
#' Learning the Optimal Rule using the Revere framework
#' Functions used to learn the Optimal Rule given a tmle_task and likelihood,
#' using the Revere framework. Complements 'tmle3_Spec_mopttx_blip_revere' class.
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom tmle3 tmle3_Spec
#' @export
#' @keywords data
#' @return A optimal rule object inheriting from \code{\link[tmle3]{tmle3_Spec}}
#'  with methods for learning the optimal rule. For a full list of the available
#'  functionality, see the complete documentation of \code{\link[tmle3]{tmle3_Spec}}.
#' @format An \code{\link[R6]{R6Class}} object inheriting from
#'  \code{\link[tmle3]{tmle3_Spec}}.
#' @section Parameters:
#'   - \code{tmle_task}: Task object specifying the data and node structure.
#'   - \code{tmle_spec}: Spec object of \code{\link[keras]{tmle3}}. Allows for different
#'   Specs to use the current class for learning the Optimal Rule.
#'   - \code{likelihood}: Likelihood object of \code{\link[keras]{tmle3}}, corresponding
#'   to the current estimate of the required parts of the likelihood necessary for the target
#'   parameter.
#'   - \code{V}: User-specified list of covariates used to define the rule.
#'   - \code{options}: Information on all the variables passed to the original Spec. 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(sl3)
#' library(tmle3)
#' library(data.table)
#' data("data_bin")
#' data <- data_bin
#' Q_lib <- make_learner_stack("Lrnr_mean", "Lrnr_glm_fast")
#' g_lib <- make_learner_stack("Lrnr_mean", "Lrnr_glm_fast")
#' B_lib <- make_learner_stack("Lrnr_glm_fast", "Lrnr_xgboost")
#' metalearner <- make_learner(Lrnr_nnls)
#' Q_learner <- make_learner(Lrnr_sl, Q_lib, metalearner)
#' g_learner <- make_learner(Lrnr_sl, g_lib, metalearner)
#' B_learner <- make_learner(Lrnr_sl, B_lib, metalearner)
#' learner_list <- list(Y = Q_learner, A = g_learner, B = B_learner)
#' node_list <- list(W = c("W1", "W2", "W3"), A = "A", Y = "Y")
#' tmle_spec <- tmle3_mopttx_blip_revere(
#'   V = c("W1", "W2", "W3"),
#'   type = "blip1", learners = learner_list, maximize = TRUE,
#'   complex = TRUE, realistic = TRUE
#' )

Optimal_Rule_Revere <- R6Class(
  classname = "Optimal_Rule_Revere",
  portable = TRUE,
  class = TRUE,
  inherit = tmle3::tmle3_Spec,
  lock_objects = FALSE,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(tmle_task, tmle_spec, likelihood, V, options,
                          shift_grid = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.5)) {
      private$.tmle_task <- tmle_task
      private$.tmle_spec <- tmle_spec
      private$.likelihood <- likelihood
      private$.blip_type <- options$type
      private$.learners <- options$learners
      private$.maximize <- options$maximize
      private$.realistic <- options$realistic
      private$.resource <- options$resource
      private$.interpret <- options$interpret
      private$.likelihood_override <- options$likelihood_override
      private$.reference <- options$reference
      private$.shift_grid <- shift_grid
      A_vals <- private$.tmle_task$npsem$A$variable_type$levels
      #If binary A, force blip1
        private$.blip_type <- "blip1"
      #Pick reference as the smallest category, if not assigned
      if(is.null(private$.reference) & private$.blip_type=="blip1"){
          A_vals <- as.numeric(levels(A_vals))[A_vals]
        private$.reference <- min(A_vals)
      if (missing(V)) {
        V <- tmle_task$npsem$W$variables
      private$.V <- V
    factor_to_indicators = function(x, x_vals) {
      ind_mat <- sapply(x_vals, function(x_val) as.numeric(x_val == x))
      colnames(ind_mat) <- x_vals
    V_data = function(tmle_task, fold = NULL) {
      if (is.null(fold)) {
        tmle_task$data[, self$V, with = FALSE]
      } else {
        tmle_task$data[, self$V, with = FALSE][tmle_task$folds[[fold]]$training_set, ]
