# assigner_function_header -----------------------------------------------------
#' @title assigner_function_header
#' @description Generate function header
#' @rdname assigner_function_header
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
assigner_function_header <- function(f.name = NULL, start = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
if (is.null(f.name)) invisible(NULL)
if (start) {
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0(stringi::stri_pad_both(str = paste0(" assigner::", f.name, " "), width = 80L, pad = "#"), "\n"))
} else {
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0(stringi::stri_pad_both(str = paste0(" completed ", f.name, " "), width = 80L, pad = "#"), "\n"))
}# End assigner_function_header
# Pipe operator ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Forward-pipe operator
#' @description magrittr forward-pipe operator
#' @name %>%
#' @rdname pipe
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @usage lhs \%>\% rhs
# Exposition pipe-operator -----------------------------------------------------
#' @title Exposition pipe-operator
#' @description magrittr Exposition pipe-operator
#' @name %$%
#' @rdname Exposition_pipe_operator
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %$%
#' @usage lhs \%$\% rhs
# compound assignment pipe operator --------------------------------------------
#' @title compound assignment pipe operator
#' @description magrittr compound assignment pipe operator
#' @name %<>%
#' @rdname compound_assignment_pipe_operator
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @usage lhs \%<>\% rhs
# dplyr n ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# The number of observations in the current group.
#' @title The number of observations in the current group.
#' @description Check dplyr
#' @name n
#' @rdname n
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr n
#' @usage n()
# subsampling_data --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title subsampling data
#' @description subsampling data
#' @rdname subsampling_data
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
subsampling_data <- function(
iteration.subsample = 1,
strata = NULL,
subsample = NULL,
random.seed = NULL
) {
# message(paste0("Creating data subsample: ", iteration.subsample))
if (is.null(subsample)) {
subsample.select <- dplyr::mutate(strata, SUBSAMPLE = iteration.subsample)
} else {
# Set seed for sampling reproducibility
if (is.null(random.seed)) {
random.seed <- sample(x = 1:1000000, size = 1)
if (subsample > 1) {# integer
subsample.select <- strata %>%
dplyr::group_by(STRATA_SEQ) %>%
dplyr::sample_n(tbl = ., size = subsample, replace = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::ungroup(.)# sampling individuals for each pop
subsample.select %<>%
SUBSAMPLE = iteration.subsample,
RANDOM_SEED_NUMBER = random.seed
) %>%
dplyr::arrange(STRATA_SEQ, ID_SEQ) %>%
} # End subsampling function
# import_subsamples ------------------------------------------------------------
# Write a dataframe containing all the subsample individual assignment
#' @name import_subsamples
#' @title Import individual's assignment results of different subsample folder.
#' @description This function will import all the individual's assignment results
#' of different subsample folder into R.
#' @param dir.path The path to the directory containing the subsample folders.
#' @param imputations (logical) Was the data imputed or not.
#' Default: \code{imputations = FALSE}
#' @return A data frame of all the individual's assignment, with iterations and subsample.
