
Defines functions project3dMap chanInterp cosAngle chanNb cart2geo geo2cart geo2sph sph2geo cart2sph sph2cart

Documented in cart2geo cart2sph chanInterp chanNb cosAngle geo2cart geo2sph project3dMap sph2cart sph2geo

# <<< channel positions >>> --------

#' Transformation between spherical, cartesian and geographical coordinates
#' This package contains several functions which require a data.frame of the 
#' exact channel positions (e.g., \code{\link{plot2dview}}, 
#' \code{\link{chanNb}}). To facilitate the transformation between various
#' coordinate systems, \code{sph2cart}, \code{sph2geo}, \code{cart2sph}, 
#' \code{cart2geo}, \code{geo2sph}, \code{geo2cart} transform spherical (sph), 
#' cartesian (cart), or geographical (geo) coordinates into the respective 
#' coordinate system.
#' @name coordinates
#' @param ch_pos a data frame or matrix containing the spherical, cartesian,
#' or geographical coordinates of the electrode positions. It should contain
#' at least the following (named) columns, respectively: theta and phi;
#' x, y, and z; or lat and long. The rownames attribute of \code{ch_pos} is
#' interpreted as the names of the electrodes.
#' @param r radius (default = 1)
#' @param deg logical variable indicating whether spherical or geographical
#' coordinates are or should be given in degrees (TRUE, default)
#' @param long360 logical variable; if TRUE (default), longitudes range from
#' 0 to 360 (otherwise from -180 to 180)
#' @param orient a character value specifying the orientation in the
#' geographical coordinate system; "northpole" (default) or "equatorial"
#' @return A data.frame with converted coordinates

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export
# Transform cartesian to spherical coordinates
sph2cart <- function(ch_pos, r = 1, deg = TRUE) {
  ch_pos <- as.data.frame(ch_pos)
  if (!all(c("theta", "phi") %in% colnames(ch_pos)))
    stop("Either theta or phi angles are missing!")
  if (!is.null(ch_pos$r)) r <- ch_pos$r
  if (deg)
    ch_pos[, c("theta", "phi")] <- ch_pos[, c("theta", "phi")]/180*pi
  theta <- ch_pos$theta
  phi <- ch_pos$phi
  out <- data.frame(
    x = r * sin(theta) * cos(phi),
    y = r * sin(theta) * sin(phi),
    z = r * cos(theta)
  rownames(out) <- rownames(ch_pos)
  # return

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export
# Transform cartesian to spherical coordinates
cart2sph <- function(ch_pos, deg = TRUE) {
  ch_pos <- as.data.frame(ch_pos)
  if (!all(c("x", "y", "z") %in% colnames(ch_pos)))
    stop("Either x, y, or z coordinates are missing!")
  x <- ch_pos$x
  y <- ch_pos$y
  z <- ch_pos$z
  r <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
  theta <- acos(z/r)
  phi <- atan2(y, x)
  out <- data.frame(theta, phi, r)
  rownames(out) <- rownames(ch_pos)
  if (deg) out[, 1:2] <- out[, 1:2] * 180/pi
  # return

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export
# Transform spherical to geographical coordinates
sph2geo <- function(ch_pos, r = 1, deg = TRUE, long360 = TRUE,
                    orient = c("northpole", "equatorial")) {
  ch_pos <- as.data.frame(ch_pos)
  if (!all(c("theta", "phi") %in% colnames(ch_pos)))
    stop("Either theta or phi angles are missing!")
  if (!is.null(ch_pos$r)) r <- ch_pos$r
  if (!deg) ch_pos <- ch_pos * 180/pi
  orient <- match.arg(orient)
  if (orient == "equatorial") {
    temp <- sph2cart(ch_pos)[, c("z", "x", "y")]
    colnames(temp) <- c("x", "y", "z")
    temp <- cart2sph(temp)
    ch_pos$theta <- temp$theta
    ch_pos$phi <- temp$phi
  theta <- ch_pos$theta
  phi <- ch_pos$phi
  long <- ifelse(theta < 0, 180, 0) + phi
  long[long < 0] <- 360 + long[long < 0]
  if (!long360) long[long > 180] <- long[long > 180] - 360
  lat <- 90 - abs(theta)
  out <- data.frame(long, lat, r)
  rownames(out) <- rownames(ch_pos)
  # return

