#' @importFrom SeqArray seqOptimize
#' @importFrom gdsfmt put.attr.gdsn index.gdsn
#' @rdname estGeno
dummy_reads) {
# Check the validity of the registered scheme
object <- .checkScheme(object = object)
# Check if the parents have been specified
parents <- slot(object = slot(object = object, name = "scheme"),
name = "parents")
n_parents <- length(unique(parents))
parentless <- all(is.na(parents))
# Set the number of threads
.setThreads(n_threads = n_threads)
message("Start cleaning...")
# Validate parents information
n_parents <- 2
} else {
parents <- getParents(object = object)
n_parents <- length(unique(parents$memberID))
n_samples <- length(unique(getReplicates(object = object)))
n_alleles <- 2
n_ploidy <- attributes(slot(object = object, name = "sample"))$ploidy
# initialize the output nodes
.initGDS(object = object,
het_parent = het_parent,
n_parents = n_parents)
# Generate genotype pattern list
message("Preparing genotype and haplotype pattern table...")
pat <- .makePattern(n_parents = n_parents, n_ploidy = n_ploidy,
n_alleles = n_alleles, n_samples = n_samples,
het_parent = het_parent,
scheme = slot(object = object, name = "scheme"))
.showPattern(pat = pat)
# Get chromosome information to loop over chromosomes
chr <- getChromosome(object = object, valid = FALSE)
chr_levels <- unique(chr)
no_eds <- FALSE
for(chr_i in chr_levels) {
if(nmar(object = object, valid = TRUE, chr = chr_i) < 2){
message("Skip the genotype estimation for ", chr_i,
" that has less than two valid markers.")
no_valid_marker <- TRUE
} else {
no_valid_marker <- FALSE
message("\nNow cleaning chr ", chr_i, "...")
clean_out <- .cleanEachChr(object = object,
chr_i = chr_i,
node = node,
error_rate = error_rate,
recomb_rate = recomb_rate,
call_threshold = call_threshold,
het_parent = het_parent,
optim = optim,
iter = iter,
parentless = parentless,
dummy_reads = dummy_reads,
pat = pat)
# ### Debug
# return(clean_out)
# ###
# Make filters to store the output into the nodes
sel <- list(mar = validMar(object = object, chr = chr_i),
sam = validSam(object = object))
clean_out$best_hap <- clean_out$best_hap[, -seq_len(2), ]
clean_out$best_geno <- clean_out$best_geno[, -seq_len(2), ]
} else {
sel <- list(mar = validMar(object = object, chr = chr_i),
sam = validSam(object = object, parents = TRUE))
# Output values to the nodes
.saveOutput(object = object,
clean_out = clean_out,
sel = sel,
no_valid_marker = no_valid_marker,
n_parents = n_parents)
# Output the dosage data if available
if(n_parents == 2 & !het_parent){
.saveEDS(object = object,
clean_out = clean_out,
sel = sel,
no_valid_marker = no_valid_marker)
# Optimize the nodes
if(n_parents == 2 & !het_parent){
opt_node <- c("HAP", "CGT", "EDS")
comp_node <- c("format/HAP/data", "format/CGT/data",
"info/PGT", "info/ADB", "info/MR")
} else {
opt_node <- c("HAP", "CGT")
comp_node <- c("format/HAP/data", "format/CGT/data",
"info/PGT", "info/ADB", "info/MR")
closeGDS(object = object, verbose = FALSE)
seqOptimize(gdsfn = object$filename, target = "by.sample",
format.var = opt_node, verbose = FALSE)
object <- reopenGDS(object = object)
.compressNodes(object = object,
node = paste0("annotation/", comp_node))
# Clean up RAM
# Validate the scheme object
.checkScheme <- function(object){
scheme <- slot(object = object, name = "scheme")
if(length(slot(object = scheme, name = "progenies")) == 0){
stop("No scheme information.",
"Build scheme information with ",
"initScheme() and addScheme().",
call. = FALSE)
if(length(slot(object = scheme, name = "samples")) == 0){
id <- unlist(tail(slot(object = scheme, name = "progenies"), 1))
if(length(id) == 1){
message("Member IDs were not assigned to samples.",
"Assign ", id, " to all samples as member ID.")
object <- assignScheme(object = object,
id = rep(x = id, times = nsam(object)))
} else {
stop("Member IDs were not assigned to samples.",
"Assign member IDs to samples using assignScheme().",
call. = FALSE)
# Set the number of threads
.setThreads <- function(n_threads){
max_threads <- defaultNumThreads()
if (is.null(n_threads)) { n_threads <- max_threads / 2 }
if (max_threads <= n_threads) {
warning("You are going to use all threads",
"of your computer for the calculation.")
