to the distances or not (see details)
#' @param show.plot
#' logical, shall plot be created or just plot series object is needed
#' @param ...
#' most of graphical parameters from \code{\link{mdaplot}} function can be used.
#' @export
plotResiduals.ldecomp <- function(obj, ncomp = obj$ncomp.selected, norm = FALSE, log = FALSE, show.plot = TRUE, ...) {

   attrs <- mda.getattr(obj$Q)

  # function for transforming distances
   transform <- function(u, u0, norm, log) {
      if (norm) u <- u / u0
      if (log) u <- log(1 + u)

   # function for creating labels depending on transformation
   get_label <- function(lab, norm, log) {
      if (norm) lab <- paste0(lab, "/", lab, "0")
      if (log) lab <- paste0("log(1 + ", lab, ")")

   # get scale factors
   h0 <- if (!is.null(attr(obj$T2, "u0"))) attr(obj$T2, "u0")[[ncomp]]
   q0 <- if (!is.null(attr(obj$Q, "u0"))) attr(obj$Q, "u0")[[ncomp]]

   # check that scaling values exist
   if (norm && (is.null(h0) || is.null(q0))) {
      warning("Can not normalize distances as scaling values are absent.")
      norm <- FALSE

   # prepare plot data
   h <- transform(obj$T2[, ncomp], h0, norm, log)
   q <- transform(obj$Q[, ncomp], q0, norm, log)

   # default values for local labels
   lxlab <- get_label("h", norm, log)
   lylab <- get_label("q", norm, log)

   # combine everything to dataset and assign attributes
   plot_data <- mda.cbind(h, q)
   plot_data <- mda.setattr(plot_data, attrs, "row")
   rownames(plot_data) <- rownames(obj$Q)
   colnames(plot_data) <- c(
      paste0("Score distance, ", lxlab),
      paste0("Orthogonal distance, ", lylab)

   attr(plot_data, "name") <- sprintf("Distances (ncomp = %d)", ncomp)

   # if no plot required - return plot series object
   if (!show.plot) return(plot_data)

   # show plot
   return(mdaplot(plot_data, ...))

#' Print method for linear decomposition
#' @description
#' Generic \code{print} function for linear decomposition. Prints information about
#' the \code{ldecomp} object.
#' @param x
#' object of class \code{ldecomp}
#' @param str
#' user specified text to show as a description of the object
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @export
print.ldecomp <- function(x, str = NULL, ...) {
   if (is.null(str)) {
      str <- "Results of data decomposition (class ldecomp)."

   if (nchar(str) > 0) {
      fprintf("\n%s\n", str)

   cat("\nMajor fields:\n")
   cat("$scores - matrix with score values\n")
   cat("$T2 - matrix with T2 distances\n")
   cat("$Q - matrix with Q residuals\n")
   cat("$ncomp.selected - selected number of components\n")
   cat("$expvar - explained variance for each component\n")
   cat("$cumexpvar - cumulative explained variance\n")

#' as.matrix method for ldecomp object
#' @description
#' Generic \code{as.matrix} function for linear decomposition. Returns a matrix with information
#' about the decomposition.
#' @param x
#' object of class \code{ldecomp}
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components to get the result for (if NULL will return for each available)
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @export
as.matrix.ldecomp <- function(x, ncomp = NULL, ...) {

   out <- cbind(x$expvar, x$cumexpvar)
   rownames(out) <- colnames(x$Q)
   colnames(out) <- c("Expvar", "Cumexpvar")

   if (!is.null(ncomp)) {
      out <- out[ncomp, , drop = FALSE]


#' Summary statistics for linear decomposition
#' @description
#' Generic \code{summary} function for linear decomposition. Prints statistic about
#' the decomposition.
#' @param object
#' object of class \code{ldecomp}
#' @param str
#' user specified text to show as a description of the object
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @export
summary.ldecomp <- function(object, str = NULL, ...) {
   if (is.null(str)) {
      str <- "Summary for data decomposition (class ldecomp)."