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export
# Transform geographical to spherical coordinates
geo2sph <- function(ch_pos, r = 1, deg = TRUE) {
  ch_pos <- as.data.frame(ch_pos)
  if (!all(c("lat", "long") %in% colnames(ch_pos)))
    stop("Either latitude [lat] or longitude [long] coordinates are missing!")
  if (!is.null(ch_pos$r)) r <- ch_pos$r
  neglong <- ch_pos$long < 0
  long360 <- if (any(neglong)) F else T
  theta <- (90 - ch_pos$lat) * sign(90 - ch_pos$long) * sign(270 - ch_pos$long)
  theta <- ifelse(ch_pos$lat == 45 & theta == 0, 45, theta)
  phi <- -(ifelse(theta < 0, 180, 0) - ch_pos$long)
  phi <- ifelse(phi > 180, phi - 360, phi)
  out <- data.frame(r = r, theta = theta, phi = phi)
  backcheck <- sum(abs(as.matrix(
    sph2geo(out, long360 = long360)[, c("long", "lat")] -
      ch_pos[, c("long", "lat")]))) < 1e-8
  if (backcheck) {
    if (!deg) out <- out/180 * pi
  } else {
    stop("Oops, something went wrong with the transformation and I don't know why.")

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export
# Transform geographical to cartesian coordinates
geo2cart <- function(ch_pos, r = 1, deg = TRUE) {
  #sph2cart( geo2sph(ch_pos, r, deg) )
  ch_pos <- as.data.frame(ch_pos)
  if (!all(c("long", "lat") %in% colnames(ch_pos)))
    stop("Either longitudes (long) or latitudes (lat) are missing!")
  if (!is.null(ch_pos$r)) r <- ch_pos$r
  if (deg) {
    ch_pos[, c("long", "lat")] <- ch_pos[, c("long", "lat")] * pi/180
  long <- ch_pos$long
  lat <- ch_pos$lat
  x <- r * cos(long) * cos(lat)
  y <- r * sin(long) * cos(lat)
  z <- r * sin(lat)
  out <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, z = z)
  rownames(out) <- rownames(ch_pos)
  # return

#' @rdname coordinates
#' @export
# Transform cartesian to geographical coordinates
cart2geo <- function(ch_pos, deg = TRUE) {
  ch_pos <- as.data.frame(ch_pos)
  if (!all(c("x", "y", "z") %in% colnames(ch_pos)))
    stop("Either x, y, or z coordinates are missing!")
  x <- ch_pos$x
  y <- ch_pos$y
  z <- ch_pos$z
  r <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
  long <- atan2(y, x)
  lat <- asin(z/r)
  lat[r == 0] <- 0
  out <- data.frame(long, lat, r)
  rownames(out) <- rownames(ch_pos)
  if (deg) out[, 1:2] <- out[, 1:2] * 180/pi
  # return

