
scene3d <- function() {
  defaultmaterial <- material3d()
  matdiff <- function(mat) {
    for (m in names(mat)) {
      if (identical(mat[[m]], defaultmaterial[[m]]))
        mat[[m]] <- NULL
  getObject <- function(id, type) {
    result <- list(id=id, type=type)
    if (!(type %in% c("light", "clipplanes", "background")))
      result$material <- matdiff(rgl.getmaterial(id=id))
    attribs <- c("vertices", "normals", "colors", "texcoords", "dim",
          "texts", "cex", "adj", "radii", "ids",
          "usermatrix", "types", "offsets" )
    for (a in attribs) 
      if (rgl.attrib.count(id, a))
        result[[a]] <- rgl.attrib(id, a)
    flags <- rgl.attrib(id, "flags")
    if (length(flags) && "ignoreExtent" %in% rownames(flags)) 
      result$ignoreExtent <- flags["ignoreExtent", 1]
    if (!is.null(result$ids)) {
      objlist <- vector("list", nrow(result$ids))
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(result$ids)))
        objlist[[i]] <- getObject(result$ids[i,1], result$types[i,1])
      result$objects <- objlist
    if (type == "background") {
      flags <- rgl.attrib(id, "flags")
      result$sphere <- flags["sphere", 1]
      result$fogtype <- if (flags["linear_fog", 1]) "linear"
                        else if (flags["exp_fog", 1]) "exp"
			else if (flags["exp2_fog", 1]) "exp2"
			else "none"
    } else if (type == "bboxdeco") {
      flags <- rgl.attrib(id, "flags")
      result$draw_front <- flags["draw_front", 1]
    } else if (type == "light") {
      flags <- rgl.attrib(id, "flags")
      result$viewpoint <- flags["viewpoint", 1]
      result$finite    <- flags["finite", 1]
    class(result) <- c(paste0("rgl", type), "rglobject")

  getSubscene <- function(id) {
    result <- list(id = id, type = "subscene", par3d = par3d())

    result$embeddings <- subsceneInfo()$embeddings
    objs <- rgl.ids(c("background", "bboxdeco", "shapes", "lights"))
    result$objects <- objs$id
    if (nrow(obj <- rgl.ids("subscene", subscene = id))) {
      subscenes <- vector("list", nrow(obj))
      ids <- obj$id
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(obj)))
        subscenes[[i]] <- getSubscene(ids[i])
      result$subscenes <- subscenes
    class(result) <- c("rglsubscene", "rglobject")
  result <- list()
  result$material <- defaultmaterial
  result$rootSubscene <- getSubscene(rootSubscene())
  objs <- rgl.ids(c("shapes", "lights", "background", "bboxdeco"), subscene=0)  
  objlist <- vector("list", nrow(objs))
  ids <- objs$id
  types <- as.character(objs$type)
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(objs))) {
    objlist[[i]] <- getObject(ids[i], types[i])
    names(objlist)[i] <- as.character(ids[i])
  result$objects <- objlist
  class(result) <- "rglscene"

print.rglscene <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("RGL scene containing:\n")
  if (!is.null(x$par3d))
    cat("  par3d:\tscene information\n")
  if (!is.null(x$material))
    cat("  material:\tdefault material properties\n")
  if (!is.null(x$objects)) {
    cat("  objects:\tlist of", length(x$objects),"object(s):\n")
    cat("          \t", sapply(x$objects, function(obj) obj$type), "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$root)) 
    cat("  root:\ta root subscene\n")

summary.rglscene <- function(object, ...) {
  result <- list()
  nobjs <- length(object$objects)
  if (nobjs) result$objects <- data.frame(type=sapply(object$objects, function(obj) obj$type))
  if (!is.null(object$rootSubscene))
    result$subscenes <- summary(object$rootSubscene)

summary.rglsubscene <- function(object, ...) {
  result <- data.frame(id = object$id, parent = NA, objects = 0)
  result$objects <- list(object$objects)
  if (length(object$subscenes)) {
    children <- do.call(rbind, lapply(object$subscenes, summary))
    children[is.na(children$parent),"parent"] <- object$id
    result <- rbind(result, children)