#' @export
#' @rdname import_subsamples
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' subsamples.data <- import_subsamples(
#' dir.path = "assignment_analysis_method_random_imputations_rf_populations",
#' imputations = TRUE
#' )
#' }
#' @author Thierry Gosselin \email{thierrygosselin@@icloud.com}
import_subsamples <- function(dir.path, imputations = FALSE){
if (missing(dir.path)) stop("dir.path argument missing")
sampling.method.files <- list.files(path = dir.path, pattern = "assignment", full.names = FALSE)[1]
sampling.method <- stringi::stri_detect_fixed(str = sampling.method.files, pattern = "ranked") # looks for ranked
subsample.folders <- list.files(path = dir.path, pattern = "subsample_", full.names = FALSE)
data <- list()
for (i in subsample.folders) {
sub.name <- stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(str = i, pattern = "_", replacement = ".", vectorize_all = FALSE)
if (!sampling.method) {
if (imputations) {
filename <- stringi::stri_join(dir.path, "/", i, "/","assignment.random.imputed.results.individuals.iterations.", sub.name, ".tsv")
} else {
filename <- stringi::stri_join(dir.path, "/", i, "/","assignment.random.no.imputation.results.individuals.iterations.", sub.name, ".tsv")
} else {
if (imputations) {
filename <- stringi::stri_join(dir.path, "/", i, "/","assignment.ranked.imputed.results.individuals.iterations.", sub.name, ".tsv")
} else {
filename <- stringi::stri_join(dir.path, "/", i, "/","assignment.ranked.no.imputation.results.individuals.iterations.", sub.name, ".tsv")
subsample.data <- readr::read_tsv(file = filename, col_names = TRUE)
# mutate(SUBSAMPLE = rep(i, n()))
# filter (MISSING_DATA == 'no.imputation')
data[[i]] <- subsample.data
data <- tibble::as_tibble(dplyr::bind_rows(data))
}#End import_subsamples
# import_subsamples_fst---------------------------------------------------------
# Write a dataframe containing all the subsample individual assignment
#' @name import_subsamples_fst
#' @title Import the fst ranking from all the subsample runs inside
#' an assignment folder.
#' @description This function will import all the fst ranking from all the
#' subsample runs inside an assignment folder.
#' @param dir.path The path to the directory containing the subsample folders.
#' @return A data frame of all the Fst and ranking.
#' @export
#' @rdname import_subsamples_fst
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' subsamples.data <- import_subsamples_fst(
#' dir.path = "assignment_analysis_method_ranked_no_imputations_20160425@2321"
#' )
#' }
#' @author Thierry Gosselin \email{thierrygosselin@@icloud.com}
import_subsamples_fst <- function(dir.path){
if (missing(dir.path)) stop("dir.path argument missing")
# sampling.method <- stri_detect_fixed(str = dir.path, pattern = "ranked") # looks for ranked
# if (sampling.method == FALSE) stop("This function doesn't work for markers sampled randomly")
subsample.folders <- list.files(path = dir.path, pattern = "subsample_", full.names = FALSE)
data.subsample <- list()
for (i in subsample.folders) {
fst.files.list <- list.files(path = stringi::stri_join(dir.path, "/", i), pattern = "fst.ranked", full.names = FALSE)
data.fst <- list()
for (j in fst.files.list) {
fst.file <- readr::read_tsv(file = stringi::stri_join(dir.path, "/", i, "/", j), col_names = TRUE) %>%
SUBSAMPLE = rep(i, n()),
ITERATIONS = rep(j, n())
data.fst[[j]] <- fst.file
data.fst <- tibble::as_tibble(dplyr::bind_rows(data.fst))
data.subsample[[i]] <- data.fst
data <- tibble::as_tibble(dplyr::bind_rows(data.subsample))
}#End import_subsamples_fst
# GSI_BINARY_SUPPORT -----------------------------------------------------------
#' return the path where gsi_sim should be in the R system paths
#' @keywords internal
#' @name gsi_sim_binary_path
#' @rdname gsi_sim_binary_path
#' @export
gsi_sim_binary_path <- function() {
file.path(system.file(package = "assigner"), "bin", "gsi_sim")
#' return TRUE if gsi_sim exists where it should be
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @name gsi_sim_exists
#' @rdname gsi_sim_exists
gsi_sim_exists <- function() {
#' return TRUE if gsi_sim is executable
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @name gsi_sim_is_executable
#' @rdname gsi_sim_is_executable
gsi_sim_is_executable <- function() {
NULL #incomplete
#' file path to be used in a call to gsi_sim.
#' This version checks to make sure it is there and throws an
#' error with a suggestion of how to get it if it is not there.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @name gsi_sim_binary
#' @rdname gsi_sim_binary
gsi_sim_binary <- function() {
if (!gsi_sim_exists()) stop("Can't find the gsi_sim executable where it was expected
at ", gsi_sim_binary_path(), ".
