
Defines functions goBarplot GOCluster_Report GOHyperGAll_Simplify GOHyperGAll_Subset GOHyperGAll makeCATdb .AffyID2GeneID .gene2GOlist .sampleDFgene2GO .readGOorg

Documented in goBarplot GOCluster_Report GOHyperGAll GOHyperGAll_Simplify GOHyperGAll_Subset makeCATdb

## Gene Set Analysis ##

## Class and Method Definitions for catDB ##
## Define catDB class
setClass("catDB", representation(catmap = "list", catlist = "list", idconv = "ANY"))
## Methods to return catDB components as lists
setGeneric(name = "catmap", def = function(x) standardGeneric("catmap"))
setMethod(f = "catmap", signature = "catDB", definition = function(x) {
setGeneric(name = "catlist", def = function(x) standardGeneric("catlist"))
setMethod(f = "catlist", signature = "catDB", definition = function(x) {
setGeneric(name = "idconv", def = function(x) standardGeneric("idconv"))
setMethod(f = "idconv", signature = "catDB", definition = function(x) {
## Constructor methods
## List to catDB with: as(mylist, "catDB")
    from = "list", to = "catDB",
    def = function(from) {
            catmap = from$catmap,
            catlist = from$catlist,
            idconv = from$idconv
## Define print behavior for catDB
    f = "show", signature = "catDB",
    definition = function(object) {
        cat("An instance of '", class(object), "' containing:", "\n\t",
            "catmap: ", length(object@catmap), " mapping data frames (", paste(names(object@catmap), collapse = ", "), ") ", "\n\t",
            "catlist: ", length(object@catlist), " category lists (", paste(names(object@catlist), collapse = ", "), ")", "\n\t",
            "idconv: ", length(object@idconv), " id conversion data frames (", paste(names(object@idconv), collapse = ", "), ")",
            sep = ""
## Extend names() method
    f = "names", signature = "catDB",
    definition = function(x) {

## Construct catDB object ##
## (A.1) Generate sample data frames with assigned gene-to-GO mappings,
## one for MF, one for BP and one for CC mappings
## custom mappings can be used here, but need to have the same format as GO_XX_DFs in the following examples
## (A.1.1) Obtain mappings from geneontology.org
.readGOorg <- function(myfile, colno, org) {
    pkg <- c("AnnotationDbi", "GO.db")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    go_org <- read.delim(myfile, na.strings = "", header = FALSE, comment.char = "!", sep = "\t")
    go_org <- go_org[, colno]
    names(go_org) <- c("GOID", "GeneID", "GOCAT")
    if (org == "Arabidopsis") {
        go_org[, "GeneID"] <- gsub(".*(AT.G\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d).*", "\\1", as.character(go_org[, 2]), perl = TRUE)
        go_org <- go_org[grep("^AT.G\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d", as.character(go_org$GeneID), perl = TRUE), ]
        go_org <- go_org[!duplicated(paste(go_org[, "GOID"], gsub("\\.\\d{1,}", "", as.character(go_org[, "GeneID"]), perl = TRUE), sep = "_")), ]
    go_org <- na.omit(go_org)
    ## Make GO cat labels consistent, e.g. from BioMart
    gocat <- as.character(go_org$GOCAT)
    gocat[gocat == "molecular_function"] <- "F"
    gocat[gocat == "biological_process"] <- "P"
    gocat[gocat == "cellular_component"] <- "C"
    go_org[, "GOCAT"] <- gocat
    ## Split data frame by category
    GO_MF_DF <- go_org[go_org[, 3] == "F", ]
    GO_BP_DF <- go_org[go_org[, 3] == "P", ]
    GO_CC_DF <- go_org[go_org[, 3] == "C", ]
    ## Generates data frame (go_df) containing the commonly used components for all GO nodes: GOID, GO Term and Ontology Type. This step is only required if "go_df" hasn't been imported with the above load() function.
    go_df <- data.frame(GOID = names(AnnotationDbi::Term(GO.db::GOTERM)), Term = AnnotationDbi::Term(GO.db::GOTERM), Ont = AnnotationDbi::Ontology(GO.db::GOTERM))
    go_df <- na.omit(go_df)
    ## Return results
    dflist <- list(D_BP = GO_BP_DF, D_CC = GO_CC_DF, D_MF = GO_MF_DF, GO_DF = go_df)
## Usage:
# catdf <- .readGOorg(myfile = "data/GO/GOannotationsBiomart_mod.txt", org="", colno = c(1,2,3))

