
Defines functions print.question_type_preprocessed plot.question_type_preprocessed preprocessed.question_type proportions.question_type counts.question_type scores.question_type qcombine2 plot.question_type print.question_type question_type

Documented in counts.question_type plot.question_type plot.question_type_preprocessed preprocessed.question_type print.question_type print.question_type_preprocessed proportions.question_type question_type scores.question_type

#' Count of Question Type
#' Transcript apply question counts.
#' @param text.var The text variable
#' @param grouping.var The grouping variables.  Default \code{NULL} generates 
#' one word list for all text.  Also takes a single grouping variable or a list 
#' of 1 or more grouping variables.
#' @param neg.cont logical.  If \code{TRUE} provides separate counts for the 
#' negative contraction forms of the interrogative words.
#' @param percent logical.  If \code{TRUE} output given as percent.  If 
#' \code{FALSE} the output is proportion.
#' @param zero.replace Value to replace 0 values with.
#' @param digits Integer; number of decimal places to round when printing.   
#' @param contraction A two column key of contractions (column 1) and expanded 
#' form replacements (column 2) or a vector of contractions.  Default is to use 
#' qdapDictionaries's \code{\link[qdapDictionaries]{contractions}} data set. 
#' @param bracket The type of bracket (and encased text) to remove.  This is one 
#' or more of the strings \code{"curly"}, \code{"square"}, \code{"round"}, 
#' \code{"angle"} and \code{"all"}.  These strings correspond 
#' to: \{, [, (, < or all four types.
#' @param amplifiers A character vector of terms that increase the 
#' intensity of a positive or negative word. Default is to use 
#' qdapDictionaries's \code{\link[qdapDictionaries]{amplification.words}} data 
#' set.
#' @param \ldots Other arguments passed to \code{\link[qdap]{bracketX}}.
#' @return Returns a list of:
#' \item{raw}{A dataframe of the questions used in the transcript and their 
#' type.}
#' \item{count}{A dataframe of total questions (\code{tot.quest}) and counts of 
#' question types (initial interrogative word) by grouping variable(s).}
#' \item{rnp}{Dataframe of the frequency and proportions of question types by 
#' grouping variable.} 
#' \item{inds}{The indices of the original text variable that contain questions.}
#' \item{missing}{The row numbers of the missing data (excluded from analysis).}
#' \item{percent}{The value of percent used for plotting purposes.}
#' \item{zero.replace}{The value of zero.replace used for plotting purposes.}
#' @details The algorithm searches for the following interrogative words (and 
#' optionally, their negative contraction form as well): 
#' 1) whose 2) whom 3) who 4) where 5) what 6) which 7) why 8) when 9) were* 
#' 10) was* 11) does* 12) did* 13) do* 14) is 15) are* 16) will* 17) how 
#' 18) should 19) could 20) would* 21) shall 22) may 23) might* 24) must* 
#' 25) can* 26) has 27) have* 28) had* 29) ok 30) right 31) correct 
#' 32) implied do/does/did
#' The interrogative word that is found first (with the exception of "ok", 
#' "right"/"alright", and "correct") in the question determines the sentence 
#' type. "ok", "right"/"alright", and "correct" sentence types are determined if 
#' the sentence is a question with no other interrogative words found and "ok", 
#' "right"/"alright", or "correct" is the last word of the sentence.  Those 
