
Defines functions selectValues scaleArray avgBin fnDims avgDims compareLevels chunkify

Documented in avgBin avgDims chunkify compareLevels fnDims scaleArray selectValues

# <<< general functions on arrays >>> --------

#' Call a function on array chunks
#' \code{chunkify} creates subsets of an array according to various chunking
#' schemes and performs the given function on these data chunks. The resulting
#' array is identical to the result of a function call on the whole array.
#' @param dat matrix or array with named dimnames
#' @param fun name of the function (can be a character string). See Details.
#' @param arg_list a list of parameters passed to \code{fun}
#' @param chunks a named list which defines the chunking scheme. See Details.
#' @details The main purpose of \code{chunkify} is twofold: 1) it can decrease
#' memory load if a memory-intensive function is called on a large array; 2) it
#' enables within-dimension computations (e.g. perform baseline correction
#' separately for various levels of the trial dimension). The parameter
#' \code{chunks} is a named list; each element must correspond to a named
#' dimension of \code{dat}. If the list element contains one integer, it gives
#' the number of chunks for the given dimension. If it contains as many elements
#' as the length of the given dimension, it defines chunk code; i.e.,
#' which chunk the given level of the dimension belongs to. Otherwise, the
#' list elements are expanded (recycled to the dimensions' length) and
#' interpreted as chunk codes. \code{fun} must be a function which operates on
#' arrays (or matrices), and returns a matrix or array with named dimensions.
#' Chunking can be based only on those dimensions which are not affected by
#' \code{fun}.
#' @export
#' @note This function is experimental.
#' @return An array (or vector/matrix); its shape and dimension names are
#' identical to the return value of \code{fun} called on \code{dat} without
#' chunking
chunkify <- function(dat, fun, arg_list = NULL, chunks = NULL) {
  # helper function
  chunkCheckFn <- function(x, name) {
    dimlen <- dimlens[name]
    if (is.character(x)) {
      x <- match(x, unique(x))
    } else if (is.logical(x)) {
      x <- as.integer(x) + 1L
    } else if (!is.integer(x)) {
      x <- as.integer(x)
    # return chunk code
    if (length(x) == 1) {
          vapply(parallel::splitIndices(dimlen, x), length, 0L))
    } else if (length(x) == dimlen) {
    } else {
      rep(as.integer(x), length.out = dimlen)
  # argument checks
  if (is.null(chunks)) {
    return( do(fun, dat, arg_list = arg_list) )
  if (!is.list(chunks) && is.null(names(chunks))) {
    stop("chunks must be a named list")
  dimlens <- dim(dat)
  names(dimlens) <- names(dimnames(dat))
  # main part
  chunks <- setNames(
    mapply(chunkCheckFn, chunks, names(chunks),
  chunkgrid <- expand.grid(lapply(chunks, unique),
                           KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE,
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  message(sprintf("\n==== Analyze Chunk 1/%i ====", nrow(chunkgrid)))
  subs <- mapply("==", chunks, chunkgrid[1, ], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  x <- subsetArray(dat,
                   subset. = subs,
                   drop. = FALSE)
  outpart <- do.call(fun, append(list(x), arg_list))
  # --
  if (nrow(chunkgrid) == 1) return( outpart )
  # --
  out.dims <- dim(outpart)
  out.dims[match(names(chunks), names(dimnames(outpart)))] <-
  out.dimnames <- setNames(
    lapply(names(dimnames(outpart)), function(n) {
      if (n %in% names(chunks)) {
      } else {
  na <- NA
  storage.mode(na) <- storage.mode(outpart)
  out <- array_(na, out.dims, out.dimnames)
  for (i in 1:nrow(chunkgrid)) {
    if (i > 1) {
      message(sprintf("\n==== Analyze Chunk %i/%i ====",
                      i, nrow(chunkgrid)))
      subs <- mapply("==", chunks, chunkgrid[i, ], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
      x <- subsetArray(dat,
                       subset. = subs,
                       drop. = FALSE)
      outpart <- do(fun, x, arg_list = arg_list)
      subset. = subs) <- outpart
  message("\n==== Analysis completed ====")
  # return

#' Compare dimension levels
#' \code{compareLevels} compares dimension levels based on arbitrary contrast
#' schemes. This is usually not only more convenient but also faster than
#' compare various subsets of the data 'by hand'.
