
### All functions and modules in charge of fitting a GEV or GP
### distribution to the provided time series in the Climex app.

##' @title Interactive fits in \code{climex} app
##' @description  Function  to perform  the  GEV/GP  fit within  the
##'   \code{climex} app.
##' @details This function does not wait for the initialization of its
##'   slider, checkbox etc. inputs. This  way the fit can be performed
##'   with  its  default  settings   in  the  \emph{Map}  tab  without
##'   switching to the \emph{General} tab first.
##' @param x.kept Time series of class \pkg{xts}. Removing clicked or
##'   brushed values has to be done beforehand.
##' @param radioEvdStatistics Character (radio) input determining
##'   whether the GEV or GP distribution shall be fitted to the
##'   data. Choices: c( "GEV", "GP" ), default = "GEV".
##' @param buttonMinMax Character (radio) input determining whether
##'   the GEV/GP distribution shall be fitted to the smallest or
##'   biggest values. Choices: c( "Max", "Min ), default = "Max".
##' @param sliderThreshold Numerical (slider) input determining the
##'   threshold used within the GP fit and the extraction of the
##'   extreme events. Boundaries: minimal and maximal value of the
##'   deseasonalized time series (rounded). Default: 0.8* the upper
##'   end point.
##' @param selectDataBase Character (select) input to determine the
##'   data source. It is either of one of the names of the provided
##'   list in the \code{list.data.sources} argument of the
##'   \code{\link{climex}} function or \emph{Artificial data}. In case
##'   of the latter choice, the function \code{\link{data.selection}}
##'   will provide a \emph{reactive} object containing random numbers
##'   drawn from the distribution specified using
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics}. Default = a random element of
##'   the provided input.
##' @family climex-fitting
##' @import climex
##' @return Object of class \code{climex.fit.gev} or
##'   \code{climex.fit.gpd}, depending on the choice in
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics}
##' @author Philipp Mueller
fit.interactive <- function( x.kept, radioEvdStatistics, buttonMinMax,
                            sliderThreshold, selectDataBase ){
  ## Don't wait for the initialization here or the summary statistic
  ## table in the leaflet tab will be only available after switching
  ## to the 'General tab' and back.
  if ( is.null( radioEvdStatistics() ) ||
       radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" ){
    model <- "gev"
  } else {
    model <- "gpd"
  ## Calculating the parameter combination to start the optimization
  ## with. 
  x.initial <- climex::likelihood.initials( x.kept, model = model )
  ## When considering the minima instead of the maxima x*(-1)
  ## will be fitted and the location parameter will be multiplied
  ## by -1 afterwards
  if ( ( !is.null( buttonMinMax() ) && buttonMinMax() == "Min" ) &&
       ( model == "gev" ) ){
    x.kept <- x.kept*( -1 )
    x.initial[ 1 ] <- -1* x.initial[ 1 ]
  ## Sometimes the initial parameter combination can not be evaluated.
  ## If such a case occurs, slightly change the values (Markov chain)
  ## until they can be evaluated.
  while ( is.na( climex::likelihood( x.initial, x.in = x.kept,
                                      model = model ) ) ){
        if ( model == "gev" ){
          x.initial[ 1 ] <- x.initial[ 1 ] +
            stats::rnorm( 1, sd = .2* x.initial[ 2 ] )
          x.initial[ 2 ] <-
            max( x.initial[ 2 ] +
                 stats::rnorm( 1, sd = .2* x.initial[ 2 ] ), .05 ) 
          x.initial[ 3 ] <-
            min( -.95, max( .95,
                           x.initial[ 3 ] +
                           stats::rnorm( 1, sd = .2*
                                              x.initial[ 2 ] ) ) )
        } else {
          x.initial[ 1 ] <-
            max( x.initial[ 1 ] +
                 stats::rnorm( 1, sd = .2* x.initial[ 1 ] ), .05 ) 
          x.initial[ 2 ] <-
            min( -.95, max( .95,
                           x.initial[ 2 ] +
                           stats::rnorm( 1, sd = .2*
                                              x.initial[ 1 ] ) )
                ) } }
  if ( model == "gev" ){
    ## Fits of GEV parameters to blocked data set
    x.fit.evd <- climex::fit.gev( x.kept, initial = x.initial,
                                 error.estimation = "none",
                                 silent = TRUE )