## (A.1.2) Obtain mappings from BioC
.sampleDFgene2GO <- function(lib) {
    pkg <- c("GO.db", "annotate", "AnnotationDbi")
    # checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    require(lib, character.only = TRUE)
    mylibbase <- gsub(".db", "", lib)
    GOMF <- eapply(get(paste(mylibbase, "GO", sep = "")), annotate::getOntology, "MF") # generates list with GeneID components containing MFGOs
    GO_MF_DF <- data.frame(GOID = unlist(GOMF), GeneID = rep(names(GOMF), as.vector(sapply(GOMF, length))), Count = rep(as.vector(sapply(GOMF, length)), as.vector(sapply(GOMF, length))))
    GOBP <- eapply(get(paste(mylibbase, "GO", sep = "")), annotate::getOntology, "BP") # generates list with GeneID components containing BPGOs
    GO_BP_DF <- data.frame(GOID = unlist(GOBP), GeneID = rep(names(GOBP), as.vector(sapply(GOBP, length))), Count = rep(as.vector(sapply(GOBP, length)), as.vector(sapply(GOBP, length))))
    GOCC <- eapply(get(paste(mylibbase, "GO", sep = "")), annotate::getOntology, "CC") # generates list with GeneID components containing CCGOs
    GO_CC_DF <- data.frame(GOID = unlist(GOCC), GeneID = rep(names(GOCC), as.vector(sapply(GOCC, length))), Count = rep(as.vector(sapply(GOCC, length)), as.vector(sapply(GOCC, length))))
    ## Generates data frame (go_df) containing the commonly used components for all GO nodes: GOID, GO Term and Ontology Type. This step is only required if "go_df" hasn't been imported with the above load() function.
    go_df <- data.frame(GOID = names(AnnotationDbi::Term(GO.db::GOTERM)), Term = AnnotationDbi::Term(GO.db::GOTERM), Ont = AnnotationDbi::Ontology(GO.db::GOTERM))
    go_df <- na.omit(go_df)
    ## Return results
    dflist <- list(D_BP = GO_BP_DF, D_CC = GO_CC_DF, D_MF = GO_MF_DF, GO_DF = go_df)
## Usage:
# catdf <- .sampleDFgene2GO(lib="ath1121501.db")

## (A.2) Generate list containing gene-to-GO-OFFSPRING associations including assiged nodes
## This is slow (3 minutes), but needs to be done only once!
.gene2GOlist <- function(catdf, rootUK = FALSE) { # If the argument 'rootUK' is set to TRUE then the root nodes are treated as terminal nodes to account for the new unknown terms
    ## Import required data frames
    GO_MF_DF <- catdf$D_MF
    GO_BP_DF <- catdf$D_BP
    GO_CC_DF <- catdf$D_CC
    ## Populate each GO node with associated gene ids
    for (i in c("MF", "BP", "CC")) {
        if (i == "MF") {
            go_offspr_list <- as.list(GO.db::GOMFOFFSPRING)
        if (i == "BP") {
            go_offspr_list <- as.list(GO.db::GOBPOFFSPRING)
        if (i == "CC") {
            go_offspr_list <- as.list(GO.db::GOCCOFFSPRING)
        go_offspr_list <- lapply(go_offspr_list, unlist)
        go_offspr_list <- lapply(go_offspr_list, as.vector) # clean-up step for the list
        go_offspr_list_temp <- lapply(names(go_offspr_list), function(x) c(x, go_offspr_list[[x]])) # include list component (GOID) names in corresponding (GOID) vectors
        names(go_offspr_list_temp) <- names(go_offspr_list) # names list components after go_offspr_list
        go_offspr_list <- go_offspr_list_temp
        go_offspr_list <- lapply(go_offspr_list, function(x) x[!is.na(x)]) # remove NAs in vectors
        ## Treat root nodes as terminal nodes to account for the new unknown terms. This step removes the offspring information from the root nodes.
        if (rootUK == TRUE) {
            if (i == "MF") {
                go_offspr_list[["GO:0003674"]] <- c("GO:0003674")
            if (i == "BP") {
                go_offspr_list[["GO:0008150"]] <- c("GO:0008150")
            if (i == "CC") {
                go_offspr_list[["GO:0005575"]] <- c("GO:0005575")
        ## Retrieve gene (affy) IDs for GOID vectors
        if (i == "MF") {
            MF_node_gene_list <- lapply(go_offspr_list, function(x) unique(as.vector(GO_MF_DF[GO_MF_DF$GOID %in% x, 2])))
        if (i == "BP") {
            BP_node_gene_list <- lapply(go_offspr_list, function(x) unique(as.vector(GO_BP_DF[GO_BP_DF$GOID %in% x, 2])))
        if (i == "CC") {
            CC_node_gene_list <- lapply(go_offspr_list, function(x) unique(as.vector(GO_CC_DF[GO_CC_DF$GOID %in% x, 2])))
        cat("\n", paste("'", i, "_node_gene_list'", sep = ""), "with gene-to-GO-OFFSPRING associations created.", "\n")
    node_gene_list <- list(L_BP = BP_node_gene_list, L_CC = CC_node_gene_list, L_MF = MF_node_gene_list)
## Usage:
# catlist <- .gene2GOlist(catdf=catdf, rootUK=FALSE)

