
Defines functions plot.term_count print.term_count dupe_category_check term_lister_empty_hierarchy_check term_lister_check mymerge na.replace term_count

Documented in plot.term_count print.term_count term_count

#' Search For and Count Terms
#' \code{term_count} - Search a string by any number of grouping variables for
#' categories (themes) of grouped root terms/substrings.
#' @param text.var The text string variable.
#' @param grouping.var The grouping variable(s).  Default \code{NULL} generates
#' one word list for all text.  Also takes a single grouping variable or a list
#' of 1 or more grouping variables.  If \code{TRUE} an \code{id} variable is
#' used with a \code{seq_along} the \code{text.var}.
#' @param term.list A list of named character vectors.  `code{term_count} can
#' be used in a hierarchical fashion as well; that is a list of regexes that can
#' be passed and counted and then a second (or more) pass can be taken with a new
#' set of regexes on only those rows/text elements that were left untagged
#' (count \code{\link[base]{rowSums}} is zero).  This is accomplished by passing
#' a \code{\link[base]{list}} of \code{\link[base]{list}}s of regexes.
#' See \bold{Examples} for the \strong{hierarchical terms} section for a
#' demonstration.
#' @param ignore.case logical.  If \code{FALSE}, the pattern matching is case
#' sensitive and if \code{TRUE}, case is ignored during matching.
#' @param pretty logical.  If \code{TRUE} pretty printing is used.  Pretty
#' printing can be turned off globally by setting
#' \code{options(termco_pretty = FALSE)}.
#' @param group.names A vector of names that corresponds to group.  Generally
#' for internal use.
#' @param meta.sep A character separator (or character vector of separators) to
#' break up the term list names (tags) into that will generate an merge table
#' attribute on the output that has the supplied tags and meta + sub tags as
#' dictated by the separator breaks. Meta tags called in \code{tidy_counts}.  Note
#' that these tags can be set after \code{term_count}'s object is returned using
#' the \code{set_meta_tags} function.
#' @param meta.names A vector of names corresponding to the meta tags generated
#' by \code{meta.sep}.
#' @param \ldots ignored.
#' @return Returns a tibble object of term counts by
#' grouping variable.
#' @note Note that while a \code{\link[termco]{term_count}} object prints as a
#' combination of integer counts and weighted (default percent of terms) in
#' parenthesis the underlying object is actually a tibble
#' of integer term/substring counts.  The user can alter a
#' \code{\link[termco]{term_count}} object to print as integer permanently using
#' the \code{\link[termco]{as_count}} function.  A percent \emph{Coverage} also
#' prints.  This is the rate of grouping variables with no term found (i.e.,
#' \code{\link[base]{rowSums}} is zero for terms).  For more details on coverage
#' see \code{\link[termco]{coverage}}.
#' @keywords term substring
#' @rdname term_count
#' @importFrom data.table := .SD
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(presidential_debates_2012)
#' discoure_markers <- list(
#'     response_cries = c("\\boh", "\\bah", "\\baha", "\\bouch", "yuk"),
#'     back_channels = c("uh[- ]huh", "uhuh", "yeah"),
#'     summons = "\\bhey",
#'     justification = "because"
#' )
#' (markers <- with(presidential_debates_2012,
#'     term_count(dialogue, list(person, time), discoure_markers)
#' ))
#' print(markers, pretty = FALSE)
#' print(markers, zero.replace = "_")
#' plot(markers)
#' plot(markers, labels=TRUE)
#' # permanently remove pretty printing
#' (markers2 <- as_count(markers))
#' # manipulating the output in a dplyr chain
#' library(dplyr)
#' presidential_debates_2012 %>%
#'     with(., term_count(dialogue, list(person, time), discoure_markers)) %>%
#'     as_count()  # removes pretty print method (not necessary to manipulate)
#' presidential_debates_2012 %>%
#'     with(., term_count(dialogue, list(person, time), discoure_markers)) %>%
#'     mutate(totals = response_cries + back_channels + summons + justification) %>%
#'     arrange(-totals)
#' ## hierarchical terms
#' trms <- frequent_terms(presidential_debates_2012[["dialogue"]])[[1]]
#' discoure_markers <- list(
#'     response_cries = c("\\boh", "\\bah", "\\baha", "\\bouch", "yuk"),
#'     back_channels = c("uh[- ]huh", "uhuh", "yeah"),
#'     summons = "hey",
#'     justification = "because"
#' )
#' dbl_list <- list(
#'     discoure_markers,
#'     setNames(as.list(trms[1:8]), trms[1:8]),
#'     setNames(as.list(trms[9:length(trms)]), trms[9:length(trms)])
#' )
#' x <- with(presidential_debates_2012,
#'     term_count(dialogue, TRUE, dbl_list)
#' )
#' coverage(x)
#' ## Auto mapping hierarchical terms w/ duplicate names
#' trpl_list <- list(
#'     list(
#'         response_cries = c("\\boh", "\\bah", "\\baha", "\\bouch", "yuk"),
#'         back_channels = c("uh[- ]huh", "uhuh", "yeah"),
#'         summons = "hey",
#'         justification = "because"
#'     ),
#'     list(summons ='the'),