#' interrogative sentences beginning with the word "you", "wanna", or "want" are 
#' categorized as implying do/does/did question type, though the use of 
#' do/does/did is not explicit.  Those sentence beginning with "you" followed by 
#' a select interrogative word (and or their negative counter parts) above 
#' (marked with *) or 1-2 amplifier(s) followed by the select interrogative word
#' are categorized by the select word rather than an implied do/does/did 
#' question type.  A sentence that is marked "ok" over rides an implied 
#' do/does/did label.  Those with undetermined sentence type are labeled unknown.
#' @export 
#' @importFrom qdapTools lookup
#' @seealso \code{\link[qdap]{colcomb2class}},
#' \code{\link[qdap]{bracketX}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Inspect the algorithm classification
#' x <- c("Kate's got no appetite doesn't she?",
#'     "Wanna tell Daddy what you did today?",
#'     "You helped getting out a book?", "umm hum?",
#'     "Do you know what it is?", "What do you want?",
#'     "Who's there?", "Whose?", "Why do you want it?",
#'     "Want some?", "Where did it go?", "Was it fun?")
#' left_just(preprocessed(question_type(x))[, c(2, 6)])
#' ## Transcript/dialogue examples
#' (x <- question_type(DATA.SPLIT$state, DATA.SPLIT$person))
#' ## methods
#' scores(x)
#' plot(scores(x))
#' counts(x)
#' plot(counts(x))
#' proportions(x)
#' plot(proportions(x))
#' truncdf(preprocessed(x), 15)
#' plot(preprocessed(x))
#' plot(x)
#' plot(x, label = TRUE)
#' plot(x, label = TRUE, text.color = "red")
#' question_type(DATA.SPLIT$state, DATA.SPLIT$person, percent = FALSE)
#' DATA[8, 4] <- "Won't I distrust you?"
#' question_type(DATA.SPLIT$state, DATA.SPLIT$person)
#' DATA <- qdap::DATA
#' with(DATA.SPLIT, question_type(state, list(sex, adult)))
#' out1 <- with(mraja1spl, question_type(dialogue, person))
#' ## out1
#' out2 <- with(mraja1spl, question_type(dialogue, list(sex, fam.aff)))
#' ## out2
#' out3 <- with(mraja1spl, question_type(dialogue, list(sex, fam.aff),
#'    percent = FALSE))
#' plot(out3, label = TRUE, lab.digits = 3)
#' }
question_type <- function(text.var, grouping.var = NULL,
    neg.cont = FALSE, percent = TRUE, zero.replace = 0, digits = 2, 
    contraction = qdapDictionaries::contractions, bracket = "all", 
    amplifiers = qdapDictionaries::amplification.words, ...) {
    if(is.null(grouping.var)) {
        G <- "all"
    } else {
        if (is.list(grouping.var)) {
            m <- unlist(as.character(substitute(grouping.var))[-1])
            m <- sapply(strsplit(m, "$", fixed=TRUE), function(x) {
            G <- paste(m, collapse="&")
        } else {
            G <- as.character(substitute(grouping.var))
            G <- G[length(G)]
        grouping <- rep("all", length(text.var))
    } else {
        if (is.list(grouping.var) & length(grouping.var)>1) {
            grouping <- paste2(grouping.var)
        } else {
            grouping <- unlist(grouping.var)
    text.var <- replace_contraction(as.character(text.var), 
        contraction[grepl("you", contraction[, 1]), ])
    DF <- data.frame(grouping, text.var, check.names = FALSE, 
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE, orig.row.num = seq_len(length(text.var)))
    DF[, "grouping"] <- factor(DF[, "grouping"])
    if (is.dp(text.var=DF[, "text.var"])){
        warning(paste0("\n  Some rows contain double punctuation.",
          "  Suggested use of sentSplit function."))
    DF[, "end.mark"] <- substring(DF[, "text.var"], nchar(DF[, "text.var"]))