    DR_full = function(v, indx) {
      DR <- data.frame(private$.DR_full[[v]])
      return(data.frame(DR[indx, ]))
    blip_revere_function = function(tmle_task, fold_number) {
      #Grab parameters:
      likelihood <- self$likelihood
      A_vals <- tmle_task$npsem$A$variable_type$levels
      ref <- which(A_vals  %in% private$.reference)
      V <- self$V
      # Generate counterfactual tasks for each value of A:
      cf_tasks <- lapply(A_vals, function(A_val) {
        if (is.character(A_val)) {
          A_val <- as.numeric(A_val)
          # A_val<-as.factor(A_val)
        newdata <- data.table(A = A_val)
        cf_task <- tmle_task$generate_counterfactual_task(UUIDgenerate(), new_data = newdata)
      # DR A-IPW mapping of blip
      A <- tmle_task$get_tmle_node("A")
      Y <- tmle_task$get_tmle_node("Y")
      A_vals <- tmle_task$npsem$A$variable_type$levels
      A_ind <- self$factor_to_indicators(A, A_vals)
      Y_mat <- replicate(length(A_vals), Y)
      # Use fold_number fits for Q and g:
      Q_vals <- sapply(cf_tasks, likelihood$get_likelihood, "Y", fold_number)
      g_vals <- sapply(cf_tasks, likelihood$get_likelihood, "A", fold_number)
      DR <- (A_ind / g_vals) * (Y_mat - Q_vals) + Q_vals
      # Type of pseudo-blip:
      blip_type <- self$blip_type
      # If there are missing values in Y,
      # Blip outcomes will have missing values as well
      if (blip_type == "blip1") {
        vals <- seq(A_vals)
        blip <- lapply(vals,function(val){DR[, val] - DR[, ref]})
        blip <- do.call(cbind,blip)
        colnames(blip) <- paste(A_vals)
        #Correct for binary A
          blip <- rowSums(blip)
      } else if (blip_type == "blip2") {
        blip <- DR - rowMeans(DR)
        colnames(blip) <- paste0("A=",A_vals)
      } else if (blip_type == "blip3") {
        blip <- DR - (rowMeans(DR) * g_vals)
      # TO DO: Nicer solutions. Do it one by one, for now
      # If there are missing Ys, there will be missing blips- for now drop these rows.
      # (otherwise we train on imputed values... )
      if (is.null(V)) {
        data <- data.table(V = blip, blip = blip)
        outcomes <- grep("blip", names(data), value = TRUE)
        V <- grep("V", names(data), value = TRUE)
        revere_task <- make_sl3_Task(data,
                                     outcome = outcomes, covariates = V,
                                     folds = tmle_task$folds
      } else {
        V <- tmle_task$data[, self$V, with = FALSE]
        data <- data.table(V, blip = blip)
        outcomes <- grep("blip", names(data), value = TRUE)
        revere_task <- make_sl3_Task(data,
                                     outcome = outcomes, covariates = self$V,
                                     folds = tmle_task$folds
    bound = function(cv_g) {
      cv_g[cv_g < 0.01] <- 0.01
      cv_g[cv_g > 0.99] <- 0.99
    fit_blip = function() {
      #Grab all parameters:
      tmle_task <- self$tmle_task
      tmle_spec <- self$tmle_spec
      likelihood <- self$likelihood
      V <- self$V
      type <- tmle_spec$options$type
      maximize <- tmle_spec$options$maximize
      complex <- tmle_spec$options$complex
      realistic <- tmle_spec$options$realistic
      resource <- tmle_spec$options$resource
      interpret <- tmle_spec$options$interpret
      learner_list <- tmle_spec$options$learners
      # Edit the tmle3 task so it avoids missing values:
      if (!is.null(tmle_task$npsem$Y$censoring_node)) {
        delta <- tmle_task$npsem$Y$censoring_node$name
        # Subset data and nodes:
        observed <- tmle_task$get_tmle_node(delta)
        data <- tmle_task$get_data()
        data <- data[observed]
        data <- data[, (ncol(data)) := NULL]
        folds <- sl3::subset_folds(tmle_task$folds, which(observed))
        # Create node list:
        W <- c(tmle_task$.__enclos_env__$private$.npsem$W$variables)
        A <- tmle_task$.__enclos_env__$private$.npsem$A$variables
        Y <- tmle_task$.__enclos_env__$private$.npsem$Y$variables
        node_list <- list(W = W, A = A, Y = Y)
        tmle_spec_new <- tmle3_mopttx_blip_revere(
          V = V, type = type,
          learners = learner_list, maximize = maximize,
          complex = complex, realistic = realistic, resource = resource
        tmle_task_noC <- tmle_spec_new$make_tmle_task(data, node_list = node_list, folds)
      } else {
        tmle_task_noC <- tmle_task
      blip_revere_task <- sl3:::sl3_revere_Task$new(self$blip_revere_function, 
      blip_fit <- self$blip_library$train(blip_revere_task)
        blip_task <- self$blip_revere_function(tmle_task, fold_number="full")
        preds <- blip_fit$predict(blip_task)
        blip_fit_interpret <- hal9001::fit_hal(
          X = blip_task$X,
          Y = preds,
          yolo = FALSE,
          return_lasso = TRUE,
          reduce_basis = 1/nrow(blip_task$data)
        blip_fit_interpret <- NULL
      private$.blip_fit <- blip_fit
      private$.blip_fit_interpret <- blip_fit_interpret
    rule = function(tmle_task, fold_number = "full") {
      #Get paramaters
      realistic <- private$.realistic
      resource <- private$.resource
      likelihood <- self$likelihood
      likelihood_override <- private$.likelihood_override
      #Get A values
      A_vals <- tmle_task$npsem$A$variable_type$levels
      ### NOTE:
      # If there is missing outcome, this will return rules for ALL values.
      # This is ok- we don't have missing Ws or As, just Ys (hence, we can get a predicted value).
      # This outputs a warning, but that's ok.
      blip_task <- self$blip_revere_function(tmle_task, fold_number)
      blip_preds <- self$blip_fit$predict_fold(blip_task, fold_number)
      #Get dimensions
      n <- nrow(tmle_task$data)
      # Type of pseudo-blip:
      blip_type <- self$blip_type
      if (is.list(blip_preds)) {
        blip_preds <- unpack_predictions(blip_preds)
      # flip sign if we're minimizing
      if (!private$.maximize) {
        blip_preds <- blip_preds * -1
      # add an extra 0 column for blip1 so that there's always one column per A level
      if ((blip_type == "blip1") & length(A_vals)==2) {
        blip_preds <- cbind(0, blip_preds)
      if (realistic) {
        # Need to grab the propensity score:
        g_task <- tmle_task$get_regression_task("A")
          g_preds <- likelihood_override$get_likelihood(tmle_task, node="A")
          g_preds <- unpack_predictions(g_preds)
          g_learner <- likelihood$factor_list[["A"]]$learner
          g_preds <- unpack_predictions(g_learner$predict(g_task))
        min_g <- 0.05
        # make unrealistic rules not optimal
        g_preds <- normalize_rows(g_preds)
        blip_preds[g_preds < min_g] <- -Inf
      rule_preds <- max.col(blip_preds)
      rule_preds <- A_vals[rule_preds]
      #User can put resource=1 for binary rule
      if( (length(resource)<length(A_vals)) ){
        resource <- c( rep(1,length(A_vals)-length(resource)) ,resource)
      #General resource constraint:
        #Rank based on the current rule allocation and resource
        oit <- data.frame(percent=table(rule_preds)/n*100)
        names(oit) <- c("A_vals","Freq")
        oit <- oit[match(A_vals,oit$A_vals),]
        row.names(oit) <- NULL
        oit$A_vals <- A_vals
        oit[is.na(oit$Freq),"Freq"] <- 0

        #Start with the constraint:
        resource_inter <- cbind.data.frame(A_vals=seq(A_vals),
        resource_inter <- resource_inter[order((-resource_inter$resource),resource_inter$oit,
                                               decreasing = TRUE),]
        #Add ids and rules to blips:
        blip_preds_inter <- cbind.data.frame(id=seq(n),
        for(i in 1:nrow(resource_inter)){
