
Defines functions conversion.climate extract.content.climate extract.station.name.and.location import.file.content.climate import.file.metadata.climate source.data

Documented in conversion.climate extract.content.climate extract.station.name.and.location import.file.content.climate import.file.metadata.climate source.data

##' @title Converts the downloaded files into a format usable within R
##' @description It takes a list of strings pointing to the individual
##'   files downloaded from the DWD server, extracts their content,
##'   converts it into a format usable within R. In addition, it also
##'   extracts meta-information about the stations and
##'   stores all of it on the hard disk of the user.
##' @details Depending on the data format present in the downloaded
##'   files, this function will store more than one file on the hard
##'   disk of the user. In case of aggregated data, a separate file
##'   per column (climatological quantity) will be saved using the
##'   name of the quantity as filename. In all those files in
##'   \strong{.RData} format, two objects will be contained: A named
##'   list (using the station names) of all the station data in the
##'   format specified by \code{time.series.format} and an object
##'   containing additional meta-information for all stations (their
##'   longitude, latitude, and altitude) in a format specified by
##'   \code{use.geospatial.position.format}.
##'   Since this function is agnostic of the type of data
##'   set picked for download and extraction, a prefix to the file
##'   names must be provided using \code{prefix.file.name}. Else,
##'   the temperatures of, e.g., both the hourly and daily data will be
##'   saved in a file called dwd.temperatures and one overrides the
##'   other. Instead, it will be saved into
##'   \code{dwd.[prefix.file.name].temperatures}.
##'   If the user requires an additional storing of all content in
##'   .csv files, they will be stored in
##'   \code{[download.folder]/csv/[prefix.file.name]} and a separate
##'   folder will be created for each climatological quantity.
##' @param files.list Named list of character vectors containing
##'   absolute paths pointing towards the .zip files downloaded from
##'   the DWD FTP server. The names correspond to \emph{recent},
##'   \emph{historical}, and \emph{diverse}.
##' @param files.description.list Named list of the corresponding
##'   description files. One for each element in \code{files.list}.
##' @param csv.export If TRUE, the function creates an additional
##'   folder containing .csv files with the individual station
##'   data. Using them, the data can be accessed outside of R
##'   too. Default = FALSE.
##' @param download.folder In this folder two subfolders
##'   \emph{tmpRecent} and \emph{tmpHistorical} will be created and
##'   used to unpack and extract the \emph{.zip} archives provided via
##'   \code{files.list} in. It does not have to be the same as the one
##'   containing the downloaded content. Both temporary subfolders
##'   will be removed later on.
##' @param prefix.file.name String, which will be prepended to all
##'   saved files.
##' @param time.series.format Format of the extracted time
##'   series. They can either be of type \strong{data.frame} and
##'   contain two columns, "date" and "value", or a time series
##'   provided by the \pkg{xts} package. Default = "xts".
##' @param use.geospatial.position.format If FALSE, the object
##'   containing the geospatial information of all stations will be of
##'   type \strong{data.frame} and consist of the columns named
##'   \emph{longitude}, \emph{latitude}, \emph{altitude}, and
##'   \emph{name}. If TRUE, an object of class
##'   \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPointsDataFrame}} will be used instead
##'   and the \emph{altitude} and \emph{name} information can be
##'   accessed via the \code{@data} attribute. Default = TRUE.
##' @param quiet Whether or not to display the output generated when
##'   downloading the content. Default = FALSE.
##' @importFrom xts xts
##' @importFrom zoo index
##' @importFrom sp coordinates
##' @return \code{invisible( TRUE )}
##' @author Philipp Mueller
conversion.climate <- function( files.list, files.description.list,
                               csv.export = FALSE, download.folder,
                               time.series.format = c( "xts",
                                                      "data.frame" ),
                               use.geospatial.position.format = TRUE,
                               quiet = FALSE ){
  ## Sanity checks
  if ( missing( time.series.format ) ){
    time.series.format <- "xts"
  time.series.format <- match.arg( time.series.format )
  ## Ensure the prefix of the file name is a string and contains only
  ## one slash, which is located at the very end.
  if ( !is.character( prefix.file.name ) ){
    stop( "prefix.file.name has to be a string" )
  if ( length( grep( "/", prefix.file.name ) ) > 2 ||
       ( length( grep( "/", prefix.file.name ) ) == 1 &&
         substr( prefix.file.name, nchar( prefix.file.name ),
                nchar( prefix.file.name ) ) != "/" ) ){
        "No '/' delimiter allowed in prefix.file.name except as the very last char" )
  } else if ( substr( prefix.file.name, nchar( prefix.file.name ),
                nchar( prefix.file.name ) ) == "/" ){
    ## If there isn't already a / char present at the end of the
    ## prefix, add one.
    prefix.file.name <- gsub( '/', '', prefix.file.name )
  ## Ensure the download.folder end with a '/'
  if ( substring( download.folder,
                 length( charToRaw( download.folder) ),
                 length( charToRaw( download.folder) ) ) != "/" ){
    download.folder <- paste0( download.folder, "/" )
  ## Reading the content of the file containing the
  ## description of the station data.
  if ( !is.null( files.description.list$recent ) ){
    file.description.recent <-
      utils::read.table( files.description.list$recent,
                        header = FALSE, sep = "\t",
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                        fileEncoding = "latin1", skip = 2 )
    ## Split it into a list to make efficient use of the grep command
    file.description.recent <-
      split( file.description.recent,
            seq( nrow( file.description.recent ) ) )
  } else {
    file.description.recent <- NULL
  if ( !is.null( files.description.list$historical ) ){
    file.description.historical <-
      utils::read.table( files.description.list$historical,
                        header = FALSE, sep = "\t",
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                        fileEncoding = "latin1", skip = 2 )
    ## Split it into a list to make efficient use of the grep command
    file.description.historical <- split(
        seq( nrow( file.description.historical ) ) )
  } else {
    file.description.historical <- NULL