    ## remove brackets
    if (!is.null(bracket)) {
        txt <- bracketX(DF[, "text.var"], bracket = bracket, ...)
    } else {
        txt <- mgsub(c("(", ")","[", "]", "{", "}", "<", ">"), 
            c(" (", ") "," [", "] ", " {", "} ", " <", "> "), DF[, "text.var"])

    ## account for 's and 'd on the end of question words
    DF[, "stext.var"] <- spaste(strip(mgsub(c("'s ", "'d "), " ", txt)))
    if (sum(DF$end.mark == "?", na.rm = TRUE) == 0) stop("No questions found") 
    rows.removed <- which(is.na(DF$end.mark))
    DF <- DF[!is.na(DF$end.mark), ]
    DF <- DF[DF$end.mark == "?", ]

    L1 <- split(DF, DF[, "grouping"])
    missing <- names(L1)[sapply(L1, nrow) == 0]
    L1 <- L1[sapply(L1, nrow) != 0]
    x <- c("whose", "whom", "who", "where", "what",  
            "which", "why", "when", "werent", "were", "wasnt", "was", "doesnt", 
            "does", "didnt", "did", "dont", "do", "isnt","is", "arent", "are",
            "will", "wont", "how", "shouldnt", "should", "couldnt", "could", 
            "wouldnt", "would", "shall", "may", "might", "must", "cant",  "can", 
            "hasnt", "has", "havent", "have", "hadnt", "had")
    y <- paste0(" XXXXX", sprintf("%02d", seq_along(x)), " ")
    key <- data.frame(x = spaste(x), y = y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  

    L1 <- lapply(L1, function(x){
        z <- x[, "stext.var"]
        y <- nchar(z)
        a1 <- (y-4) >= 0 && (y-4) == sapply(gregexpr("okay", z), "[", 1) 
        a2 <- (y-3) >= 0 && (y-3) == sapply(gregexpr(" ok", z), "[", 1)
        x[, "ok"] <- as.logical(a1 + a2)
        x[, "alright"] <- (y-7) >= 0 && (y-7) == sapply(gregexpr("alright", z), "[", 1)
        x[, " right"] <- (y-6) >= 0 && (y-6) == sapply(gregexpr(" right", z), "[", 1)
        x[, "correct"] <- (y-7) >= 0 && (y-7) == sapply(gregexpr("correct", z), "[", 1)
        x[, "huh"] <- (y-3) == sapply(gregexpr("huh", z), "[", 1)     
        x2 <- !x[, "ok"] & 
            c((sapply(gregexpr("wanna ", z), "[", 1) == 2) |    
            (sapply(gregexpr("want ", z), "[", 1) == 2))

        ## Distinguish between implied do/did and not
        youimplied <- sapply(gregexpr("you", z), "[", 1) == 2
        implies <- word_split(x[, "stext.var"][youimplied])
        imply_qterms1 <- c("werent", "were", "wasnt", "was", "doesnt", 
            "didnt", "did", "dont", "do", "arent", "are",
            "will", "wont", "wouldnt", "would", "might", "must", 
             "cant",  "can", "havent", "have", "hadnt", "had")
        imply_qterms2 <- c("what", imply_qterms1)
        implies_2to4 <- lapply(implies, "[", 2:4)
        ## Find those not implied you
        notimplied <- sapply(implies_2to4, function(x) {
            o1 <- x[1] %in% imply_qterms2
            if (o1) return(TRUE)
            o2a <- x[1] %in% amplifiers
            o2 <- o2a && x[2] %in% imply_qterms1
            if (o2) return(TRUE)  
            o3 <- o2 && x[2] %in% amplifiers && x[3] %in% imply_qterms1
            if (o3) {
            } else {


        youimplied[youimplied] <- !notimplied
        x[, "implied_do/does/did"] <- youimplied

    L2 <- invisible(lapply(L1, function(x) {
        subtext <- mgsub(key[, "x"], key[, "y"], x[, "stext.var"])
        gsub("\\s+", " ", (Trim(gsub("[^XXX[:digit:]]", " ", subtext))))
    L2 <- invisible(lapply(L2, function(x) {
        sapply(rm_stopwords(x, stopwords = NULL, ignore.case = FALSE), "[", 1) 
    key <- apply(key, 2, Trim)
    L2 <- lapply(L2, lookup, key.match = key[, 2:1], missing = "unknown")

    L2 <- lapply(seq_along(L2), function(i) {
         unels <- L2[[i]] == "unknown"
         L2[[i]][unels & L1[[i]][, "ok"]] <- "ok"
         L2[[i]][unels & L1[[i]][, "alright"]] <- "alright"
         L2[[i]][unels & L1[[i]][, " right"]] <- "right"
         L2[[i]][unels & L1[[i]][, "correct"]] <- "correct"
         L2[[i]][unels & L1[[i]][, "huh"]] <- "huh"