#' @param dat an atomic vector, matrix or array
#' @param which_dim numeric indices of dimensions or character vector of
#' dimension identifiers (names of dimnames) whose levels should be contrasted
#' (default: 1L)
#' @param contr either 1) NULL (the default), which means that all levels
#' within each dimension are contrasted in a pairwise fashion, or 2) a matrix
#' or a list of matrices which directly define the contrast schemes (they are
#' recycled if necessary to match the length of \code{which_dim}), or 3) a
#' function or a list of functions whose first argument is the number of levels,
#' and they create a contrast matrix accordingly
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{contr} if it is a function
#' @export
#' @return The function returns the same type of object as its input object
#' (a vector, matrix or array). The names (in case of a vector) or the dimension
#' names of the returned object reflect the contrast which resulted the
#' given level (see Examples).
#' @examples
#' # load example data
#' data(erps)
#' # pairwise comparisons between identical, substituted and transposed pairs
#' res <- compareLevels(erps, "pairtype")
#' str(res)
#' # the same with a contrast matrix
#' cmat <- matrix(c(-1,-1, 0,
#'                   1, 0,-1,
#'                   0, 1, 1), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' res_cmat <- compareLevels(erps, "pairtype", cmat)
#' stopifnot(identical(res, res_cmat))
#' # the same with a contrast function, which also accepts custom rownames
#' cfn <- function(n, rowname_base = NULL) {
#'     contr <- matrix(0L, n, choose(n, 2L))
#'     combs <- combn(n, 2)
#'     for (i in 1:ncol(combs)) {
#'         contr[combs[1L, i], i] <- -1L
#'         contr[combs[2L, i], i] <- 1L
#'     }
#'     if (!is.null(rowname_base)) {
#'         rownames(contr) <- paste0(rowname_base[1], seq_len(n))
#'     }
#'     contr
#' }
#' res_cfn <- compareLevels(erps, "pairtype", cfn)
#' stopifnot(identical(res, res_cfn))
#' # the same "by hand"
#' erps_splitted <- splitArray(erps, "pairtype", drop = TRUE)
#' res_h <- bindArrays(
#'     `subst-ident` = erps_splitted$subst - erps_splitted$ident,
#'     `transp-ident` = erps_splitted$transp - erps_splitted$ident,
#'     `transp-subst` = erps_splitted$transp - erps_splitted$subst,
#'     along_name = "pairtype"
#' )
#' res_h <- aperm(res_h, names(dimnames(res)))
#' stopifnot(identical(res, res_h))
#' # a complex example with two manipulated dimensions (stimclass and pairtype);
#' # compare only level A and level B for stimclass, and all levels for
#' # pairtype; use custom names ("level1", "level2", etc.) instead of the
#' # original dimension names
#' res_complex <- compareLevels(
#'     erps, c("stimclass", "pairtype"),
#'     contr = list(as.matrix(c(-1, 1, 0)), cfn),
#'     rowname_base = "level")
#' str(res_complex)
compareLevels <- function(dat, which_dim = 1L, contr = NULL, ...) {
  # helper functions
  # paste coefficient to dimlevels
  paster <- function(coeff, name) {
    coeff <- paste0(rep(" ", length(coeff)), coeff)
    out <- paste(paste(coeff, name, sep = "*"), collapse = "+")
    out <- gsub(" ", "", gsub(" 1\\*", "", out))
    # return
    if (length(coeff) == 1L) out else paste0("(", out, ")")
  # create names for the contrasts
  nameContrasts <- function(mat) {
    dimn <- rownames(mat)
    out <- character(ncol(mat))
    for (i in seq_along(out)) {
      coeff <- mat[, i]
      coeff_str <- formatC(abs(coeff), digits = 4L, width = 1L,
                           format = "fg")
      plus <- coeff > 0.5 * .Machine$double.eps
      minus <- coeff < -0.5 * .Machine$double.eps
      if (any(plus)) {
        out[i] <- paster(coeff_str[plus], dimn[plus])
      if (any(minus)) {
        out[i] <- paste(out[i],
                        paster(coeff_str[minus], dimn[minus]),
                        sep = "-")
    # return
  # create contrasts
  createContrasts <- function(n, contr = NULL, .names = NULL, ...) {
    contr <-
      if (is.matrix(contr)) {
        assertMatrix(contr, mode = "numeric", nrows = n,
                     .var.name = "the contrast matrix")
        # return
      } else if (is.null(contr)) {
        out <- matrix(0L, n, choose(n, 2L))
        combs <- combn(n, 2)
        for (i in 1:ncol(combs)) {
          out[combs[1L, i], i] <- -1L
          out[combs[2L, i], i] <- 1L
        # return
      } else {
        contr <- match.fun(contr)
        # return
        do(contr, n = n, ...)