   fprintf("\n%s\n", str)
   fprintf("\nSelected components: %d\n\n", object$ncomp.selected)

   print(round(as.matrix(object), 2))

# Static methods         #

#' Compute explained variance
#' @description
#' Computes explained variance and cumulative explained variance for data decomposition.
#' @param scores
#' matrix with scores (T).
#' @param loadings
#' matrix with loadings (P).
#' @param residuals
#' matrix with residuals (E).
#' @param Q
#' matrix with squared orthogonal distances.
#' @return
#' Returns a list with two vectors.
ldecomp.getVariances <- function(scores, loadings, residuals, Q) {

   # get names and attributes
   rows_excluded <- attr(scores, "exclrows")
   cols_excluded <- attr(scores, "exclcols")

   # remove excluded columns from loadings and residuals
   if (length(cols_excluded) > 0) {
      loadings <- loadings[-cols_excluded, , drop = FALSE]
      residuals <- residuals[-cols_excluded, , drop = FALSE]

   # remove excluded rows from scores, residuals and Q
   if (length(rows_excluded) > 0) {
      scores <- scores[-rows_excluded, , drop = FALSE]
      residuals <- residuals[-rows_excluded, , drop = FALSE]
      Q <- Q[-rows_excluded, , drop = FALSE]

   # compute total variance
   totvar <- sum(tcrossprod(scores, loadings)^2) + sum(residuals^2)

   # compute explained variance
   cumexpvar <- 100 * (1 - colSums(Q) / totvar)
   expvar <- c(cumexpvar[1], diff(cumexpvar))

   names(cumexpvar) <- names(expvar) <- colnames(Q)
   attr(expvar, "name") <- "Variance"
   attr(cumexpvar, "name") <- "Cumulative variance"
   attr(expvar, "xaxis.name") <- attr(cumexpvar, "xaxis.name") <- "Components"

   return(list(expvar = expvar, cumexpvar = cumexpvar))

#' Compute score and residual distances
#' @description
#' Compute orthogonal Euclidean distance from object to PC space (Q, q) and Mahalanobis
#' squared distance between projection of the object to the space and its origin (T2, h).
#' @param scores
#' matrix with scores (T).
#' @param loadings
#' matrix with loadings (P).
#' @param residuals
#' matrix with residuals (E).
#' @param eigenvals
#' vector with eigenvalues for the components
#' @details
#' The distances are calculated for every 1:n components, where n goes from 1 to ncomp
#' (number of columns in scores and loadings).
#' @return
#' Returns a list with Q, T2 and tnorm values for each component.
ldecomp.getDistances <- function(scores, loadings, residuals, eigenvals) {

   # get names and attributes
   cols_excluded <- attr(loadings, "exclrows")

   # get sizes
   ncomp <- ncol(scores)
   nobj <- nrow(scores)

   # remove excluded variables from loadings and residuals
   if (length(cols_excluded) > 0) {
      loadings <- loadings[-cols_excluded, , drop = FALSE]
      residuals <- residuals[, -cols_excluded, drop = FALSE]

   # helper function to compute orthogonal distances for given number of components in a model
   getResiduals <- function(scores, loadings, residuals, a) {
      ncomp <- ncol(scores)
      if (a == ncomp) return(residuals)

      residuals + tcrossprod(
         scores[, (a + 1):ncomp, drop = FALSE],
         loadings[, (a + 1):ncomp, drop = FALSE]

   # compute matrices with orthogonal and score distances
   Q <- sapply(seq_len(ncomp), function(a) rowSums(getResiduals(scores, loadings, residuals, a)^2))
   dim(Q) <- c(nobj, ncomp)

   T2 <- t(apply(scale(scores^2, center = FALSE, scale = eigenvals), 1, cumsum))
   dim(T2) <- c(nobj, ncomp)

   # set attributes for Q
   Q <- mda.setattr(Q, mda.getattr(scores), type = "row")
   attr(Q, "name") <- "Squared residual distance (q)"
   attr(Q, "xaxis.name") <- "Components"

