
Defines functions create_dir

Documented in create_dir

#' @title Create directory
#' @description This function creates a directory at the specified path
#'    if it does not already exist.
#' @param export Path to the directory to be created
#' @return Message indicating the status of directory creation
#' @export
#' @examples create_dir(export = "path/to/directory_of_file")
create_dir <- function(export) {
  ## Check if the export path includes a file name
  if (grepl(pattern = ".", x = export, fixed = TRUE)) {
    dirname_path <- dirname(export)
  } else {
    dirname_path <- export

  ## Create the directory at the specified path if it does not exist
  if (!dir.exists(dirname_path)) {
    dir.create(dirname_path, recursive = TRUE)
    log_debug("Directory", dirname_path, "created.")
taxonomicallyinformedannotation/tima-r documentation built on July 17, 2024, 7:11 p.m.