print.rglobject <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("RGL object of type", x$type, "containing components\n")
  cat("  ")
  cat(names(x), sep=", ")

print.rglsubscene <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("RGL subscene containing components\n")
  cat("  ")
  cat(names(x), sep=", ")

plot3d.rglscene <- function(x, add=FALSE, ...) {
  root <- x$rootSubscene
  if (is.null(root)) root <- x  # Should work with pre-subscene objects
  if (!add) {
    params <- getr3dDefaults()
    if (!is.null(x$material)) {
      if (is.null(params$material)) params$material <- list()
      params$material[names(x$material)] <- x$material
    if (!is.null(root$bg)) {
      if (is.null(params$bg)) params$bg <- list()
      params$bg[names(params$material)] <- params$material
      params$bg[names(x$bg$material)] <- x$bg$material
      x$bg$material <- x$bg$id <- x$bg$type <- NULL
      params$bg[names(x$bg)] <- x$bg
    if (!is.null(root$par3d)) {
      ind <- !(names(root$par3d) %in% .Par3d.readonly)
      params[names(root$par3d)[ind]] <- root$par3d[ind]
    open3d(params = params)
    # Some older scenes might not have a light in them, so only clear if one is there
    for (i in seq_along(x$objects)) {
      obj <- x$objects[[i]]
      if (obj$type == "light") {
  save <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
  if (is.null(x$rootSubscene)) {   
    results <- c()
    for (i in seq_along(x$objects)) {
      obj <- x$objects[[i]]
      results <- c(results, plot3d(obj))
    if (!is.null(obj <- x$bbox)) 
  } else 
    results <- plot3d(root, x$objects, root = TRUE, ...)

plot3d.rglsubscene <- function(x, objects, root = TRUE, ...) {
  if (root) {
    if (!is.null(x$embeddings)) {
      info <- subsceneInfo(embeddings = x$embeddings)
      subscene <- info$id
    } else
      subscene <- currentSubscene3d()
    if (!is.null(x$par3d$viewport))
      par3d(viewport = x$par3d$viewport)
  } else
    subscene <- newSubscene3d(viewport = x$embeddings["viewport"],
			    projection = x$embeddings["projection"],
			    model = x$embeddings["model"],
			    newviewport = x$par3d$viewport,
			    copyLights = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(x$par3d$listeners))
    par3d(listeners = x$par3d$listeners, subscene = subscene) 
  results <- subscene
  names(results) <- paste0("subscene", as.character(x$id))
  objs <- x$objects
  for (id in as.character(objs)) {
    obj <- objects[[id]]
    if (is.null(obj$newid)) 
      results <- c(results, objects[[id]]$newid <- plot3d(obj, ...))
  for (i in seq_along(x$subscenes)) {
    res <- plot3d(x$subscenes[[i]], objects, root=FALSE, ...)
    results <- c(results, res$results)
    objects <- res$objects
  if (root) {
    # Translate all the listener values
    dotranslations <- function(id) {
      info <- subsceneInfo(id = id)
      oldlisteners <- par3d("listeners", subscene = id)
      par3d(listeners = results[paste0("subscene", oldlisteners)], subscene = id)
      for (child in info$children)
  } else
    return(list(results=results, objects=objects))