  if ( !is.null( files.description.list$diverse ) ){
        "The other folder structures apart from recent and historical are not supported yet." )

  ## Merge the content of the two description files into one object
  ## and ensure proper encoding.
  file.description <- c( file.description.recent,
                            !( file.description.historical %in%
                              file.description.recent ) ] )
  file.description <- lapply( file.description, function( x )
    gsub( "\xfc", "\uFC", x ) )
  file.description <- lapply( file.description, function( x )
    gsub( "\xf6", "\uF6", x ) ) 
  file.description <- lapply( file.description, function( x )
    gsub( "\xe4", "\uE4", x ) )  
  file.description <- lapply( file.description, function( x )
    gsub( "\xdf", "\uDF", x ) )  
  file.description <- lapply( file.description, function( x )
    gsub( "\U3e63643c", "\uDC", x ) )  
  file.description <- lapply( file.description, function( x )
    gsub( "\U3e36643c", "\uD6", x ) )      
  ## Extract a vector of all unique station IDs seen in the .zip files
  list.station.ids <- as.list( unique( c(
      Reduce( c, lapply( files.list$recent[
                                        grep( ".zip", files.list$recent ) ],
                        function( x )
                          strsplit( x, "_" )[[ 1 ]][
                              length( strsplit( x, "_" )[[ 1 ]] ) - 1 ]
                        ) ),
      Reduce( c, lapply( files.list$historical[
                                        grep( ".zip", files.list$historical ) ],
                        function( x )
                          strsplit( x, "_" )[[ 1 ]][
                              length( strsplit( x, "_" )[[ 1 ]] ) - 3 ]
                        ) ) ) ) )

  ## Ensure the auxiliary folders for the extraction of the content do
  ## exist.
  download.folder.recent <- paste0( download.folder, "tmpRecent/" )
  if ( !dir.exists( download.folder.recent ) ){
    dir.create( download.folder.recent, recursive = TRUE )
  download.folder.historical <- paste0( download.folder,
                                       "tmpHistorical/" )
  if ( !dir.exists( download.folder.historical ) ){
    dir.create( download.folder.historical, recursive = TRUE )

  ## Extract the content of all files. The content is a list of
  ## xts-class time series and the content of each file (corresponding
  ## to a station) will be an element of the stations.content list.
  if ( !quiet ){
    cat( '\n\nStarting the extraction of the content...\n' )

  stations.content <-
    lapply( seq( 1 , length( list.station.ids ) ), function( ll ){
      if ( !quiet && ( ll %% 10 ) == 0 ){
        cat( paste0( "\r   Extracting file ", ll, " of ",
                   length( list.station.ids ), "..." ) )
            station.id = list.station.ids[[ ll ]],
            files.list = list( recent = files.list$recent,
                              historical = files.list$historical ),
            download.folder.recent = download.folder.recent,
            download.folder.historical = download.folder.historical,
            time.series.format = time.series.format )
    } )
  ## Remove all stations for which no data could have been extracted.
  list.station.ids <- list.station.ids[
      !Reduce( c, lapply( stations.content, function( cc )
        is.null( cc$data ) ) ) ]
  stations.content <- stations.content[
      !Reduce( c, lapply( stations.content, function( cc )
        is.null( cc$data ) ) ) ]

