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calcThetaXY <- function(Gamma, diagThetaYY) {
    .Call('spacemap_calcThetaXY', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', Gamma, diagThetaYY)

calcThetaYY <- function(ParCor, diagThetaYY) {
    .Call('spacemap_calcThetaYY', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', ParCor, diagThetaYY)

conc2parcor <- function(D) {
    .Call('spacemap_conc2parcor', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', D)

#' @title Count the number of x-y edges
#' @description Count the number of x-y edges after fitting spaceMap model. 
#' @param Gamma The estimated regression coefficient matrix, \eqn{\hat\Gamma}, 
#' output from \code{\link{spacemap}}.
#' @param aszero Positive numeric value indicating at what point to consider extremely 
#' small parameter estimates of \eqn{\Gamma} as zero. 
#' @return Number of x-y edges.
#' @export
nonZeroWhole <- function(Gamma, aszero) {
    .Call('spacemap_nonZeroWhole', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', Gamma, aszero)

#' @title Count the number of y-y edges
#' @description Count the number of y-y edges after fitting spaceMap model. 
#' @param ParCor The estimated partial correlation matrix, \eqn{\hat\rho}, 
#' output from \code{\link{spacemap}}. Assumed to be symmetric.
#' @param aszero Positive numeric value indicating at what point to consider extremely 
#' small parameter estimates of \eqn{\rho} as zero. 
#' @return Number of y-y edges.
#' @export 
nonZeroUpper <- function(ParCor, aszero) {
    .Call('spacemap_nonZeroUpper', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', ParCor, aszero)

gaussCondLogLik <- function(Y, X, ThetaYY, ThetaXY) {
    .Call('spacemap_gaussCondLogLik', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', Y, X, ThetaYY, ThetaXY)

gaussLogLik <- function(Theta, Y) {
    .Call('spacemap_gaussLogLik', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', Theta, Y)

olsRefitSpacemap <- function(Y, X, ParCor, Gamma, sigma, RSS, tol, ridge = 0.1) {
    .Call('spacemap_olsRefitSpacemap', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', Y, X, ParCor, Gamma, sigma, RSS, tol, ridge)

olsRefitSpace <- function(Y, ParCor, sigma, RSS, tol, ridge = 0.1) {
    .Call('spacemap_olsRefitSpace', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', Y, ParCor, sigma, RSS, tol, ridge)

doRemMap <- function(Ym, Xm, Wm, rlasso, rgroup, tol, maxIter) {
    .Call('spacemap_doRemMap', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', Ym, Xm, Wm, rlasso, rgroup, tol, maxIter)

doSpace <- function(Ym, sigma_sr, lasso, ridge, tol, maxIter, beta_init, init) {
    .Call('spacemap_doSpace', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', Ym, sigma_sr, lasso, ridge, tol, maxIter, beta_init, init)

doSpaceMap <- function(Ym, Xm, Wm, sigma_sr, slasso, sridge, rlasso, rgroup, tol, maxIter, beta_init, init) {
    .Call('spacemap_doSpaceMap', PACKAGE = 'spacemap', Ym, Xm, Wm, sigma_sr, slasso, sridge, rlasso, rgroup, tol, maxIter, beta_init, init)
topherconley/spacemap documentation built on May 31, 2019, 6:36 p.m.