    if (is.null(rownames(contr))) rownames(contr) <- .names
    colnames(contr) <- nameContrasts(contr)
    # return
  # check data argument
  assertAtomic(dat, .var.name = "dat")
  vec <- testVector(dat, strict = TRUE)
  if (vec) dat <- as.matrix(dat)
  assertArray(dat, mode = "numeric", min.d = 1L, .var.name = "dat")
  out <- copy(dat)
  decorateDims_(out, .dimnames = FALSE)
  dims <- dim(out)
  dimn <- dimnames(out)
  dimid <- names(dimn)
  names(dims) <- dimid
  dimn[dimid] <- fillMissingDimnames(dimn[dimid], dims[dimid], .names = FALSE)
  if (is.character(which_dim)) {
    good <- which_dim %in% dimid
    if (!all(good)) {
      stop(paste0("'dat' does not have the following dimension identifiers: ",
                  paste(which_dim[!good], collapse = ", ")))
  } else {
    which_dim <- dimid[which_dim]
  if (!is.list(contr)) contr <- list(contr)
  contr <- rep_len(contr, length(which_dim))
  contr <- mapply(createContrasts, dims[which_dim], contr, dimn[which_dim],
                  MoreArgs = list(...), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  for (i in seq_along(contr)) {
    out <- fnDims(out, which_dim[i],
                  function(x, y) t(crossprod(x, y)),
                  list(y = contr[[i]]),
                  newdims = setNames(list(colnames(contr[[i]])),
                  vectorized = TRUE)
  # return
  if (vec) {
    setNames(as.vector(out), dimnames(out)[[1]])
  } else {
    out <- apermArray(out, dimid)
    dimn <- c(dimnames(dat)[setdiff(dimid, which_dim)],
    setattr(out, "dimnames", dimn[dimid])

#' Collapse data in array format across specific dimensions
#' \code{avgDims} collapses data in array format across specific dimensions by
#' simple averaging
#' @param dat matrix or array to average
#' @param dims character vector of dimension names or numeric vector of
#' dimension indices across which averaging should occur. If character vector,
#' dat must have named dimnames.
#' @param na_rm logical variable; if TRUE (default), missing values are removed
#' before averaging
#' @export
#' @return An array (or matrix) with averaged data (the number of dimensions of
#' dat is decreased by the length of dims)
avgDims <- function(dat, dims, na_rm = TRUE) {
  assertArray(dat, mode = "numeric", min.d = 1L, .var.name = "dat")
  if (is.character(dims)) dims <- match(dims, names(dimnames(dat)))
  out <- apermArray(dat, first = dims, keep_attributes. = TRUE)
  out <- colMeans(out, na.rm = na_rm, dims = length(dims))
  if (is.vector(out)) {
    dim(out) <- c(length(out), 1)
    dimnames(out) <- c(dimnames(dat)[-dims], list(NULL))
  # return

#' Call a user-specified function on whatever dimension(s) of an array
#' \code{fnDims} calls a user-specified function on whatever dimension(s) of a
#' matrix or array. Function can be a vectorized function in which case fnDims
#' is very fast.
#' @param dat matrix or array on which function should be called
#' @param target_dim The dimension(s) of dat on which the function should be
#' performed. Can be an integer or numeric vector of dimension index(es) or a
#' character vector if dat has named dimension names.