  ## Clean up and delete the auxiliary folders used in extraction.
  unlink( download.folder.recent, recursive = TRUE )
  unlink( download.folder.historical, recursive = TRUE )

  ## Now, we restructure the data to have a list representing a
  ## climatological quantity and its elements to correspond to the
  ## individual stations. Beforehand, each list represented a station
  ## and its elements corresponded to the climatological
  ## quantities. Restructuring it this way eases a massive parallel
  ## application in the analysis of e.g. the temperature. The
  ## following object will be a list of all quantities. It will get
  ## split into different entities at a latter point.
  quantities.content <-
    lapply( 1 : length( stations.content[[ 1 ]]$data ), function( qq )
      lapply( stations.content, function( ss ) ss$data[[ qq ]] ) )
  ## Create a distinct objects for each climatological quantity.
  for ( qq in 1 : length( quantities.content ) ){
    assign( paste0( "dwd.", names( stations.content[[ 1 ]]$data )[ qq ] ),
           quantities.content[[ qq ]] )

  ## Reshape the metadata
  station.positions <-
    Reduce( rbind, lapply( stations.content, function( ss )
      ss$metadata ) )
  station.names <- station.positions$name

  ## The code below uses the description file provided with the
  ## data. But since the DWD decided to not keep it up to date
  ## anymore, some stations are not mentioned in there and can not be
  ## handled afterwards. Therefore it is obsolete and the metadata
  ## above will be used instead.
  ## ## assigning the stations names
  ## if ( !quiet ){
  ##   cat( "\n\nExtract the name of the stations..." )
  ## }
  ## quantities.info <- lapply( list.station.ids, function( x )
  ##   extract.station.name.and.location( x, file.description ) )
  ## station.names <- Reduce( c, lapply( quantities.info,
  ##                                    function( ss ) ss$name ) )
  ## station.positions <-
  ##   Reduce( rbind, lapply( quantities.info, function( ss )
  ##     ss$location ) )
  ## if ( class( station.positions ) == "numeric" ){
  ##   ## If there is just one station present, `rbind` does produce a
  ##   ## numerical vector and NOT a data.frame.
  ##   station.positions <- data.frame(
  ##       longitude = station.positions[ 1 ],
  ##       latitude = station.positions[ 2 ],
  ##       altitude = station.positions[ 3 ],
  ##       name = station.names )
  ## } else if ( class( station.positions ) == "matrix" ){
  ##   station.positions <- data.frame(
  ##       longitude = station.positions[ , 1 ],
  ##       latitude = station.positions[ , 2 ],
  ##       altitude = station.positions[ , 3 ],
  ##       name = station.names )
  ## } else {
  ##   stop( "Unknown class of the station.positions object" )
  ## }
  ## Ordering the stations according to their names in alphabetical
  ## order.
  station.positions <- station.positions[
      order( station.positions$name, station.positions$id ), ]

  ## Convert the data.frame containing the spatial information into
  ## geospatial object native to R
  if ( use.geospatial.position.format ){
    sp::coordinates( station.positions ) <- c( "longitude", "latitude" )
  ## Assigning the names of the stations to the lists of the
  ## climatological quantities.
  for ( ss in paste0( "dwd.", names( stations.content[[ 1 ]]$data ) ) ){
    ## Get the object of the name ss, names its elements according to
    ## the corresponding stations, and order its content
    ## alphabetically.
    tmp <- get( ss )
    names( tmp ) <- station.names
    tmp <- tmp[ order( station.names ) ]
    assign( ss, tmp )

  ## Writing the data to .csv files
  if ( csv.export ){
    if ( !quiet ){
      cat( "\n\nWrite csv files to disk...\n" )
    ## Create a distinct folder for each quantity.
    for ( qq.idx in 1 : length( stations.content[[ 1 ]]$data ) ){
      if ( !quiet && ( qq.idx %% 2 ) == 0 ){
        cat( paste0( "\r   Writing csv file ", qq.idx, " of ",
                   length( stations.content[[ 1 ]]$data ), "..." ) )
      qq <- names( stations.content[[ 1 ]]$data )[ qq.idx ]
      if ( !dir.exists( paste0( download.folder, "csv/",
                               prefix.file.name, '/', qq ) ) ){
        dir.create( paste0( download.folder, "csv/",
                           prefix.file.name, '/', qq ),
                   recursive = TRUE )
      tmp <- get( paste0( "dwd.", qq ) )
      if ( time.series.format == "xts" ){
        for ( ss in 1 : length( tmp ) ){
          utils::write.table( data.frame(
                     date = index( tmp[[ ss ]] ),
                     value = tmp[[ ss ]], row.names = NULL ),
                     file = paste0( download.folder, 'csv/',
                                   prefix.file.name, '/', qq, '/',
                                   gsub( "/", "-",
                                        names( tmp )[ ss ],
                                        fixed = TRUE ), ".csv" ),
                     sep = ",", row.names = FALSE )
      } else if ( time.series.format == "data.frame" ){
        for ( ss in 1 : length( tmp ) ){
          utils::write.table( tmp[[ ss ]],
                     file = paste0( download.folder, 'csv/',
                                   prefix.file.name, '/', qq, '/',
                                   gsub( "/", "-",
                                        names( tmp )[ ss ],
                                        fixed = TRUE ), ".csv" ),
                     sep = ",", row.names = FALSE )
      } else {
        stop( "Unknown time series format!" )