#'     list(summons = 'it', justification = 'ed\\s')
#' )
#' (x2 <- with(presidential_debates_2012, term_count(dialogue, TRUE, trpl_list)))
#' ## get the pre-collapse hierarchical coverage
#' attributes(x2)[['pre_collapse_coverage']]
#' }
#' ## External dictionaries
#' \dontrun{
#' ## dictionary from quanteda
#' require(quanteda); require(textreadr)
#' ## Laver. M. & Garry, J. (2000). Estimating Policy Positions from Political Texts. American
#' ##   Journal of Political Science, 44 (3), 619-634.
#' dict_laver_garry <- textreadr::download("https://provalisresearch.com/Download/LaverGarry.zip") %>%
#'     unzip(exdir = tempdir()) %>%
#'     `[`(1) %>%
#'     dictionary(file = .)
#' lg <- as_term_list(dict_laver_garry)
#' presidential_debates_2012 %>%
#'      with(term_count(dialogue, list(time, person), lg)) %>%
#'      plot()
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' ## use with the qdapRegex package for feature extraction
#' if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
#' pacman::p_load(qdapRegex, termco, dplyr, textshape, magrittr)
#' x <- c(
#'     "@hadley I like #rstats for #ggplot2 work.",
#'     "Difference between #magrittr and #pipeR, both implement pipeline operators for #rstats:
#'         http://renkun.me/r/2014/07/26/difference-between-magrittr-and-pipeR.html @timelyportfolio",
#'     "Slides from great talk: @ramnath_vaidya: Interactive slides from Interactive Visualization
#'         presentation #user2014. http://ramnathv.github.io/user2014-rcharts/#1",
#'     "fred is fred@foo.com and joe is joe@example.com - but @this is a",
#'     "twitter handle for twit@here.com or foo+bar@google.com/fred@foo.fnord",
#'     "hello world",
#'     "I went to Washington Heights, NY for food! ",
#'     "It's in West ven,PA, near Bolly Bolly Bolly, CA!",
#'     "I like Movies, PG13",
#'     'There is at UCLA', 
#'     'And at UB too', 
#'     'But UB is not UCLA.', 
#'     'It is like RSU',
#'     "Dr. Brend is mizz hart's in mrs. Holtz's.",
#'     "Where is mr. Bob Jr. and Ms. John Kennedy?",
#'     "I want $2.33 at 2:30 p.m. to go to A.n.p.",
#'     "She will send it A.S.A.P. (e.g. as soon as you can) said I.",
#'     "Hello world.", "In the U. S. A.",
#'     "Hello World (V. Raptor, 1986) bye",
#'     "Narcissism is not dead (Rinker, 2014)",
#'     "The R Core Team (2014) has many members.",
#'     paste("Bunn (2005) said, \"As for elegance, R is refined, tasteful, and",
#'         "beautiful. When I grow up, I want to marry R.\""),
#'     "It is wrong to blame ANY tool for our own shortcomings (Baer, 2005).",
#'     "Wickham's (in press) Tidy Data should be out soon.",
#'     "Rinker's (n.d.) dissertation not so much.",
#'     "I always consult xkcd comics for guidance (Foo, 2012; Bar, 2014).",
#'     "Uwe Ligges (2007) says, \"RAM is cheap and thinking hurts\"",
#'     " Mr. Bean bought 2 tickets 2-613-213-4567 or 5555555555 call either one",
#'     "43 Butter Rd, Brossard QC K0A 3P0 - 613 213 4567", 
#'     "Please contact Mr. Bean (613)2134567",
#'     "1.575.555.5555 is his #1 number",  
#'     "7164347566",
#'     "I like 1234567 dogs",
#'     "download file from http://example.com", 
#'     "this is the link to my website http://example.com", 
#'     "go to http://example.com from more info.",
#'     "Another url ftp://www.example.com",
#'     "And https://www.example.net",
#'     "twitter type: t.co/N1kq0F26tG",
#'     "still another one https://t.co/N1kq0F26tG :-)",
#'     "I'm getting 3:04 AM just fine, but...",
#'     "for 10:47 AM I'm getting 0:47 AM instead.",
#'     "no time here",
#'     "Some time has 12:04 with no AM/PM after it",
#'     "Some time has 12:04 a.m. or the form 1:22 pm",
#'     "download file from http://example.com", 
#'     "this is the link to my website http://example.com", 
#'     "go to http://example.com from more info.",
#'     "Another url ftp://www.example.com",
#'     "And https://www.example.net",
#'     "twitter type: t.co/N1kq0F26tG",
#'     "still another one https://t.co/N1kq0F26tG :-)",
#'     "are :-)) it 8-D he XD on =-D they :D of :-) is :> for :o) that :-/",
#'     "as :-D I xD with :^) a =D to =) the 8D and :3 in =3 you 8) his B^D was"
#' )
#' matches <- list(
#'     phone = grab('@rm_phone'),
#'     hash = grab('@rm_hash'),
#'     tag = grab('@rm_tag'),
#'     url = grab('@rm_url'),
#'     twitter_url = grab('@rm_twitter_url'),
#'     email = grab('@rm_email'),
#'     title = grab('@rm_title_name'),
#'     citation = grab('@rm_citation'),
#'     abbreviation = grab('@rm_abbreviation'),
#'     time = grab('@rm_time'),
#'     emoticon = grab('@rm_emoticon'),
#'     state = pastex(state.abb)
#' )
#' set.seed(10)
#' txt <- sample(x, 1000, TRUE)
#' (tcnt <- term_count(txt, TRUE, matches, ignore.case = FALSE))
#' as_dtm(tcnt)
#' textshape::tidy_dtm(as_dtm(tcnt))
#' }
term_count <- function(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, term.list,
    ignore.case = TRUE, pretty = ifelse(isTRUE(grouping.var), FALSE, TRUE),
    group.names, meta.sep = '__', meta.names = c('meta'), ...){

