
Defines functions .shaman_split_and_merge_matrix .shaman_norm_contact_grid_by_shuffled_filter shaman_plot_feature_grid shaman_generate_feature_grid

Documented in shaman_generate_feature_grid shaman_plot_feature_grid

#' Calculate spatial enrichment of contacts between two features
#' \code{shaman_generate_feature_grid}
#' Build a grid comprising of all combinations of intervals from feature 1 and feature 2 that
#' fall within a band defined by min_dist and max_dist. For each point on the grid,
#' look at th surrounding window, defined by range parameter. Discard all windows
#' that do not contain a point with a score (defined in scotre_track_nm) above the score_filter parameter.
#' This allows for focusing on potentially enriched pairs.
#' Discect the window into small bins, size in base pairs defined by the resolution parameter, and count
#' the number of observed contacts, and the number of expected contacts in each bin.
#' All windows are then summed together, generating a single matrix of observed and expected contacts, which is
#' returned by function.
#' Note that grid contains only points in which feature 1 position is smaller than feature 2 position.
#' @param feature1 1d intervals representing feature 1. Strand, if provided will be ignored.
#' @param feature2 1d intervals representing feature 2. Strand, if provided will be ignored.
#' @param obs_track_nm Name of observed 2D genomic track for the hic data.
#' @param exp_track_nm Name of expected 2D genomic track.
#' @param score_track_nm Name of 2D score track. If track doesn't exist, no filter on grid will be applied.
#' @param score_filter Minimum value of score within the expanded window surrounding the grid point for the window
#' to be considered in the statistics.
#' @param range Window size around the grid point.
#' @param resolution Size of bins (in base pairs).
#' @param min_dist Minimum distance between features on the grid.
#' @param max_dist Maximum distance between features on the grid.
#' @return list containing obs - observed matrix, sum of the number of observed contacts in each bin in the window,
#' exp - expected matrix, sum of the number of expected contacts in each bin in the window,
#' grid_size - number of windows included in statistics
#' @examples
#' # Set misha db to test
#' gsetroot(shaman_get_test_track_db())
#' grid <- shaman_generate_feature_grid(shaman::ctcf_forward, shaman::ctcf_reverse, "hic_obs",
#'     exp_track_nm = "hic_exp"
#' )
#' plot <- shaman_plot_feature_grid(list(grid), 25000, 500, 1000)
#' @export

shaman_generate_feature_grid <- function(feature1, feature2, obs_track_nm, exp_track_nm = paste0(obs_track_nm, "_shuffle"),
                                         score_track_nm = paste0(obs_track_nm, "_score"), score_filter = 30, range = 25000, resolution = 500,
                                         min_dist = 2e05, max_dist = 1e06) {
    # check tracks
    if (!gtrack.exists(obs_track_nm)) {
        stop(paste("Missing obs_track_nm (", obs_track_nm, ") in track db"))
    if (!gtrack.exists(exp_track_nm)) {
        stop(paste("Missing exp_track_nm (", exp_track_nm, ") in track db"))
    options(gmultitasking = FALSE)
    expand <- seq(0 - range, range, by = resolution)
    filter_vtrack <- NA
    if (gtrack.exists(score_track_nm)) {
        gvtrack.create("v_fg_max_score", score_track_nm, "max")
        filter_vtrack <- "v_fg_max_score"

    grid <- .shaman_norm_contact_grid_by_shuffled_filter(obs_track_nm, exp_track_nm, filter_vtrack, score_filter,
        unique(feature1[, c("chrom", "start", "end")]), unique(feature2[, c("chrom", "start", "end")]),
        expand, expand,
        min_dist = min_dist, max_dist = max_dist, regularization = 0
    if (!is.na(filter_vtrack)) {