  } else {
    ## Fits of GPD parameters to blocked data set
    if ( selectDataBase() == "Artificial data" ){
      ## For the artificial data the sliderThreshold will not be
      ## rendered and thus be NULL all the time. This is because there
      ## is no need for a constant offset and it will be set to 0.
      threshold <- 0
    } else if ( is.null( sliderThreshold() ) ){
      threshold <- max( x.kept )* .8
    } else {
      threshold <- sliderThreshold()
    ## There will be a warning since the total length of the original
    ## time series was not provided and the return level con not be
    ## given in years but in number of observations. But since I do
    ## not use the return levels of this object anyway, I just
    ## suppress those warnings 
    x.fit.evd <- climex::fit.gpd( x.kept, initial = x.initial,
                                 threshold = threshold,
                                 error.estimation = "none",
                                 silent = TRUE )
  if ( !is.null( buttonMinMax() ) && buttonMinMax() == "Min" &&
       radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" ){
    x.fit.evd$x <- x.fit.evd$x* ( -1 )
    x.fit.evd$par[ 1 ] <- x.fit.evd$par[ 1 ]* ( -1 )
    x.fit.evd$return.level <- x.fit.evd$return.level* ( -1 )
  return( x.fit.evd )

## Fitting of the time series selected via a click on the map or
## the select form in the sidebar.
## For this time series it is possible to exclude individual points
## via clicking on them in the time series > remaining plot
##' @title Reactive fitting in the Climex app
##' @description A reactive value performing the GEV/GP fit.
##' @details The fit is performed using the
##'   \code{\link{fit.interactive}} function. Using the reactive.rows
##'   input specific points of the time series can be removed.
##' @param reactive.extreme Reactive value returning a list containing
##'   three elements: 1. the blocked time series, 2. the
##'   deseasonalized time series, and 3. the pure time series.
##' @param reactive.rows Reactive value holding a logical vector
##'   indicating which values of the time series provided by
##'   \code{\link{data.extremes}} to use after clicking and brushing.
##' @param fit.interactive Function used to perform the actual GEV/GP
##' fit. \code{\link{fit.interactive}}
##' @param radioEvdStatistics Character (radio) input determining
##'   whether the GEV or GP distribution shall be fitted to the
##'   data. Choices: c( "GEV", "GP" ), default = "GEV".
##' @param buttonMinMax Character (radio) input determining whether
##' the GEV/GP distribution shall be fitted to the smallest or biggest
##' values. Choices: c( "Max", "Min ), default = "Max".
##' @param sliderThreshold Numerical (slider) input determining the
##' threshold used within the GP fit and the extraction of the extreme
##' events. Boundaries: minimal and maximal value of the
##'   deseasonalized time series (rounded). Default: 0.8* the upper
##'   end point.
##' @param selectDataBase Character (select) input to determine the
##'   data source. It is either of one of the names of the provided
##'   list in the \code{list.data.sources} argument of the
##'   \code{\link{climex}} function or \emph{Artificial data}. In case
##'   of the latter choice, the function \code{\link{data.selection}}
##'   will provide a \emph{reactive} object containing random numbers
##'   drawn from the distribution specified using
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistics}. Default = a random element of
##'   the provided input.
##' @import shiny
##' @import climex
##' @family climex-fitting
##' @return  Reactive  value  holding   a  fitted  object  of  class
##'   \code{climex.fit.gev} or \code{climex.fit.gpd}, depending on the
##'   choice in \code{radioEvdStatistics}.