    amodel <- FALSE
    auto_map <- FALSE

    if(is.null(grouping.var)) {
        G <- "all"
    } else {
        if (is.list(grouping.var)) {
            m <- unlist(as.character(substitute(grouping.var))[-1])
            G <- sapply(strsplit(m, "$", fixed=TRUE), function(x) {
        } else {
            if (isTRUE(grouping.var)) {
                G <- "id"
                amodel <- TRUE
            } else {
                G <- as.character(substitute(grouping.var))
                G <- G[length(G)]
        grouping <- rep("all", length(text.var))
    } else {
        if (isTRUE(grouping.var)) {
            grouping <- seq_along(text.var)
        } else {
            if (is.list(grouping.var) & length(grouping.var)>1) {
                grouping <- grouping.var
            } else {
                grouping <- unlist(grouping.var)

    if(!missing(group.names)) {
        G <- group.names

    DF <- data.frame(text.var, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    DF[G] <- grouping
    DF['n.words'] <- stringi::stri_count_words(text.var)

    DF <- data.table::setkeyv(data.table::data.table(DF), G)

    ## check for hierarchical terms
    list_list <- FALSE
    if (is.list(term.list[[1]]) && length(term.list) > 1 && all(sapply(term.list, is.list))) {

        ## make sure for hierarchical terms that each observation is also a group
        if(nrow(DF) != nrow(unique(DF[,G, with=FALSE]))) {
            stop("In order to run nested `term.list` then `grouping.var` must place every observation in its own group.")