#' Plot spatial enrichment of contacts between two features
#' \code{shaman_plot_feature_grid}
#' After contact feature grids are generated via shaman_generate_feature_grid, use this function to visualize them.
#' @param grids List of grids generated for the same two feature sets from replicate observed / expected hic tracks.
#' @param range Window size around the grid point that was used to generate the grid.
#' @param grid_resolution Size of bins that was used to generate the grid.
#' @param plot_resolution Size of bins to display.
#' @param type The type of data to plot, can be "observed" for log10(obs/sum(obs)), "expected" for log10(exp/sum(exp)) or
#' "enrichment" for log2(obs/sum(obs) / exp/sum(exp))
#' @param fig_fn Name of png file to output to. Empty string will cause the figure to be plotted to the current device.
#' @param fig_width Width in pixels of output png figure.
#' @param fig_height Height in pixels of output png figure.
#' @param pal Color palette to use for image
#' @param zlim The minimum and maximum values for which colors should be plotted. Suggested zlim values by type:
#' enrichment: (-1,1), obs,exp: (-4.5, -3)
#' @examples
#' # Set misha db to test
#' gsetroot(shaman_get_test_track_db())
#' grid <- shaman_generate_feature_grid(shaman::ctcf_forward, shaman::ctcf_reverse, "hic_obs",
#'     exp_track_nm = "hic_exp", score_track_nm = "hic_score"
#' )
#' shaman_plot_feature_grid(list(grid), 25000, 500, 500)
#' shaman_plot_feature_grid(list(grid), 25000, 500, 1000)
#' shaman_plot_feature_grid(list(grid), 25000, 500, 2000)
#' @export

shaman_plot_feature_grid <- function(grids, range, grid_resolution, plot_resolution, type = "enrichment",
                                     fig_fn = "", fig_width = 400, fig_height = 400,
                                     pal = colorRampPalette(c("blue", "#87FFFF", "white", "#FF413D", "black")),
                                     zlim = c(-1, 1)) {
    obs <- NULL
    exp <- NULL
    for (g in grids) {
        if (plot_resolution != grid_resolution) {
            o <- .shaman_split_and_merge_matrix(g$obs, -range, range, grid_resolution, plot_resolution)
            e <- .shaman_split_and_merge_matrix(g$exp, -range, range, grid_resolution, plot_resolution)
        } else {
            o <- g$obs
            e <- g$exp
        if (is.null(obs)) {
            obs <- o
            exp <- e
        } else {
            obs <- obs + o
            exp <- exp + e
    if (fig_fn != "") {
        png(fig_fn, width = fig_width, height = fig_height)
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    if (type == "enrichment") {
        image(as.matrix(log2((obs / sum(obs, na.rm = TRUE)) / (exp / sum(exp, na.rm = TRUE)))),
            zlim = zlim, col = pal(1000), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n"
    } else {
        if (type == "observed") {
            image(as.matrix(log10(obs / sum(obs))), zlim = zlim, col = pal(1000), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
        } else {
            if (type == "expected") {
                image(as.matrix(log10(exp / sum(exp))), zlim = zlim, col = pal(1000), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
            } else {
                stop(paste("unknown plot type:", type))
    abline(v = 0.5, col = "grey20")
    abline(h = 0.5, col = "grey20")
    if (fig_fn != "") {
    return(list(obs = obs, exp = exp))

.shaman_norm_contact_grid_by_shuffled_filter <- function(track, shuffled_track, filter_vtrack, filter_value,
                                                         interv1, interv2, expand1, expand2, min_dist, max_dist, regularization = 30) {
    o <- matrix(0, nrow = length(expand1) - 1, ncol = length(expand2) - 1)
    e <- matrix(0, nrow = length(expand1) - 1, ncol = length(expand2) - 1)
    message("building grid...")
    grid <- plyr::ddply(interv1, c("chrom"), function(i1) {
        i2 <- interv2[as.character(interv2$chrom) == as.character(i1$chrom[1]), ]
        if (nrow(i2) == 0) {
        g <- expand.grid(1:nrow(i1), 1:nrow(i2))
        g <- g[i2$start[g$Var2] - i1$start[g$Var1] > min_dist &
            i2$start[g$Var2] - i1$start[g$Var1] < max_dist, ]
        grid <- cbind(i1[g$Var1, c("chrom", "start", "end")], i2[g$Var2, c("chrom", "start", "end")])
        colnames(grid) <- c("chrom1", "start1", "end1", "chrom2", "start2", "end2")
        grid$start1 <- grid$start1 + floor((grid$end1 - grid$start1) / 2)
        grid$start2 <- grid$start2 + floor((grid$end2 - grid$start2) / 2)
        grid$end1 <- grid$start1 + 1
        grid$end2 <- grid$start2 + 1

