
Defines functions write_term_list write_model search_single_escape search_open_or term_list_summary_stats.termco_nested term_list_summary_stats print.termco_nested print.termco_unnested print.term_list source_term_list read_term_list

Documented in print.termco_nested print.termco_unnested print.term_list read_term_list source_term_list write_term_list

#' Read-In/Write-Out Term List
#' \code{read_term_list} - Read-in and format a term list from an external file.
#' \code{read_term_list} collapses the terms within categories by default.  To
#' negate this behavior use \code{source_term_list}.
#' @param path Path to external term list.
#' @param indices Indices of the elements to retain (used to take part of a
#' term list).
#' @param term.list A term list object that can be passed rather than an
#' external file.
#' @param \ldots ignored.
#' @note Note that for \code{token_count} lists the default is to collapse the
#' elements of vectors into a single regex.  This is undesired behavior when
#' dealing with fixed tokens.  To avoid this behavior use the argument
#' \code{collapse = FALSE}.
#' @return Returns a formatted term list.
#' @rdname read_term_list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' good_cats <- system.file("termco_docs/categories.R", package = "termco")
#' bad_cats <- system.file("termco_docs/mal_categories.R", package = "termco")
#' read_term_list(good_cats)
#' source_term_list(good_cats)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Throws warnings
#' read_term_list(bad_cats)
#' ## Using term list object
#' my_term_list <- list(
#' ## Tier 1
#'     list(
#'         Response_Cries = c("\\boh", "\\bah", "\\baha", "\\bouch", "yuk"),
#'         Back_Channels = c("uh[- ]huh", "uhuh", "yeah"),
#'         Summons = "hey",
#'         Justification = "because"
#'     ),
#'  ## Tier 2
#'     list(
#'         Summons = 'the',
#'         Back_Channels = c('\\ber+\\b', 'hm+'),
#'         Empty = c('^\\s*$')
#'     ),
#'  ## Tier 3
#'     list(
#'         Summons = c(),
#'         Back_Channels = c()
#'     ),
#' ## Tier 4
#'     list(
#'         Summons = 'hey you',
#'         Justification = 'ed\\s',
#'         Exclamation = c('\\!$', '^[^w]{0,5}wow+.{0,4}'),
#'         Empty = c()
#'     )
#' )
#' read_term_list(term.list = my_term_list)
#' }
#' discoure_markers <- list(
#'     response_cries = c("\\boh", "\\bah", "\\baha", "\\bouch", "yuk"),
#'     back_channels = c("uh[- ]huh", "uhuh", "yeah"),
#'     summons = "hey",
#'     justification = "because"
#' )
#' ## writing to the console (not that useful)
#' write_term_list(discoure_markers, path = '')
#' trpl_list <- list(
#'     list(
#'         response_cries = c("\\boh", "\\bah", "\\baha", "\\bouch", "yuk"),
#'         back_channels = c("uh[- ]huh", "uhuh", "yeah"),
#'         summons = "hey",
#'         justification = "because"
#'     ),
#'     list(summons ='the'),
#'     list(summons = 'it', justification = 'ed\\s')
#' )
#' ## writing to the console (not that useful)
#' write_term_list(trpl_list, path = '')
#' ## Writing to an external file
#' temp <- tempdir()
#' write_term_list(discoure_markers, path = file.path(temp, 'categories.R'))
#' read_term_list(path = file.path(temp, 'categories.R'))
#' source_term_list(path = file.path(temp, 'categories.R'))
#' write_term_list(trpl_list, path = file.path(temp, 'categories2.R'))
#' read_term_list(path = file.path(temp, 'categories2.R'))
#' source_term_list(path = file.path(temp, 'categories2.R'))
#' ## Writing term list for non-R .json others to use:
#' \dontrun{
#' my_term_list %>%
#'     jsonlite::toJSON(pretty=TRUE) %>%
#'     stringi::stri_unescape_unicode() %>%
#'     cat(file = 'testing.json')
#' }
read_term_list <- function(path = 'models/categories.R', indices = NULL, term.list, ...){

    obj <- 'unspecified_termco_obj1234'

    dots <- list(...)
    if (!is.null(dots[['G']])) obj <- dots[['G']]
    collapse <- is.null(dots[['collapse']]) | isTRUE(dots[['collapse']])
    test.regex <- is.null(dots[['test.regex']]) | isTRUE(dots[['test.regex']])

    if (missing(term.list)) {
        ## ensure path exists

        ## read in categories file
        cats <- source(path)[[1]]
    } else {

        #if (methods::is(term.list, 'term_list')) return(term.list)

        cats <- term.list

    ## determine if hierarchical
    type <- ifelse(
        is.list(cats[[1]]) && length(cats) > 1 && all(sapply(cats, is.list)),

        termco_nested = {

            ## check for empty tiers
            cats <- term_lister_empty_hierarchy_check(cats)

            ## grab the warnings for later printing
            first_pass <- lapply(cats, function(x) {
                tryCatch(term_lister_check(x, G = obj, collapse = collapse), warning=function(w) w)

            locs <- unlist(lapply(first_pass, inherits, what = 'simpleWarning'))
            main <- 'The categories within the following hierarchies (tiers) contained no regular expressions and were dropped:\n\n'

            if (any(locs)) {

                tiers <- which(locs)

                messages <- paste(paste0(
                    'Tier ', tiers, ": ",
                     paste0('\n', gsub('^.+?\\n\\n|\\n\\n$', '', unlist(lapply(first_pass[locs], `[[`, 'message')))),
                ), collapse = '\n')

                warning(paste0(main, messages))