    DF3a <- data.frame(ords = unlist(lapply(L1, "[", "orig.row.num")), 
        q.type = unlist(L2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    DF3a[unlist(lapply(L1, "[", "implied_do/does/did")),  2] <- "implied_do/does/did"
    DF3 <- data.frame(DF, q.type = DF3a[order(DF3a[, "ords"]), 2])
    names(DF3) <- c(G, "raw.text", "n.row", "endmark", "strip.text", "q.type")
    unL2 <- unlist(L2)
    unL2[unlist(lapply(L1, "[", "implied_do/does/did"))] <- "idd"
    WFM <- t(wfm(unL2, rep(names(L1), sapply(L2, length))))
    cols <- c(key[, "x"], "ok", "alright", "right", "correct", "huh", "idd", "unknown")
    cols2 <- cols[cols %in% colnames(WFM)]
    WFM <- WFM[, cols2, drop = FALSE]
    if (all(grouping %in% "all")) {
        DF <- as.data.frame(matrix(WFM, nrow = 1))
        colnames(DF) <- colnames(WFM)
        rownames(DF) <- "all"          
    } else {
        grvar <- levels(DF[, "grouping"])
        grvarNA <- grvar[!grvar %in% rownames(WFM)]
        mat <- matrix(rep(0, length(grvarNA)*ncol(WFM)), ncol = ncol(WFM))   
        dimnames(mat) <- list(grvarNA, colnames(WFM))
        DF <- data.frame(rbind(WFM, mat))  
    tq <- rowSums(DF)
    comdcol <- list(  
        were = c("weren't", "were"), 
        was = c("wasn't", "was"), 
        does = c("doesn't", "does"), 
        did = c("didn't", "did"), 
        do = c("don't", "do"), 
        is = c("isn't","is"),
        are = c("aren't", "are"),
        will = c("won't", "will"), 
        should = c("shouldn't", "should"), 
        could = c("couldn't", "could"), 
        would = c("wouldn't", "would"), 
        can = c("can't", "can"), 
        has = c("hasn't", "has"), 
        have = c("haven't", "have"), 
        had = c("hadn't", "had")

    if(!neg.cont & ncol(DF) > 1) {
        ord <- c("whose", "whom", "who", "where", "what",  "which", 
            "why", "when", "were", "was", "does", "did", "do", 
            "is", "are", "will", "how", "should", "could", "would", 
            "shall", "may", "might", "must", "can", "has", "have", "had")  
        comdcol <- lapply(comdcol, function(x) gsub("'", "", x)) 

        DF <- qcombine2(DF, comdcol)

        ord <- c(ord[ord %in% colnames(DF)], "ok", "alright", "right", 
            "correct", "huh", "idd", "unknown")
        DF <- DF[, ord[ord %in% colnames(DF)]] 
    colnames(DF)[colnames(DF) == "idd"] <- "implied_do/does/did"
    DF <- data.frame(group=rownames(DF), tot.quest = tq, DF, row.names = NULL, 
        check.names = FALSE) 
    if(ncol(DF) == 3) {
        warning(paste0("Text does not contain enough questions to give ", 
            "an output of the class \"question_type\":\n", 
            " ...only counts are returned"))
    DF <- DF[sort(DF[, "group"]), ]
    colnames(DF)[1] <-  G
    yesap <- sapply(comdcol, "[", 1)
    noap <- gsub("'", "", sapply(comdcol, "[", 1))
    colnames(DF) <- mgsub(noap, yesap, colnames(DF))
    DF2 <- as.matrix(DF[, -c(1:2)]/DF[, 2])
    DF2[is.nan(DF2)] <- 0 
    if (percent) {
        DF2 <- DF2*100
    DF2 <- data.frame(DF[, c(1:2)], as.data.frame(DF2), check.names = FALSE, 
        row.names = NULL) 
    rownames(DF) <- NULL
    rnp <- raw_pro_comb(DF[, -c(1:2)], DF2[, -c(1:2)], digits = digits, 
        percent = percent, zero.replace = zero.replace)  
    rnp <- data.frame(DF2[, 1:2], rnp, check.names = FALSE) 
    o <- list(raw = DF3, count = DF, prop = DF2, rnp = rnp, 
        inds = DF3[, "n.row"], missing = rows.removed, percent = percent, 
        zero.replace = zero.replace, digits = digits)
    class(o) <- "question_type"