answer <- ""
while (answer != "y") {
answer <- readline("Are you sure to use all threads?(y/n)")
if (answer == "n") { stop("Stopped by user.") }
n_threads <- max_threads
message("Set the number of threads: ", n_threads)
setThreadOptions(numThreads = n_threads)
# Initialize output nodes in the GDS file
#' @importFrom gdsfmt addfolder.gdsn
.initGDS <- function(object, het_parent, n_parents) {
hap <- addfolder.gdsn(node = index.gdsn(node = object,
path = "annotation/format"),
name = "HAP",
replace = TRUE)
add.gdsn(node = hap, name = "data",
storage = "bit6", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
if(n_parents == 2 & !het_parent){
eds <- addfolder.gdsn(node = index.gdsn(node = object,
path = "annotation/format"),
name = "EDS",
replace = TRUE)
add.gdsn(node = eds, name = "data",
storage = "bit6", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
cgt <- addfolder.gdsn(node = index.gdsn(node = object,
path = "annotation/format"),
name = "CGT",
replace = TRUE)
add.gdsn(node = cgt, name = "data",
storage = "bit2", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
pgt <- add.gdsn(node = index.gdsn(node = object,
path = "annotation/info"), name = "PGT",
storage = "bit2", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
adb <- add.gdsn(node = index.gdsn(node = object,
path = "annotation/info"), name = "ADB",
storage = "single", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
mr <- add.gdsn(node = index.gdsn(node = object,
path = "annotation/info"), name = "MR",
storage = "single", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
# Save the ouput to the GDS file
.saveOutput <- function(object, clean_out, sel, no_valid_marker, n_parents){
.saveHap(object = object,
clean_out = clean_out,
sel = sel,
no_valid_marker = no_valid_marker)
.saveGeno(object = object,
clean_out = clean_out,
sel = sel,
no_valid_marker = no_valid_marker)
.savePGeno(object = object,
clean_out = clean_out,
sel = sel,
no_valid_marker = no_valid_marker,
n_parents = n_parents)
.saveADB(object = object,
clean_out = clean_out,
sel = sel,
no_valid_marker = no_valid_marker)
.saveMR(object = object,
clean_out = clean_out,
sel = sel,
no_valid_marker = no_valid_marker)
#' @importFrom gdsfmt append.gdsn
.saveHap <- function(object, clean_out, sel, no_valid_marker) {
n_ploidy <- dim(clean_out$best_hap)[1]
output <- array(data = 0,
dim = c(n_ploidy, length(sel$sam), length(sel$mar)))
rep_id <- getReplicates(object = object, parents = TRUE)
id_hit <- match(x = rep_id, table = clean_out$mapping_id)
output[, sel$sam, sel$mar] <- clean_out$best_hap[, id_hit,]
hap_gdsn <- index.gdsn(node = object, path = "annotation/format/HAP/data")
gdsn_dim <- objdesp.gdsn(node = hap_gdsn)$dim
if (gdsn_dim[1] == 0) {
add.gdsn(node = index.gdsn(node = object, path = "annotation/format/HAP"),
name = "data", val = output,
storage = "bit6", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
} else {
append.gdsn(node = hap_gdsn, val = output)
.saveEDS <- function(object, clean_out, sel, no_valid_marker) {
n_ploidy <- dim(clean_out$best_hap)[1]
output <- array(data = NA, dim = c(n_ploidy, length(sel$sam), length(sel$mar)))
rep_id <- getReplicates(object = object, parents = TRUE)
id_hit <- match(x = rep_id, table = clean_out$mapping_id)
output[, sel$sam, sel$mar] <- clean_out$best_hap[, id_hit,]
output[output == 0] <- NA
output <- apply(X = output - 1, MARGIN = c(2, 3), FUN = sum)
output[is.na(output)] <- 63
eds_gdsn <- index.gdsn(node = object, path = "annotation/format/EDS/data")
gdsn_dim <- objdesp.gdsn(node = eds_gdsn)$dim
if (gdsn_dim[1] == 0) {
add.gdsn(node = index.gdsn(node = object, path = "annotation/format/EDS"),
name = "data", val = output,
storage = "bit6", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
} else {
append.gdsn(node = eds_gdsn, val = output)
#' @importFrom gdsfmt append.gdsn
.saveGeno <- function(object, clean_out, sel, no_valid_marker) {
n_ploidy <- dim(clean_out$best_geno)[1]
output <- array(data = 3, dim = c(n_ploidy, length(sel$sam), length(sel$mar)))
rep_id <- getReplicates(object = object, parents = TRUE)
id_hit <- match(x = rep_id, table = clean_out$mapping_id)
output[, sel$sam, sel$mar] <- clean_out$best_geno[, id_hit,]
out_gdsn <-index.gdsn(node = object, path = "annotation/format/CGT/data")
gdsn_dim <- objdesp.gdsn(node = out_gdsn)$dim
if (gdsn_dim[1] == 0) {
add.gdsn(node = index.gdsn(node = object, path = "annotation/format/CGT"),
name = "data", val = output,
storage = "bit2", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
} else {
append.gdsn(node = out_gdsn, val = output)
#' @importFrom gdsfmt append.gdsn
.savePGeno <- function(object, clean_out, sel, no_valid_marker, n_parents) {
n_row <- dim(clean_out$p_geno)[1]
output <- matrix(data = 3, nrow = n_row, length(sel$mar))
output[, sel$mar] <- clean_out$p_geno
out_gdsn <- index.gdsn(node = object, path = "annotation/info/PGT")
gdsn_dim <- objdesp.gdsn(node = out_gdsn)$dim
if (gdsn_dim[1] == 0) {
add.gdsn(node = index.gdsn(node = object, path = "annotation/info"),
name = "PGT", val = output,
storage = "bit2", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
} else {
append.gdsn(node = out_gdsn, val = output)
#' @importFrom gdsfmt append.gdsn
.saveADB <- function(object, clean_out, sel, no_valid_marker) {