#' @param target_fn function definition
#' @param arg_list a list of arguments in addition to dat for target_fn
#' (default: NULL)
#' @param newdims a named list of character vector(s) defining the dimension
#' names of the output of target_fn (see Details)
#' @param vectorized logical value; should be set to TRUE if target_fn expects
#' two-dimensional input (e.g. colSums)
#' @param columnwise logical value; if vectorized is TRUE, columnwise indicates
#' if target_fn operates column-wise (TRUE, default) or row-wise (FALSE)
#' @param keep_dimorder logical value; if TRUE, and the returned matrix or array
#' has the same dimension identifiers as dat, the order of dimensions in the
#' returned object will be the same as in dat (default = FALSE)
#' @param parallel either 1) NULL (the default) or FALSE (the same as NULL),
#' both of which mean single-core computation, or 2) TRUE, which means
#' parallelization with default parameters, or 3) an object as returned by
#' \code{\link{parallelParams}} with custom parameters (see Examples and also
#' \code{\link{parallelParams}}).\cr
#' Custom parameters can be also provided by \code{parallel = .(key = value)} to
#' save typing (this works by calling \code{\link{parallelParams}} with the
#' given parameters).
#' @param arg_check logical value if arguments should be checked (default: TRUE)
#' @details This function works by transforming dat to a matrix with a row
#' dimension corresponding to target_dim and calling target_fn on each column
#' of the matrix repeatedly, or if vectorized is TRUE, by feeding the transformed
#' matrix directly to target_fn. After calling target_fn, the results are
#' back-transformed to the original array format. If target_fn produces one
#' value per input vector, target_dim is dropped from the resulting array.
#' If target_fn produces an equal-length vector as the input, and newdims
#' parameter is not provided, fnDims assumes that dimensions correspond to the
#' original input. If target_fn outputs a list, no back-transformation is done.
#' @export
#' @return see Details
#' @seealso \code{\link{avgDims}} migth be a better choice if target_fn is one
#' of \code{mean}, \code{colMeans}, or \code{rowMeans}.
#' @examples
#' # example dataset
#' data(erps)
#' # find the range of amplitudes in each channel X time slice of the array
#' # (that is, separately for each condition and subject)
#' newdimn <- list(stat = c("min", "max"))
#' system.time(max_simple <- fnDims(erps, c("chan", "time"), range,
#'                                  newdims = newdimn))
#' # the resulting array has appropriate shape
#' str(max_simple)
#' # apply is less handy in such cases
#' system.time({
#'     max_apply <- apply(erps,
#'                        setdiff(names(dimnames(erps)), c("chan", "time")),
#'                        range)
#'     dimnames(max_apply)[1] <- newdimn
#'     names(dimnames(max_apply))[1] <- names(newdimn)
#' })
#' # the same using parallelization (only faster if the computation time is much
#' # higher than the overhead of starting the clusters, which is not the case here)
#' system.time(max_parallel <- fnDims(erps, c("chan", "time"), range,
#'                                    parallel = .(ncores = 2L),
#'                                    newdims = newdimn))
#' # usually it is much faster to use a vectorized function;
#' # note that matrixStats::colRanges returns an Nx2 matrix, but we need 2xN
#' fastRange <- function(x) t(matrixStats::colRanges(x))
#' system.time(max_vectorized <- fnDims(erps, c("chan", "time"),
#'                                      fastRange,
#'                                      vectorized = TRUE,
#'                                      newdims = newdimn))
#' # the results are the same
#' stopifnot(all.equal(max_simple, max_apply, check.attributes = FALSE))
#' stopifnot(all.equal(max_simple, max_parallel))
#' stopifnot(all.equal(max_simple, max_vectorized))
fnDims <- function(dat, target_dim, target_fn, arg_list = NULL,
                   newdims = list(), vectorized = FALSE, columnwise = TRUE,
                   keep_dimorder = FALSE, parallel = NULL,
                   arg_check = TRUE) {
