
Defines functions differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT.default differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT.Seurat differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT differential_ChromSCape differential_Seurat

Documented in differential_ChromSCape differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT.default differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT.Seurat differential_Seurat

#' Differential function Seurat (wilcoxon)
#' @description  Run [Seurat::FindAllMarkers()]  function on the
#' clusters in the 'by' column and return a data.frame  containing the marker 
#' genes of each cluster passing the thresholds .
#' @param object A Seurat object containing scRNA dataset with a metadata column
#'  name matching the by parameter
#' @param by A character specifying the name of the metadata column referencing
#' the clusters.
#' @param logFC.th  A numeric specifying the log2 fold change of activation 
#' above/below which a feature is considered as significantly differential.
#' @param qval.th A numeric specifying the adjusted p-value below
#' which a feature is considered as significantly differential.
#' @param min.pct Minimum percentage of cells to be active in the cells of the
#' cluster to consider a feature as potentially significantly differential.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to [Seurat::FindAllMarkers()].
#' @seealso See [Seurat::FindAllMarkers()]
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly=TRUE)){
#' data("Seu", package = "IDclust")
#' DA <- differential_Seurat(Seu)
#' }
differential_Seurat <- function(object,
                                by = "IDcluster",
                                logFC.th = log2(1.5),
                                qval.th = 0.01,
                                min.pct = 0.1,
  Seurat::Idents(object) = object@meta.data[,by]
  res =  Seurat::FindAllMarkers(object,
                                logfc.threshold = logFC.th,
                                return.thresh = qval.th,
                                min.pct = min.pct, 
                                only.pos = TRUE,

#' Differential analysis with ChromSCape (differential activation)
#' Runs [ChromSCape::differential_activation()] function on clusters in the 
#' 'by' column of the SingleCellExperiment object and returns a data.frame 
#' containing the differential features that passed the thresholds.
#' @param object A SingleCellExperiment object containing scRNA dataset with a
#'  metadata column name matching the by parameter
#' @param by A character specifying the name of the metadata column referencing
#' the clusters.
#' @param logFC.th  A positive numeric specifying the log2 fold change of activation 
#' above/below which a feature is considered as significantly differential. 
#' @param qval.th A numeric specifying the adjusted p-value below
#' which a feature is considered as significantly differential.
#' @param min.pct Minimum percentage of cells to be active in the cells of the
#' cluster to consider a feature as potentially significantly differential.
#' @param marker A character specifying which markers to retrieve. 'pos' for
#' positive markers (default), 'neg' for negative markers or 'diff' for 
#' differential markers.
#' @seealso See [ChromSCape::differential_activation()]
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("ChromSCape", quietly=TRUE)){
#'  data("scExp", package = "IDclust")
#' DA <- differential_ChromSCape(scExp)
#' }
differential_ChromSCape <- function(
    by = "IDcluster",
    logFC.th = log2(2),
    qval.th = 0.01,
    min.pct = 0.2,
    marker = c("pos", "neg", "diff")[1]
    object = ChromSCape::find_top_features(scExp = object, n = nrow(object))
  res = ChromSCape::differential_activation(scExp = object, by = by)
  res = summarise_DA(res)
  res_pos = res %>% dplyr::filter(logFC > logFC.th  & 
                                    qval < qval.th  & 
                                    group_activation > min.pct)
  res_neg = res %>% dplyr::filter(logFC < -logFC.th  & 
                                    qval < qval.th  & 
                                    reference_activation > min.pct)
  if(marker == "pos") res = res_pos
  if(marker == "neg") res = res_neg
  if(marker == "diff") res = rbind(res_pos, res_neg)

#' Pseudo-bulk differential analysis with edgeR (LRT) 
#' @param object 
#' @param ... 
#' @return
#' @rdname differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT
#' @export differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly=TRUE)){
#' data("Seu", package = "IDclust")
#' DA <- differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT(Seu)
#' }
#' if(requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly=TRUE)){
#' data("scExp", package = "IDclust")
#' DA <- differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT(scExp)
#' }
differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT <- function(object, ...) {
  UseMethod(generic = 'differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT', object = object)

