Man pages for ursa-labs/arrowbench
Tools for Continuous and Interactive Benchmarking

all_sourcesKnown data files
array_altrep_materializationBenchmark for materializing an altrep Arrow array
array_to_vectorBenchmark for reading an Arrow array to a vector benchmark result object to a tidy data frame
assemble_metadataAssemble metadata for a benchmark run
BenchEnvironmentCreate a test environment to run benchmarks in
BenchmarkDefine a Benchmark
BenchmarkDataFrameA classed dataframe of benchmarks for running
confirm_mem_allocConfirm that the memory allocator enabled
data_fileFind a data file
dataset_taxi_2013Benchmark Taxi 2013 dataset reading
dataset_taxi_parquetBenchmark Taxi dataset (Parquet) reading
df_to_tableBenchmark for reading a data.frame into an Arrow table
ensure_datasetMake sure a multi-file dataset exists
ensure_formatEnsure that a source has a specific format
ensure_sourceMake sure a data file exists
file_with_extGet a file with an extension
generate_tpchGenerate tpch data
get_csv_readerGet a CSV reader
get_csv_writerGet a CSV writer
get_dataset_attrGet dataset attributes
get_default_parametersGenerate a dataframe of default parameters for a benchmark
get_input_funcGet an input function for a table
get_json_readerGet a JSON reader
get_package_benchmarksGet a list of benchmarks in a package
get_params_summaryExtract the parameter summary as a data.frame
get_query_funcGet a query function that will run a specific TPC-H query
get_read_functionGet a reader
get_source_attrGet source attributes
get_sql_query_funcGet a SQL query
get_write_functionGet a writer
install_benchconnectInstall benchconnect
install_datalogistikInstall datalogistik
install_pipxInstall pipx
knownsKnown formats and compressions
known_sourcesKnown data files
measureMeasure times and memory usage
null-defaultDefault value for NULL
placeboPlacebo benchmark for testing
R6Point1ClassVersion of R6 with heritable static/class methods and...
read_csvBenchmark CSV reading
read_fileBenchmark file reading
read_jsonBenchmark JSON reading
read_sourceRead a known source
remote_datasetRemote (S3) dataset reading
row_group_sizeBenchmark effect of parquet row group size
runRun an object
run_benchmarkRun a Benchmark across a range of parameters
run_bmExecute a benchmark run
run_oneRun a Benchmark with a single set of parameters
sync_and_drop_cachesAttempt to drop disk caches
tables_refedFor extracting table names from TPC-H queries
table_to_dfBenchmark for reading an Arrow table to a data.frame
tpc_hBenchmark TPC-H queries
tpch_answerGet a TPC-H answer
tpc_h_queriesall queries take an input_func which is a function that will...
tpch_tablesTable names for TPC-H benchmarks
validate_formatValidate format and compression combinations
write_csvBenchmark CSV writing
write_fileBenchmark file writing
ursa-labs/arrowbench documentation built on July 8, 2023, 11:36 a.m.