  if (arg_check) {
    # check if dat is a data.frame
    if (is.data.frame(dat)) dat <- as.matrix(dat)
    # check array
    assertArray(dat, mode = "atomic", min.d = 2L, .var.name = "dat")
    # check target_dim
    if (is.character(target_dim)) {
      target_dim_num <- match(target_dim, names(dimnames(dat)))
      if (anyNA(target_dim_num)) {
        stop(paste0("The input array does not have dimension(s) ",
                    paste0(target_dim, collapse = ", ")))
      } else {
        target_dim <- target_dim_num
    } else if (!testIntegerish(target_dim)) {
      stop("Target dimension(s) must be integer-like (e.g. 2L or 2) or character")
    if (any(target_dim < 1 || target_dim > length(dim(dat)))) {
      stop("Target dimensions and input data size do not match")
  # parallel setting
  ob <- getDoBackend()
  parallel <- argumentDeparser(substitute(parallel), "parallelParams",
                               null_params = list(ncores = 0L))
  if (parallel$cl_new) {
  on.exit(setDoBackend(ob), add = TRUE)
  # save original dimensions
  orig_dim <- dim(dat)
  orig_dimn <- dimnames(dat)
  orig_length <- length(dat)
  # reshape data
  dimord <- c(target_dim, seq_along(orig_dim)[-target_dim])
  dims <- orig_dim[dimord]
  dims.n <- orig_dimn[dimord]
  if (length(target_dim) == 1L &&
      (length(orig_dim) != 2L || target_dim != 1L)) {
    dat <- array2mat(dat, target_dim, return_attributes = FALSE,
                     keep_dimnames = FALSE)
  } else if (length(target_dim) > 1L) {
    dat <- mergeDims(dat,
                     list(target_dim, seq_along(dim(dat))[-target_dim]),
                     return_attributes = FALSE, keep_dimnames = FALSE)
  # do calculations
  if (vectorized) {
    out <- do(target_fn, dat, arg_list = arg_list)
  } else {
    bydim <- if (columnwise) "col" else "row"
    out <- foreach(x = iter(dat, by = bydim)) %dopar%
      do(target_fn, x, arg_list = arg_list)
    if (is.list(out[[1L]])) {
    } else if (is.vector(out[[1L]])) {
      tempdim <- c(length(out[[1L]]), length(out))
    } else {
      tempdim <- c(dim(out[[1L]]), length(out))
    out <- drop(array_(unlist(out, use.names = FALSE), tempdim))
  if (length(out) == 1L | is.list(out)) {
  } else if (length(dim(out)) <= 1) {
    if (columnwise) {
      dims <- dims[-seq_along(target_dim)]
      dims.n[seq_along(target_dim)] <- NULL
    } else {
      dims <- dims[seq_along(target_dim)]
      dims.n <- dims.n[seq_along(target_dim)]
  } else if (length(out) != orig_length || length(newdims) > 0) {
    if (length(newdims) == 0L)
      newdims <- list(function.values = 1:nrow(out))
    if (columnwise) {
      dims <- c(vapply(newdims, length, 0L),
      dims.n <- append(newdims,
    } else {
      dims <- c(vapply(newdims, length, 0L),
      dims.n <- append(newdims,
  array_(out, dims, dims.n)
  if (keep_dimorder && length(dims) == length(orig_dim) &&
      length(setdiff(names(dims.n), names(orig_dimn))) == 0L) {
    out <- apermArray(out, order(dimord),
                      keep_attributes. = TRUE)
  # return

#' Compute averages of bins on a dimension of an array
#' \code{avgBin} computes averages of bins on a dimension of an array. The
#' size of bins or directly the bins themselves can be specified by the user.
#' @param dat matrix or array
#' @param target_dim name of binned dimension of dat
#' @param bin_length number of data points in one bin. If rolling parameter is
#' FALSE (default), bin_length must match the length of the target dimension
#' @param bin_ind an abbreviation for bin indices; a numeric or character vector
#' or a factor which provides the bin membership for each data point of
#' target_dim. If bin_ind is provided, bin_length is not used.
#' @param rolling logical variable; if yes, avgBin computes rolling (or moving)
#' window averages (the size of the moving window is determined by bin_length)
#' @param newnames one of "avgs" (default), NULL, or a character vector defining
#' the new dimension names of the binned dimension. If "avgs", the original
#' names of target_dim are averaged per each bin. Not relevant if rolling is
#' TRUE (which reuses the original labels).