            ## actually run the term list through `term_lister_check`
            cats <- lapply(cats, function(x) {
                suppressWarnings(term_lister_check(x, G = obj, collapse = collapse))

            open_or_list <- unlist(lapply(cats, function(y) {
                open_or <- search_open_or(y)
                if (all(!open_or)) return(NA)
                paste(names(y)[open_or], collapse = ', ')

            if (any(!is.na(open_or_list))) {
                offending_open_or_vect <- paste(paste0("Tier ", seq_along(open_or_list), '. ',open_or_list)[!is.na(open_or_list)], collapse = '\n')
                warning(paste0('Open or statement [(i.e., `|)` unescaped pipe followed by a closing\n  group character] found in the following tiers & categories:\n\n', offending_open_or_vect))

            single_escape_list <- unlist(lapply(cats, function(y) {
                s_escape <- search_single_escape(y)
                if (all(!s_escape)) return(NA)
                paste(names(y)[s_escape], collapse = ', ')

            if (any(!is.na(single_escape_list ))) {
                offending_single_escape <- paste(paste0("Tier ", seq_along(single_escape_list ), '. ', single_escape_list )[!is.na(single_escape_list )], collapse = '\n')
                warning(paste0('Single slash B  [`\\b` instead of `\\\\b`] found in the following tiers & categories:\n\n', offending_single_escape))

        termco_unnested = {
            cats <- term_lister_check(cats, obj, collapse = collapse)
            open_or <- unlist(lapply(cats, search_open_or))
            if (any(open_or)) {
                offending_open_or <- paste(names(open_or)[open_or], collapse = ', ')
                warning(paste0('Open or statement [(i.e., `|)` unescaped pipe followed by a closing\n  group character] found in the following categories:\n\n', offending_open_or))


    if (!is.null(indices)) {
        warning('`indices` set: dropping `term_list` elements...\n\nUse `indices = NULL` to keep all elements')
        cats <- cats[indices]

    cats <- warn_unnest(cats)

    if (isTRUE(collapse)) {
        class(cats) <- c('term_list', type)
    } else {
        class(cats) <- type

    if (isTRUE(test.regex)) {
        unused <- test_regex(cats)



#' @rdname read_term_list
#' @export
source_term_list <- function(path = 'models/categories.R', indices = NULL, ...){

    read_term_list(path = path, collapse = FALSE, indices = indices, ...)


#' Prints a term_list Object
#' Prints a term_list object
#' @param x A \code{term_list} object
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @method print term_list
#' @export
print.term_list <- function(x, ...){
    x <- rm_class(x, 'term_list')

#' Prints a termco_unnested Object
#' Prints a termco_unnested object
#' @param x A \code{termco_unnested} object
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @method print termco_unnested
#' @export
print.termco_unnested <- function(x, ...){
    x <- rm_class(x, 'termco_unnested')

#' Prints a termco_nested Object
#' Prints a termco_nested object
#' @param x A \code{termco_nested} object
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @method print termco_nested
#' @export
print.termco_nested <- function(x, ...){
    x <- rm_class(x, 'termco_nested')

## handle if not hierarchical
## can turn off this checking in term_count if passed through
## make sure token_count is not broken and has same features implemented
term_list_summary_stats <- function(x){



term_list_summary_stats.termco_nested <- function(x, ...){

    ## per category/tier (print as table)
    list_n_char <- lapply(x, nchar)
    nms <- lapply(list_n_char, names)

    list_n <- lengths(x)
    list_n_lookarounds <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '\\(\\?<?(=|!)'), nms)

    list_n_quantifiers_0_1_greedy <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\\\)(\\?)[^?]'), nms)
    list_n_quantifiers_0_more_greedy <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\\\)(\\*)[^?]'), nms)
    list_n_quantifiers_1_more_greedy <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\\\)(\\+)[^?]'), nms)

    list_n_quantifiers_0_1_lazy <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\\\)(\\?)[?]'), nms)
    list_n_quantifiers_0_more_lazy <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\\\)(\\*)[?]'), nms)
    list_n_quantifiers_1_more_lazy <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\\\)(\\+)[?]'), nms)