#' Find channel neighbours
#' \code{chanNb} finds neighbouring channels
#' @param ch_pos a data.frame of electrode positions, 
#' see \code{\link{coordinates}}
#' @param check_alpha a two-element numeric vector defining the range which is
#' supposed to contain the optimal value of alpha
#' @param alpha a numeric value which influences the allowed distance between
#' neighbouring electrodes; if other than NULL (the default), check_alpha is
#' ignored
#' @param ... parameters to \code{\link{sph2cart}}
#' @export
#' @return An electrode neighbourhood matrix
chanNb <- function(ch_pos, check_alpha = c(0.1, 10), alpha = NULL, ...) {
  options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE)
  reqFn(c("alphashape3d", "geometry"))
  if (!all(c("x", "y", "z") %in% colnames(ch_pos))) {
    if (all(c("theta", "phi") %in% colnames(ch_pos))) {
      ch_pos <- sph2cart(ch_pos, ...)
    } else {
      stop(paste0("Channel coordinates should be spherical (polar)",
                  "or cartesian coordinates!"))
  ch_pos <- ch_pos[, c("x", "y", "z")]
  channames <- paste(1:nrow(ch_pos), rownames(ch_pos), sep = ". ")
  if (is.null(alpha)) {
    if (!(requireNamespace("shiny") & requireNamespace("shinyRGL"))) {
        "If you wish to determine alpha by an interactive plot, ",
        "install the 'shinyRGL' package first."), call. = FALSE)
    alpha <- shiny::runApp(list(
      ui = shiny::pageWithSidebar(
        # Application title
        shiny::headerPanel("Find channel neighbours"),
        # Sidebar with a slider input for number of points
                             "Alpha value: ",
                             min = min(check_alpha),
                             max = max(check_alpha),
                             value = 1, step = 0.1),
          shiny::actionButton("submit", "Use selected alpha")
        # Show the generated 3d scatterplot
          shinyRGL::webGLOutput("chanPlot", height = "700px")
      server = function(input, output) {
        output$chanPlot <- shinyRGL::renderWebGL({
          a <- suppressWarnings(alphashape3d::ashape3d(as.matrix(ch_pos),
                                                       input$alpha, pert = TRUE))
          plot(a, walpha = TRUE, transparency = 0.95,
               col = c("red", "red2", "red"), shininess = 100)
          rgl::text3d(ch_pos$x, ch_pos$y, ch_pos$z, cex = 0.6,
                      channames, col = "black")
          if (input$submit == 0)
  a <- suppressWarnings(alphashape3d::ashape3d(as.matrix(ch_pos),
                                               alpha, pert = TRUE))$edge
  a <- a[,c(1, 2, ncol(a))]
  out <- matrix_(0, nrow(ch_pos), nrow(ch_pos))
  rownames(out) <- rownames(ch_pos)
  mirror <- out > 0
  for (i in 1:nrow(ch_pos)) {
    nb <- sort(unique(c(
      a[a[,1]==i & a[,3]>0, 2])))
    out[i, 1:length(nb)] <- nb
    mirror[nb, i] <- T
  out <- out[, apply(out > 0, 2, any)]
  # return

#' Cosine of the angles between electrodes
#' \code{cosAngle} computes the cosine of angles between electrodes or
#' between any N-dimensional vectors, or between two sets of electrodes or
#' any N-dimensional vectors.
#' @param x a matrix or data.frame with at least two columns and rows
#' @param y If not NULL (default), a matrix or data.frame with at least two
#' columns and rows
#' @param coords a logical variable; if TRUE (default), data in x are
#' coordinates. Coordinates should be named as "x", "y", "z" or "theta", "phi",
#' and if names are present, only coordinate columns are used in the
#' computations.
#' @param units_in_rows a logical variable indicating whether the units (vectors)
#' are in the rows of x (TRUE, default) or in the columns.
#' @param check_params logical; if TRUE (default), the appropriateness of
#' input data are checked before computing the cosine of angles. Set it to
#' FALSE if you really know what you are doing.
#' @export
#' @return A symmetric matrix
cosAngle <- function(x, y = NULL, coords = TRUE, units_in_rows = TRUE,
                     check_params = TRUE) {
  checkFn <- function(xx) {
    if (!units_in_rows) xx <- t(xx)
    if (length(dim(xx)) <= 1 || ncol(xx)<2) {
      stop("Provide a matrix or data.frame with at least 2 columns.")
    if (coords) {
      if (!is.null(colnames(xx))) {
        if (!all(c("x", "y", "z") %in% colnames(xx)) &&
            all(c("theta", "phi") %in% colnames(xx))) {
          xx <- sph2cart(xx)
        ind <- na.omit(match(c("x", "y", "z"), colnames(xx)))
        if (length(ind) < 2) {
          stop("Provide a matrix or data.frame with x and y coordinates.")
        } else {
          xx <- xx[, ind]
    if (is.data.frame(xx)) xx <- as.matrix(xx)
    return( xx )
  if (is.null(y)) {
    if (check_params) {
      x <- checkFn(x)
    len <- sqrt(rowSums(x^2))
    out <- (x %*% t(x)) / outer(len, len)
    rownames(out) <- colnames(out) <- rownames(x)
  } else {
    if (check_params) {
      x <- checkFn(x)
      y <- checkFn(y)
    lenx <- sqrt(rowSums(x^2))
    leny <- sqrt(rowSums(y^2))
    out <- (x %*% t(y)) / outer(lenx, leny)
    rownames(out) <- rownames(x)
    colnames(out) <- rownames(y)
  # return

