
sensevectors_deprecated <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)

with(sensevectors_deprecated, {

  .defaults <- list(
    vsm_model = 'en_100k_lsa',
    topn_sense_terms = 5,
    shift_lambda = .5,
    senseinventoryname = 'en_jbtsense_stanfordNew_finer'

  .senseinventories <- function() list(
    en_jbtsense_stanfordNew_finer = function(term, POS, modelname = NA)
        term, POS,
        jbt_modelname = 'en_jbt_stanfordNew',
        finer = T,
        isas = F
    sim500cluster_cw = function(term, POS = NA, modelname)
        modelname = modelname,
        topn.similar.terms = 500,
        simfun = senseasim$cos,
        simfun.name = 'cos',
        simfun.issymmetric = T,
        thresh = 0.66,
        minsize = 0,
        cluster.fun = function(X) { clust$cw(X, allowsingletons = F) },
        cluster.fun.name = 'cw_nosingletons')$itemlists,
    sim200cluster_cw = function(term, POS = NA, modelname)
        modelname = modelname,
        topn.similar.terms = 200,
        simfun = senseasim$cos,
        simfun.name = 'cos',
        simfun.issymmetric = T,
        thresh = 0.72,
        minsize = 0,
        cluster.fun = function(X) { clust$cw(X, allowsingletons = F) },
        cluster.fun.name = 'cw_nosingletons')$itemlists,
    sim200cluster_cw_minsize5 = function(term, POS = NA, modelname)
        modelname = modelname,
        topn.similar.terms = 200,
        simfun = senseasim$cos,
        simfun.name = 'cos',
        simfun.issymmetric = T,
        thresh = 0.72,
        minsize = 5,
        cluster.fun = function(X) { clust$cw(X, allowsingletons = T) },
        cluster.fun.name = 'cw_singletons')$itemlists,
    sim200cluster_cw_minsize3 = function(term, POS = NA, modelname)
        modelname = modelname,
        topn.similar.terms = 200,
        simfun = senseasim$cos,
        simfun.name = 'cos',
        simfun.issymmetric = T,
        thresh = 0.5,
        minsize = 3,
        cluster.fun = function(X) { clust$cw(X, allowsingletons = T) },
        cluster.fun.name = 'cw_singletons')$itemlists

  init <- function() {

  get_sense_vectors <- function(term, POS, vsm_modelname = .defaults$vsm_model, senseinventoryname = .defaults$senseinventoryname, topn_sense_terms = .defaults$topn_sense_terms, shift_lambda = .defaults$shift_lambda) {
    # prepare the result object
    R <- newEmptyObject()
    R$params <- as.list(match.call())
    R$status <- list()

    model <- vsm$.models_loaded[[vsm_modelname]]
    # prepare backup return values
    R$v <- matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = model$vdim, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0(term,'#')))
    R$v_shift <- R$v

    # get the sense lists
    senseinventoryfun <- .senseinventories()[[senseinventoryname]]
    R$termSenseInventory <- senseinventoryfun(term, POS, vsm_modelname)
    R$nsenses <- length(R$termSenseInventory)
    R$status[[length(R$status)+1]] <- sprintf('found %d non-empty senses for term=\'%s#%s\'', R$nsenses, term, POS)

    # make a proper index as dataframe, where we can e.g. select all entries from sense 2 with R$index[which(R$index$sense == 2),]
    mterm <- model$transform(term)
    mterm$original <- term
    mterm$original_clean <- term
    mterm$sense <- 0
    mterm$unknown <- mterm$idx == model$unk$idx
    R$index <- data.frame(mterm, stringsAsFactors = F)

    # get the sub-matrix which contains the term vectors of all terms within the topn of the sense lists
    if(is.null(R$termSenseInventory) | length(R$termSenseInventory) < 1) {
      # if sense inventory is empty make a warning
      R$status[[length(R$status)+1]] <- 'Attention: sense inventory is empty.'

    for(i in seq_along(R$termSenseInventory)) {
      list_of_jb_terms <- R$termSenseInventory[[i]]
      sense_terms <- list_of_jb_terms[1:min(length(list_of_jb_terms), topn_sense_terms)]
      # get the correct term representation for the current matrix
      for(sense_term in sense_terms) {
        sense_term_clean <- gsub('\\s+','', gsub('#.*','',gsub(':.*','',sense_term))) # clean terms, either isas (':') or senses ('#'), clear POS and remove whitespaces
        mterm <- model$transform(sense_term_clean)
        mterm$original <- sense_term
        mterm$original_clean <- sense_term_clean
        mterm$sense <- i
        mterm$unknown <- mterm$idx == model$unk$idx
        R$index <- rbind(R$index, data.frame(mterm, stringsAsFactors = F))