        list_list <- TRUE

        ## term list checking/formatting
        term.list <- test_regex(read_term_list(term.list = term.list, G = G))

        ## Auto create a map for same named term lists and
        ## add ending number to distinguish
        term.nms <- lapply(term.list, names)
        term.lens <- sapply(term.nms, length)
        term.nms <- unlist(term.nms)

        if (any(duplicated(term.nms))){

            map <- as.list(unique(term.nms))
            names(map) <- unique(term.nms)

            for(i in names(map)){
                suffix <- seq_len(sum(term.nms == i))
                if (length(suffix) == 1) {
                    replacements <- i
                    map[i] <- NULL
                } else {
                    replacements <- paste(i, seq_len(sum(term.nms == i)), sep = "termcosepsepsepseptermco")
                    map[[i]] <- paste(i, seq_len(sum(term.nms == i)), sep = "termcosepsepsepseptermco")
                term.nms[term.nms == i] <- replacements

            term.list <- Map(function(x, y) {
                names(x) <- y
            }, term.list, split(term.nms, rep(seq_along(term.lens), term.lens)))

            auto_map <- TRUE


        inds <- seq_along(text.var)

        for (i in seq_along(term.list)){

            if (i == 1){
                counts <- data.table::setkeyv(
                    data.table::copy(data.table::setDT(DF))[inds, ][,
                        names(term.list[[i]]):= lapply(term.list[[i]], countfun,
                        text.var, ignore.case = ignore.case), ][, 'text.var':=NULL],
            } else {

                counts <- merge(
                    data.table::setkeyv(data.table::copy(data.table::setDT(DF))[inds, ][,
                        names(term.list[[i]]):= lapply(term.list[[i]], countfun,
                        text.var, ignore.case = ignore.case), ][, 'text.var':=NULL][,
                        'n.words' := NULL], G),


            terminds <- (1 + which(colnames(counts) == "n.words")):ncol(counts)
            inds <- which(rowSums(counts[, terminds, with = FALSE]) == 0)

        term.cols <- colnames(counts)[(1 + which(colnames(counts) == "n.words")):ncol(counts)]
        for (i in term.cols) eval(parse(text=paste("counts[,",i,":=na.replace(",i,")]")))
        out <- counts[,lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), keyby = G]

    } else {

        ## term list checking/formatting
        term.list <- test_regex(read_term_list(term.list = term.list, G = G))

        counts <- data.table::setDT(DF)[, names(term.list):= lapply(term.list, countfun,
            text.var, ignore.case = ignore.case), ][, text.var:=NULL]

        out <- counts[,lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), keyby = G]

    text <- new.env(hash=FALSE)
    text[["text.var"]] <- text.var

    count <- new.env(hash=FALSE)
    count[["count"]] <- counts

    regex <- new.env(hash=FALSE)
    regex[["term.list"]] <- term.list

    out <- tibble::tibble(out)
    class(out) <- c("term_count", class(out))

    if(isTRUE(list_list)) class(out) <- c("hierarchical_term_count", class(out))

    attributes(out)[["group.vars"]] <- G
    if (isTRUE(list_list)) {
        attributes(out)[["term.vars"]] <- unlist(lapply(term.list, names))
    } else {
        attributes(out)[["term.vars"]] <- names(term.list)

    attributes(out)[["weight"]] <- "count"
    attributes(out)[["pretty"]] <- pretty
    attributes(out)[["counts"]] <- count
    attributes(out)[["text.var"]] <- text
    attributes(out)[["model"]] <- amodel
    attributes(out)[["regex"]] <- regex

    if(isTRUE(list_list)) attributes(out)[["hierarchical_terms"]] <- lapply(term.list, names)

    if (isTRUE(auto_map)){
        message("Collapsing duplicate `term.list` columns.")
        out <- collapse_tags(out, map, ...)