  ## Save the extracted data in distinct binary objects named
  ## according to its content.
  if ( !quiet ){
    cat( "\n\nWriting converted data to disk...\n" )
  for ( qq.idx in 1 : length( stations.content[[ 1 ]]$data ) ){
    if ( !quiet && ( qq.idx %% 2 ) == 0 ){
      cat( paste0( "\r   Writing RData file ", qq.idx, " of ",
                  length( stations.content[[ 1 ]]$data ), "..." ) )
    qq <- names( stations.content[[ 1 ]]$data )[ qq.idx ]
    save( list = paste0( "dwd.", qq ), station.positions,
         file = paste0( download.folder, "dwd_",
                       prefix.file.name, '_',
                       gsub( ".", "-", paste( qq, 
                                             collapse = "_" ),
                            fixed = TRUE ),
                       ".RData" ) )
  invisible( TRUE )

##' @title Unzips and extracts the content of DWD source files for a
##'   single station
##' @description Reads in the content and the metadata of both the
##'   recent and historical files corresponding to a single station,
##'   combines its data, and converts it into a format R can handle.
##' @details The station is specified by its \code{station.id}. The
##'   extraction will take place in either
##'   \code{download.folder.recent} or
##'   \code{download.folder.historical}. Before extraction all its
##'   content will be removed.
##' @param station.id String specifying a station.
##' @param files.list Named list of character vectors containing
##'   absolute paths pointing towards the .zip files downloaded from
##'   the DWD FTP server. The names correspond to \emph{recent} and
##'   \emph{historical}.
##' @param download.folder.recent Folder, which will contain the
##'   extracted recent archive.
##' @param download.folder.historical Folder, which will contain the
##'   extracted historical archive.
##' @param time.series.format Format of the extracted time
##'   series. They can either be of type \strong{data.frame} and contain two
##'   columns, "date" and "value", or a time series provided by the
##'   \pkg{xts} package. Default = "xts".
##' @importFrom zoo index
##' @examples ## The \pkg{dwd2r} provides some mock data so its internal
##'   ## functions can be tested and developed without downloading
##'   ## any content from the DWD server. At the package's root
##'   ## directory call this function in the following way.
##'   dwd2r:::extract.content.climate( "03987",
##'     list( historical = file.path(
##'             system.file( "inst", package = "dwd2r" ), "res",
##'             "produkt_03987_potsdam_historical_mock.zip" ),
##'           recent = file.path(
##'             system.file( "inst", package = "dwd2r" ), "res",
##'             "produkt_potsdam_recent_03987_mock.zip" ) ),
##'           "tmpRecent", "tmpHistorical", "xts" )
##' @return In case the extraction did work, it returns the following
##'   list  
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{\emph{data} - A named list of either \pkg{xts}-class or
##'        \strong{data.frame} objects where each element of the list
##'        corresponds to one column in the data files.}
##'     \item{\emph{metadata} - A \strong{data.frame} containing
##'        information about the station in the columns, like id,
##'        name, longitude, latitude, and altitude.
##'  If not, NULL is returned.
##' @author Philipp Mueller
extract.content.climate <- function( station.id, files.list,
                                    time.series.format = c(
                                        "xts", "data.frame" ) ) {
  ## Sanity checks
  if ( missing( time.series.format ) ){
    time.series.format <- "xts"
  ## Compatibility
  if ( length( station.id ) > 1 ){
    stop( "Please provide only one station ID!" )
  ## Delete the content of the auxiliary folders
  unlink( paste0( download.folder.recent,
                 list.files( download.folder.recent ) ),
         recursive = TRUE )
  unlink( paste0( download.folder.historical,
                 list.files( download.folder.historical ) ),
         recursive = TRUE )
  ## Obtain the index corresponding to the station ID.
  index.recent <- grep( paste0( "_", station.id, "_" ),
                       files.list$recent )
  if ( length( index.recent ) > 1 ){
    stop( "More than one recent station matches the station ID!" )
  index.historical <- grep( paste0( "_", station.id, "_" ),
                           files.list$historical )
  if ( length( index.historical ) > 1 ){
    stop( "More than one historical station matches the station ID!" )
  if ( length( index.recent ) == 0 &&
       length( index.historical ) == 0 ){
    message( paste( "No data at all could be found for station ID",
                   station.id ) )
    return( NULL )
  ## If the zip file can not be extracted properly the unzip function
  ## will just raise a warning. It has to be converted to an error
  old.warning.level <- getOption( "warn" )
  options( warn = 2 )
  ## Extract the data
  if ( length( index.recent ) > 0 ){
        try.unzip <-
          try( utils::unzip( files.list$recent[ index.recent ],
                            exdir = download.folder.recent ),
              silent = TRUE ) )
    if ( class( try.unzip ) == "try-error" ){
      message( paste( "Unable to extract the recent content of station",
                  station.id ) )
  if ( length( index.historical ) > 0 ){
        try.unzip <-
          try( utils::unzip( files.list$historical[ index.historical ],
                            exdir = download.folder.historical ),
              silent = TRUE ) )
    if ( class( try.unzip ) == "try-error" ){
      message( paste( "Unable to extract the historical content of station",
                     station.id ) )
  ## Revert the altering of the warning level
  options( warn = old.warning.level )

