
Defines functions Inchoice Optout Fullsets Lattice_mvn Lat Rcnames Altspec Profiles

Documented in Profiles

#' Profiles generation.
#' Function to generate all possible combinations of attribute levels (i.e. all 
#' possible profiles).
#' Valid arguments for \code{coding} are \code{C}, \code{D} and \code{E}. When
#' using \code{C} the attribute will be treated as continuous and no coding will
#' be applied. All possible levels should then be specified in \code{c.lvls}. If
#' \code{D} (dummy coding) is used \code{\link{contr.treatment}} will be applied
#' to that attribute. For \code{E} (effect coding) \code{\link{contr.sum}} will
#' be applied.
#' @param lvls  A numeric vector which contains for each attribute the number
#'   of levels.
#' @param coding Type of coding that needs to be used for each attribute.
#' @param c.lvls A list containing numeric vectors with the attribute levels for
#'   each continuous attribute. The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @return A numeric matrix which contains all possible profiles.
#' @examples 
#' # Without continuous attributes
#' at.lvls <- c(3, 4, 2) # 3 Attributes with respectively 3, 4 and 2 levels. 
#' c.type <- c("E", "E", "E") # All Effect coded.
#' Profiles(lvls = at.lvls, coding = c.type) # Generate profiles.
#' # With continuous attributes 
#' at.lvls <- c(3, 4, 2) # 3 attributes with respectively 3, 4 and 2 levels. 
#' # First attribute is dummy coded, second and third are continuous. 
#' c.type <- c("D", "C", "C") 
#' # Levels for continuous attributes, in the same order. 
#' con.lvls <- list(c(4, 6, 8, 10), c(7, 9))
#' Profiles(lvls = at.lvls, coding = c.type, c.lvls = con.lvls)
#' @export
Profiles <- function(lvls, coding, c.lvls = NULL) {
  # Continuous attributes. 
  contins <-  which(coding == "C")
  n.contins <-  length(contins)
  # error continuous levels 
  if (!is.null(c.lvls)){ 
    if(!is.list(c.lvls)){stop("'c.lvls' should be a list.")}
    if(!is.numeric(unlist(c.lvls))){stop("components of 'c.lvls' should be numeric")}
  # Error correct coding types.
  codings.types <- c("E", "D", "C")
  if (!all(coding %in% codings.types) || (length(coding) != length(lvls))) {
    stop("coding argument is incorrect.")
  # Error lvls vector.
  if (length(lvls) < 2 || (!(is.numeric(lvls)))){
    stop("lvls argument is incorrect.")
  # Error continuous specified and NULL.
  if (length(contins) > 0 && is.null(c.lvls)) {
    stop("when 'coding' contains C, 'c.lvls' should be specified")
  # Error continuous levels specification. 
  if (!is.null(c.lvls)) {
    if (length(c.lvls) != n.contins) {
      stop("length of 'c.lvls' does not match number of specified continuous attributes in 'coding'")
    # Error c.lvls same number of levels. 
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(lvls[contins], lengths(c.lvls)))) {
      stop("the number of levels provided in 'c.lvls' does not match the expected based on 'lvls'")
  # Change into correct coding. 
  coding <- dplyr::recode(coding, D = "contr.treatment", E = "contr.sum")
  # Create all combinations of attribute levels.
  levels.list <- lapply(X = as.list(lvls), function(x) (1:x))
  # Replace continuous.
  levels.list[contins] <- c.lvls
  # Create grid. 
  dgrid <- as.data.frame(expand.grid(levels.list))
  # Apply coding to non continuous. 
  cn <- names(dgrid)
  if (!is.null(c.lvls)) {
    cn <- cn[-contins]
  # Create factors.
  dgrid[, cn] <- apply(dgrid[, cn, drop = FALSE], 2, factor)
  # coding 
  con <- as.list(stats::setNames(coding, names(dgrid)))
  con[which(con == "C")] <- NULL
  cgrid <- as.data.frame(stats::model.matrix(~., dgrid, contrasts = con))
  # Delete intercept.
  cgrid <- cgrid[, -1]
  # Return profiles.