#' Pseudo-bulk differential analysis with edgeR (LRT) 
#' @details Concatenate single-cells into replicates by cluster in order to 
#' create a 'pseudo-bulk' matrice of multiple replicates per cluster. If no 
#' replicates are present, will assign replicates at random to create 3 replicates
#' per cluster. Conducts 'LRT' (likelihood ratio tests) edgeR tests to test. 
#' See [edgeR::glmLRT()] 
#' @param object A Seurat object containing scRNA dataset with a metadata column
#'  name matching the by parameter
#' @param by A character specifying the name of the metadata column referencing
#' the clusters.
#' @param biological_replicate_col A character specifying the column of the 
#' object metadata definin the biological / technical replicates. If NULL, three
#' random set of replicates will be created per cluster, provided there are 
#' enough cells.
#' @param assay Assay to use.
#' @param logFC.th  A numeric specifying the log2 fold change of activation 
#' above/below which a feature is considered as significantly differential.
#' @param qval.th A numeric specifying the adjusted p-value below
#' which a feature is considered as significantly differential.
#' @param min.pct Minimum percentage of cells to be active in the cells of the
#' cluster to consider a feature as potentially significantly differential.
#' @seealso See [edgeR::glmLRT()]
#' @return A data.frame containing the results of the differential analysis 
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom edgeR DGEList filterByExpr calcNormFactors estimateDisp glmFit
#' glmLRT
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix rowSums
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly=TRUE)){
#' data("Seu", package = "IDclust")
#' DA <- differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT(Seu)
#' }
differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT.Seurat <- function(object,
                                                     by = "IDcluster",
                                                     assay = "RNA",
                                                     biological_replicate_col = NULL,
                                                     logFC.th = log2(2),
                                                     qval.th = 0.01,
                                                     min.pct = 0.2
  raw_mat = object@assays[[assay]]@counts
  meta = object@meta.data
  cluster_u = unique(meta[,by])
  n_cell_assigned = 0
  mat = create_pseudobulk_mat(object, by = by, biological_replicate_col, assay)
  res = data.frame("p_val" = 0, "avg_log2FC"= 0, "pct.1" = 0, "pct.2"= 0, "p_val_adj" = 0, "cluster"= "", "gene"= "")
  for(i in seq_along(cluster_u)){
    group = rep(1, ncol(mat))
    group[grep(paste0(cluster_u[i],"_"), fixed = TRUE, colnames(mat))] = 2
    if(length(grep(paste0(cluster_u[i],"_"), fixed = TRUE, colnames(mat))) > 1 &
       length(grep(paste0(cluster_u[i],"_"), fixed = TRUE, colnames(mat), invert = T)) > 1){
      group <- as.factor(group)
      y <- edgeR::DGEList(counts=mat, group=group)
      keep <- edgeR::filterByExpr(y, min.count = 10, min.total.count = 15, large.n = 10, min.prop = 0.7)
      if(length(which(keep)) > 0){
        y <- y[keep,,keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]
        y <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(y)
        design <- model.matrix(~group)
        y <- edgeR::estimateDisp(y,design)
        fit <- edgeR::glmFit(y, design)
        lrt <- edgeR::glmLRT(fit, coef=2)
        tab = edgeR::topTags(lrt, n = nrow(lrt$table), adjust.method = "BH" ,
                             p.value = 2, sort.by = "logFC") # take all, do the filtering later on
        tab = tab$table
        binmat = Matrix::Matrix((object@assays[[assay]]@counts > 0) + 0, sparse = TRUE)
        pct.1 = Matrix::rowSums(binmat[,which(object@meta.data[,by] == cluster_u[i])]) / length(which(object@meta.data[,by] == cluster_u[i]))
        pct.2 = Matrix::rowSums(binmat[,which(object@meta.data[,by]!= cluster_u[i])]) / length(which(object@meta.data[,by] != cluster_u[i]))
        res. = data.frame(
          "p_val" = tab$PValue,
          "avg_log2FC"= tab$logFC,
          "pct.1" = pct.1[match(rownames(tab), names(pct.1))], 
          "pct.2"= pct.2[match(rownames(tab), names(pct.2))],
          "p_val_adj" = tab$FDR,
          "cluster"= cluster_u[i],
          "gene"= rownames(tab)
        res = rbind(res, res.)
    } else{
      cat("Not enough cells to form 2 replicates ... assigning 0 differential genes.\n")
  res = res[-1,]
  res = res[which(res$avg_log2FC > logFC.th &
                    res$p_val_adj < qval.th &
                    res$pct.1 > min.pct),]