plot3d.rglobject <- function(x, ...) {
  type <- x$type
  fn <- switch(type,
    points = points3d,
    lines = segments3d,
    linestrip = lines3d,
    triangles = triangles3d,
    quads = quads3d,
    text = texts3d,
    spheres = spheres3d,
    abclines = abclines3d,
    planes = planes3d,
    surface = surface3d,
    sprites = sprites3d,
    light = light3d,
    clipplanes = clipplanes3d,
  if (is.null(fn)) {
    warning("Object type ",type," not handled.")
  if (!is.null(x$ignoreExtent)) {
    save <- par3d(ignoreExtent = x$ignoreExtent)
  args <- list()
  args$x <- x$vertices
  args$normals <- x$normals
  args$texcoords <- x$texcoords
  args$texts <- x$texts
  args$cex <- x$cex
  args$adj <- x$adj
  args$radius <- x$radii
  args$d <- x$offsets
    abclines = {
      odd <- seq_len(nrow(args$x)) %% 2 == 1
      ends <- args$x[odd,,drop=FALSE]
      args$a <- args$x[!odd,,drop=FALSE] - ends
      args$x <- ends
    planes = {
      first <- seq_len(nrow(args$x)) %% 12 == 1
      args$a <- args$normals[first,,drop=FALSE]
      pt <- args$x[first,,drop=FALSE]
      args$d <- numeric(sum(first))
      for (i in seq_along(args$d))
        args$d[i] <- -sum(args$a[i,]*pt[i,])
      args$x <- NULL
      args$normals <- NULL
    clipplanes = {
      args$a <- args$normals
      args$x <- NULL
      args$normals <- NULL
    surface = {
      dim <- x$dim
      args$y <- matrix(args$x[,2], dim[1], dim[2])
      args$z <- matrix(args$x[,3], dim[1], dim[2])
      args$x <- matrix(args$x[,1], dim[1], dim[2])
      if (!is.null(args$normals)) {
        args$normal_x <- matrix(args$normals[,1], dim[1], dim[2])
	args$normal_y <- matrix(args$normals[,2], dim[1], dim[2])
	args$normal_z <- matrix(args$normals[,3], dim[1], dim[2])
        args$normals <- NULL
      if (!is.null(args$texcoords)) {
        args$texture_s <- matrix(args$texcoords[,1], dim[1], dim[2])
        args$texture_t <- matrix(args$texcoords[,2], dim[1], dim[2])
        args$texcoords <- NULL
    sprites = {
      save2 <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
      on.exit(par3d(save2), add=TRUE)
      if (!is.null(x$objects)) {
        ids <- numeric(length(x$objects))
        for (i in seq_along(ids)) 
          ids[i] <- plot3d(x$objects[[i]])
        args$shapes <- ids
      args$userMatrix <- x$usermatrix
  mat <- x$material
  if (is.null(mat)) mat <- list()
  if (!is.null(col <- x$colors)) {
    mat$color <- rgb(col[,1], col[,2], col[,3])
    mat$alpha <- col[,4]

  if (type == "light") {
    if (!x$finite) {
      args$x <- NULL
      vx <- x$vertices[1]
      vy <- x$vertices[2]
      vz <- x$vertices[3]
      args$phi <- atan2(vy, sqrt(vx^2 + vz^2))*180/pi
      args$theta <- atan2(vx, vz)*180/pi
    args$viewpoint.rel <- x$viewpoint
    args$ambient <- mat$color[1]
    args$diffuse <- mat$color[2]
    args$specular <- mat$color[3]
  } else 
    args <- c(args, mat)
  do.call(fn, args)

plot3d.rglbboxdeco <- function(x, ...) {
  args <- list()     
  v <- x$vertices
  t <- x$texts
  ind <- is.na(v[,2]) & is.na(v[,3])
  if (any(ind)) {
    args$xat <- v[ind,1]
    if (!is.null(t))
      args$xlab <- t[ind]
      args$xlab <- signif(args$xat, 4)
  ind <- is.na(v[,1]) & is.na(v[,3])
  if (any(ind)) {
    args$yat <- v[ind,2]
    if (!is.null(t))
      args$ylab <- t[ind]
      args$ylab <- signif(args$yat, 4)
  ind <- is.na(v[,1]) & is.na(v[,2])
  if (any(ind)) {
    args$zat <- v[ind,3]
    if (!is.null(t))
      args$zlab <- t[ind]
      args$zlab <- signif(args$zat, 4)
  args$draw_front <- x$draw_front
  args <- c(args, x$material)
  do.call("bbox3d", args)

plot3d.rglbackground <- function(x, ...) {
  mat <- x$material 
  if (is.null(mat)) mat <- list()
  if (!is.null(col <- x$colors)) {
    mat$color <- rgb(col[,1], col[,2], col[,3])
    mat$alpha <- col[,4]
  args <- c(list(sphere = x$sphere, fogtype = x$fogtype), mat)
  do.call("bg3d", args)
trestletech/rgl documentation built on May 31, 2019, 7:49 p.m.