If you have internet access, you can install it
from within R by invoking the function \"install_gsi_sim()\"")
# then I should check to make sure it is executable
# if so, return the path
#' downloads gsi_sim that is appropriate for the operating system
#' If the system is Mac, or Windows, this function will
#' download a precompiled binary from GitHub. In other cases, or
#' if fromSource == TRUE, this function will attempt to download
#' the source code and compile the program from source and install
#' it.
#' If this function fails, then you can just compile gsi_sim by
#' going to GITHUB_URL and compiling it yourself and naming the
#' executable gsi_sim and putting it at the location specified by the
#' function \code{\link{gsi_sim_binary_path}}.
#' @param commit The full SHA-1 hash from GitHub from which to get
#' the binary or source
#' @param fromSource If TRUE, download source, even if a binary is available.
#' If FALSE, then it will download a precompiled binary, if available. If a
#' binary is not available, then it will attempt to download the source.
#' @export
#' @name install_gsi_sim
#' @rdname install_gsi_sim
install_gsi_sim <- function(commit = "080f462c8eff035fa3e9f2fdce26c3ac013e208a", fromSource = FALSE) {
# make a bin directory
suppressWarnings(dir.create(file.path(system.file(package = "assigner"), "bin")))
uname <- Sys.info()["sysname"]
urlbase <- paste("https://github.com/eriqande/gsi_sim/blob/", commit,
"/gsi_sim-", sep = "")
if (fromSource == FALSE) {
if (uname == "Darwin") {
url <- paste(urlbase, "Darwin", sep = "")
if (uname == "Windows") {
url <- paste(urlbase, "MINGW32_NT-6.1", sep = "")
if (uname == "Darwin" || uname == "Windows") {
message("Downloading file ", url)
message("And copying to ", gsi_sim_binary_path())
utils::download.file(url = url, destfile = gsi_sim_binary_path())
Sys.chmod(gsi_sim_binary_path()) # make it executable
if (uname == "Linux" || fromSource == TRUE) { # in this case we will just compile from source
td <- tempdir()
message("Will be cloning gsi_sim repository to ", td)
message("Removing any earlier instances of the repository in that temp directory")
system(paste("cd", td, "; rm -r -f gsi_sim"))
message("Cloning repository, dealing with submodules, compiling gsi_sim ")
comm <- paste("cd ", td,
"&& git clone https://github.com/eriqande/gsi_sim.git ",
"&& cd gsi_sim ",
"&& git checkout ", commit,
"&& git submodule init && git submodule update ",
"&& ./Compile_gsi_sim.sh ", sep = "")
boing <- system(comm)
if (boing != 0) {
stop("Failed trying to clone and compile gsi_sim")
} else {
message("Apparently successful compiling gsi_sim. Now copying to ", gsi_sim_binary_path())
trycopy <- file.copy(from = paste(td, "/gsi_sim/gsi_sim-", uname, sep = ""),
to = gsi_sim_binary_path(),
overwrite = TRUE)