#' Prints a question_type object
#' Prints a question_type object
#' @param x The question_type object
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @export
#' @method print question_type
print.question_type <-
function(x, ...) {
    WD <- options()[["width"]]

#' Plots a question_type Object
#' Plots a question_type object.
#' @param x The question_type object.
#' @param label logical.  If TRUE the cells of the heat map plot will be labeled 
#' with count and proportional values.
#' @param lab.digits Integer values specifying the number of digits to be 
#' printed if \code{label} is TRUE.
#' @param percent logical.  If TRUE output given as percent.  If FALSE the 
#' output is proportion.  If NULL uses the value from 
#' \code{\link[qdap]{question_type}}.  Only used if \code{label} is TRUE.
#' @param zero.replace Value to replace 0 values with.  If NULL uses the value 
#' from \code{\link[qdap]{question_type}}.  Only used if \code{label} is TRUE.
#' @param \ldots Other arguments passed to qheat.
#' @method plot question_type
#' @export
plot.question_type <- function(x, label = FALSE, lab.digits = 1, percent = NULL, 
    zero.replace = NULL, ...) {
    if (label) {
        if (!is.null(percent)) {
            if (percent != x$percent) {
                DF <- as.matrix(x$prop[, -c(1:2)])
                if (percent) {
                    DF <- DF*100    
                } else {
                    DF <-  DF/100
                x$prop <- data.frame(x$prop[, 1:2], DF, check.names = FALSE) 
        } else {
            percent <- x$percent 
        if (is.null(zero.replace)) {
            zero.replace <- x$zero.replace
        rnp <- raw_pro_comb(x$count[, -c(1:2), drop = FALSE], 
            x$prop[, -c(1:2), drop = FALSE], digits = lab.digits, 
            percent = percent, zero.replace = zero.replace)  
        rnp <- data.frame(x$count[, 1:2], rnp, check.names = FALSE) 
        qheat(x$prop, values=TRUE, mat2 = rnp, ...)
    } else {
        qheat(x$prop, ...)  

## Helper function to combine columns
qcombine2 <- 
function(mat, combined.columns){

    L1 <- lapply(combined.columns, function(x) {
        if (is.numeric(x)) {
            x <- names(mat)[x]
        if(all(x %in% colnames(mat))){
            return(unlist(rowSums(mat[, x, drop = FALSE])))
        if(all(!x %in% colnames(mat))){
            return(unlist(rep(NA, nrow(mat))))
        if(sum(x %in% colnames(mat)) == 1){
            return(unlist(mat[colnames(mat) %in% x]))
        return(unlist(rowSums(mat[colnames(mat) %in% x])))
    DF <- data.frame(do.call(cbind, L1), check.names = FALSE)
    DF <- DF[ !sapply(DF, function(x) all(is.na(x)))]

    for (i in  seq_len(length(combined.columns))) {
        CC <- sapply(combined.columns[[i]], function(x) {
            which(x == names(mat))[1]
        if (identical(colnames(mat), character(0))) {
        nms <- colnames(mat)[!1:ncol(mat) %in% CC]
        mat <- mat[ , !1:ncol(mat) %in% CC, drop = FALSE]
        colnames(mat) <- nms

    data.frame(mat, DF, check.names = FALSE)

#' Question Counts
#' View question_type scores.
#' question_type Method for scores
#' @param x The \code{\link[qdap]{question_type}} object.
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @export
#' @method scores question_type
scores.question_type <- function(x, ...) {

    out <- x[["rnp"]]
    attributes(out) <- list(
            class = c("table_score", class(out)),
            type = "question_type_scores",
            names = colnames(out),
            row.names = rownames(out)