    })[, -1]

    band <- c(-max_dist, -min_dist)
    message("screening for filter")
    if (!is.na(filter_vtrack)) {
        gvtrack.iterator.2d(filter_vtrack, sshift1 = min(expand1), eshift1 = max(expand1), sshift2 = min(expand2), eshift2 = max(expand2))
        grid <- gscreen(sprintf("%s > %s", filter_vtrack, filter_value), intervals = grid, iterator = grid, band = band)
    message(paste("found ", nrow(grid), "regions"))
    interv_set_out <- gsub("+", "", paste(track, paste(rev(-(band)), collapse = "_"), sep = "_"), fixed = T)
    if (!gintervals.exists(interv_set_out)) {
        giterator.intervals(track, band = band, intervals.set.out = interv_set_out)
    message("obs neighbors...")
    a <- gintervals.neighbors(interv_set_out, grid,
        mindist1 = min(expand1), maxdist1 = max(expand1),
        mindist2 = min(expand2), maxdist2 = max(expand2)
    colnames(a)[7:(ncol(a) - 2)] <- paste0("grid.", colnames(grid))
    o <- table(
        cut(a$start1 - a$grid.start1, breaks = expand1, include.lowest = TRUE),
        cut(a$start2 - a$grid.start2, breaks = expand2, include.lowest = TRUE)

    interv_set_out <- gsub("+", "", paste(shuffled_track, paste(rev(-(band)), collapse = "_"), sep = "_"), fixed = T)
    if (!gintervals.exists(interv_set_out)) {
        giterator.intervals(shuffled_track, band = band, intervals.set.out = interv_set_out)
    message("exp neighbors...")
    a <- gintervals.neighbors(interv_set_out, grid,
        mindist1 = min(expand1), maxdist1 = max(expand1),
        mindist2 = min(expand2), maxdist2 = max(expand2)
    colnames(a)[7:(ncol(a) - 2)] <- paste0("grid.", colnames(grid))
    e <- table(
        cut(a$start1 - a$grid.start1, breaks = expand1, include.lowest = TRUE),
        cut(a$start2 - a$grid.start2, breaks = expand2, include.lowest = TRUE)

    o[o < regularization] <- NA
    e[is.na(o) | e < regularization] <- NA
    return(list(obs = o, exp = e, grid_size = nrow(grid)))

.shaman_split_and_merge_matrix <- function(mat, grid_min, grid_max, grid_res, new_res) {
    if (!(new_res / grid_res == floor(new_res / grid_res))) {
        stop(paste0("plot resolution", new_res, " is not a multiple of grid resolution ", grid_res))
    expand <- seq(grid_min, grid_max, by = grid_res)
    multi <- new_res / grid_res
    m <- reshape2::melt(mat)
    m$i <- as.numeric(m[, 1])
    m$j <- as.numeric(m[, 2])
    if (identical(which(expand == 0), integer(0))) {
        # center spans the 0 need to take only a single bin
        if (multi / 2 == floor(multi / 2)) {
            stop(paste0("cannot maintain center at 0 - ", multi, " is even, center spans 0"))
        center_bin <- length(expand) / 2
        new_pos_bin <- c(rep(0, (multi - 1) / 2), rep(1:(max(m$i) / 2 / multi), each = multi))[1:(center_bin - 1)]
        new_bin <- c(rev(-new_pos_bin), 0, new_pos_bin)
    } else {
        if (!(multi / 2 == floor(multi / 2))) {
            stop(paste0("cannot maintain center at 0 - ", multi, " is odd, center does not span 0"))
        center_bin_pos <- which(expand == 0)
        new_pos_bin <- c(rep(0, multi / 2), rep(1:(max(m$i) / 2 / multi), each = multi))[1:(center_bin_pos - 1)]
        new_bin <- c(rev(-new_pos_bin), new_pos_bin)
    m$n_i <- new_bin[m$i]
    m$n_j <- new_bin[m$j]
    d <- plyr::ddply(m, c("n_i", "n_j"), plyr::summarise, sum = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE))
    return(reshape2::dcast(d, n_i ~ n_j)[, -1])
tanaylab/shaman documentation built on April 2, 2022, 1:32 a.m.