output <- rep(-1, length(sel$mar))
output[sel$mar] <- t(clean_out$bias)
out_gdsn <- index.gdsn(node = object, path = "annotation/info/ADB")
gdsn_dim <- objdesp.gdsn(node = out_gdsn)$dim
if (gdsn_dim[1] == 0) {
add.gdsn(node = index.gdsn(node = object, path = "annotation/info"),
name = "ADB", val = output,
storage = "single", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
} else {
append.gdsn(node = out_gdsn, val = output)
#' @importFrom gdsfmt append.gdsn
.saveMR <- function(object, clean_out, sel, no_valid_marker) {
output <- matrix(-1, nrow = 2, ncol = length(sel$mar))
output[, sel$mar] <- t(clean_out$mismap)
out_gdsn <- index.gdsn(object, "annotation/info/MR")
gdsn_dim <- objdesp.gdsn(out_gdsn)$dim
if (gdsn_dim[1] == 0) {
add.gdsn(index.gdsn(object, "annotation/info"), "MR", output,
"single", compress = "", replace = TRUE)
} else {
append.gdsn(out_gdsn, output)
# Prepare read count data
.loadReadCounts <- function(object, chr_i, node, parentless, dummy_reads) {
ad_node <- "raw"
if (exist.gdsn(node = object, path = "annotation/format/FAD")) {
if(node == "filt"){
ad_node <- "filt"
reads <- getRead(object = object, node = ad_node,
parents = FALSE, valid = TRUE, chr = chr_i)
rep_id <- getReplicates(object = object, parents = FALSE)
reads <- .pileupAD(ad = reads, rep_id = rep_id)
ref_read <- matrix(data = c(dummy_reads, 0),
nrow = 2,
ncol = ncol(reads$ref))
alt_read <- matrix(data = c(0, dummy_reads),
nrow = 2,
ncol = ncol(reads$ref))
p_reads <- list(ref = ref_read, alt = alt_read)
} else {
p_reads <- getRead(object = object, node = ad_node,
parents = "only", valid = TRUE, chr = chr_i)
rep_id <- getReplicates(object = object, parents = "only")
p_reads <- .pileupAD(ad = p_reads, rep_id = rep_id)
p_reads <- .orderParents(object = object, p_reads = p_reads)
# p_reads <- .bumpOverRepReads(reads = p_reads)
# reads <- .bumpOverRepReads(reads = reads)
return(list(p_ref = p_reads$ref,
p_alt = p_reads$alt,
ref = reads$ref,
alt = reads$alt))
# .bumpOverRepReads <- function(reads){
# r_homo <- reads$ref > 0 & reads$alt == 0
# a_homo <- reads$ref == 0 & reads$alt > 0
# het <- reads$ref > 0 & reads$alt > 0
# r_homo_over <- reads$ref[r_homo] > 50
# reads$ref[r_homo][r_homo_over] <- 50
# a_homo_over <- reads$alt[a_homo] > 50
# reads$alt[a_homo][a_homo_over] <- 50
# het_dp <- reads$ref[het] + reads$alt[het]
# het_dp_over <- het_dp > 50
# reads$ref[het][het_dp_over] <- round(reads$ref[het][het_dp_over] / het_dp[het_dp_over] * 50)
# reads$alt[het][het_dp_over] <- round(reads$alt[het][het_dp_over] / het_dp[het_dp_over] * 50)
# return(reads)
# }
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
.orderParents <- function(object, p_reads){
p_id <- getParents(object = object)
rep_id <- getReplicates(object = object, parents = "only")
p_indices <- validSam(object = object, parents = "only")
sam_id <- getSamID(object = object, valid = FALSE)[p_indices]
id_hit <- match(x = sam_id, table = p_id$sampleID)
p_id$rep_id[na.omit(id_hit)] <- rep_id[!is.na(id_hit)]
member_id <- p_id$memberID[match(x = rownames(p_reads$ref),
table = p_id$rep_id)]
p_reads$ref <- p_reads$ref[order(member_id), ]
p_reads$alt <- p_reads$alt[order(member_id), ]
# Make genotype and haplotype pattern list
.makeGenoPat <- function(n_ploidy, alleles){
out <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(n_ploidy)) {
out <- c(out, list(alleles))
out <- expand.grid(out)
out <- t(apply(X = out, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sort))
out <- rowSums(out[!duplicated(out),])
.makeGenoParents <- function(n_parents, n_ploidy, alleles, het_parent){
out <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(n_parents * n_ploidy)) {
out <- c(out, list(alleles))
out <- expand.grid(out, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE)
valid_pat <- apply(X = out, MARGIN = 1,
FUN = function(x) length(unique(x)) > 1)
out <- as.matrix(out[valid_pat,])
if (!het_parent) {
valid <- tapply(X = seq_len(ncol(out)),
INDEX = rep(seq_len(n_parents), each = n_ploidy),
FUN = function(i){
mono <- apply(out[, i], 1, function(x){
return(length(unique(x)) == 1)
valid <- do.call("rbind", valid)
valid <- apply(valid, 2, all)
out <- out[valid, ]
attributes(out) <- list(dim = dim(out))
.progenyPattern <- function(zygotes, index, mt, n_ploidy){
gamete_ploidy <- n_ploidy / 2
rev_index <- rev(seq_len(gamete_ploidy))
out <- vapply(X = seq_len(ncol(mt[[index]])),
FUN = .mateGametes,
FUN.VALUE = list(0),
zygotes = zygotes,
mate = mt[[index]],
n_ploidy = n_ploidy,
gamete_ploidy = gamete_ploidy,
rev_index = rev_index)
out <- c(zygotes, out)
#' @importFrom utils combn
.mateGametes <- function(index, zygotes, mate, n_ploidy, gamete_ploidy, rev_index){
i_mate <- mate[, index]
zygote1 <- zygotes[[i_mate[1]]]
zygote2 <- zygotes[[i_mate[2]]]
comb1 <- combn(seq_len(n_ploidy), gamete_ploidy)
comb2 <- combn(seq_len(n_ploidy), gamete_ploidy)
if(length(rev_index) > 1){
comb1 <- cbind(comb1, comb1[rev_index, ])
comb2 <- cbind(comb2, comb2[rev_index, ])
gamete1 <- matrix(apply(zygote1, 1, "[", comb1), nrow = gamete_ploidy)
gamete1 <- unique(t(gamete1))
gamete2 <- matrix(apply(zygote2, 1, "[", comb2), nrow = gamete_ploidy)
gamete2 <- unique(t(gamete2))
comb <- expand.grid(seq_len(nrow(gamete1)), seq_len(nrow(gamete2)))
if(nrow(comb) == 1){
comb <- rbind(comb, comb)