#' Question Counts
#' View question_type counts.
#' question_type Method for counts
#' @param x The \code{\link[qdap]{question_type}} object.
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @export
#' @method counts question_type
counts.question_type <- function(x, ...) {

    out <- x[["count"]]
    attributes(out) <- list(
            class = c("table_count", class(out)),
            type = "question_type_counts",
            names = colnames(out),
            row.names = rownames(out)

#' Question Counts
#' View \code{\link[qdap]{question_type}} proportions.
#' question_type Method for proportions
#' @param x The question_type object.
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @export
#' @method proportions question_type
proportions.question_type <- function(x, ...) {

    out <- x[["prop"]]
    attributes(out) <- list(
            class = c("table_proportion", class(out)),
            type = "question_type_proportions",
            names = colnames(out),
            row.names = rownames(out)

#' Question Counts
#' View \code{\link[qdap]{question_type}} preprocessed.
#' question_type Method for preprocessed
#' @param x The question_type object.
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @export
#' @method preprocessed question_type
preprocessed.question_type <- function(x, ...) {

    out <- x[["raw"]]
    attributes(out) <- list(
            class = c("question_type_preprocessed", class(out)),
            type = "question_type_preprocessed",
            names = colnames(out),
            row.names = rownames(out)

#' Plots a question_type_preprocessed Object
#' Plots a question_type_preprocessed object.
#' @param x The question_type_preprocessed object.
#' @param \ldots Arguments passed to \code{\link[qdap]{gantt_plot}}.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ylab xlab theme element_blank theme_minimal geom_bar guide_legend aes coord_flip
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @method plot question_type_preprocessed
#' @export
plot.question_type_preprocessed <- function(x, ...){ 
    Var1 <- value <- NULL
    dat2 <- melt(sort(table(x[, "q.type"])))
    x[, "q.type"] <- factor(x[, "q.type"], levels=rev(dat2[, 1]))

    out <- gantt_plot(text.var = x[, "raw.text"], 
        grouping.var = x[, colnames(x)[1]], fill.var = x[, "q.type"],
        plot = FALSE, ...)

    nms <- paste(sapply(unlist(strsplit(colnames(x)[1], "\\&")), 
        Caps), collapse = " & ")

    x[, colnames(x)[1]] <- paste(1:nrow(x), x[, colnames(x)[1]], sep ="|||")
    dat <- gantt(x[, "raw.text"], list(x[, colnames(x)[1]], x[, "q.type"]), 
        col.sep ="&")

    dat[, 1] <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(dat[, 1]), 
        "\\|\\|\\|"), "[", 2)    
    dat <- colsplit2df(dat, sep="&")
    colnames(dat)[1:2] <- c("group", "q.type")
    dat[, "q.type"] <- factor(dat[, "q.type"], levels=rev(levels(x[, 

    plot1 <- gantt_wrap(dat, "group", fill.var="q.type", plot = FALSE) + 
        ylab(nms)  +  xlab("Duration (in words)")  +
        guides(colour=guide_legend(title="Question\nType", reverse=TRUE))

    dat2[, "Var1"] <- mgsub(c("_", "/"), c(" ", ","), dat2[, "Var1"])
    dat2[, "Var1"] <- factor(dat2[, "Var1"], levels=dat2[, "Var1"])
    Max <- max(dat2[, "value"])

    plot2 <- ggplot(dat2, aes(x=Var1)) + 
        geom_bar(aes(weight=value, fill=Var1)) + 
        scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0), limits = c(0,Max + Max*.05)) +
        coord_flip() + xlab(NULL) + 
        ylab("Count") + theme_qdap() +

    grid.arrange(plot2, plot1, ncol=2, 
        widths=grid::unit(c(1,2,2,2)/sum(c(1,2,2,2)), "native")

#' Prints a question_type_preprocessed object
#' Prints a question_type_preprocessed object
#' @param x The question_type_preprocessed object
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @export
print.question_type_preprocessed <-
function(x, ...) {
    WD <- options()[["width"]]
    class(x) <- "data.frame"
trinker/qdap documentation built on Sept. 30, 2020, 6:28 p.m.