   # set attributes for T2
   T2 <- mda.setattr(T2, mda.getattr(Q))
   attr(T2, "name") <- "Score distance (h)"

   colnames(Q) <- colnames(T2) <- colnames(loadings)
   rownames(Q) <- rownames(T2) <- rownames(scores)

   # return the results
   return(list(Q = Q, T2 = T2))

# Methods for critical limits #

#' Calculate critical limits for distance values using Jackson-Mudholkar approach
#' @param residuals
#' matrix with PCA residuals
#' @param eigenvals
#' vector with eigenvalues for PCA components
#' @param alpha
#' significance level for extreme objects
#' @param gamma
#' significance level for outliers
#' @return
#' vector with four values: critical limits for given alpha and gamma, mean distance and DoF.
#' @export
jm.crit <- function(residuals, eigenvals, alpha = 0.05, gamma = 0.01) {

   # if not all eigenvalues available - ise residuals to compute the rest
   ncomp <- length(eigenvals)
   nobj <- nrow(residuals)
   max_ncomp <- min(nrow(residuals) - 1, ncol(residuals))
   if (length(eigenvals) < max_ncomp) {
      eigenvals <- c(eigenvals, svd(residuals)$d[seq_len(max_ncomp - ncomp)]^2 / (nobj - 1))

   # since it is residuals we do not need eigenvalue for PC1
   eigenvals <- eigenvals[-1]
   t1 <- rev(cumsum(rev(eigenvals)))[seq_len(ncomp)]
   t2 <- rev(cumsum(rev(eigenvals)^2))[seq_len(ncomp)]
   t3 <- rev(cumsum(rev(eigenvals)^3))[seq_len(ncomp)]

   h0 <- 1 - 2 * t1 * t3 / 3 / (t2^2)
   ifelse(h0 < 0.001, h0 <- 0.001, h0)

   # inverse error function
   erfinv <- function(x) qnorm((1 + x) / 2) / sqrt(2)
   gcl <- 1 - (1 - gamma) ^ (1 / nobj)
   ca <- sqrt(2) * erfinv(c(1 - 2 * alpha, (1 - 2 * gcl)))

   # compute h1 for alpha and gamma
   h1a <- ca[1] * sqrt(2 * t2 * h0^2) / t1
   h1g <- ca[2] * sqrt(2 * t2 * h0^2) / t1
   h2 <- t2 * h0 * (h0 - 1) / (t1 ^ 2)

   out <- rbind(
      t1 * (1 + h1a + h2) ^ (1 / h0),
      t1 * (1 + h1g + h2) ^ (1 / h0)

   if (ncomp == max_ncomp) {
      out[, max_ncomp] <- 0

   attr(out, "eigenvals") <- eigenvals

#' Calculate probabilities for distance values and given parameters using Hotelling T2 distribution
#' @param u
#' vector with distances
#' @param eigenvals
#' vector with eigenvalues for PCA components
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components
#' @export
jm.prob <- function(u, eigenvals, ncomp) {

   erf <- function(x) 1 - pnorm(-x * sqrt(2)) * 2

   t1 <- rev(cumsum(rev(eigenvals)))[ncomp]
   t2 <- rev(cumsum(rev(eigenvals)^2))[ncomp]
   t3 <- rev(cumsum(rev(eigenvals)^3))[ncomp]

   h0 <- 1 - 2 * t1 * t3 / 3 / (t2^2)
   ifelse(h0 < 0.001, h0 <- 0.001, h0)

   h1 <- (u / t1)^h0
   h2 <- t2 * h0 * (h0 - 1) / t1^2
   d <- t1 * (h1 - 1 - h2) / (sqrt(2 * t2) * h0)

   return(0.5 * (1 + erf(d / sqrt(2))))

#' Calculate critical limits for distance values using Hotelling T2 distribution
#' @param nobj
#' number of objects in calibration set
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components
#' @param alpha
#' significance level for extreme objects
#' @param gamma
#' significance level for outliers
#' @return
#' vector with four values: critical limits for given alpha and gamma, mean distance and DoF.
#' @export
hotelling.crit <- function(nobj, ncomp, alpha = 0.05, gamma = 0.01) {
         (ncomp * (nobj - 1) / (nobj - ncomp)) * qf(1 - alpha, ncomp, (nobj - ncomp)),
         (ncomp * (nobj - 1) / (nobj - ncomp)) * qf((1 - gamma) ^ (1 / nobj), ncomp, (nobj - ncomp))