if (trycopy == FALSE) stop("Apparently failed trying to copy ",
paste(td, "/gsi_sim/gsi_sim-", uname, sep = ""),
"to ",
# parallel_core_opt ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title parallel_core_opt
#' @description Optimization of parallel core argument for radiator
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
parallel_core_opt <- function(parallel.core = NULL, max.core = NULL) {
# strategy:
# minimum of 1 core and a maximum of all the core available -2
# even number of core
# test
# parallel.core <- 1
# parallel.core <- 2
# parallel.core <- 3
# parallel.core <- 11
# parallel.core <- 12
# parallel.core <- 16
# max.core <- 5
# max.core <- 50
# max.core <- NULL
# Add-ons options
# to control the max and min number to use...
if (is.null(parallel.core)) {
parallel.core <- parallel::detectCores() - 2
} else {
parallel.core <- floor(parallel.core / 2) * 2
parallel.core <- max(1, min(parallel.core, parallel::detectCores() - 2))
if (is.null(max.core)) {
parallel.core.opt <- parallel.core
} else {
parallel.core.opt <- min(parallel.core, floor(max.core / 2) * 2)
}#End parallel_core_opt
# assigner_future: future and future.apply -------------------------------------
#' @name assigner_future
#' @title assigner parallel function
#' @description Updating assigner to use future
# @inheritParams future::plan
# @inheritParams future::availableCores
#' @inheritParams future.apply::future_apply
#' @rdname assigner_future
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
assigner_future <- function(
flat.future = c("int", "chr", "dfr", "dfc", "walk", "drop"),
split.vec = FALSE,
split.with = NULL,
split.chunks = 4L,
parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
forking = FALSE,
) {
os <- Sys.info()[['sysname']]
if (os == "Windows") forking <- FALSE
opt.change <- getOption("width")
options(width = 70)
on.exit(options(width = opt.change), add = TRUE)
on.exit(if (parallel.core > 1L && !forking) future::plan(strategy = "sequential"), add = TRUE)
# argument for flattening the results
flat.future <- match.arg(
arg = flat.future,
choices = c("int", "chr", "dfr", "dfc", "walk", "drop"),
several.ok = FALSE
# splitting into chunks-------------------------------------------------------
if (split.vec && is.null(split.with)) {
# d: data, data length, data size
# sv: split vector
d <- .x
df <- FALSE
if (any(class(d) %in% c("tbl_df","tbl","data.frame"))) {
d <- nrow(d)
df <- TRUE
if (length(d) > 1L) d <- length(d)
sv <- as.integer(floor((split.chunks * (seq_len(d) - 1) / d) + 1))
# sv <- as.integer(floor((parallel.core * cpu.rounds * (seq_len(d) - 1) / d) + 1))
stopifnot(length(sv) == d)
# split
if (df) {
.x$SPLIT_VEC <- sv
.x %<>% dplyr::group_split(.tbl = ., "SPLIT_VEC", .keep = FALSE)
} else {
.x %<>% split(x = ., f = sv)
if (!is.null(split.with)) {
# check
if (length(split.with) != 1 || !is.character(split.with)) {
rlang::abort(message = "Contact author: problem with parallel computation")
.data <- NULL
stopifnot(rlang::has_name(.x, split.with))
if (split.vec) {
sv <- dplyr::distinct(.x, .data[[split.with]])
d <- nrow(sv)
sv$SPLIT_VEC <- as.integer(floor((split.chunks * (seq_len(d) - 1) / d) + 1))
.x %<>%
dplyr::left_join(sv, by = split.with) %>%
dplyr::group_split(.tbl = ., "SPLIT_VEC", .keep = FALSE)
} else {
.x %<>% dplyr::group_split(.tbl = ., .data[[split.with]], .keep = TRUE)
if (parallel.core == 1L) {
future::plan(strategy = "sequential")
} else {
parallel.core <- parallel_core_opt(parallel.core = parallel.core)
lx <- length(.x)
if (lx < parallel.core) {
future::plan(strategy = "multisession", workers = lx)
} else {
if (!forking) future::plan(strategy = "multisession", workers = parallel.core)
# Run the function in parallel and account for dots-dots-dots argument
if (forking) {
if (length(list(...)) == 0) {
rad_map <- switch(
int = {
.x %<>%
parallel::mclapply(X = ., FUN = .f, mc.cores = parallel.core) %>%
chr = {.x %<>%
parallel::mclapply(X = ., FUN = .f, mc.cores = parallel.core) %>%
dfr = {
.x %<>%
parallel::mclapply(X = ., FUN = .f, mc.cores = parallel.core) %>%
dfc = {
.x %<>%
parallel::mclapply(X = ., FUN = .f, mc.cores = parallel.core) %>%
walk = {furrr::future_walk},
drop = {
.x %<>%
parallel::mclapply(X = ., FUN = .f, mc.cores = parallel.core)