zygotes <- unique(rbind(cbind(gamete1[comb[, 1], ],
gamete2[comb[, 2], ]),
cbind(gamete2[comb[, 1], ],
gamete1[comb[, 2], ])))
.getValidPat <- function(scheme, het_parent, n_parents, n_ploidy) {
target_pedigree <- sort(unique(slot(object = scheme, name = "samples")))
mt <- slot(object = scheme, name = "mating")
xtype <- slot(object = scheme, name = "crosstype")
pg <- slot(object = scheme, name = "progenies")
# Simulate possible zygotes and gametes
# Founder zygotes
zygotes <- lapply(seq_len(n_parents), function(i){
n <- seq(n_ploidy * (i - 1) + 1, length.out = n_ploidy)
n <- rep(n[1], n_ploidy)
# Progeny zygotes
for(i in seq_along(mt)) {
zygotes <- .progenyPattern(zygotes = zygotes,
index = i,
mt = mt,
n_ploidy = n_ploidy)
out <- zygotes[as.numeric(target_pedigree)]
names(out) <- target_pedigree
.getPossibleHap <- function(hap_progeny, geno_parents, geno_pat, n_ploidy){
hap_vec <- as.vector(t(hap_progeny))
derived_geno <- apply(X = geno_parents, MARGIN = 1,
FUN = function(x){
x <- x[hap_vec]
x <- matrix(x, nrow = n_ploidy)
x <- colSums(x)
derived_geno <- as.vector(derived_geno)
out <- rep(derived_geno, n_ploidy + 1)
out <- matrix(out, nrow = n_ploidy + 1, byrow = TRUE)
out <- out == geno_pat
out <- apply(X = out, MARGIN = 2, FUN = which)
.getPossibleGeno <- function(geno_parents, geno_pat, n_ploidy){
derived_geno <- apply(X = geno_parents, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) {
x <- matrix(x, nrow = n_ploidy)
x <- colSums(x)
derived_geno <- as.vector(derived_geno)
out <- rep(derived_geno, n_ploidy + 1)
out <- matrix(out, nrow = n_ploidy + 1, byrow = TRUE)
out <- out == geno_pat
out <- apply(X = out, MARGIN = 2, FUN = which)
.makePattern <- function(n_parents,
scheme) {
alleles <- seq(0, length.out = n_alleles)
geno_pat <- .makeGenoPat(n_ploidy = n_ploidy, alleles = alleles)
geno_parents <- .makeGenoParents(n_parents = n_parents,
n_ploidy = n_ploidy,
alleles = alleles,
het_parent = het_parent)
hap_progeny <- .getValidPat(scheme = scheme,
het_parent = het_parent,
n_parents = n_parents,
n_ploidy = n_ploidy)
possiblehap <- lapply(X = hap_progeny,
FUN = .getPossibleHap,
geno_parents = geno_parents,
geno_pat = geno_pat,
n_ploidy = n_ploidy)
possiblegeno <- .getPossibleGeno(geno_parents = geno_parents,
geno_pat = geno_pat,
n_ploidy = n_ploidy)
n_p_pat <- nrow(geno_parents)
n_hap_pat <- vapply(X = seq_along(hap_progeny),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
FUN = function(i){
return(list(alleles = alleles,
geno_pat = geno_pat,
geno_parents = geno_parents,
hap_progeny = hap_progeny,
possiblehap = possiblehap,
possiblegeno = possiblegeno,
n_p_pat = n_p_pat,
n_hap_pat = n_hap_pat,
n_samples = n_samples))
.showPattern <- function(pat){
message("Possible allele dosages: ", paste(pat$geno_pat, collapse = " "))
message("Number of possible founder genotypes: ", pat$n_p_pat)
message("Member ID(s) to be processed: ", paste(names(pat$hap_progeny), collapse = " "))
message("Number of offspring haplotypes: ", paste(pat$n_hap_pat, collapse = " "))
# Prepare the transition provability matrix
.getJnum <- function(scheme, n_origin, het_parent, i) {
xtype <- vapply(X = slot(object = scheme, name = "crosstype"),
FUN.VALUE = character(length = 1),
FUN = function(x){
n_x <- length(xtype)
if(n_x > 1){
for(j in seq(n_x, 2)){
if(xtype[j] == "pairing"){
j_mating <- slot(object = scheme, name = "mating")[[j]]
i_mating <- j_mating[, i]
prev_mating <- slot(object = scheme, name = "mating")[[j - 1]]
prev_max <- max(prev_mating)
j_matings <- prev_mating[, i_mating - prev_max]
if(any(j_matings[, 1] %in% j_matings[, 2])){
xtype[j] <- "sibling"
i_pairing <- grep(pattern = "pairing", x = xtype)
if (length(i_pairing) == 0) {
n_pairing <- 0
} else {
n_pairing <- max(i_pairing)
if (n_pairing == 0) {
jnum <- .initJnum(n_origin = n_origin)
} else {
next_crosstype <- xtype[n_pairing + 1]
next_crosstype <- "selfing"
jnum <- .initJnum(n_origin = n_origin,
n_pairing = n_pairing + het_parent,
next_crosstype = next_crosstype)
s_gen <- n_pairing + 1
n_gen <- length(xtype)
if(s_gen <= n_gen){
for (i in s_gen:n_gen) {
jnum <- .calcNextJnum(crosstype = xtype[i], prob_df = jnum)
.initJnum <- function(n_origin, n_pairing, next_crosstype) {
jnum <- data.frame(a12 = 0,
b12 = 1,
a123 = 0,
b123 = 0,
r = 0,
j1232 = 0,
k1232 = 0,
j1122 = 0,
k1122 = 0,
j1222 = 0)
if (n_origin > 2) {
jnum$b123 <- 1
if (!missing(n_pairing)) {
jnum$a12 <- 1
if (next_crosstype == "selfing") {
jnum$j1232 <- jnum$r <- n_pairing - 1
} else {
r <- ifelse(test = n_pairing == 1, yes = 0, no = n_pairing - 2)
jnum$j1232 <- jnum$k1232 <- jnum$r <- r
if (n_origin > 2) {
jnum$a123 <- 1
} else {
jnum$b12 <- 0.5
if (next_crosstype == "sibling") {
while (n_pairing > 1) {
jnum <- .calcNextJnum(crosstype = "sibling", prob_df = jnum)
n_pairing <- n_pairing - 1
.calcNextJnum <- function(crosstype, prob_df) {
coal <- switch(crosstype,
"pairing" = c(0, 0),
"selfing" = c(1, 0),
"sibling" = c(0.5, 0))
s <- coal[1]
q <- coal[2]
if (crosstype == "selfing") {
next_a12 <- 0.5 * prob_df$a12
next_b12 <- 0
next_a123 <- 0
next_b123 <- 0
next_r <- prob_df$r + prob_df$a12
next_j1232 <- 0.5 * prob_df$j1232
next_k1232 <- 0
next_j1122 <- 0.5 * prob_df$j1122 + 0.5 * prob_df$r
next_k1122 <- 0
next_j1222 <- 0.5 * (next_r - next_j1122 - next_j1232)
} else {