##' @author Philipp Mueller
data.fitting <- function( reactive.extreme,
                         reactive.rows, fit.interactive,
                         radioEvdStatistics, buttonMinMax,
                         sliderThreshold, selectDataBase ){
  reactive( {
    if ( is.null( reactive.extreme()[[ 1 ]] ) ||
         is.null( reactive.rows$keep.rows ) ){
      return( NULL )
    x.data <- reactive.extreme()
    ## Since I'm dealing with daily data right now, the user must have
    ## set the threshold/block length way too low when the number of
    ## the extremes exceeds 5% of the number of original data points.
    if ( length( x.data[[ 1 ]] )/ length( x.data[[ 3 ]] ) > .05 &&
        selectDataBase() != "Artificial data" ){
      shinytoastr::toastr_error( "Too much data. The threshold/block length is set way too low!",
                                preventDuplicates = TRUE )
      return( NULL )
    x.extreme <- x.data[[ 1 ]]
    ## Removing all points marked by clicking or brushing in the
    ## ggplot2 plot of the extreme events in the bottom right box in
    ## the 'General' tab
    if ( length( reactive.rows$keep.rows ) != length( x.extreme ) ){
      ## Sometimes, when switching between time series, the update of
      ## reactive.rows needs longer/is evaluated at a later step.
      ## Therefore, its length does not correspond to the selected time
      ## series anymore. In such a case, just return NULL and wait for
      ## the next round (updating reactive.rows).
      return( NULL )
    x.kept <- x.extreme[ reactive.rows$keep.rows ]
    return( fit.interactive( x.kept, radioEvdStatistics,
                            buttonMinMax, sliderThreshold,
                            selectDataBase ) )
  } )

##' @title Table holding the results in the \code{climex} app
##' @description Table to display the results of the GEV/GP fitting
##'   procedure. 
##' @details Provides the UI part of \code{\link{generalFitStatistics}}
##' but is not a proper \pkg{shiny} module.
##' @importFrom shinydashboard box
##' @import shiny
##' @family climex-fitting
##' @return box
##' @author Philipp Mueller 
generalFitStatisticsTable <- function(){
  box( title = h2( "Results" ), width = 3, height = 370,
      background = "orange", id = "boxGevResults",
      uiOutput( "generalFitStatistics", colHeaders = "provided" ) )

##' @title Table holding the results in the \code{climex} app
##' @description  Table to display  the results of the  GEV/GP fitting
##'   procedure.
##' @details Displaying  of the  Akaike information  criterion (AIC),
##'   negative log-likelihood  (nllh), Bayesien  information criterion
##'   (BIC),  and  the  fitted  GEV/GP   parameters  as  well  as  the
##'   difference   between   their   most  recent   and   last   three
##'   values. Positive values are highlighted in green and negative in
##'   red color.  This function will  define some global  variables to
##'   hold the results of the former  fits. This is necessary in order
##'   to mark the progress in green or red.
##' @param reactive.fitting Reactive value containing the results of
##'   the fit (\code{\link[climex]{fit.gev}} or
##'   \code{\link[climex]{fit.gpd}} depending on
##'   \code{radioEvdStatistic}) to the blocked time series in 
##'   in the first element of the list returned by
##'   \code{\link{data.extremes}}.
##' @param reactive.extreme Reactive value containing a list of the
##'   extracted extreme events of a time series, the deseasonalized,
##'   and the pure version of this very time series. All three
##'   elements are provided as class \pkg{xts}.
##' @param sliderThreshold Numerical (slider) input determining the
##'   threshold used within the GP fit and the extraction of the
##'   extreme events. Boundaries: minimal and maximal value of the
##'   deseasonalized time series (rounded). Default: 0.8* the upper
##'   end point. 
##' @param buttonMinMax Character (radio) input determining whether
##'   the GEV/GP distribution shall be fitted to the smallest or
##'   biggest values. Choices: c( "Max", "Min ), default = "Max".
##' @param radioEvdStatistics Character (radio) input determining
##'   whether the GEV or GP distribution shall be fitted to the
##'   data. Choices: c( "GEV", "GP" ), default = "GEV".
##' @param color.table Function adding color to the table constructed
##'   within \code{\link{generalFitStatistics}}. It will replace some
##'   placeholders by color tags. See \code{\link{color.table}}.