## (A.3) Generate AffyID-to-GeneID mappings when working with chip feature IDs
## This function creates a AffyID-to-GeneID mapping data frame using by default the TAIR mappings for the Arabidopsis ATH1 chip.
## Once the decoding data frame 'affy2locusDF' is created, the function returns for a query set of AffyIDs the corresponding GeneIDs.
## To use the function for the mappings of other chips, one needs to create the corresponding decoding data frame 'affy2locusDF'.
.AffyID2GeneID <- function(map = "ftp://ftp.arabidopsis.org/home/tair/Microarrays/Affymetrix/affy_ATH1_array_elements-2008-5-29.txt", download = FALSE, catdb = NULL, affyIDs, probe2gene = 1) {
    if (download == TRUE) {
        cat("\n", "Downloading AffyID-to-GeneID mappings", "\n")
        affy2locus <- read.delim(map, na.strings = "", fill = TRUE, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")[, -c(2:4, 7:9)]
        names(affy2locus) <- c("AffyID", "AGI", "Desc")
        row.names(affy2locus) <- as.vector(affy2locus[, 1])
        my_list <- apply(affy2locus[, -c(3)], 1, list)
        my_list <- lapply(my_list, unlist)
        my_list <- lapply(my_list, function(x) as.vector(x[-1]))
        my_list <- lapply(my_list, strsplit, ";")
        my_list <- lapply(my_list, unlist)
        affy2locusDF <- data.frame(unlist(my_list))
        affy2locusDF <- data.frame(rep(names(unlist(lapply(my_list, length))), as.vector(unlist(lapply(my_list, length)))), affy2locusDF)
        names(affy2locusDF) <- c("AffyID", "GeneID")
    if (!missing(affyIDs)) {
        affy2locusDF <- idconv(catdb)[[1]]
        if (probe2gene == 1) { # For probe sets that match several loci, only the first locus ID will be used
            affy2locusDF <- affy2locusDF[!duplicated(affy2locusDF$AffyID), ]
        GeneIDs <- unique(as.vector(affy2locusDF[affy2locusDF[, 1] %in% affyIDs, 2]))
## Usage:
# affy2locusDF <- systemPipeR:::.AffyID2GeneID(map = "ftp://ftp.arabidopsis.org/home/tair/Microarrays/Affymetrix/affy_ATH1_array_elements-2010-12-20.txt", download=TRUE)
# catdb_conv <- makeCATdb(myfile="data/GO/GOannotationsBiomart_mod.txt", lib=NULL, org="", colno=c(1,2,3), idconv=list(affy=affy2locusDF))
# systemPipeR:::.AffyID2GeneID(catdb=catdb_conv, affyIDs=c("244901_at", "244902_at"))

## Constructor function to generate catDB object
makeCATdb <- function(myfile, lib = NULL, org = "", colno = c(1, 2, 3), idconv = NULL, rootUK = FALSE) {
    if (!is.null(lib) & !is.null(myfile)) stop("Arguments myfile and lib are exclusive. One of them needs to be assigned NULL.")
    if (!is.null(lib)) {
        catdf <- .sampleDFgene2GO(lib = lib)
    if (!is.null(myfile)) {
        catdf <- .readGOorg(myfile = myfile, org = org, colno = colno)
    catlist <- .gene2GOlist(catdf = catdf, rootUK = rootUK)
    catdblist <- c(catmap = list(catdf), catlist = list(catlist), idconv = list(idconv))
    catdb <- as(catdblist, "catDB")
## Usage:
# catdb <- makeCATdb(myfile="data/GO/GOannotationsBiomart_mod.txt", lib=NULL, org="", colno=c(1,2,3), idconv=NULL)
# catdb <- makeCATdb(myfile=NULL, lib="ath1121501.db", org="", colno=c(1,2,3), idconv=NULL)
# save(catdb, file="data/GO/catdb.RData")
# load("data/GO/catdb.RData")

### GOHyperGAll: Global Hypergeometric Test Using Custom Gene-to-GO Mappings Plus GO Slim Analysis ###
## Utility: To test a sample population of genes for over-representation of GO terms, the
## function 'GOHyperGAll' computes for all GO nodes a hypergeometric distribution test and
## returns the corresponding raw and Bonferroni corrected p-values. A subsequent filter function
## performs a GO Slim analysis using default or custom GO Slim categories.
## The associated publication is available in Plant Physiol (2008) 147, 41-57.
## Note: GOHyperGAll provides similar utilities as the GOHyperG function in the GOstats package
## from BioConductor. The main difference is that GOHyperGAll simplifies the usage of custom
## chip-to-gene and gene-to-GO mappings.
## How it works:
## (A) Generate the required data objects (slow, but needs to be done only once)
## (B) Define GOhyperG_All function
## (C) Subsetting and plotting of results by assigned nodes or goSlim categories