next_a12 <- prob_df$b12
next_b12 <- 0.5 * s * prob_df$a12 + (1 - s) * prob_df$b12
next_a123 <- s * prob_df$a123 + (1 - 2 * s) * prob_df$b123
next_b123 <-
1.5 * q * prob_df$a123 + (1 - s - 2 * q) * prob_df$b123
next_r <- prob_df$r + prob_df$a12
next_j1232 <- prob_df$k1232 + prob_df$a123
next_k1232 <-
0.5 * s * prob_df$j1232 + (1 - s) * (prob_df$k1232 + prob_df$a123)
next_j1122 <- prob_df$k1122
next_k1122 <-
0.5 * s * (prob_df$r + prob_df$j1122) + (1 - s) * prob_df$k1122
next_j1222 <- 0.5 * (next_r - next_j1122 - next_j1232)
return(data.frame(a12 = next_a12,
b12 = next_b12,
a123 = next_a123,
b123 = next_b123,
r = next_r,
j1232 = next_j1232,
k1232 = next_k1232,
j1122 = next_j1122,
k1122 = next_k1122,
j1222 = next_j1222))
.getXoFreq <- function(jnum, n_origin) {
r00 <- jnum$j1232 / jnum$a12 / (n_origin - 2)
r01 <- jnum$j1222 / jnum$a12
r10 <- jnum$j1222 / (1 - jnum$a12) / (n_origin - 1)
r11 <- jnum$j1122 / (1 - jnum$a12) / (n_origin - 1)
return(data.frame(r00, r01, r10, r11))
.transitionProb <- function(pat, pos, recomb_rate,
scheme, het_parent, n_ploidy){
out <- lapply(X = seq_along(pat$hap_progeny),
FUN = function(i){
hap_progeny_i <- pat$hap_progeny[[i]]
n_origin <- length(unique(as.vector(hap_progeny_i)))
jnum <- .getJnum(scheme = scheme,
n_origin = n_origin,
het_parent = het_parent,
i = i)
jrate <- .getXoFreq(jnum = jnum, n_origin = n_origin)
jrate[is.na(jrate)] <- 0
q_mat <- apply(X = hap_progeny_i,
FUN = function(x) {
apply(X = hap_progeny_i,
FUN = function(y) {
no_change <- x == y
if(sum(no_change) == n_ploidy){
out <- NA
} else {
joint_pat <- paste(x, y, sep = "_")
joint_pat <- joint_pat[!no_change]
if(length(unique(joint_pat)) > 1){
out <- 0
} else {
if(length(joint_pat) > 1){
out <- jrate$r11^(1/length(joint_pat))
} else {
check1 <- max(table(x))
check2 <- max(table(y))
if(check1 > check2){
out <- jrate$r01
} else if(check1 < check2){
out <- jrate$r10
} else {
out <- jrate$r00
diag(q_mat) <- -rowSums(q_mat, na.rm = TRUE)
mar_dist <- diff(pos)
if(any(mar_dist < 0)){
stop("Negative value(s) was obtained in the calculation of marker distances \n",
"based on physical positions of the given markers.",
"\nThe order of the markers might not be valid.",
call. = FALSE)
rf <- mar_dist * 1e-6 * recomb_rate
prob <- vapply(X = rf,
FUN = function(x) {
out <- expm(q_mat * x, "Higham08")
out <- out[q_mat != 0]
FUN.VALUE = numeric(length(q_mat[q_mat != 0])))
non_zero <- q_mat != 0
return(list(prob = prob,
non_zero = non_zero,
n_hap_pat = pat$n_hap_pat))
.getInitProb <- function(prob, n_samples) {
full_mat <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = prob$n_hap_pat, ncol = prob$n_hap_pat)
full_mat[prob$non_zero] <- prob$prob[, 1]
ev1 <- eigen(t(full_mat))$vectors[, 1]
init <- ev1 / sum(ev1)
# Make parameter lists
.getPedigree <- function(object){
vaild_sam <- validSam(object = object)
out <- slot(object = object, name = "sample")$pedigree[vaild_sam]
.getParams <- function(object, chr_i, node, error_rate, recomb_rate,
call_threshold, het_parent,
parentless, dummy_reads, pat) {
reads <- .loadReadCounts(object = object, chr_i = chr_i, node = node,
parentless = parentless,
dummy_reads = dummy_reads)
n_parents <- 2
} else {
parents <- getParents(object = object)
n_parents <- length(unique(parents$memberID))
n_samples <- length(unique(getReplicates(object = object)))
n_alleles <- 2
n_ploidy <- attributes(slot(object = object, name = "sample"))$ploidy
pos <- getPosition(object = object, valid = TRUE, chr = chr_i)
n_mar <- nmar(object = object, valid = TRUE, chr = chr_i)
trans_prob <- .transitionProb(pat = pat, pos = pos,
recomb_rate = recomb_rate,
scheme = slot(object = object, name = "scheme"),
het_parent = het_parent,
n_ploidy = n_ploidy)
init_prob <- lapply(X = trans_prob,
FUN = .getInitProb,
n_samples = n_samples)
mismap <- matrix(data = 0.005, nrow = n_mar, ncol = 2)
bias <- rep(x = 0.5, times = n_mar)
fixed_bias <- getFixedBias(object = object, chr = chr_i)
bias[!is.na(fixed_bias)] <- na.omit(fixed_bias)
return(list(n_parents = n_parents,
n_samples = n_samples,
parents_ids = rownames(reads$p_ref),
sample_ids = rownames(reads$ref),
n_alleles = n_alleles,
n_ploidy = n_ploidy,
n_mar = n_mar,
n_pedigree = length(trans_prob),
pedigree = .getPedigree(object = object),
het_parent = het_parent,
error_rate = c(1 - error_rate, error_rate),
recomb_rate = recomb_rate,
call_threshold = call_threshold,
reads = reads,
pat = pat,
bias = bias,
mismap = mismap,
fixed_bias = fixed_bias,
trans_prob = trans_prob,
init_prob = init_prob,
count = 0,
p_geno_fix = -1,
flip = FALSE))
# Execute the Viterbi algorithm
.getBestSeq <- function(param_list, outprob) {
trans_prob <- lapply(param_list$trans_prob, function(x){
trans_prob <- log10(unlist(trans_prob))
init_prob <- log10(unlist(param_list$init_prob))
nonzero_prob <- lapply(param_list$trans_prob, function(x){
nonzero_prob <- unlist(nonzero_prob)
n_nonzero_prob <- sapply(param_list$trans_prob, function(x){
possiblehap <- unlist(param_list$pat$possiblehap)
pedigree <- match(x = param_list$pedigree,
table = names(param_list$pat$hap_progeny))
out_list <- run_viterbi(p_ref = param_list$reads$p_ref,
p_alt = param_list$reads$p_alt,
ref = param_list$reads$ref,
alt = param_list$reads$alt,
eseq_in = param_list$error_rate,
bias = param_list$bias,