##' @param climex.environment Environment containing the global
##'   variables used within the \code{climex} app. Namely the last values
##'   displayed in the table and the lists containing the station
##'   data. 
##' @import shiny
##' @import climex
##' @family climex-fitting
##' @return renderUI containing a table
##' @author Philipp Mueller 
generalFitStatistics <- function( reactive.fitting, reactive.extreme,
                                 sliderThreshold, buttonMinMax,
                                 radioEvdStatistics, color.table,
                                 climex.environment ){
  ## Initialization.
  last.1.aux <- last.1.int <- current.white <- rep( 0,  )
    if ( is.null( reactive.fitting() ) ||
         is.null( reactive.extreme() ) ){
      return( NULL )
    ## Define the colour for increasing or decreasing values
    ## >0, <0, normal
    css.colours <- c( "#C53100",
                     "#0D8F20" )
    x.fit.evd <- reactive.fitting()
    x.data <- reactive.extreme()
    x.extreme <- x.data[[ 1 ]]
    if ( radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" ){
      ## Negating the location parameter for the minimal extremes
      if ( !is.null( buttonMinMax() ) && buttonMinMax() == "Min" ){
        current <- c( x.fit.evd$par[ 1 ], x.fit.evd$par[ 2 ],
                     x.fit.evd$par[ 3 ],
                     x.fit.evd$value, aic( x.fit.evd ),
                     bic( x.fit.evd ),
                     climex::return.level( c( x.fit.evd$par[ 1 ]* -1,
                                             x.fit.evd$par[ 2 ],
                                             x.fit.evd$par[ 3 ] ),
                                          error.estimation = "none",
                                          model = "gev"
                                          )$return.level )
      } else {
        current <- c( x.fit.evd$par[ 1 ], x.fit.evd$par[ 2 ],
                     x.fit.evd$par[ 3 ],
                     x.fit.evd$value, aic( x.fit.evd ),
                     bic( x.fit.evd ),
                     climex::return.level( x.fit.evd$par,
                                          error.estimation = "none",
                                          model = "gev"
                                          )$return.level )
    } else {
      current <- c( sliderThreshold(), x.fit.evd$par[ 1 ],
                   x.fit.evd$par[ 2 ],
                   x.fit.evd$value, aic( x.fit.evd ),
                   bic( x.fit.evd ),
                               error.estimation = "none",
                               threshold = sliderThreshold(),
                               model = "gpd",
                               total.length = length( x.data[[ 2 ]] )
                           )$return.level )
    ## Negate the return level to get the correct results for
    ## the minimum.
    if ( !is.null( buttonMinMax() ) && buttonMinMax() == "Min" &&
         radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" ){
      current[ 7 ] <- ( -1 )* current[ 7 ]
    ## History of the statistics
    climex.environment$last.3 <- climex.environment$last.2
    climex.environment$last.2 <- climex.environment$last.1
    last.1.aux <- current - climex.environment$last.values
    ## For the fitted parameters any deviation of more than 1
    ## percent is marked in red.
    for ( ll in 1 : length( x.fit.evd$par ) ){
      if ( all ( last.1.aux == 0 ) ){
        ## This happens right in the beginning on initialization
        ## The following prevents the output of coloured zeros
        last.1.int <- last.1.aux
      } else if( abs( last.1.aux[ ll ] - current[ ll ] ) <
                 0.01* current[ ll ] ){
        if ( last.1.aux[ ll ] > 0 ){
          last.1.int[ ll ] <- paste0( 
              "+", as.character( format(  last.1.aux[ ll ],
                                        digits = 4 ) ),
              " ", css.colours[ 1 ] )
        } else {
          last.1.int[ ll ] <- paste( 
              as.character( format(  last.1.aux[ ll ], digits = 4 ) ),
              css.colours[ 1 ] )
      } else {
        last.1.int[ ll ] <- paste(
            as.character( format(  last.1.aux[ ll ], digits = 4 ) ),
            " ", css.colours[ 2 ] )