## (B) GOhyperG_All function
## (B.1) Define GOhyperG_All function
GOHyperGAll <- function(catdb, gocat = "MF", sample, Nannot = 2) {
    ## go_df containing the commonly used components for all GO nodes: GOID, GO Term and Ontology Type. This step is only required if "go_df" hasn't been imported with the above load() function.
    go_df <- catmap(catdb)$GO_DF
    ## (m): Obtain for every node in GO tree their number of associated genes or chip features
    if (gocat == "MF") {
        node_list <- catlist(catdb)$L_MF
    if (gocat == "BP") {
        node_list <- catlist(catdb)$L_BP
    if (gocat == "CC") {
        node_list <- catlist(catdb)$L_CC
    node_stats_df <- data.frame(NodeSize = sapply(node_list, length))
    node_stats_df <- data.frame(GOID = row.names(node_stats_df), node_stats_df)
    row.names(node_stats_df) <- 1:length(node_stats_df[, 1])
    m <- as.vector(node_stats_df$NodeSize)
    ## (x): Obtain for every node in GO tree the number of matching genes in sample set
    node_sample_stats <- sapply(node_list, function(x) {
        sum(unlist(x) %in% sample)
    node_sample_stats <- as.vector(node_sample_stats)
    x <- node_sample_stats
    ## (n): Obtain the number of unique genes at GO nodes with direct annotations
    if (gocat == "MF") {
        GO_DF <- catmap(catdb)$D_MF
    if (gocat == "BP") {
        GO_DF <- catmap(catdb)$D_BP
    if (gocat == "CC") {
        GO_DF <- catmap(catdb)$D_CC
    n <- length(unique(GO_DF[, 2]))

    ## (k): Obtain number of unique genes in test sample that have GO mappings
    k <- length(unique(GO_DF[GO_DF[, 2] %in% sample, 2]))

    ## Obtain gene/chip keys matching at GO nodes
    match_key <- sapply(node_list, function(x) {
        x[unlist(x) %in% sample]
    match_key <- sapply(match_key, function(x) {
        paste(x, collapse = " ")
    match_key <- as.vector(match_key)
    key <- match_key
    key[key == ""] <- "NA"
    ## Apply phyper function
    phyp_v <- phyper(x - 1, m, n - m, k, lower.tail = FALSE)
    ## P-value correction according to Bioinformatics, 20, 3710-3715
    Ncorrect <- table(GO_DF[GO_DF$GeneID %in% sample, 1]) # Obtain the GO nodes with direct annotations from sample set
    Ncorrect <- sum(Ncorrect >= Nannot) # Count only those that have 2 or more annotations from sample set
    if (Ncorrect <= 1) {
        adj_phyp_v <- phyp_v # no adjustment necessary if Ncorrect <= 1
    } else {
        adj_phyp_v <- phyp_v * Ncorrect # Calculates simple Bonferroni correction.
        adj_phyp_v[adj_phyp_v >= 1] <- 1
        # adj_phyp_v <- sapply(phyp_v, p.adjust, method=Padj, n = Ncorrect) # Runs p.adjust(). This is disabled because most adjustment methods require that the length of the p-value vector is >= n.
    ## Generate output data format
    result_df <- data.frame(node_stats_df, SampleMatch = x, Phyper = phyp_v, Padj = adj_phyp_v, SampleKeys = key)
    result_df <- merge(result_df, go_df, x.by = "GOID", y.by = "GOID", all.x = TRUE)
    result_df <- result_df[order(result_df$Phyper), ]
    result_df <- result_df[, c(1:5, 7:8, 6)]
# test_sample <- unique(as.character(catmap(catdb)$D_MF[1:100,"GeneID"]))
# GOHyperGAll(catdb=catdb, gocat="MF", sample=test_sample, Nannot=2)[1:20,]