} else {
rad_map <- switch(
int = {
.x %<>%
parallel::mclapply(X = ., FUN = .f, ..., mc.cores = parallel.core) %>%
chr = {.x %<>%
parallel::mclapply(X = ., FUN = .f, ..., mc.cores = parallel.core) %>%
dfr = {
.x %<>%
parallel::mclapply(X = ., FUN = .f, ..., mc.cores = parallel.core) %>%
# purrr::flatten_dfr(.)
dfc = {
.x %<>%
parallel::mclapply(X = ., FUN = .f, ..., mc.cores = parallel.core) %>%
walk = {furrr::future_walk},
drop = {
.x %<>%
parallel::mclapply(X = ., FUN = .f, ..., mc.cores = parallel.core)
} else {
rad_map <- switch(flat.future,
int = {furrr::future_map_int},
chr = {furrr::future_map_chr},
dfr = {furrr::future_map_dfr},
dfc = {furrr::future_map_dfc},
walk = {furrr::future_walk},
drop = {furrr::future_map}
p <- NULL
p <- progressr::progressor(along = .x)
opts <- furrr::furrr_options(globals = FALSE, seed = TRUE)
if (length(list(...)) == 0) {
.x %<>% rad_map(.x = ., .f = .f, .options = opts)
} else {
.x %<>% rad_map(.x = ., .f = .f, ..., .options = opts)
}#End assigner_future
# PIVOT-GATHER-CAST ------------------------------------------------------------
# rationale for doing this is that i'm tired of using tidyverse or data.table semantics
# tidyr changed from gather/spread to pivot_ functions but their are still very slow compared
# to 1. the original gather/spread and data.table equivalent...
#' @title rad_long
#' @description Gather, melt and pivot_longer
#' @rdname rad_long
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rad_long <- function(
cols = NULL,
measure_vars = NULL,
names_to = NULL,
values_to = NULL,
variable_factor = TRUE,
keep_rownames = FALSE,
tidy = FALSE
# tidyr
if (tidy) {
x %>%
data = .,
cols = -cols,
names_to = names_to,
values_to = values_to
} else {# data.table
x %>%
data.table::as.data.table(., keep.rownames = keep_rownames) %>%
data = .,
id.vars = cols,
measure.vars = measure_vars,
variable.name = names_to,
value.name = values_to,
variable.factor = variable_factor
) %>%
#' @title rad_wide
#' @description Spread, dcast and pivot_wider
#' @rdname rad_wide
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rad_wide <- function(
x ,
formula = NULL,
names_from = NULL,
values_from = NULL,
sep = "_",
fun_aggregate = NULL,
values_fill = NULL,
tidy = FALSE
# tidyr
if (tidy) {
x %<>%
data = .,
names_from = names_from,
values_from = values_from,
values_fill = values_fill
} else {# data.table
if (is.null(fun_aggregate)) {
x %>%
data.table::as.data.table(.) %>%
data = .,
formula = formula,
value.var = values_from,
sep = sep,
fill = values_fill
) %>%
} else {
x %>%
data.table::as.data.table(.) %>%
data = .,
formula = formula,
value.var = values_from,
sep = sep,
fun.aggregate = fun_aggregate,
fill = values_fill
) %>%
# assigner_clock ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title assigner_tic
#' @description assigner tictoc function
#' @rdname assigner_tic
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
assigner_tic <- function(timing = proc.time()) {
}# End assigner_tic
#' @title assigner_toc
#' @description assigner tictoc function
#' @rdname assigner_toc
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
assigner_toc <- function(
end.message = "Computation time, overall:",
verbose = TRUE
) {
if (verbose) message("\n", end.message, " ", round((proc.time() - timing)[[3]]), " sec")
}# End assigner_toc
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