  ## Will contain lists of xts-class objects representing the time
  ## series extracted from the files.
  content.list <- list()
  ## Extract the content from all "produkt_klima_*" files.
  if ( length( index.recent ) > 0 ){
    content.files <- grep(
        "produkt", paste0( download.folder.recent,
                          list.files( download.folder.recent ) ),
        value = TRUE )
    if ( length( content.files ) == 0 ){
      warning( paste( "No recent produkt_* files found for station",
                     station.id ) )
    } else {
      ## Append content. The content of the individual produkt files
      ## will be named list with their lengths corresponding to the
      ## number of columns containing data.
      content.list <-
        c( content.list,
          lapply( content.files, function( ff )
                ff, time.series.format = time.series.format ) ) )
  if ( length( index.historical ) > 0 ){
    content.files <- grep(
        "produkt", paste0( download.folder.historical,
                          list.files( download.folder.historical ) ),
        value = TRUE )
    if ( length( content.files ) == 0 ){
      warning( paste( "No historical produkt_* files found for station",
                     station.id ) )
    } else {
      ## Append the content of the individual files to the content
      ## list.
      content.list <-
        c( content.list,
          lapply( content.files, function( ff )
                ff, time.series.format = time.series.format ) ) )

  ## If all archives corresponding to a station are bricked, no
  ## content could be extracted at all. This happens since the
  ## download itself can produce artifacts.
  if ( length( content.list ) == 0 ){
    warning( paste0(
        "No time series could be extracted at all for station ",
        station.id, ". It will be skipped." ) )
    return( NULL )

  ## Check whether all lists are compatible and feature the same
  ## amount of climatological quantities
  if ( !all( Reduce( c, lapply( 1 : length( content.list ),
                               function( ll )
                                 names( content.list[[ 1 ]] ) ==
                                 names( content.list[[ ll ]] ) )
                    ) ) ){
    warning( paste( "extracted content does not match for station",
                   station.id ) )