## (C) Subsetting of results from GOHyperGAll by assigned nodes or goSlim categories
## (C.1) Define subsetting function
GOHyperGAll_Subset <- function(catdb, GOHyperGAll_result, sample = test_sample, type = "goSlim", myslimv) { # type: "goSlim" or "assigned"; optional argument "myslimv" to privde custom goSlim vector
    ## global functions or variables
    test_sample <- NULL
    if (type == "goSlim") {
        if (missing(myslimv)) {
            slimv <- c("GO:0003674", "GO:0008150", "GO:0005575", "GO:0030246", "GO:0008289", "GO:0003676", "GO:0000166", "GO:0019825", "GO:0005515", "GO:0003824", "GO:0030234", "GO:0003774", "GO:0004871", "GO:0005198", "GO:0030528", "GO:0045182", "GO:0005215", "GO:0006519", "GO:0007154", "GO:0016043", "GO:0006412", "GO:0006464", "GO:0006810", "GO:0007275", "GO:0007049", "GO:0005975", "GO:0006629", "GO:0006139", "GO:0019748", "GO:0015979", "GO:0005618", "GO:0005829", "GO:0005783", "GO:0005768", "GO:0005794", "GO:0005739", "GO:0005777", "GO:0009536", "GO:0005840", "GO:0005773", "GO:0005764", "GO:0005856", "GO:0005634", "GO:0005886", "GO:0005576") # contains new unknown terms: "GO:0003674", "GO:0008150", "GO:0005575"
            # slimv <- c("GO:0005554", "GO:0000004", "GO:0008372", "GO:0030246","GO:0008289","GO:0003676","GO:0000166","GO:0019825","GO:0005515","GO:0003824","GO:0030234","GO:0003774","GO:0004871","GO:0005198","GO:0030528","GO:0045182","GO:0005215","GO:0006519","GO:0007154","GO:0016043","GO:0006412","GO:0006464","GO:0006810","GO:0007275","GO:0007049","GO:0005975","GO:0006629","GO:0006139","GO:0019748","GO:0015979","GO:0005618","GO:0005829","GO:0005783","GO:0005768","GO:0005794","GO:0005739","GO:0005777","GO:0009536","GO:0005840","GO:0005773","GO:0005764","GO:0005856","GO:0005634","GO:0005886","GO:0005576") # contains old unknown terms: "GO:0005554", "GO:0000004", "GO:0008372"
        } else {
            slimv <- myslimv
        GOHyperGAll_subset <- GOHyperGAll_result[GOHyperGAll_result[, 1] %in% slimv, ]
    if (type == "assigned") {
        ## Import required data frames
        GO_MF_DF <- catmap(catdb)$D_MF
        GO_BP_DF <- catmap(catdb)$D_BP
        GO_CC_DF <- catmap(catdb)$D_CC
        termGO <- c(
            as.vector(GO_MF_DF[GO_MF_DF$GeneID %in% sample, 1]),
            as.vector(GO_BP_DF[GO_BP_DF$GeneID %in% sample, 1]),
            as.vector(GO_CC_DF[GO_CC_DF$GeneID %in% sample, 1])
        subset_v <- unique(termGO)
        GOHyperGAll_subset <- GOHyperGAll_result[GOHyperGAll_result[, 1] %in% subset_v, ]
## Usage:
# GOHyperGAll_result <- GOHyperGAll(catdb=catdb, gocat="MF", sample=test_sample, Nannot=2)
# GOHyperGAll_Subset(catdb, GOHyperGAll_result, sample=test_sample, type="goSlim")

## (D) Reduce GO Term Redundancy in 'GOHyperGAll_results'
## (D.1) The function 'GOHyperGAll_Simplify' subsets the data frame 'GOHyperGAll_result' by a user
## specified adjusted p-value cutoff and removes from it all GO nodes with overlapping children sets
## (OFFSPRING). Only the best scoring nodes remain in the data frame.
## The argument 'correct' is experimental. It aims to favor the selection of distal (information rich)
## GO terms that have at the same time a large number of sample matches. The following calculation is used
## for this adjustment: phyper x Number_of_children / SampleMatch
## Define GOHyperGAll_Simplify()
GOHyperGAll_Simplify <- function(GOHyperGAll_result, gocat = "MF", cutoff = 0.001, correct = TRUE) { # gocat: "MF", "BP" or "CC"; cutoff: p-value cutoff; correct: TRUE or FALSE
    if (gocat != as.vector(GOHyperGAll_result$Ont[!is.na(GOHyperGAll_result$Ont)])[1]) {
        stop("The GO categories in GOHyperGAll_Simplify() and GOHyperGAll_result need to match")
    checkPkg("GO.db", quietly = FALSE)
    testDF <- GOHyperGAll_result[GOHyperGAll_result$Padj <= cutoff, ]
    testDF <- data.frame(testDF, test = rep(0, times = length(testDF[, 1])))
    testDF <- testDF[!is.na(testDF$Ont), ]
    GO_OL_Matchv <- GOIDv <- NULL
    while (sum(testDF$test == 0) > 0) {
        clusterv <- NULL
        test <- as.vector(testDF[, 1])
        for (j in 1:length(test)) {
            if (gocat == "MF") {
                mymatch <- sum(unique(na.omit(c(test[j], as.list(GO.db::GOMFOFFSPRING)[[test[j]]])) %in% na.omit(c(test[1], as.list(GO.db::GOMFOFFSPRING)[[test[1]]]))))
                if (mymatch == 1) {
                    mymatch <- length(as.list(GO.db::GOMFOFFSPRING)[[test[j]]])
            if (gocat == "BP") {
                mymatch <- sum(unique(na.omit(c(test[j], as.list(GO.db::GOBPOFFSPRING)[[test[j]]])) %in% na.omit(c(test[1], as.list(GO.db::GOBPOFFSPRING)[[test[1]]]))))
                if (mymatch == 1) {
                    mymatch <- length(as.list(GO.db::GOBPOFFSPRING)[[test[j]]])
            if (gocat == "CC") {
                mymatch <- sum(unique(na.omit(c(test[j], as.list(GO.db::GOCCOFFSPRING)[[test[j]]])) %in% na.omit(c(test[1], as.list(GO.db::GOCCOFFSPRING)[[test[1]]]))))
                if (mymatch == 1) {
                    mymatch <- length(as.list(GO.db::GOCCOFFSPRING)[[test[j]]])
            clusterv <- c(clusterv, mymatch)
        clusterv[clusterv == 0] <- NA
        testDF <- data.frame(testDF[, -9], test = clusterv)
        if (correct == TRUE) {
            testDF <- data.frame(testDF, decide = testDF$Padj * (testDF$test / testDF$SampleMatch))
        } else {
            testDF <- data.frame(testDF, decide = testDF$Padj)
        GOIDv <- c(GOIDv, as.vector(testDF[order(testDF[, 10]), ][1, 1]))
        GO_OL_Matchv <- c(GO_OL_Matchv, length(unique(unlist(strsplit(as.vector(testDF[!is.na(testDF$test), 8]), " ")))))
        testDF <- testDF[is.na(testDF$test), ]
        testDF <- testDF[order(testDF[, 5]), -c(9, 10)]
        testDF <- data.frame(testDF, test = rep(0, times = length(testDF[, 1])))
        cat(GOIDv, "\n")
    simplifyDF <- data.frame(GOID = GOIDv, GO_OL_Match = GO_OL_Matchv)