    # get unique term indices
    R$unique_i <- which(!duplicated(R$index$idx))
    uniqueindex <- R$index[R$unique_i,]
    uniqueindex <- uniqueindex[!uniqueindex$unknown,]

    # if mapped sense inventory is empty we can't return anything
    if(length(uniqueindex) <= 0) {
      R$status[[length(R$status)+1]] <- sprintf('No known sense terms for \'%s %s\'. Skip processing.', term, POS)

    # get the submatrix (note: M contains row vectors)
    M <- model$M[uniqueindex$idx,]
    M <- matrix(M, nrow=ncol(model$M), dimnames = list(NULL, uniqueindex$mterm), byrow = T)

    # get the submatrices for each sense and produce the sense vectors
    R$v <- matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nrow(M))
    R$v_shift <- matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nrow(M))
    for(i in seq_len(R$nsenses)){
      # get the average vector
      sterms <- unique(R$index$mterm[which(R$index$sense == i & !R$index$unknown)])
      if(length(sterms) <= 0) {
        R$status[[length(R$status)+1]] <- sprintf('No known sense terms for sense %d of \'%s %s\'. Producing NA vector.', i, term, POS)
      s <- matrix(ncol=1, rowMeans(M[,sterms,drop=F]), byrow = T)
      # now shift
      if(shift_lambda <= 0){
        # term vector has no influence
        s_shift <- s
        # get the term vector
        v <- M[,1,drop=F]
        if(shift_lambda >= 1) {
          # sense vector has no influence, replicate v
          s_shift <- v
          # otherwise apply the shift
          s_shift <- (shift_lambda * v) + ((1-shift_lambda) * s)
      colnames(s) <- colnames(s_shift) <- paste0(term, '#', i, ':', paste0(sterms, collapse = ','))
      R$v <- cbind(R$v, s)
      R$v_shift <- cbind(R$v_shift, s_shift)

  write_vectors_txt <- function(vectors, f=NULL){
      f <- stdout()
    # lock
    lockfile <- if(is.character(f)) paste0(f, '.lock') else '~/stdout.lock'
    lck = flock::lock(lockfile)
    for(name in colnames(vectors)){
      cat(name, paste(vectors[,name], collapse=' '), '\n', file = f, fill = FALSE, append=TRUE)
    # release lock

  get_and_write_sensevectors <- function(term, POS, fout) {
    vectors <- get_sense_vectors(term, POS)$v_shift
    write_vectors_txt(vectors, fout)

  read_stdin <- function( lfun ) {
    input <- file('stdin', 'r')
    while(TRUE) {
      row <- readLines(input, n=1)
      if ( length(row) <= 0 ) {

  run <- function(inputfile=NULL, outputfile=NULL){
    if(is.character(inputfile)) {
      words <- data.table::fread(inputfile, sep=' ', header=F, stringsAsFactors=F, check.names=F, encoding='UTF-8', data.table=F, quote="")
      r <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(words)), function(i) {
        term <- words[i,1]
        POS <- words[i,2]
        get_and_write_sensevectors(term, POS, outputfile)
    else {
      read_stdin(function(line) {
        row = strsplit(line,'\\s+',fixed = F)[[1]]
        term <- row[1]
        POS <- row[2]
        get_and_write_sensevectors(term, POS, outputfile)

  init_cluster <- function(cl, inputfile, outputfile) {
    words <<- data.table::fread(inputfile, sep=' ', header=F, stringsAsFactors=F, check.names=F, encoding='UTF-8', data.table=F, quote="")
    parallel::clusterExport(cl, c('words','sensevectors'), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    parallel::clusterExport(cl, c('outputfile'), envir = environment())

    parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {
      # initialization actions
      local_outputfile <<- paste0(outputfile, Sys.getpid())
      util$message(sprintf('saving to \'%s\'.', local_outputfile))

  run_parallel <- function(inputfile, outputfile, cl = NULL) {
    # measure computing time

    # if cluster is null create a cluster of n-1 cores of n beeing the system core number
    cl <- if(is.null(cl)) { cclDef$make.default() } else{ cclDef$make.default(cl) }

    outputfile <- paste0(outputfile, format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))
    init_cluster(cl, inputfile, outputfile)

    # apply in parallel
    r <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(nrow(words)), function(i) {
      term <- words[i,1]
      POS <- words[i,2]
      get_and_write_sensevectors(term, POS, local_outputfile)

    # shutdown cluster
    util$message('shutting down cluster.')


uhh-lt/senseasim documentation built on March 2, 2020, 9:04 p.m.