#' Pseudo-bulk differential analysis with edgeR (LRT)  
#' @details Concatenate single-cells into replicates by cluster in order to 
#' create a 'pseudo-bulk' matrice of multiple replicates per cluster. If no 
#' replicates are present, will assign replicates at random to create 3 replicates
#' per cluster. Conducts 'LRT' (likelihood ratio tests) edgeR tests to test. 
#' See [edgeR::glmLRT()] 
#' @param object A SingleCellExperiment object containing scRNA dataset with a 
#' metadata column name matching the by parameter
#' @param by A character specifying the name of the metadata column referencing
#' the clusters.
#' @param biological_replicate_col A character specifying the column of the 
#' object metadata definin the biological / technical replicates. If NULL, three
#' random set of replicates will be created per cluster, provided there are 
#' enough cells.
#' @param logFC.th  A numeric specifying the log2 fold change of activation 
#' above/below which a feature is considered as significantly differential.
#' @param qval.th A numeric specifying the adjusted p-value below
#' which a feature is considered as significantly differential.
#' @param min.pct Minimum percentage of cells to be active in the cells of the
#' cluster to consider a feature as potentially significantly differential.
#' @seealso See [edgeR::glmLRT()]
#' @return A data.frame containing the results of the differential analysis 
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom edgeR DGEList filterByExpr calcNormFactors estimateDisp glmFit
#' glmLRT
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix rowSums
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly=TRUE)){
#' data("Seu", package = "IDclust")
#' DA <- differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT(Seu)
#' }
differential_edgeR_pseudobulk_LRT.default <- function(object,
                                                      by = "IDcluster",
                                                      biological_replicate_col = NULL,
                                                      logFC.th = log2(2),
                                                      qval.th = 0.01,
                                                      min.pct = 0.2
  raw_mat = SingleCellExperiment::counts(object)
  meta = SingleCellExperiment::colData(object)
  cluster_u = unique(meta[,by])
  n_cell_assigned = 0
  mat = create_pseudobulk_mat(object, by = by, biological_replicate_col)
  res = data.frame("p_val" = 0, "avg_log2FC"= 0, "pct.1" = 0, "pct.2"= 0, "p_val_adj" = 0, "cluster"= "", "ID"= "")
  for(i in seq_along(cluster_u)){
    group = rep(1, ncol(mat))
    group[grep(paste0(cluster_u[i],"_"), fixed = TRUE, colnames(mat))] = 2
    if(length(grep(paste0(cluster_u[i],"_"), fixed = TRUE, colnames(mat))) > 1 &
       length(grep(paste0(cluster_u[i],"_"), fixed = TRUE, colnames(mat), invert = T)) > 1){
      group <- as.factor(group)
      y <- edgeR::DGEList(counts=mat, group=group)
      keep <- edgeR::filterByExpr(y, min.count = 10, min.total.count = 15, large.n = 10, min.prop = 0.7)
      if(length(which(keep)) > 0){
        y <- y[keep,,keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]
        y <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(y)
        design <- model.matrix(~group)
        y <- edgeR::estimateDisp(y,design)
        fit <- edgeR::glmFit(y, design)
        lrt <- edgeR::glmLRT(fit, coef=2)
        tab = edgeR::topTags(lrt, n = nrow(lrt$table), adjust.method = "BH" ,
                             p.value = 2, sort.by = "logFC") # take all, do the filtering later on
        tab = tab$table
        binmat = Matrix::Matrix((raw_mat > 0) + 0, sparse = TRUE)
        pct.1 = Matrix::rowSums(binmat[,which(meta[,by] == cluster_u[i])]) / length(which(meta[,by] == cluster_u[i]))
        pct.2 = Matrix::rowSums(binmat[,which(meta[,by]!= cluster_u[i])]) / length(which(meta[,by] != cluster_u[i]))
        res. = data.frame(
          "p_val" = tab$PValue,
          "avg_log2FC"= tab$logFC,
          "pct.1" = pct.1[match(rownames(tab), names(pct.1))], 
          "pct.2"= pct.2[match(rownames(tab), names(pct.2))],
          "p_val_adj" = tab$FDR,
          "cluster"= cluster_u[i],
          "ID"= rownames(tab)
        res = rbind(res, res.)
      } else{
        cat("Not enough cells to form 2 replicates ... assigning 0 differential genes.\n")
  res = res[-1,]
  res = res[which(res$avg_log2FC > logFC.th &
                    res$p_val_adj < qval.th &
                    res$pct.1 > min.pct),]
vallotlab/IDclust documentation built on July 5, 2024, 3:26 p.m.