## Apply GOHyperGAll_Simplify
## simplifyDF <- GOHyperGAll_Simplify(GOHyperGAll_result, gocat="MF", cutoff=0.001, correct=TRUE)
## data.frame(GOHyperGAll_result[GOHyperGAll_result[,1] %in% simplifyDF[,1], -8], GO_OL_Match=simplifyDF[,2])

## (D.2) Batch Analysis of Gene Clusters
## The function 'GOCluster_Report' performs the three GO analyses in batch mode: 'GOHyperGAll',
## 'GOHyperGAll_Subset' or 'GOHyperGAll_Simplify'. It processes many groups of genes (e.g.
## gene expression clusters) and organizes the results in a single data frame.

GOCluster_Report <- function(catdb, setlist, id_type = "affy", method = "all", CLSZ = 10, cutoff = 0.001, gocats = c("MF", "BP", "CC"), myslimv = "default", correct = TRUE, recordSpecGO = NULL, ...) { # CLSZ: minimum cluster size; method: "all", "slim" or "simplify"; gocat: "MF", "BP" or "CC"; cutoff: adjusted p-value cutoff; recordSpecGO: argument to include one specific GOID in each of the 3 ontologies, e.g: recordSpecGO=c("GO:0003674", "GO:0008150", "GO:0005575")
    CL_DF <- data.frame(geneID = unlist(setlist), CLID = rep(names(setlist), sapply(setlist, length)), ClusterSize = rep(sapply(setlist, length), sapply(setlist, length)))
    cluster_loop <- unique(as.vector(CL_DF[CL_DF[, 3] >= CLSZ, 2]))
    # Next step included for historical reasons
    if (all(gsub("(^CL).*", "\\1", cluster_loop) == "CL") & all(!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gsub("^CL", "", cluster_loop)))))) {
        cluster_loop <- paste("CL", sort(as.numeric(gsub("CL", "", as.character(cluster_loop)))), sep = "")
    if (method == "all") {
        containerDF <- data.frame(CLID = NULL, CLSZ = NULL, GOID = NULL, NodeSize = NULL, SampleMatch = NULL, Phyper = NULL, Padj = NULL, Term = NULL, Ont = NULL, SampleKeys = NULL)
        for (i in cluster_loop) {
            cat("\n", "Processing cluster no", i, "with method: \"all\" (GOHyperGAll) \n")
            if (id_type == "affy") {
                affy_sample <- CL_DF[CL_DF[, 2] == i, 1]
                test_sample <- .AffyID2GeneID(catdb = catdb, affyIDs = affy_sample, probe2gene = 1)
            if (id_type == "gene") {
                test_sample <- as.vector(CL_DF[CL_DF[, 2] == i, 1])
            containerDF2 <- data.frame(GOID = NULL, NodeSize = NULL, SampleMatch = NULL, Phyper = NULL, Padj = NULL, Term = NULL, Ont = NULL, SampleKeys = NULL)
            count <- 0
            for (j in gocats) {
                count <- count + 1
                GOHyperGAll_result <- GOHyperGAll(catdb = catdb, gocat = j, sample = test_sample, ...)
                tempDF <- GOHyperGAll_result[GOHyperGAll_result$Padj <= cutoff, ]
                if (length(tempDF[, 1]) == 0) { # If filter returns empty data frame, then include at least the first two best scoring GO entries
                    tempDF <- GOHyperGAll_result[1:2, ]
                containerDF2 <- rbind(containerDF2, tempDF)
                if (length(recordSpecGO) > 0) {
                    containerDF2 <- rbind(containerDF2, GOHyperGAll_result[GOHyperGAll_result[, 1] == recordSpecGO[count], ])
                no_annot <- test_sample[!test_sample %in% eval(parse(text = paste("catmap(catdb)$D_", j, sep = "")))[, 2]]
                no_annot <- no_annot[no_annot != "no_match"]
                containerDF2 <- rbind(containerDF2, data.frame(GOID = paste("no_annot_", j, sep = ""), NodeSize = NA, SampleMatch = length(no_annot), Phyper = NA, Padj = NA, Term = NA, Ont = j, SampleKeys = paste(no_annot, collapse = ", ")))
            tempDF2 <- data.frame(CLID = rep(i, times = length(containerDF2[, 1])), CLSZ = rep(unique(as.vector(CL_DF[CL_DF[, 2] == i, 3])), times = length(containerDF2[, 1])), containerDF2)
            containerDF <- rbind(containerDF, tempDF2)
    if (method == "slim") {
        containerDF <- data.frame(CLID = NULL, CLSZ = NULL, GOID = NULL, NodeSize = NULL, SampleMatch = NULL, Phyper = NULL, Padj = NULL, Term = NULL, Ont = NULL, SampleKeys = NULL)
        for (i in cluster_loop) {
            cat("\n", "Processing cluster no", i, "with method: \"slim\" (GOHyperGAll_Subset) \n")
            if (id_type == "affy") {
                affy_sample <- CL_DF[CL_DF[, 2] == i, 1]
                test_sample <- .AffyID2GeneID(catdb = catdb, affyIDs = affy_sample, probe2gene = 1)
            if (id_type == "gene") {
                test_sample <- as.vector(CL_DF[CL_DF[, 2] == i, 1])
            containerDF2 <- data.frame(GOID = NULL, NodeSize = NULL, SampleMatch = NULL, Phyper = NULL, Padj = NULL, Term = NULL, Ont = NULL, SampleKeys = NULL)
            count <- 0
            for (j in gocats) {
                count <- count + 1