mismap = param_list$mismap,
trans_prob = trans_prob,
init_prob = init_prob,
nonzero_prob = nonzero_prob,
n_pgeno = param_list$pat$n_p_pat,
n_hap = param_list$pat$n_hap_pat,
n_offspring = param_list$n_samples,
n_founder = param_list$n_parents,
n_marker = param_list$n_mar,
n_nonzero_prob = n_nonzero_prob,
het = param_list$het_parent,
pedigree = pedigree - 1,
possiblehap = possiblehap - 1,
possiblegeno = param_list$pat$possiblegeno - 1,
p_geno_fix = param_list$p_geno_fix - 1,
ploidy = param_list$n_ploidy)
if (outprob) {
prob <- run_fb(ref = param_list$reads$ref,
alt = param_list$reads$alt,
eseq_in = param_list$error_rate,
bias = param_list$bias,
mismap = param_list$mismap,
possiblehap = possiblehap - 1,
trans_prob = trans_prob,
init_prob = init_prob,
nonzero_prob = nonzero_prob,
n_pgeno = param_list$pat$n_p_pat,
n_hap = param_list$pat$n_hap_pat,
n_offspring = param_list$n_samples,
n_marker = param_list$n_mar,
n_nonzero_prob = n_nonzero_prob,
pedigree = pedigree - 1,
p_geno = out_list$p_geno,
ploidy = param_list$n_ploidy)
prob <- array(data = apply(X = prob,
FUN = function(x) return(t(x))),
dim = c(param_list$n_ploidy + 1,
out_list$prob <- prob
} else {
out_list$prob <- NULL
out_list$best_seq <- out_list$best_seq + 1
out_list$p_geno <- out_list$p_geno + 1
# Convert data format the Viterbi algorithm's output to the GBScleanR style
.pat2hap <- function(best_hap, param_list) {
n_parents_chr <- param_list$n_parents * param_list$n_ploidy
parent_hap <- rep(x = seq_len(n_parents_chr), each = param_list$n_mar)
} else {
parent_hap <- rep(x = seq(1, by = param_list$n_ploidy,
length.out = param_list$n_parents),
each = param_list$n_ploidy * param_list$n_mar)
parent_hap <- matrix(data = parent_hap, nrow = n_parents_chr, byrow = TRUE)
sample_pat <- best_hap$best_seq
pat_i <- match(x = param_list$pedigree,
table = names(param_list$pat$hap_progeny))
sample_hap <- vapply(X = seq_len(param_list$n_samples),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(param_list$n_ploidy * param_list$n_mar),
FUN = function(i) {
hap_i <- param_list$pat$hap_progeny[[pat_i[i]]]
out <- as.vector(hap_i[sample_pat[, i], ])
sample_hap <- matrix(data = sample_hap,
nrow = param_list$n_samples * param_list$n_ploidy,
ncol = param_list$n_mar,
byrow = TRUE)
out_hap <- rbind(parent_hap, sample_hap)
out_hap <- array(data = out_hap,
dim = c(param_list$n_ploidy,
param_list$n_parents + param_list$n_samples,
.parentPat2Geno <- function(best_hap, param_list) {
p_pat <- best_hap$p_geno
p_geno <- t(param_list$pat$geno_parents[p_pat, ])
.hap2geno <- function(hap, p_geno, param_list) {
n <- param_list$n_ploidy * (param_list$n_samples + param_list$n_parents)
out_geno <- vapply(X = seq_len(param_list$n_mar),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(n),
FUN = function(x) {
return(p_geno[hap[,, x], x])
out_geno <- array(data = out_geno,
dim = c(param_list$n_ploidy,
param_list$n_samples + param_list$n_parents,
.halfJoint <- function(best_pat_f, best_pat_r, param_list) {
n_mar <- param_list$n_mar
n_sample <- param_list$n_samples
half <- round(n_mar / 2)
first <- (n_mar:1)[seq_len(half)]
latter <- (half + 1):n_mar
best_seq <- rbind(best_pat_r$best_seq[first,],
p_geno <- c(best_pat_r$p_geno[first], best_pat_f$p_geno[latter])
prob <- c(best_pat_r$prob[, , first],
best_pat_f$prob[, , latter])
prob <- array(data = prob, dim = dim(best_pat_f$prob))
prob <- apply(X = prob, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) return(x))
prob <- array(data = prob, dim = c(param_list$n_ploidy + 1, n_mar, n_sample))
out_list <- list(best_seq = best_seq,
p_geno = p_geno,
prob = prob)
.solveBorderConflict <- function(best_hap, param_list){
half <- round(param_list$n_mar / 2)
flip_i <- vapply(X = seq_len(dim(best_hap)[2]),
FUN = .checkBorder,
best_hap = best_hap,
param_list = param_list,
half = half,
FUN.VALUE = logical(length = 1L))
half_m <- -seq(1, half)
reorder <- rev(seq_len(param_list$n_ploidy))
best_hap[, flip_i, half_m] <- best_hap[reorder, flip_i, half_m]
.checkBorder <- function(i, best_hap, param_list, half){
if(i <= param_list$n_parents){
i_redigree <- param_list$pedigree[i - param_list$n_parents]
i_pedigree <- names(param_list$pat$hap_progeny) %in% i_redigree
i_pedigree <- which(i_pedigree)
i_hap_progeny <- t(param_list$pat$hap_progeny[[i_pedigree]])
hap1 <- which(colSums(i_hap_progeny == best_hap[, i, half]) == param_list$n_ploidy)
hap2 <- which(colSums(i_hap_progeny == best_hap[, i, half + 1]) == param_list$n_ploidy)
re <- rev(seq_along(best_hap[, i, half + 1]))
hap3 <- which(colSums(i_hap_progeny == best_hap[re, i, half + 1]) == param_list$n_ploidy)
n_hap_pat <- param_list$trans_prob[[i_pedigree]]$n_hap_pat
prob <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n_hap_pat, ncol = n_hap_pat)
non_zero <- param_list$trans_prob[[i_pedigree]]$non_zero
prob_half <- param_list$trans_prob[[i_pedigree]]$prob[, half]
prob[non_zero] <- prob_half
prob1 <- prob[hap1, hap2]
prob2 <- prob[hap1, hap3]
if(prob1 < prob2){
out <- TRUE
} else {
out <- FALSE
.minimizeRecombination <- function(best_hap){
for(i in seq_len(dim(best_hap)[2])){
recomb <- apply(X = best_hap[, i,], MARGIN = 1, FUN = diff) != 0
n_recomb <- rowSums(recomb)
recomb_pos <- which(n_recomb >= 1)
for(j in seq_along(recomb_pos)){
if(j == 1){
prev_xo <- recomb[recomb_pos[j], ]