#' @export
#' @return A matrix or array, depending on the input
#' @examples
#' # example dataset
#' data(erps)
#' # compute averages for each 10ms time bin (the sampling rate was 1000Hz);
#' # for present purposes, we can ignore the fact that 10ms binning results in
#' # data loss at the end of each time series
#' erps_bin <- avgBin(erps, "time", 10)
#' # compute rolling averages
#' erps_roll <- avgBin(erps, "time", 10, rolling = TRUE)
#' #
#' # compare some arbitrary time series
#' #
#' # create selection for the chosen conditions
#' sub <- list(stimclass = "A", pairtype = "ident", chan = "Cz", id = "01")
#' # extract time points
#' timepoints <- as.integer(dimnames(erps)$time)
#' timepoints_bin <- as.integer(dimnames(erps_bin)$time)
#' timepoints_roll <- as.integer(dimnames(erps_roll)$time)
#' stopifnot(identical(timepoints, timepoints_roll))
#' # plot series
#' plot(timepoints, subsetArray(erps, sub), type = "l")
#' lines(timepoints_bin, subsetArray(erps_bin, sub), col = 2)
#' lines(timepoints, subsetArray(erps_roll, sub), col = 3)
#' legend("topright", legend = c("original", "bin", "roll"), col = 1:3, lty = 1)
avgBin <- function(dat, target_dim, bin_length = NULL, bin_ind = NULL,
                   rolling = FALSE, newnames = "avg") {
  if (rolling) {
    if (is.null(bin_length)) {
      stop("Provide bin_length if rolling_avg is set to TRUE")
    out <- fnDims(dat, target_dim, rollFun,
                  arg_list = list(width = bin_length, FUN = mean),
                  vectorized = TRUE)
  } else {
    avgfn <- function(x, y) y %*% x
    if (is.null(bin_length) & is.null(bin_ind)) {
      stop("Either bin_length or bin_ind has to be provided!")
    } else if (!is.null(bin_ind)) {
      bin_ind <- as.numeric(factor(bin_ind))
      multmat <- diag(max(bin_ind))[, bin_ind]
      multmat <- multmat/colSums(multmat)
      out <- fnDims(dat, target_dim, avgfn, arg_list = list(y = multmat),
                    vectorized = TRUE)
    } else {
      dimlen <- length(dimnames(dat)[[target_dim]])
      rest <- dimlen %% bin_length
      bins <- dimlen %/% bin_length
      if (rest > 0) {
        keep <- rep(TRUE, dimlen)
        keep[(dimlen - rest + 1L):dimlen] <- FALSE
        dat <- subsetArray(dat, listS(.target_dim = keep))
        warning("Target dimension length is not multiple of bin_length")
      multmat <- diag(bins)[, rep(1:bins, each = bin_length)]/bin_length
      out <- fnDims(dat, target_dim, avgfn, arg_list = list(y = multmat),
                    vectorized = TRUE)
    if (newnames == "avg") {
      newdim <- list(as.character(
        multmat %*% as.numeric(dimnames(dat)[[target_dim]])))
    } else if (is.null(newnames)) {
      newdim <- dimnames(out)[1]
    } else {
      newdim <- list(newnames)
    names(newdim) <- target_dim
    dimnames(out) <- c(newdim, dimnames(out)[-1])
  out <- apermArray(out, names(dimnames(dat)),
                    keep_attributes. = TRUE)
  # return

#' Scale array across arbitrary dimension(s)
#' \code{scaleArray} centers and possibly scales the dimensions of an array
#' across the dimension(s) chosen by the user
#' @param dat numeric matrix or array
#' @param by_dims,along_dims integer or character vector referring to the
#' dimension(s) of dat across/along which centering/scaling should occur. See
#' Details.
#' @param center logical value if means should be subtracted (default: TRUE)
#' @param scale logical value if scaling should occur (default: TRUE)
#' @param base_subset argument passed to \code{\link{subsetArray}} before
#' computing the mean and/or the scale
#' @param center_subset the same as base_subset but only applies for the
#' centering step
#' @param scale_subset the same as base_subset but only applies for the
#' scaling step
#' @param keep_dimorder logical value; if TRUE (default), the order of the
#' dimensions is kept intact, otherwise the channel dimension will be
#' the first dimension in the resulting matrix or array
#' @details \code{scaleArray} is theoretically similar to \code{\link{scale}},
#' and can be conceived of as if one merges the \code{by_dims} dimensions and
#' also the \code{along_dims} dimensions of an array, and calls \code{scale}
#' on the resulting matrix. Thus, the arguments \code{by_dims} and
#' \code{along_dims} are redundant: use whatever is more convenient in the
#' given use case (\code{by_dims} defines the rows, \code{along_dims} the
#' columns).