                GOHyperGAll_result <- GOHyperGAll(catdb, gocat = j, sample = test_sample, ...)
                if (any(myslimv == "default")) {
                    slimv <- c("GO:0003674", "GO:0008150", "GO:0005575", "GO:0030246", "GO:0008289", "GO:0003676", "GO:0000166", "GO:0019825", "GO:0005515", "GO:0003824", "GO:0030234", "GO:0003774", "GO:0004871", "GO:0005198", "GO:0030528", "GO:0045182", "GO:0005215", "GO:0006519", "GO:0007154", "GO:0016043", "GO:0006412", "GO:0006464", "GO:0006810", "GO:0007275", "GO:0007049", "GO:0005975", "GO:0006629", "GO:0006139", "GO:0019748", "GO:0015979", "GO:0005618", "GO:0005829", "GO:0005783", "GO:0005768", "GO:0005794", "GO:0005739", "GO:0005777", "GO:0009536", "GO:0005840", "GO:0005773", "GO:0005764", "GO:0005856", "GO:0005634", "GO:0005886", "GO:0005576") # contains new unknown terms: "GO:0003674", "GO:0008150", "GO:0005575"
                } else {
                    slimv <- myslimv
                tempDF <- GOHyperGAll_Subset(catdb, GOHyperGAll_result, sample = test_sample, type = "goSlim", myslimv = slimv)
                containerDF2 <- rbind(containerDF2, tempDF)
                if (length(recordSpecGO) > 0) {
                    containerDF2 <- rbind(containerDF2, GOHyperGAll_result[GOHyperGAll_result[, 1] == recordSpecGO[count], ])
                no_annot <- test_sample[!test_sample %in% eval(parse(text = paste("catmap(catdb)$D_", j, sep = "")))[, 2]]
                no_annot <- no_annot[no_annot != "no_match"]
                containerDF2 <- rbind(containerDF2, data.frame(GOID = paste("no_annot_", j, sep = ""), NodeSize = NA, SampleMatch = length(no_annot), Phyper = NA, Padj = NA, Term = NA, Ont = j, SampleKeys = paste(no_annot, collapse = ", ")))
            tempDF2 <- data.frame(CLID = rep(i, times = length(containerDF2[, 1])), CLSZ = rep(unique(as.vector(CL_DF[CL_DF[, 2] == i, 3])), times = length(containerDF2[, 1])), containerDF2)
            containerDF <- rbind(containerDF, tempDF2)
    if (method == "simplify") {
        containerDF <- data.frame(CLID = NULL, CLSZ = NULL, GOID = NULL, NodeSize = NULL, SampleMatch = NULL, Phyper = NULL, Padj = NULL, Term = NULL, Ont = NULL, SampleKeys = NULL, GO_OL_Match = NULL)
        for (i in cluster_loop) {
            cat("\n", "Processing cluster no", i, "with method: \"simplify\" (GOHyperGAll_Simplify) \n")
            if (id_type == "affy") {
                affy_sample <- CL_DF[CL_DF[, 2] == i, 1]
                test_sample <- .AffyID2GeneID(catdb = catdb, affyIDs = affy_sample, probe2gene = 1)
            if (id_type == "gene") {
                test_sample <- as.vector(CL_DF[CL_DF[, 2] == i, 1])
            containerDF2 <- data.frame(GOID = NULL, NodeSize = NULL, SampleMatch = NULL, Phyper = NULL, Padj = NULL, Term = NULL, Ont = NULL, SampleKeys = NULL, GO_OL_Match = NULL)
            count <- 0
            for (j in gocats) {
                count <- count + 1
                GOHyperGAll_result <- GOHyperGAll(catdb, gocat = j, sample = test_sample, ...)
                simplifyDF <- GOHyperGAll_Simplify(GOHyperGAll_result, gocat = j, cutoff = cutoff, correct = correct)
                if (length(simplifyDF) == 0) { # If simplifyDF() returns empty data frame, then include at least the first two best scoring GO entries
                    simplifyDF <- GOHyperGAll_Simplify(GOHyperGAll_result[1:2, ], gocat = j, cutoff = 1, correct = TRUE)
                tempDF <- data.frame(GOHyperGAll_result[GOHyperGAll_result[, 1] %in% simplifyDF[, 1], ], GO_OL_Match = simplifyDF[, 2])
                containerDF2 <- rbind(containerDF2, tempDF)
                if (length(recordSpecGO) > 0) {
                    containerDF2 <- rbind(containerDF2, data.frame(GOHyperGAll_result[GOHyperGAll_result[, 1] == recordSpecGO[count], ], GO_OL_Match = GOHyperGAll_result[GOHyperGAll_result[, 1] == recordSpecGO[count], 3]))
                no_annot <- test_sample[!test_sample %in% eval(parse(text = paste("catmap(catdb)$D_", j, sep = "")))[, 2]]
                no_annot <- no_annot[no_annot != "no_match"]
                containerDF2 <- rbind(containerDF2, data.frame(GOID = paste("no_annot_", j, sep = ""), NodeSize = NA, SampleMatch = length(no_annot), Phyper = NA, Padj = NA, Term = NA, Ont = j, SampleKeys = paste(no_annot, collapse = ", "), GO_OL_Match = length(no_annot)))
            tempDF2 <- data.frame(CLID = rep(i, times = length(containerDF2[, 1])), CLSZ = rep(unique(as.vector(CL_DF[CL_DF[, 2] == i, 3])), times = length(containerDF2[, 1])), containerDF2)
            containerDF <- rbind(containerDF, tempDF2)
        containerDF <- containerDF[, c(1:9, 11, 10)]