} else {
is_homo_j <- all(diff(best_hap[, i, recomb_pos[j]]) == 0)
j_xo <- recomb[recomb_pos[j], ]
if(all(j_xo == prev_xo)){
re_order <- c(seq(2, length(j_xo)), 1)
prev_xo <- j_xo[re_order]
flip_i <- -seq(1, recomb_pos[j])
best_hap[, i, flip_i] <- best_hap[re_order, i, flip_i]
.summarizeEst <- function(best_hap, best_geno, pat_prob, param_list) {
n_mar <- param_list$n_mar
n_sample <- param_list$n_samples
n_levels <- param_list$n_ploidy + 1
i_sample <- -seq_len(param_list$n_parents)
sample_geno <- apply(X = best_geno[, i_sample, ], MARGIN = 2, FUN = colSums)
sample_geno <- as.vector(sample_geno + 1)
sample_geno <- sample_geno + seq(0, by = n_levels, length.out = n_mar * n_sample)
log10_th <- log10(param_list$call_threshold)
geno_prob <- matrix(data = pat_prob[sample_geno],
nrow = n_mar,
ncol = n_sample)
geno_prob <- t(geno_prob < log10_th)
for(i in seq_len(param_list$n_ploidy)){
best_geno[i, i_sample, ][geno_prob] <- 3
if (!param_list$het_parent) {
new_num <- ceiling(best_hap[best_hap != 1] / param_list$n_ploidy)
best_hap[best_hap != 1] <- new_num
for(i in seq_len(param_list$n_ploidy)){
best_hap[i, i_sample, ][geno_prob] <- 0
out_list <- list(best_hap = best_hap, best_geno = best_geno)
# Marker specific error rate estimation
.getBias <- function(best_seq, type, ref, alt, n_ploidy) {
if (type == 1) {
est_het <- best_seq == (n_ploidy / 2)
ref[!est_het] <- NA
ref <- colSums(ref, na.rm = TRUE)
best_seq[!est_het] <- NA
n_ref <- colSums(n_ploidy - best_seq, na.rm = TRUE)
ref_prop <- ref / n_ref
alt[!est_het] <- NA
alt <- colSums(alt, na.rm = TRUE)
n_alt <- colSums(best_seq, na.rm = TRUE)
alt_prop <- alt / n_alt
bias <- ref_prop / (ref_prop + alt_prop)
} else {
est_ref <- best_seq == 0
ref[!est_ref] <- NA
ref <- colSums(ref, na.rm = TRUE)
n_ref <- colSums(est_ref, na.rm = TRUE) * n_ploidy
ref_prop <- ref / n_ref
est_alt <- best_seq == n_ploidy
alt[!est_alt] <- NA
alt <- colSums(alt, na.rm = TRUE)
n_alt <- colSums(est_alt, na.rm = TRUE) * n_ploidy
alt_prop <- alt / n_alt
bias <- ref_prop / (ref_prop + alt_prop)
return(list(bias = bias,
ref = ref,
alt = alt,
n_ref = n_ref,
n_alt = n_alt))
.sumUpBias <- function(bias1, bias2) {
ref_prop <- (bias1$ref + bias2$ref) / (bias1$n_ref + bias2$n_ref)
alt_prop <- (bias1$alt + bias2$alt) / (bias1$n_alt + bias2$n_alt)
bias <- ref_prop / (ref_prop + alt_prop)
.calcReadBias <- function(best_seq, param_list) {
ref <- rbind(param_list$reads$p_ref, param_list$reads$ref)
alt <- rbind(param_list$reads$p_alt, param_list$reads$alt)
bias1 <- .getBias(best_seq = best_seq, type = 1,
ref = ref, alt = alt, n_ploidy = param_list$n_ploidy)
bias2 <- .getBias(best_seq = best_seq, type = 2,
ref = ref, alt = alt, n_ploidy = param_list$n_ploidy)
bias_cor <- cor(x = bias1$bias, y = bias2$bias, use = "pair")
if (!is.na(bias_cor) & bias_cor > 0.7) {
bias <- .sumUpBias(bias1 = bias1, bias2 = bias2)
} else {
bias <- bias1$bias
bias[is.na(bias)] <- 0.5
.calcMissmap <- function(best_seq, param_list) {
geno_call <- get_genocall(ref = param_list$reads$ref,
alt = param_list$reads$alt,
eseq_in = param_list$error_rate,
bias = param_list$bias,
mismap = param_list$mismap,
n_o = param_list$n_samples,
n_m = param_list$n_mar,
ploidy = param_list$n_ploidy)
missing <- param_list$reads$ref == 0 & param_list$reads$alt == 0
geno_call[missing] <- FALSE
i_samples <- -seq_len(param_list$n_parents)
est <- best_seq[i_samples, ] == 0
n_ref <- colSums(est, na.rm = TRUE)
alt <- param_list$reads$alt > 0
alt[!est] <- FALSE
alt[!geno_call] <- FALSE
alt_mis <- colSums(alt, na.rm = TRUE) / n_ref
est <- best_seq[i_samples, ] == param_list$n_ploidy
n_alt <- colSums(est, na.rm = TRUE)
ref <- param_list$reads$ref > 0
ref[!est] <- FALSE
ref[!geno_call] <- FALSE
ref_mis <- colSums(ref, na.rm = TRUE) / n_alt
return(cbind(alt_mis, ref_mis))
.calcErrors <- function(best_seq, param_list) {
best_seq <- apply(X = best_seq, MARGIN = 3, FUN = colSums)
bias <- .calcReadBias(best_seq = best_seq, param_list = param_list)
mismap <- .calcMissmap(best_seq = best_seq, param_list = param_list)
return(list(bias = bias, mismap = mismap))
.bindErrors <- function(error_f, error_r) {
nmar <- length(error_f$bias)
bias <- colMeans(rbind(error_f$bias, error_r$bias), na.rm = TRUE)
bias[is.na(bias)] <- 0.5
mismap <- cbind(colMeans(rbind(error_f$mismap[, 1],
error_r$mismap[, 1]), na.rm = TRUE),
colMeans(rbind(error_f$mismap[, 2],
error_r$mismap[, 2]), na.rm = TRUE))
mismap[is.na(mismap)] <- 0
return(list(bias = bias, mismap = mismap))
# Flip parameter lists for the reverse-direction round
.flipParam <- function(param_list) {
n_mar <- param_list$n_mar
param_list$trans_prob <- lapply(X = param_list$trans_prob,
FUN = function(x){
x$prob <- x$prob[, (n_mar - 1):1]
param_list$reads$p_ref <- param_list$reads$p_ref[, n_mar:1]
param_list$reads$p_alt <- param_list$reads$p_alt[, n_mar:1]
param_list$reads$ref <- param_list$reads$ref[, n_mar:1]
param_list$reads$alt <- param_list$reads$alt[, n_mar:1]
param_list$bias <- param_list$bias[n_mar:1]
param_list$mismap <- param_list$mismap[n_mar:1,]
# Run the iterative estimation
.runCycle <- function(param_list, outprob, outgeno) {
param_list$count <- param_list$count + 1
cycle <- paste0("Cycle ", param_list$count, ": ")
message("\r", cycle)
message("\r", "Forward round of genotype estimation ...")