# Create alternative specific coding.
Altspec <- function(alt.cte, n.sets) {
  if(!any(alt.cte == 0)){
    stop("'alt.cte' should at least contain 1 zero")
  # create matrix
  mat <- diag(length(alt.cte))
  n.zero <- which(alt.cte == 0)
  mat[n.zero, n.zero] <- 0
  # delete zero columns
  del.col <- c(which(apply(mat, 2,   function(x) all(x == 0))))
  mat <- mat[, -del.col]
  #rbind for full design 
  mat <- as.matrix(mat)
  cte.mat <- do.call(rbind, replicate(n.sets, mat, simplify = FALSE)) 

# Create row and column names for designs 
Rcnames <- function(n.sets, n.alts, alt.cte, no.choice) {
  # rownames
  r.s <- rep(1:n.sets, each = n.alts)
  r.a <- rep(1:n.alts, n.sets)
  r.names <- paste(paste("set", r.s, sep = ""), paste("alt", r.a, sep = ""), sep = ".")
    ncsek <- seq(n.alts, (n.sets * n.alts), n.alts)  
    r.names[ncsek] <- "no.choice"
  # colnames alternative specific constants
  if(sum(alt.cte) > 0.2){
    cte.names <- paste(paste("alt", which(alt.cte == 1), sep = ""), ".cte", sep = "") 
  } else {
    cte.names <- NULL
  # return
  return(list(r.names, cte.names))

# Lattice multivariate standard normal distribution.
# Generates a grid of points coming from a multivariate standard normal
# distribution.
# @param K Numeric value indicating the dimensionality of the grid.
# @param b Numeric value indicating the base.
# @param m Numeric value. Number of draws = b^m.
# @return Matrix of lattice points drawn from a multivariate standard normal
#   distribution. Each row is a draw.
Lat <- function(K, b, m) {
  base <- function(num){
    a1 <- c1 <- rep(0, m)
    a1[m] <- c1[m] <- num %% b
    for(j in seq(m - 1, 1, by = -1)){
      tem <- (num - c1[j + 1]) / (b^(m - j))
      a1[j] <- tem %% b
      c1[j] <- c1[j + 1] + a1[j] * (b^(m - j))
  a <- 1571
  N <- b^m   #number of lattice points
  u <- stats::runif(K)
  av <- rep(1, K)
  for (i in 2:K) {
    av[i] <- (a * av[i - 1]) %% N
  e <- matrix(0, N, K)
  seq <- rep(0, m)
  kk <- -m
  for (k in 1:m) {
    seq[k] <- b^kk
    kk <- kk + 1
  for (i in 1:N) {
    ei <- c(crossprod(seq, base(i - 1))) * av + u
    e[i, ] <- ei - floor(ei)
  latt <- matrix(0, N, K)
  for (i in 1:K) {
    for (j in 1:N) {
      latt[j, i] <- 1 - abs(2 * e[j, i] - 1)
  latt <- stats::qnorm(latt)

# Lattice multivariate t-distribution.
# Generates a grid of points coming from a multivariate t-distribution.
# @param mean Numeric vector indicating the multivariate mean.
# @param cvar A matrix which specifies the covariance matrix.
# @param df Numeric value indicating the degrees of freedom for the multivariate
#   t-distribution.
# @param m Numeric value. Number of draws = b^m.
# @param b Numeric value indicating the base (default = 2).
# @return Matrix of lattice points drawn from a multivariate t-distribution.
#   Each row is a draw.
Lattice_mvt <- function (mean, cvar, df, m, b=2) {
  # Dimension
  dim <- length(mean)
  # Generate lattice from standard normal
  lattice <- Lat(K = dim, b, m)
  mean <- t(mean)
  X <- matrix(NA, nrow(lattice), dim)
  A <- chol(cvar)
  # Transform to multivariate t distribution
  for (i in 1:nrow(lattice)) {
    inv <- stats::rgamma(1, df / 2)
    invw <- inv / (df / 2)
    W <- 1 / invw
    Z <- lattice[i, ]
    r <- mean + sqrt(W) * (Z %*% t(A))
    X[i, ] <- t(r)
  return (X)