#' Calculate probabilities for distance values and given parameters using Hotelling T2 distribution
#' @param u
#' vector with distances
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components
#' @param nobj
#' number of objects in calibration set
#' @export
hotelling.prob <- function(u, ncomp, nobj) {
   return(pf(u * (nobj - ncomp) / (ncomp * (nobj - 1)), ncomp, (nobj - ncomp)))

#' Calculates critical limits for distance values using Chi-square distribution
#' @description
#' The method is based on Chi-squared distribution with DF = 2 * (m(u)/s(u)^2
#' @param param
#' matrix with distribution parameters
#' @param alpha
#' significance level for extreme objects
#' @param gamma
#' significance level for outliers
#' @export
chisq.crit <- function(param, alpha = 0.05, gamma = 0.01) {

   u0 <- param$u0
   nobj <- param$nobj
   Nu <- param$Nu

   DoF <- floor(Nu)
   DoF <- ifelse(DoF < 1, 1, DoF)

         qchisq(1 - alpha, DoF) * u0 / Nu,
         qchisq((1 - gamma) ^ (1 / nobj), DoF) * u0 / Nu

#' Calculate probabilities for distance values using Chi-square distribution
#' @param u
#' vector with distances
#' @param param
#' vector with distribution parameters
#' @export
chisq.prob <- function(u, param) {
   u0 <- param[1]
   Nu <- param[2]

   DoF <- floor(Nu)
   DoF[DoF == 0] <- 1
   return(pchisq(Nu * u / u0, DoF))

#' Calculates critical limits for distance values using Data Driven moments approach
#' @param paramQ
#' matrix with parameters for distribution of Q distances
#' @param paramT2
#' matrix with parameters for distribution of T2 distances
#' @param alpha
#' significance level for extreme objects
#' @param gamma
#' significance level for outliers
#' @export
dd.crit <- function(paramQ, paramT2, alpha = 0.05, gamma = 0.01) {

   nobj <- paramQ$nobj
   Nq <- round(paramQ$Nu)
   Nq[Nq < 1] <- 1
   Nq[Nq > 250] <- 250

   Nh <- round(paramT2$Nu)
   Nh[Nh < 1] <- 1
   Nh[Nh > 250] <- 250

         qchisq(1 - alpha, Nq + Nh),
         qchisq((1 - gamma) ^ (1 / nobj), Nq + Nh)

#' Calculates critical limits for distance values using Data Driven moments approach
#' @param U
#' matrix or vector with distance values
#' @export
ddmoments.param <- function(U) {

   if (is.null(dim(U))) dim(U) <- c(length(U), 1)

   u0 <- apply(U, 2, mean)
   su <- apply(U, 2, sd)
   Nu <- 2 * (u0 / su)^2

   return(list(u0 = u0, Nu = Nu, nobj = nrow(U)))

#' Calculates critical limits for distance values using Data Driven robust approach
#' @param U
#' matrix or vector with distance values
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components
#' @param alpha
#' significance level for extreme objects
#' @param gamma
#' significance level for outliers
#' @export
ddrobust.param <- function(U, ncomp, alpha, gamma) {

   if (is.null(dim(U))) dim(U) <- c(length(U), 1)

   Mu <- apply(U, 2, median)
   Su <- apply(U, 2, IQR)

   RM <- Su / Mu
   Nu <- round(exp((1.380948 * log(2.68631 / RM)) ^ 1.185785))
   Nu[RM > 2.685592117] <- 1
   Nu[RM < 0.194565995] <- 100

   u0 <- 0.5 * Nu * (Mu / qchisq(0.50, Nu) + Su / (qchisq(0.75, Nu) - qchisq(0.25, Nu)))
   return(list(u0 = u0, Nu = Nu, nobj = nrow(U)))