    attributes(out)[["term.vars"]] <- unique(gsub('termcosepsepsepseptermco\\d+$', '', attributes(out)[["term.vars"]]))
    attributes(out)[["metatags"]] <- tags2meta(attributes(out)[["term.vars"]],
        meta.sep = meta.sep, meta.names = meta.names)


na.replace <- function(v, value=0) { v[is.na(v)] <- value; v }
mymerge <-  function(x, y) merge(x, y, all=TRUE)

term_lister_check <- function(term.list, G, collapse = TRUE){

    if(any(G %in% names(term.list))) stop("`grouping` names cannot be used as `term.list` names")

    nms <- names(term.list)
    names(term.list)[sapply(nms, identical, "")] <- make.names(seq_len(length(nms[sapply(nms,
        identical, "")])))

    if (!is.list(term.list)) {
        warning("Expecting a named list for `term.list`; coercing to list.")
        term.list <- as.list(term.list)
        if (is.null(names(term.list))) term.list <- stats::setNames(term.list, term.list)
    } else {
        ## first drop nulls
        empties <- unlist(lapply(term.list, is.null))
        if (sum(empties) > 0){

                "\nThe following term names contained no regular expressions and were dropped:\n\n",
                paste(paste0(' -', names(empties)[empties]), collapse = '\n'), '\n\n'
            term.list <- term.list[!empties]

        if (isTRUE(collapse)) {
            term.list <- lapply(term.list, function(x) paste(paste0("(", x, ")"), collapse = "|"))



term_lister_empty_hierarchy_check <- function(term.list){

    empties <- unlist(lapply(term.list, function(x) {
        nn <- unlist(lapply(x, is.null))
        sum(nn) == length(nn)

    if (any(empties)) {
        locs <- paste(which(empties), collapse = ", ")
        warning(sprintf('Empty hierarchy detected in `term.list`; removing level(s): %s', locs))
        term.list <- term.list[!empties]



dupe_category_check <- function(term.list){

    out <- term.list

    tier <- TRUE
    mess1 <- "tiers in the hierarchical search have"
    mess2 <-  ' within the tier'

    ## check if hierarchical
    if (!is.list(term.list[[1]])) {
        term.list <- list(term.list)
        mess1 <- "have"
        mess2 <- ""

    dupes <- unlist(lapply(term.list, function(x){
        m <- names(x)[duplicated(names(x))]
        if (length(m) == 0) return(NA) else paste(m, collapse = "; ")

    if (any(!is.na(dupes))) {
        dupes2 <- paste0('  -Level ', seq_along(dupes), ': ', dupes)
        offenders <- paste(dupes2[!is.na(dupes)], collapse = "\n")
        stop(paste0("The following ", mess1, " duplicate categories", mess2, ":\n\n",
            offenders, "\n\nCollapse each of these named vectors into a single vector."))


#' Prints a term_count Object
#' Prints a term_count object.
#' @param x The term_count object.
#' @param digits The number of digits displayed.
#' @param weight The weight type.  Currently the following are available:
#' \code{"proportion"}, \code{"percent"}.  See \code{\link[termco]{weight}} for
#' additional information.
#' @param zero.replace The value to replace zero count elements with; defaults
#' to \code{"0"}.
#' @param pretty logical.  If \code{TRUE} the counts print in a pretty fashion,
#' combining count and weighted information into a single display.
#' \code{pretty} printing can be permanently removed with
#' \code{\link[termco]{as_count}}.
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @method print term_count
#' @export
print.term_count <- function(x, digits = 2, weight = "percent",
    zero.replace = "0", pretty = getOption("termco_pretty"), ...) {

    n.words <- count <- NULL
    if (is.null(pretty)) pretty <- TRUE
    if (weight == "count") pretty <- FALSE

    type <- term_token_validate(x, FALSE)
    if (!is.null(type)) words_tokens <- ifelse(type == 'term.vars', 'n.words', 'n.tokens')
    print_order <- c(attributes(x)[['group.vars']], words_tokens, attributes(x)[[type]])
    col_type <- 'term'

    if (!is.null(type)) {

        termcols <- attributes(x)[[type]]
        wrdscol <- any(colnames(x) %in% words_tokens)
        class_type <- gsub('\\.vars', '_count', type)
        col_type <- gsub('\\.vars', '', type)
        if (wrdscol & !is.null(termcols) && any(colnames(x) %in% termcols)) {

            termcols <- tag_names(x)

        } else {

            return(print(rm_class(x, class_type)))