#' Spherical spline interpolation
#' \code{chanInterp} performs spherical spline interpolation. It can impute
#' bad channels (i.e. channels with missing values) or interpolate to
#' artbitrary positions on the scalp.
#' @param dat a numeric vector, matrix, data.frame or array with named dimnames
#' @param ch_pos channel (electrode) positions; should be a matrix or data.frame
#' with the following column names (order is not important): "theta", "phi"
#' (spherical coordinates), or "x", "y", "z" (cartesian coordinates)
#' @param interp_pos interpolation positions, if they differ from ch_pos;
#' should be in the same format as ch_pos (default: NULL)
#' @param maxNA numeric value given as ratio (0 < maxNA < 1) or integer
#' (maxNA >= 1 ); it determines the maximum ratio or number of non-missing
#' channels in a time sample. If exceeded, no interpolation occurs in the given
#' time sample.
#' @param m integer value (default: 4); the flexibility of the spline
#' @param N integer value (default: 7); number of terms in the Legendre
#' polynomial. You should probably increase it (even up to 100L) for
#' realistic (i.e. non-spherical) or high-density electrode arrangements.
#' @param lambda numeric value (default: 1e-10); smoothing factor
#' @param type character value, do not use yet
#' @param alarm_tolerance numeric value (default: 1e-2); if the maximal absolute
#' interpolation error at any time sample exceeds this limit, a message is
#' shown or an error is thrown depending on \code{error_on_alarm}. If set to
#' NULL, no check is performed.
#' @param error_on_alarm defaults to TRUE, see \code{alarm_tolerance}
#' @export
#' @return An object having the same attributes as dat
chanInterp <- function(dat, ch_pos, interp_pos = NULL, maxNA = 0.3,
                       m = 4L, N = 7L, lambda = 1e-10,
                       type = c("voltage", "laplacian", "scd"),
                       alarm_tolerance = 1e-2, error_on_alarm = TRUE) {
  message("\n****\nStart interpolation...\n")
  # Function to compute G matrices:
  # G = g(cos(ch_pos)) / interpG = g(cos(ch_pos, interp_pos))
  compGmat <- function(cos_angles, m, N) {
    n <- seq.int(N)
    series <- (2*n + 1) / (n^m * (n+1)^m)
    k <- 1/4 / pi
    P <- polynomial.values(
      legendre.polynomials(N, normalized = FALSE)[-1],
    G <- k * Reduce("+", mapply("*", P, series, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
    return( G )
  # Function to compute C coefficients
  compCmat <- function(x, G, tol) {
    Gx <- array_(1, dim(G) + 1)
    Gx[-1, -1] <- G
    Gx[1, 1] <- 0
    diag(Gx) <- diag(Gx) + tol
    invG <- corpcor::pseudoinverse(Gx, tol)[, -1]
    return( invG %*% x )
  # Function to perform spherical spline interpolation
  interpFn <- function(y, m, N, lambda, type) {
    na_ind <- is.na(y)
    message("...Looking for missing value patterns - ", appendLF = FALSE)
    if (is.null(interp_pos)) {
      temp <- colMeans(na_ind)
      keep_columns <- temp <= maxNA & temp > 0
      if (!any(keep_columns)) return(y)
      yorig <- y
      y <- y[, keep_columns, drop = FALSE]
      na_ind <- na_ind[, keep_columns, drop = FALSE]
      missing_patterns <- fastUnique(na_ind, margin = 2L)
      mischan <- which(rowAnys(missing_patterns))
      mischan <-
        if (!is.null(rownames(ch_pos))) {
          paste(rownames(ch_pos)[mischan], collapse = ", ")
        } else {
          paste(seq_along(mischan), collapse = ", ")
      message("...There are missing values in the following channels: ",
    } else {
      missing_patterns <- fastUnique(na_ind, margin = 2L)
      yy <- array_(0, c(nrow(interp_pos), ncol(y)),
                   list(rownames(interp_pos), colnames(y)))
      names(dimnames(yy)) <- names(dimnames(y))
    if (!is.null(alarm_tolerance)) {
      dev <- rep(FALSE, ncol(y))
      names(dev) <- colnames(y)
      maxdev <- 0
    message("...Perform interpolation - ", appendLF = FALSE)
    G0 <- compGmat(cosAngle(ch_pos, check_params = FALSE), m, N)
    for (i in 1:ncol(missing_patterns)) {
      na_vec <- missing_patterns[, i]
      y_ind <- colSums(na_ind==na_vec) == length(na_vec)
      ch_good <- ch_pos[!na_vec, , drop = F]
      ch_interp <-
        if (is.null(interp_pos)) ch_pos[na_vec,,drop = F] else interp_pos