#' Compute parameters for critical limits based on calibration results
#' @param U
#' matrix with residual distances
#' @export
ldecomp.getLimParams <- function(U) {

   U <- mda.purgeRows(U)

         "moments" = ddmoments.param(U),
         "robust" = ddrobust.param(U),
         "nobj" = nrow(U)

#' Compute critical limits for orthogonal distances (Q)
#' @param lim.type
#' which method to use for calculation of critical limits for residuals
#' @param alpha
#' significance level for extreme limits.
#' @param gamma
#' significance level for outlier limits.
#' @param params
#' distribution parameters returned by ldecomp.getLimParams
#' @param residuals
#' matrix with residuals (E)
#' @param eigenvals
#' egenvalues for the components used to decompose the data
#' @export
ldecomp.getQLimits <- function(lim.type, alpha, gamma, params, residuals, eigenvals) {

   pQ <- if (regexpr("robust", lim.type) > 0) params$Q$robust else params$Q$moments
   ncomp <- length(pQ$u0)

   if (lim.type == "jm") {
      # methods based on Jackson-Mudholkar approach
      residuals <- mda.purge(residuals)
      lim <- jm.crit(residuals, eigenvals, alpha, gamma)
      eigenvals <- attr(lim, "eigenvals")
      lim <- rbind(lim, pQ$u0, nrow(residuals))
      attr(lim, "eigenvals") <- eigenvals

   } else {
      # methods based on chi-square distribution
      pT2 <- if (regexpr("robust", lim.type) > 0) params$T2$robust else params$T2$moments
      DoF <- round(pQ$Nu)
      DoF[DoF < 1] <- 1
      DoF[DoF > 250] <- 250

      lim <- switch(lim.type,
         "chisq" = chisq.crit(pQ, alpha, gamma),
         "ddmoments" = scale(dd.crit(pQ, pT2, alpha, gamma), center = FALSE, scale = DoF / pQ$u0),
         "ddrobust"  = scale(dd.crit(pQ, pT2, alpha, gamma), center = FALSE, scale = DoF / pQ$u0),
         stop("Wrong value for 'lim.type' parameter.")

      lim <- rbind(lim, pQ$u0, DoF)

   colnames(lim) <- paste("Comp", seq_len(ncomp))
   rownames(lim) <- c("Extremes limits", "Outliers limits", "Mean", "DoF")
   attr(lim, "name") <- "Critical limits for orthogonal distances (Q)"
   attr(lim, "alpha") <- alpha
   attr(lim, "gamma") <- gamma
   attr(lim, "lim.type") <- lim.type


#' Compute critical limits for score distances (T2)
#' @param lim.type
#' which method to use for calculation ("chisq", "ddmoments", "ddrobust")
#' @param alpha
#' significance level for extreme limits.
#' @param gamma
#' significance level for outlier limits.
#' @param params
#' distribution parameters returned by ldecomp.getLimParams
#' @export
ldecomp.getT2Limits <- function(lim.type, alpha, gamma, params) {

   pQ <- if (regexpr("robust", lim.type) > 0) params$Q$robust else params$Q$moments
   pT2 <- if (regexpr("robust", lim.type) > 0) params$T2$robust else params$T2$moments
   ncomp <- length(pT2$u0)

   DoF <- round(pT2$Nu)
   DoF[DoF < 1] <- 1
   DoF[DoF > 250] <- 250

   if (lim.type %in% c("jm", "chisq")) DoF <- pT2$nobj

   lim <- switch(lim.type,
      "jm" = hotelling.crit(pT2$nobj, seq_len(ncomp), alpha, gamma),
      "chisq" = hotelling.crit(pT2$nobj, seq_len(ncomp), alpha, gamma),
      "ddmoments" = scale(dd.crit(pQ, pT2, alpha, gamma), center = FALSE, scale = DoF / pT2$u0),
      "ddrobust"  = scale(dd.crit(pQ, pT2, alpha, gamma), center = FALSE, scale = DoF / pT2$u0),
      stop("Wrong value for 'lim.type' parameter.")