#' @export
#' @return A numeric matrix or array of the same size as the input object
#' @examples
#' # example dataset
#' data(erps)
#' # center and scale the data to normalize the subjects (coded with id in the
#' # array), i.e. all subjects should have mean = 0 and SD = 1
#' scaled_erps <- scaleArray(erps, along_dims = "id")
#' means <- apply(scaled_erps, "id", mean)
#' sds <- apply(scaled_erps, "id", sd)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(unname(means), rep(0, length(means))))
#' stopifnot(all.equal(unname(sds), rep(1, length(means))))
#' # you might want to normalize each subject in each experimental condition
#' # based only on the pre-stimulus activity
#' prestim <- as.numeric(dimnames(erps)$time) < 0
#' base <- list(time = prestim)
#' scaled_erps <- scaleArray(erps, by_dims = c("chan", "time"),
#'                           base_subset = base)
#' means <- apply(subsetArray(scaled_erps, base),
#'                c("stimclass", "pairtype", "id"),
#'                mean)
#' sds <- apply(subsetArray(scaled_erps, base),
#'              c("stimclass", "pairtype", "id"),
#'              sd)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(as.vector(means), rep(0, length(means))))
#' stopifnot(all.equal(as.vector(sds), rep(1, length(sds))))
scaleArray <- function(dat, by_dims = NULL, along_dims = NULL,
                       center = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
                       base_subset = NULL,
                       center_subset = NULL, scale_subset = NULL,
                       keep_dimorder = TRUE) {
  sweepFn <- function(x, stats, FUN) {
    setattr(stats, "dim", NULL)
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    FUN(x, stats)
  assertArray(dat, mode = "numeric", min.d = 1L)
  if (!center & !scale) return(dat)
  if (!is.null(base_subset) & is.null(center_subset)) {
    center_subset <- base_subset
  if (!is.null(base_subset) & is.null(scale_subset)) {
    scale_subset <- base_subset
  na_rm <- anyNA(dat)
  if (is.character(by_dims))
    by_dims <- match(by_dims, names(dimnames(dat)))
  if (is.character(along_dims))
    along_dims <- match(along_dims, names(dimnames(dat)))
  if (is.null(by_dims) & is.null(along_dims))
    stop("Either by_dims or along_dims must be provided")
  if (!is.null(along_dims)) {
    if (is.null(by_dims)) {
      by_dims <- setdiff(seq_along(dim(dat)), along_dims)
    } else if (!setequal(c(by_dims, along_dims), seq_along(dim(dat)))) {
      stop("Both by_dims and along_dims are provided, but do not match with the dimensions of dat")
  if (anyNA(by_dims) || !all(by_dims %in% seq_along(dim(dat))))
    stop("Wrong by_dims or along_dims argument")
  along_dims <- setdiff(seq_along(dim(dat)), by_dims)
  out <- apermArray(dat, c(along_dims, by_dims),
                    keep_attributes. = TRUE)
  if (center) {
    stat <-
      if (!is.null(center_subset)) {
        rowMeans(subsetArray(out, center_subset, drop. = FALSE),
                 na.rm = na_rm, dims = length(along_dims))
      } else {
        rowMeans(out, na.rm = na_rm, dims = length(along_dims))
    out <- sweepFn(out, stat, "-")
  if (scale) {
    if (!is.null(scale_subset)) {
      subs <- subsetArray(out, scale_subset, drop. = FALSE)
      Sum <- rowSums(subs^2, na.rm = na_rm, dims = length(along_dims))
      N <-
        if (na_rm) {
          rowSums(!is.na(subs), na.rm = FALSE,
                  dims = length(along_dims))
        } else {
    } else {
      Sum <- rowSums(out^2, na.rm = na_rm, dims = length(along_dims))
      N <-
        if (na_rm) {
          rowSums(!is.na(out), na.rm = FALSE,
                  dims = length(along_dims))
        } else {
    stat <- sqrt(Sum / (N - 1))
    out <- sweepFn(out, stat, "/")
  # return
  if (keep_dimorder) {
    apermArray(out, order(c(along_dims, by_dims)),
               keep_attributes. = TRUE)
  } else {

#' Select values from a vector, matrix or array
#' \code{selectValues} returns values (and their indices) of a vector, matrix,
#' or array which meet the user-defined conditions.
