run: Run an object

View source: R/run.R

runR Documentation

Run an object


Run an object


run(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'BenchmarkDataFrame'
run(x, ..., publish = FALSE, run_id = NULL, run_name = NULL, run_reason = NULL)



An S3 classed object to run


Additional arguments passed through to methods. For run.BenchmarkDataFrame, passed through to get_default_parameters() (when parameters are not specified) and run_benchmark().


Flag for whether to publish results to a Conbench server. See "Environment Variables" section for how to specify server details. Requires the benchconnect CLI is installed; see install_benchconnect().


Unique ID for the run. If not specified, will be generated.


Name for the run. If not specified, will use ⁠{run_reason}: {commit hash}⁠


Required. Low-cardinality reason for the run, e.g. "commit" or "test"


A modified object containing run results. For run.BenchmarkDataFrame, a results list column is appended.

Environment Variables

  • CONBENCH_URL: Required. The URL of the Conbench server with no trailing slash. For arrow, should be ⁠⁠.

  • CONBENCH_EMAIL: The email to use for Conbench login. Only required if the server is private.

  • CONBENCH_PASSWORD: The password to use for Conbench login. Only required if the server is private.

  • CONBENCH_PROJECT_REPOSITORY: The repository name (in the format org/repo) or the URL (in the format ⁠⁠). Defaults to "" if unset.

  • CONBENCH_PROJECT_PR_NUMBER: Recommended. The number of the GitHub pull request that is running this benchmark, or NULL if it's a run on the default branch

  • CONBENCH_PROJECT_COMMIT: The 40-character commit SHA of the repo being benchmarked. If missing, will attempt to obtain it from arrow::arrow_info()$build_info$git_id, though this may not be populated depending on how Arrow was built.

  • CONBENCH_MACHINE_INFO_NAME: Will override detected machine host name sent in when posting runs and results. Needed for cases where the actual host name can vary, like CI and cloud runners.

ursa-labs/arrowbench documentation built on July 8, 2023, 11:36 a.m.