   lim <- rbind(lim, pT2$u0, DoF)
   colnames(lim) <- paste("Comp", seq_len(ncomp))
   rownames(lim) <- c("Extremes limits", "Outliers limits", "Mean", "DoF")
   attr(lim, "name") <- "Critical limits for score distances (T2)"
   attr(lim, "alpha") <- alpha
   attr(lim, "gamma") <- gamma
   attr(lim, "lim.type") <- lim.type


#' Compute coordinates of lines or curves with critical limits
#' @param Qlim
#' matrix with critical limits for orthogonal distances
#' @param T2lim
#' matrix with critical limits for score distances
#' @param ncomp
#' number of components for computing the coordinates
#' @param norm
#' logical, shall distance values be normalized or not
#' @param log
#' logical, shall log transformation be applied or not
#' @param show.limits
#' vector with two logical values defining if limits for extreme and/or outliers must be shown
#' @return
#' list with two matrices (x and y coordinates of corresponding limits)
#' @export
ldecomp.getLimitsCoordinates <- function(Qlim, T2lim, ncomp, norm, log,
   show.limits = c(TRUE, TRUE)) {

   # get parameters
   h0 <- T2lim[3, ncomp]
   q0 <- Qlim[3, ncomp]
   Nh <- T2lim[4, ncomp]
   Nq <- Qlim[4, ncomp]
   lim.type <- attr(Qlim, "lim.type")

   # check that show.limits is logical
   if (!all(is.logical(show.limits))) {
      stop("Parameter 'show.limits' must have logical value(s).")

   # if show.limits has only one value - duplicate it
   if (length(show.limits) == 1) {
      show.limits <- rep(show.limits, 2)

   # compute the limits
   if (lim.type %in% c("jm", "chisq")) {

      # quadratic limits
      hE <- c(0, T2lim[1, ncomp], T2lim[1, ncomp])
      hO <- c(0, T2lim[2, ncomp], T2lim[2, ncomp])

      qE <- c(Qlim[1, ncomp], Qlim[1, ncomp], 0)
      qO <- c(Qlim[2, ncomp], Qlim[2, ncomp], 0)

   } else {

      ## slope and intercepts
      eB <- Qlim[1, ncomp]
      oB <- Qlim[2, ncomp]
      eA <- oA <- -1 * (q0 / h0) * (Nh / Nq)

      hE <- seq(-0.95, -eB / eA, length.out = 100)
      hO <- seq(-0.95, -oB / oA, length.out = 100)
      qE <- eA * hE + eB
      qO <- oA * hO + oB

   if (norm) {
      hE <- hE / h0
      qE <- qE / q0
      hO <- hO / h0
      qO <- qO / q0

   if (log) {
      hE <- log(1 + hE)
      qE <- log(1 + qE)
      hO <- log(1 + hO)
      qO <- log(1 + qO)

      extremes = if (show.limits[[1]]) cbind(hE, qE),
      outliers = if (show.limits[[2]]) cbind(hO, qO)