    list_n_quantifiers_bounded <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\\\)(\\{)'), nms)
    list_n_pipes <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\))\\|'), nms)
    list_n_quantified_dots <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\\\)\\.(\\{|\\*|\\+|\\?)'), nms)
    list_n_unbounded_dots <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\\\)\\.(\\*|\\+)'), nms)

    list_n_char_classes <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\\\)(\\[)[^^]'), nms)
    list_n_negated_char_classes <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<!\\\\)(\\[)\\^'), nms)

    list_n_boundaries <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(?<=\\\\)b'), nms)
    list_n_anchors <- Map(function(x, y) {stats::setNames(x, y)},
        lapply(x, stringi::stri_count_regex, pattern = '(([^\\[\\\\]|^)(\\^|\\$))'), nms)

    ## meta
    n_tiers <- length(list_n)
    n_iterations <- sum(list_n)
    n_categories <- length(unique(unlist(lapply(x, names))))
    n_char <- sum(unlist(list_n_char))
    n_greedy_quantifiers <- sum(unlist(list_n_quantifiers_0_1_greedy, list_n_quantifiers_0_more_greedy, list_n_quantifiers_1_more_greedy))
    n_unbounded_dot <- sum(unlist(list_n_unbounded_dots))

    ## tiers
    n_categories_tiered <- lengths(lapply(x, names))
    n_char_tiered <- unlist(lapply(list_n_char, sum))
    n_greedy_quantifiers_tiered <- unlist(Map(function(x, y, z){sum(unlist(x, y, z))},
        list_n_quantifiers_0_1_greedy, list_n_quantifiers_0_more_greedy, list_n_quantifiers_1_more_greedy))
    n_unbounded_dot_tiered <- unlist(lapply(list_n_unbounded_dots, sum))


## https://www.loggly.com/blog/five-invaluable-techniques-to-improve-regex-performance/
## https://docs.bmc.com/docs/display/DISCO90/Writing+efficient+regular+expressions

# x <- pp
# term_list_summary_stats(pp)
# class(pp)
# path <- 'comment_categories.R'
# pp <- read_term_list(path)
# term_lister_empty_hierarchy_check <- termco:::term_lister_empty_hierarchy_check
# term_lister_check <- termco:::term_lister_check
# rm_class <- termco:::rm_class

## x <- "(((it was|what a).*(class|course|labs?\\b|))|((class|course|labs?\\b|).*(it was|what a)))"
search_open_or <- function(x, ...){

    grepl('(?<!\\\\)\\|\\)', x, perl = TRUE)


search_single_escape  <- function(x, ...){

    grepl('\b', x, perl = TRUE)


## json write double backslashes
write_model <- function(term.list, path = 'models/categories_json.json', ...) {

    df <- textshape::tidy_list(lapply(term.list, textshape::tidy_list, 'tag', 'regex'), 'iteration')

    file.type <- tolower(gsub('(^.+\\.)([A-Za-z]+$)', '\\2', path))

        csv = {utils::write.csv(df, file = path, row.names=FALSE)},
        #txt = {},
        json = {cat(
                file = path
        stop('`file.type` not supported')

#' Title
#' \code{write_term_list} - Write-out a term list to a file.
#' @rdname read_term_list
#' @export
write_term_list <- function(term.list, path = 'models/categories.R', ...){


    if (!is.null(path) && path != '' && dirname(path) != '.' && !dir.exists(dirname(path))) {
        dir.create(dirname(path), recursive = TRUE)

    if (!is.null(path) && path == Sys.getenv("R_HOME")) stop("path can not be `R_HOME`")
    if (!is.null(path) && file.exists(path)) {
        message(paste0("\"", path, "\" already exists:\nDo you want to overwrite?\n"))
        ans <- utils::menu(c("Yes", "No"))
        if (ans == "2") {
            stop("template write aborted")
        } else {
            unlink(path, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE)

    if (!is.list(term.list[[1]])) {

        cat(sprintf(list1, paste(unlist(unname(Map(function(x, y){
            x <- stringi::stri_escape_unicode(x)
            sprintf(vects1, y, paste(shQuote(x), collapse = ', '))
        }, term.list, names(term.list)))), collapse = ',\n')), file = path)

    } else {

        cat(sprintf(list1, paste(unlist(lapply(term.list, function(z){
            a <- unlist(unname(Map(function(x, y){

                x <- stringi::stri_escape_unicode(x)
                sprintf(vects2, y, paste(shQuote(x), collapse = ', '))
            }, z, names(z))))

            sprintf(list2, paste(a, collapse = ',\n'))
        })), collapse = ',\n')), file = path)



list1 <- 'list(\n%s\n)\n'
vects1 <- '    `%s` = c(%s)'

list2 <- '    list(\n%s\n    )'
vects2 <- '        `%s` = c(%s)'
trinker/termco documentation built on Jan. 7, 2022, 3:32 a.m.