      G <- G0[!na_vec, !na_vec]
      Coef <- compCmat(y[!na_vec, y_ind, drop = F], G, lambda)
      interpG <- compGmat(cosAngle(ch_good, ch_interp, check_params = FALSE),
                          m, N)
      if (is.null(interp_pos)) {
        res <- crossprod(Coef[-1, , drop = F], interpG) + Coef[1, ]
        y[na_vec, y_ind] <- t(res)
      } else {
        yy[, y_ind] <- t(crossprod(Coef[-1, , drop = F], interpG) +
                           Coef[1, ])
      if (!is.null(alarm_tolerance)) {
        ch_interp <- ch_pos
        interpG <- compGmat(cosAngle(ch_good,
                                     ch_interp, check_params = FALSE),
                            m, N)
        res <- crossprod(Coef[-1, , drop = F], interpG) + Coef[1, ]
        mdevs <- colMaxs(abs(y[, y_ind] - t(res)), na.rm = TRUE)
        maxdev <- max(c(maxdev, mdevs))
        dev[y_ind] <- temp <- ( maxdev > alarm_tolerance )
        if (error_on_alarm && temp)
          stop(sprintf("Deviance %f exceeds threshold %f",
                       maxdev, alarm_tolerance))
    if (!is.null(alarm_tolerance)) {
      if (any(dev)) {
        devind <- which(dev)
        devind <- devind[1:min(c(20, length(devind)))]
          "****\nThe maximum absolute interpolation error exceeds the limit
                    at the following time samples (only the first 20 are shown):\n-----\n",
          paste(names(dev)[devind], collapse = " ")
        message(paste("Maximal deviation = ", maxdev, sep = ""))
    if (is.null(interp_pos)) {
      yorig[, keep_columns] <- y
    } else {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (is.null(lambda)) {
    lambda <- if (type == "voltage") 1e-7 else 1e-5
  # check if ch_pos has an appropriate format
  if (!all(c("x", "y", "z") %in% colnames(ch_pos))) {
    if (all(c("theta", "phi") %in% colnames(ch_pos))) {
      ch_pos <- sph2cart(ch_pos)
    } else {
      stop("Provide channel locations in spherical or cartesian coordinates!")
  ch_pos <- as.matrix(ch_pos[, c("x", "y", "z")])
  # do the same for the interpolation locations
  if (!is.null(interp_pos)) {
    if (!all(c("x", "y", "z") %in% colnames(interp_pos))) {
      if (all(c("theta", "phi") %in% colnames(interp_pos))) {
        interp_pos <- sph2cart(interp_pos)
      } else {
        stop("Provide interpolation locations in spherical or cartesian coordinates!")
    interp_pos <- as.matrix(interp_pos[, c("x", "y", "z")])
  # set up interpolation infos
  argnames <- setdiff(names(as.list(args(chanInterp))), "dat")
  argnames <- argnames[argnames  != ""]
  procstep <- list(
    what = "interpolation", call = match.call(),
    options = mget(argnames), nr_of_missings = sum(is.na(dat)))
  # check input data and run interpolation
  dim_names <- dimnames(dat)
  if (is.list(dat) || !is.numeric(dat)) {
    stop("Provide a numeric vector, matrix, data.frame or array as input!")
  } else if (is.null(interp_pos) &&
             procstep$nr_of_missings == 0) {
    setattr(dat, "processing_steps",
            c(attr(dat, "processing_steps"), list(procstep)))
    message("...No missing data to interpolate.\nInterpolation finished.")
  } else if (is.vector(dat)) {
    if (length(dat) != nrow(ch_pos)) {
      stop("Number of channels and number of data points do not match!")
    out <- interpFn(as.matrix(dat), m, N, lambda, type)
  } else {
    if (!any(dim(dat) == nrow(ch_pos))) {
      stop("Number of channels and data size do not match!")
    target_dim <- if (!is.null(dim_names$chan)) "chan" else 1
    arg_list <- list(m = m, N = N, lambda = lambda, type = type)
    if (length(arg_list) == 0) arg_list <- NULL
    newdims <-
      if (is.null(interp_pos)) list() else list(chan = rownames(interp_pos))
    out <- fnDims(dat, "chan", interpFn, arg_list = arg_list,
                  newdims = newdims, vectorized = TRUE)
    out <- apermArray(out, names(dim_names),
                      keep_attributes. = TRUE)
  if (is.null(interp_pos)) {
    NAs_left <- sum(is.na(out))
    procstep$nr_of_interp <-
      procstep$nr_of_missings - NAs_left
    message("Number of NAs after bad channel interpolation: ",
  message("Interpolation finished.")
  setattr(out, "processing_steps",
          c(attr(dat, "processing_steps"), list(procstep)))
  # return