#' Residuals distance plot for a set of ldecomp objects
#' @description
#' Shows a plot with score (T2, h) vs orthogonal (Q, q) distances and corresponding critical
#' limits for given number of components.
#' @param res
#' list with result objects to show the plot for
#' @param Qlim
#' matrix with critical limits for orthogonal distance
#' @param T2lim
#' matrix with critical limits for score distance
#' @param ncomp
#' how many components to use (by default optimal value selected for the model will be used)
#' @param log
#' logical, apply log tranformation to the distances or not (see details)
#' @param norm
#' logical, normalize distance values or not (see details)
#' @param cgroup
#' color grouping of plot points (works only if one result object is available)
#' @param xlim
#' limits for x-axis (if NULL will be computed automatically)
#' @param ylim
#' limits for y-axis (if NULL will be computed automatically)
#' @param show.legend
#' logical, show or not a legend on the plot (needed if several result objects are available)
#' @param show.limits
#' vector with two logical values defining if limits for extreme and/or outliers must be shown
#' @param lim.col
#' vector with two values - line color for extreme and outlier limits
#' @param lim.lwd
#' vector with two values - line width for extreme and outlier limits
#' @param lim.lty
#' vector with two values - line type for extreme and outlier limits
#' @param show.legend
#' logical, show or not legend on the plot (if more than one result object)
#' @param legend.position
#' if legend must be shown, where it should be
#' @param show.excluded
#' logical, show or hide rows marked as excluded (attribute `exclrows`).
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplotg} for details)
#' @details
#' The function is a bit more advanced version of \code{\link{plotResiduals.ldecomp}}. It allows to
#' show distance values for several result objects (e.g. calibration and test set or calibration
#' and new prediction set) as well as display the correspondng critical limits in form of lines
#' or curves.
#' Depending on how many result objects your model has or how many you specified manually,
#' using the \code{res} parameter, the plot behaves in a bit different way.
#' If only one result object is provided, then it allows to colorise the points using \code{cgroup}
#' parameter. If two or more result objects are provided, then the function show
#' distances in groups, and adds corresponding legend.
#' The function can show distance values normalised (h/h0 and q/q0) as well as with log
#' transformation (log(1 + h/h0), log(1 + q/q0)). The latter is useful if distribution of the
#' points is skewed and most of them are densely located around bottom left corner.
#' @export
ldecomp.plotResiduals <- function(res, Qlim, T2lim, ncomp, log = FALSE, norm = FALSE,
   cgroup = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, show.limits = c(TRUE, TRUE),
   lim.col = c("darkgray", "darkgray"), lim.lwd = c(1, 1), lim.lty = c(2, 3),
   show.legend = TRUE, legend.position = "topright", show.excluded = FALSE, ...) {

   # return column with values either with or without excluded outliers
   getValues <- function(x, dim) {
      return(if (show.excluded) x[, dim] else mda.purgeRows(x)[, dim])

   # compute limits fo axis depending on values and position of critical limits
   getPlotLim <- function(lim, pd, ld, dim) {
      if (!is.null(lim) || all(!show.limits)) return(lim)
      limits <- if (show.limits[[2]]) max(ld$outliers[, dim]) else max(ld$extremes[, dim])
      return(c(0, max(sapply(pd, function(x) max(c(getValues(x, dim), limits)) * 1.05))))

   # check that show.limits is logical
   if (!all(is.logical(show.limits))) {
      stop("Parameter 'show.limits' must have logical value(s).")

   # if show.limits has only one value - duplicate it
   if (length(show.limits) == 1) {
      show.limits <- rep(show.limits, 2)

   # keep only ojects of class "ldecomp" in result list
   res <- getRes(res, "ldecomp")

   # compute plot data for each result object
   plot_data <- lapply(res, plotResiduals.ldecomp, ncomp = ncomp, norm = norm, log = log,
      show.plot = FALSE)

   # get coordinates for critical limits
   lim_data <- ldecomp.getLimitsCoordinates(Qlim, T2lim, ncomp = ncomp, norm = norm, log = log)
   xlim <- getPlotLim(xlim, plot_data, lim_data, 1)
   ylim <- getPlotLim(ylim, plot_data, lim_data, 2)

   # make plot
   if (length(plot_data) == 1) {
      mdaplot(plot_data[[1]], type = "p", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, cgroup = cgroup,
         show.excluded = show.excluded, ...)
   } else {
      mdaplotg(plot_data, type = "p", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, show.legend = show.legend,
         show.excluded = show.excluded, legend.position = legend.position, ...)

   # show critical limits
   if (show.limits[[1]]) {
      lines(lim_data$extremes[, 1], lim_data$extremes[, 2],
         col = lim.col[1], lty = lim.lty[1], lwd = lim.lwd[1])

   if (show.limits[[2]]) {
      lines(lim_data$outliers[, 1], lim_data$outliers[, 2],
         col = lim.col[2], lty = lim.lty[2], lwd = lim.lwd[2])
svkucheryavski/mdatools documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 12:27 p.m.