# Lattice multivariate normal distribution.
# Generates a grid of points coming from a multivariate normal distribution.
# @param mean Numeric vector indicating the multivariate mean.
# @param cvar A matrix which specifies the covariance matrix.
# @param m Numeric value. Number of draws = b^m.
# @param b Numeric value indicating the base (default = 2).
# @return Matrix of lattice points drawn from a multivariate normal
#   distribution. Each row is a draw.
Lattice_mvn <- function(mean, cvar, m, b=2) {
  dim <- length(mean)
  l <- Lat(K = dim, b, m)
  mean <- t(mean)
  X <- matrix(NA, nrow(l), dim)
  A <- chol(cvar)
  for (i in 1:nrow(l)) {
    Z <- l[i, ]
    r <- mean + (Z %*% t(A))
    X[i, ] <- t(r)

## generate grid for truncated distribution
Lattice_trunc <- function (n, mean, cvar, lower, upper, df) {
  # Dimension
  dim <- length(mean)
  # Generate lattice from standard normal
  left <- n
  mean <- t(mean)
  A <- chol(cvar)
  XX <- NULL
  while(left > 0.2){
    m = ceiling(log(left)/log(2))
    if(m < 2){m = 2}
    lattice <- Lat(K = dim, b = 2, m = m)
    X <- matrix(NA, nrow(lattice), dim)
    # Transform to multivariate t distribution
    for (i in 1:nrow(lattice)) {
      Z <- lattice[i, ]
      r <- mean + (Z %*% t(A))
      X[i, ] <- t(r)
    XS <- matrix(unlist(apply(X, 1, function(X) {if(all(lower < X) && all(X < upper)) return(X)})), ncol = dim, byrow = TRUE)
    XX <- rbind(XX, XS)
    left <- (n - nrow(XX))
  return(XX[1:n, ])

##list of all possible choice sets 
Fullsets <- function(cand.set, n.alts, no.choice, reduce = TRUE){
    n.alts <- n.alts - 1
  full.comb <- utils::combn(1:nrow(cand.set), n.alts, FUN = function(x)  cand.set[x, ], simplify = FALSE)
  if (reduce){
    m <- stats::rnorm(ncol(cand.set))
    inf <-list()
    for(i in 1:length(full.comb)){
      inf[[i]] <- round(InfoDes(m, full.comb[[i]], n.alts), digits = 3)
    t <- array(unlist(inf), dim = c(length(m), length(m), length(inf))) 
    full.comb <- full.comb[!duplicated(t, MARGIN = 3)]
    full.comb <- lapply(full.comb, Inchoice, no.choice = no.choice)

# when opt.out = TRUE in modfed 
# Optout <- function(des, n.alts, n.sets){
#   optdes <- cbind(rep(0, n.alts * n.sets), des)
#   no.choice <- c(1, rep(0, ncol(optdes) - 1))
#   design.opt <- vector(mode = "list")
#   for (s in 1: n.sets){
#     design.opt[[s]] <- rbind(optdes[ (((s-1) * n.alts) + 1) : (s * n.alts) , ], no.choice)
#   }
#   optdes <- do.call(rbind, design.opt)
#   colnames(optdes)[1] <- "no.choice.cte"
#   return(optdes)
# }

Optout <- function(des, n.alts, alt.cte, n.sets){
  n.cte <- sum(alt.cte)
  names <- colnames(des)
  names <- append(names, "no.choice.cte", n.cte)
  if(n.cte > 0.2){
    stripdes <- des[ , -(1:n.cte)]
  } else {
    stripdes <- des 
  no.choice <-  rep(0, ncol(stripdes))
  design.opt <- vector(mode = "list")
  for (s in 1: n.sets){
    design.opt[[s]] <- rbind(stripdes[ (((s-1) * n.alts) + 1) : (s * n.alts) , ], no.choice)
  optdes <- do.call(rbind, design.opt)
  cte.des <- Altspec(c(alt.cte, 1), n.sets)
  optdes <- cbind(cte.des, optdes)
  colnames(optdes) <- names

## include no.choice
Inchoice <- function(X , no.choice) {
  if(no.choice > nrow(X)){
    X <- rbind(X, rep(0, ncol(X)))
  } else {
    X <- rbind(X, rep(0, ncol(X)))
    X[seq(no.choice + 1, nrow(X)), ] <- X[seq(no.choice, nrow(X) - 1), ]
    X[no.choice, ] <- rep(0, ncol(X))
traets/idefix documentation built on April 7, 2022, 1:56 p.m.