#' Project channel positions onto 2D plane
#' \code{project3dMap} projects 3D coordinates onto a 2D plane or vice versa
#' @param pos electrode positions (matrix or data.frame)
#' @param r radius
#' @param projection character string (default = "laea"). See
#' \url{http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/proj_list/} for common projections
#' @param projref projection reference (pole [ = default] or equator)
#' @param origo a named character vector of lat ( = latitude) and long (longitude)
#' @param inverse if set to TRUE, back-projection is performed (default = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @return A data.frame containing the projected coordinates
project3dMap <- function(pos, r = 1,
                         projection = "laea", projref = c("pole", "equator"),
                         origo = c(lat = ifelse(projref == "pole", 90, 0),
                                   long = ifelse(projref == "pole", 270, 0)),
                         inverse = FALSE) {
  xyfn <- function(dat) data.frame(x = dat[,1], y = dat[,2])
  projfn <- function(p, projcall, ...) {
    res <- lapply(unique(projcall), function(x) {
      ind <- projcall == x
      out <- project(as.data.frame(p[ind, , drop = F]), proj = x, ...)
      out <- as.data.frame(out)
      rownames(out) <- which(ind)
      return( out )
    res <- Reduce("rbind", res)
    res <- res[order(as.numeric(rownames(res))), , drop = F]
    return( xyfn(res) )
  if (!is.data.frame(pos) & is.list(pos)) {
    stop("Pos can be a vector, matrix, or data.frame.")
  if (is.atomic(pos) && is.vector(pos)) {
    if (length(pos)  != 2) {
      stop("If pos is a vector, it must contain exactly two elements!")
    pos <- cbind(x = pos[1], y = pos[2])
  pos <- as.data.frame(pos)
  if (is.null(pos$r)) pos$r <- 1
  projref <- match.arg(projref)
  proj4call <- paste0("+proj=", projection,
                      " +lat_0=", origo[1],
                      " +lon_0=", origo[2],
                      paste0(" +R=", pos$r))
  if (inverse) {
    if (is.null(colnames(pos))) colnames(pos)[1:2] <- c("x", "y")
    if (!all(c("x", "y") %in% colnames(pos))) {
      stop("Provide a matrix or data.frame with x and y coordinates!")
    mapxy <- projfn(as.matrix(pos[, c("x", "y")]), proj4call, inverse = TRUE)
    colnames(mapxy) <- c("long", "lat")
  } else {
    if (!all(c("long", "lat") %in% colnames(pos))) {
      if (!all(c("theta", "phi") %in% colnames(pos)))
        pos <- cart2sph(pos)
      if (projref == "equator") {
        temp <- sph2cart(pos)
        colnames(temp) <- c("y", "z", "x")
        pos <- cart2sph(temp)
      pos <- sph2geo(pos, long360 = FALSE)
    mapxy <- projfn(pos[, c("long", "lat")], proj4call)
  rownames(mapxy) <- rownames(pos)
  # return
tdeenes/eegR documentation built on April 19, 2021, 4:17 p.m.