## Apply GOCluster_Report
# testlist <- list(Set1=test_sample)
# GOBatchResult <- GOCluster_Report(catdb=catdb, setlist=testlist, method="all", id_type="gene", CLSZ=10, cutoff=0.001, gocats=c("MF", "BP", "CC"), recordSpecGO=c("GO:0003674", "GO:0008150", "GO:0005575"))

## (D.3) GO Barplot ##
goBarplot <- function(GOBatchResult, gocat) {
    ## global functions or variables
    SampleMatch <- Sample <- Term <- NULL
    x <- GOBatchResult
    x <- x[, c("SampleMatch", "Term", "CLID", "Ont")]
    x <- x[x$Ont == gocat, 1:3]
    colnames(x)[grep("CLID", colnames(x))] <- "Sample"
    term <- as.character(x$Term)
    term[is.na(term)] <- "no GO assignment"
    x[, "Term"] <- term
    ontnames <- c(CC = "Cellular Component", BP = "Biological Process", MF = "Molecular Function")
    x[, 2] <- factor(x[, 2], levels = unique(x[, 2]), ordered = TRUE) # Defines plotting order of bars!!!
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(x, ggplot2::aes(Term, SampleMatch, fill = Sample)) +
        ggplot2::geom_bar(position = "dodge", stat = "identity") +
        ggplot2::coord_flip() +
        ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 1)) +
        ggplot2::xlab("GO Term") +
        ggplot2::ylab("Gene Count") +
        ggplot2::ylim(0, max(x$SampleMatch)) +
## Usage:
# goBarplot(GOBatchResult, gocat="MF")
tgirke/systemPipeR documentation built on July 14, 2024, 7:41 p.m.