    ## For the test statistic all changes to lower values are
    ## colored green.
    for ( ll in ( length( x.fit.evd$par ) + 1 ) :
             length( last.1.aux ) ){
      if( last.1.aux[ ll ] > 0 ){
        last.1.int[ ll ] <- paste0(
            "+", as.character( format(  last.1.aux[ ll ],
                                      digits = 4 ) ),
            " ", css.colours[ 1 ] )
      } else if ( last.1.aux[ ll ] < 0 ){
        last.1.int[ ll ] <- paste(
            as.character( format( last.1.aux[ ll ], digits = 4 ) ),
            " ", css.colours[ 2 ] )
      } else {
        last.1.int[ ll ] <- as.character( format(  last.1.aux[ ll ],
                                                 digits = 4 ) )
    climex.environment$last.1 <- last.1.int
    if ( all( climex.environment$last.values == 0 ) ){
      ## I don't want to see the statistics during the initialization.
      climex.environment$last.1 <-
        rep( 0, length( climex.environment$last.1 ) ) }
    climex.environment$last.values <- current
    if ( radioEvdStatistics() == "GEV" ){
      x.table <- data.frame(
          current = current, h_1 = climex.environment$last.1,
          h_2 = climex.environment$last.2,
          h_3 = climex.environment$last.3,
          row.names = c( "location", "scale", "shape", "nllh", "AIC",
                        "BIC", "rlevel" ) )
    } else {
      x.table <- data.frame(
          current = current, h_1 = climex.environment$last.1,
          h_2 = climex.environment$last.2,
          h_3 = climex.environment$last.3,
          row.names = c( "threshold", "scale", "shape", "nllh", "AIC",
                        "BIC", "rlevel" ) )
    colnames( x.table ) <- c( "current",
                             '<math id="math-text" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><msub><mtext>hist</mtext><mn>1</mn></msub></math>',
                             '<math id="math-text" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><msub><mtext>hist</mtext><mn>2</mn></msub></math>',
                             '<math id="math-text" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><msub><mtext>hist</mtext><mn>3</mn></msub></math>' )
    ## Generate a HTML table with the 'pander' and the 'markdown'
    ## package.
    x.html.table <-
                    text = pander::pandoc.table.return(
                                       style = "rmarkdown",
                                       split.tables = Inf ),
                    fragment.only = TRUE )
    x.color.table <- color.table( x.html.table, css.colours )

##' @title Colorful tables in the \code{climex} app
##' @description Adds font color to a HTML table.
##' @details In each element of the table, where the font should be
##' colored, the corresponding color has to be added via
##' \code{paste( as.character( table[ x, y ] ), "#0000FF" )}.
##' @param x.html.table HTML table.
##' @param css.colours Character vector containing the colors in hex.
##' @param style Additional style tags for the output table.
##' @family climex-fitting
##' @seealso \code{\link[pander]{pandoc.table.return}} and
##' \code{\link[markdown]{markdownToHTML}}
##' @return Same format as input.
##' @author Philipp Mueller 
color.table <- function( x.html.table, css.colours,
                        style = "table-condensed table-bordered" ){
  x.html.table.split <- strsplit( x.html.table, split = "\n" )[[ 1 ]]
  ids <- paste0( "\"center\"><font color='", css.colours, "'>" )
  for ( ii in 1 : length( css.colours ) ){
    locations <- grep( css.colours[[ ii ]], x.html.table.split )
    x.html.table.split[ locations ] <- gsub( css.colours[ ii ],
                                                locations ],
                                            fixed = TRUE ) 
    x.html.table.split[ locations ] <- gsub( "\"center\">", ids[ ii ],
                                                locations ] ) }
  x.html.table <- paste( x.html.table.split, collapse = "\n" )
  Encoding( x.html.table ) <- "UTF-8"
  return( list(
      htmltools::tags$script( sprintf(
                          '$( "table" ).addClass( "table %s" );',
                          style ) ),
      htmltools::HTML( x.html.table ) ) )
theGreatWhiteShark/climexUI documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:25 p.m.