#' @concept find peaks
#' @param dat an atomic object
#' @param condition an IsFunction (see Details)
#' @param return_index a logical value whether the indices of the selected
#' values should be returned (default: TRUE)
#' @param dim_labels a character vector; the name of the dimensions in the
#' returned data.frame. If NULL (the default), the labels are extracted from
#' the names of the dimnames attribute of the input data. If a single string, 
#' the dimension numbers are appended after it. 
#' @param value_label the name of the column in the returned data.frame which
#' represent the values (default: "value")
#' @param auto_convert a logical value whether automatic conversion of
#' dimension names (i.e., characters to numeric (if possible) or to factors)
#' should be performed (default: TRUE). Set to FALSE and call 
#' \code{\link{autoConvert}} directly on the returned data frame if you need
#' more control.
#' @details \code{selectValues} builds upon the \code{\link[eegR]{is}} 
#' family of functions. The standard workflow is to define (and possibly 
#' combine) the conditions, and then feed the data into \code{selectValues}
#' with the given condiiton object.
#' @return This function returns a data frame with 'dim_labels' columns 
#' containing the combination of the dimension levels where the selected values
#' were found and an extra column of the selected values themselves.\cr
#' If 'return_index' is TRUE, the numeric matrix of indices is returned as an
#' additional attribute ('index'). This comes handy if one wants to select data
#' points in the same positions from an other object having the same shape as
#' 'dat'. 
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[eegR]{is}}
#' @examples
#' #
#' # A complex use-case: find peaks of curves meeting compex rules
#' #
#' # load example data
#' data(erps)
#' # analyze only the three midline electrodes and use the
#' # grand averages, for simplicity
#' erps <- subsetArray(erps, chan = c("Fz", "Cz", "Pz"))
#' avgs <- avgDims(erps, "id")
#' # find the most negative peak at Fz between 80 and 200 ms, and also select
#' # the corresponding time points on the two other channels
#' cond <- isMinimum(options. = list(along_dim = "time"),
#'                   subset. = list(time = isBetween(80, 200)),
#'                   expand. = list(chan = "Fz")) &
#'         isNegative(expand. = list(chan = "Fz"))
#' # find the peaks
#' results <- selectValues(avgs, cond)
#' #
#' # plot the grand averages, and add points to the curves where a peak was found;
#' # note that the peaks are based on the Fz channel
#' #
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(transformArray(value ~ ., avgs), 
#'        aes(x = time, y = value, col = chan)) +
#'     geom_line() + facet_grid(stimclass ~ pairtype) + 
#'     geom_point(data = results, size = 3) + 
#'     theme_bw()
selectValues <- function(dat, condition, return_index = TRUE, 
                         dim_labels = NULL, value_label = "value", 
                         auto_convert = TRUE) {
  # check arguments
  assertAtomic(dat, .var.name = "dat")
  if (!inherits(condition, "IsFunction")) {
    stop("'condition' must be of class 'IsFunction' (see ?is)")
  assertFlag(return_index, .var.name = "return_index")
  assertString(value_label, .var.name = "value_label")
  assertFlag(auto_convert, .var.name = "auto_convert")
  # transform to matrix if vector or one-dimensional array
  if (length(dim(dat)) <= 1L) dat <- as.matrix(dat)
  # find indices
  ind <- which(condition(dat), arr.ind = TRUE)
  # setup data.frame by using dimension names
  dimn <- fillMissingDimnames(dimnames(dat), dim(dat), .dimnames = FALSE)
  if (auto_convert) dimn <- autoConvert(dimn)
  out <- as.data.frame(
           function(i) {
             dn <- dimn[[i]]
             if (!is.null(dn)) {
             } else {
           }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # dimension labels
  nam <- 
    if (is.null(dim_labels)) {
    } else if (is.character(dim_labels)) {
      if (length(dim_labels) == 1L) {
        paste0(dim_labels, seq_along(dim(dat)))
      } else {
    } else {
        "selectValues: ",
        "invalid type for 'dim_labels', must be NULL or character"),
        call. = FALSE)
  setattr(out, "names", nam)
  # cbind the values
  out[[value_label]] <- dat[ind]
  # attach index matrix if requested
  if (return_index) {
    setattr(ind, "dimnames", list(NULL, colnames(ind)))
    setattr(out, "index", ind)
  # return
tdeenes/eegR documentation built on April 19, 2021, 4:17 p.m.