          inter <- blip_preds_inter
          #Start with A that has the most constraints
          A_val <- resource_inter[i,"A_vals"]
          #Order blips of current A_val
          inter <- inter[order(inter[,(A_val+1)],decreasing = TRUE),]
          #Get the current rule
          rule_preds_inter <- max.col(inter[,-1]) #without id
          rule_preds_inter <- cbind.data.frame(id=inter$id,
          rule_preds_inter     <- rule_preds_inter[rule_preds_inter$rule==TRUE,]
          #If no one benefit from this rule, assign to the unconstrained
            rule_preds_inter$seq <- seq(1:nrow(rule_preds_inter)) 
            inter$seq <- rule_preds_inter[match(inter$id, rule_preds_inter$id),"seq"]
            max_num_A <- max(rule_preds_inter$seq)
              inter[(inter$seq>resource_inter[i,"n"] & !is.na(inter$seq)),(A_val+1)] <- -Inf
            blip_preds_inter <- inter[,-ncol(inter)]
        blip_preds_inter <- blip_preds_inter[order(blip_preds_inter$id,decreasing = FALSE),]
        blip_preds_fin <- blip_preds_inter[,-1]
        rule_preds_resource <- max.col(blip_preds_fin)
        rule_preds_resource <- A_vals[rule_preds_resource]
        rule_preds_resource <- rule_preds
      #Allow resource constrain only on binary treatment for now
      #if(length(A_vals) == 2 & resource < 1){
      #  #TO DO: Note that this doesn't really allow us to rank blip < 0
      #  max_preds <-apply(blip_preds, 1, max)
      #  rank_df <- data.table("id" = c(1:length(max_preds)),
      #                        "blip_preds" = max_preds)
      #  rank_df <- rank_df[order(rank_df[,2],decreasing=TRUE),]
      #  self$.rank <- rank_df
        #Total to get treatment:
      #  A1 <- sum(rank_df$blip_preds>0)
      #  A1_constrain <- floor(A1 * resource)
      #  get_A_id <- rank_df[1:A1_constrain, "id"]
      #  get_A_id <- get_A_id$id
      #  rank_df <- rank_df[order(rank_df[,1],decreasing=FALSE),]
      #  if(is.factor(A_vals)){
      #    A_vals <- factor(A_vals, ordered = TRUE)
      #  }
      #  rule_preds_resource <- rule_preds
      #  rule_preds_resource[!(rank_df$id %in% get_A_id)] <- min(A_vals[rule_preds])
      #  rule_preds <- rule_preds_resource
    # Think carefully as to how this should be done with folds.
    rule_stochastic = function(tmle_task, fold_number = "full") {
      likelihood <- self$likelihood
      shift_grid <- self$shift_grid
      A <- tmle_task$get_tmle_node("A")
      #  Only supports additive shifts for now.
      # Generate counterfactual tasks for each delta shift of A:
      cf_tasks <- lapply(shift_grid, function(shift) {
        newdata <- data.table(A = A + shift)
        cf_task <- tmle_task$generate_counterfactual_task(UUIDgenerate(), new_data = newdata)
      Q_vals <- sapply(cf_tasks, likelihood$get_likelihood, "Y", fold_number)
      opt_col <- max.col(Q_vals)
      opt_A <- Q_vals[cbind(seq_along(opt_col), opt_col)]
      private$.opt_delta <- shift_grid[opt_col]
      private$.opt_A <- opt_A
      private$.Q_vals <- Q_vals
  active = list(
    tmle_task = function() {
    tmle_spec = function() {
    likelihood = function() {
    V = function() {
    blip_type = function() {
    blip_fit = function() {
    blip_fit_interpret = function() {
    blip_library = function() {
    A_library = function() {
    shift_grid = function() {
    return_rank = function() {
  private = list(
    .tmle_task = NULL,
    .tmle_spec = NULL,
    .likelihood = NULL,
    .V = NULL,
    .blip_type = NULL,
    .blip_fit = NULL,
    .blip_fit_interpret = NULL,
    .learners = NULL,
    .maximize = NULL,
    .realistic = NULL,
    .resource = NULL,
    .shift_grid = NULL,
    .opt_delta = NULL,
    .opt_A = NULL,
    .Q_vals = NULL,
    .rank = NULL,
    .interpret = NULL,
    .reference = NULL
tlverse/tmle3mopttx documentation built on Aug. 9, 2022, 3:31 p.m.