  ## Extract the metadata of a station.
  ## Here I will assume that the metadata are both present in the
  ## historical and recent folder and both feature exactly the same
  ## content.
  if ( length( index.recent ) > 0 ){
    metadata.file <- grep(
        paste0( download.folder.recent,
               list.files( download.folder.recent ) ),
        value = TRUE )
  } else {
    metadata.file <- grep(
        paste0( download.folder.historical,
               list.files( download.folder.historical ) ),
        value = TRUE )
  result.metadata <- import.file.metadata.climate( metadata.file )
  ## Sanity check. The ID provided to this function and the one found
  ## in the metadata have to match.
  if ( as.numeric( station.id ) != result.metadata$id ){
    warning( paste(
        "The ID in the metadata does not match the ID of the overall station for ID:",
        station.id, "Station will be omitted." ) )
    return( NULL )
  ## Merge all time series concerning one climatological variable into
  ## one and provide them as a list of class xts or data.frame elements.
  ## Start with the first list of results and add all data of the
  ## latter, which was not part of the former one.
  result.list <- content.list[[ 1 ]]
  if ( length( content.list ) > 1 ){
    if ( time.series.format == "xts" ){
      ## Loop over all lists to be merged into result.list
      for ( ll in 2 : length( content.list ) ){
        ## Lapply over all climatological variables.
        result.list <- lapply( 1 : length( result.list ), function( rr ){
          ## Add all time stamps, which are not present yet.
          if ( all( is.na( content.list[[ ll ]][[ rr ]] ) ) ||
               all( is.na( result.list[[ rr ]] ) ) ){
            ## The c.xts function will complain if one of the objects
            ## solely consists of NAs.
              res <- c( result.list[[ rr ]],
                       content.list[[ ll ]][[ rr ]][
                           !index( content.list[[ ll ]][[ rr ]] ) %in%
                           index( result.list[[ rr ]] ) ] ) })
          } else {
            res <- c( result.list[[ rr ]],
                     content.list[[ ll ]][[ rr ]][
                         !index( content.list[[ ll ]][[ rr ]] ) %in%
                         index( result.list[[ rr ]] ) ] )
          return( res ) } )
    } else if ( time.series.format == "data.frame" ){
      ## Loop over all lists to be merged into result.list
      for ( ll in 2 : length( content.list ) ){
        ## Lapply over all climatological variables.
        result.list <- lapply( 1 : length( result.list ), function( rr ){
          ## Add all time stamps, which are not present yet.
          res <- rbind( result.list[[ rr ]],
                       content.list[[ ll ]][[ rr ]][
                           !content.list[[ ll ]][[ rr ]]$date %in%
                           result.list[[ rr ]]$date,  ] )
          ## Temporal ordering of the data.
          res <- res[ order( res$date ), ]
          return( res ) } )
    } else {
      stop( "Unknown time series format!" )
  ## The name got lost during the merging of the content.
  names( result.list ) <- names( content.list[[ 1 ]] )
  return( list( data = result.list,
               metadata = result.metadata ) )

##' @title Extract the names and the position of the individual
##'   stations from the description file
##' @description The DWD has a peculiar format for their description
##'   files. This function will serve as a wrapper to look up the name
##'   and the location of a station, specified using its
##'   \code{station.id}, inside a description file.
##' @param station.id String specifying a station.
##' @param file.description Path to a description file linking the
##'   station IDs to their actual names.
##' @return A list containing a string with the name of the station
##'   as one element and a numerical vector of length three
##'   ( longitude, latitude, altitude ) as the second element.
##' @author Philipp Mueller
extract.station.name.and.location <- function( station.id,
                                              file.description ){
  ## The station ID is placed in the first column and the date of
  ## the beginning of the observation period is placed in the second
  ## column. With just one line between the first and second column
  ## and the necessity of the second to start with either a 1 or a 2,
  ## the station ID can be extracted uniquely.
  ## The conversion to numeric and back is necessary to delete zeros
  line.raw <- grep( paste0( station.id, " [1,2]" ),
                   file.description, value = TRUE )
  if ( length( line.raw ) == 0 ){
    ## The extraction of the name fails, because the DWD has not yet
    ## added the station to the Description file holding of the
    ## stations meta data. Or it removed the corresponding line in the
    ## description file but kept the data.
    if ( station.id == "00738" ){
      ## For this station the meta data were removed.
      return( list( name = "Br\uFCckenau, Bad (A)",
                   location = c( 9.79, 50.31, 314 ) ) )
    warning( "Some of the station data are not contained in the overall description file. Please make sure you have the most recent data!" )
    ## Worst case, just delete the corresponding file and download
    ## the new one.
    return( list( name = "unknown",
                 location = c( NA, NA, NA ) ) )
  ## The name can consist of multiple words. In the previous column
  ## there is a digit and in the next the county consisting of one
  ## word (including a minus)
  line.full <- unlist( strsplit( line.raw, " " ) )
  line <- as.character( line.full[ line.full != "" ] )
  line.last.digit <- utils::tail( grep( "[[:digit:]]", line ), 1 )
  line.last.word <- utils::tail( grep( "[[:alpha:]]", line ), 1 )
  station.name <- line[ line.last.digit + 1 ]
  if ( line.last.word - 1 > line.last.digit + 1 ){
    ## the stations name consists of more than one word
    for ( ww in ( line.last.digit + 2 ) : ( line.last.word - 1 ) )
      station.name <- paste( station.name, line[ ww ] )
  ## in the 9th, 8th, 7th entries the stations coordinates are
  ## residing
  return( list( name = station.name,
               location = c( as.numeric( line[ 6 ] ),
                            as.numeric( line[ 5 ] ),
                            as.numeric( line[ 4 ] )
                            ) ) )