    } else {

        termcols <- attributes(x)[[type]]

    coverage <- sum(cov <- rowSums(x[, termcols]) != 0)/length(cov)

    start <- Sys.time()
    if (is.count(x) & pretty & attributes(x)[["pretty"]]) {

        tall <- tidyr::gather_(x, col_type, "count", termcols)
        tall_weighted <- dplyr::mutate(tall, count = comb(count, n.words, digits = digits,
            zero.replace = zero.replace, weight = weight))

        x <- tidyr::spread_(tall_weighted, col_type, "count")
    ptime <- difftime(Sys.time(), start)

    class(x) <- class(x)[!class(x) %in% class_type]
    cat(sprintf("Coverage: %s%%", 100 * round(coverage, 4)), "\n")

    print(tibble::as_tibble(x)[, print_order])

    ask <- getOption("termco_pretty_ask")
        ask <- TRUE

    if(ask && ptime > .61 && interactive()){
        message(paste0(paste(rep("=", 70), collapse = ""), "\n"),
                sprintf("\nYour `%s` object is larger and is taking a while to print.\n", class_type),
                "You can reduce this time by using `as_count` or setting:\n\n`options(termco_pretty = FALSE)`\n\n",
                "Would you like to globally set `options(termco_pretty = FALSE)` now?\n")
        ans <- utils::menu(c("Yes", "No", "Not Now"))
               `1` = {options(termco_pretty = FALSE)
                   options(termco_pretty_ask = FALSE)},
               `2` = {options(termco_pretty_ask = FALSE)},
               `3` = {options(termco_pretty_ask = TRUE)}


#' Plots a term_count object
#' Plots a term_count object.
#' @param x The term_count object.
#' @param labels logical.  If \code{TRUE} the cell count values will be included
#' on the heatmap.
#' @param low The color to be used for lower values.
#' @param high The color to be used for higher values.
#' @param grid The color of the grid (Use \code{NA} to remove the grid).
#' @param label.color The color to make labels if \code{labels = TRUE}.
#' @param label.size The size to make labels if \code{labels = TRUE}.
#' @param label.digits The number of digits to print if labels are printed.
#' @param weight The weight to apply to the cell values for gradient fill.
#' Currently the following are available:
#' \code{"proportion"}, \code{"percent"}, and \code{"count"}.  See
#' \code{\link[termco]{weight}} for additional information.
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @method plot term_count
#' @export
plot.term_count <- function(x, labels = FALSE, low ="white",
    high = "red", grid = NA, label.color = "grey70", label.size = 3,
    label.digits = if(weight=="count"){0} else {2}, weight = "percent", ...){

    group <- attributes(x)[["group.vars"]]
    if (weight == "count") {
        y <- x
    } else {
        y <- weight(x, weight = weight)

    y[["group.vars"]] <- paste2(y[, group], sep = "_")
    y[["group.vars"]] <- factor(y[["group.vars"]], levels = rev(y[["group.vars"]]))
    y <- y[!colnames(y) %in% group]
    vars <- colnames(y)[!colnames(y) %in% c("group.vars", "n.words")]
    dat <- tidyr::gather_(y, "terms", "values", vars)

    if (isTRUE(labels)){
        values <- NULL
        fact <- ifelse(weight == "percent", 100, 1)
        dat <- dplyr::mutate(dat, labels = digit_format(values/fact, label.digits))

    out <- ggplot2::ggplot(dat, ggplot2::aes_string(y = "group.vars", x = "terms", fill = "values")) +
        ggplot2::theme_bw() +
            axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, vjust = .5, hjust = 1),
            panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
            panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
            panel.border = ggplot2::element_rect(colour = "grey80"),
            legend.key.width = grid::unit(.25, 'cm'),
            legend.key.height = grid::unit(1, 'cm')
        ) +
        ggplot2::xlab("Terms Categories") +
        ggplot2::ylab("Groups") +
        ggplot2::geom_tile(color = grid)

    if (weight == "percent"){
        out <- out +
            ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient(high = high, low = low, name = "Percent",
                labels = function(x) paste0(x, "%"))
    } else {
        out <- out +
            ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient(high = high, low = low,
                name = gsub("(\\w)(\\w*)","\\U\\1\\L\\2", weight, perl=TRUE))
    if (isTRUE(labels)){
        out <- out +
            ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes_string(label = 'labels'),
                color = label.color, size = label.size)

trinker/termco documentation built on Jan. 7, 2022, 3:32 a.m.