if (param_list$flip) {
best_pat_r <- .getBestSeq(param_list = .flipParam(param_list),
outprob = outprob)
best_hap_r <- .pat2hap(best_hap = best_pat_r, param_list = param_list)
p_geno_r <- .parentPat2Geno(best_hap = best_pat_r, param_list = param_list)
best_geno_r <- .hap2geno(hap = best_hap_r,
p_geno = p_geno_r,
param_list = param_list)
last_half <- (round(param_list$n_mar / 2) + 1):param_list$n_mar
param_list$p_geno_fix <- rev(best_pat_r$p_geno[last_half])
} else {
best_pat_f <- .getBestSeq(param_list = param_list, outprob = outprob)
best_hap_f <- .pat2hap(best_hap = best_pat_f, param_list = param_list)
p_geno_f <- .parentPat2Geno(best_hap = best_pat_f, param_list = param_list)
best_geno_f <- .hap2geno(hap = best_hap_f,
p_geno = p_geno_f,
param_list = param_list)
last_half <- (round(param_list$n_mar / 2) + 1):param_list$n_mar
param_list$p_geno_fix <- rev(best_pat_f$p_geno[last_half])
message("\r", "Backward round of genotype estimation ...")
if (param_list$flip) {
best_pat_f <- .getBestSeq(param_list = param_list, outprob = outprob)
best_hap_f <- .pat2hap(best_hap = best_pat_f, param_list = param_list)
p_geno_f <- .parentPat2Geno(best_hap = best_pat_f, param_list = param_list)
best_geno_f <- .hap2geno(hap = best_hap_f,
p_geno = p_geno_f,
param_list = param_list)
param_list$p_geno_fix <- -1
} else {
best_pat_r <- .getBestSeq(param_list = .flipParam(param_list = param_list),
outprob = outprob)
best_hap_r <- .pat2hap(best_hap = best_pat_r, param_list = param_list)
p_geno_r <- .parentPat2Geno(best_hap = best_pat_r, param_list = param_list)
best_geno_r <- .hap2geno(hap = best_hap_r,
p_geno = p_geno_r,
param_list = param_list)
param_list$p_geno_fix <- -1
# ### Debug
# return(list(best_geno_f, best_geno_r, param_list))
# ###
if (!outprob) {
"Paramter optimization ...")
error_f <- .calcErrors(best_seq = best_geno_f, param_list = param_list)
error_r <- .calcErrors(best_seq = best_geno_r[,,param_list$n_mar:1],
param_list = param_list)
error <- .bindErrors(error_f = error_f, error_r = error_r)
error$bias[!is.na(param_list$fixed_bias)] <- na.omit(param_list$fixed_bias)
check <- error$bias > param_list$error_rate[1]
error$bias[check] <- param_list$error_rate[1]
check <- error$bias < param_list$error_rate[2]
error$bias[check] <- param_list$error_rate[2]
param_list$bias <- error$bias
param_list$mismap <- error$mismap
if (outgeno) {
message("\r", "Summarizing output ...")
best_pat <- .halfJoint(best_pat_f = best_pat_f,
best_pat_r = best_pat_r,
param_list = param_list)
p_geno <- .parentPat2Geno(best_hap = best_pat, param_list = param_list)
best_hap <- .pat2hap(best_hap = best_pat, param_list = param_list)
best_hap <- .solveBorderConflict(best_hap = best_hap,
param_list = param_list)
best_hap <- .minimizeRecombination(best_hap = best_hap)
best_geno <- .hap2geno(hap = best_hap,
p_geno = p_geno,
param_list = param_list)
out_list <- .summarizeEst(best_hap = best_hap,
best_geno = best_geno,
pat_prob = best_pat$prob,
param_list = param_list)
out_list$pat_prob <- best_pat$prob
out_list$p_geno <- p_geno
out_list$bias <- param_list$bias
out_list$mismap <- param_list$mismap
out_list$mapping_id <- c(param_list$parents_ids, param_list$sample_ids)
message("\r", "Done!")
} else {
# Check data to avoid no reads for founders at the first marker
.checkPread <- function(param_list) {
param_list$flip <- FALSE
p_read_s <- sum(param_list$reads$p_ref[, 1] == 0 &
param_list$reads$p_alt[, 1] == 0)
p_read_e <- sum(param_list$reads$p_ref[, param_list$n_mar] == 0 &
param_list$reads$p_alt[, param_list$n_mar] == 0)
if (p_read_s < p_read_e) {
param_list$flip <- TRUE
} else if (p_read_s == p_read_e) {
p_read_s <- sum(param_list$reads$p_ref[, 1] +
param_list$reads$p_alt[, 1])
p_read_e <- sum(param_list$reads$p_ref[, param_list$n_mar] +
param_list$reads$p_alt[, param_list$n_mar])
if (p_read_s < p_read_e) {
param_list$flip <- TRUE
} else if (p_read_s == p_read_e) {
p_read_s <- sum(param_list$reads$p_ref[, 1] +
param_list$reads$p_alt[, 1])
p_read_e <- sum(param_list$reads$p_ref[, param_list$n_mar] +
param_list$reads$p_alt[, param_list$n_mar])
if (p_read_s < p_read_e) {
param_list$flip <- TRUE
# Run genotype estimation per chromosome
.cleanEachChr <- function(object,
pat) {
param_list <- .getParams(object = object,
chr_i = chr_i,
node = node,
error_rate = error_rate,
recomb_rate = recomb_rate,
call_threshold = call_threshold,
het_parent = het_parent,
parentless = parentless,
dummy_reads = dummy_reads,
pat = pat)
param_list <- .checkPread(param_list = param_list)
# ### Debug
# out <- .runCycle(param_list, FALSE, FALSE)
# return(out)
# ###
if(iter == 1){ optim <- FALSE }
param_list <- .runCycle(param_list = param_list,
outprob = FALSE,
outgeno = FALSE)
for (i in 2:iter) {
if (i == iter) {
out_list <- .runCycle(param_list = param_list,
outprob = TRUE,
outgeno = TRUE)
} else {
param_list <- .runCycle(param_list = param_list,
outprob = FALSE,
outgeno = FALSE)
} else {
out_list <- .runCycle(param_list = param_list,
outprob = TRUE,
outgeno = TRUE)
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