##' @title Imports the content of a single produkt file into R
##' @description It does the actual conversion of the format used by
##'   the DWD to the \pkg{xts} or \strong{data.frame} class. This
##'   function is intend to be used for aggregated station data.
##' @param file.path Path to a single produkt_* file contained in the
##'   zip archives of the DWD.
##' @param time.series.format Format of the extracted time
##'   series. They can either be of type \strong{data.frame} and contain two
##'   columns, "date" and "value", or a time series provided by the
##'   \pkg{xts} package. Default = "xts".
##' @import xts
##' @return A list of all time series contained in the produkt file
##'   converted to the \pkg{xts} or \strong{data.frame} class and
##'   named according to some convention of the DWD files or according
##'   to the names of the corresponding rows.
##' @author Philipp Mueller
import.file.content.climate <- function( file.path,
                                        time.series.format = c(
                                            "xts", "data.frame" ) ){
  ## Sanity checks
  if ( missing( time.series.format ) ){
    time.series.format <- "xts"
  ## Sometimes there is a single delimiter symbol in the last line.
  ## This causes the read.table function to throw a warning and, if
  ## the file to read just consists of one line, to fail. Therefore,
  ## it has to be avoided by checking how many characters are present
  ## in the last line.
  file.content <- readLines( file.path, encoding = "latin1" )
  if ( nchar( file.content[ length( file.content ) ] ) < 10 ){
    ## only the last line with the potential delimiter will be
    ## omitted. Minus two, because we have to omit the header as well.
    file.data <-
                 file.path, header = TRUE, sep = ";",
                 nrows = ( length( file.content ) - 2 ),
                 fileEncoding = "latin1" )
  } else {
    file.data <- utils::read.table(
                            file.path, header = TRUE,
                            sep = ";", fileEncoding = "latin1" )
  ## Converting the data into a list of xts-class objects. Each data
  ## column will constitute an element in the list. Since the last
  ## column only contains the "eor" (end of row) delimiters, it will
  ## be skipped.
  if ( time.series.format == "xts" ){
    results.list <- lapply( seq( 3, ncol( file.data ) - 1 ),
                           function( rr ){
                             xts( file.data[ , rr ],
                                 order.by = convert.date.integer(
                                     file.data[ , 2 ] ) ) } )
    ## Artifacts in the DWD data base are stored as -999. These will be
    ## converted to NA (not available).
    results.list <- lapply( results.list, function( ll ){
      ll[ ll == -999 ] <- NA
      return( ll ) } )
  } else if ( time.series.format == "data.frame" ){
    results.list <- lapply( seq( 3, ncol( file.data ) - 1 ),
                           function( rr )
                                 date = convert.date.integer(
                                     file.data[ , 2 ] ),
                                 value = file.data[ , rr ] ) )
    ## Artifacts in the DWD data base are stored as -999. These will be
    ## converted to NA (not available).
    results.list <- lapply( results.list, function( ll ){
      ll$value[ ll$value == -999 ] <- NA
      return( ll ) } )
  } else {
    stop( "Unknown time series format!" )

  ## Use the header of the content file to name the list containing
  ## the results.
  if ( all( names( file.data ) ==
            c( "STATIONS_ID", "MESS_DATUM", "QN_3", "FX", "FM",
              "QN_4", "RSK", "RSKF", "SDK", "SHK_TAG", "NM", "VPM",
              "PM", "TMK", "UPM", "TXK", "TNK", "TGK", "eor" ) ) ){
    names( results.list ) <-
      c( "wind.gust.quality", "wind.gust.max", "wind.gust.mean",
        "quality.general", "precipitation.height",
        "precipitation.form", "sunshine.duration", "snow.depth",
        "cloud.cover.mean", "vapour.pressure.mean", "pressure.mean",
        "temperature.mean", "relative.humidity.mean",
        "temperature.2m.max", "temperature.2m.min",
        "temperature.5cm.min" )

  } else {
    warning( "Unknown column names in the extracted files" )
    names( results.list ) <- names( file.data )[
        seq( 3, ncol( file.data ) - 1 ) ]
  return( results.list )

##' @title Imports the metadata of a single data .zip folder into R
##' @description If the actual measurement station was relocated, the
##'   DWD sticks to the same name and ID but adds another line in the
##'   Metadaten_Gepgraphie_ file. In this function I will only access
##'   the most recent position (contained in the last line).
##' @param file.path Path to a single Metadaten_Geographie_* file
##'   contained in the zip archives of the DWD.
##' @return A data.frame containing
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item{\emph{id} - The ID of the station}
##'     \item{\emph{name} - Its name}
##'     \item{\emph{longitude} - Its longitude in degree}
##'     \item{\emph{latitude} - Its latitude in degree}
##'     \item{\emph{altitude} - Its altitude in meters}
##'   }
##' @author Philipp Mueller
import.file.metadata.climate <- function( file.path ){
  ## Sometimes there is a single delimiter symbol in the last line.
  ## This causes the read.table function to throw a warning and, if
  ## the file to read just consists of one line, to fail. Therefore,
  ## it has to be avoided by checking how many characters are present
  ## in the last line.
  file.content <- readLines( file.path, encoding = "latin1" )
  if ( nchar( file.content[ length( file.content ) ] ) < 10 ){
    ## only the last line with the potential delimiter will be
    ## omitted. Minus two, because we have to omit the header as well.
    file.data <-
                 file.path, header = TRUE, sep = ";",
                 nrows = ( length( file.content ) - 2 ),
                 fileEncoding = "latin1" )
  } else {
    file.data <- utils::read.table( file.path, header = TRUE,
                                   sep = ";",
                                   fileEncoding = "latin1" )
  return( data.frame(
      id = file.data[ nrow( file.data ), 1 ],
      name = file.data[ nrow( file.data ), 7 ],
      longitude = file.data[ nrow( file.data ), 4 ],
      latitude = file.data[ nrow( file.data ), 3 ],
      altitude = file.data[ nrow( file.data ), 2 ] ) )

##' @title Load a data file into R
##' @description Searches the \emph{~/R/dwd_data/} directory or a
##'   specified folder for \emph{.RData} files recursively and
##'   displays its findings so the user can choose one of them.
##' @details In order to use the data with the \pkg{climex} package,
##'   it should be of class \pkg{xts} or of lists of class \pkg{xts}
##'   objects.
##'   If you do not have any data yet, use the
##'   \code{\link{dwd.download}} function to get some.
##' @param download.folder Specifies the folder in which the function
##'   will look for \emph{.RData} files recursively. Per default the
##'   \emph{R/dwd_data/} directory in the home folder will be
##'   used. You can overwrite this behavior by setting \code{options(
##'   dwd2r.download.path = "PATH" )} in the \emph{.Rprofile}
##'   configuration file in your home.
##' @param envir Environment the data will be attached to. If not
##'   specified, the data will be loaded to the environment the
##'   function is called from. Default = NULL.
##' @family import
##' @export
##' @return \code{invisible()} but attaches the content of the chosen
##'   \emph{.RData} file to the specified R environment.
##' @author Philipp Mueller
source.data <- function( download.folder = NULL, envir = NULL ){
  ## The folder to put all the temporary files of the dwd2r
  ## package in is set in the options(). To modify it,
  ## overwrite the options( dwd2r.download.path ) in the .Rprofile
  ## file in your home directory
  if ( is.null( download.folder ) ){
    download.folder <- getOption( "dwd2r.download.path" )

  ## Check whether the download folder exists.
  if ( !dir.exists( download.folder ) ){
        "The download.folder has not been created yet.
 Use the dwd.download() function get some data." )

  ## Extract all .RData objects contained in the download path.
  data.path <- list.files( download.folder, pattern = ".RData",
                          recursive = TRUE )
  ## Obtain the size of the file in MB
  data.size <- rep( NA, length( data.path ) )
  for ( dd in 1 : length( data.path ) ){
    data.size[ dd ] <- file.size(
        paste0( download.folder, data.path[ dd ] ) )/ 1024^2

  ## Print the user a compilation of all found objects.
  cat( '\nImporting data into your R session.\n\n' )
  cat( paste0( '\tData files found the folder ', download.folder,
              ':\n\n' ) )
  cat( '   size:\tpath:\n' )
  for ( dd in 1 : length( data.path ) ){
    if ( data.size[ dd ] < 100 ){
      cat( paste0( dd, '. ', round( data.size[ dd ], digits = 2 ),
                  '\t\t', data.path[ dd ], '\n' ) )
    } else {
      cat( paste0( dd, '. ', round( data.size[ dd ], digits = 2 ),
                  '\t', data.path[ dd ], '\n' ) )
  cat( '\n\n' )
      'Please select one file by entering the corresponding number.\n' )
  data.selection <- readline( 'Selection:' )

  print( paste( "Loading file",
               data.path[ as.numeric( data.selection ) ], "..." ) )

  if ( is.null( envir ) ) {
    load( file = paste0( download.folder,
                        data.path[ as.numeric( data.selection ) ] ),
         envir = parent.frame() )
  } else {
    load( file = paste0( download.folder,
                        data.path[ as.numeric( data.selection ) ] ),
         envir = envir )
  invisible( )
## End of import.R
theGreatWhiteShark/dwd2r documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:26 p.m.